avr: Memory had wrong documentation about exceptions thrown
[avr-sim.git] / devices / atmega163
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE device SYSTEM "device.dtd">
3 <device>
4 <interrupts num="18">
5 <interrupt vector="1" address="$000" name="RESET">External Reset, Power-on Reset and Watchdog Reset</interrupt>
6 <interrupt vector="2" address="$002" name="INT0">External Interrupt 0</interrupt>
7 <interrupt vector="3" address="$004" name="INT1">External Interrupt 1</interrupt>
8 <interrupt vector="4" address="$006" name="TIMER2_COMP">Timer/Counter2 Compare Match</interrupt>
9 <interrupt vector="5" address="$008" name="TIMER2_OVF">Timer/Counter2 Overflow</interrupt>
10 <interrupt vector="6" address="$00A" name="TIMER1_CAPT">Timer/Counter1 Capture Event</interrupt>
11 <interrupt vector="7" address="$00C" name="TIMER1_COMPA">Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A</interrupt>
12 <interrupt vector="8" address="$00E" name="TIMER1_COMPB">Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B</interrupt>
13 <interrupt vector="9" address="$010" name="TIMER1_OVF">Timer/Counter1 Overflow</interrupt>
14 <interrupt vector="10" address="$012" name="TIMER0_OVF">Timer/Counter0 Overflow</interrupt>
15 <interrupt vector="11" address="$014" name="SPI,STC">SPI Serial Transfer Complete</interrupt>
16 <interrupt vector="12" address="$016" name="UART,RX">UART, RX Complete</interrupt>
17 <interrupt vector="13" address="$018" name="UART,UDRE">UART Data Register Empty</interrupt>
18 <interrupt vector="14" address="$01A" name="UART,TX">UART, TX Complete</interrupt>
19 <interrupt vector="15" address="$01C" name="ADC">ADC Conversion Complete</interrupt>
20 <interrupt vector="16" address="$01E" name="EE_RDY">EEPROM Ready</interrupt>
21 <interrupt vector="17" address="$020" name="ANA_COMP">Analog Comparator</interrupt>
22 <interrupt vector="18" address="$022" name="TWI">2-Wire Serial Interface</interrupt>
23 </interrupts>
24 <memory>
25 <flash size="16384"/>
26 <iospace start="$20" stop="$5F"/>
27 <sram size="1024"/>
28 <eram size="0"/>
29 </memory>
30 <ioregisters>
31 <ioreg name="TWBR" address="$00"/>
32 <ioreg name="TWSR" address="$01"/>
33 <ioreg name="TWAR" address="$02"/>
34 <ioreg name="TWDR" address="$03"/>
35 <ioreg name="ADCL" address="$04"/>
36 <ioreg name="ADCH" address="$05"/>
37 <ioreg name="ADCSR" address="$06"/>
38 <ioreg name="ADMUX" address="$07"/>
39 <ioreg name="ACSR" address="$08"/>
40 <ioreg name="UBRR" address="$09"/>
41 <ioreg name="UCSRB" address="$0A"/>
42 <ioreg name="UCSRA" address="$0B"/>
43 <ioreg name="UDR" address="$0C"/>
44 <ioreg name="SPCR" address="$0D"/>
45 <ioreg name="SPSR" address="$0E"/>
46 <ioreg name="SPDR" address="$0F"/>
47 <ioreg name="PIND" address="$10"/>
48 <ioreg name="DDRD" address="$11"/>
49 <ioreg name="PORTD" address="$12"/>
50 <ioreg name="PINC" address="$13"/>
51 <ioreg name="DDRC" address="$14"/>
52 <ioreg name="PORTC" address="$15"/>
53 <ioreg name="PINB" address="$16"/>
54 <ioreg name="DDRB" address="$17"/>
55 <ioreg name="PORTB" address="$18"/>
56 <ioreg name="PINA" address="$19"/>
57 <ioreg name="DDRA" address="$1A"/>
58 <ioreg name="PORTA" address="$1B"/>
59 <ioreg name="EECR" address="$1C"/>
60 <ioreg name="EEDR" address="$1D"/>
61 <ioreg name="EEARL" address="$1E"/>
62 <ioreg name="EEARH" address="$1F"/>
63 <ioreg name="UBRRHI" address="$20"/>
64 <ioreg name="WDTCR" address="$21"/>
65 <ioreg name="ASSR" address="$22"/>
66 <ioreg name="OCR2" address="$23"/>
67 <ioreg name="TCNT2" address="$24"/>
68 <ioreg name="TCCR2" address="$25"/>
69 <ioreg name="ICR1L" address="$26"/>
70 <ioreg name="ICR1H" address="$27"/>
71 <ioreg name="OCR1BL" address="$28"/>
72 <ioreg name="OCR1BH" address="$29"/>
73 <ioreg name="OCR1AL" address="$2A"/>
74 <ioreg name="OCR1AH" address="$2B"/>
75 <ioreg name="TCNT1L" address="$2C"/>
76 <ioreg name="TCNT1H" address="$2D"/>
77 <ioreg name="TCCR1B" address="$2E"/>
78 <ioreg name="TCCR1A" address="$2F"/>
79 <ioreg name="SFIOR" address="$30"/>
80 <ioreg name="OSCCAL" address="$31"/>
81 <ioreg name="TCNT0" address="$32"/>
82 <ioreg name="TCCR0" address="$33"/>
83 <ioreg name="MCUSR" address="$34"/>
84 <ioreg name="MCUCR" address="$35"/>
85 <ioreg name="TWCR" address="$36"/>
86 <ioreg name="SPMCR" address="$37"/>
87 <ioreg name="TIFR" address="$38"/>
88 <ioreg name="TIMSK" address="$39"/>
89 <ioreg name="GIFR" address="$3A"/>
90 <ioreg name="GIMSK" address="$3B"/>
91 <ioreg name="SPL" address="$3D"/>
92 <ioreg name="SPH" address="$3E"/>
93 <ioreg name="SREG" address="$3F"/>
94 </ioregisters>
95 <packages>
96 <package name="TQFP" pins="44">
97 <pin id="1" name="[PB5:MOSI]">MOSI: SPI Master data output, slave data input for SPI channel. When the SPI is enabled as a slave, this pin is configured as an input regardless of the setting of DDB5. When the SPI is enabled as a master, the data direction of this pin is con-trolled by DDB5. When the pin is forced to be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTB5 bit. See the description of the SPI port for further details.</pin>
98 <pin id="2" name="[PB6:MISO]">MISO: Master data input, slave data output pin for SPI channel. When the SPI is enabled as a master, this pin is configured as an input regardless of the setting of DDB6. When the SPI is enabled as a slave, the data direction of this pin is controlled by DDB6. When the pin is forced to be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTB6 bit. See the description of the SPI port for further details.</pin>
99 <pin id="3" name="[PB7_SCK]">SCK: Master clock output, slave clock input pin for SPI channel. When the SPI is enabled as a slave, this pin is configured as an input regardless of the setting of DDB7. When the SPI is enabled as a master, the data direction of this pin is con-trolled by DDB7. When the pin is forced to be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTB7 bit. See the description of the SPI port for further details.</pin>
100 <pin id="4" name="['RESET]"/>
101 <pin id="5" name="[VCC]"/>
102 <pin id="6" name="[GND]"/>
103 <pin id="7" name="[XTAL2]"/>
104 <pin id="8" name="[XTAL1]"/>
105 <pin id="9" name="[PD0:RXD]">Receive Data (data input pin for the UART). When the UART Receiver is enabled, this pin is configured as an input, regard-less of the value of DDD0. When the UART forces this pin to be an input, a logical “1” in PORTD0 will turn on the internal pull-up.</pin>
106 <pin id="10" name="[PD1:TXD]">Transmit Data (data output pin for the UART). When the UART Transmitter is enabled, this pin is configured as an output, regardless of the value of DDD1.</pin>
107 <pin id="11" name="[PD2:INT0]">INT0, External Interrupt source 0: The PD2 pin can serve as an external interrupt source to the MCU. See the interrupt description for further details and how to enable the source.</pin>
108 <pin id="12" name="[PD3:INT1]">INT1, External Interrupt source 1: The PD3 pin can serve as an external interrupt source to the MCU. See the interrupt description for further details and how to enable the source.</pin>
109 <pin id="13" name="[PD4:OC1B]">OC1B, Output compare matchB output: The PD4 pin can serve as an external output for the Timer/Counter1 output com-pareB. The pin has to be configured as an output (DDD4 set [one]) to serve this function. See the timer description on how to enable this function. The OC1B pin is also the output pin for the PWM mode timer function.</pin>
110 <pin id="14" name="[PD5:OC1A]">OC1A, Output compare matchA output: The PD5 pin can serve as an external output for the Timer/Counter1 output com-pareA. The pin has to be configured as an output (DDD5 set [one]) to serve this function. See the timer description on how to enable this function. The OC1A pin is also the output pin for the PWM mode timer function.</pin>
111 <pin id="15" name="[PD6:ICP]">ICP – Input Capture Pin: The PD6 pin can act as an input capture pin for Timer/Counter1. The pin has to be configured as an input (DDD6 cleared [zero]) to serve this function. See the timer description on how to enable this function.</pin>
112 <pin id="16" name="[PD7:OC2]">OC2, Timer/Counter2 output compare match output: The PD7 pin can serve as an external output for the Timer/Counter2 output compare. The pin has to be configured as an output (DDD7 set [one]) to serve this function. See the timer descrip-tion on how to enable this function. The OC2 pin is also the output pin for the PWM mode timer function.</pin>
113 <pin id="17" name="[VCC]"/>
114 <pin id="18" name="[GND]"/>
115 <pin id="19" name="[PC0:SCL]">SCL, 2-wire Serial Interface Clock: When the TWEN bit in TWCR is set (one) to enable the 2-wire Serial Interface, pin PC1 is disconnected from the port and becomes the Serial Clock I/O pin for the 2-wire Serial Interface. In this mode, there is a spike filter on the pin to capture spikes shorter than 50 ns on the input signal.</pin>
116 <pin id="20" name="[PC1:SDA]">SDA, 2-wire Serial Bus Data: When the TWEN bit in TWCR is set (one) to enable the 2-wire Serial Interface, pin PC1 is dis-connected from the port and becomes the Serial Data I/O pin for the 2-wire Serial Interface. In this mode, there is a spike filter on the pin to capture spikes shorter than 50 ns on the input signal, and the pin is driven by an open collector driver with slew rate limitation.</pin>
117 <pin id="21" name="[PC2]"/>
118 <pin id="22" name="[PC3]"/>
119 <pin id="23" name="[PC4]"/>
120 <pin id="24" name="[PC5]"/>
121 <pin id="25" name="[PC6:TOSC1]"/>
122 <pin id="26" name="[PC7:TOSC2]"/>
123 <pin id="27" name="[AVCC]"/>
124 <pin id="28" name="[AGND]"/>
125 <pin id="29" name="[AREF]"/>
126 <pin id="30" name="[PA7:ADC7]"/>
127 <pin id="31" name="[PA6:ADC6]"/>
128 <pin id="32" name="[PA5:ADc5]"/>
129 <pin id="33" name="[PA4:ADC4]"/>
130 <pin id="34" name="[PA3:ADC3]"/>
131 <pin id="35" name="[PA2:ADC2]"/>
132 <pin id="36" name="[PA1:ADC1]"/>
133 <pin id="37" name="[PA0:ADC0]"/>
134 <pin id="38" name="[VCC]"/>
135 <pin id="39" name="[GND]"/>
136 <pin id="40" name="[PB0:T0]">T0: Timer/Counter0 counter source. See the timer description for further details.</pin>
137 <pin id="41" name="[PB1:T1]">T1: Timer/Counter1 counter source. See the timer description for further details</pin>
138 <pin id="42" name="[PB2:AIN0]">AIN0: Analog Comparator Positive Input. When configured as an input (DDB2 is cleared [zero]) and with the internal MOS pull-up resistor switched off (PB2 is cleared [zero]), this pin also serves as the positive input of the on-chip Analog Comparator.</pin>
139 <pin id="43" name="[PB3:AIN1]">AIN1: Analog Comparator Negative Input. When configured as an input (DDB3 is cleared [zero]) and with the internal MOS pull-up resistor switched off (PB3 is cleared [zero]), this pin also serves as the negative input of the on-chip Analog Comparator.</pin>
140 <pin id="44" name="[PB4:'SS]">SS: Slave port select input. When the SPI is enabled as a slave, this pin is configured as an input regardless of the setting of DDB4. As a slave, the SPI is activated when this pin is driven low. When the SPI is enabled as a master, the data direc-tion of this pin is controlled by DDB4. When the pin is forced to be an input, the pull-up can still be controlled by the PORTB4 bit. See the description of the SPI port for further details.</pin>
141 </package>
142 </packages>
143 <hardware>
144 <!--Everything after this needs editing!!!-->
145 <module class="FUSE">
146 <registers name="FUSE" memspace="FUSE">
147 <reg size="1" name="HIGH" offset="0x01">
148 <bitfield name="BOOTSZ" mask="0x06" text="Select Boot Size" icon="" enum="ENUM_BOOTSZ"/>
149 <bitfield name="BOOTRST" mask="0x01" text="Boot Reset vector Enabled" icon=""/>
150 </reg>
151 <reg size="1" name="LOW" offset="0x00">
152 <bitfield name="BODLEVEL" mask="0x80" text="Brown out detector trigger level" icon="" enum="ENUM_BODLEVEL"/>
153 <bitfield name="BODEN" mask="0x40" text="Brown-out detection enabled" icon=""/>
154 <bitfield name="SPIEN" mask="0x20" text="Serial program downloading (SPI) enabled" icon=""/>
155 <bitfield name="CKSEL" mask="0x0F" text="Select Clock Source" icon="" enum="ENUM_CKSEL"/>
156 </reg>
157 </registers>
158 </module>
159 <module class="LOCKBIT">
160 <registers name="LOCKBIT" memspace="LOCKBIT">
161 <reg size="1" name="LOCKBIT" offset="0x00">
162 <bitfield name="LB" mask="0x03" text="Memory Lock" icon="" enum="ENUM_LB"/>
163 <bitfield name="BLB0" mask="0x0C" text="Boot Loader Protection Mode" icon="" enum="ENUM_BLB"/>
164 <bitfield name="BLB1" mask="0x30" text="Boot Loader Protection Mode" icon="" enum="ENUM_BLB2"/>
165 </reg>
166 </registers>
167 </module>
168 <module class="TIMER_COUNTER_0">
169 <registers name="TIMER_COUNTER_0" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_timer.bmp">
170 <reg size="1" name="TIMSK" offset="0x59" text="Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
171 <bitfield name="TOIE0" mask="0x01" text="Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
172 </reg>
173 <reg size="1" name="TIFR" offset="0x58" text="Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
174 <bitfield name="TOV0" mask="0x01" text="Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag" icon=""/>
175 </reg>
176 <reg size="1" name="TCCR0" offset="0x53" text="Timer/Counter0 Control Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
177 <bitfield name="CS02" mask="0x04" text="Clock Select0 bit 2" icon=""/>
178 <bitfield name="CS01" mask="0x02" text="Clock Select0 bit 1" icon=""/>
179 <bitfield name="CS00" mask="0x01" text="Clock Select0 bit 0" icon="" enum="CLK_SEL_3BIT_EXT"/>
180 </reg>
181 <reg size="1" name="TCNT0" offset="0x52" text="Timer Counter 0" icon="io_timer.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
182 </registers>
183 </module>
184 <module class="CPU">
185 <registers name="CPU" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_cpu.bmp">
186 <reg size="1" name="SREG" offset="0x5F" text="Status Register" icon="io_sreg.bmp">
187 <bitfield name="I" mask="0x80" text="Global Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
188 <bitfield name="T" mask="0x40" text="Bit Copy Storage" icon=""/>
189 <bitfield name="H" mask="0x20" text="Half Carry Flag" icon=""/>
190 <bitfield name="S" mask="0x10" text="Sign Bit" icon=""/>
191 <bitfield name="V" mask="0x08" text="Two's Complement Overflow Flag" icon=""/>
192 <bitfield name="N" mask="0x04" text="Negative Flag" icon=""/>
193 <bitfield name="Z" mask="0x02" text="Zero Flag" icon=""/>
194 <bitfield name="C" mask="0x01" text="Carry Flag" icon=""/>
195 </reg>
196 <reg size="2" name="SP" offset="0x5D" text="Stack Pointer " icon="io_sph.bmp" mask="0x07FF"/>
197 <reg size="1" name="OSCCAL" offset="0x51" text="Oscillator Calibration Value" icon="io_cpu.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
198 <reg size="1" name="MCUCR" offset="0x55" text="MCU Control register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
199 <bitfield name="SE" mask="0x40" text="Sleep enable" icon=""/>
200 <bitfield name="SM" mask="0x30" text="Sleep Mode Select Bits" icon="" enum="CPU_SLEEP_MODE"/>
201 <bitfield name="ISC1" mask="0x0C" text="Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bits" icon="" enum="INTERRUPT_SENSE_CONTROL"/>
202 <bitfield name="ISC0" mask="0x03" text="Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bits" icon="" enum="INTERRUPT_SENSE_CONTROL"/>
203 </reg>
204 <reg size="1" name="MCUSR" offset="0x54" text="MCU Status Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
205 <bitfield name="WDRF" mask="0x08" text="Watchdog Reset Flag" icon=""/>
206 <bitfield name="BORF" mask="0x04" text="Brown-out Reset Flag" icon=""/>
207 <bitfield name="EXTRF" mask="0x02" text="External Reset Flag" icon=""/>
208 <bitfield name="PORF" mask="0x01" text="Power-on reset flag" icon=""/>
209 </reg>
210 <reg size="1" name="SFIOR" offset="0x50" text="MCU Status Register" icon="io_cpu.bmp">
211 <bitfield name="ACME" mask="0x08" text="Analog Comparator multiplexer Enable" icon=""/>
212 <bitfield name="PUD" mask="0x04" text="Pull-up Disable" icon=""/>
213 <bitfield name="PSR2" mask="0x02" text="Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter2" icon=""/>
214 <bitfield name="PSR10" mask="0x01" text="Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter1 and Timer/Counter0" icon=""/>
215 </reg>
216 </registers>
217 </module>
218 <module class="TIMER_COUNTER_1">
219 <registers name="TIMER_COUNTER_1" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_timer.bmp">
220 <reg size="1" name="TIMSK" offset="0x59" text="Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
221 <bitfield name="TICIE1" mask="0x20" text="Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
222 <bitfield name="OCIE1A" mask="0x10" text="Timer/Counter1 Output CompareA Match Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
223 <bitfield name="OCIE1B" mask="0x08" text="Timer/Counter1 Output CompareB Match Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
224 <bitfield name="TOIE1" mask="0x04" text="Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
225 </reg>
226 <reg size="1" name="TIFR" offset="0x58" text="Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
227 <bitfield name="ICF1" mask="0x20" text="Input Capture Flag 1" icon=""/>
228 <bitfield name="OCF1A" mask="0x10" text="Output Compare Flag 1A" icon=""/>
229 <bitfield name="OCF1B" mask="0x08" text="Output Compare Flag 1B" icon=""/>
230 <bitfield name="TOV1" mask="0x04" text="Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag" icon=""/>
231 </reg>
232 <reg size="1" name="TCCR1A" offset="0x4F" text="Timer/Counter1 Control Register A" icon="io_flag.bmp">
233 <bitfield name="COM1A" mask="0xC0" text="Compare Output Mode 1A, bits" icon="" enum="CLK_COMP_MATCH_OUT_MODE"/>
234 <bitfield name="COM1B" mask="0x30" text="Compare Output Mode 1B, bits" icon="" enum="CLK_COMP_MATCH_OUT_MODE"/>
235 <bitfield name="FOC1A" mask="0x08" text="Force Output Compare 1A" icon=""/>
236 <bitfield name="FOC1B" mask="0x04" text="Force Output Compare 1B" icon=""/>
237 <bitfield name="PWM1" mask="0x03" text="Pulse Width Modulator Select Bits" icon="" enum="PULSE_WIDTH_MODU"/>
238 </reg>
239 <reg size="1" name="TCCR1B" offset="0x4E" text="Timer/Counter1 Control Register B" icon="io_flag.bmp">
240 <bitfield name="ICNC1" mask="0x80" text="Input Capture 1 Noise Canceler" icon=""/>
241 <bitfield name="ICES1" mask="0x40" text="Input Capture 1 Edge Select" icon=""/>
242 <bitfield name="CTC1" mask="0x08" text="Clear Timer/Counter1 on Compare Match" icon=""/>
243 <bitfield name="CS1" mask="0x07" text="Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1" icon="" enum="CLK_SEL_3BIT_EXT"/>
244 </reg>
245 <reg size="2" name="TCNT1" offset="0x4C" text="Timer/Counter1 Bytes" icon="io_timer.bmp" mask="0xFFFF"/>
246 <reg size="2" name="OCR1A" offset="0x4A" text="Timer/Counter1 Outbut Compare Register Bytes" icon="io_timer.bmp" mask="0xFFFF"/>
247 <reg size="2" name="OCR1B" offset="0x48" text="Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes" icon="io_timer.bmp" mask="0xFFFF"/>
248 <reg size="2" name="ICR1" offset="0x46" text="Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Register Bytes" icon="io_timer.bmp" mask="0xFFFF"/>
249 </registers>
250 </module>
251 <module class="TIMER_COUNTER_2">
252 <registers name="TIMER_COUNTER_2" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_timer.bmp">
253 <reg size="1" name="TIMSK" offset="0x59" text="Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
254 <bitfield name="OCIE2" mask="0x80" text="Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
255 <bitfield name="TOIE2" mask="0x40" text="Timer/Counter2 Overflow Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
256 </reg>
257 <reg size="1" name="TIFR" offset="0x58" text="Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
258 <bitfield name="OCF2" mask="0x80" text="Output Compare Flag 2" icon=""/>
259 <bitfield name="TOV2" mask="0x40" text="Timer/Counter2 Overflow Flag" icon=""/>
260 </reg>
261 <reg size="1" name="TCCR2" offset="0x45" text="Timer/Counter2 Control Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
262 <bitfield name="FOC2" mask="0x80" text="Force Output Compare" icon=""/>
263 <bitfield name="WGM20" mask="0x40" text="Pulse Width Modulator Enable" icon=""/>
264 <bitfield name="COM2" mask="0x30" text="Compare Output Mode bits" icon=""/>
265 <bitfield name="WGM21" mask="0x08" text="Clear Timer/Counter2 on Compare Match" icon=""/>
266 <bitfield name="CS2" mask="0x07" text="Clock Select bits" icon="" enum="CLK_SEL_3BIT"/>
267 </reg>
268 <reg size="1" name="TCNT2" offset="0x44" text="Timer/Counter2" icon="io_timer.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
269 <reg size="1" name="OCR2" offset="0x43" text="Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register" icon="io_timer.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
270 <reg size="1" name="ASSR" offset="0x42" text="Asynchronous Status Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
271 <bitfield name="AS2" mask="0x08" text="Asynchronous Timer/counter2" icon=""/>
272 <bitfield name="TCN2UB" mask="0x04" text="Timer/Counter2 Update Busy" icon=""/>
273 <bitfield name="OCR2UB" mask="0x02" text="Output Compare Register2 Update Busy" icon=""/>
274 <bitfield name="TCR2UB" mask="0x01" text="Timer/counter Control Register2 Update Busy" icon=""/>
275 </reg>
276 </registers>
277 </module>
278 <module class="WATCHDOG">
279 <registers name="WATCHDOG" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_watch.bmp">
280 <reg size="1" name="WDTCR" offset="0x41" text="Watchdog Timer Control Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
281 <bitfield name="WDTOE" mask="0x10" text="RW" icon=""/>
282 <bitfield name="WDE" mask="0x08" text="Watch Dog Enable" icon=""/>
283 <bitfield name="WDP" mask="0x07" text="Watch Dog Timer Prescaler bits" icon="" enum="WDOG_TIMER_PRESCALE_3BITS"/>
284 </reg>
285 </registers>
286 </module>
287 <module class="EEPROM">
288 <registers name="EEPROM" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_cpu.bmp">
289 <reg size="2" name="EEAR" offset="0x3E" text="EEPROM Address Register Bytes" icon="io_cpu.bmp" mask="0x01FF"/>
290 <reg size="1" name="EEDR" offset="0x3D" text="EEPROM Data Register" icon="io_cpu.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
291 <reg size="1" name="EECR" offset="0x3C" text="EEPROM Control Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
292 <bitfield name="EERIE" mask="0x08" text="EEPROM Ready Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
293 <bitfield name="EEMWE" mask="0x04" text="EEPROM Master Write Enable" icon=""/>
294 <bitfield name="EEWE" mask="0x02" text="EEPROM Write Enable" icon=""/>
295 <bitfield name="EERE" mask="0x01" text="EEPROM Read Enable" icon=""/>
296 </reg>
297 </registers>
298 </module>
299 <module class="SPI">
300 <registers name="SPI" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_com.bmp">
301 <reg size="1" name="SPDR" offset="0x2F" text="SPI Data Register" icon="io_com.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
302 <reg size="1" name="SPSR" offset="0x2E" text="SPI Status Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
303 <bitfield name="SPIF" mask="0x80" text="SPI Interrupt Flag" icon=""/>
304 <bitfield name="WCOL" mask="0x40" text="Write Collision Flag" icon=""/>
305 <bitfield name="SPI2X" mask="0x01" text="Double SPI Speed Bit" icon=""/>
306 </reg>
307 <reg size="1" name="SPCR" offset="0x2D" text="SPI Control Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
308 <bitfield name="SPIE" mask="0x80" text="SPI Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
309 <bitfield name="SPE" mask="0x40" text="SPI Enable" icon=""/>
310 <bitfield name="DORD" mask="0x20" text="Data Order" icon=""/>
311 <bitfield name="MSTR" mask="0x10" text="Master/Slave Select" icon=""/>
312 <bitfield name="CPOL" mask="0x08" text="Clock polarity" icon=""/>
313 <bitfield name="CPHA" mask="0x04" text="Clock Phase" icon=""/>
314 <bitfield name="SPR" mask="0x03" text="SPI Clock Rate Selects" icon="" enum="COMM_SCK_RATE_3BIT"/>
315 </reg>
316 </registers>
317 </module>
318 <module class="UART">
319 <registers name="UART" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_com.bmp">
320 <reg size="1" name="UDR" offset="0x2C" text="UART I/O Data Register" icon="io_com.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
321 <reg size="1" name="UCSRA" offset="0x2B" text="UART Control and Status register A" icon="io_flag.bmp">
322 <bitfield name="RXC" mask="0x80" text="UART Receive Complete" icon=""/>
323 <bitfield name="TXC" mask="0x40" text="UART Transmitt Complete" icon=""/>
324 <bitfield name="UDRE" mask="0x20" text="UART Data Register Empty" icon=""/>
325 <bitfield name="FE" mask="0x10" text="Framing Error" icon=""/>
326 <bitfield name="OR" mask="0x08" text="Overrun" icon=""/>
327 <bitfield name="U2X" mask="0x02" text="Double the UART Transmission Speed" icon=""/>
328 <bitfield name="MPCM" mask="0x01" text="Multi Processor Communication Mode" icon=""/>
329 </reg>
330 <reg size="1" name="UCSRB" offset="0x2A" text="UART Control an Status register B" icon="io_flag.bmp">
331 <bitfield name="RXCIE" mask="0x80" text="RX Complete Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
332 <bitfield name="TXCIE" mask="0x40" text="TX Complete Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
333 <bitfield name="UDRIE" mask="0x20" text="UART Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
334 <bitfield name="RXEN" mask="0x10" text="Receiver Enable" icon=""/>
335 <bitfield name="TXEN" mask="0x08" text="Transmitter Enable" icon=""/>
336 <bitfield name="CHR9" mask="0x04" text="9-bit Characters" icon=""/>
337 <bitfield name="RXB8" mask="0x02" text="Receive Data Bit 8" icon=""/>
338 <bitfield name="TXB8" mask="0x01" text="Transmit Data Bit 8" icon=""/>
339 </reg>
340 <reg size="1" name="UBRRHI" offset="0x40" text="UART Baud Rate Register High Byte" icon="io_com.bmp" mask="0x0F"/>
341 <reg size="1" name="UBRR" offset="0x29" text="UART Baud Rate Register" icon="io_com.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
342 </registers>
343 </module>
344 <module class="TWI">
345 <registers name="TWI" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_com.bmp">
346 <reg size="1" name="TWBR" offset="0x20" text="TWI Bit Rate register" icon="io_com.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
347 <reg size="1" name="TWCR" offset="0x56" text="TWI Control Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
348 <bitfield name="TWINT" mask="0x80" text="TWI Interrupt Flag" icon=""/>
349 <bitfield name="TWEA" mask="0x40" text="TWI Enable Acknowledge Bit" icon=""/>
350 <bitfield name="TWSTA" mask="0x20" text="TWI Start Condition Bit" icon=""/>
351 <bitfield name="TWSTO" mask="0x10" text="TWI Stop Condition Bit" icon=""/>
352 <bitfield name="TWWC" mask="0x08" text="TWI Write Collition Flag" icon=""/>
353 <bitfield name="TWEN" mask="0x04" text="TWI Enable Bit" icon=""/>
354 <bitfield name="TWIE" mask="0x01" text="TWI Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
355 </reg>
356 <reg size="1" name="TWSR" offset="0x21" text="TWI Status Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
357 <bitfield name="TWS" mask="0xF8" text="TWI Status" icon="" lsb="3"/>
358 </reg>
359 <reg size="1" name="TWDR" offset="0x23" text="TWI Data register" icon="io_com.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
360 <reg size="1" name="TWAR" offset="0x22" text="TWI (Slave) Address register" icon="io_com.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
361 </registers>
362 </module>
363 <module class="PORTA">
364 <registers name="PORTA" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_port.bmp">
365 <reg size="1" name="PORTA" offset="0x3B" text="Port A Data Register" icon="io_port.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
366 <reg size="1" name="DDRA" offset="0x3A" text="Port A Data Direction Register" icon="io_flag.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
367 <reg size="1" name="PINA" offset="0x39" text="Port A Input Pins" icon="io_port.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
368 </registers>
369 </module>
370 <module class="PORTB">
371 <registers name="PORTB" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_port.bmp">
372 <reg size="1" name="PORTB" offset="0x38" text="Port B Data Register" icon="io_port.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
373 <reg size="1" name="DDRB" offset="0x37" text="Port B Data Direction Register" icon="io_flag.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
374 <reg size="1" name="PINB" offset="0x36" text="Port B Input Pins" icon="io_port.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
375 </registers>
376 </module>
377 <module class="PORTC">
378 <registers name="PORTC" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_port.bmp">
379 <reg size="1" name="PORTC" offset="0x35" text="Port C Data Register" icon="io_port.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
380 <reg size="1" name="DDRC" offset="0x34" text="Port C Data Direction Register" icon="io_flag.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
381 <reg size="1" name="PINC" offset="0x33" text="Port C Input Pins" icon="io_port.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
382 </registers>
383 </module>
384 <module class="PORTD">
385 <registers name="PORTD" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_port.bmp">
386 <reg size="1" name="PORTD" offset="0x32" text="Port D Data Register" icon="io_port.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
387 <reg size="1" name="DDRD" offset="0x31" text="Port D Data Direction Register" icon="io_flag.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
388 <reg size="1" name="PIND" offset="0x30" text="Port D Input Pins" icon="io_port.bmp" mask="0xFF"/>
389 </registers>
390 </module>
391 <module class="ANALOG_COMPARATOR">
392 <registers name="ANALOG_COMPARATOR" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_analo.bmp">
393 <reg size="1" name="SFIOR" offset="0x50" text="Special Function IO Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
394 <bitfield name="ACME" mask="0x08" text="Analog Comparator Multiplexer Enable" icon=""/>
395 </reg>
396 <reg size="1" name="ACSR" offset="0x28" text="Analog Comparator Control And Status Register" icon="io_analo.bmp">
397 <bitfield name="ACD" mask="0x80" text="Analog Comparator Disable" icon=""/>
398 <bitfield name="ACBG" mask="0x40" text="Analog Comparator Bandgap Select" icon=""/>
399 <bitfield name="ACO" mask="0x20" text="Analog Compare Output" icon=""/>
400 <bitfield name="ACI" mask="0x10" text="Analog Comparator Interrupt Flag" icon=""/>
401 <bitfield name="ACIE" mask="0x08" text="Analog Comparator Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
402 <bitfield name="ACIC" mask="0x04" text="Analog Comparator Input Capture Enable" icon=""/>
403 <bitfield name="ACIS" mask="0x03" text="Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bits" icon="" enum="ANALOG_COMP_INTERRUPT"/>
404 </reg>
405 </registers>
406 </module>
407 <module class="AD_CONVERTER">
408 <registers name="AD_CONVERTER" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_analo.bmp">
409 <reg size="1" name="ADMUX" offset="0x27" text="The ADC multiplexer Selection Register" icon="io_analo.bmp">
410 <bitfield name="REFS" mask="0xC0" text="Reference Selection Bits" icon="" enum="ANALOG_ADC_V_REF"/>
411 <bitfield name="ADLAR" mask="0x20" text="Left Adjust Result" icon=""/>
412 <bitfield name="MUX" mask="0x1F" text="Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits" icon=""/>
413 </reg>
414 <reg size="1" name="ADCSR" offset="0x26" text="The ADC Control and Status register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
415 <bitfield name="ADEN" mask="0x80" text="ADC Enable" icon=""/>
416 <bitfield name="ADSC" mask="0x40" text="ADC Start Conversion" icon=""/>
417 <bitfield name="ADFR" mask="0x20" text="ADC Free Running Select" icon=""/>
418 <bitfield name="ADIF" mask="0x10" text="ADC Interrupt Flag" icon=""/>
419 <bitfield name="ADIE" mask="0x08" text="ADC Interrupt Enable" icon=""/>
420 <bitfield name="ADPS" mask="0x07" text="ADC Prescaler Select Bits" icon="" enum="ANALIG_ADC_PRESCALER"/>
421 </reg>
422 <reg size="2" name="ADC" offset="0x24" text="ADC Data Register Bytes" icon="io_analo.bmp" mask="0xFFFF"/>
423 </registers>
424 </module>
425 <module class="EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT">
426 <registers name="EXTERNAL_INTERRUPT" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_ext.bmp">
427 <reg size="1" name="GIMSK" offset="0x5B" text="General Interrupt Mask Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
428 <bitfield name="INT" mask="0xC0" text="External Interrupt Request 1 Enable" icon=""/>
429 </reg>
430 <reg size="1" name="GIFR" offset="0x5A" text="General Interrupt Flag register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
431 <bitfield name="INTF" mask="0xC0" text="External Interrupt Flags" icon=""/>
432 </reg>
433 </registers>
434 </module>
435 <module class="BOOT_LOAD">
436 <registers name="BOOT_LOAD" memspace="DATAMEM" text="" icon="io_cpu.bmp">
437 <reg size="1" name="SPMCR" offset="0x57" text="Store Program Memory Control Register" icon="io_flag.bmp">
438 <bitfield name="ASB" mask="0x40" text="Application section busy" icon=""/>
439 <bitfield name="ASRE" mask="0x10" text="Application section read enable" icon=""/>
440 <bitfield name="BLBSET" mask="0x08" text="Boot Lock Bit Set" icon=""/>
441 <bitfield name="PGWRT" mask="0x04" text="Page Write" icon=""/>
442 <bitfield name="PGERS" mask="0x02" text="Page Erase" icon=""/>
443 <bitfield name="SPMEN" mask="0x01" text="Store Program Memory Enable" icon=""/>
444 </reg>
445 </registers>
446 </module>
447 </hardware>
448 </device>