*** empty log message ***
[anjuta-git-plugin.git] / TODO.tasks
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <gtodo>
3 <category title="Unfiled" place="0">
4 <item>
5 <attribute id="1098255975" priority="2" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="731972" notify="0" last_edited="1106752594"/>
6 <summary>Anjuta 2.0 write up</summary>
7 <comment>Write a publication describing what's happening with anjuta
8 development and what's new in Anjuta 2.0 release.</comment>
9 </item>
10 <item>
11 <attribute id="1108355059" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731991" completed_date="732012" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1110211623"/>
12 <summary>Update credit list in AUTHORS file</summary>
13 <comment>Update credit list in AUTHORS file and use this file in about dialog
14 box (instead of hardcoded names in the source).</comment>
15 </item>
16 </category>
17 <category title="libanjuta" place="2">
18 <item>
19 <attribute id="1098253934" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="731901" notify="0" last_edited="1100584623"/>
20 <summary>Key notification API</summary>
21 <comment>Add anjuta_preferences_add_notify(), anjuta_preferences_remove_notify()
22 and anjuta_preferences_get_prefix() API.</comment>
23 </item>
24 <item>
25 <attribute id="1098256119" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="731901" notify="0" last_edited="1100584631"/>
26 <summary>Plugins unloading</summary>
27 <comment>Do not destroy plugin objects when they are deactivated.
28 We have problem with dynamic class registeration.
29 Until we figure out that, the plugins should not be unloaded
30 when deactivated.</comment>
31 </item>
32 <item>
33 <attribute id="1107255619" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107255619"/>
34 <summary>Plugins reference counting</summary>
35 <comment>Implement plugins reference counting. Loading a plugin gets
36 1 ref and when ref count reaches 0, plugin is deactivated.</comment>
37 </item>
38 <item>
39 <attribute id="1109399546" priority="1" done="0" start_date="732003" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1110211647"/>
40 <summary>Implement preferences as interface</summary>
41 <comment>Define a IAnjutaPreferences interface with construct() method
42 in it. Then, all plugins having preferences, implement this
43 interface and initialize the preferences in it (instead of what
44 currently is been done in activate_plugin()). Then when user
45 activates Settings-&gt;Preferences, find all "loaded" plugins
46 that implement IAnjutaPreferences and call construct() on
47 them. Then display preferences dialog. Destroy the
48 preferences dialog when it is closed.</comment>
49 </item>
50 <item>
51 <attribute id="1098255692" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731874" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1112104260"/>
52 <summary>Move encodings source files</summary>
53 <comment>Move encodings source files (anjuta-encodings.h and anjuta-encodings.c)
54 by CVS surgery into editor plugin.</comment>
55 </item>
56 <item>
57 <attribute id="1098253494" priority="2" done="0" start_date="731874" notify="0" last_edited="1113555538"/>
58 <summary>Preferences keys with no defaults do not register</summary>
59 <comment>Preferences keys without default values (defined in .glade file) are not
60 registered during preferences registeration. This results in gconf type
61 mismatch when the keys are queried.</comment>
62 </item>
63 <item>
64 <attribute id="1107253918" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="732118" notify="0" last_edited="1119330389"/>
65 <summary>Progress bar</summary>
66 <comment>Implement multiple progress bars in AnjutaStatus class. Any
67 number of progressbar should be acceptable. All of them
68 should be shown side-by-side in status bar.</comment>
69 </item>
70 </category>
71 <category title="Plugin: Editor" place="5">
72 <item>
73 <attribute id="1098255400" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="731902" notify="0" last_edited="1100696776"/>
74 <summary>Add "saved" signal</summary>
75 <comment>Saved signal to notify that document has been just saved.</comment>
76 </item>
77 <item>
78 <attribute id="1098253642" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731874" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107239862"/>
79 <summary>Apply prefererences</summary>
80 <comment>Hidden editor preferences (those which are not settable from
81 preferences dialog) are not applied now.</comment>
82 </item>
83 <item>
84 <attribute id="1107240185" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107240185"/>
85 <summary>Expose editor functions to IAnjutaEditor</summary>
86 <comment>Currently, only a limited numbers of Editor are exposed through
87 IAnjutaEditor, IAnjutaMarkable and IAnjutaFileSavable interface.
88 Most of the API should be exposed.</comment>
89 </item>
90 <item>
91 <attribute id="1107240279" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107240279"/>
92 <summary>Move CVS directories</summary>
93 <comment>Move data/properties/ and scintilla/ directories (by CVS surgery, and
94 not by add/remove) into plugins/editor/ directory.</comment>
95 </item>
96 <item>
97 <attribute id="1107240087" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="731987" notify="0" last_edited="1108058172"/>
98 <summary>Enable 'Tab' auto-indentation</summary>
99 <comment>Automatic indentation (ala emacs) is working in Editor. For cpp lexer,
100 'Tab' should be be trapped from the editor and used to auto-indent
101 current line. Currently, trapping 'Tab' key in editor does not work.</comment>
102 </item>
103 <item>
104 <attribute id="1100696849" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731902" completed_date="732042" notify="0" last_edited="1112766406"/>
105 <summary>Update UI based on save point state.</summary>
106 <comment>Connect to save point state signal of editor and
107 accordingly update undo/redo ui sensitivity.</comment>
108 </item>
109 <item>
110 <attribute id="1107240796" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="732042" notify="0" last_edited="1112766570"/>
111 <summary>Add editor view on idle</summary>
112 <comment>Add editor view using gtk_idle_add() to minimize UI freeze. Also set
113 busy/unbusy on AnjutaStatus during split operation</comment>
114 </item>
115 <item>
116 <attribute id="1108352735" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731991" completed_date="732042" notify="0" last_edited="1112766585"/>
117 <summary>Hover tooltip on editor tabs</summary>
118 <comment>Implement a hover tooltip (similar to gedit) giving details of the
119 current file. Details like Directory path, cvs rev number etc. should be there.</comment>
120 </item>
121 <item>
122 <attribute id="1107253663" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="732049" notify="0" last_edited="1113397470"/>
123 <summary>gnome vfs notification for 'File changed on disk'</summary>
124 <comment>Implement gnome vfs monitor for file changed on disk and
125 prompt user to reload it.</comment>
126 </item>
127 <item>
128 <attribute id="1098253712" priority="2" done="0" start_date="731874" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1113463797"/>
129 <summary>Update on configure syntax highlighting</summary>
130 <comment>When syntax highlighting colors/fonts are changed, the
131 changes are not propagated to all editors, but it should, just
132 like a gconf key.</comment>
133 </item>
134 </category>
135 <category title="Plugin: Project Manager" place="8">
136 <item>
137 <attribute id="1100059875" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731895" completed_date="731972" notify="0" last_edited="1106752638"/>
138 <summary>Error messages for loading project</summary>
139 <comment>Display error messages after loading of project fails.</comment>
140 </item>
141 <item>
142 <attribute id="1107240342" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="732058" notify="0" last_edited="1114162543"/>
143 <summary>Implemente IAnjutaProjectManager</summary>
144 <comment>Implemente IAnjutaProjectManager interface.</comment>
145 </item>
146 <item>
147 <attribute id="1100059926" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731895" completed_date="732058" notify="0" last_edited="1114162550"/>
148 <summary>Display progress window</summary>
149 <comment>Display a "Loading project" window before loading a project and update gtk events.</comment>
150 </item>
151 <item>
152 <attribute id="1098254033" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="732058" notify="0" last_edited="1114162746"/>
153 <summary>Context menu</summary>
154 <comment>Add target and source selected signals in gbf project.
155 Export currenct selected target or source.
156 Added context menu based on current selected target or source.</comment>
157 </item>
158 <item>
159 <attribute id="1114162826" priority="1" done="1" start_date="732058" completed_date="732119" notify="0" last_edited="1119425386"/>
160 <summary>Implemente "Properties" method</summary>
161 <comment>Implement "Configure" method in gnome-build for the automake backend.
162 This will correspond to the "Properties" method in our project manager.</comment>
163 </item>
164 </category>
165 <category title="Plugin: File Manager" place="7"/>
166 <category title="Plugin: Automake Build" place="4">
167 <item>
168 <attribute id="1100521161" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731900" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107241480"/>
169 <summary>Define compile commands</summary>
170 <comment>Define compile commands for various file extensions.
171 Normally, plugin should search for a Makefile and invoke it with
172 correct target (for example for a c file, it will be 'make file.o').
173 There should be a file that contains regexs for deriving target
174 from a file name for invoking 'make'. Also, if there is no Makefile
175 found in the directory with which to invoke the compile command,
176 user should be prompted to create a Makefile (possibly filling it
177 up with some template contents).</comment>
178 </item>
179 <item>
180 <attribute id="1098254207" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="732059" notify="0" last_edited="1114205327"/>
181 <summary>Project manager watch</summary>
182 <comment>Watch current project's target or source and depending on it,
183 merge context menu into project manager.</comment>
184 </item>
185 </category>
186 <category title="Plugin: Symbol Browser" place="10">
187 <item>
188 <attribute id="1098256806" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="731874" notify="0" last_edited="1098286218"/>
189 <summary>Destroy file tags</summary>
190 <comment>Connect to "destroy" signal of editor and destroy file tags when
191 the editor is destroyed.</comment>
192 </item>
193 <item>
194 <attribute id="1107240520" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107240535"/>
195 <summary>Tags search do not retrieve all matching symbols</summary>
196 <comment>Tags search (plugins/editor/aneditor.cxx) during calltips query
197 do not retrieve all matching function prototypes.
198 Perhaps, the tags
199 are not sorted, leading to incomplete binary search.
200 Investigate it in tag-manager/ directory.
201 </comment>
202 </item>
203 <item>
204 <attribute id="1107240571" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107240571"/>
205 <summary>Possible memory leak</summary>
206 <comment>Investigate possible memory lead on load/unload of symbol-browser.</comment>
207 </item>
208 <item>
209 <attribute id="1100698396" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731902" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1110202511"/>
210 <summary>Workspace symbols not updated</summary>
211 <comment>Although, file symbols are updated when the file is saved,
212 corresponding workspace symbols are not updated. That is when
213 "goto symbol" to a symbol in this file from some other place is
214 activated (eg. symbol pane), the old location is used.</comment>
215 </item>
216 <item>
217 <attribute id="1098255828" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="732042" notify="0" last_edited="1112766624"/>
218 <summary>Apply autocompletion patch</summary>
219 <comment>Apply class autocompletion patch from SF traker.</comment>
220 </item>
221 <item>
222 <attribute id="1107253892" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="732058" notify="0" last_edited="1114161970"/>
223 <summary>Refresh symbol-view on idle</summary>
224 <comment>Implement symbol-view refresh on idle and show progress in a progress bar.</comment>
225 </item>
226 <item>
227 <attribute id="1100059961" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731895" completed_date="732058" notify="0" last_edited="1114161986"/>
228 <summary>Display progress window</summary>
229 <comment>Display progress window when refreshing symbols.</comment>
230 </item>
231 <item>
232 <attribute id="1107240408" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="732058" notify="0" last_edited="1114162066"/>
233 <summary>Update on Add/Remove files in project</summary>
234 <comment>Using IAnjutaProjectManager interface, update symbol database
235 on add/remove of sources.</comment>
236 </item>
237 <item>
238 <attribute id="1098255485" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="732058" notify="0" last_edited="1114162225"/>
239 <summary>Updated tags image on file save</summary>
240 <comment>Connect to "saved" signal of editor and update necessary
241 tags in database.</comment>
242 </item>
243 <item>
244 <attribute id="1114162285" priority="1" done="1" start_date="732058" completed_date="732065" notify="0" last_edited="1114713785"/>
245 <summary>Add dialog to create symbol tags in preferences</summary>
246 <comment>Add dialog to create symbol tags in preferences</comment>
247 </item>
248 <item>
249 <attribute id="1114330128" priority="1" done="1" start_date="732060" completed_date="732072" notify="0" last_edited="1115364308"/>
250 <summary>Create IAnjutaSymbols interface</summary>
251 <comment>Create and implement IAnjutaSymbols interface for symbol-browser
252 plugin that can work with most languages type system.</comment>
253 </item>
254 </category>
255 <category title="Documentation" place="20">
256 <item>
257 <attribute id="1098255636" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731874" notify="0" last_edited="1101603303"/>
258 <summary>Update</summary>
259 <comment>All documents need update.</comment>
260 </item>
261 <item>
262 <attribute id="1107512738" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731981" completed_date="732090" notify="0" last_edited="1116916023"/>
263 <summary>Update README, HACKING and ROADMAP files</summary>
264 <comment>Update README, HACKING and ROADMAP files</comment>
265 </item>
266 </category>
267 <category title="Plugin: File Loader" place="6">
268 <item>
269 <attribute id="1098256384" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="732012" notify="0" last_edited="1110230616"/>
270 <summary>Open with plugins</summary>
271 <comment>Add open with plugins menus along with open with programs menus.</comment>
272 </item>
273 <item>
274 <attribute id="1098254131" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731874" completed_date="732059" notify="0" last_edited="1114205338"/>
275 <summary>Project manager watch</summary>
276 <comment>Watch current project target or source and merge open
277 with context menu in project manager.</comment>
278 </item>
279 </category>
280 <category title="libanjuta-interfaces" place="3">
281 <item>
282 <attribute id="1107240705" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107240705"/>
283 <summary>Documentation</summary>
284 <comment>Add gdoc API documentation in libanjuta.idl.</comment>
285 </item>
286 </category>
287 <category title="Plugin: Task Manager" place="11">
288 <item>
289 <attribute id="1107240955" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107240955"/>
290 <summary>Proper deactivation</summary>
291 <comment>Some stuffs are left out during deactivation of the plugin. For example,
292 gnome-vfs monitor for TODO.tasks is not removed, leading
293 to crash when the file changes when the plugin is not active.</comment>
294 </item>
295 <item>
296 <attribute id="1107241016" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107241016"/>
297 <summary>Text wrap</summary>
298 <comment>Text (title and description) are not automatically wrapped for long lines.</comment>
299 </item>
300 <item>
301 <attribute id="1107241155" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107241155"/>
302 <summary>Create text version TODO file</summary>
303 <comment>Create human readable TODO file, which will be plain text,
304 during save.</comment>
305 </item>
306 <item>
307 <attribute id="1107240984" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="731978" notify="0" last_edited="1107250499"/>
308 <summary>Scrollbars</summary>
309 <comment>Set horizontal and vertical scrollbars AUTOMATIC.</comment>
310 </item>
311 <item>
312 <attribute id="1107241255" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="731978" notify="0" last_edited="1107250502"/>
313 <summary>Remove text nodes during save</summary>
314 <comment>Remove text nodes between tags that do not have text contents.
315 It can be done either during save or load. Without this fix, the save xml is distorted.</comment>
316 </item>
317 <item>
318 <attribute id="1107253814" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="732012" notify="0" last_edited="1110211719"/>
319 <summary>Column sorting</summary>
320 <comment>Implement column sorting (ala evolution).</comment>
321 </item>
322 </category>
323 <category title="Plugin: Project Wizard" place="9">
324 <item>
325 <attribute id="1107241649" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107241649"/>
326 <summary>More templates</summary>
327 <comment>Create more project templates, such as gnome, sdl, x11 etc..</comment>
328 </item>
329 <item>
330 <attribute id="1107241699" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="731999" notify="0" last_edited="1109054075"/>
331 <summary>Prompt error when autogen could not be found</summary>
332 <comment>Prompt user with an error when 'autogen' could not be found and
333 abort the process.</comment>
334 </item>
335 <item>
336 <attribute id="1107241611" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731978" completed_date="731999" notify="0" last_edited="1109054089"/>
337 <summary>Proper message output</summary>
338 <comment>Produce a proper message output when files are created from
339 templates. For example, 'Creating project-name/file-path/file-name.c'
340 instead of full path names.</comment>
341 </item>
342 </category>
343 <category title="anjuta" place="1">
344 <item>
345 <attribute id="1107253737" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107253737"/>
346 <summary>Save and load user sessions</summary>
347 <comment>Save and load user sessions</comment>
348 </item>
349 <item>
350 <attribute id="1107253772" priority="1" done="0" start_date="731978" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1107253772"/>
351 <summary>Show toolbars</summary>
352 <comment>Show toolbars that were shown in last session.</comment>
353 </item>
354 </category>
355 <category title="Plugin: Macros" place="13">
356 <item>
357 <attribute id="1107522700" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731981" completed_date="732012" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1110211761"/>
358 <summary>Dialogs do not close with escape</summary>
359 <comment>Pressing escape should close all dialogs.</comment>
360 </item>
361 </category>
362 <category title="Plugin: Message Manager" place="14">
363 <item>
364 <attribute id="1108060925" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731988" completed_date="731992" notify="0" last_edited="1108466518"/>
365 <summary>Make next/previous work</summary>
366 <comment>Make next/previous action work</comment>
367 </item>
368 <item>
369 <attribute id="1110343095" priority="1" done="1" start_date="732014" completed_date="732087" notify="0" last_edited="1116682790"/>
370 <summary>Next/Prev shortcuts</summary>
371 <comment>Next and prev menuitems should have shortcuts similar
372 to anjuta 1.x.</comment>
373 </item>
374 <item>
375 <attribute id="1110343137" priority="1" done="1" start_date="732014" completed_date="732087" notify="0" last_edited="1116682791"/>
376 <summary>Save messages</summary>
377 <comment>There should be a menuitem "Save messages ..." similar to anjuta 1.x.</comment>
378 </item>
379 <item>
380 <attribute id="1114162476" priority="1" done="1" start_date="732058" completed_date="732113" notify="0" last_edited="1118908979"/>
381 <summary>Complete preferences hooks</summary>
382 <comment>Tab position preferences does not work.</comment>
383 </item>
384 </category>
385 <category title="Plugin: Debugger" place="15">
386 <item>
387 <attribute id="1108355203" priority="2" done="0" start_date="731991" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1108355203"/>
388 <summary>Complete UI and other porting</summary>
389 <comment>Complete debugger UI in gdb plugin. Complete porting of debugger.</comment>
390 </item>
391 <item>
392 <attribute id="1108355482" priority="1" done="1" start_date="731991" completed_date="732054" notify="0" last_edited="1113828071"/>
393 <summary>Executable choices when starting debugger</summary>
394 <comment>In debugger-manager, when the debugger is started, the user
395 should be presented with a list available exec targets in the
396 project and prompted to select one. If there is only one exec
397 target in the project, that should be considered selected and
398 user should be not prompted. If there is no project open,
399 the debugger should start anyway without loading any exec.</comment>
400 </item>
401 <item>
402 <attribute id="1108355236" priority="2" done="1" start_date="731991" completed_date="732090" notify="0" last_edited="1116915999"/>
403 <summary>Use gdb MI interface</summary>
404 <comment>Current CLI parsing is inefficient and prone to failures across different gdb
405 releases. Use gdb's MI interface to communicate with it.</comment>
406 </item>
407 </category>
408 <category title="Plugin: Terminal" place="16">
409 <item>
410 <attribute id="1109412369" priority="1" done="0" start_date="732003" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1109412369"/>
411 <summary>Be able to create multiple terminals</summary>
412 <comment>Be able to create multiple terminals</comment>
413 </item>
414 <item>
415 <attribute id="1114162428" priority="1" done="1" start_date="732058" completed_date="732061" notify="0" last_edited="1114423086"/>
416 <summary>Fix crash on docking</summary>
417 <comment>Terminal plugin crashes Anjuta when docking. A serious bug (could be in GDL).</comment>
418 </item>
419 </category>
420 <category title="Plugin: Default Profile" place="17">
421 <item>
422 <attribute id="1110343521" priority="1" done="1" start_date="732014" completed_date="732117" notify="0" last_edited="1119260206"/>
423 <summary>The profile should record user activated plugins</summary>
424 <comment>During the course of usage, the user could have activated
425 or deactived various plugins. The profile plugin should record this
426 events as a diff of the default selected plugins. That is, if any
427 of the default plugins have been deactivated or non-default
428 plugins have been deactivated. Then these should be
429 saved in session. If project is open, the session should be
430 project session and the default plugins are the ones determined
431 by the project file. Other the session is global and default plugins
432 are the system default plugins.</comment>
433 </item>
434 </category>
435 <category title="Plugin: Subversion" place="18">
436 <item>
437 <attribute id="1114163071" priority="1" done="0" start_date="732058" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1114163071"/>
438 <summary>Completed the remaining subversion operations</summary>
439 <comment>Completed the remaining subversion operations.</comment>
440 </item>
441 </category>
442 <category title="Plugin: Executer" place="12">
443 <item>
444 <attribute id="1114329750" priority="1" done="1" start_date="732060" completed_date="732068" notify="0" last_edited="1115021443"/>
445 <summary>Create executor plugin</summary>
446 <comment>Create executer plugin that implements IAnjutaFile interface
447 and merges a menuitem called "Execute" in 'Project' submenu
448 that will prompt the user with the list of executatable targets
449 in the project. User then selects one of them and executes.</comment>
450 </item>
451 </category>
452 <category title="Plugin: Glade" place="19">
453 <item>
454 <attribute id="1114329978" priority="1" done="0" start_date="732060" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1114329978"/>
455 <summary>Polish up interface</summary>
456 <comment>Add a label before the list of loaded glade projects ("Files:").
457 Add stock icon. Deactivate glade plugin when last glade file is closed.</comment>
458 </item>
459 <item>
460 <attribute id="1114330065" priority="1" done="0" start_date="732060" enddate="99999999" notify="0" endtime="-60" last_edited="1114330065"/>
461 <summary>Connect callback signal</summary>
462 <comment>Connect signal callback selection signal from glade and goto
463 the signal implementation when a signal handler is
464 selected in glade. Create the signal prototype if it is not found.</comment>
465 </item>
466 </category>
467 </gtodo>