Updated Spanish translation
[anjuta-git-plugin.git] / data / properties / vhdl.properties
1 # Define SciTE settings for vhdl files.
3 # VHDL files
4 file.patterns.vhdl=*.vhd;*.vhdl
5 filter.vhdl=VHDL (vhd vhdl)|$(file.patterns.vhdl)|
7 lexer.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=vhdl
9 word.chars.vhdl=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_
10 word.characters.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=$(word.chars.vhdl)
12 #calltip.vhdl.word.characters=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_
14 comment.block.vhdl=--
15 #comment.block.at.line.start.vhdl=1
16 #comment.stream.start.vhdl=/*
17 #comment.stream.end.vhdl=*/
18 #comment.box.start.vhdl=/*
19 #comment.box.middle.vhdl= *
20 #comment.box.end.vhdl= */
22 #~ fold.comment=1
23 #~ fold.compact=1
24 #~ fold.at.Begin=1
25 #~ fold.at.Parenthese=1
27 #statement.lookback.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=20
28 #block.start.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=5 begin 
29 #block.end.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=5 end 
30 #statement.indent.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=5 always case casex casez else for if while \
31 #module function task
32 #statement.end.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=10 ;
34 indent.maintain.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=1;
37 keywords.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=access after alias all architecture array assert attribute begin block \
38 body buffer bus case component configuration constant disconnect downto else elsif end entity exit file \
39 for function generate generic group guarded if impure in inertial inout is label library linkage literal \
40 loop map new next null of on open others out package port postponed procedure process pure range record \
41 register reject report return select severity shared signal subtype then to transport type unaffected \
42 units until use variable wait when while with                                                                                       
44 keywords2.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=                                                                            \
45  abs and mod nand nor not or rem rol ror sla sll sra srl xnor xor                                           
47 keywords3.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=                                                                            \
48  left right low high ascending image value pos val succ pred leftof rightof base range reverse_range        \
49  length delayed stable quiet transaction event active last_event last_active last_value driving             \
50  driving_value simple_name path_name instance_name                                                       
52 keywords4.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=                                                                            \
53  now readline read writeline write endfile resolved to_bit to_bitvector to_stdulogic to_stdlogicvector      \
54  to_stdulogicvector to_x01 to_x01z to_UX01 rising_edge falling_edge is_x shift_left shift_right rotate_left \
55  rotate_right resize to_integer to_unsigned to_signed std_match to_01                                       
57 keywords5.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=                                                                            \
58  std ieee work standard textio std_logic_1164 std_logic_arith std_logic_misc std_logic_signed               \
59  std_logic_textio std_logic_unsigned numeric_bit numeric_std math_complex math_real vital_primitives        \
60  vital_timing                                                                                        
62 keywords6.$(file.patterns.vhdl)=                                                                            \
63  boolean bit character severity_level integer real time delay_length natural positive string bit_vector     \
64  file_open_kind file_open_status line text side width std_ulogic std_ulogic_vector std_logic                \
65  std_logic_vector X01 X01Z UX01 UX01Z unsigned signed                                                   
67 # vhdl styles
69 # Default
70 style.vhdl.32=$(font.base)
71 # White space
72 style.vhdl.0=fore:#800080
73 # Comment
74 style.vhdl.1=$(colour.code.comment.line),$(font.code.comment.line)
75 # Bang comment
76 style.vhdl.2=fore:#3F7F3F,$(font.code.comment.line)
77 # Number
78 style.vhdl.3=$(colour.number)
79 # Double quoted string
80 style.vhdl.4=$(colour.string)
81 # Operators
82 #style.vhdl.5=$(colour.operator)
83 # Identifiers
84 style.vhdl.6=
85 # End of line where string is not closed
86 style.vhdl.7=fore:#000000,$(font.string.literal),back:#E0C0E0,eolfilled
87 # Keyword
88 style.vhdl.8=$(colour.keyword)
89 # Std operator
90 style.vhdl.9=fore:#007F7F
91 # Attribute
92 style.vhdl.10=fore:#804020
93 # Std Function
94 style.vhdl.11=fore:#808020
95 # Std Package
96 style.vhdl.12=fore:#208020
97 # Std Type
98 style.vhdl.13=fore:#208080
99 # User defined identifiers and tasks
100 style.vhdl.14=fore:#804020,$(font.code.comment.doc)
101 # Braces are only matched in operator style
102 braces.vhdl.style=10