Updated Spanish translation
[anjuta-git-plugin.git] / data / properties / SciTEGlobal.properties
1 # Global initialisation file for SciTE
2 # For Linux, place in $prefix/share/scite
3 # For Windows, place in same directory as SciTE.EXE (or Sc1.EXE)
4 # Documentation at http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDoc.html
6 # Globals
8 # Window sizes and visibility
10         position.left=0
11         position.top=0
12 if PLAT_GTK
13         position.left=5
14         position.top=22
15 position.width=576
16 position.height=740
17 #position.tile=1
18 #full.screen.hides.menu=1
19 #minimize.to.tray=1
20 split.vertical=1
21 #output.horizontal.size=200
22 #output.vertical.size=60
23 #horizontal.scrollbar=0
24 #horizontal.scroll.width=10000
25 #output.horizontal.scrollbar=0
26 #output.horizontal.scroll.width=10000
27 #output.scroll=0
28 #error.select.line=1
29 #end.at.last.line=0
30 tabbar.visible=1
31 #tabbar.hide.one=1
32 #tabbar.multiline=1
33 #toolbar.visible=1
34 #undo.redo.lazy=1
35 #statusbar.visible=1
36 #fileselector.width=800
37 #fileselector.height=600
38 #magnification=-1
39 #output.magnification=-1
41 # Sizes and visibility in edit pane
42 #line.margin.visible=1
43 line.margin.width=4
44 margin.width=16
45 #fold.margin.width=16
46 #fold.margin.colour=#FF0000
47 #fold.margin.highlight.colour=#0000FF
48 #blank.margin.left=4
49 #blank.margin.right=4
50 buffered.draw=1
51 #two.phase.draw=0
52 use.palette=0
54 # Element styles
55 #view.eol=1
56 #control.char.symbol=.
57 caret.period=500
58 view.whitespace=0
59 view.indentation.whitespace=1
60 view.indentation.guides=1
61 highlight.indentation.guides=1
62 #caret.fore=#FF0000
63 #caret.width=2
64 #caret.line.back=#FFFED8
65 #calltip.back=#FFF0FE
66 edge.column=200
67 edge.mode=0
68 edge.colour=#C0DCC0
69 braces.check=1
70 braces.sloppy=1
71 #selection.fore=#006000
72 # DADADA used as background because it yields standard silver C0C0C0
73 # on low colour displays and a reasonable light grey on higher bit depths
74 selection.back=#DADADA
75 #whitespace.fore=#FF0000
76 #whitespace.back=#FFF0F0
77 #error.marker.fore=#0000A0
78 #error.marker.back=#DADAFF
79 #bookmark.fore=#808000
80 #bookmark.back=#FFFFA0
82 # Checking
83 are.you.sure=1
84 #are.you.sure.for.build=1
85 #quit.on.close.last=1
86 #load.on.activate=1
87 #save.on.deactivate=1
88 #are.you.sure.on.reload=1
89 #reload.preserves.undo=1
90 #check.if.already.open=1
91 default.file.ext=.cxx
92 #title.full.path=1
93 #title.show.buffers=1
94 #save.recent=1
95 #save.session=1
96 #open.dialog.in.file.directory=1
97 #strip.trailing.spaces=1
98 #ensure.final.line.end=1
99 #ensure.consistent.line.ends=1
100 #save.deletes.first=1
101 #buffers=10
102 #api.*.cxx=d:\api\w.api
103 #win95.death.delay=1000
104 #translation.missing=***
105 #read.only=1
106 #max.file.size=1
108 # Indentation
109 tabsize=8
110 indent.size=8
111 use.tabs=1
112 #indent.auto=1
113 indent.automatic=1
114 indent.opening=0
115 indent.closing=0
116 #tab.indents=0
117 #backspace.unindents=0
119 # Wrapping of long lines
120 #wrap=1
121 #cache.layout=3
122 #output.wrap=1
123 #output.cache.layout=3
124 #wrap.visual.flags=3
125 #wrap.visual.flags.location=3
126 #wrap.visual.startindent=4
128 # Folding
129 # enable folding, and show lines below when collapsed.
130 fold=1
131 fold.compact=1
132 fold.flags=16
133 fold.symbols=1
134 #fold.on.open=1
136 # Find and Replace
137 #escapes.in.find.replace=1
138 # findstr is available on recent versions of Windows including 2000
139 if PLAT_WIN
140         find.command=findstr /n /s $(find.what) $(find.files)
141 #find.input=$(find.what)
142 if PLAT_GTK
143         find.command=grep --line-number "$(find.what)" $(find.files)
144 find.files=*.c *.cxx *.h
145 #find.in.files.close.on.find=0
146 #find.replace.matchcase=1
147 #find.replace.escapes=1
148 #find.replace.regexp=1
149 #find.replace.regexp.posix=1
150 #find.replace.wrap=0
151 #find.replacewith.focus=0
153 # Behaviour
154 #eol.mode=LF
155 #eol.auto=1
156 clear.before.execute=0
157 #vc.home.key=1
158 #wrap.aware.home.end.keys=1
159 #autocompleteword.automatic=1
160 #autocomplete.choose.single=1
161 caret.policy.xslop=1
162 caret.policy.width=20
163 caret.policy.xstrict=0
164 caret.policy.xeven=0
165 caret.policy.xjumps=0
166 caret.policy.yslop=1
167 caret.policy.lines=1
168 caret.policy.ystrict=1
169 caret.policy.yeven=1
170 caret.policy.yjumps=0
171 #visible.policy.strict=1
172 #visible.policy.slop=1
173 #visible.policy.lines=4
174 #time.commands=1
176 # Status Bar
177 statusbar.number=4
178 statusbar.text.1=\
179 li=$(LineNumber) co=$(ColumnNumber) $(OverType) ($(EOLMode)) $(FileAttr)
180 statusbar.text.2=\
181 $(BufferLength) chars in $(NbOfLines) lines. Sel: $(SelLength) chars.
182 statusbar.text.3=\
183 Now is: Date=$(CurrentDate) Time=$(CurrentTime)
184 statusbar.text.4=\
185 $(FileNameExt) : $(FileDate) — $(FileTime) | $(FileAttr)
187 if PLAT_WIN
188         command.scite.help="file://$(SciteDefaultHome)\SciTEDoc.html"
189         command.scite.help.subsystem=2
190 if PLAT_GTK
191         command.print.*=a2ps "$(FileNameExt)"
192         command.scite.help=netscape "file://$(SciteDefaultHome)/SciTEDoc.html"
194 # Internationalisation
195 # Japanese input code page 932 and ShiftJIS character set 128
196 #code.page=932
197 #character.set=128
198 # Unicode
199 #code.page=65001
200 code.page=0
201 #character.set=204
202 # Required for Unicode to work on GTK+:
203 #LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
205 # Export
206 #export.keep.ext=1
207 export.html.wysiwyg=1
208 #export.html.tabs=1
209 #export.html.folding=1
210 export.html.styleused=1
211 #export.html.title.fullpath=1
212 #export.rtf.tabs=1
213 #export.rtf.font.face=Arial
214 #export.rtf.font.size=9
215 #export.rtf.tabsize=8
216 # Magnification (added to default screen font size)
217 export.pdf.magnification=0
218 # Font: Courier, Helvetica or Times (Courier line-wraps)
219 export.pdf.font=Helvetica
220 # Page size (in points): width, height
221 # E.g. Letter 612,792; A4 595,842; maximum 14400,14400
222 export.pdf.pagesize=595,842
223 # Margins (in points): left, right, top, bottom
224 export.pdf.margins=72,72,72,72
225 export.xml.collapse.spaces=1
226 export.xml.collapse.lines=1
228 # Define values for use in the imported properties files
229 chars.alpha=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
230 chars.numeric=0123456789
231 chars.accented=ŠšŒœŸÿÀàÁáÂâÃãÄäÅåÆæÇçÈèÉéÊêËëÌìÍíÎîÏïÐðÑñÒòÓóÔôÕõÖØøÙùÚúÛûÜüÝýÞþßö
232 # This is a better set for Russian:
233 #chars.accented=ÀàÁáÂâÃãÄäÅ娸ÆæÇçÈèÉéÊêËëÌìÍíÎîÏïÐðÑñÒòÓóÔôÕõÖö×÷ØøÙùÚúÛûÜüÝýÞþßÿ
235 # The open.filter setting is only used on Windows where the file selector has a menu of filters to apply
236 # to the types of files seen when opening.
237 # There is a limit (possibly 256 characters) to the length of a filter,
238 # so not all source extensions can be in this setting.
239 source.files=*.asm;*.c;*.cc;*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cs;*.h;*.hh;*.hxx;*.hpp;\
240 *.idl;*.odl;*.rc;*.rc2;*.dlg;*.def;\
241 *.vb;*.vbs;*.bas;*.frm;*.cls;*.ctl;\
242 *.java;*.js;*.py;*.pl;*.rb;*.cgi;*.lua;*.conf;\
243 make*;*.mak;\
244 *.properties;*.html;*.xml;*.iface;*.bat;*.e
246 if PLAT_WIN
247         all.files=All Files (*.*)|*.*|
248 if PLAT_GTK
249         all.files=All Files (*)|*|Hidden Files (.*)|.*|
250 open.filter=\
251 All Source|$(source.files)|\
252 $(all.files)\
253 $(filter.ada)\
254 $(filter.conf)\
255 $(filter.asm)\
256 $(filter.asn1)\
257 $(filter.ave)\
258 $(filter.baan)\
259 $(filter.bash)\
260 $(filter.cpp)\
261 $(filter.css)\
262 $(filter.eiffel)\
263 $(filter.erlang)\
264 $(filter.fortran)\
265 $(filter.idl)\
266 $(filter.java)\
267 $(filter.js)\
268 $(filter.kix)\
269 $(filter.lout)\
270 $(filter.lua)\
271 $(filter.matlab)\
272 $(filter.metapost)\
273 $(filter.mmixal)\
274 $(filter.nncrontab)\
275 $(filter.nsis)\
276 $(filter.pascal)\
277 $(filter.perl)\
278 $(filter.php)\
279 $(filter.pov)\
280 $(filter.properties)\
281 $(filter.ps)\
282 $(filter.python)\
283 $(filter.ruby)\
284 $(filter.sql)\
285 $(filter.specman)\
286 $(filter.tcl)\
287 $(filter.tex)\
288 $(filter.text)\
289 $(filter.vb)\
290 $(filter.web)\
291 $(filter.yaml)\
292 $(filter.verilog)\
293 $(filter.vhdl)
295 # Give symbolic names to the set of fonts used in the standard styles.
296 if PLAT_WIN
297         font.base=font:Verdana,size:10
298         font.small=font:Verdana,size:8
299         font.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:9
300         font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
301         font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
302         font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
303         font.text=font:Times New Roman,size:11
304         font.text.comment=font:Verdana,size:9
305         font.embedded.base=font:Verdana,size:9
306         font.embedded.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:8
307         font.monospace=font:Courier New,size:10
308         font.vbs=font:Lucida Sans Unicode,size:10
309 if PLAT_GTK
310         font.base=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12
311         font.small=font:lucidatypewriter,size:10
312         font.comment=font:new century schoolbook,size:12
313         font.code.comment.box=$(font.comment)
314         font.code.comment.line=$(font.comment)
315         font.code.comment.doc=$(font.comment)
316         font.text=font:times,size:14
317         font.text.comment=font:lucidatypewriter,size:10
318         font.embedded.base=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12
319         font.embedded.comment=font:lucidatypewriter,size:12
320         font.monospace=font:courier,size:12
321         font.vbs=font:new century schoolbook,size:12
322 font.js=$(font.comment)
324 # Give symbolic names to the set of colours used in the standard styles.
325 colour.code.comment.box=fore:#007F00
326 colour.code.comment.line=fore:#007F00
327 colour.code.comment.doc=fore:#3F703F
328 colour.text.comment=fore:#0000FF,back:#D0F0D0
329 colour.other.comment=fore:#007F00
330 colour.embedded.comment=back:#E0EEFF
331 colour.embedded.js=back:#F0F0FF
332 colour.notused=back:#FF0000
334 colour.number=fore:#007F7F
335 colour.keyword=fore:#00007F
336 colour.string=fore:#7F007F
337 colour.char=fore:#7F007F
338 colour.operator=fore:#000000
339 colour.preproc=fore:#7F7F00
340 colour.error=fore:#FFFF00,back:#FF0000
342 # Global default styles for all languages
343 # Default
344 style.*.32=$(font.base)
345 # Line number
346 style.*.33=back:#C0C0C0,$(font.base)
347 # Brace highlight
348 style.*.34=fore:#0000FF,bold
349 # Brace incomplete highlight
350 style.*.35=fore:#FF0000,bold
351 # Control characters
352 style.*.36=
353 # Indentation guides
354 style.*.37=fore:#C0C0C0,back:#FFFFFF
356 # Printing - only works on Windows
357 if PLAT_WIN
358         #print.colour.mode=1
359         print.magnification=-1
360         # Setup: left, right, top, bottom margins, in local units:
361         # hundredths of millimeters or thousandths of inches
362         print.margins=1500,1000,1000,1500
363         # Header/footer:
364         # && = &; &p = current page
365         # &f = file name; &F = full path
366         # &d = file date; &D = current date
367         # &t = file time; &T = full time
368         print.header.format=$(FileNameExt) — Printed on $(CurrentDate), $(CurrentTime) — Page $(CurrentPage)
369         print.footer.format=$(FilePath) — File date: $(FileDate) — File time: $(FileTime)
370         # Header/footer style
371         print.header.style=font:Arial,size:12,bold
372         print.footer.style=font:Arial Narrow,size:10,italics
374 # Warnings - only works on Windows and needs to be pointed at files on machine
375 #if PLAT_WIN
376 #       warning.findwrapped=100,E:\Windows\Media\SFX\Boing.wav
377 #       warning.notfound=0,Effect.wav
378 #       warning.wrongfile=0,Glass.wav
379 #       warning.executeok=0,Fanfare.wav
380 #       warning.executeko=100,GlassBreak.wav
381 #       warning.nootherbookmark=100,Boing2.wav
383 # Define the Lexer menu,
384 # Each item contains three parts: menu string | file extension | key
385 # The only keys allowed currently are based on F-keys and alphabetic keys and look like
386 # [Ctrl+][Shift+][Fn|a] such as F12 or Ctrl+Shift+D.
387 # A '&' may be placed before a letter to be used as an accelerator. This does not work on GTK+.
388 menu.language=\
389 Text|txt|Shift+F11|\
390 Ada|ads||\
391 Apache Confi&g|conf||\
392 Assembler|asm||\
393 #ASN.1|asn1||\
394 Avenue|ave||\
395 Baan|bc||\
396 &Batch|bat||\
397 #Bullant|ant||\
398 &C / C++|c||\
399 C&#|cs||\
400 CSS|css||\
401 &Difference|diff||\
402 &Eiffel|e||\
403 Erlang|erl||\
404 &Errorlist|err||\
405 &Fortran|f90||\
406 H&ypertext|html|F12|\
407 &Java|java||\
408 Java&Script|js||\
409 #&Kix|kix||\
410 TeX|tex||\
411 Lisp|lisp||\
412 Lot|lot||\
413 #Lout|lt||\
414 Lu&a|lua||\
415 Matlab|m.matlab||\
416 &Makefile|mak|Ctrl+Shift+F11|\
417 MetaPost|mp||\
418 MMIXAL|mms||\
419 #&nnCron crontab|tab||\
420 #NSIS|nsis||\
421 Octave|m.octave||\
422 Pascal|pas||\
423 Pe&rl|pl||\
424 P&HP|php||\
425 P&LSQL|spec||\
426 &Properties|properties||\
427 P&ostScript|ps||\
428 P&OV-Ray SDL|pov||\
429 Pytho&n|py||\
430 Reso&urce|rc||\
431 Ruby|rb||\
432 Shell|sh||\
433 S&QL|sql||\
434 #Specman|e||\
435 &TCL|tcl||\
436 &VB|vb||\
437 VBScr&ipt|vbs||\
438 #Verilog|v||\
439 #VHDL|vhd||\
440 &XML|xml|Shift+F12|\
441 &YAML|yaml||
444 # User defined key commands
445 user.shortcuts=\
447 Ctrl+PageUp|IDM_PREVFILE|\
448 Ctrl+PageDown|IDM_NEXTFILE|
450 #KeypadPlus|IDM_EXPAND|\
451 #KeypadMinus|IDM_BLOCK_COMMENT|
453 # Import all the language specific properties files
454 import ada
455 import asm
456 #import asn1
457 #import au3
458 import ave
459 import baan
460 #import bullant
461 import conf
462 import cpp
463 import css
464 import eiffel
465 import erlang
466 import escript
467 #import forth
468 import fortran
469 import html
470 #import kix
471 import lisp
472 import lot
473 #import lout
474 import lua
475 import matlab
476 import metapost
477 import mmixal
478 #import nncrontab
479 #import nsis
480 import others
481 import pascal
482 import perl
483 import pov
484 import ps
485 import python
486 import ruby
487 #import scriptol
488 import sql
489 #import specman
490 import tcl
491 import tex
492 import vb
493 import yaml
494 #import verilog
495 #import vhdl