1 = Changes in Adium X 1.0 =
3 == Selected Major Changes ==
4 * Major AIM, ICQ and .Mac improvements. This includes working File Transfer, and faster sign on.
5 * Added global user profile and buddy icon settings. (Personal Preferences)
6 * General Account improvements. Accounts can now be disabled when not in in use, and friends can now sign on from your Adium without saving their information.
7 * Added an Xtras manager to better handle browsing and removing Xtras.
8 * Major improvements in privacy settings.
9 * Improvements to the default look and feel of Adium.
10 * iTunes integration is much faster, and updates as soon as the song changes.
11 * Redesigned Chat Transcript (Log) Viewer
12 * Requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later (Universal Binary)
15 * A new Xtras Manager has been introduced (#1459, #539)
16 * New included Xtras (#3134):
17 * Stockholm (message view)
18 * Tokyo Train Station (soundset, now default) (#1614)
19 * iBubble (status icons) (#1997)
20 * Aqualicious (contact list)
21 * Chat Bubbles (status icons) (#2084)
22 * General improvements to the Xtras website
23 * Fixed the MSN sunglasses emoticon (#1579)
24 * Improved the preview and menu for emoticons (#2522)
25 * Fixed installation location on case-sensitive file-systems (#2178)
26 * Updated Eclipse message style (#627, #729, #999)
27 * Resolved problem where "Show Headers" would crash Adium (#2473)
28 * Implemented graceful upgrading of existing Xtras where possible (#3980)
31 * Dock icon now stops bouncing/flashing properly (#205, #269)
32 * Added a Contact Requests Authorization global event (#2291)
33 * Added preferences to control dock icon movement (#1707)
34 * Added preference to control Dock icon animation (flapping) (#541)
35 * Removed output device preference (#1442)
38 * Added Block List Editor (#913)
39 * Whitelist Support (0.89 blocking was blacklist) (#129)
40 * Displays a visual indication of blocked users (#344)
41 * Block Contact Toolbar Icon (#1117)
42 * Fixed blocking a person on only one account when you had them listed on multiple accounts (#2051)
43 * ⌘⌥B is now a shortcut for block contact (#3739)
44 * Closing the authorization request window will dismiss the request with no answer (#3479)
45 * Blocking implementation is shinier (#920)
47 == Protocol Additions and Fixes ==
48 === AIM (generally includes .Mac and ICQ) ===
49 * Completely new AIM code (Keith Lea's joscar) (#2903 and many many others)
50 * Connection speed improvements
51 * File Transfer improvements (#4)
52 * Direct Connect improvements
53 * Fixed an Address Book related rate limiting error (#1770)
54 * Fixed sending circumflex accents over AIM (#1601)
55 * Added support for group chat invitation messages
56 * Fixed sending group chat invitations to iChat (#798)
57 * Fixed "(null)" in Get Info when viewing a metacontact (#1055)
58 * Fixed blocking (#1136, #2051)
59 * Fixed "malformed data message" error when sending circumflex accents (#1601)
60 * Can view profiles again (#2413)
61 * Fixed ability to select which account messages a non-meta contact (#2573)
62 * Fixed "SNAC threw error: request denied" when joining a group chat (#3155)
63 * You can now block more than one user at a time (#536)
64 * Fixed a bug where Adium didn't view the spaces, if any, in a screenname that's not on your buddy list when you're having a conversation with them (#2231)
65 * Properly display the online time of contacts (#2488)
66 * Similarly named AIM and .Mac accounts now no longer confuse accounts when adding contacts (#3157)
69 * @mac.com is no longer required (#2132, others)
70 * name@mac.com is no longer displayed as a link in tooltips (#869)
71 * Fixed a bug where Adium requested for a password even when it had the correct one (#2319)
74 * Login as Invisible works now (#2296, others)
75 * Bonjour no longer disconnects when a contact sends a message with a line-break (#48)
76 * A reasonable default name is filled in for new Bonjour accounts (#1182)
77 * Events are squelched for awhile after connect (18 seconds, to be exact) to avoid floods of notifications (#1996)
80 * Improved handling of non-ASCII character sets (#505, #1426)
81 * Improved handling of messages coming from iChat (#3166)
82 * IP address no longer displayed publicly (#3740)
84 === Jabber (includes Google Talk) ===
85 * Fixed bug where authorized contacts couldn't see your status (#61)
86 * Now saves the last server used in the join group chat dialog (#802)
87 * Fixed a bug where Exodus users couldn't see the user's avatar (#1330)
88 * Added buddy icon support for Jabber (#1632)
89 * No longer need to restart Adium when changing resource (#1355)
90 * Fixed sending and receiving of user icons (#1632)
91 * Fixed group chat history missing from self (#1881)
92 * Fixed typing notification for Talk (#1993)
93 * Fixed a situation in which the tag <html> could appear in messages (#3058)
94 * Fixed a bug where Adium did not disconnect from the server (#3441)
95 * Now prompts to register the account if authentication failed (#3752)
96 * Fixed a parsing error in sent messages where there was a <html> tag inside the <body> tag (#3814)
97 * Added the ability to set priority (#3882)
98 * Fixed a bug which prevented registering accounts on Wildfire-based jabber servers (#4216)
99 * New mail notifications checkbox now disabled on Jabber, respected on GTalk (#1301)
101 === Meanwhile/Sametime ===
102 * Contact list did not keep added users (#2060)
105 * Deleted MSN contacts remain deleted (#1778)
106 * Adium now fetches the MSN display name from the server (#196)
107 * Removed preference for MSN "Conversation closed" notices (#37)
108 * Adium can now receive custom MSN emoticons
109 * Fixed "%0D" after a URL when a newline character comes after it (#1085)
110 * MSN display name no longer preferred over real status messages from other accounts (#1022)
111 * Display name, rather than account name, used in message view (#1628)
114 * Fixed a crash when using gadu-gadu (#2455)
115 * Statuses work (#3803)
118 * Yahoo! users can now return from idle status (#2453)
119 * Added support for ymsgr://im?to= links (#3107)
120 * Added Stealth (semi-invisibility) support (#1349, #4006)
121 * Now able to log in as invisible (#2296)
122 * Incoming message colors now ignored if the pref says so (#4184)
125 * Added configuration notes at http://trac.adiumx.com/wiki/Zephyr (#2079)
128 * Folders now really do get compressed automatically (#86)
129 * Automatically rename incoming files whose desired filename is already taken (#734)
131 == iTunes Integration ==
132 * Improved the speed of the iTunes integration (#2352)
133 * Improved integration of iTunes with status settings
134 * Added an eighth note (♫) which functions as an iTunes music store link in statuses.
135 * iTunes scripts no longer have an impact on CPU usage (#2352)
138 * Removed support for Mac OS 10.3.8 and earlier. Adium now only supports 10.3.9 and later.
139 * New software update system (SparklePlus, a modified version of Andy Matuschak's Sparkle by Tom Harrington)
140 * First-run Setup Assistant (#9)
141 * New logging format and Log Viewer (#38, #13, #265, #1224, #4332, #4334, #4271, #4272, #4273, #4274, #4277, #4321, #4323)
142 * Guest Login added; friends can now log in without their personal information being saved (#3714)
143 * "Check spelling as you type" preference is saved (#768)
144 * Added the auto-linkification of the notes:// protocol (#3622)
145 * Added tooltip to "-" button (removes a contact from the currently-viewed metacontact) (#201)
146 * Consulted the Vorlon.
147 * "Contact Icon" toolbar item now updates when it should (#230)
148 * Improved support for case-sensitive HFSX filesystems (#2178)
149 * Improved support for screen names with spaces in them (#2231)
150 * Can now Get Info on contacts who aren't on your contact list (#2424)
151 * Improved Insert Link From Safari to recognise other browsers (#1099)
152 * Fixed sizing issues in the request window (#1421, #1471)
153 * Crash Reporter no longer submits crash reports if a newer version is available (#65)
154 * You can now Get Info on somebody who isn't on your contact list (#193)
157 * The dock icon now has the preference to display the number of unviewed messages (#730)
158 * Fixed a bug with dock icons not showing up (#3056)
161 * Add Buddy button (#2)
162 * Disabled "New Chat" when offline (#2265)
163 * Clarified "Add account" menu in Accounts prefs (#421)
164 * Removed title from the About window (#3901)
165 * Dialog box to authorize contacts now has the affirmative, not the negative, answer as the default button (#112)
166 * Confirm quit if file transfers or unread messages are present (#3087, #2733, #4231)
167 * Fixed an odd flickering issue on several scrollbars (#2111)
168 * Improved the contrast of text entry cursors with nonstandard background colors (#2262)
169 * Fixed the title of the Contact Info window for metacontacts (#1055)
170 * Alert boxes no longer steal keyboard focus (but do still come to the front so that you can read them) (#270)
171 * Added key commands like Safari's for switching tabs (#280)
172 * Made error messages non-gender-specific (#2623)
173 * The background color for profiles can now be changed (#922)
174 * Background colors (just behind certain text, not document colors) can now be added and read in profiles and statuses.
175 * Improved the wording of the delete group dialog (#2017)
176 * Fixed an overlapping button (#2933)
177 * Added more popcorn to the general preferences.
178 * Added a contextual menu for tabs (#1595)
179 * Added a contextual menu to make sandwiches tastier.
180 * Clarified naming for Close Chat menu item (#759)
181 * Showing an encryption fingerprint does not open multiple windows when clicked more than once (#2580)
182 * Added global keystroke to activate Adium (#1958, #3727)
183 * Added a "Show Offline Group" item to the View menu (#2366)
184 * Contact notes can now be cleared (#2398)
185 * Scroll bar in Info window sometimes didn't appear when it was supposed to (#97)
186 * Reworded Send Later dialog (#2278)
187 * File transfer Window no longer requires AppleGothic font (#2300)
188 * Corrected spelling of emoticon name "Sticking out tongue" (#3235)
189 * Get Info on groups no longer shows Info or Accounts tabs (#2788)
190 * Links with .eu in them now work (#2987)
191 * Fixed a bug when setting buddy icon and getting incorrect size (#793)
192 * When switching the active tab by clicking on a tab's icon, we now update the icon to the close icon, since that's what a second click will do (#2791)
193 * Display Growl notifications when invited to a group chat (#3276)
194 * The status window now works correctly on single and dual monitor systems (#3079
195 * Can now delete own buddy picture (#3325)
196 * Status icons in the status window now update when you change the active status icon pack (#4325)
197 * Improved keyboard support for Join Chat dialog (#2853)
200 * Resolved issue where the Mockie display truncated the protocol name (#2014)
201 * Message view window can now be transparent (#131)
202 * File transfer requests are now displayed inline in the message view. The exact appearance can be customized by the message style (#2197)
203 * Added support for Kopete additions to the message style format such as %senderColor%, %messageDirection%, and %senderStatusIcon% (#3132)
204 * Improved handling of /me (#1162, #2920)
205 * Improved automatic linking in messages (#249)
206 * Added replacement tokens (aka keywords) for MSN display names (#239)
207 * Dragging and dropping .textClipping files into the message view now works (#1689)
208 * Fixed ⌘-keys for cursor movement in custom status window (#255)
209 * Fixed an issue for when a tab inside the message window wouldn't change width to represent a changed alias (#1056)
210 * Improved support for the Webdings font in messages (#3048)
211 * Direct-IM images may now be scaled firefox-style by the message style
212 * XHTML styles now accepted from incoming messages (#440)
213 * Message view windows won't reopen doubly when an incoming message is received at the exact moment of the close attempt (#460)
214 * Buddy icons displayed in the message view now update when changed (#3440)
215 * "No icon" setting (#483)
216 * Emoticon text equivalents are not expanded to emoticon images inside of URLs (e.g. the ":/" in "http://www.adiumx.com/") (#2761, #721, #2634)
217 * Now with 200% more cowbell
218 * Added client.debugLog() javascript function, logs messages to Console
219 * Template.html now uses the HTML4 strict doctype
220 * Images are now scaled down in the input area (#611)
221 * Dragging & dropping text or a URL onto a buddy in the contact list now sends the text or URL to the buddy (#860)
222 * We no longer auto-reply to messages sent while you were offline (#4174)
223 * A horizontal ellipsis after a link is now separated from the link (e.g. http://www.adiumx.com...) (#1183)
224 * Paste retains bold/italics/underline/font/size etc. but strips colors, alignment, images, etc. (#1740, #2880)
225 * Added a new paste item, Paste with Colors and Images, which does a traditional paste with rich text operation (#2880)
226 * Language for spelling checker is now remembered for each contact (#2409)
227 * Fixed a bug where the contact and account pop-ups got cut out if the window is too small (#1015)
228 * Dragged URLs from Safari and OmniWeb now appear with the window's title (#1739)
229 * Support messaging contacts not present on your contact list from any account (#701)
230 * Italics are no longer sticky (#2904)
231 * Improved the Edit Link contextual menu item on 10.4 (#3169)
232 * You can now paste a link into the inputline, without the URL being stripped (#532)
235 * Fixed an issue that would cause the contact list to shrink (#296)
236 * Group names are now truncated in the middle (e.g. “Adium users”→“Adiu…sers”) rather than the end (e.g. “Adium …”) (#2589)
237 * Add Buddy Button In Authorization Dialog (#2)
238 * Added a dock-like autohiding ability for the contact list (many tickets)
239 * The highlight color of the contact list is now customizable (#102)
240 * Your buddy icon and display name can now be changed via the contact list (#543, #1701, #2345)
241 * Empty and new groups are now shown as intended (#21, #26)
242 * Offline contacts are now displayed by default (#1665)
243 * Buddy icons in the contact list are now slightly rounded (#3460)
244 * File transfers can now be initiated by dragging folders/files onto a contact (#1747)
245 * Made the scrollbar on the contact list narrower
246 * Fixed a bug where a custom buddy icon wasn't properly saved after quit (#1934)
247 * Improved the appearance of dragging contacts on the contact list (#3232)
248 * With no contacts online, borderless windows correctly hide themselves (#296)
249 * Increased the spacing for group bubbles styles (#2025)
250 * Selection in the contact list is now maintained when the list changes (#2281)
251 * You can now hide the display name, buddy icon, and status selection at the top of regular styles (#450)
252 * Keyboard focus is no longer stolen when the contact list unhides (#612)
253 * Improved repositioning when the screen resolution changes (#2172)
254 * Contact list was off-screen in multiple-monitor configurations (#93)
255 * Fixed issue when showing offline contacts with auto-resize (#1080)
256 * Borderless contact list now closes if no contact are online (#1139)
257 * When moving a metacontact, all the contacts therein really do move now (#2077)
258 * Fixed disappearance of the standard contact list on launch or immediately after opened when Adium was in the background (#2320, #1995)
259 * Adding a contact who is already in the contact list is now verboten (#50)
260 * Fixed issue saving color opacity of theme colors (#3316)
261 * Metacontacts no longer mess up contact list sorting (#3751)
262 * Corrected an issue that could cause status message not to be updated in the contact list (#665)
263 * Added ability to see yourself in the contact list (#2887)
264 * Added a tooltip explaining that background images only work in the regular window and borderless (i.e. non-bubble) contact list styles (#431)
265 * Searching for contacts in the contact list is easier (#3163)
266 * Maximum contact list width now refers to the inside portion, not the entire window including scrollbars (#640)
269 * Resolved performance issues when adding or changing statuses (#716)
270 * Statuses can now be grouped in folders and sub-folders (#101)
271 * Standard keyboard shortcuts in the custom status window (#255)
272 * Mute checkbox now works with all statuses (#2449)
273 * Added the ability to mute by status, without using the status window (#1165, #1738, #2509)
274 * Fixed auto-reconnection on wake (#1420)
275 * Fixed a crash when returning from away (#2137)
276 * The menu duck now indicates current status with a badge (#1445, #2015)
277 * Restored ability to keep the Away Status Window visible when Adium is in background; added other options (#615, #708, #2118)
278 * Added ability to enable and disable accounts; disabled accounts won't automatically connect (#1415, #1641)
279 * Sound for “You connect” now won't play again after < 5 seconds since the previous time (#2915)
280 * Fixed overlapping problem due to Apple Graphics update (#1522)
281 * Added the ability to pick a random status (#3336)
282 * Automatically set Idle status once the screensaver becomes active (#577)
285 * Australian English localization added (#2585)
286 * Improved German localization (#2538)
287 * Improved Dutch localization (#3584, #2435)
288 * Improved Icelandic localization (#164)
289 * Improved French localization (#3052, #2055)
290 * Improved Italian localization (#2836)
291 * Improved Russian localization (#3473)
292 * Improved button sizing in Italian (#2999)
293 * Send Later dialog is now localized (#2056)
294 * Fixed localizability of the OTR error message when attempting to message in a chat in which the other side has already ended encryption (#2623)
295 * Allow localization of shared dock icon images (#2843)
296 * Allow non-ASCII characters in the "insert link" dialog (#2362)
299 * New contextual menu items in Address Book for sending IMs with Adium. Scripts to accomplish this are automatically installed to ~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins (#2353)
300 * Adium now looks in the Yahoo! field of Address Book contacts for Yahoo! Japan accounts (#2469)
301 * Clarified and explained option to consolidate buddies from Address Book (#139)
302 * New contextual menu item on contacts: "Add To Address Book" (#345)
303 * Don't clobber picture in My Card with some account's buddy icon (#1683)
304 * Improved performance of Address Book updating (#1751)
305 * Middle names are now imported (#1118)
306 * We now set contacts' icons back to their real icons (from AB images) when “Use Address book images as contacts' icons” is unchecked (#91)
309 * Applescript improved in general (#574)
310 * Fixed a crash (#485)
311 * Fixed lockups caused by AppleScript (#634)
312 * Fixed typing latency caused by AppleScript (#202)
315 * OTR now works for .Mac accounts for which the @mac.com isn't listed (#2132)
316 * Fixed gender neutrality of the OTR error message when attempting to message in a chat in which the other side has already ended encryption (#2623)
317 * Fixed a bug where the OTR status did not update after switching to a different contact of a meta contact (#2895)
319 == Performance and Memory ==
320 * Fixed a leak of an NSColor (#2258)
321 * Emoticons are now preloaded in a background thread
322 * Fixed a rare threadlock on startup (#1980)
323 * Fixed a memory leak in AIKeychain (#692)
324 * Fixed a potential threadlock at launch (#1980)
325 * Fixed the crash when hitting Return in the away status window when accounts are not all in the same status (#2137, #2420, #2626, #2692)