header, schmeader
[adiumx.git] / Resources / Adium.sdef
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd">
3 <dictionary>
4 <suite name="Standard Suite" code="????" description="Common classes and commands for most applications.">
5 <command name="close" code="coreclos" description="Close an object.">
6 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
7 <parameter name="saving" code="savo" type="savo" optional="yes" description="Specifies whether changes should be saved before closing."/>
8 <parameter name="saving in" code="kfil" type="alias" optional="yes" description="The file in which to save the object."/>
9 </command>
10 <command name="count" code="corecnte" description="Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object.">
11 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
12 <parameter name="each" code="kocl" type="type class" optional="yes" description="The class of objects to be counted."/>
13 <result type="integer"/>
14 </command>
15 <command name="delete" code="coredelo" description="Delete an object.">
16 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
17 </command>
18 <command name="duplicate" code="coreclon" description="Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.">
19 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
20 <parameter name="to" code="insh" type="location reference" description="The location for the new object(s)."/>
21 <parameter name="with properties" code="prdt" type="record" optional="yes" description="Properties to be set in the new duplicated object(s)."/>
22 </command>
23 <command name="exists" code="coredoex" description="Verify if an object exists.">
24 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
25 <result type="boolean"/>
26 </command>
27 <command name="get" code="coregetd" description="Get the data for an object.">
28 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
29 <result type="anything"/>
30 </command>
31 <command name="make" code="corecrel" description="Make a new object.">
32 <parameter name="new" code="kocl" type="type class" description="The class of the new object."/>
33 <parameter name="at" code="insh" type="location reference" optional="yes" description="The location at which to insert the object."/>
34 <parameter name="with data" code="data" type="anything" optional="yes" description="The initial data for the object."/>
35 <parameter name="with properties" code="prdt" type="record" optional="yes" description="The initial values for properties of the object."/>
36 <result type="reference"/>
37 </command>
38 <command name="move" code="coremove" description="Move object(s) to a new location.">
39 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
40 <parameter name="to" code="insh" type="location reference" description="The new location for the object(s)."/>
41 </command>
42 <command name="open" code="aevtodoc" description="Open an object.">
43 <direct-parameter type="alias" description="The file(s) to be opened."/>
44 </command>
45 <command name="print" code="aevtpdoc" description="Print an object.">
46 <direct-parameter type="alias" description="The file(s) or document(s) to be printed."/>
47 <parameter name="print dialog" code="pdlg" type="boolean" optional="yes" description="Should the application show the Print dialog?"/>
48 <parameter name="with properties" code="prdt" type="print settings" optional="yes" description="the print settings"/>
49 </command>
50 <command name="quit" code="aevtquit" description="Quit an application.">
51 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
52 <parameter name="saving" code="savo" type="savo" optional="yes" description="Specifies whether changes should be saved before quitting."/>
53 </command>
54 <command name="save" code="coresave" description="Save an object.">
55 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
56 <parameter name="as" code="fltp" type="Unicode text" optional="yes" description="The file type in which to save the data."/>
57 <parameter name="in" code="kfil" type="alias" optional="yes" description="The file in which to save the object."/>
58 </command>
59 <command name="set" code="coresetd" description="Set an object&apos;s data.">
60 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
61 <parameter name="to" code="data" type="anything" description="The new value."/>
62 </command>
63 <class name="application" code="capp" description="An application&apos;s top level scripting object." inherits="item" plural="applications">
64 <element type="document"/>
65 <element type="window"/>
66 <property name="frontmost" code="pisf" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is this the frontmost (active) application?"/>
67 <property name="name" code="pnam" type="Unicode text" access="r" description="The name of the application."/>
68 <property name="version" code="vers" type="Unicode text" access="r" description="The version of the application."/>
69 </class>
70 <class name="color" code="colr" description="A color." inherits="item" plural="colors"/>
71 <class name="document" code="docu" description="A document." inherits="item" plural="documents">
72 <property name="modified" code="imod" type="boolean" access="r" description="Has the document been modified since the last save?"/>
73 <property name="name" code="pnam" type="Unicode text" description="The document&apos;s name."/>
74 <property name="path" code="ppth" type="Unicode text" description="The document&apos;s path."/>
75 </class>
76 <class name="item" code="cobj" description="A scriptable object." plural="items">
77 <property name="class" code="pcls" type="type class" access="r" description="The class of the object."/>
78 <property name="properties" code="pALL" type="record" description="All of the object&apos;s properties."/>
79 </class>
80 <class name="window" code="cwin" description="A window." inherits="item" plural="windows">
81 <property name="bounds" code="pbnd" type="bounding rectangle" description="The bounding rectangle of the window."/>
82 <property name="closeable" code="hclb" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window has a close box."/>
83 <property name="document" code="docu" type="document" access="r" description="The document whose contents are being displayed in the window."/>
84 <property name="floating" code="isfl" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window floats."/>
85 <property name="id" code="ID " type="integer" access="r" description="The unique identifier of the window."/>
86 <property name="index" code="pidx" type="integer" description="The index of the window, ordered front to back."/>
87 <property name="miniaturizable" code="ismn" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window can be miniaturized."/>
88 <property name="miniaturized" code="pmnd" type="boolean" description="Whether the window is currently miniaturized."/>
89 <property name="modal" code="pmod" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window is the application&apos;s current modal window."/>
90 <property name="name" code="pnam" type="Unicode text" description="The full title of the window."/>
91 <property name="resizable" code="prsz" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window can be resized."/>
92 <property name="titled" code="ptit" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window has a title bar."/>
93 <property name="visible" code="pvis" type="boolean" description="Whether the window is currently visible."/>
94 <property name="zoomable" code="iszm" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window can be zoomed."/>
95 <property name="zoomed" code="pzum" type="boolean" description="Whether the window is currently zoomed."/>
96 </class>
97 <enumeration name="savo" code="savo">
98 <enumerator name="ask" code="ask " description="Ask the user whether or not to save the file."/>
99 <enumerator name="no" code="no " description="Do not save the file."/>
100 <enumerator name="yes" code="yes " description="Save the file."/>
101 </enumeration>
102 </suite>
103 <suite name="Text Suite" code="????" description="A set of basic classes for text processing.">
104 <class name="attachment" code="atts" description="Represents an inline text attachment. This class is used mainly for make commands." inherits="text">
105 <element type="attachment"/>
106 <element type="attribute run"/>
107 <element type="character"/>
108 <element type="paragraph"/>
109 <element type="word"/>
110 <property name="file name" code="atfn" type="Unicode text" description="The path to the file for the attachment"/>
111 </class>
112 <class name="attribute run" code="catr" description="This subdivides the text into chunks that all have the same attributes." inherits="item" plural="attribute runs">
113 <element type="attachment"/>
114 <element type="attribute run"/>
115 <element type="character"/>
116 <element type="paragraph"/>
117 <element type="word"/>
118 <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="The color of the first character."/>
119 <property name="font" code="font" type="Unicode text" description="The name of the font of the first character."/>
120 <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="integer" description="The size in points of the first character."/>
121 </class>
122 <class name="character" code="cha " description="This subdivides the text into characters." inherits="item" plural="characters">
123 <element type="attachment"/>
124 <element type="attribute run"/>
125 <element type="character"/>
126 <element type="paragraph"/>
127 <element type="word"/>
128 <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="The color of the first character."/>
129 <property name="font" code="font" type="Unicode text" description="The name of the font of the first character."/>
130 <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="integer" description="The size in points of the first character."/>
131 </class>
132 <class name="paragraph" code="cpar" description="This subdivides the text into paragraphs." inherits="item" plural="paragraphs">
133 <element type="attachment"/>
134 <element type="attribute run"/>
135 <element type="character"/>
136 <element type="paragraph"/>
137 <element type="word"/>
138 <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="The color of the first character."/>
139 <property name="font" code="font" type="Unicode text" description="The name of the font of the first character."/>
140 <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="integer" description="The size in points of the first character."/>
141 </class>
142 <class name="text" code="ctxt" description="Rich (styled) text" inherits="item">
143 <element type="attachment"/>
144 <element type="attribute run"/>
145 <element type="character"/>
146 <element type="paragraph"/>
147 <element type="word"/>
148 <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="The color of the first character."/>
149 <property name="font" code="font" type="Unicode text" description="The name of the font of the first character."/>
150 <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="integer" description="The size in points of the first character."/>
151 </class>
152 <class name="word" code="cwor" description="This subdivides the text into words." inherits="item" plural="words">
153 <element type="attachment"/>
154 <element type="attribute run"/>
155 <element type="character"/>
156 <element type="paragraph"/>
157 <element type="word"/>
158 <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="The color of the first character."/>
159 <property name="font" code="font" type="Unicode text" description="The name of the font of the first character."/>
160 <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="integer" description="The size in points of the first character."/>
161 </class>
162 </suite>
163 <suite name="Adium Suite" code="AdIM" description="commands and classes for Adium scripting.">
164 <command name="connect" code="AdIMcnct" description="Request that an account connect to its service. If the account password is not in the keychain the user will be prompted to enter one.">
165 <direct-parameter type="account" description="an account"/>
166 </command>
167 <command name="create chat" code="AdIMcCdM" description="Create a new chat.">
168 <direct-parameter type="reference" description="the object for the command"/>
169 <parameter name="on service" code="cCsI" type="Unicode text" description="The service ID (such as AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber, ICQ) on which the chat should be initiated."/>
170 <parameter name="with UID" code="TO " type="Unicode text" description="The screen name (UID) of the destination contact."/>
171 <result type="chat"/>
172 </command>
173 <command name="disconnect" code="AdIMdcnt" description="Disconnect an account, or all accounts if no account is specified.">
174 <direct-parameter type="account" description="an account"/>
175 </command>
176 <command name="send" code="AdIMsndM" description="Send a message or file.">
177 <direct-parameter type="item" description="a contact or chat to which to send"/>
178 <parameter name="autoreply" code="sNd2" type="boolean" optional="yes" description="YES if the message should be tagged as an autoreply (if supported by the service - valid only if sending a textual message)."/>
179 <parameter name="file" code="ASfP" type="alias" optional="yes" description="Full path to a file to send. Sending of directories is not supported at this time."/>
180 <parameter name="message" code="TO " type="Unicode text" optional="yes" description="The message to send, which may be HTML-encoded."/>
181 <parameter name="on account" code="sNd3" type="account" optional="yes" description="An account with which to originate the message (if no account is specified, the best available account will be automatically determined)."/>
182 </command>
183 <class name="account" code="acct" description="A messaging account. Accounts inherit all capabilities of list objects." inherits="list object" plural="accounts">
184 <element type="contact"/>
185 <property name="service image" code="AimG" type="TIFF picture" access="r" description="An image representing this account&apos;s service."/>
186 </class>
187 <class name="Adium controller" code="astC" description="Lowest-level Applescript bridge to the Adium application, and the default subcontainer." inherits="item" plural="Adium controllers">
188 <element type="account"/>
189 <element type="chat"/>
190 <element type="contact"/>
191 <property name="default image" code="AmaA" type="TIFF picture" description="The default image used for my accounts&apos; user images if no other is specified."/>
192 <property name="my idle time" code="AAtm" type="integer" description="The amount of time that I have been idle."/>
193 <property name="my status" code="AmSt" type="status" description="My status on all online accounts. If online accounts do not all have the same status, this will return the status which a simple majority of accounts are using. This doesn&apos;t work quite properly yet for setting new information..."/>
194 <property name="my status message" code="Amms" type="Unicode text" description="My status message on all online accounts."/>
195 <property name="my status type" code="AmSy" type="AsSt" description="My status type on all online accounts."/>
196 </class>
197 <class name="application" code="capp" description="The Adium X application. To access controllers besides the default subcontainer, put &quot;the first&quot; before the controller name even though there is only one." inherits="application" plural="applications">
198 <element type="document"/>
199 <element type="window"/>
200 <property name="Adium controller" code="astC" type="Adium controller" access="r" description="Default subcontainer - automatically accessed when sending messages to the Adium application."/>
201 <property name="interface controller" code="AiCC" type="interface controller" access="r" description="The interfaceController, which manages the interface presented to the user."/>
202 </class>
203 <class name="chat" code="Acht" description="A chat." inherits="item" plural="chats">
204 <element type="contact"/>
205 <element type="content"/>
206 <property name="account" code="AchA" type="account" description="The account on owhich this chat is taking place."/>
207 <property name="chat image" code="AchI" type="TIFF picture" access="r" description="An image representing this chat."/>
208 <property name="chat name" code="AchN" type="Unicode text" access="r" description="The name of this chat (for a one-on-one chat, this is the same as the contact&apos;s display name."/>
209 <property name="contact" code="AClo" type="contact" access="r" description="The contact with which this chat is taking place. If the chat is with multiple contacts, this will be NULL."/>
210 <property name="date opened" code="AchD" type="date" access="r" description="The date this chat was opened."/>
211 <property name="ID" code="ID " type="Unicode text" access="r" description="A unique identifier for this chat."/>
212 </class>
213 <class name="contact" code="ltct" description="A contact (buddy). Contacts inherit all capabilities of list objects." inherits="list object" plural="contacts">
214 <property name="owning account" code="AcAC" type="account" access="r" description="The account on which this contact resides."/>
215 <property name="visible" code="AVsB" type="boolean" description="Is this contact visible in the contact list?"/>
216 </class>
217 <class name="content" code="AcoA" description="A basic unit of content." inherits="item" plural="contents">
218 <property name="content chat" code="AcCh" type="chat" description="The chat in which this content resides."/>
219 <property name="content date" code="AcDa" type="date" access="r" description="The date this content was received."/>
220 <property name="destination" code="AcoD" type="list object" access="r" description="The destination of this content."/>
221 <property name="HTML message" code="AcMh" type="Unicode text" description="The message of this content, in HTML."/>
222 <property name="is outgoing" code="AcIO" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is this content outgoing?."/>
223 <property name="plainText message" code="AcMs" type="Unicode text" description="The message of this content, in plain text (losing all formatting and embedded information)."/>
224 <property name="should display" code="AcDC" type="boolean" description="Should this message be displayed in its chat?"/>
225 <property name="should filter" code="AcFC" type="boolean" description="Should this message be filtered by message filters?"/>
226 <property name="should send" code="AcSC" type="boolean" description="Should this message be sent? This is relevant only if it isOutgoing is TRUE."/>
227 <property name="should track" code="AcTC" type="boolean" description="Should this message be tracked? For example, should Adium alert the user if it has not been viewed?"/>
228 <property name="source" code="AcoS" type="list object" access="r" description="The source of this content."/>
229 </class>
230 <class name="content message" code="AcmA" description="A content object containing a message to or from a chat. Inherits from content." inherits="content" plural="content messages">
231 <property name="is autoreply" code="AcAR" type="boolean" description="Is this message an automatic reply?"/>
232 </class>
233 <class name="interface controller" code="AiCC" description="The interfaceController, which manages the interface presented to the user." inherits="item" plural="interface controllers">
234 <property name="active chat" code="AiAC" type="chat" description="The chat which most recently had focus."/>
235 </class>
236 <class name="list object" code="ltob" description="A contact or account." inherits="item" plural="list objects">
237 <property name="display name" code="AdpN" type="Unicode text" description="The name, potentially specified by the user or via the address book, to display for this object."/>
238 <property name="ID" code="ID " type="Unicode text" access="r" description="A unique identifier for this object."/>
239 <property name="idle time" code="Adtm" type="integer" access="r" description="Time in seconds this contact or account has been idle."/>
240 <property name="image" code="AusI" type="TIFF picture" description="An image for this contact or account."/>
241 <property name="long display name" code="ALdN" type="Unicode text" access="r" description="A possibly longer form of the name to display for this object, which has no length restrictions and may include the UID of this object."/>
242 <property name="notes" code="AnoT" type="Unicode text" description="Notes on this object."/>
243 <property name="online" code="AcOn" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is this account or contact online?."/>
244 <property name="serviceClass" code="AsSC" type="Unicode text" access="r" description="Same as serviceID in most cases; a general class of compatible protocols. This is curently only different for AIM, ICQ, and .Mac, all of which have different serviceIDs but the same service class, AIM-compatible. For future compatibility, this is the re"/>
245 <property name="serviceID" code="AsID" type="Unicode text" access="r" description="Specific service (such as AIM, ICQ, or MSN) of this object. (See serviceClass)"/>
246 <property name="status message" code="Amsg" type="Unicode text" access="r" description="A message describing the status of this contact or account (&apos;away message&apos; in AIM terminology)."/>
247 <property name="status type" code="Atat" type="ACst" access="r" description="The status of this contact or account."/>
248 <property name="UID" code="AUID" type="Unicode text" access="r" description="UID (screenname, user ID, nick) of this object."/>
249 </class>
250 <class name="status" code="AISt" description="A status and all associated attributes which can be set on or retrieved from one or more accounts." inherits="item" plural="statuses">
251 <property name="autoreply is status message" code="AAiS" type="boolean" description="Does this status treat its status message as an auto reply? If YES, the value of the autoreply attribute is ignored."/>
252 <property name="autoreply string" code="AARs" type="Unicode text" description="This status&apos;s auto reply; when setting, HTML may be optionally passed."/>
253 <property name="has an auto reply" code="AhAR" type="boolean" description="Does this status send an auto reply?"/>
254 <property name="icon" code="AISi" type="TIFF picture" access="r" description="An icon which represents this status to the user."/>
255 <property name="initial idle time" code="ASFt" type="real" description="Amount of time (in seconds) to set the user as idle when entering this status. Only used if &apos;should force initial idle time&apos; is YES."/>
256 <property name="should force idle" code="ASFi" type="boolean" description="Should this status force the user into an idle state regardless of computer activity?"/>
257 <property name="status message string" code="ASms" type="Unicode text" description="This status&apos;s status message; when setting, HTML may optionally be passed."/>
258 <property name="status name" code="ASSn" type="Unicode text" description="A specific name for this status; this further refines what is specified by the type. This will be used by protocols as appropriate. For example, for AIM, the status name is irrelevant; all away statuses are a simple Away, all available statuses are a sim"/>
259 <property name="title" code="ASti" type="Unicode text" description="The title of this status. If not explicitly set, the title is automatically determined from the other attributes."/>
260 <property name="type" code="ASSy" type="AsSt" description="The AIStatusType of this status -- available, away, invisible, or offline."/>
261 <property name="unique status ID" code="ASID" type="Unicode text" access="r" description="A unique ID for this status"/>
262 </class>
263 <enumeration name="ACst" code="ACst">
264 <enumerator name="available" code="avaL"/>
265 <enumerator name="away" code="awaY"/>
266 <enumerator name="away and idle" code="aYiE"/>
267 <enumerator name="idle" code="idlE"/>
268 <enumerator name="offline" code="offL"/>
269 <enumerator name="unknown" code="unkN"/>
270 </enumeration>
271 <enumeration name="AOst" code="AOst">
272 <enumerator name="connected" code="conn"/>
273 <enumerator name="connecting" code="cong"/>
274 <enumerator name="disconnected" code="dcon"/>
275 <enumerator name="disconnecting" code="dcng"/>
276 </enumeration>
277 <enumeration name="AsSt" code="AsSt">
278 <enumerator name="available" code="avaL"/>
279 <enumerator name="away" code="awaY"/>
280 <enumerator name="invisible" code="aSaI"/>
281 <enumerator name="offline" code="offL"/>
282 </enumeration>
283 </suite>
284 <suite name="Type Definitions" code="tpdf" description="Records used in scripting Adium">
285 <class name="print settings" code="pset">
286 <property name="copies" code="lwcp" type="integer" description="the number of copies of a document to be printed"/>
287 <property name="collating" code="lwcl" type="boolean" description="Should printed copies be collated?"/>
288 <property name="starting page" code="lwfp" type="integer" description="the first page of the document to be printed"/>
289 <property name="ending page" code="lwlp" type="integer" description="the last page of the document to be printed"/>
290 <property name="pages across" code="lwla" type="integer" description="number of logical pages laid across a physical page"/>
291 <property name="pages down" code="lwld" type="integer" description="number of logical pages laid out down a physical page"/>
292 <property name="error handling" code="lweh" type="enum" description="how errors are handled"/>
293 <property name="fax number" code="faxn" type="string" description="for fax number"/>
294 <property name="target printer" code="trpr" type="string" description="for target printer"/>
295 </class>
296 <enumeration name="enum" code="enum">
297 <enumerator name="standard" code="lwst" description="Standard PostScript error handling"/>
298 <enumerator name="detailed" code="lwdt" description="print a detailed report of PostScript errors"/>
299 </enumeration>
300 </suite>
301 </dictionary>