Fixed sending files via Applescript; we want the full path, not the absoluteString...
[adiumx.git] / Makefile
2 BUILD_DIR?=$(shell defaults read PBXProductDirectory 2> /dev/null)
4 ifeq ($(strip $(BUILD_DIR)),)
5 BUILD_DIR=build
6 endif
12 CP=ditto --rsrc
13 RM=rm
15 .PHONY: all adium clean localizable-strings latest test astest
17 adium:
18 xcodebuild -project Adium.xcodeproj -configuration $(BUILDCONFIGURATION) CFLAGS="$(ADIUM_CFLAGS)" build
20 test:
21 xcodebuild -project Adium.xcodeproj -configuration $(BUILDCONFIGURATION) CFLAGS="$(ADIUM_CFLAGS)" -target "Unit tests" build
22 astest:
23 osascript unittest\ runner.applescript | tr '\r' '\n'
25 #install:
26 # cp -R build/ ~/Applications/
27 # cp -R build/AIUtilities.framework ~/Library/Frameworks/
29 clean:
30 xcodebuild -project Adium.xcodeproj -configuration $(BUILDCONFIGURATION) clean
32 localizable-strings:
33 mkdir tmp || true
34 mv "Plugins/Purple Service" tmp
35 mv "Plugins/WebKit Message View" tmp
36 genstrings -o Resources/en.lproj -s AILocalizedString Source/*.m Source/*.h Plugins/*/*.h Plugins/*/*.m Plugins/*/*/*.h Plugins/*/*/*.m
37 genstrings -o tmp/Purple\ Service/en.lproj -s AILocalizedString tmp/Purple\ Service/*.h tmp/Purple\ Service/*.m
38 genstrings -o tmp/WebKit\ Message\ View/en.lproj -s AILocalizedString tmp/WebKit\ Message\ View/*.h tmp/WebKit\ Message\ View/*.m
39 genstrings -o Frameworks/AIUtilities\ Framework/Resources/en.lproj -s AILocalizedString Frameworks/AIUtilities\ Framework/Source/*.h Frameworks/AIUtilities\ Framework/Source/*.m
40 genstrings -o Frameworks/Adium\ Framework/Resources/en.lproj -s AILocalizedString Frameworks/Adium\ Framework/Source/*.m Frameworks/Adium\ Framework/Source/*.h
41 mv "tmp/Purple Service" Plugins
42 mv "tmp/WebKit Message View" Plugins
43 rmdir tmp || true
45 latest:
46 svn up
47 make adium