Make it so we can run this from the root.
[acal.git] / po /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 # Quick hack to build a .pot file from an Android strings.xml file
5 # Copyright: Morphoss Ltd <>
6 # Author: Andrew McMillan <>
7 # License: CC-0, Public Domain, GPL v2, GPL v3, Apache v2 or Simplified BSD.
8 # Other licenses considered on request.
11 use strict;
12 use warnings;
14 use IO::Handle;
15 use Getopt::Long qw(:config permute); # allow mixed args.
18 # Stuff that should not be hard-coded, but is :-)
19 my $resources_dir = "../res";
20 my @extract_filenames = ( "strings", "timezonenames" );
21 my $build_filename = "strings";
22 my $messages_filename = "messages.pot";
24 my $debug = 0;
25 my $extractmode = 0;
26 my $buildmode = 0;
27 my $helpmeplease = 0;
29 GetOptions ('debug!' => \$debug,
31 'extract!' => \$extractmode,
32 'build!' => \$buildmode,
34 'help' => \$helpmeplease );
36 usage() if ( $helpmeplease || ($extractmode && $buildmode) );
38 my $code_dir = $0;
39 $code_dir =~ s{/[^/]*$}{};
40 chdir $code_dir;
42 if ( $extractmode ) {
43 # Update/extract the strings for the messages.po file
44 extract_po_file(\@extract_filenames, $messages_filename);
46 elsif ( $buildmode ) {
47 # From the language po files build the various strings files.
48 build_strings_files($messages_filename, $build_filename );
50 else {
51 usage();
55 =item
56 Provides basic help to the user.
57 =cut
58 sub usage {
59 print "You must specify either '--extract' or '--build'\n";
60 exit 0
64 =item
65 Extracts the strings from some Android strings.xml into a messages.po file
66 =cut
67 sub extract_po_file {
68 my $filenames = shift;
69 my $outfile = shift;
71 my @xgettext = ( "xgettext", "-L", "PO", "-o", $outfile, "-" );
72 open( XGETTEXT, "|-", @xgettext );
73 autoflush XGETTEXT 1;
74 printf( "Extracting to '%s'\n", $outfile ) if ( $debug );
76 for my $filename ( @$filenames ) {
77 $filename = $resources_dir ."/values/". $filename . ".xml";
78 printf( XGETTEXT "#SourceFileStart:%s\n", $filename );
79 printf( "Extracting strings from '%s'\n", $filename ) if ( $debug );
80 open( XMLFILE, "<", $filename );
81 while( <XMLFILE> ) {
82 m{<string .*?name="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</string>} && do {
83 my $msgid = $1;
84 my $msgstr = $2;
85 $msgstr =~ s{\\'}{'}g;
86 $msgstr =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
87 printf( XGETTEXT 'msgid "%s"%s', $msgid, "\n" );
88 printf( XGETTEXT 'msgstr "%s"%s', $msgstr, "\n\n" );
90 m{<!--(.*?)-->} && do {
91 printf( XGETTEXT "#%s\n", $1 );
94 close(XMLFILE);
95 printf( XGETTEXT "#SourceFileEnd:%s\n\n", $filename );
97 printf( "Extraction completed\n" ) if ( $debug );
98 # close(XGETTEXT);
103 =item
104 Finds the translated .po files in a directory and uses them to construct a new strings.xml file
105 for each one by merging the details from the original strings.xml with the translated strings
106 from the la_NG.po file.
107 =cut
108 sub build_strings_files {
109 my $template_file = shift;
110 my $stringsfile = shift;
112 # Now merge into each translation
113 opendir(my $dh, ".");
114 while( my $fn = readdir($dh) ) {
115 if( $fn =~ m{^([a-z]{2}(_[A-Z]{2})?)\.po$} ) {
116 my $lang = $1;
117 printf( "Building language: %s\n", $lang );
118 my $strings = get_translated_strings($fn);
119 merge_into_xml( $lang, $strings, $stringsfile );
122 closedir($dh);
126 =item
127 =cut
128 sub get_translated_strings {
129 my $filename = shift;
131 my $strings = {};
132 open( TRANSLATED, "<", $filename );
134 my $msgid = undef;
135 while( <TRANSLATED> ) {
136 next if ( /^\s*#/ );
138 if ( /^\s*msgid \"(.*)"\r?\n?$/ ) {
139 $msgid = $1;
140 $strings->{$msgid} = "";
142 elsif ( defined($msgid) ) {
143 /^\s*(msgstr )?"(.*)"\r?\n?$/ && do {
144 $strings->{$msgid} .= $2;
149 close(TRANSLATED);
151 # foreach my $s ( keys %{$strings} ) {
152 # printf( STDOUT "<string name=\"%s\">%s</string>\n", $s, $strings->{$s} );
155 return $strings;
159 =item
160 =cut
161 sub merge_into_xml {
162 my $lang = shift;
163 my $strings = shift;
164 my $strings_filename = shift;
166 $lang =~ s{_([A-Z]{2})}{-r$1};
167 my $in_filename = sprintf( '%s/values/%s.xml', $resources_dir, $strings_filename);
169 my $outdir = sprintf('%s/values-%s', $resources_dir, $lang);
170 mkdir $outdir unless( -d $outdir );
171 my $out_filename = sprintf( '%s/%s.xml', $outdir, $strings_filename);
172 open( XMLIN, "<", $in_filename );
173 open( XMLOUT, ">", $out_filename );
175 while( <XMLIN> ) {
176 if ( ! m{<!--} && m{<string (.*?)name="(.*?)"(.*?)>(.*?)</string>} ) {
177 my $preamble = (defined($1)?$1:"");
178 my $msgid = $2;
179 my $postamble = (defined($3)?$3:"");
180 my $msgstr = $4;
181 $msgstr =~ s{\\'}{'}g;
182 next if ( ! defined($strings->{$msgid}) || $msgstr eq $strings->{$msgid} );
183 next if ( $strings->{$msgid} eq "" );
184 $strings->{$msgid} =~ s{"}{&quot;}g;
185 $strings->{$msgid} =~ s{(['\\])}{\\$1}g;
186 printf( XMLOUT '<string %sname="%s"%s>%s</string>%s',
187 $preamble, $msgid, $postamble, $strings->{$msgid}, "\n" );
189 else {
190 print XMLOUT unless( $_ =~ m{^\s*$} );
194 close(XMLIN);
195 close(XMLOUT);