updated binding sources to the last version
[Leditor.git] / src / lqt_bind_QFrame.hpp
1 #include "lqt_common.hpp"
2 #include <QFrame>
3 #include <QtCore>
4 #include <QtGui>
6 template <> class LuaBinder< QFrame > : public QFrame {
7 private:
8 lua_State *L;
9 public:
10 static int __LuaWrapCall__lineWidth (lua_State *L);
11 static int __LuaWrapCall__setLineWidth (lua_State *L);
12 static int __LuaWrapCall__sizeHint (lua_State *L);
13 static int __LuaWrapCall__setFrameStyle (lua_State *L);
14 static int __LuaWrapCall__setMidLineWidth (lua_State *L);
15 static int __LuaWrapCall__frameStyle (lua_State *L);
16 static int __LuaWrapCall__metaObject (lua_State *L);
17 static int __LuaWrapCall__new (lua_State *L);
18 static int __LuaWrapCall__tr__OverloadedVersion__1 (lua_State *L);
19 static int __LuaWrapCall__tr__OverloadedVersion__2 (lua_State *L);
20 static int __LuaWrapCall__tr (lua_State *L);
21 static int __LuaWrapCall__delete (lua_State *L);
22 static int __LuaWrapCall__frameShadow (lua_State *L);
23 static int __LuaWrapCall__frameShape (lua_State *L);
24 static int __LuaWrapCall__trUtf8__OverloadedVersion__1 (lua_State *L);
25 static int __LuaWrapCall__trUtf8__OverloadedVersion__2 (lua_State *L);
26 static int __LuaWrapCall__trUtf8 (lua_State *L);
27 static int __LuaWrapCall__setFrameShadow (lua_State *L);
28 static int __LuaWrapCall__frameWidth (lua_State *L);
29 static int __LuaWrapCall__midLineWidth (lua_State *L);
30 static int __LuaWrapCall__setFrameShape (lua_State *L);
31 static int __LuaWrapCall__frameRect (lua_State *L);
32 static int __LuaWrapCall__setFrameRect (lua_State *L);
33 protected:
34 void styleChange (QStyle& arg1);
35 public:
36 protected:
37 void focusInEvent (QFocusEvent * arg1);
38 public:
39 protected:
40 void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent * arg1);
41 public:
42 const QMetaObject * metaObject () const;
43 int devType () const;
44 void setVisible (bool arg1);
45 QVariant inputMethodQuery (Qt::InputMethodQuery arg1) const;
46 QPaintEngine * paintEngine () const;
47 protected:
48 void dragLeaveEvent (QDragLeaveEvent * arg1);
49 public:
50 protected:
51 void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent * arg1);
52 public:
53 QSize sizeHint () const;
54 protected:
55 void moveEvent (QMoveEvent * arg1);
56 public:
57 protected:
58 void tabletEvent (QTabletEvent * arg1);
59 public:
60 protected:
61 void enterEvent (QEvent * arg1);
62 public:
63 protected:
64 void closeEvent (QCloseEvent * arg1);
65 public:
66 QSize minimumSizeHint () const;
67 protected:
68 void dropEvent (QDropEvent * arg1);
69 public:
70 protected:
71 void actionEvent (QActionEvent * arg1);
72 public:
73 protected:
74 void showEvent (QShowEvent * arg1);
75 public:
76 protected:
77 void dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent * arg1);
78 public:
79 protected:
80 void paintEvent (QPaintEvent * arg1);
81 public:
82 protected:
83 void dragMoveEvent (QDragMoveEvent * arg1);
84 public:
85 protected:
86 void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent * arg1);
87 public:
88 protected:
89 void enabledChange (bool arg1);
90 public:
91 protected:
92 void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent * arg1);
93 public:
94 int heightForWidth (int arg1) const;
95 protected:
96 void fontChange (const QFont& arg1);
97 public:
98 protected:
99 bool focusNextPrevChild (bool arg1);
100 public:
101 protected:
102 void timerEvent (QTimerEvent * arg1);
103 public:
104 protected:
105 void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent * arg1);
106 public:
107 protected:
108 void focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent * arg1);
109 public:
110 protected:
111 void childEvent (QChildEvent * arg1);
112 public:
113 protected:
114 void connectNotify (const char * arg1);
115 public:
116 protected:
117 void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent * arg1);
118 public:
119 protected:
120 int metric (QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric arg1) const;
121 public:
122 bool eventFilter (QObject * arg1, QEvent * arg2);
123 protected:
124 void inputMethodEvent (QInputMethodEvent * arg1);
125 public:
126 protected:
127 void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent * arg1);
128 public:
129 protected:
130 void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent * arg1);
131 public:
132 protected:
133 void paletteChange (const QPalette& arg1);
134 public:
135 protected:
136 void languageChange ();
137 public:
138 protected:
139 bool event (QEvent * arg1);
140 public:
141 protected:
142 void hideEvent (QHideEvent * arg1);
143 public:
144 protected:
145 void disconnectNotify (const char * arg1);
146 public:
147 protected:
148 void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent * arg1);
149 public:
150 protected:
151 void windowActivationChange (bool arg1);
152 public:
153 protected:
154 void leaveEvent (QEvent * arg1);
155 public:
156 protected:
157 void changeEvent (QEvent * arg1);
158 public:
159 protected:
160 void customEvent (QEvent * arg1);
161 public:
162 ~LuaBinder< QFrame > ();
163 static int lqt_pushenum_Shape (lua_State *L);
164 static int lqt_pushenum_Shape_QFLAGS_CREATOR (lua_State *L);
165 static int lqt_pushenum_Shadow (lua_State *L);
166 static int lqt_pushenum_Shadow_QFLAGS_CREATOR (lua_State *L);
167 static int lqt_pushenum_StyleMask (lua_State *L);
168 static int lqt_pushenum_StyleMask_QFLAGS_CREATOR (lua_State *L);
169 LuaBinder< QFrame > (lua_State *l, QWidget * arg1, QFlags<Qt::WindowType> arg2):QFrame(arg1, arg2), L(l) {}
172 extern "C" int luaopen_QFrame (lua_State *L);