etest.texinfo: Brief (and bad) descriptions of todo and skip.
[ETest.git] / etest-result-mode.el
1 ;;; etest-result-mode.el --- Watch tests pass or fail
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2008 Philip Jackson
5 ;; Author: Philip Jackson <>
7 ;; This file is not currently part of GNU Emacs.
9 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
11 ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
12 ;; your option) any later version.
14 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;; General Public License for more details.
19 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 ;; along with this program ; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
21 ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
22 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 ;;; Commentary:
26 ;; The default result mode for etest.
28 (require 'outline)
30 (declare-function etest-resultp "etest")
32 ;; calm down byte-compiler, you can have this one...
33 (eval-when-compile
34 (defvar current-results)
35 (defvar current-meta-info)
36 (require 'cl))
38 ;; The grouping of the status is for convenience and use by the
39 ;; font-locking so if you change the re don't forget to capture the
40 ;; status
41 (defvar etest-rm-not-ok-re "^ *\\(not ok\\) \\.\\."
42 "Regexp that will match bad test status.")
44 (defvar etest-rm-ok-re "^ *\\(ok\\) \\.\\."
45 "Regexp that will match good test status.")
47 (defvar etest-rm-todo-re "^ *\\(todo\\) \\.\\."
48 "Regexp that will match good test status.")
50 (defvar etest-rm-skip-re "^ *\\(skip\\) \\.\\."
51 "Regexp that will match good test status.")
53 (defvar etest-status-re
54 (concat "\\(" etest-rm-not-ok-re
55 "\\|" etest-rm-ok-re
56 "\\|" etest-rm-todo-re
57 "\\|" etest-rm-skip-re "\\)")
58 "Regexp that will match a test status.")
60 (defvar etest-meta-info-re
61 (concat "[[:blank:]]"
62 (regexp-opt '("total"
63 "pass"
64 "fail"
65 "started"
66 "finished") t)
67 "..\\{2,\\}[[:blank:]]+\\(.+\\)$")
68 "Regexp that will match the stats at the bottom of the buffer.")
70 (defvar etest-rm-map
71 (let ((m (make-keymap)))
72 (define-key m (kbd "q") 'bury-buffer)
73 (define-key m (kbd "#") 'etest-rm-cycle-comments)
74 (define-key m (kbd "TAB") 'etest-rm-toggle-headline)
75 (define-key m (kbd "<tab>") 'etest-rm-toggle-headline)
76 m))
78 (defvar etest-rm-comment-visibility-types
79 '(show-all show-not-ok show-ok show-none))
81 (defvar etest-rm-comment-visibility-map
82 '((show-all etest-rm-show-all-comments)
83 (show-not-ok etest-rm-hide-ok-comments)
84 (show-ok etest-rm-hide-not-ok-comments)
85 (show-none etest-rm-hide-all-comments))
86 "Defines how the result buffer should look when the user is
87 toggling visibility states.")
89 (defgroup etest nil
90 "Emacs Testing Framework"
91 :group 'lisp)
93 (defun etest-rm-count-string-at-bol (string)
94 "Count how many instances of STRING are at the start of the
95 current line."
96 (save-excursion
97 (goto-char (point-at-bol))
98 (narrow-to-region (point) (point-at-eol))
99 (let ((count 0))
100 (while (looking-at string)
101 (forward-char)
102 (setq count (1+ count)))
103 (widen)
104 count)))
106 (defun etest-rm-outline-level ()
107 "Calculate what the current outline level should be. See
108 `ouline-level' for explination."
109 ;; we add one becuase there is an extra space before a status
110 (1+ (if (looking-at etest-status-re)
111 (etest-rm-count-string-at-bol " ")
112 (etest-rm-count-string-at-bol "*"))))
114 ;;;###autoload
115 (defun etest-result-mode (&optional results meta-info)
116 "Mode used to display test results."
117 (interactive)
118 (kill-all-local-variables)
119 (setq buffer-read-only t)
120 (outline-minor-mode)
121 (set (make-local-variable 'outline-regexp)
122 (concat "\\(\\*\\|"
123 etest-status-re "\\|"
124 etest-meta-info-re "\\)"))
125 (set (make-local-variable 'outline-level)
126 'etest-rm-outline-level)
127 (set (make-local-variable 'current-results) results)
128 (set (make-local-variable 'current-meta-info) meta-info)
129 (setq major-mode 'etest-result-mode)
130 (setq mode-name "etest-result")
131 (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
132 '(etest-rm-font-lock-keywords t t))
133 (use-local-map etest-rm-map)
134 (funcall (cadr (assoc (car etest-rm-comment-visibility-types)
135 etest-rm-comment-visibility-map))))
137 (defun etest-rm-pretty-print-status (result level)
138 "The pretty printing of a single test result. "
139 (let ((returned (plist-get result :result)))
140 (let* ((doc (plist-get result :doc))
141 (comments (plist-get result :comments))
142 (prefix (if returned
143 (cond
144 ((plist-get result :skip) "skip")
145 ((plist-get result :todo) "todo")
146 (t "ok"))
147 "not ok")))
148 (insert (concat " " prefix " "))
149 (insert-char ?\. (- 18 (length prefix) level))
150 (insert ".. ")
151 (let ((col (current-column)))
152 (insert (concat doc "\n"))
153 (when comments
154 (mapc
155 (lambda (comment)
156 (indent-to col)
157 (insert (concat "# " comment "\n")))
158 (split-string comments "\n" t)))))))
160 (defun etest-rm-pretty-print-results (results &optional level)
161 "Pretty print the results of a run to a buffer. See also
162 `etest-rm-pretty-print-status'."
163 (let ((level (or level 0))
164 (res (car results)))
165 (cond
166 ((stringp res)
167 (insert-char ?\* (1+ level))
168 (insert (concat " " res "\n"))
169 (setq level (1+ level)))
170 ((etest-resultp res)
171 (indent-to level)
172 (etest-rm-pretty-print-status res level))
173 ((listp res)
174 (etest-rm-pretty-print-results res level)))
175 (when (cdr results)
176 (etest-rm-pretty-print-results (cdr results) level))))
178 (defun etest-rm-pretty-print-meta-info (meta-info)
179 "Insert a few details about the pass rate."
180 (let* ((pass (float (plist-get meta-info :pass)))
181 (fail (float (plist-get meta-info :fail)))
182 (total (+ pass fail))
183 (start (plist-get meta-info :timestart))
184 (finish (plist-get meta-info :timefinish)))
185 (insert (format (concat "\n total ..... %d\n"
186 " pass ...... %-3d (%3d%%)\n"
187 " fail ...... %-3d (%3d%%)")
188 total
189 pass
190 (* (/ pass total) 100)
191 fail
192 (* (/ fail total) 100)))
193 (insert (format (concat "\n started ... %s\n"
194 " finished .. %s (%f seconds)\n")
195 (current-time-string start)
196 (current-time-string finish)
197 (- (float-time finish) (float-time start))))))
200 (defun etest-rm-refresh-buffer (results &optional meta-info)
201 "Refresh the results buffer using the cached test results."
202 (save-selected-window
203 (switch-to-buffer-other-window (get-buffer-create "*etest*"))
204 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
205 (erase-buffer)
206 (etest-rm-pretty-print-results results 0)
207 (when meta-info
208 (etest-rm-pretty-print-meta-info meta-info))
209 (etest-result-mode results meta-info)
210 (goto-char (point-min))
211 (when (search-forward-regexp etest-rm-not-ok-re nil t)
212 (goto-char (point-at-bol)))))
214 (defconst etest-rm-not-ok-face 'etest-rm-not-ok-face)
215 (defface etest-rm-not-ok-face
216 '((default (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)))
217 "Face used for failing tests."
218 :group 'etest)
220 (defconst etest-rm-ok-face 'etest-rm-ok-face)
221 (defface etest-rm-ok-face
222 '((default (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
223 "Face used for passing tests."
224 :group 'etest)
226 (defconst etest-rm-comment-face 'etest-rm-comment-face)
227 (defface etest-rm-comment-face
228 '((default (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
229 "Face used for comments."
230 :group 'etes)
232 (defconst etest-rm-heading-face 'etest-rm-heading-face)
233 (defface etest-rm-heading-face
234 '((default (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
235 "Face used for headings."
236 :group 'etes)
238 (defconst etest-rm-font-lock-keywords
239 `((,etest-rm-ok-re 1 etest-rm-ok-face)
240 (,etest-rm-not-ok-re 1 etest-rm-not-ok-face)
241 (,etest-rm-todo-re 1 etest-rm-not-ok-face)
242 (,etest-rm-skip-re 1 etest-rm-not-ok-face)
243 (,etest-meta-info-re 1 etest-rm-heading-face)
244 ("^ *\\(#.+\\)" 1 etest-rm-comment-face)
245 ("^ *\\*+ \\(.+\\)" 1 etest-rm-heading-face)))
247 (defun etest-rm-toggle-headline ()
248 "Toggle the visibility of a test category."
249 (interactive)
250 (unless (looking-at outline-regexp)
251 (outline-previous-heading))
252 (if (get-char-property (point-at-eol) 'invisible)
253 (show-subtree)
254 (hide-subtree)))
256 ;;; comment toggling etc...
258 (defun etest-rm-cycle-comments ()
259 "Shift the values in `etest-rm-comment-visibility-types' and
260 use the `car' of that list to determine the visibility of
262 (interactive)
263 (setq etest-rm-comment-visibility-types
264 (concatenate 'list
265 (cdr etest-rm-comment-visibility-types)
266 (list (car etest-rm-comment-visibility-types))))
267 (etest-rm-refresh-buffer current-results current-meta-info)
268 (message (format "%S" (car etest-rm-comment-visibility-types))))
270 (defmacro etest-with-comments (&rest body)
271 "Eval BODY on each comment in the results buffer."
272 `(save-excursion
273 (goto-char (point-min))
274 (while (search-forward-regexp etest-status-re nil t)
275 (outline-previous-heading)
276 ,@body
277 (forward-line))))
279 (defun etest-rm-hide-not-ok-comments ()
280 "Hide all comments associated with a passing test in a result
281 buffer."
282 (interactive)
283 (etest-with-comments
284 (if (looking-at etest-rm-not-ok-re)
285 (hide-subtree)
286 (show-subtree))))
288 (defun etest-rm-hide-ok-comments ()
289 "Hide all comments associated with a passing test in a result
290 buffer."
291 (interactive)
292 (etest-with-comments
293 (if (looking-at etest-rm-ok-re)
294 (hide-subtree)
295 (show-subtree))))
297 (defun etest-rm-hide-all-comments ()
298 "Hide all comments in a result buffer."
299 (interactive)
300 (etest-with-comments
301 (hide-subtree)))
303 (defun etest-rm-show-all-comments ()
304 "Show all comments in a result buffer."
305 (interactive)
306 (etest-with-comments
307 (show-subtree)))
309 (provide 'etest-result-mode)