Added Digital Logic Simulator
[CS-101.git] / digital_logic_simulator.html
1 <html>
2 <title>Digital Logic Simulator</title>
3 <script>
5 var grid_status = 1; /* boolean status of stage grid lines */
6 var grid_size = 20; /* this is stored here for reference */
7 var canvas; /* object id of canvas tag */
8 var ctx; /* context of canvas */
9 var item_selected = "gate_and" /* only one type of object can be drawn at a time */
11 /* intial setup of page - must be called on page load */
12 function init_form()
14 /* initalize canvas element for use */
15 canvas = document.getElementById("stage");
16 ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
17 /* get width and height of window and set stage (canvas) with it. */
18 canvas.height = window.innerHeight-125;
19 canvas.width = window.innerWidth - 45;
20 if(grid_status) {draw_grid(); }
22 /* temporary */
23 draw_and_gate(0,0);
25 /* draw faint gridlines on stage - used as a guide for the user */
26 function draw_grid()
28 var x, y;
29 for(x = 0; x < window.innerWidth; x++)
35 function draw_and_gate(x,y)
37 //if(!x || !y) { alert("Coordinates Not Sent to Function"); return; }
38 ctx.beginPath();
39 //ctx.moveTo(75,50);
40 //ctx.lineTo(100,75);
41 //ctx.lineTo(100,25);
42 ctx.arc(75,75,35,0,Math.PI,false);
43 ctx.stroke();
46 /* user changes what type of gate will be drawn next */
47 function change_selection(sel)
49 var button = document.getElementById(sel);
50 if(!button) { alert("Cannot Find Selected Button"); return; }
51 /* enable old button */
52 document.getElementById(item_selected).disabled = false;
53 /* disable new button */
54 button.disabled = true;
55 /* set variable */
56 item_selected = sel;
59 </script>
61 <style type="text/css">
63 #stage {
64 border: solid 1px #000;
67 </style>
68 <body onLoad="init_form();">
70 <center><h2>Digital Logic Simulator</h2></center>
71 <center>
72 <button id="gate_and" onClick='change_selection("gate_and");' disabled >AND</button>
73 &nbsp;&nbsp;
74 <button id="gate_or" onClick='change_selection("gate_or");'>OR</button>
75 &nbsp;&nbsp;
76 <button id="gate_not" onClick='change_selection("gate_not");'>NOT</button>
77 &nbsp;&nbsp;
78 <button id="gate_nor" onClick='change_selection("gate_nor");'>NOR</button>
79 &nbsp;&nbsp;
80 <button id="gate_xor" onClick='change_selection("gate_xor");'>XOR</button>
81 &nbsp;&nbsp;
82 <button id="gate_connect" onClick='change_selection("gate_connect");'>Connect</button>
83 &nbsp;&nbsp;
84 </center>
86 <canvas id="stage" width="200" height="200">
87 Your browser does not support HTML5 Canvas.
88 </canvas>
91 </body>
92 </html>