!B (CE-20826) (Sandbox) Use highlight instead of aux to draw selection preview
[CRYENGINE.git] / Code / Sandbox / EditorQt / Objects / BrushObject.h
1 // Copyright 2001-2018 Crytek GmbH / Crytek Group. All rights reserved.
3 #pragma once
5 #include "Geometry/EdMesh.h"
6 #include "CollisionFilteringProperties.h"
8 #include <Objects/BaseObject.h>
10 class SANDBOX_API CBrushObject : public CBaseObject
12 public:
15 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16 // Overrides from CBaseObject.
17 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 bool Init(CBaseObject* prev, const string& file);
19 void Done();
20 void Display(CObjectRenderHelper& objRenderHelper);
21 const ColorB& GetSelectionPreviewHighlightColor() override;
22 bool CreateGameObject();
24 void GetLocalBounds(AABB& box);
26 bool HitTest(HitContext& hc);
27 int HitTestAxis(HitContext& hc);
29 virtual void SetSelected(bool bSelect);
30 virtual void SetMinSpec(uint32 nSpec, bool bSetChildren = true);
31 virtual IPhysicalEntity* GetCollisionEntity() const;
33 void CreateInspectorWidgets(CInspectorWidgetCreator& creator) override;
35 virtual float GetCreationOffsetFromTerrain() const override { return 0.f; }
37 void Serialize(CObjectArchive& ar);
38 XmlNodeRef Export(const string& levelPath, XmlNodeRef& xmlNode);
40 virtual void Validate();
41 virtual string GetAssetPath() const override;
42 virtual void GatherUsedResources(CUsedResources& resources);
43 virtual bool IsSimilarObject(CBaseObject* pObject);
44 virtual bool StartSubObjSelection(int elemType);
45 virtual void EndSubObjectSelection();
46 virtual void CalculateSubObjectSelectionReferenceFrame(SubObjectSelectionReferenceFrameCalculator* pCalculator);
48 virtual CEdGeometry* GetGeometry();
49 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
51 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
52 virtual IStatObj* GetIStatObj();
53 uint64 GetRenderFlags() const { return m_renderFlags; }
54 IRenderNode* GetEngineNode() const { return m_pRenderNode; }
55 float GetRatioLod() const { return mv_ratioLOD; }
56 float GetRatioViewDist() const { return mv_ratioViewDist; }
57 const string& GetGeometryFile() const { return mv_geometryFile; }
58 void SetGeometryFile(const string& geometryFile);
60 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
61 // Material
62 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
63 virtual void SetMaterial(IEditorMaterial* mtl);
64 virtual IEditorMaterial* GetRenderMaterial() const;
65 virtual void SetMaterialLayersMask(uint32 nLayersMask);
67 virtual void InvalidateGeometryFile(const string& gamePath) override;
69 bool ApplyIndirLighting() const { return false; }
71 void SaveToCGF();
72 void ReloadGeometry();
74 bool IncludeForGI();
76 void CreateBrushFromMesh(const char* meshFilname);
78 void GetVerticesInWorld(std::vector<Vec3>& vertices) const;
80 protected:
81 //! Dtor must be protected.
82 CBrushObject();
83 void FreeGameData();
85 virtual void UpdateVisibility(bool visible);
87 //! Convert ray given in world coordinates to the ray in local brush coordinates.
88 void WorldToLocalRay(Vec3& raySrc, Vec3& rayDir);
90 bool ConvertFromObject(CBaseObject* object);
91 void DeleteThis() { delete this; }
92 void InvalidateTM(int nWhyFlags);
93 void OnEvent(ObjectEvent event);
95 void UpdateEngineNode(bool bOnlyTransform = false);
97 void OnFileChange(string filename);
99 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100 // Local callbacks.
101 void OnGeometryChange(IVariable* var);
102 void OnRenderVarChange(IVariable* var);
103 void OnAIRadiusVarChange(IVariable* var);
104 void OnExludeFromNavigationVarChange(IVariable* var);
105 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
107 virtual string GetMouseOverStatisticsText() const;
109 virtual void UpdateHighlightPassState(bool bSelected, bool bHighlighted);
111 AABB m_bbox;
112 Matrix34 m_invertTM;
114 //! Engine node.
115 //! Node that registered in engine and used to render brush prefab
116 IRenderNode* m_pRenderNode;
117 _smart_ptr<CEdMesh> m_pGeometry;
118 bool m_bNotSharedGeom;
120 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
121 // Brush parameters.
122 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
123 CVariable<string> mv_geometryFile;
125 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
126 // Brush rendering parameters.
127 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 CCollisionFilteringProperties m_collisionFiltering;
130 CVariable<bool> mv_outdoor;
131 CVariable<bool> mv_castShadowMaps;
132 CSmartVariable<bool> mv_giMode;
133 CVariable<bool> mv_dynamicDistanceShadows;
134 CVariable<bool> mv_rainOccluder;
135 CVariable<bool> mv_registerByBBox;
136 CVariableEnum<int> mv_hideable;
137 CVariable<int> mv_ratioLOD;
138 CVariable<int> mv_ratioViewDist;
139 CVariable<bool> mv_excludeFromTriangulation;
140 CVariable<bool> mv_noDynWater;
141 CVariable<float> mv_aiRadius;
142 CVariable<bool> mv_noDecals;
143 CVariable<bool> mv_recvWind;
144 CVariable<bool> mv_Occluder;
145 CVariable<bool> mv_drawLast;
146 CVariable<int> mv_shadowLodBias;
147 CVariable<bool> mv_ignoreTerrainLayerBlend;
148 CVariable<bool> mv_ignoreDecalBlend;
150 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
151 // Rendering flags.
152 uint64 m_renderFlags;
154 bool m_bIgnoreNodeUpdate;
155 bool m_RePhysicalizeOnVisible;
157 private:
158 // Brushes need to explicitly notify the NavMesh of their old AABB *before* it gets changed by transformation, because
159 // scaling and rotation will re-physicalize the brush, and then the old AABB doesn't exist anymore and the physics system
160 // will report the "wrong" old AABB to the NavMesh. In fact, what gets reported then is the new AABB, but in local space, and
161 // that would cause the NavMesh to regenerate only a part of the affected area.
162 virtual bool ShouldNotifyOfUpcomingAABBChanges() const override { return true; }
164 // Initialize brush parameters from properties of the current geometry, if any.
165 void ApplyStatObjProperties();
169 * Class Description of CBrushObject.
171 class CBrushObjectClassDesc : public CObjectClassDesc
173 public:
174 ObjectType GetObjectType() { return OBJTYPE_BRUSH; }
175 const char* ClassName() { return "Brush"; }
176 const char* Category() { return "Brush"; }
177 CRuntimeClass* GetRuntimeClass() { return RUNTIME_CLASS(CBrushObject); }
178 const char* GetFileSpec() { return "*.cgf"; }
179 virtual const char* GetDataFilesFilterString() override { return GetFileSpec(); }