Initial (dummy) arbiter.
[AtosmChip.git] / atari.v
1 // Atosm Chip
2 // Copyright (C) 2008 Tomasz Malesinski <>
3 //
4 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 `include "cpu6502.v"
19 `include "memory.v"
20 `include "antic.v"
22 // Clock:
23 // clk2: 01010101
24 // clk: 00110011
26 module atari(clk_i, clk2_i, rst_i);
27 input clk_i;
28 input clk2_i;
29 input rst_i;
31 wire clk_i;
32 wire clk2_i;
33 wire rst_i;
35 // Common interconnect signals.
36 reg [15:0] adr;
37 reg [7:0] slavedat_o;
38 reg [7:0] masterdat_o;
39 reg stb;
40 reg we;
41 wire ack;
42 wire cyc;
44 // Masters outputs.
45 wire [15:0] cpuadr_o, anticadr_o;
46 wire [7:0] cpudat_o;
47 wire cpustb_o, anticstb_o;
48 wire cpuwe_o;
49 wire cpucyc_o, anticcyc_o;
51 // Outputs from address decoder.
52 reg ramsel, romsel;
53 reg anticsel, gtiasel, pokeysel, piasel;
55 // Outputs from arbiter.
56 wire cpugnt, anticgnt;
58 // Slaves STB_I signals.
59 wire ramstb, romstb;
60 wire anticstb, gtiastb, pokeystb, piastb;
62 // Slaves DAT_O signals.
63 wire [7:0] ramdat_o, romdat_o;
64 wire [7:0] anticdat_o, gtiadat_o, pokeydat_o, piadat_o;
66 // Slaves ACK_O signals.
67 wire ramack_o, romack_o;
68 wire anticack_o, gtiaack_o, pokeyack_o, piaack_o;
70 // Arbiter.
71 assign cpugnt = 1;
72 assign anticgnt = 0;
73 assign cyc = cpucyc_o | anticcyc_o;
75 // Masters outputs multiplexer.
76 always @ (cpuadr_o or cpudat_o or cpuwe_o or cpustb_o or
77 anticadr_o or anticstb_o or
78 cpugnt or anticgnt) begin
79 if (anticgnt) begin
80 adr = anticadr_o;
81 masterdat_o = 0;
82 we = 0;
83 stb = anticstb_o;
84 end else begin
85 adr = cpuadr_o;
86 masterdat_o = cpudat_o;
87 we = cpuwe_o;
88 stb = cpustb_o;
89 end
90 end
92 // Address decoder.
93 always @ (adr) begin
94 ramsel = 0;
95 romsel = 0;
96 anticsel = 0;
97 gtiasel = 0;
98 pokeysel = 0;
99 anticsel = 0;
100 if (adr < 'h4000)
101 ramsel = 1;
102 else if (adr[15:8] == 'hd0)
103 gtiasel = 1;
104 else if (adr[15:8] == 'hd2)
105 pokeysel = 1;
106 else if (adr[15:8] == 'hd3)
107 piasel = 1;
108 else if (adr[15:8] == 'hd4)
109 anticsel = 1;
110 else if (adr >= 'hc000)
111 romsel = 1;
114 // Slaves STB_I.
115 assign ramstb = ramsel & cyc & stb;
116 assign romstb = romsel & cyc & stb;
117 assign anticstb = anticsel & cyc & stb;
118 assign gtiastb = gtiasel & cyc & stb;
119 assign pokeystb = pokeysel & cyc & stb;
120 assign piastb = piasel & cyc & stb;
122 // Or'd slaves ACK_O.
123 assign ack = ramack_o | romack_o | anticack_o | gtiaack_o |
124 pokeyack_o | piaack_o;
126 // Slaves DAT_O multiplexer.
127 always @ (ramsel or ramdat_o or
128 romsel or romdat_o or
129 anticsel or anticdat_o or
130 gtiasel or gtiadat_o or
131 pokeysel or pokeydat_o or
132 piasel or piadat_o)
133 if (ramsel)
134 slavedat_o = ramdat_o;
135 else if (romsel)
136 slavedat_o = romdat_o;
137 else if (anticsel)
138 slavedat_o = anticdat_o;
139 else if (gtiasel)
140 slavedat_o = gtiadat_o;
141 else if (pokeysel)
142 slavedat_o = pokeydat_o;
143 else if (piasel)
144 slavedat_o = piadat_o;
145 else
146 slavedat_o = 'hff;
148 defparam u_ram.size = 'h4000;
149 defparam u_ram.adrbits = 14;
151 ram u_ram(.clk_i(clk_i),
152 .adr_i(adr[13:0]),
153 .dat_i(cpudat_o),
154 .rst_i(rst_i),
155 .stb_i(ramstb),
156 .we_i(we),
157 .ack_o(ramack_o),
158 .dat_o(ramdat_o));
160 defparam u_rom.size = 'h4000;
161 defparam u_rom.adrbits = 14;
163 rom u_rom(.clk_i(clk_i),
164 .adr_i(adr[13:0]),
165 .rst_i(rst_i),
166 .stb_i(romstb),
167 .ack_o(romack_o),
168 .dat_o(romdat_o));
170 cpu6502 u_cpu(.clk_i(clk_i),
171 .adr_o(cpuadr_o),
172 .dat_i(slavedat_o),
173 .rst_i(rst_i),
174 .stb_o(cpustb),
175 .we_o(cpuwe_o),
176 .ack_i(ack),
177 .dat_o(cpudat_o));
179 antic u_antic(.clk_i(clk_i),
180 .adr_i(adr[3:0]),
181 .adr_o(anticadr_o),
182 .dat_i(cpudat_o),
183 .rst_i(rst_i),
184 .stb_i(anticstb),
185 .we_i(we),
186 .ack_o(anticack_o),
187 .dat_o(anticdat_o),
188 .clk2_i(clk2_i));
190 endmodule