Search legacy packages for /usr/lib/lib*.so broken symlinks and fix
[0compile.git] /
1 # Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
2 # See
4 import sys, os, __main__, tempfile, shutil, subprocess
5 from xml.dom import minidom
7 from zeroinstall import SafeException
8 from zeroinstall.injector import arch, handler, policy, model, iface_cache, selections, namespaces, writer, reader
9 from zeroinstall.zerostore import manifest
10 from import tasks, basedir
12 from support import BuildEnv
14 # This is a bit hacky...
16 # We invent a new CPU type which is compatible with the host but worse than
17 # every existing type, and we use * for the OS type so that we don't beat 'Any'
18 # binaries either. This means that we always prefer an existing binary of the
19 # desired version to compiling a new one, but we'll compile a new version from source
20 # rather than use an older binary.
21 arch.machine_groups['newbuild'] = arch.machine_groups.get(arch._uname[-1], 0)
22 arch.machine_ranks['newbuild'] = max(arch.machine_ranks.values()) + 1
23 host_arch = '*-newbuild'
25 # 0launch 0.40 not released yet, so include a copy here
26 class VersionRestriction(model.Restriction):
27 """Only select implementations with a particular version number."""
29 def __init__(self, version):
30 """@param version: the required version number
31 @see: L{parse_version}; use this to pre-process the version number
32 """
33 self.version = version
35 def meets_restriction(self, impl):
36 return impl.version == self.version
38 def __str__(self):
39 return "(restriction: version = %s)" % model.format_version(self.version)
41 class AutocompileCache(iface_cache.IfaceCache):
42 def __init__(self):
43 iface_cache.IfaceCache.__init__(self)
44 self.done = set()
46 def get_interface(self, uri):
47 iface = iface_cache.IfaceCache.get_interface(self, uri)
48 if not iface: return None
49 feed = iface._main_feed
51 # Note: when a feed is updated, a new ZeroInstallFeed object is created,
52 # so record whether we've seen the feed, not the interface.
54 if feed not in self.done:
55 self.done.add(feed)
57 # For each source impl, add a corresponding binary
58 # (the binary has no dependencies as we can't predict them here,
59 # but they're not the same as the source's dependencies)
61 srcs = [x for x in feed.implementations.itervalues() if x.arch and x.arch.endswith('-src')]
62 for x in srcs:
63 new_id = '0compile=' +
64 if not new_id in feed.implementations:
65 new = feed._get_impl(new_id)
66 new.set_arch(host_arch)
67 new.version = x.version
69 return iface
71 policy.iface_cache = AutocompileCache()
73 def pretty_print_plan(solver, root, indent = '- '):
74 """Display a tree showing the selected implementations."""
75 iface = solver.iface_cache.get_interface(root)
76 impl = solver.selections[iface]
77 if impl is None:
78 msg = 'Failed to select any suitable version (source or binary)'
79 elif'0compile='):
80 real_impl_id ='=', 1)[1]
81 real_impl = impl.feed.implementations[real_impl_id]
82 msg = 'Compile %s (%s)' % (real_impl.get_version(),
83 elif impl.arch and impl.arch.endswith('-src'):
84 msg = 'Compile %s (%s)' % (impl.get_version(),
85 else:
86 if impl.arch:
87 msg = 'Use existing binary %s (%s)' % (impl.get_version(), impl.arch)
88 else:
89 msg = 'Use existing architecture-independent package %s' % impl.get_version()
90 print "%s%s: %s" % (indent, iface.get_name(), msg)
92 if impl:
93 indent = ' ' + indent
94 for x in impl.requires:
95 pretty_print_plan(solver, x.interface, indent)
97 def print_details(solver):
98 """Dump debugging details."""
99 print "\nDetails of all components and versions considered:"
100 for iface in solver.details:
101 print '\n%s\n' % iface.get_name()
102 for impl, note in solver.details[iface]:
103 print '%s (%s) : %s' % (impl.get_version(), impl.arch or '*-*', note or 'OK')
104 print "\nEnd details"
106 def compile_and_register(policy):
107 local_feed_dir = basedir.save_config_path('', '0compile', 'builds', model._pretty_escape(policy.root))
108 s = selections.Selections(policy)
110 buildenv = BuildEnv(need_config = False)
111 buildenv.config.set('compile', 'interface', policy.root)
112 buildenv.config.set('compile', 'selections', 'selections.xml')
114 version = s.selections[policy.root].version
115 local_feed = os.path.join(local_feed_dir, '%s-%s-%s.xml' % (buildenv.iface_name, version, arch._uname[-1]))
116 if os.path.exists(local_feed):
117 raise SafeException("Build metadata file '%s' already exists!" % local_feed)
119 tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = '0compile-')
120 try:
121 os.chdir(tmpdir)
123 # Write configuration for build...
127 sel_file = open('selections.xml', 'w')
128 try:
129 doc = s.toDOM()
130 doc.writexml(sel_file)
131 sel_file.write('\n')
132 finally:
133 sel_file.close()
135 # Do the build...
137 subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, sys.argv[0], 'build'])
139 # Register the result...
141 alg = manifest.get_algorithm('sha1new')
142 digest = alg.new_digest()
143 lines = []
144 for line in alg.generate_manifest(buildenv.distdir):
145 line += '\n'
146 digest.update(line)
147 lines.append(line)
148 actual_digest = alg.getID(digest)
150 local_feed_file = file(local_feed, 'w')
151 try:
152 dom = minidom.parse(buildenv.local_iface_file)
153 impl, = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaces.XMLNS_IFACE, 'implementation')
154 impl.setAttribute('id', actual_digest)
155 dom.writexml(local_feed_file)
156 local_feed_file.write('\n')
157 finally:
158 local_feed_file.close()
160 print "Implementation metadata written to %s" % local_feed
162 print "Storing build in cache..."
163 policy.solver.iface_cache.stores.add_dir_to_cache(actual_digest, buildenv.distdir)
165 print "Registering feed..."
166 iface = policy.solver.iface_cache.get_interface(policy.root)
167 feed = iface.get_feed(local_feed)
168 if feed:
169 print "WARNING: feed %s already registered!" % local_feed
170 else:
171 iface.extra_feeds.append(model.Feed(local_feed, impl.getAttribute('arch'), user_override = True))
172 writer.save_interface(iface)
174 # We might have cached an old version
175 new_feed = policy.solver.iface_cache.get_interface(local_feed)
176 reader.update_from_cache(new_feed)
177 except:
178 print "\nBuild failed: leaving build directory %s for inspection...\n" % tmpdir
179 raise
180 else:
181 shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
183 def do_autocompile(args):
184 """autocompile URI"""
185 if len(args) != 1:
186 raise __main__.UsageError()
187 iface_uri = model.canonical_iface_uri(args[0])
189 h = handler.Handler()
191 @tasks.async
192 def recursive_build(iface_uri, version = None):
193 p = policy.Policy(iface_uri, handler = h, src = True)
194 iface = p.solver.iface_cache.get_interface(iface_uri)
195 p.solver.record_details = True
196 if version:
197 p.solver.extra_restrictions[iface] = [VersionRestriction(model.parse_version(version))]
199 # For testing...
200 #p.target_arch = arch.Architecture(os_ranks = {'FreeBSD': 0, None: 1}, machine_ranks = {'i386': 0, None: 1, 'newbuild': 2})
202 print (' %s ' % iface_uri).center(76, '=')
204 while True:
205 print "\nSelecting versions for %s..." % iface.get_name()
206 solved = p.solve_with_downloads()
207 if solved:
208 yield solved
209 tasks.check(solved)
211 if not p.solver.ready:
212 print_details(p.solver)
213 raise SafeException("Can't find all required implementations (source or binary):\n" +
214 '\n'.join(["- %s -> %s" % (iface, p.solver.selections[iface])
215 for iface in p.solver.selections]))
216 print "Selection done."
218 print "\nPlan:\n"
219 pretty_print_plan(p.solver, p.root)
220 print
222 for dep_iface, dep_impl in p.solver.selections.iteritems():
223 if'0compile='):
224 build = recursive_build(dep_iface.uri, dep_impl.get_version())
225 yield build
226 tasks.check(build)
227 break # Try again with that dependency built...
228 else:
229 print "No dependencies need compiling... compile %s itself..." % iface.get_name()
230 compile_and_register(p)
231 return
233 h.wait_for_blocker(recursive_build(iface_uri))
235 __main__.commands += [do_autocompile]