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5 <title>ZS3 - Amazon S3 and CloudFront from Common Lisp</title>
6 </head>
7 <body>
9 <div id='content'>
10 <h2>ZS3 - Amazon S3 and CloudFront from Common Lisp</h2>
12 <p>ZS3 is a Common Lisp library for working with
13 Amazon's <a href="">Simple Storage
14 Service</a> (S3)
15 and <a href="">CloudFront content
16 delivery service</a>. It is available under a BSD-style license;
17 see <a href='LICENSE'>LICENSE</a> for details. Development of ZS3
18 is hosted <a href="">on GitHub</a>.
20 The latest version is 1.2.11, released on June 22nd, 2016.
22 <p>Download shortcut: <a href=''></a>
24 <h2>Contents</h2>
26 <ul>
27 <li> <a href='#installation'>Installation</a>
28 <li> <a href='#overview'>Overview</a>
29 <li> <a href='#example'>Example Use</a>
30 <li> <a href='#limitations'>Limitations</a>
31 <li> <a href='#dictionary'>The ZS3 Dictionary</a>
32 <ul>
33 <li> <a href='#credentials'>Credentials</a>
34 <li> <a href='#bucket-ops'>Operations on Buckets</a>
35 <li> <a href='#querying-buckets'>Querying Buckets</a>
36 <li> <a href='#object-ops'>Operations on Objects</a>
37 <li> <a href='#access-control'>Access Control</a>
38 <li> <a href='#access-logging'>Access Logging</a>
39 <li> <a href='#misc'>Miscellaneous Operations</a>
40 <li> <a href='#utility'>Utility Functions</a>
41 <li> <a href='#cloudfront'>CloudFront</a>
42 </ul>
43 <li> <a href='#references'>References</a>
44 <li> <a href='#acknowledgements'>Acknowledgements</a>
45 <li> <a href='#feedback'>Feedback</a>
46 </ul>
48 <a name='installation'><h2>Installation</h2></a>
50 <p>ZS3 depends on the following libraries:
52 <ul>
53 <li> <a href="">Closure XML</a>
54 <li> <a href="">Drakma</a> <b>1.0.0 or newer</b>
55 <li> <a href="">Ironclad</a>
56 <li> <a href="">cl-base64</a>
57 <li> <a href="">Puri</a>
58 </ul>
60 <p>The easiest way to install ZS3 and all its required libraries is
61 with <A href="">Quicklisp</a>. After
62 Quicklisp is installed, the following will fetch and load ZS3:
64 <pre>
65 (ql:quickload "zs3")
66 </pre>
68 <p>For more information about incorporating ASDF-using libraries like
69 ZS3 into your own projects,
70 see <a href="">this short
71 tutorial</a>.
74 <a name='overview'><h2>Overview</h2></a>
76 <p>ZS3 provides an interface to two separate, but related, Amazon
77 services: <a href="">S3</a>
78 and <a href="">CloudFront</a>
80 <p>Using Amazon S3 involves working with two kinds of resources:
81 buckets and objects.
83 <p>Buckets are containers, and are used to organize and manage
84 objects. Buckets are identified by their name, which must be unique
85 across all of S3. A user may have up to 100 buckets in S3.
87 <p>Objects are stored within buckets. Objects consist of arbitrary
88 binary data, from 1 byte to 5 gigabytes. They are identified by a
89 key, which must be unique within a bucket. Objects can also have
90 associated S3-specific metadata and HTTP metadata.
92 <p>For full documentation of the Amazon S3 system, see
93 the <a href="">Amazon
94 S3 Documentation</a>. ZS3 uses the REST
95 interface for all its operations.
97 <p>Using Amazon CloudFront involves working with
98 distributions. Distributions are objects that associate an S3
99 bucket with primary hostname and zero or more
100 arbitrary CNAMEs. S3 objects requested through a CloudFront
101 distribution are distributed to and cached in multiple locations
102 throughout the world, reducing latency and improving throughput,
103 compared to direct S3 requests.
105 <p>For full documentation of the Amazon CloudFront system, see the
106 <a href="">Amazon
107 CloudFront Documentation</a>.
109 <p>For help with using ZS3, please see
110 the <a href="">zs3-devel</a>
111 mailing list.
113 <a name='example'><h2>Example Use</h2></a>
116 <pre class='code'>
117 * <b>(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op '#:zs3)</b>
118 => <i>lots of stuff</i>
120 * <b>(defpackage #:demo (:use #:cl #:zs3))</b>
121 => #&lt;PACKAGE "DEMO"&gt;
123 * <b>(in-package #:demo)</b>
124 => #&lt;PACKAGE "DEMO"&gt;
126 * <b>(setf <a href='#*credentials*'>*credentials*</a> (<a href='#file-credentials'>file-credentials</a> "~/.aws"))</b>
127 => #&lt;FILE-CREDENTIALS {100482AF91}>
129 * <b>(<a href='#bucket-exists-p'>bucket-exists-p</a> "zs3-demo")</b>
130 => NIL
132 * <b>(<a href='#create-bucket'>create-bucket</a> "zs3-demo")</b>
133 => #&lt;RESPONSE 200 "OK" {10040D3281}>
135 * <b>(<a href='#put-vector'>put-vector</a> (<a href='#octet-vector'>octet-vector</a> 8 6 7 5 3 0 9 ) "zs3-demo" "jenny")</b>
136 => #&lt;RESPONSE 200 "OK" {10033EC2E1}>
138 * <b>(create-bucket "zs3 demo")</b>
139 Error:
140 InvalidBucketName: The specified bucket is not valid.
141 For more information, see:
142 <a href=""></a>
143 [Condition of type INVALID-BUCKET-NAME]
145 * <b>(<a href='#copy-object'>copy-object</a> :from-bucket "zs3-demo" :from-key "jenny" :to-key "j2")</b>
146 => #&lt;RESPONSE 200 "OK" {10040E3EA1}>
148 * <b>(<a href='#get-vector'>get-vector</a> "zs3-demo" "j2")</b>
149 => #(8 6 7 5 3 0 9),
150 ((:X-AMZ-ID-2 . "Huwo...")
151 (:X-AMZ-REQUEST-ID . "304...")
152 (:DATE . "Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:01:03 GMT")
153 (:LAST-MODIFIED . "Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:57:31 GMT")
154 (:ETAG . "\"f9e71fe2c41a10c0a78218e98a025520\"")
155 (:CONTENT-TYPE . "binary/octet-stream")
156 (:CONTENT-LENGTH . "7")
157 (:CONNECTION . "close")
158 (:SERVER . "AmazonS3"))
160 * <b>(<a href='#put-string'>put-string</a> "N&auml;men" "zs3-demo" "bork")</b>
161 => #&lt;RESPONSE 200 "OK" {10047A3791}>
163 * <b>(values (get-vector "zs3-demo" "bork"))</b>
164 => #(78 195 164 109 101 110)
166 * <b>(values (<a href='#get-file'>get-file</a> "zs3-demo" "bork" "bork.txt"))</b>
167 => #P"bork.txt"
169 * <b>(setf *distribution* (<a href='#create-distribution'>create-distribution</a> "zs3-demo" :cnames "")</b>
170 => #&lt;DISTRIBUTION X2S94L4KLZK5G0 for "" [InProgress]>
172 * <b>(progn (sleep 180) (<a href='#refresh'>refresh</a> *distribution*))</b>
173 => #&lt;DISTRIBUTION X2S94L4KLZK5G0 for "" [Deployed]>
175 * <b>(<a href='#domain-name'>domain-name</a> *distribution*)</b>
176 => ""
178 * <b>(<a href='#cnames'>cnames</a> *distribution*)</b>
179 => ("")
181 * <b>(put-string "Hello, world" "zs3-demo" "cloudfront" :public t)</b>
182 #&lt;RESPONSE 200 "OK" {10042689F1}>
184 * <b>(drakma:http-request "")</b>
185 "Hello, world"
187 ((:X-AMZ-ID-2 . "NMc3IY3NzHGGEvV/KlzPgZMyDfPVT+ITtHo47Alqg00MboTxSX2f5XJzVTErfuHr")
188 (:X-AMZ-REQUEST-ID . "52B050DC18638A00")
189 (:DATE . "Thu, 05 Mar 2009 16:24:25 GMT")
190 (:LAST-MODIFIED . "Thu, 05 Mar 2009 16:24:10 GMT")
191 (:ETAG . "\"bc6e6f16b8a077ef5fbc8d59d0b931b9\"")
192 (:CONTENT-TYPE . "text/plain")
193 (:CONTENT-LENGTH . "12")
194 (:SERVER . "AmazonS3")
195 (:X-CACHE . "Miss from cloudfront")
196 (:VIA . "1.0")
197 (:CONNECTION . "close"))
198 #&lt;PURI:URI>
201 "OK"
203 * <b>(drakma:http-request "")</b>
204 "Hello, world"
206 ((:X-AMZ-ID-2 . "NMc3IY3NzHGGEvV/KlzPgZMyDfPVT+ITtHo47Alqg00MboTxSX2f5XJzVTErfuHr")
207 (:X-AMZ-REQUEST-ID . "52B050DC18638A00")
208 (:DATE . "Thu, 05 Mar 2009 16:24:25 GMT")
209 (:LAST-MODIFIED . "Thu, 05 Mar 2009 16:24:10 GMT")
210 (:ETAG . "\"bc6e6f16b8a077ef5fbc8d59d0b931b9\"")
211 (:CONTENT-TYPE . "text/plain")
212 (:CONTENT-LENGTH . "12")
213 (:SERVER . "AmazonS3")
214 (:AGE . "311")
215 (:X-CACHE . "Hit from cloudfront")
216 (:VIA . "1.0")
217 (:CONNECTION . "close"))
218 #&lt;PURI:URI>
219 #&lt;FLEXI-STREAMS:FLEXI-IO-STREAM {100360A781}>
221 "OK"
223 </pre>
226 <a name='limitations'><h2>Limitations</h2></a>
228 <p>ZS3 supports many of the features of Amazon's S3 REST
229 interface. Some features are unsupported or incompletely supported:
231 <ul>
232 <li> No direct support
233 for <a href="">Amazon
234 DevPay</a>
236 <li> No support for checking the 100-Continue response to avoid
237 unnecessary large requests; this will hopefully be fixed with a
238 future <a href=''>Drakma</a> release
240 <li> If a character in a key is encoded with multiple bytes in
241 UTF-8, a bad interaction
242 between <a href="">PURI</a> and Amazon's web
243 servers will trigger a validation error.
245 </ul>
247 <a name='dictionary'><h2>The ZS3 Dictionary</h2></a>
249 <p>The following sections document the symbols that are exported from
250 ZS3.
253 <a name='credentials'><h3>Credentials</h3></a>
257 <div class='item'>
258 <div class='type'><a name='*credentials*'>[Special variable]</a></div>
259 <div class='signature'>
260 <code class='name'>*credentials*</code>
261 </div>
263 <blockquote class='description'>
264 <p><code>*CREDENTIALS*</code> is the source of the Amazon Access
265 Key and Secret Key for authenticated requests. Any object that has
266 methods for the <a href='#access-key'><tt>ACCESS-KEY</tt></a>
267 and <a href='#secret-key'><tt>SECRET-KEY</tt></a> generic
268 functions may be used.
270 <p>If <code>*CREDENTIALS*</code> is a cons, it is treated as a
271 list, and the first element of the list is taken as the access
272 key and the second element of the list is taken as the secret
273 key.
275 <p>The default value of <code>*CREDENTIALS*</code> is NIL, which
276 will signal an error. You must set <code>*CREDENTIALS*</code> to
277 something that follows the credentials generic function protocol
278 to use ZS3.
280 <p>All ZS3 functions that involve authenticated requests take an
281 optional <code class='kw'>:CREDENTIALS</code> keyword
282 parameter. This parameter is bound to <code>*CREDENTIALS*</code>
283 for the duration of the function call.
285 <p>The following illustrates how to implement a credentials object
286 that gets the access and secret key from external environment
287 variables.
289 <pre class='code'>
290 (defclass environment-credentials () ())
292 (defmethod access-key ((credentials environment-credentials))
293 (declare (ignore credentials))
294 (getenv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY"))
296 (defmethod secret-key ((credentials environment-credentials))
297 (declare (ignore credentials))
298 (getenv "AWS_SECRET_KEY"))
300 (setf *credentials* (make-instance 'environment-credentials))
301 </pre>
302 </blockquote>
303 </div>
306 <div class='item'>
307 <div class='type'><a name='access-key'>[Generic function]</a></div>
308 <div class='signature'>
309 <code class='name'>access-key</code>
310 <span class='args'>
311 <var>credentials</var>
312 </span>
313 <span class='result'>=> <var>access-key-string</var></span>
314 </div>
316 <blockquote class='description'>
317 <p>Returns the access key for <var>credentials</var>.
318 </blockquote>
319 </div>
322 <div class='item'>
323 <div class='type'><a name='security-token'>[Function]</a></div>
324 <div class='signature'>
325 <code class='name'>security-token</code>
326 <span class='args'>
327 <var>credentials</var>
328 </span>
329 <span class='result'>=> <var>security-token-string</var></span>
330 </div>
332 <blockquote class='description'>
333 <p>Returns the security token string for <var>credentials</var>,
334 or NIL if there is no associated security token.</p>
335 </blockquote>
336 </div>
339 <div class='item'>
340 <div class='type'><a name='secret-key'>[Generic function]</a></div>
341 <div class='signature'>
342 <code class='name'>secret-key</code>
343 <span class='args'>
344 <var>credentials</var>
345 </span>
346 <span class='result'>=> <var>secret-key-string</var></span>
347 </div>
349 <blockquote class='description'>
350 <p>Returns the secret key for <var>credentials</var>.
351 </blockquote>
352 </div>
354 <div class='item'>
355 <div class='type'><a name='file-credentials'>[Function]</a></div>
356 <div class='signature'>
357 <code class='name'>file-credentials</code>
358 <span class='args'>
359 <var>pathname</var>
360 </span>
361 <span class='result'>=> <var>credentials</var></span>
362 </div>
364 <blockquote class='description'>
365 <p>Loads credentials on demand from <var>pathname</var>. The file
366 named by <var>pathname</var> should be a text file with the
367 access key on the first line and the secret key on the second
368 line.
370 <p>It can be used like so:
372 <pre class='code'>
373 (setf *credentials* (file-credentials "/etc/s3.conf"))
374 </pre>
375 </blockquote>
376 </div>
380 <a name='bucket-ops'><h3>Operations on Buckets</h3></a>
382 <p>With ZS3, you can put, get, copy, and delete buckets. You can also
383 get information about the bucket.
385 <div class='item'>
386 <div class='type'><a name='all-buckets'>[Function]</a></div>
387 <div class='signature'>
388 <code class='name'>all-buckets</code>
389 <span class='args'>
390 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code> <var>credentials</var>
391 </span>
392 <span class='result'>=> <var>bucket-vector</var></span>
393 </div>
395 <blockquote class='description'>
396 <p>Returns a vector of all bucket objects. Bucket object
397 attributes are accessible via <a href='#name'><tt>NAME</tt></a>
398 and <a href='#creation-date'><tt>CREATION-DATE</tt></a>.
399 </blockquote>
400 </div>
402 <div class='item'>
403 <div class='type'><a name='creation-date'>[Function]</a></div>
404 <div class='signature'>
405 <code class='name'>creation-date</code>
406 <span class='args'>
407 <var>bucket-object</var>
408 </span>
409 <span class='result'>=> <var>creation-universal-time</var></span>
410 </div>
412 <blockquote class='description'>
413 <p>Returns the creation date of <var>bucket-object</var>, which
414 must be a bucket object, as a universal time.
415 </blockquote>
416 </div>
419 <div class='item'>
420 <div class='type'><a name='name'>[Function]</a></div>
421 <div class='signature'>
422 <code class='name'>name</code>
423 <span class='args'>
424 <var>object</var>
425 </span>
426 <span class='result'>=> <var>name-string</var></span>
427 </div>
429 <blockquote class='description'>
430 <p>Returns the string name of <var>object</var>, which must be a
431 key object or bucket object.
432 </blockquote>
433 </div>
436 <div class='item'>
437 <div class='type'><a name='all-keys'>[Function]</a></div>
438 <div class='signature'>
439 <code class='name'>all-keys</code>
440 <span class='args'>
441 <var>bucket</var>
442 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
443 <var>prefix</var>
444 <var>credentials</var>
445 </span>
446 <span class='result'>=> <var>key-vector</var></span>
447 </div>
449 <blockquote class='description'>
450 <p>Returns a vector of all key objects in <var>bucket</var> with names
451 that start with the string <var>prefix</var>. If no prefix is
452 specified, returns all keys. Keys in the vector are in
453 alphabetical order by name. Key
454 object attributes are accessible via
455 <a href='#name'><tt>NAME</tt></a>,
456 <a href='#size'><tt>SIZE</tt></a>,
457 <a href='#etag'><tt>ETAG</tt></a>,
458 <a href='#last-modified'><tt>LAST-MODIFIED</tt></a>,
459 <a href='#owner'><tt>OWNER</tt>, and
460 <a href='#storage-class'><tt>STORAGE-CLASS</tt></a></a>.
462 <p>This function is built
463 on <a href='#query-bucket'><tt>QUERY-BUCKET</tt></a> and may
464 involve multiple requests if a bucket has more than 1000 keys.
465 </blockquote>
466 </div>
469 <div class='item'>
470 <div class='type'><a name='bucket-exists-p'>[Function]</a></div>
471 <div class='signature'>
472 <code class='name'>bucket-exists-p</code>
473 <span class='args'>
474 <var>bucket</var>
475 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
476 <var>credentials</var>
477 </span>
478 <span class='result'>=> <var>boolean</var></span>
479 </div>
481 <blockquote class='description'>
482 <p>Returns <i>true</i> if <var>bucket</var> exists.
483 </blockquote>
484 </div>
487 <div class='item'>
488 <div class='type'><a name='create-bucket'>[Function]</a></div>
489 <div class='signature'>
490 <code class='name'>create-bucket</code>
491 <span class='args'>
492 <var>name</var>
493 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
494 <var>access-policy</var>
495 <var>public</var>
496 <var>location</var>
497 <var>credentials</var>
498 </span>
499 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
500 </div>
502 <blockquote class='description'>
503 <p>Creates a bucket named <var>name</var>.
505 <p>If provided, <var>access-policy</var> should be one of the
506 following:
508 <ul>
509 <li> <code class='kw'>:PRIVATE</code> - bucket owner is
510 granted <code class='kw'>:FULL-CONTROL</code>; this is the
511 default behavior if no access policy is provided
512 <li> <code class='kw'>:PUBLIC-READ</code> - all users,
513 regardless of authentication, can query the bucket's contents
514 <li> <code class='kw'>:PUBLIC-READ-WRITE</code> - all users,
515 regardless of authentication, can query the bucket's
516 contents and create new objects in the bucket
517 <li> <code class='kw'>:AUTHENTICATED-READ</code> -
518 authenticated Amazon AWS users can query the bucket
519 </ul>
521 <p>For more information about access policies,
522 see <a href=''>Canned ACL</a>
523 in the Amazon S3 developer documentation.
525 <p>If <var>public</var> is <i>true</i>, it has the same effect as
526 providing an <var>access-policy</var>
527 of <code class='kw'>:PUBLIC-READ</code>. An error is signaled if
528 both <var>public</var> and
529 <var>access-policy</var> are provided.
531 <p>If <var>location</var> is specified, the bucket will be created
532 in a region matching the given location constraint. If no
533 location is specified, the bucket is created in the US. Valid
534 locations change over time, but currently include "EU",
535 "us-west-1", "us-west-2", "eu-west-1", "eu-central-1",
536 "ap-southeast-1", "ap-southeast-2", "ap-northeast-1", and
537 "sa-east-1".
538 See <a href="">Regions
539 and Endpoints</a> in the Amazon S3 developer documentation for
540 the current information about location constraints.
541 </blockquote>
542 </div>
545 <div class='item'>
546 <div class='type'><a name='delete-bucket'>[Function]</a></div>
547 <div class='signature'>
548 <code class='name'>delete-bucket</code>
549 <span class='args'>
550 <var>bucket</var> <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code> <var>credentials</var>
551 </span>
552 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
553 </div>
555 <blockquote class='description'>
556 <p>Deletes <var>bucket</var>. Signals a BUCKET-NOT-EMPTY error if
557 the bucket is not empty, or a NO-SUCH-BUCKET error if there is no
558 bucket with the given name.
560 </blockquote>
561 </div>
564 <div class='item'>
565 <div class='type'><a name='bucket-location'>[Function]</a></div>
566 <div class='signature'>
567 <code class='name'>bucket-location</code>
568 <span class='args'>
569 <var>bucket</var> <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code> <var>credentials</var>
570 </span>
571 <span class='result'>=> <var>location</var></span>
572 </div>
574 <blockquote class='description'>
575 <p>Returns the location specified when creating a bucket, or NIL if no
576 location was specified.
577 </blockquote>
578 </div>
580 <div class='item'>
581 <div class='type'><a name='bucket-lifecycle'>[Function]</a></div>
582 <div class='signature'>
583 <code class='name'>bucket-lifecycle</code>
584 <span class='args'>
585 <var>bucket</var>
586 </span>
587 <span class='result'>=> <var>rules-list</var></span>
588 </div>
590 <blockquote class='description'>
591 <p>Returns a list of lifecycle rules
592 for <var>bucket</var>. Signals a NO-SUCH-LIFECYCLE-CONFIGURATION
593 error if the bucket has no lifecycle rules configured.
595 <p>Bucket lifecycle rules are used to control the automatic
596 deletion of objects in a bucket. For more information about
597 bucket lifecycle configuration,
598 see <a href="">Object
599 Expiration</a> in the Amazon S3 developer documentation.
600 </blockquote>
601 </div>
603 <div class='item'>
604 <div class='type'><a name='setf-bucket-lifecycle'>[Function]</a></div>
605 <div class='signature'>
606 <code class='name'>(setf bucket-lifecycle)</code>
607 <span class='args'>
608 <var>rules</var> <var>bucket</var>
609 </span>
610 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
611 </div>
613 <blockquote class='description'>
614 <p>Sets the lifecycle configuration of <var>bucket</var> to the
615 designator for a list of bucket lifecycle rules <var>rules</var>.
617 <p>To create a
618 bucket lifecycle rule,
619 use <a href='#lifecycle-rule'><tt>LIFECYCLE-RULE</tt></a>. For
620 example, to automatically delete objects with keys matching a
621 "logs/" prefix after 30 days:
623 <pre class='code'>
624 (setf (bucket-lifecycle "my-bucket") (lifecycle-rule :prefix "logs/" :days 30))
625 </pre>
627 <p>To delete a bucket's lifecycle configuration, use an empty list
628 of rules, e.g.
630 <pre class='code'>
631 (setf (bucket-lifecycle "my-bucket") nil)
632 </pre>
634 </blockquote>
635 </div>
637 <div class='item'>
638 <div class='type'><a name='lifecycle-rule'>[Function]</a></div>
639 <div class='signature'>
640 <code class='name'>lifecycle-rule</code>
641 <span class='args'>
642 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
643 <var>action</var>
644 <var>prefix</var>
645 <var>days</var>
646 <var>date</var>
647 </span>
648 <span class='result'>=> <var>rule</var></span>
649 </div>
651 <blockquote class='description'>
652 <p>Creates a rule object suitable for passing
653 to <a href='#setf-bucket-lifecycle'><tt>(SETF
654 BUCKET-LIFECYCLE)</tt></a>.
656 <p><var>action</var> should be either <tt>:expire</tt> (the
657 default) or <tt>:transition</tt>. For <tt>:expire</tt>, matching
658 objects are deleted. For <tt>:transition</tt>, matching objects
659 are transitioned to the GLACIER storage class. For more
660 information about S3-to-Glacier object transition,
661 see <a href="">Object
662 Archival (Transition Objects to the Glacier Storage Class)</a> in
663 the Amazon S3 Developer's Guide.
665 <p><var>prefix</var> is a string; all objects in a bucket with
666 keys matching the prefix will be affected by the rule.
668 <p><var>days</var> is the number of days after which an object
669 will be affected.
671 <p><var>date</var> is the date after which objects will be affected.
673 <p>Only one of <var>days</var> or <var>date</var> may be provided.
674 </blockquote>
675 </div>
677 <div class='item'>
678 <div class='type'><a name='restore-object'>[Function]</a></div>
679 <div class='signature'>
680 <code class='name'>restore-object</code>
681 <span class='args'>
682 <var>bucket</var>
683 <var>key</var>
684 <code class='llkw'>&amp;body</code>
685 <var>days</var>
686 <var>credentials</var>
687 </span>
688 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
689 </div>
691 <blockquote class='description'>
692 <p>Initiates a restoration operation on the object identified
693 by <var>bucket</var> and <var>key</var>. A restoration
694 operation can take several hours to complete. The restored
695 object is temporarily stored with the reduced redundancy storage
696 class. The status of the operation may monitored
697 via <a href='#object-restoration-status'><tt>OBJECT-RESTORATION-STATUS</tt></a>.
699 <p><var>days</var> is the number of days for which the restored
700 object should be avilable for normal retrieval before
701 transitioning back to archival storage.
703 <p>Object restoration operation is only applicable to objects that
704 have been transitioned to Glacier storage by the containing
705 bucket's lifecycle configuration.
707 <p>For more information,
708 see <a href="">POST
709 Object restore</a> in the S3 documentation.
710 </blockquote>
711 </div>
713 <div class='item'>
714 <div class='type'><a name='object-restoration-status'>[Function]</a></div>
715 <div class='signature'>
716 <code class='name'>object-restoration-status</code>
717 <span class='args'>
718 <var>bucket</var>
719 <var>key</var>
720 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
721 <var>credentials</var>
722 </span>
723 <span class='result'>=> <var>status-string</var></span>
724 </div>
726 <blockquote class='description'>
727 <p>Returns a string describing the status of restoring the object
728 identified by <var>bucket</var> and <var>key</var>. If no
729 restoration is in progress, or the operation is not applicable,
730 returns NIL.
731 </blockquote>
732 </div>
736 <a name='querying-buckets'><h3>Querying Buckets</h3></a>
738 <p>S3 has a flexible interface for querying a bucket for information
739 about its contents. ZS3 supports this interface via
740 <a href='#query-bucket'><tt>QUERY-BUCKET</tt></a>,
741 <a href='#continue-bucket-query'><tt>CONTINUE-BUCKET-QUERY</tt></a>,
742 and related functions.
744 <div class='item'>
745 <div class='type'><a name='query-bucket'>[Function]</a></div>
746 <div class='signature'>
747 <code class='name'>query-bucket</code>
748 <span class='args'>
749 <var>bucket</var>
750 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
751 <var>prefix</var>
752 <var>marker</var>
753 <var>max-keys</var>
754 <var>delimiter</var>
755 <var>credentials</var>
756 </span>
757 <span class='result'>=> <var>response</var></span>
758 </div>
760 <blockquote class='description'>
761 <p>Query <var>bucket</var> for key information. Returns a response
762 object that has the result of the query. Response attributes are
763 accessible via
764 <a href='#bucket-name'><tt>BUCKET-NAME</tt></a>,
765 <a href='#prefix'><tt>PREFIX</tt></a>,
766 <a href='#marker'><tt>MARKER</tt></a>,
767 <a href='#delimiter'><tt>DELIMITER</tt></a>,
768 <a href='#truncatedp'><tt>TRUNCATEDP</tt></a>,
769 <a href='#keys'><tt>KEYS</tt></a>, and
770 <a href='#common-prefixes'><tt>COMMON-PREFIXES</tt></a>.
772 <p>Amazon might return fewer key objects than actually match the
773 query parameters, based on <var>max-keys</var> or the result
774 limit of 1000 key objects. In that
775 case, <a href='#truncatedp'><tt>TRUNCATEDP</tt></a>
776 for <var>response</var> is <i>true</i>, and
777 <a href='#continue-bucket-query'><tt>CONTINUE-BUCKET-QUERY</tt></a>
778 can be used with <var>response</var> be used to get successive
779 responses for the query parameters.
781 <p>When <var>prefix</var> is supplied, only key objects with names
782 that start with <var>prefix</var> will be returned
783 in <var>response</var>.
785 <p>When <var>marker</var> is supplied, only key objects with names
786 occurring lexically after <var>marker</var> will be returned in
787 <var>response</var>.
789 <p>When <var>max-keys</var> is supplied, it places an inclusive
790 upper limit on the number of key objects returned
791 in <var>response</var>. Note that Amazon currently limits
792 responses to at most 1000 key objects even
793 if <var>max-keys</var> is greater than 1000.
795 <p>When <var>delimiter</var> is supplied, key objects that have
796 the delimiter string after <var>prefix</var> in their names are
797 not returned in the <a href='#keys'><tt>KEYS</tt></a> attribute
798 of the response, but are instead accumulated into the
799 <a href='#common-prefixes'><tt>COMMON-PREFIXES</tt></a>
800 attribute of the response. For example:
801 <pre class='code'>
802 * <b>(all-keys "zs3-demo")</b>
803 => #(#&lt;KEY "a" 4>
804 #&lt;KEY "b/1" 4>
805 #&lt;KEY "b/2" 4>
806 #&lt;KEY "b/3" 4>
807 #&lt;KEY "c/10" 4>
808 #&lt;KEY "c/20" 4>
809 #&lt;KEY "c/30" 4>)
811 * <b>(setf *response* (query-bucket "zs3-demo" :delimiter "/"))</b>
812 => #&lt;BUCKET-LISTING "zs3-demo">
814 * <b>(values (keys *response*) (common-prefixes *response*))</b>
815 => #(#&lt;KEY "a" 4>),
816 #("b/"
817 "c/")
819 * <b>(setf *response* (query-bucket "zs3-demo" :delimiter "/" :prefix "b/"))</b>
820 => #&lt;BUCKET-LISTING "zs3-demo">
822 * <b>(values (keys *response*) (common-prefixes *response*))</b>
823 => #(#&lt;KEY "b/1" 4>
824 #&lt;KEY "b/2" 4>
825 #&lt;KEY "b/3" 4>),
826 #()</pre>
828 <p>For more information about bucket queries,
829 see <a href="">GET
830 Bucket</a> in the Amazon S3 developer documentation.
832 </blockquote>
834 </div>
837 <div class='item'>
838 <div class='type'><a name='continue-bucket-query'>[Function]</a></div>
839 <div class='signature'>
840 <code class='name'>continue-bucket-query</code>
841 <span class='args'>
842 <var>response</var>
843 </span>
844 <span class='result'>=> <var>response</var></span>
845 </div>
847 <blockquote class='description'>
848 <p>If <var>response</var> is a truncated response from a previous
849 call to
850 <a href='#query-bucket'><tt>QUERY-BUCKET</tt></a>,
851 continue-bucket-query returns the result of resuming the query at the
852 truncation point. When there are no more results,
853 continue-bucket-query returns NIL.
854 </blockquote>
855 </div>
857 <div class='item'>
858 <div class='type'><a name='bucket-name'>[Function]</a></div>
859 <div class='signature'>
860 <code class='name'>bucket-name</code>
861 <span class='args'>
862 <var>response</var>
863 </span>
864 <span class='result'>=> <var>name</var></span>
865 </div>
867 <blockquote class='description'>
868 <p>Returns the name of the bucket used in the call
869 to <a href='#query-bucket'><tt>QUERY-BUCKET</tt></a> that
870 produced <var>response</var>.
871 </blockquote>
872 </div>
877 <div class='item'>
878 <div class='type'><a name='keys'>[Function]</a></div>
879 <div class='signature'>
880 <code class='name'>keys</code>
881 <span class='args'>
882 <var>response</var>
883 </span>
884 <span class='result'>=> <var>keys-vector</var></span>
885 </div>
887 <blockquote class='description'>
888 <p>Returns the vector of key objects in <var>response</var>. Key
889 object attributes are accessible via
890 <a href='#name'><tt>NAME</tt></a>,
891 <a href='#size'><tt>SIZE</tt></a>,
892 <a href='#etag'><tt>ETAG</tt></a>,
893 <a href='#last-modified'><tt>LAST-MODIFIED</tt></a>,
894 and <a href='#owner'><tt>OWNER</tt></a>.
895 </blockquote>
896 </div>
899 <div class='item'>
900 <div class='type'><a name='common-prefixes'>[Function]</a></div>
901 <div class='signature'>
902 <code class='name'>common-prefixes</code>
903 <span class='args'>
904 <var>response</var>
905 </span>
906 <span class='result'>=> <var>prefix-vector</var></span>
907 </div>
909 <blockquote class='description'>
910 <p>Returns a vector of common prefix strings, based on the
911 delimiter argument of
912 the <a href='#query-bucket'><tt>QUERY-BUCKET</tt></a> call that
913 produced <var>response</var>.
914 </blockquote>
915 </div>
918 <div class='item'>
919 <div class='type'><a name='prefix'>[Function]</a></div>
920 <div class='signature'>
921 <code class='name'>prefix</code>
922 <span class='args'>
923 <var>response</var>
924 </span>
925 <span class='result'>=> <var>prefix-string</var></span>
926 </div>
928 <blockquote class='description'>
929 <p>Returns the prefix given to
930 the <a href='#query-bucket'><tt>QUERY-BUCKET</tt></a> call that
931 produced <var>response</var>. If present, all keys
932 in <var>response</var> have <var>prefix-string</var> as a prefix.
933 </blockquote>
934 </div>
936 <div class='item'>
937 <div class='type'><a name='marker'>[Function]</a></div>
938 <div class='signature'>
939 <code class='name'>marker</code>
940 <span class='args'>
941 <var>response</var>
942 </span>
943 <span class='result'>=> <var>marker</var></span>
944 </div>
946 <blockquote class='description'>
947 <p>Returns the marker given to
948 the <a href='#query-bucket'><tt>QUERY-BUCKET</tt></a> call that
949 produced <var>response</var>. If present,
950 it lexically precedes all key names in the response.
951 </blockquote>
952 </div>
954 <div class='item'>
955 <div class='type'><a name='delimiter'>[Function]</a></div>
956 <div class='signature'>
957 <code class='name'>delimiter</code>
958 <span class='args'>
959 <var>response</var>
960 </span>
961 <span class='result'>=> <var>delimiter</var></span>
962 </div>
964 <blockquote class='description'>
965 <p>Returns the delimiter used in
966 the <a href='#query-bucket'><tt>QUERY-BUCKET</tt></a> call that
967 produced <var>response</var>.
968 </blockquote>
969 </div>
972 <div class='item'>
973 <div class='type'><a name='truncatedp'>[Function]</a></div>
974 <div class='signature'>
975 <code class='name'>truncatedp</code>
976 <span class='args'>
977 <var>response</var>
978 </span>
979 <span class='result'>=> <var>boolean</var></span>
980 </div>
982 <blockquote class='description'>
983 <p>Returns <i>true</i> if <var>response</var> is truncated; that
984 is, if there is more data to retrieve for a
985 given <a href='#query-bucket'><tt>QUERY-BUCKET</tt></a>
986 query. <a href='#continue-bucket-query'><tt>CONTINUE-BUCKET-QUERY</tt></a>
987 may be used to fetch more data.
988 </blockquote>
989 </div>
992 <div class='item'>
993 <div class='type'><a name='last-modified'>[Function]</a></div>
994 <div class='signature'>
995 <code class='name'>last-modified</code>
996 <span class='args'>
997 <var>key-object</var>
998 </span>
999 <span class='result'>=> <var>universal-time</var></span>
1000 </div>
1002 <blockquote class='description'>
1003 <p>Returns a universal time representing the last modified time
1004 of <var>key-object</var>.
1005 </blockquote>
1006 </div>
1009 <div class='item'>
1010 <div class='type'><a name='etag'>[Function]</a></div>
1011 <div class='signature'>
1012 <code class='name'>etag</code>
1013 <span class='args'>
1014 <var>key-object</var>
1015 </span>
1016 <span class='result'>=> <var>etag-string</var></span>
1017 </div>
1019 <blockquote class='description'>
1020 <p>Returns the etag for <var>key-object</var>.
1021 </blockquote>
1022 </div>
1025 <div class='item'>
1026 <div class='type'><a name='size'>[Function]</a></div>
1027 <div class='signature'>
1028 <code class='name'>size</code>
1029 <span class='args'>
1030 <var>key-object</var>
1031 </span>
1032 <span class='result'>=> <var>size</var></span>
1033 </div>
1035 <blockquote class='description'>
1036 <p>Returns the size, in octets, of <var>key-object</var>.
1037 </blockquote>
1038 </div>
1041 <div class='item'>
1042 <div class='type'><a name='owner'>[Function]</a></div>
1043 <div class='signature'>
1044 <code class='name'>owner</code>
1045 <span class='args'>
1046 <var>key-object</var>
1047 </span>
1048 <span class='result'>=> <var>owner</var></span>
1049 </div>
1051 <blockquote class='description'>
1052 <p>Returns the owner of <var>key-object</var>, or NIL if no owner
1053 information is available.
1054 </blockquote>
1055 </div>
1058 <div class='item'>
1059 <div class='type'><a name='storage-class'>[Function]</a></div>
1060 <div class='signature'>
1061 <code class='name'>storage-class</code>
1062 <span class='args'>
1063 <var>key-object</var>
1064 </span>
1065 <span class='result'>=> <var>storage-class</var></span>
1066 </div>
1068 <blockquote class='description'>
1069 <p>Returns the storage class of <var>key-object</var>.
1070 </blockquote>
1071 </div>
1077 <a name='object-ops'><h3>Operations on Objects</h3></a>
1079 <p>Objects are the stored binary data in S3. Every object is uniquely
1080 identified by a bucket/key pair. ZS3 has several functions for
1081 storing and fetching objects, and querying object attributes.
1083 <div class='item'>
1084 <div class='type'><a name='get-object'>[Function]</a></div>
1085 <div class='signature'>
1086 <code class='name'>get-object</code>
1087 <span class='args'>
1088 <var>bucket</var>
1089 <var>key</var>
1090 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1091 <var>output</var> <br>
1092 <var>start</var> <var>end</var> <br>
1093 <var>when-modified-since</var> <var>unless-modified-since</var> <br>
1094 <var>when-etag-matches</var> <var>unless-etag-matches</var> <br>
1095 <var>if-exists</var> <var>string-external-format</var>
1096 <var>credentials</var>
1097 </span>
1098 <span class='result'>=> <var>object</var></span>
1099 </div>
1101 <blockquote class='description'>
1102 <p>Fetch the object referenced by <var>bucket</var>
1103 and <var>key</var>. The secondary value of all successful requests
1104 is an alist of <a href=''>Drakma</a>-style
1105 response HTTP headers.
1107 <p>If <var>output</var> is <code class='kw'>:VECTOR</code> (the
1108 default), the object's octets are returned in a vector.
1110 <p>If <var>output</var> is <code class='kw'>:STRING</code>, the
1111 object's octets are converted to a string using the encoding
1112 specified by <var>string-external-format</var>, which defaults
1113 to <code class='kw'>:UTF-8</code>. See <a href="">External
1114 formats</a> in the FLEXI-STREAMS documentation for supported
1115 values for the string external format. Note that, even
1116 when <var>output</var> is <code class='kw'>:STRING</code>, the
1117 start and end arguments operate on the object's underlying octets,
1118 not the string representation in a particular encoding. It's
1119 possible to produce a subsequence of the object's octets that are
1120 not valid in the desired encoding.
1122 <p>If <var>output</var> is a string or pathname, the object's
1123 octets are saved to a file identified by the string or
1124 pathname. The <var>if-exists</var> argument is passed
1125 to <code>WITH-OPEN-FILE</code> to control the behavior when the
1126 output file already exists. It defaults
1127 to <code class='kw'>:SUPERSEDE</code>.
1129 <p>If <var>output</var> is <code class='kw'>:STREAM</code>, a
1130 stream is returned from which the object's contents may be read.
1132 <p><var>start</var> marks the first index fetched from the
1133 object's data. <var>end</var> specifies the index after the last
1134 octet fetched. If start is NIL, it defaults to 0. If end is nil,
1135 it defaults to the total length of the object. If
1136 both <var>start</var> and <var>end</var> are
1137 provided, <var>start</var> must be less than or equal
1138 to <var>end</var>.
1140 <p><var>when-modified-since</var>
1141 and <var>unless-modified-since</var> are optional. If
1142 <var>when-modified-since</var> is provided, the result will be the normal
1143 object value if the object has been modified since the provided
1144 universal time, NIL otherwise. The logic is reversed for
1145 <var>unless-modified-since</var>.
1147 <p><var>when-etag-matches</var> and <var>unless-etag-matches</var> are optional. If
1148 <var>when-etag-matches</var> is provided, the result will be the
1149 normal object value if the object's etag matches the provided
1150 string, NIL otherwise. The logic is reversed
1151 for <var>unless-etag-matches</var>.
1153 </blockquote>
1154 </div>
1156 <div class='item'>
1157 <div class='type'><a name='get-vector'>[Function]</a></div>
1158 <div class='signature'>
1159 <code class='name'>get-vector</code>
1160 <span class='args'>
1161 <var>bucket</var> <var>key</var>
1162 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1163 <var>start</var> <var>end</var>
1164 <var>when-modified-since</var> <var>unless-modified-since</var>
1165 <var>when-etag-matches</var> <var>unless-etag-matches</var>
1166 <var>credentials</var>
1167 </span>
1168 <span class='result'>=> <var>vector</var></span>
1169 </div>
1171 <blockquote class='description'>
1172 <p>get-vector is a convenience interface to <a href='#get-object'><tt>GET-OBJECT</tt></a>. It is equivalent
1173 to calling:
1175 <pre class='code'>
1176 (get-object bucket key <b>:output :vector</b> ...)
1177 </pre>
1178 </blockquote>
1179 </div>
1181 <div class='item'>
1182 <div class='type'><a name='get-string'>[Function]</a></div>
1183 <div class='signature'>
1184 <code class='name'>get-string</code>
1185 <span class='args'>
1186 <var>bucket</var> <var>key</var>
1187 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1188 <var>external-format</var>
1189 <var>start</var> <var>end</var>
1190 <var>when-modified-since</var>
1191 <var>unless-modified-since</var>
1192 <var>when-etag-matches</var>
1193 <var>unless-etag-matches</var>
1194 <var>credentials</var>
1195 </span>
1196 <span class='result'>=> <var>string</var></span>
1197 </div>
1199 <blockquote class='description'>
1200 get-string is a convenience interface
1201 to <a href='#get-object'><tt>GET-OBJECT</tt></a>. It is equivalent
1202 to calling:
1204 <pre class='code'>
1205 (get-object bucket key <b>:output :string</b> :string-external-format external-format ...)
1206 </pre>
1208 </blockquote>
1209 </div>
1211 <div class='item'>
1212 <div class='type'><a name='get-file'>[Function]</a></div>
1213 <div class='signature'>
1214 <code class='name'>get-file</code>
1215 <span class='args'>
1216 <var>bucket</var> <var>key</var> <var>file</var>
1217 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1218 <var>start</var> <var>end</var>
1219 <var>when-modified-since</var>
1220 <var>unless-modified-since</var>
1221 <var>when-etag-matches</var>
1222 <var>unless-etag-matches</var>
1223 <var>credentials</var>
1224 </span>
1225 <span class='result'>=> <var>pathname</var></span>
1226 </div>
1228 <blockquote class='description'>
1229 <p>get-file is a convenience interface
1230 to <a href='#get-object'><tt>GET-OBJECT</tt></a>. It is
1231 equivalent to calling:
1233 <pre class='code'>
1234 (get-object bucket key <b>:output file</b> ...)
1235 </pre>
1237 </blockquote>
1238 </div>
1241 <div class='item'>
1242 <div class='type'><a name='put-object'>[Function]</a></div>
1243 <div class='signature'>
1244 <code class='name'>put-object</code>
1245 <span class='args'>
1246 <var>object</var> <var>bucket</var> <var>key</var>
1247 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1248 <var>access-policy</var>
1249 <var>public</var>
1250 <var>metadata</var>
1251 <var>string-external-format</var>
1252 <var>cache-control</var>
1253 <var>content-encoding</var>
1254 <var>content-disposition</var>
1255 <var>content-type</var>
1256 <var>expires</var>
1257 <var>storage-class</var>
1258 <var>credentials</var>
1259 </span>
1260 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1261 </div>
1263 <blockquote class='description'>
1264 <p>Stores the octets of <var>object</var> in the location
1265 identified by <var>bucket</var> and <var>key</var>.
1267 <p>If <i>object</i> is an octet vector, it is stored directly.
1269 <p>If <i>object</i> is a string, it is converted to an octet
1270 vector using <i>string-external-format</i>, which defaults
1271 to <code class='kw'>:UTF-8</code>, then
1272 stored. See <a href="">External
1273 formats</a> in the FLEXI-STREAMS documentation for supported
1274 values for the string external format.
1276 <p>If <i>object</i> is a pathname, its contents are loaded in
1277 memory as an octet vector and stored.
1279 <p>If provided, <var>access-policy</var> should be one of the
1280 following:
1282 <ul>
1283 <li> <code class='kw'>:PRIVATE</code> - object owner is
1284 granted <code class='kw'>:FULL-CONTROL</code>; this is the
1285 default behavior if no access policy is provided
1286 <li> <code class='kw'>:PUBLIC-READ</code> - all users,
1287 regardless of authentication, can read the object
1288 <li> <code class='kw'>:AUTHENTICATED-READ</code> -
1289 authenticated Amazon AWS users can read the object
1290 </ul>
1292 <p>For more information about access policies,
1293 see <a href=''>Canned ACL</a> in the Amazon S3 developer documentation.
1295 <p>If <var>public</var> is <i>true</i>, it has the same effect as
1296 providing an <var>access-policy</var>
1297 of <code class='kw'>:PUBLIC-READ</code>. An error is signaled if
1298 both <var>public</var> and
1299 <var>access-policy</var> are provided.
1302 <p>If provided, <var>metadata</var> should be an alist of Amazon
1303 metadata to set on the object. When the object is fetched again,
1304 the metadata will be returned in HTTP headers prefixed with
1305 "x-amz-meta-".
1307 <p>The <i>cache-control</i>, <i>content-encoding</i>, <i>content-disposition</i>,
1308 <i>content-type</i>, and <i>expires</i> values are all used to set
1309 HTTP properties of the object that are returned with subsequent
1310 GET or HEAD requests. If <i>content-type</i> is not set, it
1311 defaults to "binary/octet-stream". The others default to
1312 NIL. If <i>expires</i> is provided, it should be a universal time.
1314 <p>If provided, <var>storage-class</var> should refer to one of
1315 the standard storage classes available for S3; currently the
1316 accepted values are the strings "STANDARD" and
1317 "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY". Using other values may trigger an API error
1318 from S3. For more information about reduced redundancy storage,
1319 see <a href="">reduced
1320 Redundancy Storage</a> in the Developer Guide.
1321 </div>
1323 <div class='item'>
1324 <div class='type'><a name='put-vector'>[Function]</a></div>
1325 <div class='signature'>
1326 <code class='name'>put-vector</code>
1327 <span class='args'>
1328 <var>vector</var>
1329 <var>bucket</var>
1330 <var>key</var> <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1331 <var>start</var> <var>end</var>
1332 <var>access-policy</var>
1333 <var>public</var> <var>metadata</var>
1334 <var>content-disposition</var>
1335 <var>content-encoding</var>
1336 <var>content-type</var>
1337 <var>expires</var>
1338 <var>storage-class</var>
1339 <var>credentials</var>
1340 </span>
1341 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1342 </div>
1344 <blockquote class='description'>
1345 <p>put-vector is a convenience interface
1346 to <a href='#put-object'><tt>PUT-OBJECT</tt></a>. It is similar
1347 to calling:
1349 <pre class='code'>
1350 (put-object vector bucket key ...)
1351 </pre>
1352 </blockquote>
1354 <p>If one of <var>start</var> or <var>end</var> is provided, they
1355 are used as bounding index designators on the string, and only a
1356 subsequence is used.
1357 </div>
1359 <div class='item'>
1360 <div class='type'><a name='put-string'>[Function]</a></div>
1361 <div class='signature'>
1362 <code class='name'>put-string</code>
1363 <span class='args'>
1364 <var>string</var> <var>bucket</var> <var>key</var>
1365 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1366 <var>start</var> <var>end</var>
1367 <var>external-format</var>
1368 <var>access-policy</var>
1369 <var>public</var> <var>metadata</var>
1370 <var>content-disposition</var>
1371 <var>content-encoding</var>
1372 <var>content-type</var>
1373 <var>expires</var>
1374 <var>storage-class</var>
1375 <var>credentials</var>
1376 </span>
1377 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1378 </div>
1380 <blockquote class='description'>
1381 <p>put-string is a convenience interface
1382 to <a href='#put-object'><tt>PUT-OBJECT</tt></a>. It is similar to
1383 calling:
1385 <pre class='code'>
1386 (put-object string bucket key :string-external-format external-format ...)
1387 </pre>
1388 </blockquote>
1390 <p>If one of <var>start</var> or end is <var>supplied</var>, they
1391 are used as bounding index designators on the string, and only a
1392 substring is used.
1393 </div>
1395 <div class='item'>
1396 <div class='type'><a name='put-file'>[Function]</a></div>
1397 <div class='signature'>
1398 <code class='name'>put-file</code>
1399 <span class='args'>
1400 <var>file</var> <var>bucket</var> <var>key</var>
1401 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1402 <var>start</var> <var>end</var>
1403 <var>access-policy</var>
1404 <var>public</var> <var>metadata</var>
1405 <var>content-disposition</var> <var>content-encoding</var> <var>content-type</var>
1406 <var>expires</var>
1407 <var>storage-class</var>
1408 <var>credentials</var>
1409 </span>
1410 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1411 </div>
1413 <blockquote class='description'>
1414 <p>put-file is a convenience interface
1415 to <a href='#put-object'><tt>PUT-OBJECT</tt></a>. It is almost
1416 equivalent to calling:
1418 <pre class='code'>
1419 (put-object (pathname file) bucket key ...)
1420 </pre>
1422 <p>If <var>key</var> is T, the <code>FILE-NAMESTRING</code> of
1423 the file is used as the key instead of <i>key</i>.
1425 <p>If one of <var>start</var> or <var>end</var> is supplied, only
1426 a subset of the file is used. If <var>start</var> is not
1427 NIL, <var>start</var> octets starting from the beginning of the
1428 file are skipped. If <var>end</var> is not NIL, octets in the
1429 file at and after <var>end</var> are ignored. An error of type
1430 <tt>CL:END-OF-FILE</tt> is signaled if <var>end</var> is
1431 provided and the file size is less than <var>end</var>.
1432 </blockquote>
1433 </div>
1436 <div class='item'>
1437 <div class='type'><a name='put-stream'>[Function]</a></div>
1438 <div class='signature'>
1439 <code class='name'>put-stream</code>
1440 <span class='args'>
1441 <var>file</var> <var>bucket</var> <var>key</var>
1442 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1443 <var>start</var> <var>end</var>
1444 <var>access-policy</var>
1445 <var>public</var> <var>metadata</var>
1446 <var>content-disposition</var> <var>content-encoding</var> <var>content-type</var>
1447 <var>expires</var>
1448 <var>storage-class</var>
1449 <var>credentials</var>
1450 </span>
1451 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1452 </div>
1454 <blockquote class='description'>
1455 <p>put-stream is similar to
1456 to <a href='#put-object'><tt>PUT-OBJECT</tt></a>. It has the same
1457 effect as collecting octets from <var>stream</var> into a vector
1458 and using:
1460 <pre class='code'>
1461 (put-object vector bucket key ...)
1462 </pre>
1464 <p>If <var>start</var> is not NIL, <var>start</var> octets
1465 starting from the current position in the stream are skipped
1466 before collecting.
1468 <p>If <var>end</var> is NIL, octets are collected until the end of
1469 the stream is reached.
1471 <p>If <var>end</var> is not NIL, collecting octets stops just
1472 before reaching <var>end</var> in the stream. An error of type
1473 <tt>CL:END-OF-FILE</tt> is signaled if the stream ends
1474 prematurely.
1475 </blockquote>
1476 </div>
1479 <div class='item'>
1480 <div class='type'><a name='copy-object'>[Function]</a></div>
1481 <div class='signature'>
1482 <code class='name'>copy-object</code>
1483 <span class='args'>
1484 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1485 <var>from-bucket</var>
1486 <var>from-key</var>
1487 <var>to-bucket</var>
1488 <var>to-key</var> <br>
1489 <var>access-policy</var>
1490 <var>public</var> <br>
1491 <var>when-etag-matches</var>
1492 <var>unless-etag-matches</var> <br>
1493 <var>when-modified-since</var>
1494 <var>unless-modified-since</var> <br>
1495 <var>metadata</var> <var>public</var> <var>precondition-errors</var>
1496 <var>storage-class</var>
1497 <var>credentials</var>
1498 </span>
1499 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1500 </div>
1502 <blockquote class='description'>
1503 <p>Copies the object identified by <var>from-bucket</var>
1504 and <var>from-key</var> to a new location identified by
1505 <var>to-bucket</var> and <var>to-key</var>.
1507 If <var>to-bucket</var> is NIL, <var>from-bucket</var> is used as
1508 the target. If <var>to-key</var> is nil, <var>from-key</var> is
1509 used as the target. An error is signaled if both <var>to-bucket</var> and
1510 <var>to-key</var> are NIL.
1512 <p><var>access-policy</var> and <var>public</var> have the same
1513 effect on the target object as
1514 in <a href='#put-object'><tt>PUT-OBJECT</tt></a>.
1516 <p>The precondition arguments <var>when-etag-matches</var>, <var>unless-etag-matches</var>,
1517 <var>when-modified-since</var>, and <var>unless-modified-since</var> work the same way they
1518 do in <a href='#get-object'><tt>GET-OBJECT</tt></a>, but with one difference: if <var>precondition-errors</var> is
1519 <i>true</i>, an <code>PRECONDITION-FAILED</code> error is signaled
1520 when a precondition does not hold, instead of returning NIL.
1522 <p>If <var>metadata</var> is explicitly provided, it follows the
1523 same behavior as
1524 with <a href='#put-object'><tt>PUT-OBJECT</tt></a>. Passing NIL
1525 means that the new object has no metadata. Otherwise, the metadata
1526 is copied from the original object.
1528 <p>If <var>storage-class</var> is provided, it should refer to one
1529 of the standard storage classes available for S3; currently the
1530 accepted values are the strings "STANDARD" and
1531 "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY". Using other values may trigger an API error
1532 from S3. For more information about reduced redundancy storage,
1533 see <a href="">Reduced
1534 Redundancy Storage</a> in the Developer Guide.
1535 </blockquote>
1536 </div>
1538 <div class='item'>
1539 <div class='type'><a name='delete-object'>[Function]</a></div>
1540 <div class='signature'>
1541 <code class='name'>delete-object</code>
1542 <span class='args'>
1543 <var>bucket</var>
1544 <var>key</var>
1545 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1546 <var>credentials</var>
1547 </span>
1548 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1549 </div>
1551 <blockquote class='description'>
1552 <p>Deletes the object identified by <var>bucket</var>
1553 and <var>key</var>.
1554 <p>If <var>bucket</var> is a valid bucket for
1555 which you have delete access granted, S3 will always return a success
1556 response, even if <var>key</var> does not reference an existing
1557 object.
1558 </blockquote>
1559 </div>
1561 <div class='item'>
1562 <div class='type'><a name='delete-objects'>[Function]</a></div>
1563 <div class='signature'>
1564 <code class='name'>delete-objects</code>
1565 <span class='args'>
1566 <var>bucket</var>
1567 <var>keys</var>
1568 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1569 <var>credentials</var>
1570 </span>
1571 <span class='result'>=> <var>deleted-count</var>, <var>errors</var></span>
1572 </div>
1574 <blockquote class='description'>
1575 <p>Deletes <var>keys</var>, which should be a sequence of keys,
1576 from <var>bucket</var>. The primary value is the number of objects
1577 deleted. The secondary value is a list of error plists; if there
1578 are no errors deleting any of the keys, the secondary value is
1579 NIL.
1580 </blockquote>
1581 </div>
1583 <div class='item'>
1584 <div class='type'><a name='delete-all-objects'>[Function]</a></div>
1585 <div class='signature'>
1586 <code class='name'>delete-all-objects</code>
1587 <span class='args'>
1588 <var>bucket</var>
1589 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1590 <var>credentials</var>
1591 </span>
1592 <span class='result'>=> <var>count</var></span>
1593 </div>
1595 <blockquote class='description'>
1596 <p>Deletes all objects in <var>bucket</var> and returns the count
1597 of objects deleted.
1598 </blockquote>
1599 </div>
1602 <div class='item'>
1603 <div class='type'><a name='object-metadata'>[Function]</a></div>
1604 <div class='signature'>
1605 <code class='name'>object-metadata</code>
1606 <span class='args'>
1607 <var>bucket</var>
1608 <var>key</var>
1609 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1610 <var>credentials</var>
1611 </span>
1612 <span class='result'>=> <var>metadata-alist</var></span>
1613 </div>
1615 <blockquote class='description'>
1616 <p>Returns the metadata for the object identified by <var>bucket</var> and <var>key</var>, or
1617 NIL if there is no metadata. For example:
1619 <pre class='code'>
1620 * <b>(put-string "Hadjaha!" "zs3-demo" "hadjaha.txt" :metadata (parameters-alist :language "Swedish"))</b>
1621 => #&lt;RESPONSE 200 "OK" {1003BD2841}>
1623 * <b>(object-metadata "zs3-demo" "hadjaha.txt")</b>
1624 => ((:LANGUAGE . "Swedish"))
1625 </pre>
1627 </blockquote>
1628 </div>
1630 <div class='item'>
1631 <div class='type'><a name='set-storage-class'>[Function]</a></div>
1632 <div class='signature'>
1633 <code class='name'>set-storage-class</code>
1634 <span class='args'>
1635 <var>bucket</var>
1636 <var>key</var>
1637 <var>storage-class</var>
1638 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1639 <var>credentials</var>
1640 </span>
1641 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1642 </div>
1644 <blockquote class='description'>
1645 <p>Sets the storage class of the object identified
1646 by <var>bucket</var> and <var>key</var>
1647 to <var>storage-class</var>. This is a convenience function that
1648 uses <a href='#copy-object'><tt>COPY-OBJECT</tt></a> to make
1649 storage class changes.
1651 <p>The storage class of an object can be determined by querying
1652 the bucket with <a href='#all-keys'><tt>ALL-KEYS</tt></a>
1653 or <a href='#query-bucket'><tt>QUERY-BUCKET</tt></a> and
1654 using <a href='#storage-class'><tt>STORAGE-CLASS</tt></a> on one
1655 of the resulting key objects.
1656 </blockquote>
1657 </div>
1661 <a name='access-control'><h3>Access Control</h3></a>
1663 <p>Each S3 resource has an associated access control list that is
1664 created automatically when the resource is created. The access
1665 control list specifies the resource owner and a list of permission
1666 grants.
1668 <p>Grants consist of a permission and a grantee. The permission must
1669 be one of <code class='kw'>:READ</code>, <code class='kw'>:WRITE</code>,
1670 <code class='kw'>:READ-ACL</code>, <code class='kw'>:WRITE-ACL</code>,
1671 or <code class='kw'>:FULL-CONTROL</code>. The grantee should be a
1672 person object, an acl-group object, or an acl-email object.
1674 <p>ZS3 has several functions that assist in reading, modifying, and
1675 storing access control lists.
1678 <div class='item'>
1679 <div class='type'><a name='get-acl'>[Function]</a></div>
1680 <div class='signature'>
1681 <code class='name'>get-acl</code>
1682 <span class='args'>
1683 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1684 <var>bucket</var>
1685 <var>key</var>
1686 <var>credentials</var>
1687 </span>
1688 <span class='result'>=> <var>owner</var>, <var>grants</var></span>
1689 </div>
1691 <blockquote class='description'>
1692 <p>Returns the owner and grant list for a resource as
1693 multiple values.
1694 </blockquote>
1695 </div>
1698 <div class='item'>
1699 <div class='type'><a name='put-acl'>[Function]</a></div>
1700 <div class='signature'>
1701 <code class='name'>put-acl</code>
1702 <span class='args'>
1703 <var>owner</var> <var>grants</var>
1704 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1705 <var>bucket</var>
1706 <var>key</var>
1707 <var>credentials</var>
1708 </span>
1709 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1710 </div>
1712 <blockquote class='description'>
1713 <p>Sets the owner and grant list of a resource.
1714 </blockquote>
1715 </div>
1718 <div class='item'>
1719 <div class='type'><a name='grant'>[Function]</a></div>
1720 <div class='signature'>
1721 <code class='name'>grant</code>
1722 <span class='args'>
1723 <var>permission</var>
1724 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1725 <var>to</var>
1726 </span>
1727 <span class='result'>=> <var>grant</var></span>
1728 </div>
1730 <blockquote class='description'>
1731 <p>Returns a grant object that represents a permission (one of <code class='kw'>:READ</code>, <code class='kw'>:WRITE</code>,
1732 <code class='kw'>:READ-ACL</code>, <code class='kw'>:WRITE-ACL</code>,
1733 or <code class='kw'>:FULL-CONTROL</code>) for the
1734 grantee <var>to</var>. For example:
1736 <pre class='code'>
1737 * <b>(grant :full-control :to (<a href='#acl-email'>acl-email</a> ""))</b>
1738 => #&lt;GRANT :FULL-CONTROL to "">
1740 * <b>(grant :read :to <a href='#*all-users*'>*all-users*</a>)</b>
1741 => #&lt;GRANT :READ to "AllUsers">
1742 </pre>
1744 <p>It can be used to create or modify a grant list for use
1745 with <a href='#put-acl'><tt>PUT-ACL</tt></a>.
1746 </blockquote>
1747 </div>
1750 <div class='item'>
1751 <div class='type'><a name='acl-eqv'>[Function]</a></div>
1752 <div class='signature'>
1753 <code class='name'>acl-eqv</code>
1754 <span class='args'>
1755 <var>a</var> <var>b</var>
1756 </span>
1757 <span class='result'>=> <var>boolean</var></span>
1758 </div>
1760 <blockquote class='description'>
1761 <p>Returns <i>true</i> if <var>a</var> and <var>b</var> are equivalent
1762 ACL-related objects (person, group, email, or grant).
1763 </blockquote>
1764 </div>
1767 <div class='item'>
1768 <div class='type'><a name='*all-users*'>[Special variable]</a></div>
1769 <div class='signature'>
1770 <code class='name'>*all-users*</code>
1771 </div>
1773 <blockquote class='description'>
1774 <p>This acl-group includes all users, including unauthenticated
1775 clients.
1776 </blockquote>
1777 </div>
1780 <div class='item'>
1781 <div class='type'><a name='*aws-users*'>[Special variable]</a></div>
1782 <div class='signature'>
1783 <code class='name'>*aws-users*</code>
1784 </div>
1786 <blockquote class='description'>
1787 <p>This acl-group object includes only users that have an
1788 Amazon Web Services account.
1789 </blockquote>
1790 </div>
1793 <div class='item'>
1794 <div class='type'><a name='*log-delivery*'>[Special variable]</a></div>
1795 <div class='signature'>
1796 <code class='name'>*log-delivery*</code>
1797 </div>
1799 <blockquote class='description'>
1800 <p>This acl-group object includes the S3 system user that creates
1801 logfile objects. See
1802 also <a href='#enable-logging-to'><tt>ENABLE-LOGGING-TO</tt></a>.
1803 </blockquote>
1804 </div>
1807 <div class='item'>
1808 <div class='type'><a name='acl-email'>[Function]</a></div>
1809 <div class='signature'>
1810 <code class='name'>acl-email</code>
1811 <span class='args'>
1812 <var>email-address</var>
1813 </span>
1814 <span class='result'>=> <var>acl-email</var></span>
1815 </div>
1817 <blockquote class='description'>
1818 <p>Returns an acl-email object, which can be used as a grantee for
1819 <a href='#grant'><tt>GRANT</tt></a>.
1820 </blockquote>
1821 </div>
1824 <div class='item'>
1825 <div class='type'><a name='acl-person'>[Function]</a></div>
1826 <div class='signature'>
1827 <code class='name'>acl-person</code>
1828 <span class='args'>
1829 <var>id</var>
1830 <code class='llkw'>&amp;optional</code>
1831 <var>display-name</var>
1832 </span>
1833 <span class='result'>=> <var>acl-person</var></span>
1834 </div>
1836 <blockquote class='description'>
1837 <p>Returns an acl-person object for use as a resource owner (for
1838 <a href='#put-acl'><tt>PUT-ACL</tt></a>) or as a grantee
1839 (for <a href='#grant'><tt>GRANT</tt></a>). <var>id</var> must be
1840 a string representing the person's Amazon AWS canonical ID; for
1841 information about getting the canonical ID, see
1842 the <a href="">Managing
1843 Access with ACLS</a>
1844 in the Amazon S3 developer
1845 documentation. If <var>display-name</var> is provided, it is
1846 used only for printing the object in Lisp; it is ignored when
1847 passed to S3.
1848 </blockquote>
1849 </div>
1852 <div class='item'>
1853 <div class='type'><a name='me'>[Function]</a></div>
1854 <div class='signature'>
1855 <code class='name'>me</code>
1856 <span class='args'>
1857 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1858 <var>credentials</var>
1859 </span>
1860 <span class='result'>=> <var>acl-person</var></span>
1861 </div>
1863 <blockquote class='description'>
1864 <p>Returns the acl-person object associated with the current
1865 credentials.
1867 <p>This data requires a S3 request, but the result is always the
1868 same per credentials and is cached.
1869 </blockquote>
1870 </div>
1873 <div class='item'>
1874 <div class='type'><a name='make-public'>[Function]</a></div>
1875 <div class='signature'>
1876 <code class='name'>make-public</code>
1877 <span class='args'>
1878 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1879 <var>bucket</var>
1880 <var>key</var>
1881 <var>credentials</var>
1882 </span>
1883 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1884 </div>
1886 <blockquote class='description'>
1887 <p>Makes a resource publicly accessible, i.e. readable by
1888 the <a href='#*all-users*'><tt>*ALL-USERS*</tt></a> group.
1889 </blockquote>
1890 </div>
1893 <div class='item'>
1894 <div class='type'><a name='make-private'>[Function]</a></div>
1895 <div class='signature'>
1896 <code class='name'>make-private</code>
1897 <span class='args'>
1898 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1899 <var>bucket</var>
1900 <var>key</var>
1901 <var>credentials</var>
1902 </span>
1903 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1904 </div>
1906 <blockquote class='description'>
1907 <p>Removes public access to a resource, i.e. removes all
1908 access grants for
1909 the <a href='#*all-users*'><tt>*ALL-USERS*</tt></a> group.
1910 </blockquote>
1911 </div>
1915 <a name='access-logging'><h3>Access Logging</h3></a>
1917 <p>S3 offers support for logging information about client
1918 requests. Logfile objects are delivered by a system user in
1919 the <a href='#*log-delivery*'><tt>*LOG-DELIVERY*</tt></a> group to a
1920 bucket of your choosing. For more information about S3 access
1921 logging and the logfile format, see
1922 the <a href="">Server
1923 Access Logging</a> in the Amazon S3
1924 developer documentation.
1926 <div class='item'>
1927 <div class='type'><a name='enable-logging-to'>[Function]</a></div>
1928 <div class='signature'>
1929 <code class='name'>enable-logging-to</code>
1930 <span class='args'>
1931 <var>bucket</var>
1932 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1933 <var>credentials</var>
1934 </span>
1935 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1936 </div>
1938 <blockquote class='description'>
1939 Adds the necessary permission grants to <var>bucket</var> to allow
1940 S3 to write logfile objects into it.
1941 </blockquote>
1942 </div>
1945 <div class='item'>
1946 <div class='type'><a name='disable-logging-to'>[Function]</a></div>
1947 <div class='signature'>
1948 <code class='name'>disable-logging-to</code>
1949 <span class='args'>
1950 <var>bucket</var>
1951 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1952 <var>credentials</var>
1953 </span>
1954 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1955 </div>
1957 <blockquote class='description'>
1958 <p>Changes the access control list of <var>bucket</var> to remove
1959 all grants for
1960 the <a href='#*log-delivery*'><tt>*LOG-DELIVERY*</tt></a> group.
1961 </blockquote>
1962 </div>
1965 <div class='item'>
1966 <div class='type'><a name='enable-logging'>[Function]</a></div>
1967 <div class='signature'>
1968 <code class='name'>enable-logging</code>
1969 <span class='args'>
1970 <var>bucket</var>
1971 <var>target-bucket</var>
1972 <var>target-prefix</var>
1973 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
1974 <var>target-grants</var>
1975 <var>credentials</var>
1976 </span>
1977 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
1978 </div>
1980 <blockquote class='description'>
1981 <p>Enables logging of all requests
1982 involving <var>bucket</var>. Logfile objects are created in
1983 <var>target-bucket</var> and each logfile's key starts with
1984 <var>target-prefix</var>.
1986 <p>When a new logfile is
1987 created, its list of access control grants is extended with
1988 <var>target-grants</var>, if any.
1990 <p>If <var>target-bucket</var> does not have the necessary grants
1991 to allow logging, the grants are implicitly added by
1992 calling <a href='#enable-logging-to'><tt>ENABLE-LOGGING-TO</tt></a>.
1993 </blockquote>
1994 </div>
1997 <div class='item'>
1998 <div class='type'><a name='disable-logging'>[Function]</a></div>
1999 <div class='signature'>
2000 <code class='name'>disable-logging</code>
2001 <span class='args'>
2002 <var>bucket</var> <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code> <var>credentials</var>
2003 </span>
2004 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2005 </div>
2007 <blockquote class='description'>
2008 Disables logging for <var>bucket</var>.
2009 </blockquote>
2010 </div>
2013 <div class='item'>
2014 <div class='type'><a name='logging-setup'>[Function]</a></div>
2015 <div class='signature'>
2016 <code class='name'>logging-setup</code>
2017 <span class='args'>
2018 <var>bucket</var>
2019 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
2020 <var>credentials</var>
2021 </span>
2022 <span class='result'>=> <var>target-bucket</var>,
2023 <var>target-prefix</var>,
2024 <var>target-grants</var></span>
2025 </div>
2027 <blockquote class='description'>
2028 <p>If logging is enabled for <var>bucket</var>, returns the target
2029 bucket, target prefix, and target grants as multiple values.
2030 </blockquote>
2031 </div>
2034 <a name='misc'><h3>Miscellaneous Operations</h3></a>
2038 <div class='item'>
2039 <div class='type'><a name='*use-ssl*'>[Special variable]</a></div>
2040 <div class='signature'>
2041 <code class='name'>*use-ssl*</code>
2042 </div>
2044 <blockquote class='description'>
2045 <p>When <i>true</i>, requests to S3 are sent via HTTPS. The
2046 default is NIL.
2047 </blockquote>
2048 </div>
2050 <div class='item'>
2051 <div class='type'><a name='*use-keep-alive*'>[Special variable]</a></div>
2052 <div class='signature'>
2053 <code class='name'>*use-keep-alive*</code>
2054 </div>
2056 <blockquote class='description'>
2057 <p>When <i>true</i>, HTTP keep-alives are used to reuse a single
2058 network connection for multiple requests.</p>
2059 </blockquote>
2060 </div>
2062 <div class='item'>
2063 <div class='type'><a name='with-keep-alive'>[Macro]</a></div>
2064 <div class='signature'>
2065 <code class='name'>with-keep-alive</code>
2066 <span class='args'>
2067 <code class='llkw'>&amp;body</code> <var>body</var>
2068 </span>
2069 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2070 </div>
2072 <blockquote class='description'>
2073 <p>Evaluate <var>body</var> in a context
2074 where <a href='#*use-keep-alive*'><tt>*USE-KEEP-ALIVE*</tt></a>
2075 is <i>true</i>.
2076 </blockquote>
2077 </div>
2081 <div class='item'>
2082 <div class='type'><a name='make-post-policy'>[Function]</a></div>
2083 <div class='signature'>
2084 <code class='name'>make-post-policy</code>
2085 <span class='args'>
2086 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
2087 <var>expires</var>
2088 <var>conditions</var>
2089 <var>credentials</var>
2090 </span>
2091 <span class='result'>=> <var>policy</var>, <var>signature</var></span>
2092 </div>
2094 <blockquote class='description'>
2095 <p>Returns an encoded HTML POST form policy and its signature as
2096 multiple values. The policy can be used to conditionally allow any
2097 user to put objects into S3.
2099 <p><var>expires</var> must be a universal time after which
2100 the policy is no longer accepted.
2102 <p><var>conditions</var> must be a list of conditions that the
2103 posted form fields must satisfy. Each condition is a list of a
2104 condition keyword, a form field name, and the form field
2105 value. For example, the following are all valid conditions:
2108 <ul>
2109 <li> <code>(:starts-with "key" "uploads/")</code>
2110 <li> <code>(:eq "bucket" "user-uploads")</code>
2111 <li> <code>(:eq "acl" "public-read")</code>
2112 <li> <code>(:range "content-length-range" 1 10000)</code>
2113 </ul>
2115 <p>These conditions are converted into a post policy description,
2116 base64-encoded, and returned as <var>policy</var>. The signature
2117 is returned as <var>signature</var>. These values can then be
2118 embedded in an HTML form and used to allow direct browser uploads.
2120 <p>For example, if <var>policy</var> is
2121 "YSBwYXRlbnRseSBmYWtlIHBvbGljeQ==" and the policy signature is
2122 "ZmFrZSBzaWduYXR1cmU=", you could construct a form like this:
2124 <p class='html'>
2125 &lt;form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><br>
2126 &lt;input type="input" name="key" value="uploads/fun.jpg"><br>
2127 &lt;input type=hidden name="acl" value="public-read"><br>
2128 &lt;input type=hidden name="AWSAccessKeyId" value="8675309JGT9876430310"><br>
2129 &lt;input type=hidden name="Policy" value="YSBwYXRlbnRseSBmYWtlIHBvbGljeQ=="><br>
2130 &lt;input type=hidden name='Signature' value="ZmFrZSBzaWduYXR1cmU="><br>
2131 &lt;input name='file' type='file'><br>
2132 &lt;input type=submit value='Submit'><br>
2133 &lt;/form><br>
2135 <p>For full, detailed documentation of browser-based POST uploads
2136 and policy documents,
2137 see <a href="">Browser-Based
2138 Uploads Using POST</a> in the Amazon S3 developer documentation.
2139 </blockquote>
2140 </div>
2143 <div class='item'>
2144 <div class='type'><a name='head'>[Function]</a></div>
2145 <div class='signature'>
2146 <code class='name'>head</code>
2147 <span class='args'>
2148 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
2149 <var>bucket</var>
2150 <var>key</var>
2151 <var>parameters</var>
2152 <var>credentials</var>
2153 </span>
2154 <span class='result'>=> <var>headers-alist</var>,
2155 <var>status-code</var>,
2156 <var>phrase</var></span>
2157 </div>
2159 <blockquote class='description'>
2160 <p>Submits a HTTP HEAD request for the resource identified by
2161 <var>bucket</var> and optionally <var>key</var>. Returns the
2162 <a href=''>Drakma</a> headers, HTTP
2163 status code, and HTTP phrase as multiple values.
2165 <p>When <var>parameters</var> is supplied, it should be an alist
2166 of keys and values to pass as GET request parameters. For
2167 example:
2169 <pre class='code'>
2170 * <b>(head :bucket "zs3-demo" :parameters (<a href=''>parameters-alist</a> :max-keys 0))</b>
2171 => ((:X-AMZ-ID-2 . "...")
2172 (:X-AMZ-REQUEST-ID . "...")
2173 (:DATE . "Sat, 27 Sep 2008 19:00:35 GMT")
2174 (:CONTENT-TYPE . "application/xml")
2175 (:TRANSFER-ENCODING . "chunked")
2176 (:SERVER . "AmazonS3")
2177 (:CONNECTION . "close")),
2178 200,
2179 "OK"</pre>
2180 </blockquote>
2181 </div>
2184 <div class='item'>
2185 <div class='type'><a name='authorized-url'>[Function]</a></div>
2186 <div class='signature'>
2187 <code class='name'>authorized-url</code>
2188 <span class='args'>
2189 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
2190 <var>bucket</var>
2191 <var>key</var>
2192 <var>vhost</var>
2193 <var>expires</var>
2194 <var>ssl</var>
2195 <var>sub-resource</var>
2196 <var>credentials</var>
2197 </span>
2198 <span class='result'>=> <var>url</var></span>
2199 </div>
2201 <blockquote class='description'>
2202 <p>Creates an URL that allows temporary access to a resource regardless
2203 of its ACL.
2205 <p>If neither <var>bucket</var> nor <var>key</var> is specified, the top-level bucket listing
2206 is accessible. If <var>key</var> is not specified, listing the keys of <var>bucket</var> is
2207 accessible. If both <var>bucket</var> and key are <var>specified</var>, the object specified
2208 by <var>bucket</var> and <var>key</var> is accessible.
2210 <p><var>expires</var> is required, and should be the integer
2211 universal time after which the URL is no longer valid.
2213 <p><var>vhost</var> controls the construction of the
2214 url. If <var>vhost</var> is nil, the constructed URL refers to the
2215 bucket, if present, as part of the path. If <var>vhost</var>
2216 is <code class='kw'>:AMAZON</code>, the bucket name is used as a
2217 prefix to the Amazon hostname. If <var>vhost</var>
2218 is <code class='kw'>:FULL</code>, the bucket name becomes the full
2219 hostname of the url. For example:
2221 <pre class='code'>
2222 * <b>(authorized-url :bucket "foo" :key "bar" :vhost nil)</b>
2223 =&gt; ""
2225 * <b>(authorized-url :bucket "foo" :key "bar" :vhost :amazon)</b>
2226 =&gt; ""
2228 * <b>(authorized-url :bucket "" :key "bar" :vhost :full)</b>
2229 =&gt; ""
2230 </pre>
2232 <p>If <i>ssl</i> is <i>true</i>, the URL has "https" as the scheme,
2233 otherwise it has "http".
2235 <p>If <i>sub-resource</i> is specified, it is used as part of the
2236 query string to access a specific sub-resource. Example Amazon
2237 sub-resources include "acl" for access to the ACL, "location" for
2238 location information, and "logging" for logging information. For
2239 more information about the various sub-resources, see the Amazon
2240 S3 developer documentation.
2241 </blockquote>
2242 </div>
2245 <div class='item'>
2246 <div class='type'><a name='resource-url'>[Function]</a></div>
2247 <div class='signature'>
2248 <code class='name'>resource-url</code>
2249 <span class='args'>
2250 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
2251 <var>bucket</var>
2252 <var>key</var>
2253 <var>vhost</var>
2254 <var>ssl</var>
2255 <var>sub-resource</var>
2256 </span>
2257 <span class='result'>=> <var>url</var></span>
2258 </div>
2260 <blockquote class='description'>
2261 <p>Returns an URL that can be used to reference a resource. See
2262 <a href='#authorized-url'><tt>AUTHORIZED-URL</tt></a> for more
2263 info.
2264 </blockquote>
2265 </div>
2268 <a name='utility'><h3>Utility Functions</h3></a>
2272 <div class='item'>
2273 <div class='type'><a name='octet-vector'>[Function]</a></div>
2274 <div class='signature'>
2275 <code class='name'>octet-vector</code>
2276 <span class='args'>
2277 <code class='llkw'>&amp;rest</code>
2278 <var>octets</var>
2279 </span>
2280 <span class='result'>=> <var>octet-vector</var></span>
2281 </div>
2283 <blockquote class='description'>
2284 <p>Returns a vector of type
2285 <code>(simple-array&nbsp;(unsigned-byte&nbsp;8)&nbsp;(*))</code> initialized with <var>octets</var>.
2286 </blockquote>
2287 </div>
2290 <div class='item'>
2291 <div class='type'><a name='now+'>[Function]</a></div>
2292 <div class='signature'>
2293 <code class='name'>now+</code>
2294 <span class='args'>
2295 <var>delta</var>
2296 </span>
2297 <span class='result'>=> <var>universal-time</var></span>
2298 </div>
2300 <blockquote class='description'>
2301 <p>Returns a universal time that represents the current time
2302 incremented by <var>delta</var> seconds. It's useful for passing
2303 as the <code class='kw'>:EXPIRES</code> parameter to functions
2304 like <a href='#put-object'><tt>PUT-OBJECT</tt></a>
2305 and <a href='#authorized-url'><tt>AUTHORIZED-URL</tt></a>.
2306 </blockquote>
2307 </div>
2310 <div class='item'>
2311 <div class='type'><a name='now-'>[Function]</a></div>
2312 <div class='signature'>
2313 <code class='name'>now-</code>
2314 <span class='args'>
2315 <var>delta</var>
2316 </span>
2317 <span class='result'>=> <var>universal-time</var></span>
2318 </div>
2320 <blockquote class='description'>
2321 <p>Like <a href='#now+'><tt>NOW+</tt></a>, but decrements the
2322 current time instead of incrementing it.
2323 </blockquote>
2324 </div>
2327 <div class='item'>
2328 <div class='type'><a name='file-etag'>[Function]</a></div>
2329 <div class='signature'>
2330 <code class='name'>file-etag</code>
2331 <span class='args'>
2332 <var>pathname</var>
2333 </span>
2334 <span class='result'>=> <var>etag</var></span>
2335 </div>
2337 <blockquote class='description'>
2338 <p>Returns the etag of <var>pathname</var>. This can be useful for the
2339 conditional arguments
2340 <code class='kw'>:WHEN-ETAG-MATCHES</code> and
2341 <code class='kw'>:UNLESS-ETAG-MATCHES</code>
2342 in <a href='#get-object'><tt>GET-OBJECT</tt></a>
2343 and <a href='#copy-object'><tt>COPY-OBJECT</tt></a>.
2344 </blockquote>
2345 </div>
2348 <div class='item'>
2349 <div class='type'><a name='parameters-alist'>[Function]</a></div>
2350 <div class='signature'>
2351 <code class='name'>parameters-alist</code>
2352 <span class='args'>
2353 <code class='llkw'>&amp;rest</code>
2354 <var>parameters</var>
2355 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
2356 <code class='llkw'>&amp;allow-other-keys</code>
2357 </span>
2358 <span class='result'>=> <var>alist</var></span>
2359 </div>
2361 <blockquote class='description'>
2362 <p>Returns an alist based on all keyword arguments passed to the
2363 function. Keywords are converted to their lowercase symbol name and
2364 values are converted to strings. For example:
2366 <pre class='code'>
2367 * <b>(parameters-alist :name "Bob" :age 21)</b>
2368 => (("name" . "Bob") ("age" . "21"))
2369 </pre>
2371 <p>This can be used to construct Amazon metadata alists
2372 for <a href='#put-object'><tt>PUT-OBJECT</tt></a>
2373 and <a href='#copy-object'><tt>COPY-OBJECT</tt></a>, or request
2374 parameters in <a href='#head'><tt>HEAD</tt></a>.
2376 </blockquote>
2377 </div>
2381 <div class='item'>
2382 <div class='type'><a name='clear-redirects'>[Function]</a></div>
2383 <div class='signature'>
2384 <code class='name'>clear-redirects</code>
2385 <span class='args'>
2386 </span>
2387 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2388 </div>
2390 <blockquote class='description'>
2391 <p>Clear ZS3's internal cache of redirections.
2393 <p>Most ZS3 requests are submitted against the Amazon S3 endpoint
2394 "". Some requests, however, are permanently
2395 redirected by S3 to new endpoints. ZS3 maintains an internal cache
2396 of permanent redirects, but it's possible for that cache to get
2397 out of sync if external processes alter the bucket structure
2399 <p>For example, if the bucket "eu.zs3" is created with a EU
2400 location constraint, S3 will respond to requests to that bucket
2401 with a permanent redirect to "", and ZS3
2402 will cache that redirect information. But if the bucket is
2403 deleted and recreated by a third party, the redirect might no
2404 longer be necessary.
2405 </blockquote>
2406 </div>
2409 <a name='cloudfront'><h2>CloudFront</h2>
2411 <p>CloudFront functions allow the creation and manipulation of
2412 distributions. In ZS3, distributions are represented by objects that
2413 reflect the state of a distributon at some point in time. It's
2414 possible for the distribution to change behind the scenes without
2415 notice, e.g. when a distribution's <a href='#status'>status</a> is
2416 updated from "InProgress" to "Deployed".
2418 <p>The
2419 functions <a href='#enable'><tt>ENABLE</tt></a>, <a href='#disable'><tt>DISABLE</tt></a>, <a href='#ensure-cname'><tt>ENSURE-CNAME</tt></a>,
2420 <a href='#remove-cname'><tt>REMOVE-CNAME</tt></a>,
2421 and <a href='#set-comment'><tt>SET-COMMENT</tt></a> are designed so
2422 that regardless of the state of the distribution provided, after the
2423 function completes, the new state of the distribution will reflect
2424 the desired update. The
2425 functions <a href='#status'><tt>STATUS</tt></a>, <a href='#cnames'><tt>CNAMES</tt></a>,
2427 <a href='#enabledp'><tt>ENABLEDP</tt></a> do not automatically
2428 refresh the object and therefore might reflect outdated
2429 information. To ensure the object has the most recent information,
2430 use <a href='#refresh'><tt>REFRESH</tt></a>. For example, to fetch
2431 the current, live status, use <tt>(status (refresh
2432 distribution))</tt>.
2436 <div class='item'>
2437 <div class='type'><a name='all-distributions'>[Function]</a></div>
2438 <div class='signature'>
2439 <code class='name'>all-distributions</code>
2440 <span class='args'>
2441 </span>
2442 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2443 </div>
2445 <blockquote class='description'>
2446 <p>Returns a list of all distributions.
2447 </blockquote>
2448 </div>
2450 <div class='item'>
2451 <div class='type'><a name='create-distribution'>[Function]</a></div>
2452 <div class='signature'>
2453 <code class='name'>create-distribution</code>
2454 <span class='args'>
2455 <var>bucket-name</var>
2456 <code class='llkw'>&amp;key</code>
2457 <var>cnames</var>
2458 <var>enabled</var>
2459 <var>comment</var>
2460 </span>
2461 <span class='result'>=> <var>distribution</var></span>
2462 </div>
2464 <blockquote class='description'>
2465 Creates and returns a new distribution object that will cache
2466 objects from the bucket named
2467 by <var>bucket-name</var>.
2469 <p>If <var>cnames</var> is provided, it is taken as a designator
2470 for a list of additional domain names that can be used to access
2471 the distribution.
2473 <p>If <var>enabled</var> is NIL, the distribution is initially
2474 created in a disabled state. The default value is is T.
2476 <p>If <var>comment</var> is provided, it becomes part of the newly
2477 created distribution.
2478 </blockquote>
2479 </div>
2481 <div class='item'>
2482 <div class='type'><a name='delete-distribution'>[Function]</a></div>
2483 <div class='signature'>
2484 <code class='name'>delete-distribution</code>
2485 <span class='args'>
2486 <var>distribution</var>
2487 </span>
2488 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2489 </div>
2491 <blockquote class='description'>
2492 <p>Deletes <var>distribution</var>. Distributions must be disabled
2493 before deletion; see <a href='#disable'><tt>DISABLE</tt></a>.
2494 </blockquote>
2495 </div>
2498 <div class='item'>
2499 <div class='type'><a name='refresh'>[Function]</a></div>
2500 <div class='signature'>
2501 <code class='name'>refresh</code>
2502 <span class='args'>
2503 <var>distribution</var>
2504 </span>
2505 <span class='result'>=> <var>distribution</var></span>
2506 </div>
2508 <blockquote class='description'>
2509 <p>Queries Amazon for the latest information
2510 regarding <var>distribution</var> and destructively modifies the
2511 instance with the new information. Returns its argument.
2512 </blockquote>
2513 </div>
2516 <div class='item'>
2517 <div class='type'><a name='enable'>[Function]</a></div>
2518 <div class='signature'>
2519 <code class='name'>enable</code>
2520 <span class='args'>
2521 <var>distribution</var>
2522 </span>
2523 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2524 </div>
2526 <blockquote class='description'>
2527 <p>Enables <var>distribution</var>.
2528 </blockquote>
2529 </div>
2532 <div class='item'>
2533 <div class='type'><a name='disable'>[Function]</a></div>
2534 <div class='signature'>
2535 <code class='name'>disable</code>
2536 <span class='args'>
2537 <var>distribution</var>
2538 </span>
2539 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2540 </div>
2542 <blockquote class='description'>
2543 <p>Disables <var>distribution</var>.
2544 </blockquote>
2545 </div>
2548 <div class='item'>
2549 <div class='type'><a name='ensure-cname'>[Function]</a></div>
2550 <div class='signature'>
2551 <code class='name'>ensure-cname</code>
2552 <span class='args'>
2553 <var>distribution</var>
2554 <var>cname</var>
2555 </span>
2556 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2557 </div>
2559 <blockquote class='description'>
2560 <p>Adds <var>cname</var> to the CNAMEs of <var>distribution</var>,
2561 if necessary.
2562 </blockquote>
2563 </div>
2565 <div class='item'>
2566 <div class='type'><a name='remove-cname'>[Function]</a></div>
2567 <div class='signature'>
2568 <code class='name'>remove-cname</code>
2569 <span class='args'>
2570 <var>distribution</var>
2571 <var>cname</var>
2572 </span>
2573 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2574 </div>
2576 <blockquote class='description'>
2577 <p>Removes <var>cname</var> from the CNAMEs of <var>distribution</var>.
2578 </blockquote>
2579 </div>
2582 <div class='item'>
2583 <div class='type'><a name='set-comment'>[Function]</a></div>
2584 <div class='signature'>
2585 <code class='name'>set-comment</code>
2586 <span class='args'>
2587 <var>distribution</var>
2588 <var>comment</var>
2589 </span>
2590 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2591 </div>
2593 <blockquote class='description'>
2594 <p>Sets the comment of <var>distribution</var> to <var>comment</var>.
2595 </blockquote>
2596 </div>
2599 <div class='item'>
2600 <div class='type'><a name='distributions-for-bucket'>[Function]</a></div>
2601 <div class='signature'>
2602 <code class='name'>distributions-for-bucket</code>
2603 <span class='args'>
2604 <var>bucket-name</var>
2605 </span>
2606 <span class='result'>=> |</span>
2607 </div>
2609 <blockquote class='description'>
2610 <p>Returns a list of distributions that
2611 have <var>bucket-name</var> as the origin bucket.
2612 </blockquote>
2613 </div>
2616 <div class='item'>
2617 <div class='type'><a name='distribution-error'>[Condition]</a></div>
2618 <div class='signature'>
2619 <code class='name'>distribution-error</code>
2620 </div>
2622 <blockquote class='description'>
2623 <p>All errors signaled as a result of a CloudFront request error
2624 are subtypes of <tt>distribution-error</tt>.
2625 </blockquote>
2626 </div>
2629 <div class='item'>
2630 <div class='type'><a name='distribution-not-disabled'>[Condition]</a></div>
2631 <div class='signature'>
2632 <code class='name'>distribution-not-disabled</code>
2633 </div>
2635 <blockquote class='description'>
2636 <p>Distributions must be fully disabled before they are
2637 deleted. If they have not been disabled, or the status of the
2638 distribution is still
2639 "InProgress", <tt>distribution-not-disabled</tt> is signaled.
2640 </blockquote>
2641 </div>
2644 <div class='item'>
2645 <div class='type'><a name='cname-already-exists'>[Condition]</a></div>
2646 <div class='signature'>
2647 <code class='name'>cname-already-exists</code>
2648 </div>
2650 <blockquote class='description'>
2651 <p>A CNAME may only appear on one distribution. If you attempt to
2652 add a CNAME to a distribution that is already present on some
2653 other distribution, <tt>cname-already-exists</tt> is signaled.
2654 </blockquote>
2655 </div>
2658 <div class='item'>
2659 <div class='type'><a name='too-many-distributions'>[Condition]</a></div>
2660 <div class='signature'>
2661 <code class='name'>too-many-distributions</code>
2662 </div>
2664 <blockquote class='description'>
2665 <p>If creating a new distribution
2666 via <a href='#create-distribution'><tt>CREATE-DISTRIBUTION</tt></a>
2667 would exceed the account limit of total distributions,
2668 <tt>too-many-distributions</tt> is signaled.
2669 </blockquote>
2670 </div>
2673 <div class='item'>
2674 <div class='type'><a name='status'>[Function]</a></div>
2675 <div class='signature'>
2676 <code class='name'>status</code>
2677 <span class='args'>
2678 <var>distribution</var>
2679 </span>
2680 <span class='result'>=> <var>status</var></span>
2681 </div>
2683 <blockquote class='description'>
2684 <p>Returns a string describing the status
2685 of <var>distribution</var>. The status is either "InProgress",
2686 meaning that the distribution's configuration has not fully
2687 propagated through the CloudFront system, or "Deployed".
2688 </blockquote>
2689 </div>
2692 <div class='item'>
2693 <div class='type'><a name='origin-bucket'>[Function]</a></div>
2694 <div class='signature'>
2695 <code class='name'>origin-bucket</code>
2696 <span class='args'>
2697 <var>distribution</var>
2698 </span>
2699 <span class='result'>=> <var>origin-bucket</var></span>
2700 </div>
2702 <blockquote class='description'>
2703 <p>Returns the origin bucket for <var>distribution</var>. It is
2704 different from a normal ZS3 bucket name, because it has
2705 "" as a suffix.
2706 </blockquote>
2707 </div>
2710 <div class='item'>
2711 <div class='type'><a name='domain-name'>[Function]</a></div>
2712 <div class='signature'>
2713 <code class='name'>domain-name</code>
2714 <span class='args'>
2715 <var>distribution</var>
2716 </span>
2717 <span class='result'>=> <var>domain-name</var></span>
2718 </div>
2720 <blockquote class='description'>
2721 <p>Returns the domain name through which CloudFront-enabled access
2722 to a resource may be made.
2723 </blockquote>
2724 </div>
2727 <div class='item'>
2728 <div class='type'><a name='cnames'>[Function]</a></div>
2729 <div class='signature'>
2730 <code class='name'>cnames</code>
2731 <span class='args'>
2732 <var>distribution</var>
2733 </span>
2734 <span class='result'>=> <var>cnames</var></span>
2735 </div>
2737 <blockquote class='description'>
2738 Returns a list of CNAMEs associated with <var>distribution</var>.
2739 </blockquote>
2740 </div>
2743 <div class='item'>
2744 <div class='type'><a name='enabledp'>[Function]</a></div>
2745 <div class='signature'>
2746 <code class='name'>enabledp</code>
2747 <span class='args'>
2748 <var>distribution</var>
2749 </span>
2750 <span class='result'>=> <var>boolean</var></span>
2751 </div>
2753 <blockquote class='description'>
2754 <p>Returns <i>true</i> if <var>distribution</var> is enabled, NIL
2755 otherwise.
2756 </blockquote>
2757 </div>
2760 <div class='item'>
2761 <div class='type'><a name='invalidate-paths'>[Function]</a></div>
2762 <div class='signature'>
2763 <code class='name'>invalidate-paths</code>
2764 <span class='args'>
2765 <var>distribution</var>
2766 <var>paths</var>
2767 </span>
2768 <span class='result'>=> <var>invalidation</var></span>
2769 </div>
2771 <blockquote class='description'>
2772 <p>Initiates the invalidation of resources identified
2773 by <var>paths</var> in <var>distribution</var>. <var>paths</var>
2774 should consist of key names that correspond to objects in the
2775 distribution's S3 bucket.
2777 <p>The <var>invalidation</var> object reports on the status of the
2778 invalidation request. It can be queried
2779 with <a href='#status'><tt>STATUS</tt></a> and refreshed
2780 with <a href='#refresh'><tt>REFRESH</tt></a>.
2782 <pre class='code'>
2783 * <b>(invalidate-paths distribution '("/css/site.css" "/js/site.js"))</b>
2784 #&lt;INVALIDATION "I1HJC711OFAVKO" [InProgress]>
2785 * <b>(progn (sleep 300) (refresh *))</b>
2786 #&lt;INVALIDATION "I1HJC711OFAVKO" [Completed]>
2787 </pre>
2788 </blockquote>
2789 </div>
2794 <a name='references'><h2>References</h2></a>
2796 <ul>
2797 <li> Amazon, <a href="">Amazon
2798 S3 Technical Documentation</a>
2799 <li> Amazon, <a href="">Amazon CloudFront Technical Documentation</a>
2800 </ul>
2805 <a name='acknowledgements'><h2>Acknowledgements</h2>
2807 <p>Several people on <a href=''>freenode</a>
2808 #lisp pointed out typos and glitches in this
2809 documentation. Special thanks to Bart "_3b" Botta for providing a
2810 detailed documentation review that pointed out glitches,
2811 omissions, and overly confusing passages.
2813 <p>James Wright corrected a problem with computing the string to
2814 sign and URL encoding.
2816 <a name='feedback'><h2>Feedback</h2></a>
2818 <p>If you have any questions or comments about ZS3, please email
2819 me, <a href=''>Zach Beane</a>
2821 <p>For ZS3 announcements and development discussion, please see the
2822 <a href="">zs3-devel</a>
2823 mailing list.
2825 <p><i>2016-06-17</i>
2827 <p class='copyright'>Copyright &copy; 2008-2016 Zachary Beane, All Rights Reserved
2830 </div>
2831 </body>
2832 </html>