Integrate vectometry and geometry.
[vecto.git] / vectometry / box.lisp
1 ;;;; box.lisp
3 (in-package #:vecto-geometry)
5 (defclass box ()
6 ((xmin
7 :initarg :xmin
8 :accessor xmin)
9 (ymin
10 :initarg :ymin
11 :accessor ymin)
12 (xmax
13 :initarg :xmax
14 :accessor xmax)
15 (ymax
16 :initarg :ymax
17 :accessor ymax)))
20 (defmethod initialize-instance :before ((box box) &key
21 xmin ymin xmax ymax)
22 (assert (<= xmin xmax))
23 (assert (<= ymin ymax)))
25 (defmethod xmin ((point point))
26 (x point))
28 (defmethod xmax ((point point))
29 (x point))
31 (defmethod ymin ((point point))
32 (y point))
34 (defmethod ymax ((point point))
35 (y point))
37 (defmethod print-object ((object box) stream)
38 (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
39 (format stream "~A,~A ~A,~A"
40 (xmin object)
41 (ymin object)
42 (xmax object)
43 (ymax object))))
45 (defun box (xmin ymin xmax ymax)
46 (make-instance 'box
47 :xmin xmin
48 :ymin ymin
49 :xmax xmax
50 :ymax ymax))
52 (defun point-box (a b)
53 "Creates the smallest box that contains the points A and B."
54 (box (min (x a) (x b)) (min (y a) (y b))
55 (max (x a) (x b)) (max (y a) (y b))))
57 (defun origin-box (point)
58 "Creates a bounding box that includes both the origin and POINT."
59 (point-box *origin* point))
61 (defun bbox-box (bbox)
62 "Creates a box from the BBOX vector."
63 (box (aref bbox 0)
64 (aref bbox 1)
65 (aref bbox 2)
66 (aref bbox 3)))
68 (defgeneric minpoint (box)
69 (:method ((box box))
70 (point (xmin box) (ymin box))))
72 (defgeneric maxpoint (box)
73 (:method ((box box))
74 (point (xmax box) (ymax box))))
76 (defgeneric centerpoint (box)
77 (:method ((box box))
78 (midpoint (minpoint box) (maxpoint box))))
80 (defgeneric width (object)
81 (:method (object)
82 (- (xmax object) (xmin object))))
84 (defgeneric height (object)
85 (:method (object)
86 (- (ymax object) (ymin object))))
88 (defgeneric area (box)
89 (:method ((box box))
90 (* (width box) (height box))))
92 (defgeneric emptyp (box)
93 (:method ((box box))
94 ;; A little more efficient than (zerop (area box))
95 (or (= (xmax box) (xmin box))
96 (= (ymax box) (ymin box)))))
98 (defun contract (box amount)
99 (let ((p (point amount amount)))
100 (point-box (add (minpoint box) p)
101 (sub (maxpoint box) p))))
103 (defun expand (box amount)
104 (contract box (- amount)))
106 (defun %point-box-add (point box)
107 (point-box (add (minpoint box) point)
108 (add (maxpoint box) point)))
110 (defmethod add/2 ((point point) (box box))
111 (%point-box-add point box))
113 (defmethod add/2 ((box box) (point point))
114 (%point-box-add point box))
116 (defun %point-box-mul (point box)
117 (point-box (mul (minpoint box) point)
118 (mul (maxpoint box) point)))
120 (defmethod mul ((point point) (box box))
121 (%point-box-mul point box))
123 (defmethod mul ((box box) (point point))
124 (%point-box-mul point box))
126 (defmethod sub ((box box) (point point))
127 (point-box (sub (minpoint box) point)
128 (sub (maxpoint box) point)))
130 (defmethod div ((box box) (point point))
131 (point-box (div (minpoint box) point)
132 (div (maxpoint box) point)))
134 (defmethod eqv ((a box) (b box))
135 (and (= (xmin a) (xmin b))
136 (= (xmax a) (xmax b))
137 (= (ymin a) (ymin b))
138 (= (ymax a) (ymax b))))
141 (defgeneric displace (box point)
142 (:method ((box box) point)
143 (point-box (add (minpoint box) point)
144 (add (maxpoint box) point))))
146 (defmethod scale ((box box) (scaler number))
147 (point-box (scale (minpoint box) scaler)
148 (scale (maxpoint box) scaler)))
150 (defgeneric bounding-box-delegate (object)
151 (:documentation
152 "An object that provides the bounding box for some other object."))
154 (defgeneric bounding-box (object)
155 (:method (object)
156 (bounding-box (bounding-box-delegate object)))
157 (:method ((box box))
158 box)
159 (:method ((point point))
160 (point-box point point))
161 (:method ((objects sequence))
162 (reduce #'combine (map 'vector #'bounding-box objects))))
164 (defun transpose (box)
165 (point-box (minpoint box)
166 (point (ymax box) (xmax box))))
168 (defun containsp (box point)
169 (and (<= (xmin box) (x point) (xmax box))
170 (<= (ymin box) (y point) (ymax box))))
172 ;;; TODO:
174 ;;; overlapsp box box
175 ;;; containsp box point