Add a blend-style to the graphics state
[vecto.git] / vectometry / vectometry.lisp
1 ;;;; vectometry.lisp
3 (in-package #:vectometry)
5 (defun move-to (p)
6 (vecto:move-to (x p) (y p)))
8 (defun line-to (p)
9 (vecto:line-to (x p) (y p)))
11 (defun curve-to (control1 control2 end)
12 (vecto:curve-to (x control1) (y control1)
13 (x control2) (y control2)
14 (x end) (y end)))
16 (defun quadratic-to (control end)
17 (vecto:quadratic-to (x control) (y control)
18 (x end) (y end)))
20 (defun draw-string (p string)
21 (vecto:draw-string (x p) (y p) string))
23 (defun draw-centered-string (p string)
24 (vecto:draw-centered-string (x p) (y p) string))
26 (defun string-paths (p string)
27 (vecto:string-paths (x p) (y p) string))
29 (defun string-bounding-box (string size loader)
30 (bbox-box (vecto:string-bounding-box string size loader)))
32 (defun arc (center radius theta1 theta2)
33 (vecto:arc (x center) (y center) radius theta1 theta2))
35 (defun arcn (center radius theta1 theta2)
36 (vecto:arcn (x center) (y center) radius theta1 theta2))
38 (defun rectangle (box)
39 (vecto:rectangle (xmin box) (ymin box) (width box) (height box)))
41 (defun rounded-rectangle (box rx ry)
42 (vecto:rounded-rectangle (xmin box) (ymin box)
43 (width box) (height box)
44 rx ry))
46 (defun centered-ellipse-path (center rx ry)
47 (vecto:centered-ellipse-path (x center) (y center) rx ry))
49 (defun centered-circle-path (center radius)
50 (vecto:centered-circle-path (x center) (y center) radius))
52 (defun translate (point)
53 (vecto:translate (x point) (y point)))
55 (defmacro with-box-canvas (box &body body)
56 (let ((box* (gensym "BOX")))
57 `(let* ((,box* ,box))
58 (with-canvas (:width (ceiling (width ,box*))
59 :height (ceiling (height ,box*)))
60 (let ((p (neg (minpoint ,box*))))
61 (translate (point (ceiling (x p))
62 (ceiling (y p)))))
63 ,@body))))
66 (defgeneric top-left (object)
67 (:method (object)
68 (let ((box (bounding-box object)))
69 (point (xmin box) (ymax box)))))
71 (defgeneric top-right (object)
72 (:method (object)
73 (maxpoint (bounding-box object))))
75 (defgeneric bottom-left (object)
76 (:method (object)
77 (minpoint (bounding-box object))))
79 (defgeneric bottom-right (object)
80 (:method (object)
81 (let ((box (bounding-box object)))
82 (point (xmax box) (ymin box)))))
84 (macrolet ((compass-point-method (name component1 &optional component2)
85 (if component2
86 `(defgeneric ,name (object)
87 (:method (object)
88 (midpoint (,component1 object)
89 (,component2 object))))
90 `(defgeneric ,name (object)
91 (:method (object)
92 (,component1 object))))))
93 (compass-point-method northpoint top-left top-right)
94 (compass-point-method northeastpoint top-right)
95 (compass-point-method eastpoint top-right bottom-right)
96 (compass-point-method southeastpoint bottom-right)
97 (compass-point-method southpoint bottom-left bottom-right)
98 (compass-point-method southwestpoint bottom-left)
99 (compass-point-method westpoint bottom-left top-left)
100 (compass-point-method northwestpoint top-left))
103 (defun set-gradient-fill (p1 c1 p2 c2
104 &key (extend-start t) (extend-end t)
105 (domain-function 'vecto:linear-domain))
106 (vecto:set-gradient-fill (x p1) (y p1)
107 (red c1) (green c1) (blue c1) (alpha c1)
108 (x p2) (y p2)
109 (red c2) (green c2) (blue c2) (alpha c2)
110 :extend-start extend-start
111 :extend-end extend-end
112 :domain-function domain-function))
115 (defmethod bounding-box ((glyph zpb-ttf::glyph))
116 (bbox-box (zpb-ttf:bounding-box glyph)))