[trivial-shell.git] / trivial-shell.asd
1 #|
3 Author: Gary King
5 Code originally forked from Kevin Rosenberg's KMRCL and borrowed from
6 Alexander Repenning's Apple event code. It was then subjected to bursts
7 of gamma radiation and repeated does of the sonic screwdriver.
8 |#
10 (defsystem "trivial-shell"
11   :version "0.2.0"
12   :author "Gary Warren King <>"
13   :maintainer "Gary Warren King <>"
14   :licence "MIT Style License"
15   :description "OS and Implementation independent access to the shell"
16   :components ((:module 
17                 "notes"
18                 :pathname "dev/"
19                 :components 
20                 ((:static-file "notes.text")))
21                (:module
22                 "timeout"
23                 :pathname "timeout/"
24                 :components 
25                 ((:file "package")
26                  (:file "with-timeout" :depends-on ("package"))))
27                (:module 
28                 "setup"
29                 :pathname "dev/"
30                 :depends-on ("timeout")
31                 :components 
32                 ((:file "package")))
33                (:module 
34                 "dev"
35                 :depends-on ("setup")
36                 :components 
37                 ((:file "definitions")
38                  (:file "macros")
39                  (:file "utilities")
40                  (:file "shell"
41                         :depends-on ("definitions" "macros" #+digitool "mcl"))))
42                (:module
43                 "port"
44                 :pathname "dev/"
45                 :depends-on ("dev")
46                 :components
47                 (
48                  #+abcl
49                  (:file "abcl")
50                  #+allegro
51                  (:file "allegro")
52                  #+clisp
53                  (:file "clisp")
54                  #+cmu
55                  (:file "cmucl")
56                  #+digitool
57                  (:file "digitool")
58                  #+ecl
59                  (:file "ecl")
60                  #+lispworks
61                  (:file "lispworks")
62                  #+openmcl
63                  (:file "openmcl")
64                  #+sbcl
65                  (:file "sbcl")
66                  #+scl
67                  (file "scl")
69                  #-(or abcl allegro clisp cmu digitool ecl
70                        lispworks openmcl sbcl scl)
71                  (:file "unsupported")
72                  #+digitool
73                  (:module "mcl"
74                           :components ((:file "eval-apple-script")))))
75                (:module 
76                 "website"
77                 :components
78                 ((:module "source"
79                           :components ((:static-file ""))))))
80   :in-order-to ((test-op (test-op "trivial-shell-test"))))