[trivial-shell.git] / dev / shell.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
3 (in-package #:metashell)
5 (defgeneric file-to-string-as-lines (pathname)
6 (:documentation ""))
8 (defmethod file-to-string-as-lines ((pathname pathname))
9 (with-open-file (stream pathname :direction :input)
10 (file-to-string-as-lines stream)))
12 (defmethod file-to-string-as-lines ((stream stream))
13 (with-output-to-string (s)
14 (loop for line = (read-line stream nil :eof nil)
15 until (eq line :eof) do
16 (princ line s)
17 (terpri s))))
19 (defmethod shell-command ((command pathname) &key input)
20 (shell-command (namestring command) :input input))
22 (defmethod shell-command ((command t) &key input)
23 "Synchronously execute `command` using a Bourne-compatible shell,
24 returns (values output error-output exit-status).
26 The `command` can be a full path to a shell executable binary
27 or just its name. In the later case, the variable `*shell-search-paths*`
28 will be used to find the executable.
30 Depending on the implementation, the variable `*bourne-compatible-shell*`
31 may be used to find a shell to use in executing `command`."
32 (let* ((pos-/ (position #\/ command))
33 (pos-space (find-command-ending-in-string command))
34 (binary (subseq command 0 (or pos-space)))
35 (args (and pos-space (subseq command pos-space))))
36 (when (or (not pos-/)
37 (and pos-/ pos-space)
38 (and pos-space
39 (< pos-/ pos-space)))
40 ;; no slash in the command portion, try to find the command with
41 ;; our path
42 (setf binary
43 (or (loop for path in *shell-search-paths* do
44 (let ((full-binary (make-pathname :name binary
45 :defaults path)))
46 (when (and (probe-file full-binary)
47 (directory-pathname-p full-binary))
48 (return full-binary))))
49 binary)))
50 (multiple-value-bind (output error status)
51 (%shell-command (format nil "~a~@[ ~a~]" binary args) input)
52 (values output error status))))
54 (defun find-command-ending-in-string (command)
55 (let ((checking? t))
56 (loop for ch across command
57 for i from 0 do
58 (cond ((and checking? (char= ch #\Space))
59 (return i))
60 ((char= ch #\\)
61 (setf checking? nil))
63 (setf checking? t))))))
65 (defun os-process-id ()
66 "Return the process-id of the currently executing OS process."
67 (%os-process-id))
69 (defun get-env-var (name)
70 "Return the value of the environment variable `name`."
71 (%get-env-var name))
73 (defun exit (&optional (code :success))
74 "Exit the process. CODE is either a numeric exit code, or the special values :SUCCESS
75 or :FAILURE, which maps to the appropriate exit codes for the operating system."
76 ;; Currently, :SUCCESS always maps to 0 and :FAILURE maps to 1
77 (%exit (cond ((eq code :success) 0)
78 ((eq code :failure) 1)
79 ((integerp code) code)
80 (t (error "Illegal exit code: ~s (should be an integer or the values :SUCCESS or :FAILURE)" code)))))