[trivial-shell.git] / dev / macros.lisp
1 (in-package #:trivial-shell)
3 ;; whatever...
4 (defmacro with-gensyms (syms &body body)
5 `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (s)
6 `(,s (gensym)))
7 syms)
8 ,@body))
10 (defmacro with-stream-from-specifier ((stream stream-specifier direction
11 &rest args)
12 &body body)
13 (with-gensyms (s close? result)
14 `(let ((,close? t)
16 ,result)
17 (unwind-protect
18 (setf ,result
19 (multiple-value-list
20 (let (,stream)
21 (setf (values ,s ,close?)
22 (make-stream-from-specifier
23 ,stream-specifier ,direction ,@args))
24 (setf ,stream ,s)
25 ,@body)))
26 (when (and ,close? ,s)
27 (let ((it (close-stream-specifier ,s)))
28 (when it
29 (setf (first ,result) it)))))
30 (values-list ,result))))
32 (defmacro with-input ((var source &rest args) &body body)
33 "Create an input stream from source and bind it to var within the body of the with-input form. The stream will be closed if necessary on exit."
34 `(with-stream-from-specifier (,var ,source :input ,@args)
35 ,@body))
37 (defmacro with-output ((var destination &rest args) &body body)
38 "Create an output stream from source and bind it to var within the body of the with-output form. The stream will be closed if necessary on exit."
39 `(with-stream-from-specifier (,var ,destination :output ,@args)
40 ,@body))
42 (defgeneric make-stream-from-specifier (specifier direction &rest args)
43 (:documentation "Create and return a stream from specifier, direction and any other argsuments"))
45 (defgeneric close-stream-specifier (steam)
46 (:documentation "Close a stream and handle other bookkeeping as appropriate."))
48 (defmethod make-stream-from-specifier ((stream-specifier stream)
49 (direction symbol) &rest args)
50 (declare (ignore args))
51 (values stream-specifier nil))
53 (defmethod make-stream-from-specifier ((stream-specifier (eql t))
54 (direction symbol) &rest args)
55 (declare (ignore args))
56 (values *standard-output* nil))
58 (defmethod make-stream-from-specifier ((stream-specifier (eql nil))
59 (direction symbol) &rest args)
60 (declare (ignore args))
61 (values (make-string-output-stream) t))
63 (defmethod make-stream-from-specifier ((stream-specifier (eql :none))
64 (direction symbol) &rest args)
65 (declare (ignore args))
66 (values nil nil))
68 (defmethod make-stream-from-specifier ((stream-specifier pathname)
69 (direction symbol) &rest args)
70 (values (apply #'open stream-specifier :direction direction args)
71 t))
73 (defmethod make-stream-from-specifier ((stream-specifier string)
74 (direction symbol) &rest args)
75 (let ((start (getf args :start 0))
76 (end (getf args :end)))
77 (values (make-string-input-stream stream-specifier start end) nil)))
79 (defmethod make-stream-from-specifier ((stream-specifier string)
80 (direction (eql :output)) &rest args)
81 (let ((if-does-not-exist (getf args :if-does-not-exist :create)))
82 (remf args :if-does-not-exist)
83 (values (apply #'open stream-specifier
84 :direction direction :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist args)
85 t)))
87 (defmethod close-stream-specifier (s)
88 (close s)
89 (values nil))
91 (defmethod close-stream-specifier ((s string-stream))
92 (prog1
93 (values (get-output-stream-string s))
94 (close s)))