descriptionsimple terminal
homepage URL
repository URLgit://
last changeFri, 5 Apr 2024 10:18:41 +0000 (5 12:18 +0200)
last refreshSat, 27 Apr 2024 09:45:07 +0000 (27 11:45 +0200)
content tags
st - simple terminal
st is a simple terminal emulator for X which sucks less.

In order to build st you need the Xlib header files.

Edit to match your local setup (st is installed into
the /usr/local namespace by default).

Afterwards enter the following command to build and install st (if
necessary as root):

    make clean install

Running st
If you did not install st with make clean install, you must compile
the st terminfo entry with the following command:

    tic -sx

See the man page for additional details.

Based on Aurélien APTEL <aurelien dot aptel at gmail dot com> bt source code.
2024-04-05 Hiltjo Posthumabump version to 0.9.2master0.9.2
2024-04-03 DOGMANReset title when an empty title string is given
2024-03-30 Hiltjo PosthumaRevert "Fix cursor move with wide glyphs"
2024-03-19 Hiltjo Posthumabump version to
2024-03-17 Hiltjo Posthumaconfig.def.h: improve latency for the default configuration
2024-03-04 Tommi Hirvolaset upper limit for REP escape sequence argument
2024-02-25 Quentin RameauFix cursor move with wide glyphs
2024-02-18 Tim Culverhousecsi: check for private marker in 'S' case
2023-10-07 Peter HofmannAdd terminfo entries for bracketed paste mode
2023-10-07 Peter HofmannUnhide cursor on RIS (\033c)
2023-10-07 Peter HofmannFix wide glyphs breaking "nowrap" mode
2023-10-07 Peter HofmannDon't scroll selection on the other screen
2023-10-07 Peter HofmannFix bounds checks of dc.col
2023-09-22 Hiltjo PosthumaMakefile: remove the options target
2023-06-25 Shi TianFix for wide character being incorrectly cleared on...
2023-02-07 Hiltjo Posthumaignore C1 control characters in UTF-8 mode
3 weeks ago 0.9.2
5 weeks ago 0.9.1
18 months ago 0.9
2 years ago 0.8.5
3 years ago 0.8.4
4 years ago 0.8.3
5 years ago 0.8.2
6 years ago 0.8.1
6 years ago 0.8
7 years ago 0.7
8 years ago 0.6
10 years ago 0.5
11 years ago 0.4.1
11 years ago 0.4
11 years ago 0.3
12 years ago 0.2.1
3 weeks ago master
7 years ago split
9 years ago wchar
Cached version (6640s old)
st/julien_st.git 5 years ago