Generalized segment stuff; added fixup output; basic (incomplete) relocation support.
[st-linker.git] / prg.lisp
1 ;;; Code to support (simple) linking of object files into GEMDOS PRG
2 ;;; files. These are basically A.OUT format.
4 (in-package :st-linker)
6 (defparameter *aout-obj-header-length* 32) ; bytes
7 (defparameter *aout-prg-header-length* 28) ; bytes
9 ;; Object magic is STO^Z
10 (defun check-magic (stream)
11 (unless (= (read-big-endian-data stream 32) #x53544F26)
12 (error "Bad magic.")))
15 (defstruct module
16 (name)
17 (segment-bases)
18 (segment-sizes)
19 (symbol-table-size)
20 (entry-point)
21 (symbols)
22 (relocations))
24 (defun module-segment-base (module segment)
25 (cdr (assoc segment (module-segment-bases module))))
26 (defun module-segment-size (module segment)
27 (cdr (assoc segment (module-segment-sizes module))))
28 (defun module-segment-relocations (module segment)
29 (cdr (assoc segment (module-relocations module))))
32 (defstruct relocation
33 (address)
34 (symbol)
35 (pc-relative-p)
36 (length)
37 (extern-p))
39 (defstruct linker-symbol
40 (name)
41 (value)
42 (type)
43 ;; global-p, debug-info
44 (module))
47 (defun read-relocations (n-relocations stream)
48 (let ((table (make-array (list n-relocations)
49 :element-type 'linker-symbol)))
50 (dotimes (i n-relocations)
51 (let ((address (read-big-endian-data stream 32))
52 (rest (read-big-endian-data stream 32)))
53 (setf (aref table i)
54 (make-relocation :address address
55 :symbol (ldb (byte 24 8) rest)
56 :pc-relative-p (= 1 (ldb (byte 1 7) rest))
57 :length (ash 1 (ldb (byte 2 5) rest))
58 :extern-p (= 1 (ldb (byte 1 4) rest))))))
59 table))
61 (defun read-symbol-table (n-symbols stream module)
62 (let ((table (make-array (list n-symbols) :element-type 'relocation)))
63 (dotimes (i n-symbols)
64 (let ((name-idx (read-big-endian-data stream 32))
65 (type (read-big-endian-data stream 32))
66 (value (read-big-endian-data stream 32)))
67 (setf (aref table i)
68 (make-linker-symbol :name name-idx
69 :type (ldb (byte 7 25) type)
70 :value value
71 :module module))))
72 table))
74 (defun read-string-table (stream symbols)
75 (dotimes (i (length symbols))
76 (setf (linker-symbol-name (aref symbols i))
77 (read-nul-terminated-string stream))))
79 (defun read-object-header (stream object)
80 (let ((segment-sizes (mapcar (lambda (x)
81 (cons x (read-big-endian-data stream 32)))
82 '(text data bss)))
83 (symbol-count (read-big-endian-data stream 32))
84 (entry (read-big-endian-data stream 32))
85 (reloc-sizes (mapcar (lambda (x)
86 (cons x (read-big-endian-data stream 32)))
87 '(text data))))
88 (make-module :name object
89 :segment-sizes segment-sizes
90 :symbol-table-size symbol-count
91 :entry-point entry
92 :relocations reloc-sizes)))
95 (defun read-module (filename)
96 (with-open-file (stream filename :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
97 (check-magic stream)
98 (let ((module (read-object-header stream filename)))
99 (file-position stream (+ *aout-obj-header-length*
100 (module-segment-size module 'text)
101 (module-segment-size module 'data)))
102 (let ((relocs (mapcar
103 (lambda (x)
104 (cons x
105 (read-relocations
106 (module-segment-relocations module x)
107 stream)))
108 '(text data)))
109 (symbols (read-symbol-table (module-symbol-table-size module)
110 stream filename)))
111 (read-string-table stream symbols)
112 (setf (module-relocations module) relocs
113 (module-symbols module) symbols))
114 module)))
117 (defun link-prg (objects &key (out-name "aout.prg"))
118 (let ((segment-sizes (list (cons 'text 0)
119 (cons 'data 0)
120 (cons 'bss 0)))
121 (modules nil))
122 (dolist (object objects)
123 (push (read-module object) modules)
124 ;; XXX merge symbols into global symbol table
125 (dolist (x segment-sizes)
126 (incf (cdr x) (module-segment-size (first modules) (car x)))))
128 (allocate-module-bases modules segment-sizes)
130 (with-open-file (prg-stream out-name :direction :io
131 :element-type 'unsigned-byte
132 :if-exists :new-version
133 :if-does-not-exist :create)
134 ;; start writing header
135 (write-big-endian-data prg-stream #x601a 16)
136 (mapcar (lambda (x)
137 (write-big-endian-data prg-stream
138 (cdr (assoc x segment-sizes))
139 32))
140 '(text data bss))
141 (write-big-endian-data prg-stream 0 32) ; no symbol table
142 (write-big-endian-data prg-stream 0 (* 2 32)) ; reserved, flags
143 (write-big-endian-data prg-stream 0 16) ; absflag
145 (dolist (module modules)
146 ;; over each object, read text segments
147 (with-open-file (obj-stream (module-name module)
148 :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
149 (file-position obj-stream *aout-obj-header-length*) ;start of text segment
150 (copy-from-stream obj-stream prg-stream
151 (module-segment-size module 'text))))
152 (dolist (module modules)
153 ;; over each object, read data segments
154 (with-open-file (obj-stream (module-name module)
155 :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
156 (file-position obj-stream (+ *aout-obj-header-length*
157 (module-segment-size module 'text)))
158 (copy-from-stream obj-stream prg-stream
159 (module-segment-size module 'data))))
161 (let ((fixups (process-link-time-relocations prg-stream modules)))
162 (output-load-time-relocations prg-stream fixups)))))
165 (defun allocate-module-bases (modules segment-sizes)
166 (let ((bases (list (cons 'text 0)
167 (cons 'data #1=(cdr (assoc 'text segment-sizes)))
168 (cons 'bss (+ (cdr (assoc 'data segment-sizes))
169 #1#)))))
170 (dolist (module modules)
171 (setf (module-segment-bases module) (copy-tree bases))
172 (format t "~&relocating ~A at ~A" (module-name module)
173 (module-segment-bases module))
174 (dolist (x bases)
175 (incf (cdr x) (module-segment-size module (car x)))))))
177 (defun process-link-time-relocations (stream modules)
178 (let ((fixups nil)
179 (position (file-position stream)))
180 (dolist (module modules)
181 (mapcar
182 (lambda (segment)
183 (dovector (reloc (module-segment-relocations module segment))
184 (format t "~&doing reloc ~A" reloc)
185 (awhen (if (relocation-pc-relative-p reloc)
186 (if (relocation-extern-p reloc)
187 (relocate-pcrel-extern stream module segment reloc)
188 (relocate-pc-relative stream module segment reloc))
189 (if (relocation-extern-p reloc)
190 (relocate-absolute-extern stream module segment reloc)
191 (relocate-absolute stream module segment reloc)))
192 (push it fixups))))
193 '(text data)))
194 (file-position stream position)
195 (sort fixups #'<=)))
197 (defun file-offset-of-address (address)
198 (+ address *aout-prg-header-length*))
200 (defun relocate-absolute (stream module segment reloc)
201 (setf (relocation-symbol reloc) (nth (relocation-symbol reloc)
202 '(text data bss)))
203 (let ((base (module-segment-base module (relocation-symbol reloc))))
204 ;; add base to value
205 (incf (relocation-address reloc) (module-segment-base module segment))
206 (file-position stream
207 (file-offset-of-address (relocation-address reloc)))
208 (let* ((length (* (relocation-length reloc) 8))
209 (value (read-big-endian-data stream length)))
210 (file-position stream
211 (file-offset-of-address (relocation-address reloc)))
212 (write-big-endian-data stream (+ value base) length)
213 ;; adjust address according to length
214 (when (/= length 32)
215 (decf (relocation-address reloc) (ceiling (- 32 length) 8))))
216 ;; return fixup
217 (relocation-address reloc)))
219 (defun relocate-absolute-extern (stream module segment reloc)
220 nil)
222 (defun relocate-pcrel-extern (stream module segment reloc)
223 nil)
224 (defun relocate-pc-relative (stream module segment reloc)
225 (format t "~&wish i could say this was being handled: ~A ~A ~A"
226 #1=(module-segment-base module segment)
227 #2=(module-segment-base module (relocation-symbol reloc))
228 (- #1# #2#))
229 nil)
231 (defun output-load-time-relocations (stream fixups)
232 (let ((delta (or (and fixups (first fixups)) 0)))
233 (write-big-endian-data stream delta 32) ;fixup offset
234 (format t "~&outputting delta of ~A" delta)
235 ;; output relocations in PC order... make sure relocation is on word
236 ;; boundry, and fix smaller relocs so that they're long (eg, word
237 ;; fixups need to start two bytes earlier). if delta from current
238 ;; position to next fixup > 254, output byte 1 until < 254. then
239 ;; output offset of fixup.
240 (dolist (addr (cdr fixups))
241 (assert (= 0 (mod addr 2)))
242 (format t "~&outputting fixup ~A, delta ~A" addr delta)
243 (do () ((< (- addr delta) 254))
244 (write-byte 1 stream)
245 (incf delta 254))
246 (write-byte (- addr delta) stream)
247 (setf delta addr))
248 (write-byte 0 stream))) ; no more relocs.
251 ;;;; UTILITIES
253 (defmacro dovector ((var vector) &body body)
254 "Iterate VAR across VECTOR."
255 `(loop for ,var across ,vector
256 do (progn ,@body)))
258 (defun copy-from-stream (source destination length
259 &key (element-type 'unsigned-byte))
260 "Copy LENGTH bytes of data from open stream SOURCE to open stream
262 (let ((buffer (make-array '(4096) :element-type element-type)))
263 (do ((bytes #1=(read-sequence buffer source) #1#)
264 (length length (- length bytes)))
265 ((or (= bytes 0) (<= length 0)))
266 (write-sequence buffer destination :end (if (> bytes length)
267 length
268 bytes)))))
270 (defun read-big-endian-data (stream length)
271 "Read LENGTH bits of data encoded big-endian from STREAM, returning
272 an integer. LENGTH must be a multiple of 8."
273 (assert (zerop (logand length 7)))
274 (do ((pos (- length 8) (- pos 8))
275 (value (read-byte stream) (logior (read-byte stream)
276 (ash value 8))))
277 ((<= pos 0) value)))
279 (defun write-big-endian-data (stream data length)
280 "Write LENGTH bits of the integer DATA to STREAM, in big-endian
281 order. LENGTH must be a multiple of 8."
282 (assert (zerop (logand length 7)))
283 (do ((pos (- length 8) (- pos 8)))
284 ((< pos 0))
285 (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 pos) data) stream)))
288 (defun read-nul-terminated-string (stream)
289 (do ((char (read-byte stream) (read-byte stream))
290 (string (make-array '(0) :element-type 'character :adjustable t
291 :fill-pointer 0)))
292 ((eql char 0) string)
293 (vector-push-extend (code-char char) string)))