A cleanup and a stupid bug fix (module-segment-bases were getting corrupted because...
[st-linker.git] / prg.lisp
1 ;;; Code to support (simple) linking of object files into GEMDOS PRG
2 ;;; files. These are basically A.OUT format.
4 (in-package :st-linker)
6 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
7 (defparameter *aout-prg-header-length* 28)) ; bytes
9 (defun link-prg (modules segment-sizes out-name)
10 (with-open-file (prg-stream out-name :direction :io
11 :element-type 'unsigned-byte
12 :if-exists :supersede
13 :if-does-not-exist :create)
14 ;; start writing header
15 (write-big-endian-data prg-stream #x601a 16)
16 (mapcar (lambda (x)
17 (write-big-endian-data prg-stream
18 (cdr (assoc x segment-sizes))
19 32))
20 '(text data bss))
21 (write-big-endian-data prg-stream 0 32) ; no symbol table
22 (write-big-endian-data prg-stream 0 (* 2 32)) ; reserved, flags
23 (write-big-endian-data prg-stream 0 16) ; absflag
25 (dolist (module modules)
26 ;; over each object, read text segments
27 (with-open-file (obj-stream (module-name module)
28 :direction :input
29 :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
30 (file-position obj-stream *aout-obj-header-length*) ;start of text segment
31 (copy-from-stream obj-stream prg-stream
32 (module-segment-size module 'text))))
33 (dolist (module modules)
34 ;; over each object, read data segments
35 (with-open-file (obj-stream (module-name module)
36 :direction :input
37 :element-type 'unsigned-byte)
38 (file-position obj-stream (+ *aout-obj-header-length*
39 (module-segment-size module 'text)))
40 (copy-from-stream obj-stream prg-stream
41 (module-segment-size module 'data))))
43 (let* ((*current-header-length* *aout-prg-header-length*)
44 (fixups (process-link-time-relocations prg-stream modules)))
45 (output-load-time-relocations prg-stream fixups))))
48 (defun output-load-time-relocations (stream fixups)
49 (let ((delta (or (and fixups (first fixups)) 0)))
50 (write-big-endian-data stream delta 32) ;fixup offset
51 (format t "~&outputting delta of ~A" delta)
52 ;; output relocations in PC order... make sure relocation is on word
53 ;; boundry, and fix smaller relocs so that they're long (eg, word
54 ;; fixups need to start two bytes earlier). if delta from current
55 ;; position to next fixup > 254, output byte 1 until < 254. then
56 ;; output offset of fixup.
57 (dolist (addr (cdr fixups))
58 (assert (= 0 (mod addr 2)))
59 (do () ((< (- addr delta) 254))
60 (write-byte 1 stream)
61 (incf delta 254))
62 (write-byte (- addr delta) stream)
63 (setf delta addr))
64 (write-byte 0 stream))) ; no more relocs.