ranges: kill the "Error invalid range message".
[smatch.git] / Makefile
1 VERSION=0.4.4
3 OS = linux
5 CC = gcc
6 CFLAGS = -O2 -finline-functions -fno-strict-aliasing -g
7 CFLAGS += -Wall -Wwrite-strings
8 LDFLAGS += -g -lm -lsqlite3
9 LD = gcc
10 AR = ar
14 # For debugging, put this in local.mk:
16 # CFLAGS += -O0 -DDEBUG -g3 -gdwarf-2
19 HAVE_LIBXML:=$(shell pkg-config --exists libxml-2.0 2>/dev/null && echo 'yes')
20 HAVE_GCC_DEP:=$(shell touch .gcc-test.c && \
21 $(CC) -c -Wp,-MD,.gcc-test.d .gcc-test.c 2>/dev/null && \
22 echo 'yes'; rm -f .gcc-test.d .gcc-test.o .gcc-test.c)
23 HAVE_GTK2:=$(shell pkg-config --exists gtk+-2.0 2>/dev/null && echo 'yes')
24 HAVE_LLVM:=$(shell llvm-config --version >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo 'yes')
25 HAVE_LLVM_VERSION:=$(shell llvm-config --version | grep "^[3-9].*" >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo yes)
26 LLVM_VERSION=$(shell llvm-config --version)
28 GCC_BASE = $(shell $(CC) --print-file-name=)
31 ifeq ($(HAVE_GCC_DEP),yes)
32 BASIC_CFLAGS += -Wp,-MD,$(@D)/.$(@F).d
33 endif
39 MANDIR=$(PREFIX)/share/man
40 MAN1DIR=$(MANDIR)/man1
43 SMATCHDATADIR=$(PREFIX)/share/smatch/
45 SMATCH_FILES=smatch_flow.o smatch_conditions.o smatch_slist.o smatch_states.o \
46 smatch_helper.o smatch_type.o smatch_hooks.o smatch_function_hooks.o \
47 smatch_modification_hooks.o smatch_extra.o smatch_estate.o smatch_math.o \
48 smatch_ranges.o smatch_implied.o smatch_ignore.o smatch_project.o \
49 smatch_tracker.o smatch_files.o smatch_expression_stacks.o \
50 smatch_constraints.o smatch_buf_size.o smatch_capped.o smatch_db.o \
51 smatch_expressions.o smatch_returns.o smatch_parse_call_math.o
53 SMATCH_CHECKS=$(shell ls check_*.c | sed -e 's/\.c/.o/')
54 SMATCH_DATA=smatch_data/kernel.allocation_funcs smatch_data/kernel.balanced_funcs \
55 smatch_data/kernel.frees_argument smatch_data/kernel.puts_argument \
56 smatch_data/kernel.dev_queue_xmit smatch_data/kernel.returns_err_ptr \
57 smatch_data/kernel.dma_funcs smatch_data/kernel.returns_held_funcs \
58 smatch_data/kernel.no_return_funcs
60 PROGRAMS=test-lexing test-parsing obfuscate compile graph sparse \
61 test-linearize example test-unssa test-dissect ctags
62 INST_PROGRAMS=smatch cgcc
64 INST_MAN1=sparse.1 cgcc.1
66 ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBXML),yes)
67 PROGRAMS+=c2xml
69 c2xml_EXTRA_OBJS = `pkg-config --libs libxml-2.0`
70 else
71 $(warning Your system does not have libxml, disabling c2xml)
72 endif
74 ifeq ($(HAVE_GTK2),yes)
75 GTK2_CFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0)
76 GTK2_LIBS := $(shell pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0)
77 PROGRAMS += test-inspect
78 INST_PROGRAMS += test-inspect
79 test-inspect_EXTRA_DEPS := ast-model.o ast-view.o ast-inspect.o
80 test-inspect.o $(test-inspect_EXTRA_DEPS): BASIC_CFLAGS += $(GTK2_CFLAGS)
81 test-inspect_EXTRA_OBJS := $(GTK2_LIBS)
82 else
83 $(warning Your system does not have libgtk2, disabling test-inspect)
84 endif
86 ifneq ($(HAVE_LLVM),yes)
87 $(warning Your system does not have llvm, disabling sparse-llvm)
88 else
89 ifneq ($(HAVE_LLVM_VERSION),yes)
90 $(warning LLVM 3.0 or later required. Your system has version $(LLVM_VERSION) installed.)
92 else
93 LLVM_PROGS := sparse-llvm
94 $(LLVM_PROGS): LD := g++
95 LDFLAGS += $(shell llvm-config --ldflags)
96 LLVM_CFLAGS := $(shell llvm-config --cflags | sed -e "s/-DNDEBUG//g")
97 LLVM_LIBS := $(shell llvm-config --libs)
99 INST_PROGRAMS += sparse-llvm sparsec
100 sparse-llvm_EXTRA_DEPS := sparse-llvm.o
101 sparse-llvm.o $(sparse-llvm_EXTRA_DEPS): BASIC_CFLAGS += $(LLVM_CFLAGS)
102 sparse-llvm_EXTRA_OBJS := $(LLVM_LIBS)
103 endif
104 endif
106 LIB_H= token.h parse.h lib.h symbol.h scope.h expression.h target.h \
107 linearize.h bitmap.h ident-list.h compat.h flow.h allocate.h \
108 storage.h ptrlist.h dissect.h
110 LIB_OBJS= target.o parse.o tokenize.o pre-process.o symbol.o lib.o scope.o \
111 expression.o show-parse.o evaluate.o expand.o inline.o linearize.o \
112 sort.o allocate.o compat-$(OS).o ptrlist.o \
113 flow.o cse.o simplify.o memops.o liveness.o storage.o unssa.o \
114 dissect.o macro_table.o token_store.o cwchash/hashtable.o
116 LIB_FILE= libsparse.a
117 SLIB_FILE= libsparse.so
119 # If you add $(SLIB_FILE) to this, you also need to add -fpic to BASIC_CFLAGS above.
120 # Doing so incurs a noticeable performance hit, and Sparse does not have a
121 # stable shared library interface, so this does not occur by default. If you
122 # really want a shared library, you may want to build Sparse twice: once
123 # without -fpic to get all the Sparse tools, and again with -fpic to get the
124 # shared library.
128 # Pretty print
130 V = @
131 Q = $(V:1=)
132 QUIET_CC = $(Q:@=@echo ' CC '$@;)
133 QUIET_AR = $(Q:@=@echo ' AR '$@;)
134 QUIET_GEN = $(Q:@=@echo ' GEN '$@;)
135 QUIET_LINK = $(Q:@=@echo ' LINK '$@;)
136 # We rely on the -v switch of install to print 'file -> $install_dir/file'
137 QUIET_INST_SH = $(Q:@=echo -n ' INSTALL ';)
138 QUIET_INST = $(Q:@=@echo -n ' INSTALL ';)
140 define INSTALL_EXEC
141 $(QUIET_INST)install -v $1 $(DESTDIR)$2/$1 || exit 1;
143 endef
145 define INSTALL_FILE
146 $(QUIET_INST)install -v -m 644 $1 $(DESTDIR)$2/$1 || exit 1;
148 endef
150 SED_PC_CMD = 's|@version@|$(VERSION)|g; \
151 s|@prefix@|$(PREFIX)|g; \
152 s|@libdir@|$(LIBDIR)|g; \
153 s|@includedir@|$(INCLUDEDIR)|g'
157 # Allow users to override build settings without dirtying their trees
158 -include local.mk
161 all: $(PROGRAMS) sparse.pc smatch
163 all-installable: $(INST_PROGRAMS) $(LIBS) $(LIB_H) sparse.pc
165 install: all-installable
166 $(Q)install -d $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
167 $(Q)install -d $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
168 $(Q)install -d $(DESTDIR)$(MAN1DIR)
169 $(Q)install -d $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/sparse
170 $(Q)install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PKGCONFIGDIR)
171 $(Q)install -d $(DESTDIR)$(SMATCHDATADIR)/smatch_data/
172 $(foreach f,$(INST_PROGRAMS),$(call INSTALL_EXEC,$f,$(BINDIR)))
173 $(foreach f,$(INST_MAN1),$(call INSTALL_FILE,$f,$(MAN1DIR)))
174 $(foreach f,$(LIBS),$(call INSTALL_FILE,$f,$(LIBDIR)))
175 $(foreach f,$(LIB_H),$(call INSTALL_FILE,$f,$(INCLUDEDIR)/sparse))
176 $(call INSTALL_FILE,sparse.pc,$(PKGCONFIGDIR))
177 $(foreach f,$(SMATCH_DATA),$(call INSTALL_FILE,$f,$(SMATCHDATADIR)))
179 sparse.pc: sparse.pc.in
180 $(QUIET_GEN)sed $(SED_PC_CMD) sparse.pc.in > sparse.pc
183 compile_EXTRA_DEPS = compile-i386.o
185 $(foreach p,$(PROGRAMS),$(eval $(p): $($(p)_EXTRA_DEPS) $(LIBS)))
186 $(PROGRAMS): % : %.o
187 $(QUIET_LINK)$(LD) -o $@ $^ $($@_EXTRA_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)
189 smatch: smatch.o $(SMATCH_FILES) $(SMATCH_CHECKS) $(LIBS)
192 $(LIB_FILE): $(LIB_OBJS)
193 $(QUIET_AR)$(AR) rcs $@ $(LIB_OBJS)
196 $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) -Wl,-soname,$@ -shared -o $@ $(LIB_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)
198 check_list_local.h:
199 touch check_list_local.h
201 smatch.o: smatch.c $(LIB_H) smatch.h check_list.h check_list_local.h
202 $(CC) -c smatch.c -DSMATCHDATADIR='"$(SMATCHDATADIR)"'
203 $(SMATCH_CHECKS): smatch.h smatch_slist.h smatch_extra.h
204 DEP_FILES := $(wildcard .*.o.d)
205 $(if $(DEP_FILES),$(eval include $(DEP_FILES)))
207 c2xml.o: c2xml.c $(LIB_H)
208 $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) `pkg-config --cflags libxml-2.0` -o $@ -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $<
210 compat-linux.o: compat/strtold.c compat/mmap-blob.c $(LIB_H)
211 compat-solaris.o: compat/mmap-blob.c $(LIB_H)
212 compat-mingw.o: $(LIB_H)
213 compat-cygwin.o: $(LIB_H)
215 %.o: %.c
216 $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $@ -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $<
218 clean: clean-check
219 rm -f *.[oa] .*.d *.so cwchash/*.o cwchash/.*.d cwchash/tester \
220 $(PROGRAMS) $(SLIB_FILE) pre-process.h sparse.pc
222 dist:
223 @if test "`git describe`" != "v$(VERSION)" ; then \
224 echo 'Update VERSION in the Makefile before running "make dist".' ; \
225 exit 1 ; \
227 git archive --format=tar --prefix=sparse-$(VERSION)/ HEAD^{tree} | gzip -9 > sparse-$(VERSION).tar.gz
229 check: all
230 $(Q)cd validation && ./test-suite
232 clean-check:
233 find validation/ \( -name "*.c.output.expected" \
234 -o -name "*.c.output.got" \
235 -o -name "*.c.output.diff" \
236 -o -name "*.c.error.expected" \
237 -o -name "*.c.error.got" \
238 -o -name "*.c.error.diff" \
239 \) -exec rm {} \;