accept nil function for set-sql-reader
[postmodern.git] / cl-postgres / interpret.lisp
1 (in-package :cl-postgres)
3 (defparameter *timestamp-format* :unbound
4 "This is used to communicate the format \(integer or float) used for
5 timestamps and intervals in the current connection, so that the
6 interpreters for those types know how to parse them.")
8 (defparameter *sql-readtable* (make-hash-table)
9 "The exported special var holding the current read table, a hash
10 mapping OIDs to instances of the type-interpreter class that contain
11 functions for retreiving values from the database in text, and
12 possible binary, form.")
14 (defun interpret-as-text (stream size)
15 "This interpreter is used for types that we have no specific
16 interpreter for -- it just reads the value as a string. \(Values of
17 unknown types are passed in text form.)"
18 (enc-read-string stream :byte-length size))
20 (defclass type-interpreter ()
21 ((oid :initarg :oid :accessor type-interpreter-oid)
22 (use-binary :initarg :use-binary :accessor type-interpreter-use-binary)
23 (binary-reader :initarg :binary-reader :accessor type-interpreter-binary-reader)
24 (text-reader :initarg :text-reader :accessor type-interpreter-text-reader))
25 (:documentation "Information about type interpreter for types coming
26 back from the database. use-binary is either T for binary, nil for
27 text, or a function of no arguments to be called to determine if
28 binary or text should be used. The idea is that there will always be
29 a text reader, there may be a binary reader, and there may be times
30 when one wants to use the text reader."))
32 (defun interpreter-binary-p (interp)
33 "If the interpreter's use-binary field is a function, call it and
34 return the value, otherwise, return T or nil as appropriate."
35 (let ((val (type-interpreter-use-binary interp)))
36 (typecase val
37 (function (funcall val))
38 (t val))))
40 (defun interpreter-reader (interp)
41 "Determine if we went the text or binary reader for this type
42 interpreter and return the appropriate reader."
43 (if (interpreter-binary-p interp)
44 (type-interpreter-binary-reader interp)
45 (type-interpreter-text-reader interp)))
47 (let ((default-interpreter (make-instance 'type-interpreter
48 :oid :default
49 :use-binary nil
50 :text-reader #'interpret-as-text)))
51 (defun get-type-interpreter (oid)
52 "Returns a type-interpreter containing interpretation rules for
53 this type."
54 (gethash oid *sql-readtable* default-interpreter)))
56 (defun set-sql-reader (oid function &key (table *sql-readtable*) binary-p)
57 "Add an sql reader to a readtable. When the reader is not binary, it
58 is wrapped by a function that will read the string from the socket."
59 (if function
60 (setf (gethash oid table)
61 (make-instance 'type-interpreter
62 :oid oid
63 :use-binary binary-p
64 :binary-reader
65 (when binary-p function)
66 :text-reader
67 (if binary-p
68 'interpret-as-text
69 (lambda (stream size)
70 (funcall function
71 (enc-read-string stream :byte-length size))))))
72 (remhash oid table))
73 table)
75 (defmacro binary-reader (fields &body value)
76 "A slightly convoluted macro for defining interpreter functions. It
77 allows two forms. The first is to pass a single type identifier, in
78 which case a value of this type will be read and returned directly.
79 The second is to pass a list of lists containing names and types, and
80 then a body. In this case the names will be bound to values read from
81 the socket and interpreted as the given types, and then the body will
82 be run in the resulting environment. If the last field is of type
83 bytes, string, or uint2s, all remaining data will be read and
84 interpreted as an array of the given type."
85 (let ((stream-name (gensym))
86 (size-name (gensym))
87 (length-used 0))
88 (flet ((read-type (type &optional modifier)
89 (ecase type
90 (bytes `(read-bytes ,stream-name (- ,size-name ,length-used)))
91 (string `(enc-read-string ,stream-name :byte-length (- ,size-name ,length-used)))
92 (uint2s `(let* ((size (/ (- ,size-name ,length-used) 2))
93 (result (make-array size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16))))
94 (dotimes (i size)
95 (setf (elt result i) (read-uint2 ,stream-name)))
96 result))
97 (int (assert (integerp modifier))
98 (incf length-used modifier)
99 `(,(integer-reader-name modifier t) ,stream-name))
100 (uint (assert (integerp modifier))
101 (incf length-used modifier)
102 `(,(integer-reader-name modifier nil) ,stream-name)))))
103 `(lambda (,stream-name ,size-name)
104 (declare (type stream ,stream-name)
105 (type integer ,size-name)
106 (ignorable ,size-name))
107 ,(if (consp fields)
108 `(let ,(loop :for field :in fields
109 :collect `(,(first field) ,(apply #'read-type (cdr field))))
110 ,@value)
111 (read-type fields (car value)))))))
113 (defmacro define-interpreter (oid name fields &body value)
114 "Shorthand for defining binary readers."
115 (declare (ignore name)) ;; Names are there just for clarity
116 `(set-sql-reader ,oid (binary-reader ,fields ,@value) :binary-p t))
118 (define-interpreter 18 "char" int 1)
119 (define-interpreter 21 "int2" int 2)
120 (define-interpreter 23 "int4" int 4)
121 (define-interpreter 20 "int8" int 8)
123 (define-interpreter 26 "oid" uint 4)
125 (define-interpreter 16 "bool" ((value int 1))
126 (if (zerop value) nil t))
128 (define-interpreter 17 "bytea" bytes)
129 (define-interpreter 25 "text" string)
130 (define-interpreter 1042 "bpchar" string)
131 (define-interpreter 1043 "varchar" string)
133 (defun read-row-value (stream size)
134 (declare (type stream stream)
135 (type integer size)
136 (ignore size))
137 (let ((num-fields (read-uint4 stream)))
138 (loop for i below num-fields
139 collect (let ((oid (read-uint4 stream))
140 (size (read-int4 stream)))
141 (declare (type (signed-byte 32) size))
142 (if (eq size -1)
143 :null
144 (funcall (interpreter-reader (get-type-interpreter oid)) stream size))))))
146 ;; "row" types
147 (defparameter *read-row-values-as-binary* nil
148 "Controls whether row values (as in select row(1, 'foo') ) should be
149 received from the database in text or binary form. The default value
150 is nil, specifying that the results be sent back as text. Set this
151 to t to cause the results to be read as binary.")
153 (set-sql-reader 2249 #'read-row-value :binary-p (lambda () *read-row-values-as-binary*))
155 (defmacro with-binary-row-values (&body body)
156 "Helper macro to locally set *read-row-values-as-binary* to t while
157 executing body so that row values will be returned as binary."
158 `(let ((*read-row-values-as-binary* t))
159 ,@body))
161 (defmacro with-text-row-values (&body body)
162 "Helper macro to locally set *read-row-values-as-binary* to nil while
163 executing body so that row values will be returned as t."
164 `(let ((*read-row-values-as-binary* nil))
165 ,@body))
167 (defun read-binary-bits (stream size)
168 (declare (type stream stream)
169 (type integer size))
170 (let ((byte-count (- size 4))
171 (bit-count (read-uint4 stream)))
172 (let ((bit-bytes (read-bytes stream byte-count))
173 (bit-array (make-array (list bit-count) :element-type 'bit)))
174 (loop for i below bit-count
175 do (let ((cur-byte (ash i -3))
176 (cur-bit (ldb (byte 3 0) i)))
177 (setf (aref bit-array i)
178 (ldb (byte 1 (logxor cur-bit 7)) (aref bit-bytes cur-byte)))))
179 bit-array)))
181 (set-sql-reader 1560 #'read-binary-bits :binary-p t)
182 (set-sql-reader 1562 #'read-binary-bits :binary-p t)
184 (defun read-binary-array-value (stream size)
185 (declare (type stream stream)
186 (type integer size)
187 (ignore size))
188 (let ((num-dims (read-uint4 stream))
189 (has-null (read-uint4 stream))
190 (element-type (read-uint4 stream)))
191 (cond
192 ((zerop num-dims)
193 ;; Should we return nil or a (make-array nil) when num-dims is
194 ;; 0? Returning nil for now.
195 nil)
197 (let* ((array-dims
198 (loop for i below num-dims
199 collect (let ((dim (read-uint4 stream))
200 (lb (read-uint4 stream)))
201 (declare (ignore lb))
202 dim)))
203 (num-items (reduce #'* array-dims)))
204 (let ((results (make-array array-dims)))
205 (loop for i below num-items
206 do (let ((size (read-int4 stream)))
207 (declare (type (signed-byte 32) size))
208 (setf (row-major-aref results i)
209 (if (eq size -1)
210 :null
211 (funcall (interpreter-reader (get-type-interpreter element-type)) stream size)))))
212 results))))))
214 (dolist (oid '(
215 1000 ;; boolean array
216 1001 ;; bytea array
217 1002 ;; char array
218 1003 ;; name (internal PG type) array
219 1005 ;; int2 array
220 1007 ;; integer array
221 1009 ;; text array
222 1014 ;; bpchar array
223 1015 ;; varchar array
224 1016 ;; int8 array
225 1017 ;; point array
226 1018 ;; lseg array
227 1020 ;; box array
228 1021 ;; float4 array
229 1022 ;; float8 array
230 1028 ;; oid array
231 1115 ;; timestamp array
232 1182 ;; date array
233 1187 ;; interval array
234 1561 ;; bit array
235 1563 ;; varbit array
236 1231 ;; numeric array
238 (set-sql-reader oid #'read-binary-array-value :binary-p t))
240 ;; 2287 record array
242 ;; NOTE: need to treat this separately because if we want the record
243 ;; (row types) to come back as text, we have to read the array value
244 ;; as text.
245 (set-sql-reader 2287 #'read-binary-array-value :binary-p (lambda () *read-row-values-as-binary*))
247 (define-interpreter 600 "point" ((point-x-bits uint 8)
248 (point-y-bits uint 8))
249 (list (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 point-x-bits)
250 (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 point-y-bits)))
252 (define-interpreter 601 "lseg" ((point-x1-bits uint 8)
253 (point-y1-bits uint 8)
254 (point-x2-bits uint 8)
255 (point-y2-bits uint 8))
256 (list (list (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 point-x1-bits)
257 (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 point-y1-bits))
258 (list (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 point-x2-bits)
259 (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 point-y2-bits))))
261 (define-interpreter 603 "box" ((point-x1-bits uint 8)
262 (point-y1-bits uint 8)
263 (point-x2-bits uint 8)
264 (point-y2-bits uint 8))
265 (list (list (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 point-x1-bits)
266 (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 point-y1-bits))
267 (list (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 point-x2-bits)
268 (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 point-y2-bits))))
270 (define-interpreter 700 "float4" ((bits uint 4))
271 (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float32 bits))
272 (define-interpreter 701 "float8" ((bits uint 8))
273 (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 bits))
275 ;; Numeric types are rather involved. I got some clues on their
276 ;; structure from
277 (define-interpreter 1700 "numeric"
278 ((length uint 2)
279 (weight int 2)
280 (sign int 2)
281 (dscale int 2)
282 (digits uint2s))
283 (declare (ignore dscale))
284 (let ((total (loop :for i :from (1- length) :downto 0
285 :for scale = 1 :then (* scale #.(expt 10 4))
286 :summing (* scale (elt digits i))))
287 (scale (- length weight 1)))
288 (unless (zerop sign)
289 (setf total (- total)))
290 (/ total (expt 10000 scale))))
292 ;; Since date and time types are the most likely to require custom
293 ;; readers, there is a hook for easily adding binary readers for them.
295 (defun set-date-reader (f table)
296 (set-sql-reader 1082 (binary-reader ((days int 4))
297 (funcall f days))
298 :table table
299 :binary-p t))
301 (defun interpret-usec-bits (bits)
302 "Decode a 64 bit time-related value based on the timestamp format
303 used. Correct for sign bit when using integer format."
304 (ecase *timestamp-format*
305 (:float (round (* (cl-postgres-ieee-floats:decode-float64 bits) 1000000)))
306 (:integer (if (logbitp 63 bits)
307 (dpb bits (byte 63 0) -1)
308 bits))))
310 (defun set-interval-reader (f table)
311 (set-sql-reader 1186 (binary-reader ((usec-bits uint 8) (days int 4) (months int 4))
312 (funcall f months days (interpret-usec-bits usec-bits)))
313 :table table
314 :binary-p t))
316 (defun set-usec-reader (oid f table)
317 (set-sql-reader oid (binary-reader ((usec-bits uint 8))
318 (funcall f (interpret-usec-bits usec-bits)))
319 :table table
320 :binary-p t))
322 ;; Public interface for adding date/time readers
324 (defconstant +timestamp-oid+ 1114)
325 (defconstant +timestamptz-oid+ 1184)
326 (defconstant +time-oid+ 1083)
328 (defun set-sql-datetime-readers (&key date timestamp timestamp-with-timezone interval time
329 (table *sql-readtable*))
330 (when date (set-date-reader date table))
331 (when timestamp (set-usec-reader +timestamp-oid+ timestamp table))
332 (when timestamp-with-timezone (set-usec-reader +timestamptz-oid+ timestamp-with-timezone table))
333 (when interval (set-interval-reader interval table))
334 (when time (set-usec-reader +time-oid+ time table))
335 table)
337 ;; Provide meaningful defaults for the date/time readers.
339 (defconstant +start-of-2000+ (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 2000 0))
340 (defconstant +seconds-in-day+ (* 60 60 24))
342 (set-sql-datetime-readers
343 :date (lambda (days-since-2000)
344 (+ +start-of-2000+ (* days-since-2000 +seconds-in-day+)))
345 :timestamp (lambda (useconds-since-2000)
346 (+ +start-of-2000+ (floor useconds-since-2000 1000000)))
347 :timestamp-with-timezone (lambda (useconds-since-2000)
348 (+ +start-of-2000+ (floor useconds-since-2000 1000000)))
349 :interval (lambda (months days useconds)
350 (multiple-value-bind (sec us) (floor useconds 1000000)
351 `((:months ,months) (:days ,days) (:seconds ,sec) (:useconds ,us))))
352 :time (lambda (usecs)
353 (multiple-value-bind (seconds usecs)
354 (floor usecs 1000000)
355 (multiple-value-bind (minutes seconds)
356 (floor seconds 60)
357 (multiple-value-bind (hours minutes)
358 (floor minutes 60)
359 `((:hours ,hours) (:minutes ,minutes) (:seconds ,seconds) (:microseconds ,usecs)))))))
361 ;; Readers for a few of the array types
363 (defun read-array-value (transform)
364 (declare #.*optimize*)
365 (lambda (value)
366 (declare (type string value))
367 (let ((pos 0))
368 (declare (type fixnum pos))
369 (labels ((readelt ()
370 (case (char value pos)
371 (#\" (interpret
372 (with-output-to-string (out)
373 (loop :with escaped := nil :for ch := (char value (incf pos)) :do
374 (when (and (char= ch #\") (not escaped)) (return))
375 (setf escaped (and (not escaped) (char= ch #\\)))
376 (unless escaped (write-char ch out)))
377 (incf pos))))
378 (#\{ (incf pos)
379 (unless (char= (char value pos) #\})
380 (loop :for val := (readelt) :collect val :into vals :do
381 (let ((next (char value pos)))
382 (incf pos)
383 (ecase next (#\,) (#\} (return vals)))))))
384 (t (let ((start pos))
385 (loop :for ch := (char value pos) :do
386 (when (or (char= ch #\,) (char= ch #\}))
387 (return (interpret (subseq value start pos))))
388 (incf pos))))))
389 (interpret (word)
390 (if (string= word "NULL") :null (funcall transform word))))
391 (let* ((arr (readelt))
392 (dim (if arr (loop :for x := arr :then (car x) :while (consp x) :collect (length x)) '(0))))
393 (make-array dim :initial-contents arr))))))
395 ;; Working with tables.
397 (defun copy-sql-readtable (&optional (table *sql-readtable*))
398 (let ((new-table (make-hash-table)))
399 (maphash (lambda (oid interpreter) (setf (gethash oid new-table) interpreter))
400 table)
401 new-table))
403 (defparameter *default-sql-readtable* (copy-sql-readtable *sql-readtable*)
404 "A copy of the default readtable that client code can fall back
405 on.")
407 (defun default-sql-readtable ()
408 *default-sql-readtable*)