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[official-gcc.git] / old-autovect-branch / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / cxa / cxa9002.a
1 -- CXA9002.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that the operations defined in the generic package
28 -- Ada.Storage_IO provide the ability to store and retrieve objects
29 -- of tagged types from in-memory buffers.
32 -- The following scenario demonstrates how objects of a tagged type,
33 -- extended types, and twice extended types can be written/read
34 -- to/from Direct_IO files. The Storage_IO subprograms, Read and Write,
35 -- demonstrated in this scenario, perform tag "fixing" prior to/following
36 -- transfer to the Direct_IO files.
37 -- This method is especially important for those implementations that
38 -- represent tags as pointers, or for cases where the tagged objects
39 -- are read in by a program other than the one that wrote them.
41 -- In this small example, we have attempted to simulate the situation
42 -- where two independent programs are using a series of Direct_IO files,
43 -- one writing data to the files, and the second program reading the
44 -- data from those files. Two procedures are defined, the first
45 -- simulating the program responsible for writing, the second simulating
46 -- a separate program opening and reading the data from the files.
47 --
48 -- The hierarchy of types used in this test can be displayed as follows:
49 --
50 -- Account_Type
51 -- / \
52 -- / \
53 -- / \
54 -- Cash_Account_Type Investment_Account_Type
55 -- / \
56 -- / \
57 -- / \
58 -- Checking_Account_Type Savings_Account_Type
59 --
61 -- Applicable to implementations capable of supporting external
62 -- Direct_IO files.
64 --
66 -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
67 -- 08 Nov 95 SAIC Corrected incorrect prefix of 'Tag for ACVC 2.0.1,
68 -- and mode of files in Procedure Read_Data.
69 -- Added verification of objects reconstructed from
70 -- files.
71 -- 27 Feb 97 PWB.CTA Allowed for non-support of some IO operations
72 --!
74 package CXA9002_0 is
76 type Investment_Type is (Stocks, Bonds, Mutual_Funds);
77 type Savings_Type is (Standard, Business, Impound);
79 type Account_Type is tagged
80 record
81 Num : String (1..3);
82 end record;
84 type Cash_Account_Type is new Account_Type with
85 record
86 Years_As_Customer : Natural := 1;
87 end record;
89 type Investment_Account_Type is new Account_Type with
90 record
91 Investment_Vehicle : Investment_Type := Stocks;
92 end record;
94 type Checking_Account_Type is new Cash_Account_Type with
95 record
96 Checks_Per_Year : Positive := 200;
97 Interest_Bearing : Boolean := False;
98 end record;
100 type Savings_Account_Type is new Cash_Account_Type with
101 record
102 Kind : Savings_Type := Standard;
103 end record;
105 end CXA9002_0;
109 with Report;
110 with Ada.Storage_IO;
111 with Ada.Direct_IO;
112 with Ada.Tags;
113 with CXA9002_0;
115 procedure CXA9002 is
116 package Dir_IO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Integer);
117 Test_File : Dir_IO.File_Type;
118 Incomplete : exception;
119 begin
121 Report.Test ("CXA9002", "Check that the operations defined in the " &
122 "generic package Ada.Storage_IO provide the " &
123 "ability to store and retrieve objects of " &
124 "tagged types from in-memory buffers");
127 Test_For_Direct_IO_Support:
128 begin
130 -- The following Create does not have any bearing on the test scenario,
131 -- but is included to check that the implementation supports Direct_IO
132 -- files. An exception on this Create statement will raise a Name_Error
133 -- or Use_Error, which will be handled to produce a Not_Applicable
134 -- result. If created, the file is immediately deleted, as it is not
135 -- needed for the program scenario.
137 Dir_IO.Create (Test_File,
138 Dir_IO.Out_File,
139 Report.Legal_File_Name(1));
140 exception
142 when Dir_IO.Use_Error | Dir_IO.Name_Error =>
143 Report.Not_Applicable
144 ( "Files not supported - Create as Out_File for Direct_IO" );
145 raise Incomplete;
147 end Test_for_Direct_IO_Support;
149 Deletion:
150 begin
151 Dir_IO.Delete (Test_File);
152 exception
153 when others =>
154 Report.Failed
155 ( "Delete not properly implemented for Direct_IO" );
156 end Deletion;
158 Test_Block:
159 declare
161 use CXA9002_0;
163 Acct_Filename : constant String := Report.Legal_File_Name(1);
164 Cash_Filename : constant String := Report.Legal_File_Name(2);
165 Inv_Filename : constant String := Report.Legal_File_Name(3);
166 Chk_Filename : constant String := Report.Legal_File_Name(4);
167 Sav_Filename : constant String := Report.Legal_File_Name(5);
169 type Tag_Pointer_Type is access String;
171 TC_Account_Type_Tag,
172 TC_Cash_Account_Type_Tag,
173 TC_Investment_Account_Type_Tag,
174 TC_Checking_Account_Type_Tag,
175 TC_Savings_Account_Type_Tag : Tag_Pointer_Type;
177 TC_Account : Account_Type :=
178 (Num => "123");
180 TC_Cash_Account : Cash_Account_Type :=
181 (Num => "234",
182 Years_As_Customer => 3);
184 TC_Investment_Account : Investment_Account_Type :=
185 (Num => "456",
186 Investment_Vehicle => Bonds);
188 TC_Checking_Account : Checking_Account_Type :=
189 (Num => "567",
190 Years_As_Customer => 2,
191 Checks_Per_Year => 300,
192 Interest_Bearing => True);
194 TC_Savings_Account : Savings_Account_Type :=
195 (Num => "789",
196 Years_As_Customer => 14,
197 Kind => Business);
199 procedure Buffer_Data is
201 Account : Account_Type :=
202 TC_Account;
203 Cash_Account : Cash_Account_Type :=
204 TC_Cash_Account;
205 Investment_Account : Investment_Account_Type :=
206 TC_Investment_Account;
207 Checking_Account : Checking_Account_Type :=
208 TC_Checking_Account;
209 Savings_Account : Savings_Account_Type :=
210 TC_Savings_Account;
212 -- The instantiations below are a central point in this test.
213 -- Storage_IO is instantiated for each of the specific tagged
214 -- type. These instantiated packages will be used to compress
215 -- tagged objects of these various types into buffers that will
216 -- be written to the Direct_IO files declared below.
218 package Acct_SIO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Account_Type);
219 package Cash_SIO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Cash_Account_Type);
220 package Inv_SIO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Investment_Account_Type);
221 package Chk_SIO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Checking_Account_Type);
222 package Sav_SIO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Savings_Account_Type);
224 -- Direct_IO is instantiated for the buffer types defined in the
225 -- instantiated Storage_IO packages.
227 package Acct_DIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Acct_SIO.Buffer_Type);
228 package Cash_DIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Cash_SIO.Buffer_Type);
229 package Inv_DIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Inv_SIO.Buffer_Type);
230 package Chk_DIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Chk_SIO.Buffer_Type);
231 package Sav_DIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Sav_SIO.Buffer_Type);
233 Acct_Buffer : Acct_SIO.Buffer_Type;
234 Cash_Buffer : Cash_SIO.Buffer_Type;
235 Inv_Buffer : Inv_SIO.Buffer_Type;
236 Chk_Buffer : Chk_SIO.Buffer_Type;
237 Sav_Buffer : Sav_SIO.Buffer_Type;
239 Acct_File : Acct_DIO.File_Type;
240 Cash_File : Cash_DIO.File_Type;
241 Inv_File : Inv_DIO.File_Type;
242 Chk_File : Chk_DIO.File_Type;
243 Sav_File : Sav_DIO.File_Type;
245 begin
247 Acct_DIO.Create (Acct_File, Acct_DIO.Out_File, Acct_Filename);
248 Cash_DIO.Create (Cash_File, Cash_DIO.Out_File, Cash_Filename);
249 Inv_DIO.Create (Inv_File, Inv_DIO.Out_File, Inv_Filename);
250 Chk_DIO.Create (Chk_File, Chk_DIO.Out_File, Chk_Filename);
251 Sav_DIO.Create (Sav_File, Sav_DIO.Out_File, Sav_Filename);
253 -- Store the tag values of the objects declared above for
254 -- comparison with tag values of objects following processing.
256 TC_Account_Type_Tag :=
257 new String'(Ada.Tags.External_Tag(Account_Type'Tag));
259 TC_Cash_Account_Type_Tag :=
260 new String'(Ada.Tags.External_Tag(Cash_Account_Type'Tag));
262 TC_Investment_Account_Type_Tag :=
263 new String'(Ada.Tags.External_Tag(Investment_Account_Type'Tag));
265 TC_Checking_Account_Type_Tag :=
266 new String'(Ada.Tags.External_Tag(Checking_Account_Type'Tag));
268 TC_Savings_Account_Type_Tag :=
269 new String'(Ada.Tags.External_Tag(Savings_Account_Type'Tag));
271 -- Prepare tagged data for writing to the Direct_IO files using
272 -- Storage_IO procedure to place data in buffers.
274 Acct_SIO.Write (Buffer => Acct_Buffer, Item => Account);
275 Cash_SIO.Write (Cash_Buffer, Cash_Account);
276 Inv_SIO.Write (Inv_Buffer, Item => Investment_Account);
277 Chk_SIO.Write (Buffer => Chk_Buffer, Item => Checking_Account);
278 Sav_SIO.Write (Sav_Buffer, Savings_Account);
280 -- At this point, the data and associated tag values have been
281 -- buffered by the Storage_IO procedure, and the buffered data
282 -- can be written to the appropriate Direct_IO file.
284 Acct_DIO.Write (File => Acct_File, Item => Acct_Buffer);
285 Cash_DIO.Write (Cash_File, Cash_Buffer);
286 Inv_DIO.Write (Inv_File, Item => Inv_Buffer);
287 Chk_DIO.Write (File => Chk_File, Item =>Chk_Buffer);
288 Sav_DIO.Write (Sav_File, Sav_Buffer);
290 -- Close all Direct_IO files.
292 Acct_DIO.Close (Acct_File);
293 Cash_DIO.Close (Cash_File);
294 Inv_DIO.Close (Inv_File);
295 Chk_DIO.Close (Chk_File);
296 Sav_DIO.Close (Sav_File);
298 exception
299 when others => Report.Failed("Exception raised in Buffer_Data");
300 end Buffer_Data;
302 procedure Read_Data is
304 Account : Account_Type;
305 Cash_Account : Cash_Account_Type;
306 Investment_Account : Investment_Account_Type;
307 Checking_Account : Checking_Account_Type;
308 Savings_Account : Savings_Account_Type;
310 -- Storage_IO is instantiated for each of the specific tagged
311 -- type.
313 package Acct_SIO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Account_Type);
314 package Cash_SIO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Cash_Account_Type);
315 package Inv_SIO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Investment_Account_Type);
316 package Chk_SIO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Checking_Account_Type);
317 package Sav_SIO is new Ada.Storage_IO (Savings_Account_Type);
319 -- Direct_IO is instantiated for the buffer types defined in the
320 -- instantiated Storage_IO packages.
322 package Acct_DIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Acct_SIO.Buffer_Type);
323 package Cash_DIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Cash_SIO.Buffer_Type);
324 package Inv_DIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Inv_SIO.Buffer_Type);
325 package Chk_DIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Chk_SIO.Buffer_Type);
326 package Sav_DIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (Sav_SIO.Buffer_Type);
328 Acct_Buffer : Acct_SIO.Buffer_Type;
329 Cash_Buffer : Cash_SIO.Buffer_Type;
330 Inv_Buffer : Inv_SIO.Buffer_Type;
331 Chk_Buffer : Chk_SIO.Buffer_Type;
332 Sav_Buffer : Sav_SIO.Buffer_Type;
334 Acct_File : Acct_DIO.File_Type;
335 Cash_File : Cash_DIO.File_Type;
336 Inv_File : Inv_DIO.File_Type;
337 Chk_File : Chk_DIO.File_Type;
338 Sav_File : Sav_DIO.File_Type;
340 begin
342 -- Open the Direct_IO files.
344 Acct_DIO.Open (Acct_File, Acct_DIO.In_File, Acct_Filename);
345 Cash_DIO.Open (Cash_File, Cash_DIO.In_File, Cash_Filename);
346 Inv_DIO.Open (Inv_File, Inv_DIO.In_File, Inv_Filename);
347 Chk_DIO.Open (Chk_File, Chk_DIO.In_File, Chk_Filename);
348 Sav_DIO.Open (Sav_File, Sav_DIO.In_File, Sav_Filename);
350 -- Read the buffer data from the files using Direct_IO.
352 Acct_DIO.Read (File => Acct_File, Item => Acct_Buffer);
353 Cash_DIO.Read (Cash_File, Cash_Buffer);
354 Inv_DIO.Read (Inv_File, Item => Inv_Buffer);
355 Chk_DIO.Read (File => Chk_File, Item =>Chk_Buffer);
356 Sav_DIO.Read (Sav_File, Sav_Buffer);
358 -- At this point, the data and associated tag values are stored
359 -- in buffers. Use the Storage_IO procedure Read to recreate the
360 -- tagged objects from the buffers.
362 Acct_SIO.Read (Buffer => Acct_Buffer, Item => Account);
363 Cash_SIO.Read (Cash_Buffer, Cash_Account);
364 Inv_SIO.Read (Inv_Buffer, Item => Investment_Account);
365 Chk_SIO.Read (Buffer => Chk_Buffer, Item => Checking_Account);
366 Sav_SIO.Read (Sav_Buffer, Savings_Account);
368 -- Delete all Direct_IO files.
370 Acct_DIO.Delete (Acct_File);
371 Cash_DIO.Delete (Cash_File);
372 Inv_DIO.Delete (Inv_File);
373 Chk_DIO.Delete (Chk_File);
374 Sav_DIO.Delete (Sav_File);
376 Data_Verification_Block:
377 begin
379 if Account /= TC_Account then
380 Report.Failed("Incorrect Account object reconstructed");
381 end if;
383 if Cash_Account /= TC_Cash_Account then
384 Report.Failed
385 ("Incorrect Cash_Account object reconstructed");
386 end if;
388 if Investment_Account /= TC_Investment_Account then
389 Report.Failed
390 ("Incorrect Investment_Account object reconstructed");
391 end if;
393 if Checking_Account /= TC_Checking_Account then
394 Report.Failed
395 ("Incorrect Checking_Account object reconstructed");
396 end if;
398 if Savings_Account /= TC_Savings_Account then
399 Report.Failed
400 ("Incorrect Savings_Account object reconstructed");
401 end if;
403 exception
404 when others =>
405 Report.Failed
406 ("Exception raised during Data_Verification Block");
407 end Data_Verification_Block;
410 -- To ensure that the tags of the values reconstructed by
411 -- Storage_IO were properly preserved, object tag values following
412 -- object reconstruction are compared with tag values of objects
413 -- stored prior to processing.
415 Tag_Verification_Block:
416 begin
418 if TC_Account_Type_Tag.all /=
419 Ada.Tags.External_Tag(Account_Type'Class(Account)'Tag)
420 then
421 Report.Failed("Incorrect Account tag");
422 end if;
424 if TC_Cash_Account_Type_Tag.all /=
425 Ada.Tags.External_Tag(
426 Cash_Account_Type'Class(Cash_Account)'Tag)
427 then
428 Report.Failed("Incorrect Cash_Account tag");
429 end if;
431 if TC_Investment_Account_Type_Tag.all /=
432 Ada.Tags.External_Tag(
433 Investment_Account_Type'Class(Investment_Account)'Tag)
434 then
435 Report.Failed("Incorrect Investment_Account tag");
436 end if;
438 if TC_Checking_Account_Type_Tag.all /=
439 Ada.Tags.External_Tag(
440 Checking_Account_Type'Class(Checking_Account)'Tag)
441 then
442 Report.Failed("Incorrect Checking_Account tag");
443 end if;
445 if TC_Savings_Account_Type_Tag.all /=
446 Ada.Tags.External_Tag(
447 Savings_Account_Type'Class(Savings_Account)'Tag)
448 then
449 Report.Failed("Incorrect Savings_Account tag");
450 end if;
452 exception
453 when others =>
454 Report.Failed ("Exception raised during tag evaluation");
455 end Tag_Verification_Block;
457 exception
458 when others => Report.Failed ("Exception in Read_Data");
459 end Read_Data;
461 begin -- Test_Block
463 -- Enter the data into the appropriate files.
464 Buffer_Data;
466 -- Reconstruct the data from files, and verify the results.
467 Read_Data;
469 exception
470 when others => Report.Failed ("Exception raised in Test_Block");
471 end Test_Block;
473 Report.Result;
475 exception
476 when Incomplete =>
477 Report.Result;
478 when others =>
479 Report.Failed ( "Unexpected exception" );
480 Report.Result;
482 end CXA9002;