2003-12-26 Guilhem Lavaux <guilhem@kaffe.org>
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / cxa / cxa4008.a
1 -- CXA4008.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that the subprograms defined in package Ada.Strings.Bounded are
28 -- available, and that they produce correct results, especially under
29 -- conditions where truncation of the result is required. Specifically,
30 -- check the subprograms Append, Count with non-Identity maps, Index with
31 -- non-Identity maps, Index with Set parameters, Insert (function and
32 -- procedure), Replace_Slice (function and procedure), To_Bounded_String,
33 -- and Translate.
36 -- This test, in conjunction with tests CXA4006, CXA4007, and CXA4009,
37 -- will provide coverage of the most common usages of the functionality
38 -- found in the Ada.Strings.Bounded package. It deals in large part
39 -- with truncation effects and options. This test contains many small,
40 -- specific test cases, situations that are often difficult to generate
41 -- in large numbers in an application-based test. These cases represent
42 -- specific usage paradigms in-the-small.
44 --
46 -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
47 -- 10 Apr 95 SAIC Corrected acceptance condition of subtest for
48 -- Function Append with Truncation = Left.
49 -- 31 Oct 95 SAIC Update and repair for ACVC 2.0.1.
51 --!
53 with Report;
54 with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
55 with Ada.Strings.Bounded;
56 with Ada.Strings.Maps;
58 procedure CXA4008 is
60 begin
62 Report.Test("CXA4008", "Check that the subprograms defined in " &
63 "package Ada.Strings.Bounded are available, " &
64 "and that they produce correct results, " &
65 "especially under conditions where " &
66 "truncation of the result is required");
68 Test_Block:
69 declare
71 package AS renames Ada.Strings;
72 package ASB renames Ada.Strings.Bounded;
73 package ASC renames Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
74 package Maps renames Ada.Strings.Maps;
76 package B10 is new ASB.Generic_Bounded_Length(Max => 10);
77 use type B10.Bounded_String;
79 Result_String : B10.Bounded_String;
80 Test_String : B10.Bounded_String;
81 AtoE_Bnd_Str : B10.Bounded_String := B10.To_Bounded_String("abcde");
82 FtoJ_Bnd_Str : B10.Bounded_String := B10.To_Bounded_String("fghij");
83 AtoJ_Bnd_Str : B10.Bounded_String :=
84 B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdefghij");
86 Location : Natural := 0;
87 Total_Count : Natural := 0;
89 CD_Set : Maps.Character_Set := Maps.To_Set("cd");
91 AB_to_YZ_Map : Maps.Character_Mapping :=
92 Maps.To_Mapping(From => "ab", To => "yz");
94 CD_to_XY_Map : Maps.Character_Mapping :=
95 Maps.To_Mapping(From => "cd", To => "xy");
98 begin
99 -- Function To_Bounded_String with Truncation
100 -- Evaluate the function Append with parameters that will
101 -- cause the truncation of the result.
103 -- Drop = Error (default case, Length_Error will be raised)
105 begin
106 Test_String :=
107 B10.To_Bounded_String("Much too long for this bounded string");
108 Report.Failed("Length Error not raised by To_Bounded_String");
109 exception
110 when AS.Length_Error => null; -- Expected exception raised.
111 when others =>
112 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by To_Bounded_String");
113 end;
115 -- Drop = Left
117 Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_String(Source => "abcdefghijklmn",
118 Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
120 if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("efghijklmn") then
121 Report.Failed
122 ("Incorrect result from To_Bounded_String, Drop = Left");
123 end if;
125 -- Drop = Right
127 Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_String(Source => "abcdefghijklmn",
128 Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
130 if not(Test_String = AtoJ_Bnd_Str) then
131 Report.Failed
132 ("Incorrect result from To_Bounded_String, Drop = Right");
133 end if;
138 -- Function Append with Truncation
139 -- Evaluate the function Append with parameters that will
140 -- cause the truncation of the result.
142 -- Drop = Error (default case, Length_Error will be raised)
144 begin
145 -- Append (Bnd Str, Bnd Str);
146 Result_String :=
147 B10.Append(B10.To_Bounded_String("abcde"),
148 B10.To_Bounded_String("fghijk")); -- 11 char
149 Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Append - 1");
150 exception
151 when AS.Length_Error => null; -- OK, correct exception raised.
152 when others =>
153 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Append - 1");
154 end;
156 begin
157 -- Append (Str, Bnd Str);
158 Result_String := B10.Append(B10.To_String(AtoE_Bnd_Str),
159 B10.To_Bounded_String("fghijk"),
160 AS.Error);
161 Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Append - 2");
162 exception
163 when AS.Length_Error => null; -- OK, correct exception raised.
164 when others =>
165 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Append - 2");
166 end;
168 begin
169 -- Append (Bnd Str, Char);
170 Result_String :=
171 B10.Append(B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdefghij"), 'k');
172 Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Append - 3");
173 exception
174 when AS.Length_Error => null; -- OK, correct exception raised.
175 when others =>
176 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Append - 3");
177 end;
179 -- Drop = Left
181 -- Append (Bnd Str, Bnd Str)
182 Result_String := B10.Append(B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdefgh"), -- 8 chs
183 B10.To_Bounded_String("ijklmn"), -- 6 chs
184 Ada.Strings.Left);
186 if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("efghijklmn") then -- 10 chars
187 Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 4");
188 end if;
190 -- Append (Bnd Str, Str)
191 Result_String :=
192 B10.Append(B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdefghij"),
193 "xyz",
194 Ada.Strings.Left);
196 if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("defghijxyz") then
197 Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 5");
198 end if;
200 -- Append (Char, Bnd Str)
202 Result_String := B10.Append('A',
203 B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdefghij"),
204 Ada.Strings.Left);
206 if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdefghij") then
207 Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 6");
208 end if;
210 -- Drop = Right
212 -- Append (Bnd Str, Bnd Str)
213 Result_String := B10.Append(FtoJ_Bnd_Str,
214 AtoJ_Bnd_Str,
215 Ada.Strings.Right);
217 if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("fghijabcde") then
218 Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 7");
219 end if;
221 -- Append (Str, Bnd Str)
222 Result_String := B10.Append(B10.To_String(AtoE_Bnd_Str),
223 AtoJ_Bnd_Str,
224 Ada.Strings.Right);
226 if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdeabcde") then
227 Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 8");
228 end if;
230 -- Append (Char, Bnd Str)
231 Result_String := B10.Append('A', AtoJ_Bnd_Str, Ada.Strings.Right);
233 if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("Aabcdefghi") then
234 Report.Failed("Incorrect truncation performed by Append - 9");
235 end if;
238 -- Function Index with non-Identity map.
239 -- Evaluate the function Index with a non-identity map
240 -- parameter which will cause mapping of the source parameter
241 -- prior to the evaluation of the index position search.
243 Location := B10.Index(Source => AtoJ_Bnd_Str, -- "abcdefghij"
244 Pattern => "xy",
245 Going => Ada.Strings.Forward,
246 Mapping => CD_to_XY_Map); -- change "cd" to "xy"
248 if Location /= 3 then
249 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index, non-Identity map - 1");
250 end if;
252 Location := B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_String("AND IF MAN"),
253 "an",
254 Ada.Strings.Backward,
255 ASC.Lower_Case_Map);
257 if Location /= 9 then
258 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index, non-Identity map - 2");
259 end if;
261 Location := B10.Index(Source => B10.To_Bounded_String("The the"),
262 Pattern => "the",
263 Going => Ada.Strings.Forward,
264 Mapping => ASC.Lower_Case_Map);
266 if Location /= 1 then
267 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index, non-Identity map - 3");
268 end if;
271 if B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_String("abcd"), -- Pattern = Source
272 "abcd") /= 1 or
273 B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_String("abc"), -- Pattern < Source
274 "abcd") /= 0 or
275 B10.Index(B10.Null_Bounded_String, -- Source = Null
276 "abc") /= 0
277 then
278 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index with string patterns");
279 end if;
282 -- Function Index (for Sets).
283 -- This version of Index uses Sets as the basis of the search.
285 -- Test = Inside, Going = Forward (Default case).
286 Location :=
287 B10.Index(Source => B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdeabcde"),
288 Set => CD_Set, -- set containing 'c' and 'd'
289 Test => Ada.Strings.Inside,
290 Going => Ada.Strings.Forward);
292 if not (Location = 3) then -- position of first 'c' in source.
293 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index using Sets - 1");
294 end if;
296 -- Test = Inside, Going = Backward.
297 Location :=
298 B10.Index(Source => B10."&"(AtoE_Bnd_Str, AtoE_Bnd_Str),
299 Set => CD_Set, -- set containing 'c' and 'd'
300 Test => Ada.Strings.Inside,
301 Going => Ada.Strings.Backward);
303 if not (Location = 9) then -- position of last 'd' in source.
304 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index using Sets - 2");
305 end if;
307 -- Test = Outside, Going = Forward.
308 Location := B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_String("deddacd"),
309 CD_Set,
310 Test => Ada.Strings.Outside,
311 Going => Ada.Strings.Forward);
313 if Location /= 2 then -- position of 'e' in source.
314 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index using Sets - 3");
315 end if;
317 -- Test = Outside, Going = Backward.
318 Location := B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_String("deddacd"),
319 CD_Set,
320 Ada.Strings.Outside,
321 Ada.Strings.Backward);
323 if Location /= 5 then -- correct position of 'a'.
324 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index using Sets - 4");
325 end if;
327 if B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_String("cd"), -- Source = Set
328 CD_Set) /= 1 or
329 B10.Index(B10.To_Bounded_String("c"), -- Source < Set
330 CD_Set) /= 1 or
331 B10.Index(B10.Null_Bounded_String, -- Source = Null
332 CD_Set) /= 0 or
333 B10.Index(AtoE_Bnd_Str, -- "abcde"
334 Maps.Null_Set) /= 0 or -- Null set
335 B10.Index(AtoE_Bnd_Str,
336 Maps.To_Set('x')) /= 0 -- No match.
337 then
338 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Index using Sets - 5");
339 end if;
342 -- Function Count with non-Identity mapping.
343 -- Evaluate the function Count with a non-identity map
344 -- parameter which will cause mapping of the source parameter
345 -- prior to the evaluation of the number of matching patterns.
347 Total_Count :=
348 B10.Count(Source => B10.To_Bounded_String("abbabaabab"),
349 Pattern => "yz",
350 Mapping => AB_to_YZ_Map);
352 if Total_Count /= 4 then
353 Report.Failed
354 ("Incorrect result from function Count, non-Identity map - 1");
355 end if;
357 -- And a few with identity maps as well.
359 if B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_String("ABABABABAB"),
360 "ABA",
361 Maps.Identity) /= 2 or
362 B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_String("ADCBADABCD"),
363 "AB",
364 Maps.To_Mapping("CD", "AB")) /= 5 or
365 B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_String("aaaaaaaaaa"),
366 "aaa") /= 3 or
367 B10.Count(B10.To_Bounded_String("XX"), -- Source < Pattern
368 "XXX",
369 Maps.Identity) /= 0 or
370 B10.Count(AtoE_Bnd_Str, -- Source = Pattern
371 "abcde") /= 1 or
372 B10.Count(B10.Null_Bounded_String, -- Source = Null
373 " ") /= 0
374 then
375 Report.Failed
376 ("Incorrect result from function Count, w,w/o mapping");
377 end if;
380 -- Procedure Translate
382 -- Partial mapping of source.
384 Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdeabcab");
386 B10.Translate(Source => Test_String, Mapping => AB_to_YZ_Map);
388 if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("yzcdeyzcyz") then
389 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from procedure Translate - 1");
390 end if;
392 -- Total mapping of source.
394 Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_String("abbaaababb");
396 B10.Translate(Source => Test_String, Mapping => ASC.Upper_Case_Map);
398 if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("ABBAAABABB") then
399 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from procedure Translate - 2");
400 end if;
402 -- No mapping of source.
404 Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_String("xyzsypcc");
406 B10.Translate(Source => Test_String, Mapping => AB_to_YZ_Map);
408 if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("xyzsypcc") then
409 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from procedure Translate - 3");
410 end if;
412 -- Map > 2 characters, partial mapping.
414 Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_String("have faith");
416 B10.Translate(Test_String,
417 Maps.To_Mapping("aeiou", "AEIOU"));
419 if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("hAvE fAIth") then
420 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from procedure Translate - 4");
421 end if;
424 -- Function Replace_Slice
425 -- Evaluate function Replace_Slice with
426 -- a variety of Truncation options.
428 -- Drop = Error (Default)
430 begin
431 Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
432 Result_String :=
433 B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String, -- "abcdefghij"
434 Low => 3,
435 High => 5, -- 3-5, 3 chars.
436 By => "xxxxxx"); -- more than 3.
437 Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Function Replace_Slice");
438 exception
439 when AS.Length_Error => null; -- Correct exception raised.
440 when others =>
441 Report.Failed
442 ("Incorrect exception raised by Function Replace_Slice");
443 end;
445 -- Drop = Left
447 Result_String :=
448 B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String, -- "abcdefghij"
449 Low => 7,
450 High => 10, -- 7-10, 4 chars.
451 By => "xxxxxx", -- 6 chars.
452 Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
454 if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("cdefxxxxxx") then -- drop a,b
455 Report.Failed
456 ("Incorrect result from Function Replace Slice, Drop = Left");
457 end if;
459 -- Drop = Right
461 Result_String :=
462 B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String, -- "abcdefghij"
463 Low => 2,
464 High => 5, -- 2-5, 4 chars.
465 By => "xxxxxx", -- 6 chars.
466 Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
468 if Result_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("axxxxxxfgh") then -- drop i,j
469 Report.Failed
470 ("Incorrect result from Function Replace Slice, Drop = Right");
471 end if;
473 -- Low = High = Source'Last, "By" length = 1.
475 if B10.Replace_Slice(AtoE_Bnd_Str,
476 B10.To_String(AtoE_Bnd_Str)'Last,
477 B10.To_String(AtoE_Bnd_Str)'Last,
478 "X",
479 Ada.Strings.Error) /=
480 B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdX")
481 then
482 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Replace_Slice");
483 end if;
487 -- Procedure Replace_Slice
488 -- Evaluate procedure Replace_Slice with
489 -- a variety of Truncation options.
491 -- Drop = Error (Default)
493 begin
494 Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
495 B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String, -- "abcdefghij"
496 Low => 3,
497 High => 5, -- 3-5, 3 chars.
498 By => "xxxxxx"); -- more than 3.
499 Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Procedure Replace_Slice");
500 exception
501 when AS.Length_Error => null; -- Correct exception raised.
502 when others =>
503 Report.Failed
504 ("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Replace_Slice");
505 end;
507 -- Drop = Left
509 Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
510 B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String, -- "abcdefghij"
511 Low => 7,
512 High => 9, -- 7-9, 3 chars.
513 By => "xxxxx", -- 5 chars.
514 Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
516 if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("cdefxxxxxj") then -- drop a,b
517 Report.Failed
518 ("Incorrect result from Procedure Replace Slice, Drop = Left");
519 end if;
521 -- Drop = Right
523 Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
524 B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String, -- "abcdefghij"
525 Low => 1,
526 High => 3, -- 1-3, 3chars.
527 By => "xxxx", -- 4 chars.
528 Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
530 if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("xxxxdefghi") then -- drop j
531 Report.Failed
532 ("Incorrect result from Procedure Replace Slice, Drop = Right");
533 end if;
535 -- High = Source'First, Low > High (Insert before Low).
537 Test_String := AtoE_Bnd_Str;
538 B10.Replace_Slice(Source => Test_String, -- "abcde"
539 Low => B10.To_String(Test_String)'Last,
540 High => B10.To_String(Test_String)'First,
541 By => "XXXX", -- 4 chars.
542 Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
544 if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdXXXXe") then
545 Report.Failed
546 ("Incorrect result from Procedure Replace Slice");
547 end if;
551 -- Function Insert with Truncation
552 -- Drop = Error (Default).
554 begin
555 Result_String :=
556 B10.Insert(Source => AtoJ_Bnd_Str, -- "abcdefghij"
557 Before => 2,
558 New_Item => "xyz");
559 Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Function Insert");
560 exception
561 when AS.Length_Error => null; -- Correct exception raised.
562 when others =>
563 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Function Insert");
564 end;
566 -- Drop = Left
568 Result_String :=
569 B10.Insert(Source => AtoJ_Bnd_Str, -- "abcdefghij"
570 Before => 5,
571 New_Item => "xyz", -- 3 additional chars.
572 Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
574 if B10.To_String(Result_String) /= "dxyzefghij" then -- drop a, b, c
575 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Insert, Drop = Left");
576 end if;
578 -- Drop = Right
580 Result_String :=
581 B10.Insert(Source => B10.To_Bounded_String("abcdef"),
582 Before => 2,
583 New_Item => "vwxyz", -- 5 additional chars.
584 Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
586 if B10.To_String(Result_String) /= "avwxyzbcde" then -- drop f.
587 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Insert, Drop = Right");
588 end if;
590 -- Additional cases.
592 if B10.Insert(B10.To_Bounded_String("a"), 1, " B") /=
593 B10.To_Bounded_String(" Ba") or
594 B10.Insert(B10.Null_Bounded_String, 1, "abcde") /=
595 AtoE_Bnd_Str or
596 B10.Insert(B10.To_Bounded_String("ab"), 2, "") /=
597 B10.To_Bounded_String("ab")
598 then
599 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Function Insert");
600 end if;
603 -- Procedure Insert
605 -- Drop = Error (Default).
606 begin
607 Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
608 B10.Insert(Source => Test_String, -- "abcdefghij"
609 Before => 9,
610 New_Item => "wxyz",
611 Drop => Ada.Strings.Error);
612 Report.Failed("Length_Error not raised by Procedure Insert");
613 exception
614 when AS.Length_Error => null; -- Correct exception raised.
615 when others =>
616 Report.Failed("Incorrect exception raised by Procedure Insert");
617 end;
619 -- Drop = Left
621 Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
622 B10.Insert(Source => Test_String, -- "abcdefghij"
623 Before => B10.Length(Test_String), -- before last char
624 New_Item => "xyz", -- 3 additional chars.
625 Drop => Ada.Strings.Left);
627 if B10.To_String(Test_String) /= "defghixyzj" then -- drop a, b, c
628 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Insert, Drop = Left");
629 end if;
631 -- Drop = Right
633 Test_String := AtoJ_Bnd_Str;
634 B10.Insert(Source => Test_String,
635 Before => 4,
636 New_Item => "yz", -- 2 additional chars.
637 Drop => Ada.Strings.Right);
639 if B10.To_String(Test_String) /= "abcyzdefgh" then -- drop i,j
640 Report.Failed
641 ("Incorrect result from Procedure Insert, Drop = Right");
642 end if;
644 -- Before = Source'First, New_Item length = 1.
646 Test_String := B10.To_Bounded_String(" abc ");
647 B10.Insert(Test_String,
648 B10.To_String(Test_String)'First,
649 "Z");
651 if Test_String /= B10.To_Bounded_String("Z abc ") then
652 Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Procedure Insert");
653 end if;
656 exception
657 when others => Report.Failed("Exception raised in Test_Block");
658 end Test_Block;
660 Report.Result;
662 end CXA4008;