2003-12-26 Guilhem Lavaux <guilhem@kaffe.org>
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / cc / cc40001.a
1 -- CC40001.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that adjust is called on the value of a constant object created
28 -- by the evaluation of a generic association for a formal object of
29 -- mode in.
31 -- Check that those values are also subsequently finalized.
34 -- Create a backdrop of a controlled type sufficient to check that the
35 -- correct operations get called at appropriate times. Create a generic
36 -- unit that takes a formal parameter of a formal type. Create instances
37 -- of this generic using various "levels" of the controlled type. Check
38 -- the same case for a generic child unit.
40 -- The cases tested are where the type of the formal object is:
41 -- a visible classwide type : CC40001_2
42 -- a formal private type : CC40001_3
43 -- a formal tagged type : CC40001_4
45 -- To more fully take advantage of the features of the language, and
46 -- present a test which is "user oriented" this test utilizes multiple
47 -- aspects of the language in combination. Using Ada.Strings.Unbounded
48 -- in combination with Ada.Finalization and Ada.Calendar to build layers
49 -- of an object oriented system will likely be very common in actual
50 -- practice. A common paradigm in the language will also be the use of
51 -- a parent package defining "basic" tagged types, and child packages
52 -- will expand on those types via derivation. The model used in this
53 -- test is a simple type containing a character identity (used in the
54 -- identity). The next level of type add a timestamp. Further levels
55 -- might add location information, etc. however for the purposes of this
56 -- test we stop at the second layer, as it is sufficient to test the
57 -- stated objective.
61 -- 06 FEB 96 SAIC Initial version
62 -- 30 APR 96 SAIC Added finalization checks for 2.1
63 -- 13 FEB 97 PWB.CTA Moved global objects into bodies, after Initialize
64 -- body is elaborated; counted finalizations correctly.
65 --!
67 ----------------------------------------------------------------- CC40001_0
69 with Ada.Finalization;
70 with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
71 package CC40001_0 is
73 type States is ( Erroneous, Defaulted, Initialized, Reset, Adjusted );
75 type Simple_Object(ID: Character) is
76 new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with
77 record
78 TC_Current_State : States := Defaulted;
79 Name : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
80 end record;
82 procedure User_Operation( COB: in out Simple_Object; Name : String );
83 procedure Initialize( COB: in out Simple_Object );
84 procedure Adjust ( COB: in out Simple_Object );
85 procedure Finalize ( COB: in out Simple_Object );
87 Finalization_Count : Natural;
89 end CC40001_0;
91 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
93 with Report;
94 with TCTouch;
95 package body CC40001_0 is
97 procedure User_Operation( COB: in out Simple_Object; Name : String ) is
98 begin
99 COB.Name := Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String(Name);
100 end User_Operation;
102 procedure Initialize( COB: in out Simple_Object ) is
103 begin
104 COB.TC_Current_State := Initialized;
105 end Initialize;
107 procedure Adjust ( COB: in out Simple_Object ) is
108 begin
109 COB.TC_Current_State := Adjusted;
110 TCTouch.Touch('A'); -------------------------------------------------- A
111 TCTouch.Touch(COB.ID); ------------------------------------------------ ID
112 -- note that the calls to touch will not be directly validated, it is
113 -- expected that some number > 0 of calls will be made to this procedure,
114 -- the subtests then clear (Flush) the Touch buffer and perform actions
115 -- where an incorrect implementation might call this procedure. Such a
116 -- call will fail on the attempt to "Validate" the null string.
117 end Adjust;
119 procedure Finalize ( COB: in out Simple_Object ) is
120 begin
121 COB.TC_Current_State := Erroneous;
122 Finalization_Count := Finalization_Count +1;
123 end Finalize;
125 TC_Global_Object : Simple_Object('G');
127 end CC40001_0;
129 ----------------------------------------------------------------- CC40001_1
131 with Ada.Calendar;
132 package CC40001_0.CC40001_1 is
134 type Object_In_Time(ID: Character) is
135 new Simple_Object(ID) with
136 record
137 Birth : Ada.Calendar.Time;
138 Activity : Ada.Calendar.Time;
139 end record;
141 procedure User_Operation( COB: in out Object_In_Time;
142 Name: String );
144 procedure Initialize( COB: in out Object_In_Time );
145 procedure Adjust ( COB: in out Object_In_Time );
146 procedure Finalize ( COB: in out Object_In_Time );
148 end CC40001_0.CC40001_1;
150 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
152 with Report;
153 with TCTouch;
154 package body CC40001_0.CC40001_1 is
156 procedure Initialize( COB: in out Object_In_Time ) is
157 begin
158 COB.TC_Current_State := Initialized;
159 COB.Birth := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
160 end Initialize;
162 procedure Adjust ( COB: in out Object_In_Time ) is
163 begin
164 COB.TC_Current_State := Adjusted;
165 TCTouch.Touch('a'); ------------------------------------------------ a
166 TCTouch.Touch(COB.ID); ------------------------------------------------ ID
167 end Adjust;
169 procedure Finalize ( COB: in out Object_In_Time ) is
170 begin
171 COB.TC_Current_State := Erroneous;
172 Finalization_Count := Finalization_Count +1;
173 end Finalize;
175 procedure User_Operation( COB: in out Object_In_Time;
176 Name: String ) is
177 begin
178 CC40001_0.User_Operation( Simple_Object(COB), Name );
179 COB.Activity := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
180 COB.TC_Current_State := Reset;
181 end User_Operation;
183 TC_Time_Object : Object_In_Time('g');
185 end CC40001_0.CC40001_1;
187 ----------------------------------------------------------------- CC40001_2
189 generic
190 TC_Check_Object : in CC40001_0.Simple_Object'Class;
191 package CC40001_0.CC40001_2 is
192 procedure TC_Verify_State;
193 end CC40001_0.CC40001_2;
195 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
197 with Report;
198 package body CC40001_0.CC40001_2 is
200 procedure TC_Verify_State is
201 begin
202 if TC_Check_Object.TC_Current_State /= Adjusted then
203 Report.Failed( "CC40001_2 : Formal Object not adjusted" );
204 end if;
205 end TC_Verify_State;
207 end CC40001_0.CC40001_2;
209 ----------------------------------------------------------------- CC40001_3
211 generic
212 type Formal_Private(<>) is private;
213 TC_Check_Object : in Formal_Private;
214 with function Bad_Status( O: Formal_Private ) return Boolean;
215 package CC40001_0.CC40001_3 is
216 procedure TC_Verify_State;
217 end CC40001_0.CC40001_3;
219 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
221 with Report;
222 package body CC40001_0.CC40001_3 is
224 procedure TC_Verify_State is
225 begin
226 if Bad_Status( TC_Check_Object ) then
227 Report.Failed( "CC40001_3 : Formal Object not adjusted" );
228 end if;
229 end TC_Verify_State;
231 end CC40001_0.CC40001_3;
233 ----------------------------------------------------------------- CC40001_4
235 generic
236 type Formal_Tagged_Private(<>) is tagged private;
237 TC_Check_Object : in Formal_Tagged_Private;
238 with function Bad_Status( O: Formal_Tagged_Private ) return Boolean;
239 package CC40001_0.CC40001_4 is
240 procedure TC_Verify_State;
241 end CC40001_0.CC40001_4;
243 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
245 with Report;
246 package body CC40001_0.CC40001_4 is
248 procedure TC_Verify_State is
249 begin
250 if Bad_Status( TC_Check_Object ) then
251 Report.Failed( "CC40001_4 : Formal Object not adjusted" );
252 end if;
253 end TC_Verify_State;
255 end CC40001_0.CC40001_4;
257 ------------------------------------------------------------------- CC40001
259 with Report;
260 with TCTouch;
261 with CC40001_0.CC40001_1;
262 with CC40001_0.CC40001_2;
263 with CC40001_0.CC40001_3;
264 with CC40001_0.CC40001_4;
265 procedure CC40001 is
267 function Not_Adjusted( CO : CC40001_0.Simple_Object )
268 return Boolean is
269 use type CC40001_0.States;
270 begin
271 return CO.TC_Current_State /= CC40001_0.Adjusted;
272 end Not_Adjusted;
274 function Not_Adjusted( CO : CC40001_0.CC40001_1.Object_In_Time )
275 return Boolean is
276 use type CC40001_0.States;
277 begin
278 return CO.TC_Current_State /= CC40001_0.Adjusted;
279 end Not_Adjusted;
281 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Subtest 1
283 procedure Subtest_1 is
284 Object_0 : CC40001_0.Simple_Object('T');
285 Object_1 : CC40001_0.CC40001_1.Object_In_Time('t');
287 package Subtest_1_1 is
288 new CC40001_0.CC40001_2( Object_0 ); -- classwide generic formal object
290 package Subtest_1_2 is
291 new CC40001_0.CC40001_2( Object_1 ); -- classwide generic formal object
292 begin
293 TCTouch.Flush; -- clear out all "A" and "T" entries, no further calls
294 -- to Touch should occur before the call to Validate
296 -- set the objects TC_Current_State to "Reset"
297 CC40001_0.User_Operation( Object_0, "Subtest 1" );
298 CC40001_0.CC40001_1.User_Operation( Object_1, "Subtest 1" );
300 -- check that the objects TC_Current_State is "Adjusted"
301 Subtest_1_1.TC_Verify_State;
302 Subtest_1_2.TC_Verify_State;
304 TCTouch.Validate( "", "No actions should occur here, subtest 1" );
306 end Subtest_1;
308 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Subtest 2
310 procedure Subtest_2 is
311 Object_0 : CC40001_0.Simple_Object('T');
312 Object_1 : CC40001_0.CC40001_1.Object_In_Time('t');
314 package Subtest_2_1 is -- generic formal object is discriminated private
315 new CC40001_0.CC40001_3( CC40001_0.Simple_Object,
316 Object_0,
317 Not_Adjusted );
319 package Subtest_2_2 is -- generic formal object is discriminated private
320 new CC40001_0.CC40001_3( CC40001_0.CC40001_1.Object_In_Time,
321 Object_1,
322 Not_Adjusted );
324 begin
325 TCTouch.Flush; -- clear out all "A" and "T" entries
327 -- set the objects state to "Reset"
328 CC40001_0.User_Operation( Object_0, "Subtest 2" );
329 CC40001_0.CC40001_1.User_Operation( Object_1, "Subtest 2" );
331 Subtest_2_1.TC_Verify_State;
332 Subtest_2_2.TC_Verify_State;
334 TCTouch.Validate( "", "No actions should occur here, subtest 2" );
336 end Subtest_2;
338 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Subtest 3
340 procedure Subtest_3 is
341 Object_0 : CC40001_0.Simple_Object('T');
342 Object_1 : CC40001_0.CC40001_1.Object_In_Time('t');
344 package Subtest_3_1 is -- generic formal object is discriminated tagged
345 new CC40001_0.CC40001_4( CC40001_0.Simple_Object,
346 Object_0,
347 Not_Adjusted );
349 package Subtest_3_2 is -- generic formal object is discriminated tagged
350 new CC40001_0.CC40001_4( CC40001_0.CC40001_1.Object_In_Time,
351 Object_1,
352 Not_Adjusted );
353 begin
354 TCTouch.Flush; -- clear out all "A" and "T" entries
356 -- set the objects state to "Reset"
357 CC40001_0.User_Operation( Object_0, "Subtest 3" );
358 CC40001_0.CC40001_1.User_Operation( Object_1, "Subtest 3" );
360 Subtest_3_1.TC_Verify_State;
361 Subtest_3_2.TC_Verify_State;
363 TCTouch.Validate( "", "No actions should occur here, subtest 3" );
365 end Subtest_3;
367 begin -- Main test procedure.
369 Report.Test ("CC40001", "Check that adjust and finalize are called on " &
370 "the constant object created by the " &
371 "evaluation of a generic association for a " &
372 "formal object of mode in" );
374 -- check that the created constant objects are properly adjusted
375 -- and subsequently finalized
377 CC40001_0.Finalization_Count := 0;
379 Subtest_1;
381 if CC40001_0.Finalization_Count < 4 then
382 Report.Failed("Insufficient Finalizations for Subtest 1");
383 end if;
385 CC40001_0.Finalization_Count := 0;
387 Subtest_2;
389 if CC40001_0.Finalization_Count < 4 then
390 Report.Failed("Insufficient Finalizations for Subtest 2");
391 end if;
393 CC40001_0.Finalization_Count := 0;
395 Subtest_3;
397 if CC40001_0.Finalization_Count < 4 then
398 Report.Failed("Insufficient Finalizations for Subtest 3");
399 end if;
401 Report.Result;
403 end CC40001;