2003-12-26 Guilhem Lavaux <guilhem@kaffe.org>
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / c7 / c761010.a
1 -- C761010.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- The Ada Conformity Assessment Authority (ACAA) holds unlimited
6 -- rights in the software and documentation contained herein. Unlimited
7 -- rights are the same as those granted by the U.S. Government for older
8 -- parts of the Ada Conformity Assessment Test Suite, and are defined
9 -- in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making this public release, the ACAA
10 -- intends to confer upon all recipients unlimited rights equal to those
11 -- held by the ACAA. These rights include rights to use, duplicate,
12 -- release or disclose the released technical data and computer software
13 -- in whole or in part, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and
14 -- to have or permit others to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check the requirements of the new 7.6(17.1/1) from Technical
28 -- Corrigendum 1 (originally discussed as AI95-00083).
29 -- This new paragraph requires that the initialization of an object with
30 -- an aggregate does not involve calls to Adjust.
33 -- We include several cases of initialization:
34 -- - Explicit initialization of an object declared by an
35 -- object declaration.
36 -- - Explicit initialization of a heap object.
37 -- - Default initialization of a record component.
38 -- - Initialization of a formal parameter during a call.
39 -- - Initialization of a formal parameter during a call with
40 -- a defaulted parameter.
41 -- - Lots of nested records, arrays, and pointers.
42 -- In this test, Initialize should never be called, because we
43 -- never declare a default-initialized controlled object (although
44 -- we do declare default-initialized records containing controlled
45 -- objects, with default expressions for the components).
46 -- Adjust should never be called, because every initialization
47 -- is via an aggregate. Finalize is called, because the objects
48 -- themselves need to be finalized.
49 -- Thus, Initialize and Adjust call Failed.
50 -- In some of the cases, these procedures will not yet be elaborated,
51 -- anyway.
54 -- 29 JUN 1999 RAD Initial Version
55 -- 23 SEP 1999 RLB Improved comments, renamed, issued.
56 -- 10 APR 2000 RLB Corrected errors in comments and text, fixed
57 -- discriminant error. Fixed so that Report.Test
58 -- is called before any Report.Failed call. Added
59 -- a marker so that the failed subtest can be
60 -- determined.
61 -- 26 APR 2000 RAD Try to defeat optimizations.
62 -- 04 AUG 2000 RLB Corrected error in Check_Equal.
63 -- 18 AUG 2000 RLB Removed dubious main subprogram renames (see AI-172).
64 -- 19 JUL 2002 RLB Fixed to avoid calling comment after Report.Result.
66 --!
68 with Ada; use Ada;
69 with Report; use Report; pragma Elaborate_All(Report);
70 with Ada.Finalization;
71 package C761010_1 is
72 pragma Elaborate_Body;
73 function Square(X: Integer) return Integer;
74 private
75 type TC_Control is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with null record;
76 procedure Initialize (Object : in out TC_Control);
77 procedure Finalize (Object : in out TC_Control);
78 TC_Finalize_Called : Boolean := False;
79 end C761010_1;
81 package body C761010_1 is
82 function Square(X: Integer) return Integer is
83 begin
84 return X**2;
85 end Square;
87 procedure Initialize (Object : in out TC_Control) is
88 begin
89 Test("C761010_1",
90 "Check that Adjust is not called"
91 & " when aggregates are used to initialize objects");
92 end Initialize;
94 procedure Finalize (Object : in out TC_Control) is
95 begin
96 if not TC_Finalize_Called then
97 Failed("Var_Strings Finalize never called");
98 end if;
99 Result;
100 end Finalize;
102 TC_Test : TC_Control; -- Starts test; finalization ends test.
103 end C761010_1;
105 with Ada.Finalization;
106 package C761010_1.Var_Strings is
107 type Var_String(<>) is private;
109 Some_String: constant Var_String;
111 function "=" (X, Y: Var_String) return Boolean;
113 procedure Check_Equal(X, Y: Var_String);
114 -- Calls to this are used to defeat optimizations
115 -- that might otherwise defeat the purpose of the
116 -- test. I'm talking about the optimization of removing
117 -- unused controlled objects.
119 private
121 type String_Ptr is access constant String;
123 type Var_String(Length: Natural) is new Finalization.Controlled with
124 record
125 Comp_1: String_Ptr := new String'(2..Square(Length)-1 => 'x');
126 Comp_2: String_Ptr(1..Length) := null;
127 Comp_3: String(Length..Length) := (others => '.');
128 TC_Lab: Character := '1';
129 end record;
130 procedure Initialize(X: in out Var_String);
131 procedure Adjust(X: in out Var_String);
132 procedure Finalize(X: in out Var_String);
134 Some_String: constant Var_String
135 := (Finalization.Controlled with Length => 1,
136 Comp_1 => null,
137 Comp_2 => null,
138 Comp_3 => "x",
139 TC_Lab => 'A');
141 Another_String: constant Var_String
142 := (Finalization.Controlled with Length => 10,
143 Comp_1 => Some_String.Comp_2,
144 Comp_2 => new String'("1234567890"),
145 Comp_3 => "x",
146 TC_Lab => 'B');
148 end C761010_1.Var_Strings;
150 package C761010_1.Var_Strings.Types is
152 type Ptr is access all Var_String;
153 Ptr_Const: constant Ptr;
155 type Ptr_Arr is array(Positive range <>) of Ptr;
156 Ptr_Arr_Const: constant Ptr_Arr;
158 type Ptr_Rec(N_Strings: Natural) is
159 record
160 Ptrs: Ptr_Arr(1..N_Strings);
161 end record;
162 Ptr_Rec_Const: constant Ptr_Rec;
164 private
166 Ptr_Const: constant Ptr := new Var_String'
167 (Finalization.Controlled with
168 Length => 1,
169 Comp_1 => null,
170 Comp_2 => null,
171 Comp_3 => (others => ' '),
172 TC_Lab => 'C');
174 Ptr_Arr_Const: constant Ptr_Arr :=
175 (1 => new Var_String'
176 (Finalization.Controlled with
177 Length => 1,
178 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
179 Comp_2 => null,
180 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
181 TC_Lab => 'D'));
183 Ptr_Rec_Var: Ptr_Rec :=
185 (1..2 => null,
186 3 => new Var_String'
187 (Finalization.Controlled with
188 Length => 2,
189 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
190 Comp_2 => null,
191 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
192 TC_Lab => 'E')));
194 Ptr_Rec_Const: constant Ptr_Rec :=
196 (1..2 => null,
197 3 => new Var_String'
198 (Finalization.Controlled with
199 Length => 2,
200 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
201 Comp_2 => null,
202 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
203 TC_Lab => 'F')));
205 type Arr is array(Positive range <>) of Var_String(Length => 2);
207 Arr_Var: Arr :=
208 (1 => (Finalization.Controlled with
209 Length => 2,
210 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
211 Comp_2 => null,
212 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
213 TC_Lab => 'G'));
215 type Rec(N_Strings: Natural) is
216 record
217 Ptrs: Ptr_Rec(N_Strings);
218 Strings: Arr(1..N_Strings) :=
219 (others =>
220 (Finalization.Controlled with
221 Length => 2,
222 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
223 Comp_2 => null,
224 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
225 TC_Lab => 'H'));
226 end record;
228 Default_Init_Rec_Var: Rec(N_Strings => 10);
229 Empty_Default_Init_Rec_Var: Rec(N_Strings => 0);
231 Rec_Var: Rec(N_Strings => 2) :=
232 (N_Strings => 2,
233 Ptrs =>
235 (1..1 => null,
236 2 => new Var_String'
237 (Finalization.Controlled with
238 Length => 2,
239 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
240 Comp_2 => null,
241 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
242 TC_Lab => 'J'))),
243 Strings =>
244 (1 =>
245 (Finalization.Controlled with
246 Length => 2,
247 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
248 Comp_2 => null,
249 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
250 TC_Lab => 'K'),
251 others =>
252 (Finalization.Controlled with
253 Length => 2,
254 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
255 Comp_2 => null,
256 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
257 TC_Lab => 'L')));
259 procedure Check_Equal(X, Y: Rec);
261 end C761010_1.Var_Strings.Types;
263 package body C761010_1.Var_Strings.Types is
265 -- Check that parameter passing doesn't create new objects,
266 -- and therefore doesn't need extra Adjusts or Finalizes.
268 procedure Check_Equal(X, Y: Rec) is
269 -- We assume that the arguments should be equal.
270 -- But we cannot assume that pointer values are the same.
271 begin
272 if X.N_Strings /= Y.N_Strings then
273 Failed("Records should be equal (1)");
274 else
275 for I in 1 .. X.N_Strings loop
276 if X.Ptrs.Ptrs(I) /= Y.Ptrs.Ptrs(I) then
277 if X.Ptrs.Ptrs(I) = null or else
278 Y.Ptrs.Ptrs(I) = null or else
279 X.Ptrs.Ptrs(I).all /= Y.Ptrs.Ptrs(I).all then
280 Failed("Records should be equal (2)");
281 end if;
282 end if;
283 if X.Strings(I) /= Y.Strings(I) then
284 Failed("Records should be equal (3)");
285 end if;
286 end loop;
287 end if;
288 end Check_Equal;
290 procedure My_Check_Equal
291 (X: Rec := Rec_Var;
292 Y: Rec :=
293 (N_Strings => 2,
294 Ptrs =>
296 (1..1 => null,
297 2 => new Var_String'
298 (Finalization.Controlled with
299 Length => 2,
300 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
301 Comp_2 => null,
302 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
303 TC_Lab => 'M'))),
304 Strings =>
305 (1 =>
306 (Finalization.Controlled with
307 Length => 2,
308 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
309 Comp_2 => null,
310 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
311 TC_Lab => 'N'),
312 others =>
313 (Finalization.Controlled with
314 Length => 2,
315 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
316 Comp_2 => null,
317 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
318 TC_Lab => 'O'))))
319 renames Check_Equal;
320 begin
322 My_Check_Equal;
324 Check_Equal(Rec_Var,
325 (N_Strings => 2,
326 Ptrs =>
328 (1..1 => null,
329 2 => new Var_String'
330 (Finalization.Controlled with
331 Length => 2,
332 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
333 Comp_2 => null,
334 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
335 TC_Lab => 'P'))),
336 Strings =>
337 (1 =>
338 (Finalization.Controlled with
339 Length => 2,
340 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
341 Comp_2 => null,
342 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
343 TC_Lab => 'Q'),
344 others =>
345 (Finalization.Controlled with
346 Length => 2,
347 Comp_1 => new String'("abcdefghij"),
348 Comp_2 => null,
349 Comp_3 => (2..2 => ' '),
350 TC_Lab => 'R'))));
352 -- Use the objects to avoid optimizations.
354 Check_Equal(Ptr_Const.all, Ptr_Const.all);
355 Check_Equal(Ptr_Arr_Const(1).all, Ptr_Arr_Const(1).all);
356 Check_Equal(Ptr_Rec_Const.Ptrs(Ptr_Rec_Const.N_Strings).all,
357 Ptr_Rec_Const.Ptrs(Ptr_Rec_Const.N_Strings).all);
358 Check_Equal(Ptr_Rec_Var.Ptrs(Ptr_Rec_Var.N_Strings).all,
359 Ptr_Rec_Var.Ptrs(Ptr_Rec_Var.N_Strings).all);
361 if Report.Equal (3, 2) then
362 -- Can't get here.
363 Check_Equal (Arr_Var(1), Default_Init_Rec_Var.Strings(1));
364 Check_Equal (Arr_Var(1), Empty_Default_Init_Rec_Var.Strings(1));
365 end if;
367 end C761010_1.Var_Strings.Types;
369 with C761010_1.Var_Strings;
370 with C761010_1.Var_Strings.Types;
371 procedure C761010_1.Main is
372 begin
373 -- Report.Test is called by the elaboration of C761010_1, and
374 -- Report.Result is called by the finalization of C761010_1.
375 -- This will happen before any objects are created, and after any
376 -- are finalized.
377 null;
378 end C761010_1.Main;
380 with C761010_1.Main;
381 procedure C761010 is
382 begin
383 C761010_1.Main;
384 end C761010;
386 package body C761010_1.Var_Strings is
388 Some_Error: exception;
390 procedure Initialize(X: in out Var_String) is
391 begin
392 Failed("Initialize should never be called");
393 raise Some_Error;
394 end Initialize;
396 procedure Adjust(X: in out Var_String) is
397 begin
398 Failed("Adjust should never be called - case " & X.TC_Lab);
399 raise Some_Error;
400 end Adjust;
402 procedure Finalize(X: in out Var_String) is
403 begin
404 Comment("Finalize called - case " & X.TC_Lab);
405 C761010_1.TC_Finalize_Called := True;
406 end Finalize;
408 function "=" (X, Y: Var_String) return Boolean is
409 -- Don't check the TC_Lab component, but do check the contents of the
410 -- access values.
411 begin
412 if X.Length /= Y.Length then
413 return False;
414 end if;
415 if X.Comp_3 /= Y.Comp_3 then
416 return False;
417 end if;
418 if X.Comp_1 /= Y.Comp_1 then
419 -- Still OK if the values are the same.
420 if X.Comp_1 = null or else
421 Y.Comp_1 = null or else
422 X.Comp_1.all /= Y.Comp_1.all then
423 return False;
424 --else OK.
425 end if;
426 end if;
427 if X.Comp_2 /= Y.Comp_2 then
428 -- Still OK if the values are the same.
429 if X.Comp_2 = null or else
430 Y.Comp_2 = null or else
431 X.Comp_2.all /= Y.Comp_2.all then
432 return False;
433 end if;
434 end if;
435 return True;
436 end "=";
438 procedure Check_Equal(X, Y: Var_String) is
439 begin
440 if X /= Y then
441 Failed("Check_Equal of Var_String");
442 end if;
443 end Check_Equal;
445 begin
446 Check_Equal(Another_String, Another_String);
447 end C761010_1.Var_Strings;