2003-12-26 Guilhem Lavaux <guilhem@kaffe.org>
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / c3 / c392005.a
1 -- C392005.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that, for an implicitly declared dispatching operation that is
28 -- overridden, the body executed is the body for the overriding
29 -- subprogram, even if the overriding occurs in a private part.
31 -- Check for the case where the overriding operations are declared in a
32 -- public child unit of the package declaring the parent type, and the
33 -- descendant type is a private extension.
35 -- Check for both dispatching and nondispatching calls.
39 -- Consider:
41 -- package Parent is
42 -- type Root is tagged ...
43 -- procedure Vis_Op (P: Root);
44 -- private
45 -- procedure Pri_Op (P: Root);
46 -- end Parent;
48 -- package Parent.Child is
49 -- type Derived is new Root with private;
50 -- -- Implicit Vis_Op (P: Derived) declared here.
52 -- procedure Pri_Op (P: Derived); -- (A)
53 -- ...
54 -- private
55 -- type Derived is new Root with record...
56 -- -- Implicit Pri_Op (P: Derived) declared here.
58 -- procedure Vis_Op (P: Derived); -- (B)
59 -- ...
60 -- end Parent.Child;
62 -- Type Derived inherits both Vis_Op and Pri_Op from the ancestor type
63 -- Root. Note, however, that Vis_Op is implicitly declared in the visible
64 -- part, whereas Pri_Op is implicitly declared in the private part
65 -- (inherited subprograms for a private extension are implicitly declared
66 -- after the private_extension_declaration if the corresponding
67 -- declaration from the ancestor is visible at that place; otherwise the
68 -- inherited subprogram is not declared for the private extension,
69 -- although it might be for the full type).
71 -- Even though Root's version of Pri_Op hasn't been implicitly declared
72 -- for Derived at the time Derived's version of Pri_Op has been
73 -- explicitly declared, the explicit Pri_Op still overrides the implicit
74 -- version.
75 -- Also, even though the explicit Vis_Op for Derived is declared in the
76 -- private part it still overrides the implicit version declared in the
77 -- visible part. Calls with tag Derived will execute (A) and (B).
81 -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
82 -- 26 Nov 96 SAIC Improved for ACVC 2.1
84 --!
86 package C392005_0 is
88 type Remote_Camera is tagged private;
90 type Depth_Of_Field is range 5 .. 100;
91 type Shutter_Speed is (One, Two_Fifty, Four_Hundred, Thousand);
92 type Aperture is (Eight, Sixteen, Thirty_Two);
94 -- ...Other declarations.
96 procedure Focus (Cam : in out Remote_Camera;
97 Depth : in Depth_Of_Field);
99 procedure Self_Test (C: in out Remote_Camera'Class);
101 -- ...Other operations.
103 function TC_Get_Depth (C: Remote_Camera) return Depth_Of_Field;
104 function TC_Get_Speed (C: Remote_Camera) return Shutter_Speed;
106 private
108 type Remote_Camera is tagged record
109 DOF : Depth_Of_Field := 10;
110 Shutter: Shutter_Speed := One;
111 FStop : Aperture := Eight;
112 end record;
114 procedure Set_Shutter_Speed (C : in out Remote_Camera;
115 Speed : in Shutter_Speed);
117 -- For the basic remote camera, shutter speed might be set as a function of
118 -- focus perhaps, thus it is declared as a private operation (usable
119 -- only internally within the abstraction).
121 function Set_Aperture (C : Remote_Camera) return Aperture;
123 end C392005_0;
126 --==================================================================--
129 package body C392005_0 is
131 procedure Focus (Cam : in out Remote_Camera;
132 Depth : in Depth_Of_Field) is
133 begin
134 -- Artificial for testing purposes.
135 Cam.DOF := 46;
136 end Focus;
138 -----------------------------------------------------------
139 procedure Set_Shutter_Speed (C : in out Remote_Camera;
140 Speed : in Shutter_Speed) is
141 begin
142 -- Artificial for testing purposes.
143 C.Shutter := Thousand;
144 end Set_Shutter_Speed;
146 -----------------------------------------------------------
147 function Set_Aperture (C : Remote_Camera) return Aperture is
148 begin
149 -- Artificial for testing purposes.
150 return Thirty_Two;
151 end Set_Aperture;
153 -----------------------------------------------------------
154 procedure Self_Test (C: in out Remote_Camera'Class) is
155 TC_Dummy_Depth : constant Depth_Of_Field := 23;
156 TC_Dummy_Speed : constant Shutter_Speed := Four_Hundred;
157 begin
159 -- Test focus at various depths:
160 Focus(C, TC_Dummy_Depth);
161 -- ...Additional calls to Focus.
163 -- Test various shutter speeds:
164 Set_Shutter_Speed(C, TC_Dummy_Speed);
165 -- ...Additional calls to Set_Shutter_Speed.
167 end Self_Test;
169 -----------------------------------------------------------
170 function TC_Get_Depth (C: Remote_Camera) return Depth_Of_Field is
171 begin
172 return C.DOF;
173 end TC_Get_Depth;
175 -----------------------------------------------------------
176 function TC_Get_Speed (C: Remote_Camera) return Shutter_Speed is
177 begin
178 return C.Shutter;
179 end TC_Get_Speed;
181 end C392005_0;
183 --==================================================================--
186 package C392005_0.C392005_1 is
188 type Auto_Speed is new Remote_Camera with private;
191 -- procedure Focus (C : in out Auto_Speed; -- Implicitly declared
192 -- Depth : in Depth_Of_Field) -- here.
194 -- For the improved remote camera, shutter speed can be set manually,
195 -- so it is declared as a public operation.
197 -- The order of declarations for Set_Aperture and Set_Shutter_Speed are
198 -- reversed from the original declarations to trap potential compiler
199 -- problems related to subprogram ordering.
201 function Set_Aperture (C : Auto_Speed) return Aperture; -- Overrides
202 -- inherited op.
204 procedure Set_Shutter_Speed (C : in out Auto_Speed; -- Overrides
205 Speed : in Shutter_Speed);-- inherited op.
207 -- Set_Shutter_Speed and Set_Aperture override the operations inherited
208 -- from the parent, even though the inherited operations are not implicitly
209 -- declared until the private part below.
211 type New_Camera is private;
213 function TC_Get_Aper (C: New_Camera) return Aperture;
215 -- ...Other operations.
217 private
218 type Film_Speed is (One_Hundred, Two_Hundred, Four_Hundred);
220 type Auto_Speed is new Remote_Camera with record
221 ASA : Film_Speed;
222 end record;
224 -- procedure Set_Shutter_Speed (C : in out Auto_Speed; -- Implicitly
225 -- Speed : in Shutter_Speed) -- declared
226 -- here.
228 -- function Set_Aperture (C : Auto_Speed) return Aperture; -- Implicitly
229 -- declared.
231 procedure Focus (C : in out Auto_Speed; -- Overrides
232 Depth : in Depth_Of_Field); -- inherited op.
234 -- For the improved remote camera, perhaps the focusing algorithm is
235 -- different, so the original Focus operation is overridden here.
237 Auto_Camera : Auto_Speed;
239 type New_Camera is record
240 Aper : Aperture := Set_Aperture (Auto_Camera); -- Calls the overridden,
241 end record; -- not the inherited op.
243 end C392005_0.C392005_1;
246 --==================================================================--
249 package body C392005_0.C392005_1 is
251 procedure Focus (C : in out Auto_Speed;
252 Depth : in Depth_Of_Field) is
253 begin
254 -- Artificial for testing purposes.
255 C.DOF := 57;
256 end Focus;
258 ---------------------------------------------------------------
259 procedure Set_Shutter_Speed (C : in out Auto_Speed;
260 Speed : in Shutter_Speed) is
261 begin
262 -- Artificial for testing purposes.
263 C.Shutter := Two_Fifty;
264 end Set_Shutter_Speed;
266 -----------------------------------------------------------
267 function Set_Aperture (C : Auto_Speed) return Aperture is
268 begin
269 -- Artificial for testing purposes.
270 return Sixteen;
271 end Set_Aperture;
273 -----------------------------------------------------------
274 function TC_Get_Aper (C: New_Camera) return Aperture is
275 begin
276 return C.Aper;
277 end TC_Get_Aper;
279 end C392005_0.C392005_1;
282 --==================================================================--
285 with C392005_0.C392005_1;
287 with Report;
289 procedure C392005 is
290 Basic_Camera : C392005_0.Remote_Camera;
291 Auto_Camera1 : C392005_0.C392005_1.Auto_Speed;
292 Auto_Camera2 : C392005_0.C392005_1.Auto_Speed;
293 Auto_Depth : C392005_0.Depth_Of_Field := 67;
294 New_Camera1 : C392005_0.C392005_1.New_Camera;
295 TC_Expected_Basic_Depth : constant C392005_0.Depth_Of_Field := 46;
296 TC_Expected_Auto_Depth : constant C392005_0.Depth_Of_Field := 57;
297 TC_Expected_Basic_Speed : constant C392005_0.Shutter_Speed
298 := C392005_0.Thousand;
299 TC_Expected_Auto_Speed : constant C392005_0.Shutter_Speed
300 := C392005_0.Two_Fifty;
301 TC_Expected_New_Aper : constant C392005_0.Aperture
302 := C392005_0.Sixteen;
304 use type C392005_0.Depth_Of_Field;
305 use type C392005_0.Shutter_Speed;
306 use type C392005_0.Aperture;
308 begin
309 Report.Test ("C392005", "Dispatching for overridden primitive " &
310 "subprograms: private extension declared in child unit, " &
311 "parent is tagged private whose full view is tagged record");
313 -- Call the class-wide operation for Remote_Camera'Class, which itself makes
314 -- dispatching calls to Focus and Set_Shutter_Speed:
317 -- For an object of type Remote_Camera, the dispatching calls should
318 -- dispatch to the bodies declared for the root type:
320 C392005_0.Self_Test(Basic_Camera);
322 if C392005_0.TC_Get_Depth (Basic_Camera) /= TC_Expected_Basic_Depth
323 or else C392005_0.TC_Get_Speed (Basic_Camera) /= TC_Expected_Basic_Speed
324 then
325 Report.Failed ("Calls dispatched incorrectly for root type");
326 end if;
329 -- For an object of type Auto_Speed, the dispatching calls should
330 -- dispatch to the bodies declared for the derived type:
332 C392005_0.Self_Test(Auto_Camera1);
334 if C392005_0.C392005_1.TC_Get_Depth(Auto_Camera1) /= TC_Expected_Auto_Depth
337 C392005_0.C392005_1.TC_Get_Speed(Auto_Camera1) /= TC_Expected_Auto_Speed
338 then
339 Report.Failed ("Calls dispatched incorrectly for derived type");
340 end if;
342 -- For an object of type Auto_Speed, a non-dispatching call to Focus should
344 -- execute the body declared for the derived type (even through it is
345 -- declared in the private part).
347 C392005_0.C392005_1.Focus (Auto_Camera2, Auto_Depth);
349 if C392005_0.C392005_1.TC_Get_Depth(Auto_Camera2) /= TC_Expected_Auto_Depth
351 then
352 Report.Failed ("Non-dispatching call to privately overriding " &
353 "subprogram executed the wrong body");
354 end if;
356 -- For an object of type New_Camera, the initialization using Set_Ap
357 -- should execute the overridden body, not the inherited one.
359 if C392005_0.C392005_1.TC_Get_Aper (New_Camera1) /= TC_Expected_New_Aper
360 then
361 Report.Failed ("Non-dispatching call to visible overriding " &
362 "subprogram executed the wrong body");
363 end if;
365 Report.Result;
367 end C392005;