RISC-V: Regenerate opt urls.
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / testsuite / gfortran.dg / pr109948.f90
1 ! { dg-do compile }
3 ! Tests the fix for PR109948
5 ! Contributed by Rimvydas Jasinskas <rimvydas.jas@gmail.com>
7 module mm
8 implicit none
9 interface operator(==)
10 module procedure eq_1_2
11 end interface operator(==)
12 private :: eq_1_2
13 contains
14 logical function eq_1_2 (x, y)
15 integer, intent(in) :: x(:)
16 real, intent(in) :: y(:,:)
17 eq_1_2 = .true.
18 end function eq_1_2
19 end module mm
21 program pr109948
22 use mm
23 implicit none
24 type tlap
25 integer, allocatable :: z(:)
26 end type tlap
27 type ulap
28 type(tlap) :: u(2)
29 end type ulap
30 integer :: pid = 1
31 call comment0 ! Original problem
32 call comment1
33 call comment3 ([5,4,3,2,1])
34 call comment10
35 call comment11 ([5,4,3,2,1])
36 contains
37 subroutine comment0
38 type(tlap) :: y_in
39 integer :: x_out(3) =[0.0,0.0,0.0]
40 y_in%z = [1,-2,3]
41 call foo(y_in, x_out)
42 if (any (x_out .ne. [0, -2, 0])) stop 1
43 call foo(y_in, x_out)
44 if (any (x_out .ne. [1, -2, 3])) stop 2
45 end subroutine comment0
47 subroutine foo(y, x)
48 type(tlap) :: y
49 integer :: x(:)
50 associate(z=>y%z)
51 if (pid == 1) then
52 where ( z < 0 ) x(:) = z(:)
53 else
54 where ( z > 0 ) x(:) = z(:)
55 endif
56 pid = pid + 1
57 end associate
58 end subroutine foo
60 subroutine comment1
61 type(tlap) :: grib
62 integer :: i
63 grib%z = [3,2,1]
64 associate(k=>grib%z)
65 i = k(1)
66 if (any(k==1)) i = 1
67 end associate
68 if (i .eq. 3) stop 3
69 end subroutine comment1
71 subroutine comment3(k_2d)
72 implicit none
73 integer :: k_2d(:)
74 integer :: i
75 associate(k=>k_2d)
76 i = k(1)
77 if (any(k==1)) i = 1
78 end associate
79 if (i .eq. 3) stop 4
80 end subroutine comment3
82 subroutine comment11(k_2d)
83 implicit none
84 integer :: k_2d(:)
85 integer :: m(1) = 42
86 real :: r(1,1) = 3.0
87 if ((m == r) .neqv. .true.) stop 5
88 associate (k=>k_2d)
89 if ((k == r) .neqv. .true.) stop 6 ! failed to find user defined operator
90 end associate
91 associate (k=>k_2d(:))
92 if ((k == r) .neqv. .true.) stop 7
93 end associate
94 end subroutine comment11
96 subroutine comment10
97 implicit none
98 type(ulap) :: z(2)
99 integer :: i
100 real :: r(1,1) = 3.0
101 z(1)%u = [tlap([1,2,3]),tlap([4,5,6])]
102 z(2)%u = [tlap([7,8,9]),tlap([10,11,12])]
103 associate (k=>z(2)%u(1)%z)
104 i = k(1)
105 if (any(k==8)) i = 1
106 end associate
107 if (i .ne. 1) stop 8
108 associate (k=>z(1)%u(2)%z)
109 if ((k == r) .neqv. .true.) stop 9
110 if (any (k .ne. [4,5,6])) stop 10
111 end associate
112 end subroutine comment10
113 end program pr109948