nvptx, libgfortran: Switch out of "minimal" mode
[official-gcc.git] / gcc / testsuite / gfortran.dg / ISO_Fortran_binding_11.f90
1 ! { dg-do run { target c99_runtime } }
2 ! { dg-additional-sources ISO_Fortran_binding_11.c }
4 ! Test the fix of PR89846.
6 ! Contributed by Reinhold Bader <Bader@lrz.de>
8 module mod_subobj_01
9 use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
10 implicit none
11 integer, parameter :: nelem = 5
12 type, bind(c) :: t1
13 character(c_char) :: n
14 real(c_float) :: r(2)
15 end type t1
16 type, bind(c) :: t2
17 integer(c_long) :: i
18 type(t1) :: t1
19 end type t2
20 interface
21 subroutine ti(this, flag) bind(c)
22 import :: t2, c_int
23 type(t2) :: this(:)
24 integer(c_int), value :: flag
25 end subroutine ti
26 end interface
27 contains
28 subroutine ta0(this) bind(c)
29 type(t1) :: this(:)
30 integer :: i, iw, status
31 status = 0
32 if (size(this) /= nelem) then
33 write(*,*) 'FAIL 1: ',size(this)
34 status = status + 1
35 end if
36 iw = 0
37 do i=1, nelem
38 if (this(i)%n /= char(i,c_char) .or. this(i)%r(1) /= real(i,c_float) .or. &
39 this(i)%r(2) /= real(i+1,c_float)) then
40 iw = iw + 1
41 end if
42 end do
43 if (iw > 0) then
44 write(*,*) 'FAIL 2: ' ,this
45 status = status + 1
46 end if
47 if (status /= 0) stop 1
48 end subroutine ta0
49 subroutine ta1(this) bind(c)
50 integer(c_long) :: this(:)
51 integer :: i, status
52 status = 0
53 if (size(this) /= nelem) then
54 write(*,*) 'FAIL 3: ',size(this)
55 status = status + 1
56 end if
57 if (maxval(abs(this - [ (int(i,c_long),i=1,nelem) ])) > 0) then
58 write(*,*) 'FAIL 4: ' ,this
59 status = status + 1
60 end if
61 if (status /= 0) stop 2
62 end subroutine ta1
63 end module mod_subobj_01
64 program subobj_01
65 use mod_subobj_01
66 implicit none
67 integer :: i
69 type(t2), allocatable :: o_t2(:)
71 allocate(o_t2(nelem))
72 do i=1, nelem
73 o_t2(i)%t1 = t1( char(i,c_char), [ real(i,c_float), real(i+1,c_float) ] )
74 o_t2(i)%i = int(i,c_long)
75 end do
77 call ti(o_t2,0)
78 call ti(o_t2,1)
80 end program subobj_01