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16 <h1>Short Tutorial</h1>
18 <p>Following is a short tutorial illustrating the main points
19 of <tt>pb_ds</tt>. <a href="concepts.html">Concepts</a>
20 describes and summarizes some concepts.</p>
22 <h2><a name="assoc_main" id="assoc_main">Associative
23 Containers</a></h2>
25 <h3><a name="assoc_basic" id="assoc_basic">Basic Use</a></h3>
27 <p>For the most part, <tt>pb_ds</tt>'s containers have the same
28 interface as the STL's, except for the names used for the
29 container classes themselves. For example, this shows basic
30 operations on a collision-chaining hash-based container:</p>
32 <pre>
33 <a href=
34 "cc_hash_table.html">cc_hash_table</a>&lt;<b>int</b>, <b>char</b>&gt; c;
36 c[2] = 'b';
38 assert(c.find(1) == c.end());
39 </pre>
41 <p>The container is called <a href=
42 "cc_hash_table.html"><tt>cc_hash_table</tt></a> as
43 opposed to <tt>unordered_map</tt>, since "unordered map" does
44 not necessarily mean a hash-based map (as the STL implicitly
45 implies). For example, list-based associative containers, which
46 are very useful for the construction of "multimaps" (see
47 <a href=
48 "assoc_performance_tests.html#msc">Associative-Container
49 Performance Tests::Observations::Mapping-Semantics
50 Considerations</a>), are also unordered. It is also not called
51 <tt>hash_map</tt> since there are more ways than one to
52 implement hash tables.</p>
54 <p>This snippet shows a red-black tree based container:</p>
55 <pre>
56 <a href=
57 "tree.html">tree</a>&lt;<b>int</b>, <b>char</b>&gt; c;
59 c[2] = 'b';
61 assert(c.find(2) != c.end());
62 </pre>
64 <p>The container is called <a href=
65 "tree.html"><tt>tree</tt></a>
66 as opposed to <tt>map</tt>, since "map" doesn't say that
67 much.</p>
69 <p>Most of the STL's familiar methods are unchanged.
70 <i>E.g.</i>, <tt>being</tt>, <tt>end</tt>, <tt>size</tt>,
71 <tt>empty</tt>, and <tt>clear</tt>, do just the same as is
72 customary. <a href=
73 "assoc_examples.html#basic_usage">Associative-Container
74 Examples::Basic use</a>, and especially <a href=
75 "../../../../testsuite/ext/pb_ds/example/"><tt></tt></a>,
76 show examples of this.</p>
78 <p>This isn't to say that things are exactly as one would expect,
79 given the container requirments and interfaces in the C++
80 standard.</p>
83 <p>The names of containers' policies and policy accessors are
84 different than those of the STL. For example, if <tt>C</tt> is
85 some type of hash-based container, then</p>
86 <pre>
87 C::hash_fn
88 </pre>gives the type of its hash functor, and if <tt>c</tt> is some
89 hash-based container object, then
90 <pre>
91 c.get_hash_fn()
92 </pre>
94 <p>will return a reference to its hash-functor object.</p>
96 <p>Similarly, if <tt>C</tt> is some type of tree-based
97 container, then</p>
98 <pre>
99 C::cmp_fn
100 </pre>gives the type of its comparison functor, and if <tt>c</tt>
101 is some tree-based container object, then
102 <pre>
103 c.get_cmp_fn()
104 </pre>
106 <p>will return a reference to its comparison-functor
107 object.</p>
109 <p>It would be nice to give names consistent with those in the
110 existing C++ standard (inclusive of TR1). Unfortunately, these
111 standard containers don't consistently name types and
112 methods. For example, <tt>std::tr1::unordered_map</tt> uses
113 <tt>hasher</tt> for the hash functor, but <tt>std::map</tt> uses
114 <tt>key_compare</tt> for the comparison functor. Also, we could
115 not find an accessor for <tt>std::tr1::unordered_map</tt>'s hash
116 functor, but <tt>std::map</tt> uses <tt>compare</tt> for accessing
117 the comparison functor.</p>
119 <p>Instead, <tt>pb_ds</tt> attempts to be internally consistent, and
120 uses standard-derived terminology if possible.
121 </p>
123 <p>Another source of difference is in scope: <tt>pb_ds</tt>
124 contains more types of associative containers than the STL, and
125 more opportunities to configure these new containers, since
126 different types of associative containers are useful in different
127 settings (see <a href=
128 "assoc_performance_tests.html#dss_family_choice">Associative-Container
129 Performance Tests::Observations::Underlying Data-Structure
130 Families</a>).</p>
132 <p><tt>pb_ds</tt> contains different classes for hash-based containers,
133 tree-based containers, trie-based containers, and list-based
134 containers. <a href=
135 "interface.html#containers_assoc">Inteface::Containers::Associative
136 Containers</a> lists the containers. <a href=
137 "hash_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
138 Containers::Hash-Based Containers</a>, <a href=
139 "tree_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
140 Containers::Tree-Based Containers</a>, <a href=
141 "trie_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
142 Containers::Trie-Based Containers</a>, and <a href=
143 "lu_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
144 Containers::List-Based Containers</a>, explain some more about
145 these types of containers, respectively.</p>
147 <p>Since associative containers share parts of their interface,
148 they are organized as a class hierarchy; it is shown in Figure
149 <a href="#cd">Class hierarchy</a>.</p>
151 <h6 class="c1"><a name="cd" id="cd"><img src="container_cd.png" alt=
152 "no image" /></a></h6>
154 <h6 class="c1">Class hierarchy.</h6>
156 <p>Each type or method is defined in the most-common ancestor
157 in which it makes sense:
158 <a href=
159 "../../../../testsuite/ext/pb_ds/example/"><tt></tt></a>
160 shows an example of most of the associative-container
161 types.</p>
164 <p>For example, all associative containers support iteration.
165 Consequently, <a href=
166 "container_base.html"><tt>container_base</tt></a> has the
167 interface:</p>
168 <pre>
169 <b>template</b>&lt;...&gt;
170 <b>class</b> <a href="container_base.html">container_base</a>
174 <b>public</b>:
177 const_iterator
178 begin() <b>const</b>;
180 iterator
181 begin();
183 const_iterator
184 end() <b>const</b>;
186 iterator
187 end();
191 </pre>
193 <p>and so all associative containers inherent this method.
194 Conversely, both collision-chaining and (general) probing
195 hash-based associative containers have a hash functor, so
196 <a href=
197 "basic_hash_table.html"><tt>basic_hash_table</tt></a>
198 has the interface:</p>
199 <pre>
200 <b>template</b>&lt;...&gt;
201 <b>class</b> <a href="basic_hash_table.html">basic_hash_table</a> : <b>public</b> <a href="container_base.html">container_base</a>
205 <b>public</b>:
208 const hash_fn&amp;
209 get_hash_fn() const;
211 hash_fn&amp;
212 get_hash_fn();
215 </pre>
217 <p>and so all hash-based associative containers inherit the
218 same hash-functor accessor methods.</p>
220 <p>This is discussed further in <a href=
221 "ds_gen.html">Design::Associative Containers::Data-Structure
222 Genericity</a>.</p>
224 <h3><a name="assoc_policies" id="assoc_policies">Configuring
225 Associative Containers</a></h3>
227 <p>In general, each of <tt>pb_ds</tt>'s containers is
228 parametrized by more policies than those of the STL's. For
229 example, the STL's hash-based container is parametrized as
230 follows:</p>
231 <pre>
232 <b>template</b>&lt;
233 <b>typename</b> Key,
234 <b>typename</b> Mapped,
235 <b>typename</b> Hash,
236 <b>typename</b> Pred,
237 <b>typename</b> Allocator,
238 <b>bool</b> Cache_Hashe_Code&gt;
239 <b>class</b> unordered_map;
240 </pre>
242 <p>and so can be configured by key type, mapped type, a functor
243 that translates keys to unsigned integral types, an equivalence
244 predicate, an allocator, and an indicator whether to store hash
245 values with each entry. <tt>pb_ds</tt>'s collision-chaining
246 hash-based container is parametrized as</p>
247 <pre>
248 <b>template</b>&lt;
249 <b>typename</b> Key,
250 <b>typename</b> Mapped,
251 <b>typename</b> Hash_Fn,
252 <b>typename</b> Eq_Fn,
253 <b>typename</b> Comb_Hash_Fn,
254 <b>typename</b> Resize_Policy
255 <b>bool</b> Store_Hash
256 <b>typename</b> Allocator&gt;
257 <b>class</b> <a href=
258 "cc_hash_table.html">cc_hash_table</a>;
259 </pre>
261 <p>and so can be configured by the first four types of
262 <tt>std::tr1::unordered_map</tt>, then a policy for translating
263 the key-hash result into a position within the table, then a
264 policy by which the table resizes, an indicator whether to
265 store hash values with each entry, and an allocator (which is
266 typically the last template parameter in STL containers).</p>
268 <p>Nearly all policy parameters have default values, so this
269 need not be considered for casual use. It is important to note,
270 however, that hash-based containers' policies can dramatically
271 alter their performance in different settings, and that
272 tree-based containers' policies can make them useful for other
273 purposes than just look-up.</p>
275 <p><a href="hash_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
276 Containers::Hash-Based Containers</a>, <a href=
277 "tree_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
278 Containers::Tree-Based Containers</a>, <a href=
279 "trie_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
280 Containers::Trie-Based Containers</a>, and <a href=
281 "lu_based_containers.html">Design::Associative
282 Containers::List-Based Containers</a>, explain some more about
283 configuring hash based, tree based, trie based, and list base
284 containers, respectively. <a href=
285 "interface.html#ds_policy_classes">Interface::Container Policy
286 Classes</a> shows the different policy classes for configuring
287 associative containers. <a href=
288 "assoc_examples.html#hash_based">Examples::Hash-Based
289 Containers</a>, <a href=
290 "assoc_examples.html#tree_like_based">Examples::Tree-Like-Based
291 Containers</a>, and <a href=
292 "assoc_examples.html#trie_based">Examples::Trie-Based
293 Containers</a> show examples for this.</p>
295 <h3><a name="assoc_ds_gen" id="assoc_ds_gen">Determining
296 Containers' Attributes</a></h3>
298 <p>Associative-containers' underlying data structures obviously
299 affect their performance; Unfortunately, they can also affect
300 their interface. When manipulating generically associative
301 containers, it is often useful to be able to statically
302 determine what they can support and what the cannot. (This was
303 discussed in <a href=
304 "motivation.html#assoc_ds_genericity">Motivation::Associative
305 Containers::Data-Structure Genericity</a>.)</p>
307 <p>Happily, the STL provides a good solution to a similar
308 problem - that of the different behavior of iterators. If
309 <tt>It</tt> is an iterator, then</p>
310 <pre>
311 <b>typename</b> std::iterator_traits&lt;It&gt;::iterator_category
312 </pre>
314 <p>is one of a small number of pre-defined
315 <tt><b>struct</b></tt>s, and,</p>
316 <pre>
317 <b>typename</b> std::iterator_traits&lt;It&gt;::value_type
318 </pre>
320 <p>is the value type to which the iterator "points".</p>
322 <p>Similarly, in <tt>pb_ds</tt>, if <tt>C</tt> is an
323 associative container, then</p>
324 <pre>
325 <b>typename</b> <a href=
326 "assoc_container_traits.html"><tt>container_traits</tt></a>&lt;C&gt;::container_category
327 </pre>is one of a small number of pre-defined
328 <tt><b>struct</b></tt>s, each one corresponding to a class in
329 Figure <a href="#cd">Class hierarchy</a>. These tags are listed in
330 <a href="interface.html#ds_ts_assoc">Interface::Associative
331 Containers::Data-Structure Tags and Traits::Data-Structure
332 Tags::Associative-Containers</a>; <a href="ds_gen.html#container_traits">
333 Design::Associative Containers::Data-Structure Tags and
334 Traits</a> explains this further; <a href=
335 "ds_gen.html#tag_cd">Design::Associative
336 Containers::Data-Structure Tags and Traits::Data-structure tag
337 class hierarchy</a> shows a class diagram.
339 <p>In most cases, however, the exact underlying data structure
340 is not really important, but only one of its attributes:
341 whether it guarantees storing elements by key order, for
342 example. For this one can use</p>
343 <pre>
344 <b>typename</b> <a href=
345 "assoc_container_traits.html"><tt>container_traits</tt></a>&lt;C&gt;::order_preserving
346 </pre>
348 <p>This is described further in <a href=
349 "ds_gen.html">Design::Data-Structure Genericity</a>; <a href=
350 "../../../../testsuite/ext/pb_ds/example/"><tt></tt></a>
351 shows an example of querying containers' attributes.</p>
353 <h3><a name="assoc_find_range" id="assoc_find_range">Point-Type
354 and Range-Type Methods and Iterators</a></h3>(This subsection
355 addresses points from <a href=
356 "motivation.html#assoc_diff_it">Motivation::Associative
357 Containers::Differentiating between Iterator Types</a>.)
359 <p><tt>pb_ds</tt> differentiates between two types of methods
360 and iterators: point-type, and range-type. For example,
361 <tt>find</tt> and <tt>insert</tt> are point-type methods, since
362 they each deal with a specific element; their returned
363 iterators are point-type iterators. <tt>begin</tt> and
364 <tt>end</tt> are range-type methods, since they are not used to
365 find a specific element, but rather to go over all elements in
366 a container object; their returned iterators are range-type
367 iterators.</p>
369 <p>Most containers store elements in an order that is
370 determined by their interface. Correspondingly, it is fine that
371 their point-type iterators are synonymous with their range-type
372 iterators. For example, in the following snippet</p>
373 <pre>
374 std::for_each(c.find(1), c.find(5), foo);
375 </pre>two point-type iterators (returned by <tt>find</tt>) are used
376 for a range-type purpose - going over all elements whose key is
377 between 1 and 5.
379 <p>Conversely, the above snippet makes no sense for
380 self-organizing containers - ones that order (and reorder)
381 their elements by implementation. It would be nice to have a
382 uniform iterator system that would allow the above snippet to
383 compile only if it made sense.</p>
385 <p>This could trivially be done by specializing
386 <tt>std::for_each</tt> for the case of iterators returned by
387 <tt>std::tr1::unordered_map</tt>, but this would only solve the
388 problem for one algorithm and one container. Fundamentally, the
389 problem is that one can loop using a self-organizing
390 container's point-type iterators.</p>
392 <p><tt>pb_ds</tt>'s containers define two families of
393 iterators: <tt>const_point_iterator</tt> and
394 <tt>point_iterator</tt> are the iterator types returned by
395 point-type methods; <tt>const_iterator</tt> and
396 <tt>iterator</tt> are the iterator types returned by range-type
397 methods.</p>
398 <pre>
399 <b>class</b> <i>&lt;- some container -&gt;</i>
401 <b>public</b>:
404 <b>typedef</b> <i>&lt;- something -&gt;</i> const_iterator;
406 <b>typedef</b> <i>&lt;- something -&gt;</i> iterator;
408 <b>typedef</b> <i>&lt;- something -&gt;</i> const_point_iterator;
410 <b>typedef</b> <i>&lt;- something -&gt;</i> point_iterator;
414 <b>public</b>:
417 const_iterator begin () <b>const</b>;
419 iterator begin();
421 const_point_iterator find(...) <b>const</b>;
423 point_iterator find(...);
425 </pre>
427 <p><a href="ds_gen.html#find_range">Design::Associative
428 Containers::Data-Structure Genericity::Point-Type and
429 Range-Type Methods and Iterators</a> discusses the relationship
430 between point-type and range-type iterators in general; for
431 containers whose interface defines sequence order, however, it
432 is very simple: point-type and range-type iterators are exactly
433 the same, which means that the above snippet will compile if it
434 is used for an order-preserving associative container.</p>
436 <p>For self-organizing containers, however, (hash-based
437 containers as a special example), the preceding snippet will
438 not compile, because their point-type iterators do not support
439 <tt><b>operator</b>++</tt>.</p>
441 <p>In any case, both for order-preserving and self-organizing
442 containers, the following snippet will compile:</p>
443 <pre>
444 <b>typename</b> Cntnr::point_iterator it = c.find(2);
445 </pre>
447 <p>because a range-type iterator can always be converted to a
448 point-type iterator.</p>
450 <p><a href="ds_gen.html#find_range">Design::Associative
451 Containers::Data-Structure Genericity::Point-Type and
452 Range-Type Methods and Iterators</a> discusses this
453 further.</p>
455 <p><a href=
456 "motivation.html#assoc_diff_it">Motivation::Associative
457 Containers::Differentiating between Iterator Types</a> also
458 raised the point that a container's iterators might have
459 different invalidation rules concerning their de-referencing
460 abilities and movement abilities. This now corresponds exactly
461 to the question of whether point-type and range-type iterators
462 are valid. As explained in <a href="#assoc_ds_gen">Determining
463 Containers' Attributes</a>, <a href=
464 "assoc_container_traits.html"><tt>container_traits</tt></a> allows
465 querying a container for its data structure attributes. The
466 iterator-invalidation guarantees are certainly a property of
467 the underlying data structure, and so</p>
468 <pre>
469 <a href=
470 "assoc_container_traits.html">container_traits</a>&lt;C&gt;::invalidation_guarantee
471 </pre>
473 <p>gives one of three pre-determined types that answer this
474 query. This is explained further in <a href=
475 "ds_gen.html#find_range">Design::Associative
476 Containers::Data-Structure Genericity::Point-Type and
477 Range-Type Methods and Iterators</a>.</p>
479 <h3><a name="assoc_ms" id="assoc_ms">Distinguishing between Maps and Sets</a></h3>
481 <p>Anyone familiar with the STL knows that there are four kinds
482 of associative containers: maps, sets, multimaps, and
483 multisets. <a href="#assoc_basic">Basic Use</a> discussed how
484 to use maps, <i>i.e.</i> containers that associate each key to
485 some data.</p>
487 <p>Sets are associative containers that simply store keys -
488 they do not map them to anything. In the STL, each map class
489 has a corresponding set class. <i>E.g.</i>,
490 <tt>std::map&lt;<b>int</b>, <b>char</b>&gt;</tt> maps each
491 <tt><b>int</b></tt> to a <tt><b>char</b></tt>, but
492 <tt>std::set&lt;<b>int</b>, <b>char</b>&gt;</tt> simply stores
493 <tt><b>int</b></tt>s. In <tt>pb_ds</tt>, however, there are no
494 distinct classes for maps and sets. Instead, an associative
495 container's <tt>Mapped</tt> template parameter is a policy: if
496 it is instantiated by <a href=
497 "null_mapped_type.html"><tt>null_mapped_type</tt></a>, then it
498 is a "set"; otherwise, it is a "map". <i>E.g.</i>,</p>
499 <pre>
500 <a href="cc_hash_table.html">cc_hash_table</a>&lt;<b>int</b>, <b>char</b>&gt;
501 </pre>is a "map" mapping each <tt><b>int</b></tt> value to a <tt>
502 <b>char</b></tt>, but
503 <pre>
504 <a href="cc_hash_table.html">cc_hash_table</a>&lt;<b>int</b>, <a href="null_mapped_type.html">null_mapped_type</a>&gt;
505 </pre>is a type that uniquely stores <tt><b>int</b></tt> values.
507 <p>Once the <tt>Mapped</tt> template parameter is instantiated
508 by <a href="null_mapped_type.html">null_mapped_type</a>, then
509 the "set" acts very similarly to the STL's sets - it does not
510 map each key to a distinct <a href=
511 "null_mapped_type.html">null_mapped_type</a> object. Also,
512 , the container's <tt>value_type</tt> is essentially
513 its <tt>key_type</tt> - just as with the STL's sets. For a simple example, see <a href=
514 "../../../../testsuite/ext/pb_ds/example/"><tt></tt></a>
515 .</p>
517 <p>The STL's multimaps and multisets allow, respectively,
518 non-uniquely mapping keys and non-uniquely storing keys. As
519 discussed in <a href=
520 "motivation.html#assoc_mapping_semantics">Motivation::Associative
521 Containers::Alternative to Multiple Equivalent Keys</a>, the
522 reasons why this might be necessary are 1) that a key might be
523 decomposed into a primary key and a secondary key, 2) that a
524 key might appear more than once, or 3) any arbitrary
525 combination of 1)s and 2)s. Correspondingly,
526 one should use 1) "maps" mapping primary keys to secondary
527 keys, 2) "maps" mapping keys to size types, or 3) any arbitrary
528 combination of 1)s and 2)s. Thus, for example, an
529 <tt>std::multiset&lt;<b>int</b>&gt;</tt> might be used to store
530 multiple instances of integers, but using <tt>pb_ds</tt>'s
531 containers, one might use</p>
532 <pre>
533 <a href=
534 "tree.html">tree</a>&lt;<b>int</b>, size_t&gt;
535 </pre><i>i.e.</i>, a "map" of <tt><b>int</b></tt>s to
536 <tt>size_t</tt>s.
538 <p><a href="assoc_examples.html#mmaps">Associative-Container
539 Examples::"Multimaps" and "Multisets"</a> shows some simple
540 examples.</p>
542 <p>These "multimaps" and "multisets" might be confusing to
543 anyone familiar with the STL's <tt>std::multimap</tt> and
544 <tt>std::multiset</tt>, because there is no clear
545 correspondence between the two. For example, in some cases
546 where one uses <tt>std::multiset</tt> in the STL, one might use
547 in <tt>pb_ds</tt> a "multimap" of "multisets" - <i>i.e.</i>, a
548 container that maps primary keys each to an associative
549 container that maps each secondary key to the number of times
550 it occurs.</p>
552 <p>When one uses a "multimap," one should choose with care the
553 type of container used for secondary keys. This is further
554 explained in <a href=
555 "assoc_performance_tests.html#msc">Associative-Container
556 Performance Tests::Observations::Mapping-Semantics
557 Considerations</a>.</p>
559 <hr>
560 <h2><a name="pq" id="pq">Priority Queues</a></h2>
562 <h3><a name="pq_basic" id="pq_basic">Basic Use</a></h3>
564 <p><tt>pb_ds</tt>'s priority_queue container is
565 similar to the STL's in interface. For example:</p>
566 <pre>
567 <a href=
568 "priority_queue.html">priority_queue</a>&lt;<b>int</b>&gt; p;
570 p.push(2);
571 p.push(4);
572 p.push(1);
574 assert( == 4);
576 p.pop();
578 assert( == 2);
580 assert(p.size() == 2);
581 assert(!p.empty());
582 </pre>
584 <h3><a name="pq_policies" id="pq_policies">Configuring Priority
585 Queues</a></h3>
587 <p>As opposed to associative containers, priority queues have
588 relatively few configuration options. The priority queue is
589 parametrized as follows:</p>
590 <pre>
591 <b>template</b>&lt;
592 <b>typename</b> Value_Type,
593 <b>typename</b> Cmp_Fn,
594 <b>typename</b> Tag,
595 <b>typename</b> Allocator&gt;
596 <b>class</b> <a href="priority_queue.html">priority_queue</a>;
597 </pre>
599 <p>The <tt>Value_Type</tt>, <tt>Cmp_Fn</tt>, and
600 <tt>Allocator</tt> parameters are the container's value type,
601 comparison-functor type, and allocator type, respectively;
602 these are very similar to the STL's priority queue. The
603 <tt>Tag</tt> parameter is different: there are a number of
604 pre-defined tag types corresponding to binary heaps, binomial
605 heaps, <i>etc.</i>, and <tt>Tag</tt> should be instantiated
606 by one of them. <a href=
607 "interface.html#ds_ts_pq">Interface::Data-Structure Tags and
608 Traits::Data Structure Tags::Priority-Queues</a> lists the
609 possible types, <a href="pq_design.html">Priority-Queue
610 Design</a> explains this further, and <a href=
611 "../../../../testsuite/ext/pb_ds/example/"><tt></tt></a>
612 shows an example.</p>
614 <p>Note that as opposed to the STL's priority queue, <a href=
615 "priority_queue.html"><tt>priority_queue</tt></a> is not a
616 sequence-adapter; it is a regular container.</p>
618 <h3><a name="pq_ds_more_ops" id="pq_ds_more_ops">Supporting
619 More Operations</a></h3>
621 <p><a href="priority_queue.html"><tt>priority_queue</tt></a>'s
622 <tt>push</tt> method returns a point-type iterator, which can
623 be used for modifying or erasing arbitrary values. For
624 example:</p>
625 <pre>
626 <a href=
627 "priority_queue.html">priority_queue</a>&lt;<b>int</b>&gt; p;
629 <a href=
630 "priority_queue.html">priority_queue</a>&lt;<b>int</b>&gt;::point_iterator it = p.push(3);
632 p.modify(it, 4);
633 </pre>
635 <p>These types of operations are necessary for making priority
636 queues useful for different applications, especially graph
637 applications. <a href="pq_examples.html#xref">Priority-Queue
638 Examples::Cross-Referencing</a> gives some examples.</p>
640 <h3><a name="pq_ds_gen" id="pq_ds_gen">Determining Container
641 Attributes</a></h3>
643 <p>Similarly to <a href=
644 "assoc_container_traits.html"><tt>container_traits</tt></a> (described
645 in <a href="#assoc_ds_gen">Associative Containers::Determining
646 Containers' Attributes</a>), <a href=
647 "pq_container_traits.html"><tt>container_traits</tt></a> can be used to
648 statically determine priority-queues' attributes:</p>
649 <pre>
650 <a href=
651 "pq_container_traits.html">container_traits</a>&lt;C&gt;::container_category
652 </pre>is one of a small number of predefined tag structures that
653 identifies the underlying data structure, and
654 <pre>
655 <a href=
656 "pq_container_traits.html">container_traits</a>&lt;C&gt;::invalidation_guarantee
657 </pre>
659 <p>is its invalidation guarantee. Invalidation guarantees are
660 especially important regarding priority queues, since in
661 <tt>pb_ds</tt>'s design, iterators are practically the only way
662 to manipulate them.</p>
664 <p><a href="pq_design.html#pq_traits">Design::Priority
665 Queues::Traits</a> discusses this further. <a href=
666 "pq_examples.html#generics">Priority-Queue
667 Examples::Generics</a> shows an example.</p>
668 </div>
669 </body>
670 </html>