[Feeds] fix periodic task schedule_updates()
[mygpo.git] / mygpo / data / tasks.py
1 from operator import itemgetter
2 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
4 from celery.decorators import periodic_task
6 from mygpo.data.podcast import calc_similar_podcasts
7 from mygpo.celery import celery
8 from mygpo.podcasts.models import Podcast
10 from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
11 logger = get_task_logger(__name__)
14 @celery.task
15 def update_podcasts(podcast_urls):
16 """ Task to update a podcast """
17 from mygpo.data.feeddownloader import PodcastUpdater
18 updater = PodcastUpdater()
19 podcasts = updater.update_queue(podcast_urls)
20 return list(podcasts)
23 @celery.task
24 def update_related_podcasts(podcast, max_related=20):
25 get_podcast = itemgetter(0)
27 related = calc_similar_podcasts(podcast)[:max_related]
28 related = map(get_podcast, related)
30 for p in related:
31 podcast.related_podcasts.add(p)
34 # interval in which podcast updates are scheduled
35 UPDATE_INTERVAL = timedelta(hours=1)
38 @periodic_task(run_every=UPDATE_INTERVAL)
39 def schedule_updates(interval=UPDATE_INTERVAL):
40 """ Schedules podcast updates that are due within ``interval`` """
41 now = datetime.utcnow()
43 # fetch podcasts for which an update is due within the next hour
44 podcasts = Podcast.objects.all()\
45 .next_update_between(now, now+interval)\
46 .prefetch_related('urls')\
47 .only('pk')
49 logger.error('Scheduling %d podcasts for update', podcasts.count())
50 # queue all those podcast updates
51 for podcast in podcasts:
52 update_podcasts.delay([podcast.url])