use django.contrib.staticfiles everywhere
[mygpo.git] / mygpo / web / templates / online-help.html
1 {% extends "base.html" %}
2 {% load i18n %}
4 {% load menu %}
5 {% block mainmenu %}{{ "/online-help"|main_menu }}{% endblock %}
6 {% block sectionmenu %}{{ "/online-help"|section_menu }}{% endblock %}
8 {% block title %}{% trans "Help" %}{% endblock %}
10 {% block header %}
11 <h1>{% trans "Help" %}</h1>
12 {% endblock %}
15 {% block content %}
17 <p>{% trans " is a web service to manage your podcast subscriptions via the web. You can synchronize your devices, view status information and discover new interesting podcasts online." %}</p>
19 <h2>{% trans "Supported Clients" %}</h2>
20 <ul>
21 <li>{% blocktrans %}<a href="">gPodder</a> since version 2.2{% endblocktrans %}</li>
22 <li>{% blocktrans %}<a href="">BashPodder</a> with the <a href="">mygpoclient</a>{% endblocktrans %}</li>
23 <li><a href="">{% trans "Nokia Podcasting on Symbian devices" %}</a></li>
24 </ul>
26 <p>{% blocktrans %}To configure gPodder to connect to, open the / configuration dialog from the Subscriptions menu. Enter <strong>username and password</strong> that you've used during the registration on the webservice. The <strong>device ID</strong> is automatically generated from the hostname and will be used to identify this specific device in the webservice. Next <strong>enable the synchronisation</strong> of your subscription list. For the start, <strong>upload your subscription list</strong> to the webservice. Subsequent changes will be transmitted automatically.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
28 <h2>{% trans "Devices" %}</h2>
29 <p>{% blocktrans %}Each device connected to the webservice will be identified by its <strong>Device ID</strong> which should therefore be unique (at least for your user account). <strong>Do not try to synchronize devices by using the same Device ID.</strong>{% endblocktrans %}</p>
31 {% url "devices" as devices-url %}
32 <p>{% blocktrans %}A list of your devices can be found on the <a href="{{ devices-url }}">devices page</a>.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
34 <h3>{% trans "Synchronizing Devices" %}</h3>
35 <p>{% blocktrans %}If you have at least two devices connected to the webservice, you can synchronize some of them. Open the device page for one of them, click synchronize and select the device to synchronize with. After synchronizing, the subscriptions of the devices will be merged. Adding a subscription at one device will automatically add it to the others. Same for deletions.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
37 {% url "devices" as devices-url %}
38 <p>{% blocktrans %}The <a href="{{ devices-url }}">device list</a> groups devices that are synchronized with each other.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
40 <h3>{% trans "Episode States" %}</h3>
41 <p>{% blocktrans %}Episode states (such as played, downloaded, etc) are synchronized across all devices.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
43 <h2>{% trans "Privacy Settings" %}</h2>
45 {% url "toplist" as toplist-url %}
46 {% url "suggestions" as suggestions-url %}
47 {% url "toplist" as toplist-url %}
48 {% url "privacy" as privacy-url %}
49 <p>{% blocktrans %}By default we include information about your subscriptions in our <a href="{{ toplist-url }}">toplist</a> and <a href="{{ suggestions-url }}">podcast suggestions</a>. <strong>We will never associate your username and/or email address with your subscriptions on public pages.</strong> You can even opt-out from our anonymized statistics at the <a href="{{ privacy-url }}">privacy page</a>. If you mark some podcasts as private, they will also not show up in your sharable subscription list.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
51 <h2>{% trans "Sharing your Subscriptions" %}</h2>
52 {% url "share" as share-url %}
53 <p>{% blocktrans %}If you want to let others know about your which podcasts you are listening to, go to your <a href="{{ share-url }}">sharing page</a>. You can either share your private URL with your friends or make it public and share your subscriptions with the whole world.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
55 {% endblock %}