add "Feed Checker" to podcast publisher page
[mygpo.git] / mygpo / publisher / templates / publisher / episodes.html
1 {% extends "base.html" %}
2 {% load i18n %}
3 {% load humanize %}
4 {% load episodes %}
5 {% load podcasts %}
6 {% load charts %}
8 {% load menu %}
9 {% block mainmenu %}{{ "/publisher/"|main_menu }}{% endblock %}
10 {% block sectionmenu %}{{ "/publisher/podcast/"|section_menu:podcast.title }}{% endblock %}
12 {% block title %}{{ podcast.title|default:"Unnamed Podcast"|striptags }}{% endblock %}
14 {% block header %}
15 {% if podcast.logo_url %}
16 <div id="podcastlogo">
17 <a href="{% podcast_link_target podcast "podcast-publisher-detail" %}">
18 {{ podcast|podcast_logo_big }}
19 </a>
20 </div>
21 {% endif %}
23 <h1>{% if podcast.title %}{{ podcast.title|striptags }}{% else %}{% trans "Unnamed Podcast" %}{%endif%} <small>{% trans "Publisher Pages" %}</small></h1>
24 <p><a href="{% podcast_link_target podcast "podcast-publisher-detail" %}">{% trans "Return to Podcast Page" %}</a></p>
25 {% endblock %}
27 {% block content %}
29 {% if not episodes|length_is:"0" %}
31 <h2>{% trans "Episodes" %}</h2>
32 <table class="list">
33 <tr>
34 <th>{% trans "Title" %}</th>
35 <th>{% trans "Released" %}</th>
36 <th>{% trans "Listeners" %}</th>
37 </tr>
39 <tr>
40 <th colspan="3">Feed-Data Available</th>
41 </tr>
42 {% for episode in episodes %}
43 {% if episode.title %}
44 <tr>
45 <td><a href="{% episode_link_target episode podcast "episode-publisher-detail" %}">{{ episode.title|default:"Unknown Episode"|striptags }}</a></td>
46 <td>{{ episode.released|default:""|naturalday }}</td>
47 <td>
48 {% if episode.listeners %}
49 {% vertical_bar episode.listeners max_listeners %}
50 {% endif %}
51 </td>
52 </tr>
53 {% endif %}
54 {% endfor %}
56 <tr>
57 <th colspan="3">Data Missing</th>
58 </tr>
59 {% for episode in episodes %}
60 {% if not episode.title %}
61 <tr>
62 <td colspan="3"><a href="{% episode_link_target episode podcast "episode-publisher-detail" %}">{{ episode.url }}</a></td>
63 </tr>
64 {% endif %}
65 {% endfor %}
67 </table>
68 {% endif %}
70 {% endblock %}