mirroring: add individual foreign vcs mirror control
[girocco.git] / apache.conf
1 # This is example configuration of a virtualhost running Girocco, as set up
2 # at repo.or.cz; unfortunately, completely independent from Girocco::Config.
3 # It is not essential for Girocco to use a special virtualhost, however.
4 <VirtualHost *:80>
6         ServerName repo.or.cz
7         ServerAlias www.repo.or.cz
8         ServerAdmin admin@repo.or.cz
10         ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/repo-error.log
11         CustomLog /var/log/apache2/repo-access.log combined
13         AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
15         DocumentRoot /home/repo/WWW
16         <Directory /home/repo/WWW>
17                 # Add MultiViews only if pages are truly
18                 # offered in more than a single language
19                 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
20                 AllowOverride All
21                 Order allow,deny
22                 Allow from all
23                 DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi
24                 Satisfy all
25         </Directory>
27         ScriptAlias /w /home/repo/WWW/gitweb.cgi
28         ScriptAlias /h /home/repo/WWW/html.cgi
30         <IfModule rewrite_module>
31                 # Make the leading /w optional if the rest names an existing repo
32                 RewriteEngine On
33                 RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !git/ [NC]
34                 RewriteCond /srv/git/$1/HEAD -f
35                 # Might want to use [NC,L,R] instead of [NC,PT] maybe even [NC,L,R=301]
36                 RewriteRule \
37                         ^/(?!w/)((?:[a-z0-9+._-]+(?<!\.git)/)*[a-z0-9+._-]+?\.git)((?:/.*)?)$ \
38                         /w/$1$2 [NC,PT]
39         </IfModule>
41         <Directory /srv/git>
42                 Options FollowSymLinks
43                 AllowOverride None
44                 Order allow,deny
45                 Allow from all
46                 Satisfy all
48                 <IfModule rewrite_module>
49                         # Everything fetched over the non-smart git http
50                         # protocol should be an existing file.  If the request
51                         # is not for an existing file, just send back an error
52                         # message without emitting anything into the error log.
53                         RewriteEngine On
54                         RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
55                         RewriteRule .* - [R=404,L]
56                 </IfModule>
57         </Directory>
59         <Directory /home/repo/repomgr/bin>
60                 Options None
61                 AllowOverride None
62                 Order deny,allow
63                 Deny from all
64                 <Files git-http-backend-verify>
65                         Options ExecCGI
66                         Allow from all
67                 </Files>
68                 Satisfy all
69         </Directory>
71         SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /srv/git
72         SetEnv GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL 1
74         # By default non-smart HTTP fetch access will be allowed, however
75         # by defining SmartHTTPOnly (or changing the sense of the IfDefine tests)
76         # non-smart HTTP requests can be denied directly by the web server
78         <IfDefine !SmartHTTPOnly>
79         # These accelerate non-smart HTTP access to loose objects and packs with the /r/ prefix
80         AliasMatch ^/r/(.*/objects/[0-9a-f]{2}/[0-9a-f]{38})$           /srv/git/$1
81         AliasMatch ^/r/(.*/objects/pack/pack-[0-9a-f]{40}.(pack|idx))$  /srv/git/$1
83         # These accelerate non-smart HTTP access for Git user agents without the /r/ prefix
84         <IfModule rewrite_module>
85                         RewriteEngine On
86                         RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} git/ [NC]
87                         RewriteRule "(?x) ^/((?!r/).*/objects/(?: \
88                                 (?:[0-9a-f]{2}/[0-9a-f]{38}) | \
89                                 (?:pack/pack-[0-9a-f]{40}.(?:pack|idx)) ))$" \
90                                 /srv/git/$1 [L]
91         </IfModule>
92         </IfDefine>
94         <IfDefine SmartHTTPOnly>
95         # Disable non-smart HTTP access
96         RewriteEngine On
97         RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !^POST$
98         RewriteRule ^/r/.*(?<!/info/refs)$ - [F]
99         RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} git/ [NC]
100         RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} !^POST$
101         RewriteRule ^/(?!r/).*(?<!/info/refs)$ - [F]
102         RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !(^|&)service=git-(upload|receive)-pack(&|$)
103         RewriteRule ^/r/.*/info/refs$ - [F]
104         RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} git/ [NC]
105         RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !(^|&)service=git-(upload|receive)-pack(&|$)
106         RewriteRule ^/(?!r/).*/info/refs$ - [F]
107         </IfDefine>
109         # SetEnv GIT_HTTP_BACKEND_BIN to override Config.pm $git_http_backend_bin
110         ScriptAlias /r/ /home/repo/repomgr/bin/git-http-backend-verify/
112         # This allows HTTP access for Git user agents without the /r/ prefix
113         <IfModule rewrite_module>
114                         RewriteEngine On
115                         RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} git/ [NC]
116                         RewriteRule ^/(?!r/)(.*)$ \
117                                 /home/repo/repomgr/bin/git-http-backend-verify/$1 \
118                                 [L,H=cgi-script]
119         </IfModule>
120 </VirtualHost>
123 # This comments out the following so this file can be used as-is
124 <IfDefine DummyThatIsNotDefined>
127 # This is example configuration of an https virtualhost running Girocco, as set
128 # up at repo.or.cz; unfortunately, completely independent from Girocco::Config.
129 # It is not essential for Girocco to use a special virtualhost, however.
130 # The Config.pm $httpspushurl variable needs to be defined to properly enable
131 # https pushing.
132 <VirtualHost *:443>
134         # These certificate files will all be automatically generated, but the
135         # paths here may need to be corrected to match the paths
136         # (especially $certsdir) from Config.pm
138         SSLCertificateFile /home/repo/certs/girocco_www_crt.pem
139         SSLCertificateKeyFile /home/repo/certs/girocco_www_key.pem
140         SSLCertificateChainFile /home/repo/certs/girocco_www_chain.pem
141         # when using a paid www server cert, only the above three lines should
142         # be changed.  Changing any of the below two lines (other than updating
143         # the paths to match $certsdir) will likely break https client auth
144         SSLCACertificateFile /home/repo/certs/girocco_root_crt.pem
145         SSLCADNRequestFile /home/repo/certs/girocco_client_crt.pem
147         SSLVerifyDepth 3
148         SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +StrictRequire
149         SSLEngine on
151         # This configuration allows fetching over https without a certificate
152         # while always requiring a certificate for pushing over https
153         RewriteEngine On
154         SSLVerifyClient optional
155         RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)service=git-receive-pack(&|$)
156         RewriteRule ^/r/.*/info/refs$ - [env=client_auth_required:1]
157         RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} git/ [NC]
158         RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)service=git-receive-pack(&|$)
159         RewriteRule ^/(?!r/).*/info/refs$ - [env=client_auth_required:1]
160         RewriteRule ^/r/.*/git-receive-pack$ - [env=client_auth_required:1]
161         RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} git/ [NC]
162         RewriteRule ^/(?!r/).*/git-receive-pack$ - [env=client_auth_required:1]
163         RewriteCond %{ENV:client_auth_required} 1
164         RewriteCond %{SSL:SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY} !^SUCCESS$
165         RewriteRule .* %{REQUEST_URI} [R=401]
166         <Location />
167                 SSLRequireSSL
168                 Order deny,allow
169                 Deny from env=client_auth_required
170                 SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth
171                 AuthName "Git Client Authentication"
172                 AuthType Basic
173                 AuthBasicProvider anon
174                 Anonymous *
175                 Require valid-user
176                 Satisfy any
177         </Location>
179         # *** IMPORTANT ***
180         #
181         # ALL the entire contents from the <VirtualHost *:80> section at
182         # the top of this file must be copied here.
183         #
184         # To avoid this duplication, the contents of the <VirtualHost *:80>
185         # section above can be moved to a separate file and then included
186         # both here and in the <VirtualHost *:80> section using an Include
187         # directive.  Be careful not to place the new include file in one of the
188         # directories the standard apache configuration blindly includes all
189         # files from.
191 </VirtualHost>
194 # End commenting
195 </IfDefine>