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[emacs.git] / lisp / gnus / gnus-msg.el
1 ;;; gnus-msg.el --- mail and post interface for Gnus
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1995-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Masanobu UMEDA <umerin@flab.flab.fujitsu.junet>
6 ;; Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <larsi@gnus.org>
7 ;; Keywords: news
9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 ;; (at your option) any later version.
16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 ;;; Commentary:
26 ;;; Code:
28 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
30 (require 'gnus)
31 (require 'gnus-ems)
32 (require 'message)
33 (require 'gnus-art)
34 (require 'gnus-util)
36 (defcustom gnus-post-method 'current
37 "*Preferred method for posting USENET news.
39 If this variable is `current' (which is the default), Gnus will use
40 the \"current\" select method when posting. If it is `native', Gnus
41 will use the native select method when posting.
43 This method will not be used in mail groups and the like, only in
44 \"real\" newsgroups.
46 If not `native' nor `current', the value must be a valid method as discussed
47 in the documentation of `gnus-select-method'. It can also be a list of
48 methods. If that is the case, the user will be queried for what select
49 method to use when posting."
50 :group 'gnus-group-foreign
51 :link '(custom-manual "(gnus)Posting Server")
52 :type `(choice (const native)
53 (const current)
54 (sexp :tag "Methods" ,gnus-select-method)))
56 (defcustom gnus-outgoing-message-group nil
57 "All outgoing messages will be put in this group.
58 If you want to store all your outgoing mail and articles in the group
59 \"nnml:archive\", you set this variable to that value. This variable
60 can also be a list of group names.
62 If you want to have greater control over what group to put each
63 message in, you can set this variable to a function that checks the
64 current newsgroup name and then returns a suitable group name (or list
65 of names)."
66 :group 'gnus-message
67 :type '(choice (const nil)
68 (function)
69 (string :tag "Group")
70 (repeat :tag "List of groups" (string :tag "Group"))))
72 (make-obsolete-variable 'gnus-outgoing-message-group 'gnus-message-archive-group "24.1")
74 (defcustom gnus-mailing-list-groups nil
75 "*If non-nil a regexp matching groups that are really mailing lists.
76 This is useful when you're reading a mailing list that has been
77 gatewayed to a newsgroup, and you want to followup to an article in
78 the group."
79 :group 'gnus-message
80 :type '(choice (regexp)
81 (const nil)))
83 (defcustom gnus-add-to-list nil
84 "*If non-nil, add a `to-list' parameter automatically."
85 :group 'gnus-message
86 :type 'boolean)
88 (defcustom gnus-crosspost-complaint
89 "Hi,
91 You posted the article below with the following Newsgroups header:
93 Newsgroups: %s
95 The %s group, at least, was an inappropriate recipient
96 of this message. Please trim your Newsgroups header to exclude this
97 group before posting in the future.
99 Thank you.
102 "Format string to be inserted when complaining about crossposts.
103 The first %s will be replaced by the Newsgroups header;
104 the second with the current group name."
105 :group 'gnus-message
106 :type 'string)
108 (defcustom gnus-message-setup-hook nil
109 "Hook run after setting up a message buffer."
110 :group 'gnus-message
111 :options '(message-remove-blank-cited-lines)
112 :type 'hook)
114 (defcustom gnus-bug-create-help-buffer t
115 "*Should we create the *Gnus Help Bug* buffer?"
116 :group 'gnus-message
117 :type 'boolean)
119 (defcustom gnus-posting-styles nil
120 "*Alist of styles to use when posting.
121 See Info node `(gnus)Posting Styles'."
122 :group 'gnus-message
123 :link '(custom-manual "(gnus)Posting Styles")
124 :type '(repeat (cons (choice (regexp)
125 (variable)
126 (list (const header)
127 (string :tag "Header")
128 (regexp :tag "Regexp"))
129 (function)
130 (sexp))
131 (repeat (list
132 (choice (const signature)
133 (const signature-file)
134 (const organization)
135 (const address)
136 (const x-face-file)
137 (const name)
138 (const body)
139 (symbol)
140 (string :tag "Header"))
141 (choice (string)
142 (function)
143 (variable)
144 (sexp)))))))
146 (defcustom gnus-gcc-mark-as-read nil
147 "If non-nil, automatically mark Gcc articles as read."
148 :version "22.1"
149 :group 'gnus-message
150 :type 'boolean)
152 (make-obsolete-variable 'gnus-inews-mark-gcc-as-read
153 'gnus-gcc-mark-as-read "Emacs 22.1")
155 (defcustom gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments nil
156 "Should local-file attachments be included as external parts in Gcc copies?
157 If it is `all', attach files as external parts;
158 if a regexp and matches the Gcc group name, attach files as external parts;
159 if nil, attach files as normal parts."
160 :version "22.1"
161 :group 'gnus-message
162 :type '(choice (const nil :tag "None")
163 (const all :tag "Any")
164 (string :tag "Regexp")))
166 (defcustom gnus-gcc-self-resent-messages 'no-gcc-self
167 "Like `gcc-self' group parameter, only for unmodified resent messages.
168 Applied to messages sent by `gnus-summary-resend-message'. Non-nil
169 value of this variable takes precedence over any existing Gcc header.
171 If this is `none', no Gcc copy will be made. If this is t, messages
172 resent will be Gcc'd to the current group. If this is a string, it
173 specifies a group to which resent messages will be Gcc'd. If this is
174 nil, Gcc will be done according to existing Gcc header(s), if any.
175 If this is `no-gcc-self', resent messages will be Gcc'd to groups that
176 existing Gcc header specifies, except for the current group."
177 :version "24.3"
178 :group 'gnus-message
179 :type '(choice (const none) (const t) string (const nil)
180 (const no-gcc-self)))
182 (gnus-define-group-parameter
183 posting-charset-alist
184 :type list
185 :function-document
186 "Return the permitted unencoded charsets for posting of GROUP."
187 :variable gnus-group-posting-charset-alist
188 :variable-default
189 '(("^\\(no\\|fr\\)\\.[^,]*\\(,[ \t\n]*\\(no\\|fr\\)\\.[^,]*\\)*$" iso-8859-1 (iso-8859-1))
190 ("^\\(fido7\\|relcom\\)\\.[^,]*\\(,[ \t\n]*\\(fido7\\|relcom\\)\\.[^,]*\\)*$" koi8-r (koi8-r))
191 (message-this-is-mail nil nil)
192 (message-this-is-news nil t))
193 :variable-document
194 "Alist of regexps and permitted unencoded charsets for posting.
195 Each element of the alist has the form (TEST HEADER BODY-LIST), where
196 TEST is either a regular expression matching the newsgroup header or a
197 variable to query,
198 HEADER is the charset which may be left unencoded in the header (nil
199 means encode all charsets),
200 BODY-LIST is a list of charsets which may be encoded using 8bit
201 content-transfer encoding in the body, or one of the special values
202 nil (always encode using quoted-printable) or t (always use 8bit).
204 Note that any value other than nil for HEADER infringes some RFCs, so
205 use this option with care."
206 :variable-group gnus-charset
207 :variable-type
208 '(repeat (list :tag "Permitted unencoded charsets"
209 (choice :tag "Where"
210 (regexp :tag "Group")
211 (const :tag "Mail message" :value message-this-is-mail)
212 (const :tag "News article" :value message-this-is-news))
213 (choice :tag "Header"
214 (const :tag "None" nil)
215 (symbol :tag "Charset"))
216 (choice :tag "Body"
217 (const :tag "Any" :value t)
218 (const :tag "None" :value nil)
219 (repeat :tag "Charsets"
220 (symbol :tag "Charset")))))
221 :parameter-type '(choice :tag "Permitted unencoded charsets"
222 :value nil
223 (repeat (symbol)))
224 :parameter-document "\
225 List of charsets that are permitted to be unencoded.")
227 (defcustom gnus-debug-files
228 '("gnus.el" "gnus-sum.el" "gnus-group.el"
229 "gnus-art.el" "gnus-start.el" "gnus-async.el"
230 "gnus-msg.el" "gnus-score.el" "gnus-win.el" "gnus-topic.el"
231 "gnus-agent.el" "gnus-cache.el" "gnus-srvr.el"
232 "mm-util.el" "mm-decode.el" "nnmail.el" "message.el")
233 "Files whose variables will be reported in `gnus-bug'."
234 :version "22.1"
235 :group 'gnus-message
236 :type '(repeat (string :tag "File")))
238 (defcustom gnus-debug-exclude-variables
239 '(mm-mime-mule-charset-alist
240 nnmail-split-fancy message-minibuffer-local-map)
241 "Variables that should not be reported in `gnus-bug'."
242 :version "22.1"
243 :group 'gnus-message
244 :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Variable")))
246 (defcustom gnus-discouraged-post-methods
247 '(nndraft nnml nnimap nnmaildir nnmh nnfolder nndir)
248 "A list of back ends that are not used in \"real\" newsgroups.
249 This variable is used only when `gnus-post-method' is `current'."
250 :version "22.1"
251 :group 'gnus-group-foreign
252 :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Back end")))
254 (defcustom gnus-message-replysign
256 "Automatically sign replies to signed messages.
257 See also the `mml-default-sign-method' variable."
258 :group 'gnus-message
259 :type 'boolean)
261 (defcustom gnus-message-replyencrypt t
262 "Automatically encrypt replies to encrypted messages.
263 See also the `mml-default-encrypt-method' variable."
264 :version "24.1"
265 :group 'gnus-message
266 :type 'boolean)
268 (defcustom gnus-message-replysignencrypted
270 "Setting this causes automatically encrypted messages to also be signed."
271 :group 'gnus-message
272 :type 'boolean)
274 (defcustom gnus-confirm-mail-reply-to-news (and gnus-novice-user
275 (not gnus-expert-user))
276 "If non-nil, Gnus requests confirmation when replying to news.
277 This is done because new users often reply by mistake when reading
278 news.
279 This can also be a function receiving the group name as the only
280 parameter, which should return non-nil if a confirmation is needed; or
281 a regexp, in which case a confirmation is asked for if the group name
282 matches the regexp."
283 :version "23.1" ;; No Gnus (default changed)
284 :group 'gnus-message
285 :type '(choice (const :tag "No" nil)
286 (const :tag "Yes" t)
287 (regexp :tag "If group matches regexp")
288 (function :tag "If function evaluates to non-nil")))
290 (defcustom gnus-confirm-treat-mail-like-news
292 "If non-nil, Gnus will treat mail like news with regard to confirmation
293 when replying by mail. See the `gnus-confirm-mail-reply-to-news' variable
294 for fine-tuning this.
295 If nil, Gnus will never ask for confirmation if replying to mail."
296 :version "22.1"
297 :group 'gnus-message
298 :type 'boolean)
300 (defcustom gnus-summary-resend-default-address t
301 "If non-nil, Gnus tries to suggest a default address to resend to.
302 If nil, the address field will always be empty after invoking
303 `gnus-summary-resend-message'."
304 :version "22.1"
305 :group 'gnus-message
306 :type 'boolean)
308 (defcustom gnus-message-highlight-citation
309 t ;; gnus-treat-highlight-citation ;; gnus-cite dependency
310 "Enable highlighting of different citation levels in message-mode."
311 :version "23.1" ;; No Gnus
312 :group 'gnus-cite
313 :group 'gnus-message
314 :type 'boolean)
316 (defcustom gnus-gcc-pre-body-encode-hook nil
317 "A hook called before encoding the body of the Gcc copy of a message.
318 The current buffer (when the hook is run) contains the message
319 including the message header. Changes made to the message will
320 only affect the Gcc copy, but not the original message."
321 :group 'gnus-message
322 :version "24.3"
323 :type 'hook)
325 (defcustom gnus-gcc-post-body-encode-hook nil
326 "A hook called after encoding the body of the Gcc copy of a message.
327 The current buffer (when the hook is run) contains the message
328 including the message header. Changes made to the message will
329 only affect the Gcc copy, but not the original message."
330 :group 'gnus-message
331 :version "24.3"
332 :type 'hook)
334 (autoload 'gnus-message-citation-mode "gnus-cite" nil t)
336 ;;; Internal variables.
338 (defvar gnus-inhibit-posting-styles nil
339 "Inhibit the use of posting styles.")
341 (defvar gnus-article-yanked-articles nil)
342 (defvar gnus-message-buffer "*Mail Gnus*")
343 (defvar gnus-article-copy nil)
344 (defvar gnus-check-before-posting nil)
345 (defvar gnus-last-posting-server nil)
346 (defvar gnus-message-group-art nil)
348 (defvar gnus-msg-force-broken-reply-to nil)
350 (defconst gnus-bug-message
351 "Sending a bug report to the Gnus Towers.
352 ========================================
354 The buffer below is a mail buffer. When you press `C-c C-c', it will
355 be sent to the Gnus Bug Exterminators.
357 The thing near the bottom of the buffer is how the environment
358 settings will be included in the mail. Please do not delete that.
359 They will tell the Bug People what your environment is, so that it
360 will be easier to locate the bugs.
362 If you have found a bug that makes Emacs go \"beep\", set
363 debug-on-error to t (`M-x set-variable RET debug-on-error RET t RET')
364 and include the backtrace in your bug report.
366 Please describe the bug in annoying, painstaking detail.
368 Thank you for your help in stamping out bugs.
371 (autoload 'gnus-uu-post-news "gnus-uu" nil t)
375 ;;; Gnus Posting Functions
378 (gnus-define-keys (gnus-summary-send-map "S" gnus-summary-mode-map)
379 "p" gnus-summary-post-news
380 "i" gnus-summary-news-other-window
381 "f" gnus-summary-followup
382 "F" gnus-summary-followup-with-original
383 "c" gnus-summary-cancel-article
384 "s" gnus-summary-supersede-article
385 "r" gnus-summary-reply
386 "y" gnus-summary-yank-message
387 "R" gnus-summary-reply-with-original
388 "L" gnus-summary-reply-to-list-with-original
389 "w" gnus-summary-wide-reply
390 "W" gnus-summary-wide-reply-with-original
391 "v" gnus-summary-very-wide-reply
392 "V" gnus-summary-very-wide-reply-with-original
393 "n" gnus-summary-followup-to-mail
394 "N" gnus-summary-followup-to-mail-with-original
395 "m" gnus-summary-mail-other-window
396 "u" gnus-uu-post-news
397 "\M-c" gnus-summary-mail-crosspost-complaint
398 "Br" gnus-summary-reply-broken-reply-to
399 "BR" gnus-summary-reply-broken-reply-to-with-original
400 "om" gnus-summary-mail-forward
401 "op" gnus-summary-post-forward
402 "Om" gnus-uu-digest-mail-forward
403 "Op" gnus-uu-digest-post-forward)
405 (gnus-define-keys (gnus-send-bounce-map "D" gnus-summary-send-map)
406 "b" gnus-summary-resend-bounced-mail
407 ;; "c" gnus-summary-send-draft
408 "r" gnus-summary-resend-message
409 "e" gnus-summary-resend-message-edit)
411 ;;; Internal functions.
413 (defun gnus-inews-make-draft (articles)
414 `(lambda ()
415 (gnus-inews-make-draft-meta-information
416 ,(gnus-group-decoded-name gnus-newsgroup-name) ',articles)))
418 (autoload 'nnir-article-number "nnir" nil nil 'macro)
419 (autoload 'nnir-article-group "nnir" nil nil 'macro)
420 (autoload 'gnus-nnir-group-p "nnir")
423 (defvar gnus-article-reply nil)
424 (defmacro gnus-setup-message (config &rest forms)
425 (let ((winconf (make-symbol "gnus-setup-message-winconf"))
426 (winconf-name (make-symbol "gnus-setup-message-winconf-name"))
427 (buffer (make-symbol "gnus-setup-message-buffer"))
428 (article (make-symbol "gnus-setup-message-article"))
429 (yanked (make-symbol "gnus-setup-yanked-articles"))
430 (group (make-symbol "gnus-setup-message-group")))
431 `(let ((,winconf (current-window-configuration))
432 (,winconf-name gnus-current-window-configuration)
433 (,buffer (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
434 (,article (if (and (gnus-nnir-group-p gnus-newsgroup-name)
435 gnus-article-reply)
436 (nnir-article-number (or (car-safe gnus-article-reply)
437 gnus-article-reply))
438 gnus-article-reply))
439 (,yanked gnus-article-yanked-articles)
440 (,group (if (and (gnus-nnir-group-p gnus-newsgroup-name)
441 gnus-article-reply)
442 (nnir-article-group (or (car-safe gnus-article-reply)
443 gnus-article-reply))
444 gnus-newsgroup-name))
445 (message-header-setup-hook
446 (copy-sequence message-header-setup-hook))
447 (mbl mml-buffer-list)
448 (message-mode-hook (copy-sequence message-mode-hook)))
449 (setq mml-buffer-list nil)
450 (add-hook 'message-header-setup-hook (lambda ()
451 (gnus-inews-insert-gcc ,group)))
452 ;; message-newsreader and message-mailer were formerly set in
453 ;; gnus-inews-add-send-actions, but this is too late when
454 ;; message-generate-headers-first is used. --ansel
455 (add-hook 'message-mode-hook
456 (lambda nil
457 (setq message-newsreader
458 (setq message-mailer (gnus-extended-version)))))
459 ;; #### FIXME: for a reason that I did not manage to identify yet,
460 ;; the variable `gnus-newsgroup-name' does not honor a dynamically
461 ;; scoped or setq'ed value from a caller like `C-u gnus-summary-mail'.
462 ;; After evaluation of @forms below, it gets the value we actually want
463 ;; to override, and the posting styles are used. For that reason, I've
464 ;; added an optional argument to `gnus-configure-posting-styles' to
465 ;; make sure that the correct value for the group name is used. -- drv
466 (add-hook 'message-mode-hook
467 (if (memq ,config '(reply-yank reply))
468 (lambda ()
469 (gnus-configure-posting-styles ,group))
470 (lambda ()
471 ;; There may be an old " *gnus article copy*" buffer.
472 (let (gnus-article-copy)
473 (gnus-configure-posting-styles ,group)))))
474 (gnus-alist-pull ',(intern gnus-draft-meta-information-header)
475 message-required-headers)
476 (when (and ,group
477 (not (string= ,group "")))
478 (push (cons
479 (intern gnus-draft-meta-information-header)
480 (gnus-inews-make-draft (or ,yanked ,article)))
481 message-required-headers))
482 (unwind-protect
483 (progn
484 ,@forms)
485 (gnus-inews-add-send-actions ,winconf ,buffer ,article ,config
486 ,yanked ,winconf-name)
487 (setq gnus-message-buffer (current-buffer))
488 (set (make-local-variable 'gnus-message-group-art)
489 (cons ,group ,article))
490 (set (make-local-variable 'gnus-newsgroup-name) ,group)
491 ;; Enable highlighting of different citation levels
492 (when gnus-message-highlight-citation
493 (gnus-message-citation-mode 1))
494 (gnus-run-hooks 'gnus-message-setup-hook)
495 (if (eq major-mode 'message-mode)
496 (let ((mbl1 mml-buffer-list))
497 (setq mml-buffer-list mbl) ;; Global value
498 (set (make-local-variable 'mml-buffer-list) mbl1);; Local value
499 (gnus-make-local-hook 'kill-buffer-hook)
500 (gnus-make-local-hook 'change-major-mode-hook)
501 (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook 'mml-destroy-buffers nil t)
502 (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'mml-destroy-buffers t t))
503 (mml-destroy-buffers)
504 (setq mml-buffer-list mbl)))
505 (message-hide-headers)
506 (gnus-add-buffer)
507 (gnus-configure-windows ,config t)
508 (run-hooks 'post-command-hook)
509 (set-buffer-modified-p nil))))
511 (defun gnus-inews-make-draft-meta-information (group articles)
512 (when (numberp articles)
513 (setq articles (list articles)))
514 (concat "(\"" group "\""
515 (if articles
516 (concat " "
517 (mapconcat
518 (lambda (elem)
519 (number-to-string
520 (if (consp elem)
521 (car elem)
522 elem)))
523 articles " "))
525 ")"))
527 ;;;###autoload
528 (defun gnus-msg-mail (&optional to subject other-headers continue
529 switch-action yank-action send-actions
530 return-action)
531 "Start editing a mail message to be sent.
532 Like `message-mail', but with Gnus paraphernalia, particularly the
533 Gcc: header for archiving purposes.
534 If Gnus isn't running, a plain `message-mail' setup is used
535 instead."
536 (interactive)
537 (if (not (gnus-alive-p))
538 (progn
539 (message "Gnus not running; using plain Message mode")
540 (message-mail to subject other-headers continue
541 nil yank-action send-actions return-action))
542 (let ((buf (current-buffer))
543 ;; Don't use posting styles corresponding to any existing group.
544 (gnus-newsgroup-name "")
545 mail-buf)
546 (gnus-setup-message 'message
547 (message-mail to subject other-headers continue
548 nil yank-action send-actions return-action))
549 (when switch-action
550 (setq mail-buf (current-buffer))
551 (switch-to-buffer buf)
552 (apply switch-action mail-buf nil))
553 ;; COMPOSEFUNC should return t if succeed. Undocumented ???
554 t)))
556 ;;;###autoload
557 (defun gnus-button-mailto (address)
558 "Mail to ADDRESS."
559 (set-buffer (gnus-copy-article-buffer))
560 (gnus-setup-message 'message
561 (message-reply address)))
563 ;;;###autoload
564 (defun gnus-button-reply (&optional to-address wide)
565 "Like `message-reply'."
566 (interactive)
567 (gnus-setup-message 'message
568 (message-reply to-address wide)))
570 ;;;###autoload
571 (define-mail-user-agent 'gnus-user-agent
572 'gnus-msg-mail 'message-send-and-exit
573 'message-kill-buffer 'message-send-hook)
575 (defun gnus-setup-posting-charset (group)
576 (let ((alist gnus-group-posting-charset-alist)
577 (group (or group ""))
578 elem)
579 (when group
580 (catch 'found
581 (while (setq elem (pop alist))
582 (when (or (and (stringp (car elem))
583 (string-match (car elem) group))
584 (and (functionp (car elem))
585 (funcall (car elem) group))
586 (and (symbolp (car elem))
587 (symbol-value (car elem))))
588 (throw 'found (cons (cadr elem) (caddr elem)))))))))
590 (defun gnus-inews-add-send-actions (winconf buffer article
591 &optional config yanked
592 winconf-name)
593 (gnus-make-local-hook 'message-sent-hook)
594 (add-hook 'message-sent-hook (if gnus-agent 'gnus-agent-possibly-do-gcc
595 'gnus-inews-do-gcc) nil t)
596 (when gnus-agent
597 (gnus-make-local-hook 'message-header-hook)
598 (add-hook 'message-header-hook 'gnus-agent-possibly-save-gcc nil t))
599 (setq message-post-method
600 `(lambda (&optional arg)
601 (gnus-post-method arg ,gnus-newsgroup-name)))
602 (message-add-action
603 `(progn
604 (setq gnus-current-window-configuration ',winconf-name)
605 (when (gnus-buffer-exists-p ,buffer)
606 (set-window-configuration ,winconf)))
607 'exit 'postpone 'kill)
608 (let ((to-be-marked (cond
609 (yanked
610 (mapcar
611 (lambda (x) (if (listp x) (car x) x)) yanked))
612 (article (if (listp article) article (list article)))
613 (t nil))))
614 (message-add-action
615 `(when (gnus-buffer-exists-p ,buffer)
616 (with-current-buffer ,buffer
617 ,(when to-be-marked
618 (if (eq config 'forward)
619 `(gnus-summary-mark-article-as-forwarded ',to-be-marked)
620 `(gnus-summary-mark-article-as-replied ',to-be-marked)))))
621 'send)))
623 (put 'gnus-setup-message 'lisp-indent-function 1)
624 (put 'gnus-setup-message 'edebug-form-spec '(form body))
626 ;;; Post news commands of Gnus group mode and summary mode
628 (defun gnus-group-mail (&optional arg)
629 "Start composing a mail.
630 If ARG, use the group under the point to find a posting style.
631 If ARG is 1, prompt for a group name to find the posting style."
632 (interactive "P")
633 ;; We can't `let' gnus-newsgroup-name here, since that leads
634 ;; to local variables leaking.
635 (let ((group gnus-newsgroup-name)
636 ;; make sure last viewed article doesn't affect posting styles:
637 (gnus-article-copy)
638 (buffer (current-buffer)))
639 (unwind-protect
640 (progn
641 (setq gnus-newsgroup-name
642 (if arg
643 (if (= 1 (prefix-numeric-value arg))
644 (gnus-group-completing-read
645 "Use posting style of group"
646 nil (gnus-read-active-file-p))
647 (gnus-group-group-name))
648 ""))
649 ;; #### see comment in gnus-setup-message -- drv
650 (gnus-setup-message 'message (message-mail)))
651 (with-current-buffer buffer
652 (setq gnus-newsgroup-name group)))))
654 (defun gnus-group-news (&optional arg)
655 "Start composing a news.
656 If ARG, post to group under point.
657 If ARG is 1, prompt for group name to post to.
659 This function prepares a news even when using mail groups. This is useful
660 for posting messages to mail groups without actually sending them over the
661 network. The corresponding back end must have a 'request-post method."
662 (interactive "P")
663 ;; We can't `let' gnus-newsgroup-name here, since that leads
664 ;; to local variables leaking.
665 (let ((group gnus-newsgroup-name)
666 ;; make sure last viewed article doesn't affect posting styles:
667 (gnus-article-copy)
668 (buffer (current-buffer)))
669 (unwind-protect
670 (progn
671 (setq gnus-newsgroup-name
672 (if arg
673 (if (= 1 (prefix-numeric-value arg))
674 (gnus-group-completing-read "Use group"
676 (gnus-read-active-file-p))
677 (gnus-group-group-name))
678 ""))
679 ;; #### see comment in gnus-setup-message -- drv
680 (gnus-setup-message 'message
681 (message-news (gnus-group-real-name gnus-newsgroup-name))))
682 (with-current-buffer buffer
683 (setq gnus-newsgroup-name group)))))
685 (defun gnus-group-post-news (&optional arg)
686 "Start composing a message (a news by default).
687 If ARG, post to group under point. If ARG is 1, prompt for group name.
688 Depending on the selected group, the message might be either a mail or
689 a news."
690 (interactive "P")
691 ;; Bind this variable here to make message mode hooks work ok.
692 (let ((gnus-newsgroup-name
693 (if arg
694 (if (= 1 (prefix-numeric-value arg))
695 (gnus-group-completing-read "Newsgroup" nil
696 (gnus-read-active-file-p))
697 (or (gnus-group-group-name) ""))
698 ""))
699 ;; make sure last viewed article doesn't affect posting styles:
700 (gnus-article-copy))
701 (gnus-post-news 'post gnus-newsgroup-name nil nil nil nil
702 (string= gnus-newsgroup-name ""))))
704 (defun gnus-summary-mail-other-window (&optional arg)
705 "Start composing a mail in another window.
706 Use the posting of the current group by default.
707 If ARG, don't do that. If ARG is 1, prompt for group name to find the
708 posting style."
709 (interactive "P")
710 ;; We can't `let' gnus-newsgroup-name here, since that leads
711 ;; to local variables leaking.
712 (let ((group gnus-newsgroup-name)
713 ;; make sure last viewed article doesn't affect posting styles:
714 (gnus-article-copy)
715 (buffer (current-buffer)))
716 (unwind-protect
717 (progn
718 (setq gnus-newsgroup-name
719 (if arg
720 (if (= 1 (prefix-numeric-value arg))
721 (gnus-group-completing-read "Use group"
723 (gnus-read-active-file-p))
725 gnus-newsgroup-name))
726 ;; #### see comment in gnus-setup-message -- drv
727 (gnus-setup-message 'message (message-mail)))
728 (with-current-buffer buffer
729 (setq gnus-newsgroup-name group)))))
731 (defun gnus-summary-news-other-window (&optional arg)
732 "Start composing a news in another window.
733 Post to the current group by default.
734 If ARG, don't do that. If ARG is 1, prompt for group name to post to.
736 This function prepares a news even when using mail groups. This is useful
737 for posting messages to mail groups without actually sending them over the
738 network. The corresponding back end must have a 'request-post method."
739 (interactive "P")
740 ;; We can't `let' gnus-newsgroup-name here, since that leads
741 ;; to local variables leaking.
742 (let ((group gnus-newsgroup-name)
743 ;; make sure last viewed article doesn't affect posting styles:
744 (gnus-article-copy)
745 (buffer (current-buffer)))
746 (unwind-protect
747 (progn
748 (setq gnus-newsgroup-name
749 (if arg
750 (if (= 1 (prefix-numeric-value arg))
751 (gnus-group-completing-read "Use group"
753 (gnus-read-active-file-p))
755 gnus-newsgroup-name))
756 ;; #### see comment in gnus-setup-message -- drv
757 (gnus-setup-message 'message
758 (progn
759 (message-news (gnus-group-real-name gnus-newsgroup-name))
760 (set (make-local-variable 'gnus-discouraged-post-methods)
761 (remove
762 (car (gnus-find-method-for-group gnus-newsgroup-name))
763 gnus-discouraged-post-methods)))))
764 (with-current-buffer buffer
765 (setq gnus-newsgroup-name group)))))
767 (defun gnus-summary-post-news (&optional arg)
768 "Start composing a message. Post to the current group by default.
769 If ARG, don't do that. If ARG is 1, prompt for a group name to post to.
770 Depending on the selected group, the message might be either a mail or
771 a news."
772 (interactive "P")
773 ;; Bind this variable here to make message mode hooks work ok.
774 (let ((gnus-newsgroup-name
775 (if arg
776 (if (= 1 (prefix-numeric-value arg))
777 (gnus-group-completing-read "Newsgroup" nil
778 (gnus-read-active-file-p))
780 gnus-newsgroup-name))
781 ;; make sure last viewed article doesn't affect posting styles:
782 (gnus-article-copy))
783 (gnus-post-news 'post gnus-newsgroup-name)))
786 (defun gnus-summary-followup (yank &optional force-news)
787 "Compose a followup to an article.
788 If prefix argument YANK is non-nil, the original article is yanked
789 automatically.
790 YANK is a list of elements, where the car of each element is the
791 article number, and the cdr is the string to be yanked."
792 (interactive
793 (list (and current-prefix-arg
794 (gnus-summary-work-articles 1))))
795 (when yank
796 (gnus-summary-goto-subject
797 (if (listp (car yank))
798 (caar yank)
799 (car yank))))
800 (save-window-excursion
801 (gnus-summary-select-article))
802 (let ((headers (gnus-summary-article-header (gnus-summary-article-number)))
803 (gnus-newsgroup-name gnus-newsgroup-name))
804 ;; Send a followup.
805 (gnus-post-news nil gnus-newsgroup-name
806 headers gnus-article-buffer
807 yank nil force-news)
808 (gnus-summary-handle-replysign)))
810 (defun gnus-summary-followup-with-original (n &optional force-news)
811 "Compose a followup to an article and include the original article.
812 The text in the region will be yanked. If the region isn't
813 active, the entire article will be yanked."
814 (interactive "P")
815 (gnus-summary-followup (gnus-summary-work-articles n) force-news))
817 (defun gnus-summary-followup-to-mail (&optional arg)
818 "Followup to the current mail message via news."
819 (interactive
820 (list (and current-prefix-arg
821 (gnus-summary-work-articles 1))))
822 (gnus-summary-followup arg t))
824 (defun gnus-summary-followup-to-mail-with-original (&optional arg)
825 "Followup to the current mail message via news."
826 (interactive "P")
827 (gnus-summary-followup (gnus-summary-work-articles arg) t))
829 (defun gnus-inews-yank-articles (articles)
830 (let (beg article yank-string)
831 (message-goto-body)
832 (while (setq article (pop articles))
833 (when (listp article)
834 (setq yank-string (nth 1 article)
835 article (nth 0 article)))
836 (save-window-excursion
837 (set-buffer gnus-summary-buffer)
838 (gnus-summary-select-article nil nil nil article)
839 (gnus-summary-remove-process-mark article))
840 (gnus-copy-article-buffer nil yank-string)
841 (let ((message-reply-buffer gnus-article-copy)
842 (message-reply-headers
843 ;; The headers are decoded.
844 (with-current-buffer gnus-article-copy
845 (save-restriction
846 (nnheader-narrow-to-headers)
847 (nnheader-parse-naked-head)))))
848 (message-yank-original)
849 (message-exchange-point-and-mark)
850 (setq beg (or beg (mark t))))
851 (when articles
852 (insert "\n")))
853 (push-mark)
854 (goto-char beg)))
856 (defun gnus-summary-cancel-article (&optional n symp)
857 "Cancel an article you posted.
858 Uses the process-prefix convention. If given the symbolic
859 prefix `a', cancel using the standard posting method; if not
860 post using the current select method."
861 (interactive (gnus-interactive "P\ny"))
862 (let ((message-post-method
863 `(lambda (arg)
864 (gnus-post-method (eq ',symp 'a) ,gnus-newsgroup-name)))
865 (user-mail-address user-mail-address))
866 (dolist (article (gnus-summary-work-articles n))
867 (when (gnus-summary-select-article t nil nil article)
868 ;; Pretend that we're doing a followup so that we can see what
869 ;; the From header would have ended up being.
870 (save-window-excursion
871 (save-excursion
872 (gnus-summary-followup nil)
873 (let ((from (message-fetch-field "from")))
874 (when from
875 (setq user-mail-address
876 (car (mail-header-parse-address from)))))
877 (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
878 ;; Now cancel the article using the From header we got.
879 (when (gnus-eval-in-buffer-window gnus-original-article-buffer
880 (message-cancel-news))
881 (gnus-summary-mark-as-read article gnus-canceled-mark)
882 (gnus-cache-remove-article 1))
883 (gnus-article-hide-headers-if-wanted))
884 (gnus-summary-remove-process-mark article))))
886 (defun gnus-summary-supersede-article ()
887 "Compose an article that will supersede a previous article.
888 This is done simply by taking the old article and adding a Supersedes
889 header line with the old Message-ID."
890 (interactive)
891 (let ((article (gnus-summary-article-number))
892 (mail-parse-charset gnus-newsgroup-charset))
893 (gnus-setup-message 'reply-yank
894 (gnus-summary-select-article t)
895 (set-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer)
896 (message-supersede)
897 (push
898 `((lambda ()
899 (when (gnus-buffer-exists-p ,gnus-summary-buffer)
900 (with-current-buffer ,gnus-summary-buffer
901 (gnus-cache-possibly-remove-article ,article nil nil nil t)
902 (gnus-summary-mark-as-read ,article gnus-canceled-mark)))))
903 message-send-actions)
904 ;; Add Gcc header.
905 (gnus-inews-insert-gcc))))
909 (defun gnus-copy-article-buffer (&optional article-buffer yank-string)
910 ;; make a copy of the article buffer with all text properties removed
911 ;; this copy is in the buffer gnus-article-copy.
912 ;; if ARTICLE-BUFFER is nil, gnus-article-buffer is used
913 ;; this buffer should be passed to all mail/news reply/post routines.
914 (setq gnus-article-copy (gnus-get-buffer-create " *gnus article copy*"))
915 (with-current-buffer gnus-article-copy
916 (mm-enable-multibyte))
917 (let ((article-buffer (or article-buffer gnus-article-buffer))
918 end beg)
919 (if (not (and (get-buffer article-buffer)
920 (gnus-buffer-exists-p article-buffer)))
921 (error "Can't find any article buffer")
922 (with-current-buffer article-buffer
923 (let ((gnus-newsgroup-charset (or gnus-article-charset
924 gnus-newsgroup-charset))
925 (inhibit-read-only t)
926 (gnus-newsgroup-ignored-charsets
927 (or gnus-article-ignored-charsets
928 gnus-newsgroup-ignored-charsets)))
929 (save-restriction
930 ;; Copy over the (displayed) article buffer, delete
931 ;; hidden text and remove text properties.
932 (widen)
933 (copy-to-buffer gnus-article-copy (point-min) (point-max))
934 (set-buffer gnus-article-copy)
935 (when yank-string
936 (message-goto-body)
937 (delete-region (point) (point-max))
938 (insert yank-string))
939 (gnus-article-delete-text-of-type 'annotation)
940 (gnus-article-delete-text-of-type 'multipart)
941 (gnus-remove-text-with-property 'gnus-prev)
942 (gnus-remove-text-with-property 'gnus-next)
943 (gnus-remove-text-with-property 'gnus-decoration)
944 (insert
945 (prog1
946 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))
947 (erase-buffer)))
948 ;; Find the original headers.
949 (set-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer)
950 (goto-char (point-min))
951 (while (looking-at message-unix-mail-delimiter)
952 (forward-line 1))
953 (let ((mail-header-separator ""))
954 (setq beg (point)
955 end (or (message-goto-body)
956 ;; There may be just a header.
957 (point-max))))
958 ;; Delete the headers from the displayed articles.
959 (set-buffer gnus-article-copy)
960 (let ((mail-header-separator ""))
961 (delete-region (goto-char (point-min))
962 (or (message-goto-body) (point-max))))
963 ;; Insert the original article headers.
964 (insert-buffer-substring gnus-original-article-buffer beg end)
965 ;; Decode charsets.
966 (let ((gnus-article-decode-hook
967 (delq 'article-decode-charset
968 (copy-sequence gnus-article-decode-hook)))
969 (rfc2047-quote-decoded-words-containing-tspecials t))
970 (run-hooks 'gnus-article-decode-hook)))))
971 gnus-article-copy)))
973 (defun gnus-post-news (post &optional group header article-buffer yank subject
974 force-news)
975 (when article-buffer
976 (gnus-copy-article-buffer))
977 (let ((gnus-article-reply (and article-buffer (gnus-summary-article-number)))
978 (gnus-article-yanked-articles yank)
979 (add-to-list gnus-add-to-list))
980 (gnus-setup-message (cond (yank 'reply-yank)
981 (article-buffer 'reply)
982 (t 'message))
983 (let* ((group (or group gnus-newsgroup-name))
984 (charset (gnus-group-name-charset nil group))
985 (pgroup group)
986 to-address to-group mailing-list to-list
987 newsgroup-p)
988 (when group
989 (setq to-address (gnus-parameter-to-address group)
990 to-group (gnus-group-find-parameter group 'to-group)
991 to-list (gnus-parameter-to-list group)
992 newsgroup-p (gnus-group-find-parameter group 'newsgroup)
993 mailing-list (when gnus-mailing-list-groups
994 (string-match gnus-mailing-list-groups group))
995 group (gnus-group-name-decode (gnus-group-real-name group)
996 charset)))
997 (if (or (and to-group
998 (gnus-news-group-p to-group))
999 newsgroup-p
1000 force-news
1001 (and (gnus-news-group-p
1002 (or pgroup gnus-newsgroup-name)
1003 (or header gnus-current-article))
1004 (not mailing-list)
1005 (not to-list)
1006 (not to-address)))
1007 ;; This is news.
1008 (if post
1009 (message-news
1010 (or to-group
1011 (and (not (gnus-virtual-group-p pgroup)) group)))
1012 (set-buffer gnus-article-copy)
1013 (gnus-msg-treat-broken-reply-to)
1014 (message-followup (if (or newsgroup-p force-news)
1015 (if (save-restriction
1016 (article-narrow-to-head)
1017 (message-fetch-field "newsgroups"))
1020 to-group)))
1021 ;; The is mail.
1022 (if post
1023 (progn
1024 (message-mail (or to-address to-list))
1025 ;; Arrange for mail groups that have no `to-address' to
1026 ;; get that when the user sends off the mail.
1027 (when (and (not to-list)
1028 (not to-address)
1029 add-to-list)
1030 (push (list 'gnus-inews-add-to-address pgroup)
1031 message-send-actions)))
1032 (set-buffer gnus-article-copy)
1033 (gnus-msg-treat-broken-reply-to)
1034 (message-wide-reply to-address)))
1035 (when yank
1036 (gnus-inews-yank-articles yank))))))
1038 (defun gnus-msg-treat-broken-reply-to (&optional force)
1039 "Remove the Reply-to header if broken-reply-to."
1040 (when (or force
1041 (gnus-group-find-parameter
1042 gnus-newsgroup-name 'broken-reply-to))
1043 (save-restriction
1044 (message-narrow-to-head)
1045 (message-remove-header "reply-to"))))
1047 (defun gnus-post-method (arg group &optional silent)
1048 "Return the posting method based on GROUP and ARG.
1049 If SILENT, don't prompt the user."
1050 (let ((gnus-post-method (or (gnus-parameter-post-method group)
1051 gnus-post-method))
1052 (group-method (gnus-find-method-for-group group)))
1053 (cond
1054 ;; If the group-method is nil (which shouldn't happen) we use
1055 ;; the default method.
1056 ((null group-method)
1057 (or (and (listp gnus-post-method) ;If not current/native/nil
1058 (not (listp (car gnus-post-method))) ; and not a list of methods
1059 gnus-post-method) ;then use it.
1060 gnus-select-method
1061 message-post-method))
1062 ;; We want the inverse of the default
1063 ((and arg (not (eq arg 0)))
1064 (if (eq gnus-post-method 'current)
1065 gnus-select-method
1066 group-method))
1067 ;; We query the user for a post method.
1068 ((or arg
1069 (and (listp gnus-post-method)
1070 (listp (car gnus-post-method))))
1071 (let* ((methods
1072 ;; Collect all methods we know about.
1073 (append
1074 (when (listp gnus-post-method)
1075 (if (listp (car gnus-post-method))
1076 gnus-post-method
1077 (list gnus-post-method)))
1078 gnus-secondary-select-methods
1079 (mapcar 'cdr gnus-server-alist)
1080 (mapcar 'car gnus-opened-servers)
1081 (list gnus-select-method)
1082 (list group-method)))
1083 method-alist post-methods method)
1084 ;; Weed out all mail methods.
1085 (while methods
1086 (setq method (gnus-server-get-method "" (pop methods)))
1087 (when (and (or (gnus-method-option-p method 'post)
1088 (gnus-method-option-p method 'post-mail))
1089 (not (member method post-methods)))
1090 (push method post-methods)))
1091 ;; Create a name-method alist.
1092 (setq method-alist
1093 (mapcar
1094 (lambda (m)
1095 (if (equal (cadr m) "")
1096 (list (symbol-name (car m)) m)
1097 (list (concat (cadr m) " (" (symbol-name (car m)) ")") m)))
1098 post-methods))
1099 ;; Query the user.
1100 (cadr
1101 (assoc
1102 (setq gnus-last-posting-server
1103 (if (and silent
1104 gnus-last-posting-server)
1105 ;; Just use the last value.
1106 gnus-last-posting-server
1107 (gnus-completing-read
1108 "Posting method" (mapcar 'car method-alist) t
1109 (cons (or gnus-last-posting-server "") 0))))
1110 method-alist))))
1111 ;; Override normal method.
1112 ((and (eq gnus-post-method 'current)
1113 (not (memq (car group-method) gnus-discouraged-post-methods))
1114 (gnus-get-function group-method 'request-post t))
1115 (assert (not arg))
1116 group-method)
1117 ;; Use gnus-post-method.
1118 ((listp gnus-post-method) ;A method...
1119 (assert (not (listp (car gnus-post-method)))) ;... not a list of methods.
1120 gnus-post-method)
1121 ;; Use the normal select method (nil or native).
1122 (t gnus-select-method))))
1126 (defun gnus-extended-version ()
1127 "Stringified Gnus version and Emacs version.
1128 See the variable `gnus-user-agent'."
1129 (interactive)
1130 (if (stringp gnus-user-agent)
1131 gnus-user-agent
1132 ;; `gnus-user-agent' is a list:
1133 (let* ((float-output-format nil)
1134 (gnus-v
1135 (when (memq 'gnus gnus-user-agent)
1136 (concat "Gnus/"
1137 (gnus-replace-in-string
1138 (format "%1.8f" (gnus-continuum-version gnus-version))
1139 "0+\\'" "")
1140 " (" gnus-version ")")))
1141 (emacs-v (gnus-emacs-version)))
1142 (concat gnus-v (when (and gnus-v emacs-v) " ")
1143 emacs-v))))
1147 ;;; Gnus Mail Functions
1150 ;;; Mail reply commands of Gnus summary mode
1152 (defun gnus-summary-reply (&optional yank wide very-wide)
1153 "Start composing a mail reply to the current message.
1154 If prefix argument YANK is non-nil, the original article is yanked
1155 automatically.
1156 If WIDE, make a wide reply.
1157 If VERY-WIDE, make a very wide reply."
1158 (interactive
1159 (list (and current-prefix-arg
1160 (gnus-summary-work-articles 1))))
1161 ;; Allow user to require confirmation before replying by mail to the
1162 ;; author of a news article (or mail message).
1163 (when (or (not (or (gnus-news-group-p gnus-newsgroup-name)
1164 gnus-confirm-treat-mail-like-news))
1165 (not (cond ((stringp gnus-confirm-mail-reply-to-news)
1166 (string-match gnus-confirm-mail-reply-to-news
1167 gnus-newsgroup-name))
1168 ((functionp gnus-confirm-mail-reply-to-news)
1169 (funcall gnus-confirm-mail-reply-to-news
1170 gnus-newsgroup-name))
1171 (t gnus-confirm-mail-reply-to-news)))
1172 (if (or wide very-wide)
1173 t ;; Ignore gnus-confirm-mail-reply-to-news for wide and very
1174 ;; wide replies.
1175 (y-or-n-p "Really reply by mail to article author? ")))
1176 (let* ((article
1177 (if (listp (car yank))
1178 (caar yank)
1179 (car yank)))
1180 (gnus-article-reply (or article (gnus-summary-article-number)))
1181 (gnus-article-yanked-articles yank)
1182 (headers ""))
1183 ;; Stripping headers should be specified with mail-yank-ignored-headers.
1184 (when yank
1185 (gnus-summary-goto-subject article))
1186 (gnus-setup-message (if yank 'reply-yank 'reply)
1187 (if (not very-wide)
1188 (gnus-summary-select-article)
1189 (dolist (article very-wide)
1190 (gnus-summary-select-article nil nil nil article)
1191 (with-current-buffer (gnus-copy-article-buffer)
1192 (gnus-msg-treat-broken-reply-to)
1193 (save-restriction
1194 (message-narrow-to-head)
1195 (setq headers (concat headers (buffer-string)))))))
1196 (set-buffer (gnus-copy-article-buffer))
1197 (gnus-msg-treat-broken-reply-to gnus-msg-force-broken-reply-to)
1198 (save-restriction
1199 (message-narrow-to-head)
1200 (when very-wide
1201 (erase-buffer)
1202 (insert headers))
1203 (goto-char (point-max)))
1204 (mml-quote-region (point) (point-max))
1205 (message-reply nil wide)
1206 (when yank
1207 (gnus-inews-yank-articles yank))
1208 (gnus-summary-handle-replysign)))))
1210 (defun gnus-summary-handle-replysign ()
1211 "Check the various replysign variables and take action accordingly."
1212 (when (or gnus-message-replysign gnus-message-replyencrypt)
1213 (let (signed encrypted)
1214 (with-current-buffer gnus-article-buffer
1215 (setq signed (memq 'signed gnus-article-wash-types))
1216 (setq encrypted (memq 'encrypted gnus-article-wash-types)))
1217 (cond ((and gnus-message-replyencrypt encrypted)
1218 (mml-secure-message mml-default-encrypt-method
1219 (if gnus-message-replysignencrypted
1220 'signencrypt
1221 'encrypt)))
1222 ((and gnus-message-replysign signed)
1223 (mml-secure-message mml-default-sign-method 'sign))))))
1225 (defun gnus-summary-reply-with-original (n &optional wide)
1226 "Start composing a reply mail to the current message.
1227 The original article will be yanked."
1228 (interactive "P")
1229 (gnus-summary-reply (gnus-summary-work-articles n) wide))
1231 (defun gnus-summary-reply-to-list-with-original (n &optional wide)
1232 "Start composing a reply mail to the current message.
1233 The reply goes only to the mailing list.
1234 The original article will be yanked."
1235 (interactive "P")
1236 (let ((message-reply-to-function
1237 (lambda nil
1238 `((To . ,(gnus-mailing-list-followup-to))))))
1239 (gnus-summary-reply (gnus-summary-work-articles n) wide)))
1241 (defun gnus-summary-reply-broken-reply-to (&optional yank wide very-wide)
1242 "Like `gnus-summary-reply' except removing reply-to field.
1243 If prefix argument YANK is non-nil, the original article is yanked
1244 automatically.
1245 If WIDE, make a wide reply.
1246 If VERY-WIDE, make a very wide reply."
1247 (interactive
1248 (list (and current-prefix-arg
1249 (gnus-summary-work-articles 1))))
1250 (let ((gnus-msg-force-broken-reply-to t))
1251 (gnus-summary-reply yank wide very-wide)))
1253 (defun gnus-summary-reply-broken-reply-to-with-original (n &optional wide)
1254 "Like `gnus-summary-reply-with-original' except removing reply-to field.
1255 The original article will be yanked."
1256 (interactive "P")
1257 (gnus-summary-reply-broken-reply-to (gnus-summary-work-articles n) wide))
1259 (defun gnus-summary-wide-reply (&optional yank)
1260 "Start composing a wide reply mail to the current message.
1261 If prefix argument YANK is non-nil, the original article is yanked
1262 automatically."
1263 (interactive
1264 (list (and current-prefix-arg
1265 (gnus-summary-work-articles 1))))
1266 (gnus-summary-reply yank t))
1268 (defun gnus-summary-wide-reply-with-original (n)
1269 "Start composing a wide reply mail to the current message.
1270 The original article will be yanked.
1271 Uses the process/prefix convention."
1272 (interactive "P")
1273 (gnus-summary-reply-with-original n t))
1275 (defun gnus-summary-very-wide-reply (&optional yank)
1276 "Start composing a very wide reply mail to the current message.
1277 If prefix argument YANK is non-nil, the original article is yanked
1278 automatically."
1279 (interactive
1280 (list (and current-prefix-arg
1281 (gnus-summary-work-articles 1))))
1282 (gnus-summary-reply yank t (gnus-summary-work-articles yank)))
1284 (defun gnus-summary-very-wide-reply-with-original (n)
1285 "Start composing a very wide reply mail to the current message.
1286 The original article will be yanked."
1287 (interactive "P")
1288 (gnus-summary-reply
1289 (gnus-summary-work-articles n) t (gnus-summary-work-articles n)))
1291 (defun gnus-summary-mail-forward (&optional arg post)
1292 "Forward the current message(s) to another user.
1293 If process marks exist, forward all marked messages;
1294 if ARG is nil, see `message-forward-as-mime' and `message-forward-show-mml';
1295 if ARG is 1, decode the message and forward directly inline;
1296 if ARG is 2, forward message as an rfc822 MIME section;
1297 if ARG is 3, decode message and forward as an rfc822 MIME section;
1298 if ARG is 4, forward message directly inline;
1299 otherwise, use flipped `message-forward-as-mime'.
1300 If POST, post instead of mail.
1301 For the \"inline\" alternatives, also see the variable
1302 `message-forward-ignored-headers'."
1303 (interactive "P")
1304 (if (cdr (gnus-summary-work-articles nil))
1305 ;; Process marks are given.
1306 (gnus-uu-digest-mail-forward nil post)
1307 ;; No process marks.
1308 (let ((message-forward-as-mime message-forward-as-mime)
1309 (message-forward-show-mml message-forward-show-mml))
1310 (cond
1311 ((null arg))
1312 ((eq arg 1)
1313 (setq message-forward-as-mime nil
1314 message-forward-show-mml t))
1315 ((eq arg 2)
1316 (setq message-forward-as-mime t
1317 message-forward-show-mml nil))
1318 ((eq arg 3)
1319 (setq message-forward-as-mime t
1320 message-forward-show-mml t))
1321 ((eq arg 4)
1322 (setq message-forward-as-mime nil
1323 message-forward-show-mml nil))
1325 (setq message-forward-as-mime (not message-forward-as-mime))))
1326 (let* ((gnus-article-reply (gnus-summary-article-number))
1327 (gnus-article-yanked-articles (list gnus-article-reply)))
1328 (gnus-setup-message 'forward
1329 (gnus-summary-select-article)
1330 (let ((mail-parse-charset
1331 (or (and (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-article-buffer)
1332 (with-current-buffer gnus-article-buffer
1333 gnus-article-charset))
1334 gnus-newsgroup-charset))
1335 (mail-parse-ignored-charsets
1336 gnus-newsgroup-ignored-charsets))
1337 (set-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer)
1338 (message-forward post)))))))
1340 (defun gnus-summary-resend-message-insert-gcc ()
1341 "Insert Gcc header according to `gnus-gcc-self-resent-messages'."
1342 (gnus-inews-insert-gcc)
1343 (let ((gcc (mapcar
1344 (lambda (group)
1345 (mm-encode-coding-string
1346 group
1347 (gnus-group-name-charset (gnus-inews-group-method group)
1348 group)))
1349 (message-unquote-tokens
1350 (message-tokenize-header (mail-fetch-field "gcc" nil t)
1351 " ,"))))
1352 (self (with-current-buffer gnus-summary-buffer
1353 gnus-gcc-self-resent-messages)))
1354 (message-remove-header "gcc")
1355 (when gcc
1356 (goto-char (point-max))
1357 (cond ((eq self 'none))
1358 ((eq self t)
1359 (insert "Gcc: \"" gnus-newsgroup-name "\"\n"))
1360 ((stringp self)
1361 (insert "Gcc: "
1362 (mm-encode-coding-string
1363 (if (string-match " " self)
1364 (concat "\"" self "\"")
1365 self)
1366 (gnus-group-name-charset (gnus-inews-group-method self)
1367 self))
1368 "\n"))
1369 ((null self)
1370 (insert "Gcc: " (mapconcat 'identity gcc ", ") "\n"))
1371 ((eq self 'no-gcc-self)
1372 (when (setq gcc (delete
1373 gnus-newsgroup-name
1374 (delete (concat "\"" gnus-newsgroup-name "\"")
1375 gcc)))
1376 (insert "Gcc: " (mapconcat 'identity gcc ", ") "\n")))))))
1378 (defun gnus-summary-resend-message (address n)
1379 "Resend the current article to ADDRESS."
1380 (interactive
1381 (list (message-read-from-minibuffer
1382 "Resend message(s) to: "
1383 (when (and gnus-summary-resend-default-address
1384 (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-original-article-buffer))
1385 ;; If some other article is currently selected, the
1386 ;; initial-contents is wrong. Whatever, it is just the
1387 ;; initial-contents.
1388 (with-current-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer
1389 (nnmail-fetch-field "to"))))
1390 current-prefix-arg))
1391 (let ((message-header-setup-hook (copy-sequence message-header-setup-hook))
1392 (message-sent-hook (copy-sequence message-sent-hook))
1393 ;; Honor posting-style for `name' and `address' in Resent-From header.
1394 (styles (gnus-group-find-parameter gnus-newsgroup-name
1395 'posting-style t))
1396 (user-full-name user-full-name)
1397 (user-mail-address user-mail-address)
1398 tem)
1399 (dolist (style styles)
1400 (when (stringp (cadr style))
1401 (setcdr style (list (mm-decode-coding-string (cadr style) 'utf-8)))))
1402 (dolist (style (if styles
1403 (append gnus-posting-styles (list (cons ".*" styles)))
1404 gnus-posting-styles))
1405 (when (and (stringp (car style))
1406 (string-match (pop style) gnus-newsgroup-name))
1407 (when (setq tem (cadr (assq 'name style)))
1408 (setq user-full-name tem))
1409 (when (setq tem (cadr (assq 'address style)))
1410 (setq user-mail-address tem))))
1411 ;; `gnus-summary-resend-message-insert-gcc' must run last.
1412 (add-hook 'message-header-setup-hook
1413 'gnus-summary-resend-message-insert-gcc t)
1414 (add-hook 'message-sent-hook
1415 `(lambda ()
1416 (let ((rfc2047-encode-encoded-words nil))
1417 ,(if gnus-agent
1418 '(gnus-agent-possibly-do-gcc)
1419 '(gnus-inews-do-gcc)))))
1420 (dolist (article (gnus-summary-work-articles n))
1421 (gnus-summary-select-article nil nil nil article)
1422 (with-current-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer
1423 (let ((gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments nil)
1424 (message-inhibit-body-encoding t))
1425 (message-resend address)))
1426 (gnus-summary-mark-article-as-forwarded article))))
1428 ;; From: Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr>
1429 (defun gnus-summary-resend-message-edit ()
1430 "Resend an article that has already been sent.
1431 A new buffer will be created to allow the user to modify body and
1432 contents of the message, and then, everything will happen as when
1433 composing a new message."
1434 (interactive)
1435 (let ((mail-parse-charset gnus-newsgroup-charset))
1436 (gnus-setup-message 'reply-yank
1437 (gnus-summary-select-article t)
1438 (set-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer)
1439 (let ((cur (current-buffer))
1440 (to (message-fetch-field "to")))
1441 ;; Get a normal message buffer.
1442 (message-pop-to-buffer (message-buffer-name "Resend" to))
1443 (insert-buffer-substring cur)
1444 (mime-to-mml)
1445 (message-narrow-to-head-1)
1446 ;; Gnus will generate a new one when sending.
1447 (message-remove-header "Message-ID")
1448 ;; Remove unwanted headers.
1449 (message-remove-header message-ignored-resent-headers t)
1450 (goto-char (point-max))
1451 (insert mail-header-separator)
1452 ;; Add Gcc header.
1453 (gnus-inews-insert-gcc)
1454 (goto-char (point-min))
1455 (when (re-search-forward "^To:\\|^Newsgroups:" nil 'move)
1456 (forward-char 1))
1457 (widen)))))
1459 (defun gnus-summary-post-forward (&optional arg)
1460 "Forward the current article to a newsgroup.
1461 See `gnus-summary-mail-forward' for ARG."
1462 (interactive "P")
1463 (gnus-summary-mail-forward arg t))
1465 (defun gnus-summary-mail-crosspost-complaint (n)
1466 "Send a complaint about crossposting to the current article(s)."
1467 (interactive "P")
1468 (dolist (article (gnus-summary-work-articles n))
1469 (set-buffer gnus-summary-buffer)
1470 (gnus-summary-goto-subject article)
1471 (let ((group (gnus-group-real-name gnus-newsgroup-name))
1472 newsgroups followup-to)
1473 (gnus-summary-select-article)
1474 (set-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer)
1475 (if (and (<= (length (message-tokenize-header
1476 (setq newsgroups
1477 (mail-fetch-field "newsgroups"))
1478 ", "))
1480 (or (not (setq followup-to (mail-fetch-field "followup-to")))
1481 (not (member group (message-tokenize-header
1482 followup-to ", ")))))
1483 (if followup-to
1484 (gnus-message 1 "Followup-to restricted")
1485 (gnus-message 1 "Not a crossposted article"))
1486 (set-buffer gnus-summary-buffer)
1487 (gnus-summary-reply-with-original 1)
1488 (set-buffer gnus-message-buffer)
1489 (message-goto-body)
1490 (insert (format gnus-crosspost-complaint newsgroups group))
1491 (message-goto-subject)
1492 (re-search-forward " *$")
1493 (replace-match " (crosspost notification)" t t)
1494 (gnus-deactivate-mark)
1495 (when (gnus-y-or-n-p "Send this complaint? ")
1496 (message-send-and-exit))))))
1498 (defun gnus-inews-add-to-address (group)
1499 (let ((to-address (mail-fetch-field "to")))
1500 (when (and to-address
1501 (gnus-alive-p))
1502 ;; This mail group doesn't have a `to-list', so we add one
1503 ;; here. Magic!
1504 (when (gnus-y-or-n-p
1505 (format "Do you want to add this as `to-list': %s? " to-address))
1506 (gnus-group-add-parameter group (cons 'to-list to-address))))))
1508 (defun gnus-article-mail (yank)
1509 "Send a reply to the address near point.
1510 If YANK is non-nil, include the original article."
1511 (interactive "P")
1512 (let ((address
1513 (buffer-substring
1514 (save-excursion (re-search-backward "[ \t\n]" nil t) (1+ (point)))
1515 (save-excursion (re-search-forward "[ \t\n]" nil t) (1- (point))))))
1516 (when address
1517 (gnus-msg-mail address)
1518 (when yank
1519 (gnus-inews-yank-articles (list (cdr gnus-article-current)))))))
1521 (defvar nntp-server-type)
1522 (defun gnus-bug ()
1523 "Send a bug report to the Gnus maintainers."
1524 (interactive)
1525 (unless (gnus-alive-p)
1526 (error "Gnus has been shut down"))
1527 (gnus-setup-message (if (message-mail-user-agent) 'message 'bug)
1528 (unless (message-mail-user-agent)
1529 (when gnus-bug-create-help-buffer
1530 (switch-to-buffer "*Gnus Help Bug*")
1531 (erase-buffer)
1532 (insert gnus-bug-message)
1533 (goto-char (point-min)))
1534 (message-pop-to-buffer "*Gnus Bug*"))
1535 (let ((message-this-is-mail t))
1536 (message-setup `((To . ,gnus-maintainer)
1537 (Subject . "")
1538 (X-Debbugs-Package
1539 . ,(format "%s" gnus-bug-package))
1540 (X-Debbugs-Version
1541 . ,(format "%s" (gnus-continuum-version))))))
1542 (when gnus-bug-create-help-buffer
1543 (push `(gnus-bug-kill-buffer) message-send-actions))
1544 (goto-char (point-min))
1545 (message-goto-body)
1546 (insert "\n\n\n\n\n")
1547 (insert (gnus-version) "\n"
1548 (emacs-version) "\n")
1549 (when (and (boundp 'nntp-server-type)
1550 (stringp nntp-server-type))
1551 (insert nntp-server-type))
1552 (goto-char (point-min))
1553 (search-forward "Subject: " nil t)
1554 (message "")))
1556 (defun gnus-bug-kill-buffer ()
1557 (when (get-buffer "*Gnus Help Bug*")
1558 (kill-buffer "*Gnus Help Bug*")))
1560 (defun gnus-summary-yank-message (buffer n)
1561 "Yank the current article into a composed message."
1562 (interactive
1563 (list (gnus-completing-read "Buffer" (message-buffers) t)
1564 current-prefix-arg))
1565 (gnus-summary-iterate n
1566 (let ((gnus-inhibit-treatment t))
1567 (gnus-summary-select-article))
1568 (with-current-buffer buffer
1569 (message-yank-buffer gnus-article-buffer))))
1571 ;;; Treatment of rejected articles.
1572 ;;; Bounced mail.
1574 (defun gnus-summary-resend-bounced-mail (&optional fetch)
1575 "Re-mail the current message.
1576 This only makes sense if the current message is a bounce message that
1577 contains some mail you have written which has been bounced back to
1578 you.
1579 If FETCH, try to fetch the article that this is a reply to, if indeed
1580 this is a reply."
1581 (interactive "P")
1582 (gnus-summary-select-article t)
1583 (let (summary-buffer parent)
1584 (if fetch
1585 (progn
1586 (setq summary-buffer (current-buffer))
1587 (set-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer)
1588 (article-goto-body)
1589 (when (re-search-forward "^References:\n?" nil t)
1590 (while (memq (char-after) '(?\t ? ))
1591 (forward-line 1))
1592 (skip-chars-backward "\t\n ")
1593 (setq parent
1594 (gnus-parent-id (buffer-substring (match-end 0) (point))))))
1595 (set-buffer gnus-original-article-buffer))
1596 (gnus-setup-message 'compose-bounce
1597 (message-bounce)
1598 ;; Add Gcc header.
1599 (gnus-inews-insert-gcc)
1600 ;; If there are references, we fetch the article we answered to.
1601 (when parent
1602 (with-current-buffer summary-buffer
1603 (gnus-summary-refer-article parent)
1604 (gnus-summary-show-all-headers))))))
1606 ;;; Gcc handling.
1608 (defun gnus-inews-group-method (group)
1609 (cond
1610 ;; If the group doesn't exist, we assume
1611 ;; it's an archive group...
1612 ((and (null (gnus-get-info group))
1613 (eq (car (gnus-server-to-method gnus-message-archive-method))
1614 (car (gnus-server-to-method (gnus-group-method group)))))
1615 gnus-message-archive-method)
1616 ;; Use the method.
1617 ((gnus-info-method (gnus-get-info group))
1618 (gnus-info-method (gnus-get-info group)))
1619 ;; Find the method.
1620 (t (gnus-server-to-method (gnus-group-method group)))))
1622 ;; Do Gcc handling, which copied the message over to some group.
1623 (defun gnus-inews-do-gcc (&optional gcc)
1624 (interactive)
1625 (save-excursion
1626 (save-restriction
1627 (message-narrow-to-headers)
1628 (let ((gcc (or gcc (mail-fetch-field "gcc" nil t)))
1629 (cur (current-buffer))
1630 groups group method group-art options
1631 mml-externalize-attachments)
1632 (when gcc
1633 (message-remove-header "gcc")
1634 (widen)
1635 (setq groups (message-unquote-tokens
1636 (message-tokenize-header gcc " ,")))
1637 ;; Copy the article over to some group(s).
1638 (while (setq group (pop groups))
1639 (setq method (gnus-inews-group-method group)
1640 group (mm-encode-coding-string
1641 group
1642 (gnus-group-name-charset method group)))
1643 (unless (gnus-check-server method)
1644 (error "Can't open server %s" (if (stringp method) method
1645 (car method))))
1646 (unless (gnus-request-group group t method)
1647 (gnus-request-create-group group method))
1648 (setq mml-externalize-attachments
1649 (if (stringp gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments)
1650 (string-match gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments group)
1651 gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments))
1652 (save-excursion
1653 (nnheader-set-temp-buffer " *acc*")
1654 (setq message-options (with-current-buffer cur message-options))
1655 (insert-buffer-substring cur)
1656 (run-hooks 'gnus-gcc-pre-body-encode-hook)
1657 (message-encode-message-body)
1658 (run-hooks 'gnus-gcc-post-body-encode-hook)
1659 (save-restriction
1660 (message-narrow-to-headers)
1661 (let* ((mail-parse-charset message-default-charset)
1662 (newsgroups-field (save-restriction
1663 (message-narrow-to-headers-or-head)
1664 (message-fetch-field "Newsgroups")))
1665 (followup-field (save-restriction
1666 (message-narrow-to-headers-or-head)
1667 (message-fetch-field "Followup-To")))
1668 ;; BUG: We really need to get the charset for
1669 ;; each name in the Newsgroups and Followup-To
1670 ;; lines to allow crossposting between group
1671 ;; names with incompatible character sets.
1672 ;; -- Per Abrahamsen <abraham@dina.kvl.dk> 2001-10-08.
1673 (group-field-charset
1674 (gnus-group-name-charset
1675 method (or newsgroups-field "")))
1676 (followup-field-charset
1677 (gnus-group-name-charset
1678 method (or followup-field "")))
1679 (rfc2047-header-encoding-alist
1680 (append
1681 (when group-field-charset
1682 (list (cons "Newsgroups" group-field-charset)))
1683 (when followup-field-charset
1684 (list (cons "Followup-To" followup-field-charset)))
1685 rfc2047-header-encoding-alist)))
1686 (mail-encode-encoded-word-buffer)))
1687 (goto-char (point-min))
1688 (when (re-search-forward
1689 (concat "^" (regexp-quote mail-header-separator) "$")
1690 nil t)
1691 (replace-match "" t t ))
1692 (when (or (not (gnus-check-backend-function
1693 'request-accept-article group))
1694 (not (setq group-art
1695 (gnus-request-accept-article
1696 group method t t))))
1697 (gnus-message 1 "Couldn't store article in group %s: %s"
1698 group (gnus-status-message method)))
1699 (when (stringp method)
1700 (setq method (gnus-server-to-method method)))
1701 (when (and (listp method)
1702 (gnus-native-method-p method))
1703 (setq group (gnus-group-short-name group)))
1704 (when (and group-art
1705 ;; FIXME: Should gcc-mark-as-read work when
1706 ;; Gnus is not running?
1707 (gnus-alive-p))
1708 (if (or gnus-gcc-mark-as-read
1709 (and (boundp 'gnus-inews-mark-gcc-as-read)
1710 (symbol-value 'gnus-inews-mark-gcc-as-read)))
1711 (gnus-group-mark-article-read group (cdr group-art))
1712 (with-current-buffer gnus-group-buffer
1713 (let ((gnus-group-marked (list group))
1714 (gnus-get-new-news-hook nil)
1715 (inhibit-read-only t))
1716 (gnus-group-get-new-news-this-group nil t)))))
1717 (setq options message-options)
1718 (with-current-buffer cur (setq message-options options))
1719 (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))))
1721 (defun gnus-inews-insert-gcc (&optional group)
1722 "Insert the Gcc to say where the article is to be archived."
1723 (let* ((group (or group gnus-newsgroup-name))
1724 (group (when group (gnus-group-decoded-name group)))
1725 (var (or gnus-outgoing-message-group gnus-message-archive-group))
1726 (gcc-self-val
1727 (and group (not (gnus-virtual-group-p group))
1728 (gnus-group-find-parameter group 'gcc-self)))
1729 result
1730 (groups
1731 (cond
1732 ((null gnus-message-archive-method)
1733 ;; Ignore.
1734 nil)
1735 ((stringp var)
1736 ;; Just a single group.
1737 (list var))
1738 ((null var)
1739 ;; We don't want this.
1740 nil)
1741 ((and (listp var) (stringp (car var)))
1742 ;; A list of groups.
1743 var)
1744 ((functionp var)
1745 ;; A function.
1746 (funcall var group))
1747 (group
1748 ;; An alist of regexps/functions/forms.
1749 (while (and var
1750 (not
1751 (setq result
1752 (cond
1753 ((and group
1754 (stringp (caar var)))
1755 ;; Regexp.
1756 (when (string-match (caar var) group)
1757 (cdar var)))
1758 ((and group
1759 (functionp (car var)))
1760 ;; Function.
1761 (funcall (car var) group))
1763 (eval (car var)))))))
1764 (setq var (cdr var)))
1765 result)))
1766 name)
1767 (when (and (or groups gcc-self-val)
1768 (gnus-alive-p))
1769 (when (stringp groups)
1770 (setq groups (list groups)))
1771 (save-excursion
1772 (save-restriction
1773 (message-narrow-to-headers)
1774 (goto-char (point-max))
1775 (insert "Gcc: ")
1776 (if gcc-self-val
1777 ;; Use the `gcc-self' param value instead.
1778 (progn
1779 (insert
1780 (if (stringp gcc-self-val)
1781 (if (string-match " " gcc-self-val)
1782 (concat "\"" gcc-self-val "\"")
1783 gcc-self-val)
1784 ;; In nndoc groups, we use the parent group name
1785 ;; instead of the current group.
1786 (let ((group (or (gnus-group-find-parameter
1787 gnus-newsgroup-name 'parent-group)
1788 group)))
1789 (if (string-match " " group)
1790 (concat "\"" group "\"")
1791 group))))
1792 (if (not (eq gcc-self-val 'none))
1793 (insert "\n")
1794 (gnus-delete-line)))
1795 ;; Use the list of groups.
1796 (while (setq name (pop groups))
1797 (let ((str (if (string-match ":" name)
1798 name
1799 (gnus-group-prefixed-name
1800 name gnus-message-archive-method))))
1801 (insert (if (string-match " " str)
1802 (concat "\"" str "\"")
1803 str)))
1804 (when groups
1805 (insert " ")))
1806 (insert "\n")))))))
1808 (defun gnus-mailing-list-followup-to ()
1809 "Look at the headers in the current buffer and return a Mail-Followup-To address."
1810 (let ((x-been-there (gnus-fetch-original-field "x-beenthere"))
1811 (list-post (gnus-fetch-original-field "list-post")))
1812 (when (and list-post
1813 (string-match "mailto:\\([^>]+\\)" list-post))
1814 (setq list-post (match-string 1 list-post)))
1815 (or list-post
1816 x-been-there)))
1818 ;;; Posting styles.
1820 (defun gnus-configure-posting-styles (&optional group-name)
1821 "Configure posting styles according to `gnus-posting-styles'."
1822 (unless gnus-inhibit-posting-styles
1823 (let ((group (or group-name gnus-newsgroup-name ""))
1824 (styles (if (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-summary-buffer)
1825 (with-current-buffer gnus-summary-buffer
1826 gnus-posting-styles)
1827 gnus-posting-styles))
1828 style match attribute value v results
1829 filep name address element)
1830 ;; If the group has a posting-style parameter, add it at the end with a
1831 ;; regexp matching everything, to be sure it takes precedence over all
1832 ;; the others.
1833 (when gnus-newsgroup-name
1834 (let ((tmp-style (gnus-group-find-parameter group 'posting-style t)))
1835 (when tmp-style
1836 (dolist (style tmp-style)
1837 (when (stringp (cadr style))
1838 (setcdr style (list (mm-decode-coding-string (cadr style)
1839 'utf-8)))))
1840 (setq styles (append styles (list (cons ".*" tmp-style)))))))
1841 ;; Go through all styles and look for matches.
1842 (dolist (style styles)
1843 (setq match (pop style))
1844 (goto-char (point-min))
1845 (when (cond
1846 ((stringp match)
1847 ;; Regexp string match on the group name.
1848 (string-match match group))
1849 ((eq match 'header)
1850 ;; Obsolete format of header match.
1851 (and (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-article-copy)
1852 (with-current-buffer gnus-article-copy
1853 (save-restriction
1854 (nnheader-narrow-to-headers)
1855 (let ((header (message-fetch-field (pop style))))
1856 (and header
1857 (string-match (pop style) header)))))))
1858 ((or (symbolp match)
1859 (functionp match))
1860 (cond
1861 ((functionp match)
1862 ;; Function to be called.
1863 (funcall match))
1864 ((boundp match)
1865 ;; Variable to be checked.
1866 (symbol-value match))))
1867 ((listp match)
1868 (cond
1869 ((eq (car match) 'header)
1870 ;; New format of header match.
1871 (and (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-article-copy)
1872 (with-current-buffer gnus-article-copy
1873 (save-restriction
1874 (nnheader-narrow-to-headers)
1875 (let ((header (message-fetch-field (nth 1 match))))
1876 (and header
1877 (string-match (nth 2 match) header)))))))
1879 ;; This is a form to be evalled.
1880 (eval match)))))
1881 ;; We have a match, so we set the variables.
1882 (dolist (attribute style)
1883 (setq element (pop attribute)
1884 filep nil)
1885 (setq value
1886 (cond
1887 ((eq (car attribute) :file)
1888 (setq filep t)
1889 (cadr attribute))
1890 ((eq (car attribute) :value)
1891 (cadr attribute))
1893 (car attribute))))
1894 ;; We get the value.
1895 (setq v
1896 (cond
1897 ((stringp value)
1898 (if (and (stringp match)
1899 (gnus-string-match-p "\\\\[&[:digit:]]" value)
1900 (match-beginning 1))
1901 (gnus-match-substitute-replacement value nil nil group)
1902 value))
1903 ((or (symbolp value)
1904 (functionp value))
1905 (cond ((functionp value)
1906 (funcall value))
1907 ((boundp value)
1908 (symbol-value value))))
1909 ((listp value)
1910 (eval value))))
1911 ;; Translate obsolescent value.
1912 (cond
1913 ((eq element 'signature-file)
1914 (setq element 'signature
1915 filep t))
1916 ((eq element 'x-face-file)
1917 (setq element 'x-face
1918 filep t)))
1919 ;; Post-processing for the signature posting-style:
1920 (and (eq element 'signature) filep
1921 message-signature-directory
1922 ;; don't actually use the signature directory
1923 ;; if message-signature-file contains a path.
1924 (not (file-name-directory v))
1925 (setq v (nnheader-concat message-signature-directory v)))
1926 ;; Get the contents of file elems.
1927 (when (and filep v)
1928 (setq v (with-temp-buffer
1929 (insert-file-contents v)
1930 (buffer-substring
1931 (point-min)
1932 (progn
1933 (goto-char (point-max))
1934 (if (zerop (skip-chars-backward "\n"))
1935 (point)
1936 (1+ (point))))))))
1937 (setq results (delq (assoc element results) results))
1938 (push (cons element v) results))))
1939 ;; Now we have all the styles, so we insert them.
1940 (setq name (assq 'name results)
1941 address (assq 'address results))
1942 (setq results (delq name (delq address results)))
1943 (gnus-make-local-hook 'message-setup-hook)
1944 (setq results (sort results (lambda (x y)
1945 (string-lessp (car x) (car y)))))
1946 (dolist (result results)
1947 (add-hook 'message-setup-hook
1948 (cond
1949 ((eq 'eval (car result))
1950 'ignore)
1951 ((eq 'body (car result))
1952 `(lambda ()
1953 (save-excursion
1954 (message-goto-body)
1955 (insert ,(cdr result)))))
1956 ((eq 'signature (car result))
1957 (set (make-local-variable 'message-signature) nil)
1958 (set (make-local-variable 'message-signature-file) nil)
1959 (if (not (cdr result))
1960 'ignore
1961 `(lambda ()
1962 (save-excursion
1963 (let ((message-signature ,(cdr result)))
1964 (when message-signature
1965 (message-insert-signature)))))))
1967 (let ((header
1968 (if (symbolp (car result))
1969 (capitalize (symbol-name (car result)))
1970 (car result))))
1971 `(lambda ()
1972 (save-excursion
1973 (message-remove-header ,header)
1974 (let ((value ,(cdr result)))
1975 (when value
1976 (message-goto-eoh)
1977 (insert ,header ": " value)
1978 (unless (bolp)
1979 (insert "\n")))))))))
1980 nil 'local))
1981 (when (or name address)
1982 (add-hook 'message-setup-hook
1983 `(lambda ()
1984 (set (make-local-variable 'user-mail-address)
1985 ,(or (cdr address) user-mail-address))
1986 (let ((user-full-name ,(or (cdr name) (user-full-name)))
1987 (user-mail-address
1988 ,(or (cdr address) user-mail-address)))
1989 (save-excursion
1990 (message-remove-header "From")
1991 (message-goto-eoh)
1992 (insert "From: " (message-make-from) "\n"))))
1993 nil 'local)))))
1995 ;;; Allow redefinition of functions.
1997 (gnus-ems-redefine)
1999 (provide 'gnus-msg)
2001 ;;; gnus-msg.el ends here