Introduce a 'games this month' column
[asr.git] /
1 package ASR::Ladder;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
5 use Time::Local;
6 use Time::HiRes;
7 use LWP::Simple;
8 use POSIX qw/strftime/;
9 use CGI;
10 use DBI;
12 $ENV{HOME} = "/home/pasky/WWW/asr";
14 sub new {
15 my $this = {};
16 bless $this;
17 $this->{startup} = Time::HiRes::time();
18 $this->{dbreqs} = 0;
19 $this->{cgi} = new CGI;
20 $this->{scoring} = {
21 winportion => 3, # how big portion of score delta are win points
22 winfloor => 2, # minimal number of win points
23 dailydrop => 0.5, # daily global point drop
25 $this->get_dbi;
26 return $this;
29 sub get_dbi {
30 return $_[0]->{dbi} if exists $_[0]->{dbi};
32 open MYCNF, "$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf";
33 local $/;
34 my $contents = <MYCNF>;
35 close MYCNF;
36 my ($user, $database, $password);
37 $user = $1 if $contents =~ /user = (.*)/;
38 $database = $1 if $contents =~ /database = (.*)/;
39 $password = $1 if $contents =~ /password = (.*)/;
40 $_[0]->{adminpw} = $1 if $contents =~ /adminpw = (.*)/;
42 if (!$user || !$database || !$password || !$_[0]->{adminpw}) {
43 &die_clean_fatal("Sorry, the .my.cnf file appears to be corrupt");
46 $_[0]->{dbi} = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$database", $user, $password);
47 $_[0]->{password} = $password;
49 if (!$_[0]->{dbi}) {
50 $_[0]->die_fatal_db("Sorry, I can't seem to connect to the database.");
53 return $_[0]->{dbi};
56 sub die_fatal {
57 $_[0]->header("Argh") unless $_[0]->{header};
58 print $_[0]->h2("Fatal error: $_[1]");
59 print $_[0]->h3("$_[2]");
60 $_[0]->footer;
61 exit;
64 sub die_fatal_db {
65 $_[0]->die_fatal($_[1], "Database says: ".DBI->errstr);
68 sub die_fatal_permissions {
69 $_[0]->die_fatal($_[1], "You don't have permission to do that!");
72 sub die_fatal_badinput {
73 $_[0]->die_fatal($_[1], "Your input incomplete/invalid.");
76 sub header {
77 my $this = $_[0];
78 &die_clean_fatal("Header output twice?!") if $this->{header};
79 $this->{header} = 1;
80 my $cgi = new CGI;
81 print $cgi->header;
82 print $cgi->start_html(-title => "ASR Ladder", -style => "style.css");
83 print $cgi->h1("ASR Ladder BETA");
85 #print qq<<p class=nav><a href="?mode=index$period">Summary</a> | <a href="?mode=stats$period">Stats</a> | <a href="?mode=brawl$period">Brawl</a> | <a href="?mode=votes">Votes</a></p>>;
87 $_[1] and print $cgi->h2($_[1]);
88 $this->{cgi} = $cgi;
89 return $cgi;
92 sub action_fail {
93 print $_[0]{cgi}->h2("Failed");
94 print $_[0]{cgi}->p($_[1]);
97 sub action_success {
98 print $_[0]{cgi}->h2("Success");
99 print $_[0]{cgi}->p($_[1]);
102 sub footer {
103 my $this = shift;
104 my $cgi = $this->{cgi};
105 my $time = Time::HiRes::time() - $this->{startup};
106 #print $cgi->p("Request took $time secs, made $this->{dbreqs} queries.");
107 print $cgi->end_html;
110 sub db_do {
111 my $this = shift @_;
112 $this->{dbreqs}++;
113 return $this->{dbi}->do(@_);
116 sub db_select {
117 my $this = shift @_;
118 $this->{dbreqs}++;
119 return $this->{dbi}->selectall_hashref(@_);
122 sub db_selectrow {
123 my $this = shift @_;
124 $this->{dbreqs}++;
125 return $this->{dbi}->selectrow_hashref(@_);
128 sub db_selectone {
129 my $this = shift @_;
130 my $row = $this->{dbi}->selectrow_arrayref(@_);
131 $this->{dbreqs}++;
132 return undef unless $row;
133 return $row->[0];
136 sub lastid {
137 my $this = shift @_;
138 return $this->db_selectone("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();");
141 sub baseurl {
142 my $this = shift;
143 my %vals = $this->{cgi}->Vars();
144 delete $vals{$_} foreach (@_);
145 if (keys %vals) {
146 return '?'.(join '&amp;', map { "$_=$vals{$_}" } keys %vals).'&amp;';
147 } else {
148 return '?';
152 sub hidden {
153 return qq|<input type="hidden" name="$_[1]" value="$_[2]"/>|;
156 sub textarea {
157 my $this = shift;
158 return $this->{cgi}->textarea(@_);
161 sub textfield {
162 my $this = shift;
163 return $this->{cgi}->textfield(@_);
166 sub textfield_ {
167 return qq|<input type="text" name="$_[1]" value="$_[2]" size="$_[3]" maxlength="$_[4]"/>|;
170 sub passfield {
171 my $this = shift;
172 return $this->{cgi}->password_field(@_);
175 sub param {
176 my $this = shift;
177 return $this->{cgi}->param(@_);
180 sub h1 {
181 my $this = shift;
182 return $this->{cgi}->h1(@_);
185 sub h2 {
186 my $this = shift;
187 return $this->{cgi}->h2(@_);
190 sub h3 {
191 my $this = shift;
192 return $this->{cgi}->h3(@_);
195 sub h4 {
196 my $this = shift;
197 return $this->{cgi}->h4(@_);
200 sub p {
201 my $this = shift;
202 return $this->{cgi}->p(@_);
205 sub submit {
206 my $this = shift;
207 return $this->{cgi}->submit(@_);
210 sub end_form {
211 my $this = shift;
212 return $this->{cgi}->end_form(@_);
215 sub escapeHTML {
216 my $this = shift;
217 return $this->{cgi}->escapeHTML(@_);
220 sub begin_form {
221 my $this = shift;
222 if (shift eq 'get') {
223 print $this->{cgi}->start_form(-method => 'GET', -action => '?');
224 } else {
225 print $this->{cgi}->start_form(-method => 'POST', -action => '');
227 while (my $name = shift) {
228 my $val = shift;
229 print $this->hidden($name, $val);
233 sub list {
234 my $this = shift;
235 print "<ul>";
236 print "<li>$_</li>" foreach(@_);
237 print "</ul>"
240 sub plink {
241 my $this = shift;
242 my ($id, $nick) = @_;
243 return "<a href=\"$id\" class=\"playerlink\">$nick</a>";
246 sub recompute_score {
247 my $this = shift;
248 my ($winner, $loser) = @_;
250 # Fine-tunable scoring constants
251 my $gameval = 1; # points per completely even game
253 my $delta = 0.0 + $loser - $winner;
254 my $extra = $delta / $this->{scoring}->{winportion};
255 ($extra > $this->{scoring}->{winfloor}) or $extra = $this->{scoring}->{winfloor};
256 return $winner + $extra;