Update sdk/platform-tools to version 26.0.0.
[android_tools.git] / sdk / platform-tools / systrace / catapult / telemetry / third_party / altgraph / altgraph / Dot.py
1 '''
2 altgraph.Dot - Interface to the dot language
3 ============================================
5 The :py:mod:`~altgraph.Dot` module provides a simple interface to the
6 file format used in the `graphviz <http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/>`_
7 program. The module is intended to offload the most tedious part of the process
8 (the **dot** file generation) while transparently exposing most of its features.
10 To display the graphs or to generate image files the `graphviz <http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/>`_
11 package needs to be installed on the system, moreover the :command:`dot` and :command:`dotty` programs must
12 be accesible in the program path so that they can be ran from processes spawned
13 within the module.
15 Example usage
16 -------------
18 Here is a typical usage::
20 from altgraph import Graph, Dot
22 # create a graph
23 edges = [ (1,2), (1,3), (3,4), (3,5), (4,5), (5,4) ]
24 graph = Graph.Graph(edges)
26 # create a dot representation of the graph
27 dot = Dot.Dot(graph)
29 # display the graph
30 dot.display()
32 # save the dot representation into the mydot.dot file
33 dot.save_dot(file_name='mydot.dot')
35 # save dot file as gif image into the graph.gif file
36 dot.save_img(file_name='graph', file_type='gif')
38 Directed graph and non-directed graph
39 -------------------------------------
41 Dot class can use for both directed graph and non-directed graph
42 by passing ``graphtype`` parameter.
44 Example::
46 # create directed graph(default)
47 dot = Dot.Dot(graph, graphtype="digraph")
49 # create non-directed graph
50 dot = Dot.Dot(graph, graphtype="graph")
52 Customizing the output
53 ----------------------
55 The graph drawing process may be customized by passing
56 valid :command:`dot` parameters for the nodes and edges. For a list of all
57 parameters see the `graphviz <http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/>`_
58 documentation.
60 Example::
62 # customizing the way the overall graph is drawn
63 dot.style(size='10,10', rankdir='RL', page='5, 5' , ranksep=0.75)
65 # customizing node drawing
66 dot.node_style(1, label='BASE_NODE',shape='box', color='blue' )
67 dot.node_style(2, style='filled', fillcolor='red')
69 # customizing edge drawing
70 dot.edge_style(1, 2, style='dotted')
71 dot.edge_style(3, 5, arrowhead='dot', label='binds', labelangle='90')
72 dot.edge_style(4, 5, arrowsize=2, style='bold')
75 .. note::
77 dotty (invoked via :py:func:`~altgraph.Dot.display`) may not be able to
78 display all graphics styles. To verify the output save it to an image file
79 and look at it that way.
81 Valid attributes
82 ----------------
84 - dot styles, passed via the :py:meth:`Dot.style` method::
86 rankdir = 'LR' (draws the graph horizontally, left to right)
87 ranksep = number (rank separation in inches)
89 - node attributes, passed via the :py:meth:`Dot.node_style` method::
91 style = 'filled' | 'invisible' | 'diagonals' | 'rounded'
92 shape = 'box' | 'ellipse' | 'circle' | 'point' | 'triangle'
94 - edge attributes, passed via the :py:meth:`Dot.edge_style` method::
96 style = 'dashed' | 'dotted' | 'solid' | 'invis' | 'bold'
97 arrowhead = 'box' | 'crow' | 'diamond' | 'dot' | 'inv' | 'none' | 'tee' | 'vee'
98 weight = number (the larger the number the closer the nodes will be)
100 - valid `graphviz colors <http://www.research.att.com/~erg/graphviz/info/colors.html>`_
102 - for more details on how to control the graph drawing process see the
103 `graphviz reference <http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/refs.html>`_.
105 import os
106 import warnings
108 from altgraph import GraphError
111 class Dot(object):
113 A class providing a **graphviz** (dot language) representation
114 allowing a fine grained control over how the graph is being
115 displayed.
117 If the :command:`dot` and :command:`dotty` programs are not in the current system path
118 their location needs to be specified in the contructor.
121 def __init__(self, graph=None, nodes=None, edgefn=None, nodevisitor=None, edgevisitor=None, name="G", dot='dot', dotty='dotty', neato='neato', graphtype="digraph"):
123 Initialization.
125 self.name, self.attr = name, {}
127 assert graphtype in ['graph', 'digraph']
128 self.type = graphtype
130 self.temp_dot = "tmp_dot.dot"
131 self.temp_neo = "tmp_neo.dot"
133 self.dot, self.dotty, self.neato = dot, dotty, neato
135 # self.nodes: node styles
136 # self.edges: edge styles
137 self.nodes, self.edges = {}, {}
139 if graph is not None and nodes is None:
140 nodes = graph
141 if graph is not None and edgefn is None:
142 def edgefn(node, graph=graph):
143 return graph.out_nbrs(node)
144 if nodes is None:
145 nodes = ()
147 seen = set()
148 for node in nodes:
149 if nodevisitor is None:
150 style = {}
151 else:
152 style = nodevisitor(node)
153 if style is not None:
154 self.nodes[node] = {}
155 self.node_style(node, **style)
156 seen.add(node)
157 if edgefn is not None:
158 for head in seen:
159 for tail in (n for n in edgefn(head) if n in seen):
160 if edgevisitor is None:
161 edgestyle = {}
162 else:
163 edgestyle = edgevisitor(head, tail)
164 if edgestyle is not None:
165 if head not in self.edges:
166 self.edges[head] = {}
167 self.edges[head][tail] = {}
168 self.edge_style(head, tail, **edgestyle)
170 def style(self, **attr):
172 Changes the overall style
174 self.attr = attr
176 def display(self, mode='dot'):
178 Displays the current graph via dotty
181 if mode == 'neato':
182 self.save_dot(self.temp_neo)
183 neato_cmd = "%s -o %s %s" % (self.neato, self.temp_dot, self.temp_neo)
184 os.system(neato_cmd)
185 else:
186 self.save_dot(self.temp_dot)
188 plot_cmd = "%s %s" % (self.dotty, self.temp_dot)
189 os.system(plot_cmd)
191 def node_style(self, node, **kwargs):
193 Modifies a node style to the dot representation.
195 if node not in self.edges:
196 self.edges[node] = {}
197 self.nodes[node] = kwargs
199 def all_node_style(self, **kwargs):
201 Modifies all node styles
203 for node in self.nodes:
204 self.node_style(node, **kwargs)
206 def edge_style(self, head, tail, **kwargs):
208 Modifies an edge style to the dot representation.
210 if tail not in self.nodes:
211 raise GraphError("invalid node %s" % (tail,))
213 try:
214 if tail not in self.edges[head]:
215 self.edges[head][tail]= {}
216 self.edges[head][tail] = kwargs
217 except KeyError:
218 raise GraphError("invalid edge %s -> %s " % (head, tail) )
220 def iterdot(self):
221 # write graph title
222 if self.type == 'digraph':
223 yield 'digraph %s {\n' % (self.name,)
224 elif self.type == 'graph':
225 yield 'graph %s {\n' % (self.name,)
227 else:
228 raise GraphError("unsupported graphtype %s" % (self.type,))
230 # write overall graph attributes
231 for attr_name, attr_value in sorted(self.attr.items()):
232 yield '%s="%s";' % (attr_name, attr_value)
233 yield '\n'
235 # some reusable patterns
236 cpatt = '%s="%s",' # to separate attributes
237 epatt = '];\n' # to end attributes
239 # write node attributes
240 for node_name, node_attr in sorted(self.nodes.items()):
241 yield '\t"%s" [' % (node_name,)
242 for attr_name, attr_value in sorted(node_attr.items()):
243 yield cpatt % (attr_name, attr_value)
244 yield epatt
246 # write edge attributes
247 for head in sorted(self.edges):
248 for tail in sorted(self.edges[head]):
249 if self.type == 'digraph':
250 yield '\t"%s" -> "%s" [' % (head, tail)
251 else:
252 yield '\t"%s" -- "%s" [' % (head, tail)
253 for attr_name, attr_value in sorted(self.edges[head][tail].items()):
254 yield cpatt % (attr_name, attr_value)
255 yield epatt
257 # finish file
258 yield '}\n'
260 def __iter__(self):
261 return self.iterdot()
263 def save_dot(self, file_name=None):
265 Saves the current graph representation into a file
268 if not file_name:
269 warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning, "always pass a file_name")
270 file_name = self.temp_dot
272 fp = open(file_name, "w")
273 try:
274 for chunk in self.iterdot():
275 fp.write(chunk)
276 finally:
277 fp.close()
279 def save_img(self, file_name=None, file_type="gif", mode='dot'):
281 Saves the dot file as an image file
284 if not file_name:
285 warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning, "always pass a file_name")
286 file_name = "out"
288 if mode == 'neato':
289 self.save_dot(self.temp_neo)
290 neato_cmd = "%s -o %s %s" % (self.neato, self.temp_dot, self.temp_neo)
291 os.system(neato_cmd)
292 plot_cmd = self.dot
293 else:
294 self.save_dot(self.temp_dot)
295 plot_cmd = self.dot
297 file_name = "%s.%s" % (file_name, file_type)
298 create_cmd = "%s -T%s %s -o %s" % (plot_cmd, file_type, self.temp_dot, file_name)
299 os.system(create_cmd)