move code to github
[andGMXsms.git] /
1 #! /bin/sh
3 cd connectors/common/
5 if [ "$1" == "dev" ] ; then
6 # just jar files
7 ant clean
8 ant debug || exit -1
9 jar cvf lib/WebSMS-Connector-API.jar -C bin/classes/ de/ub0r/android/websms/connector/common/
11 ant clean
12 exit
13 else
14 # build release version. the key does not matter at all. but is used for consistent handling
15 ant clean
17 # comment out all Log.d and Log.v
18 ../../ $PWD/src/de/ub0r/android/websms/connector/common/
20 ant release < ../../../ || exit -1
22 # remove comments for Log.d and Log.v
23 ../../ $PWD/src/de/ub0r/android/websms/connector/common/
25 find bin/ -name package-info.class -exec rm {} \;
26 jar cvf lib/WebSMS-Connector-API.jar -C bin/classes/ de/ub0r/android/websms/connector/common/
27 [ -n "$1" ] && cp lib/WebSMS-Connector-API.jar ../../connectors/example/libs/
30 if [ -d "/home/flx/public_html/websms/" ] ; then
31 ant debug
32 cd -
33 ./
34 cd -
37 ant clean