Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / rtl / unix / dos.pp
2 $Id$
3 This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
4 Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Michael Van Canneyt and Peter Vreman,
5 members of the Free Pascal development team
7 See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
8 for details about the copyright.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 **********************************************************************}
15 Unit Dos;
16 Interface
18 Const
19 {Max FileName Length for files}
20 FileNameLen=255;
22 {Bitmasks for CPU Flags}
23 fcarry = $0001;
24 fparity = $0004;
25 fauxiliary = $0010;
26 fzero = $0040;
27 fsign = $0080;
28 foverflow = $0800;
30 {Bitmasks for file attribute}
31 readonly = $01;
32 hidden = $02;
33 sysfile = $04;
34 volumeid = $08;
35 directory = $10;
36 archive = $20;
37 anyfile = $3F;
39 {File Status}
40 fmclosed = $D7B0;
41 fminput = $D7B1;
42 fmoutput = $D7B2;
43 fminout = $D7B3;
46 Type
47 ComStr = String[FileNameLen];
48 PathStr = String[FileNameLen];
49 DirStr = String[FileNameLen];
50 NameStr = String[FileNameLen];
51 ExtStr = String[FileNameLen];
53 SearchRec = packed Record
54 {Fill : array[1..21] of byte; Fill replaced with below}
55 SearchNum : LongInt; {to track which search this is}
56 SearchPos : LongInt; {directory position}
57 DirPtr : LongInt; {directory pointer for reading directory}
58 SearchType : Byte; {0=normal, 1=open will close, 2=only 1 file}
59 SearchAttr : Byte; {attribute we are searching for}
60 Fill : Array[1..07] of Byte; {future use}
61 {End of fill}
62 Attr : Byte; {attribute of found file}
63 Time : LongInt; {last modify date of found file}
64 Size : LongInt; {file size of found file}
65 Reserved : Word; {future use}
66 Name : String[FileNameLen]; {name of found file}
67 SearchSpec : String[FileNameLen]; {search pattern}
68 NamePos : Word; {end of path, start of name position}
69 End;
72 contains the definition of the filerec.
73 contains the definition of the textrec.
74 It is in a separate file to make it available in other units without
75 having to use the DOS unit for it.
77 {$i}
78 {$i}
80 Registers = packed record
81 case i : integer of
82 0 : (ax,f1,bx,f2,cx,f3,dx,f4,bp,f5,si,f51,di,f6,ds,f7,es,f8,flags,fs,gs : word);
83 1 : (al,ah,f9,f10,bl,bh,f11,f12,cl,ch,f13,f14,dl,dh : byte);
84 2 : (eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, esi, edi : longint);
85 End;
87 DateTime = packed record
88 Year,
89 Month,
90 Day,
91 Hour,
92 Min,
93 Sec : word;
94 End;
96 Var
97 DosError : integer;
99 {Utils}
100 function weekday(y,m,d : longint) : longint;
101 Procedure UnixDateToDt(SecsPast: LongInt; Var Dt: DateTime);
102 Function DTToUnixDate(DT: DateTime): LongInt;
104 {Info/Date/Time}
105 Function DosVersion: Word;
106 Procedure GetDate(var year, month, mday, wday: word);
107 Procedure GetTime(var hour, minute, second, sec100: word);
108 procedure SetDate(year,month,day: word);
109 Procedure SetTime(hour,minute,second,sec100: word);
110 Procedure UnpackTime(p: longint; var t: datetime);
111 Procedure PackTime(var t: datetime; var p: longint);
113 {Exec}
114 Procedure Exec(const path: pathstr; const comline: comstr);
115 Function DosExitCode: word;
117 {Disk}
118 Procedure AddDisk(const path:string);
119 {$ifdef Int64}
120 Function DiskFree(drive: byte) : int64;
121 Function DiskSize(drive: byte) : int64;
122 {$else}
123 Function DiskFree(drive: byte) : longint;
124 Function DiskSize(drive: byte) : longint;
125 {$endif}
126 Procedure FindFirst(const path: pathstr; attr: word; var f: searchRec);
127 Procedure FindNext(var f: searchRec);
128 Procedure FindClose(Var f: SearchRec);
130 {File}
131 Procedure GetFAttr(var f; var attr: word);
132 Procedure GetFTime(var f; var time: longint);
133 Function FSearch(path: pathstr; dirlist: string): pathstr;
134 Function FExpand(const path: pathstr): pathstr;
135 Procedure FSplit(path: pathstr; var dir: dirstr; var name: namestr; var ext: extstr);
137 {Environment}
138 Function EnvCount: longint;
139 Function EnvStr(index: integer): string;
140 Function GetEnv (envvar: string): string;
142 {Do Nothing Functions, no Linux version}
143 Procedure Intr(intno: byte; var regs: registers);
144 Procedure MSDos(var regs: registers);
145 Procedure SwapVectors;
146 Procedure GetIntVec(intno: byte; var vector: pointer);
147 Procedure SetIntVec(intno: byte; vector: pointer);
148 Procedure Keep(exitcode: word);
149 Procedure SetFAttr(var f; attr: word);
150 Procedure SetFTime(var f; time: longint);
151 Procedure GetCBreak(var breakvalue: boolean);
152 Procedure SetCBreak(breakvalue: boolean);
153 Procedure GetVerify(var verify: boolean);
154 Procedure SetVerify(verify: boolean);
157 Implementation
159 Uses
160 Strings,linux;
162 {******************************************************************************
163 --- Link C Lib if set ---
164 ******************************************************************************}
166 type
167 RtlInfoType = Record
168 FMode,
169 FInode,
170 FUid,
171 FGid,
172 FSize,
173 FMTime : LongInt;
174 End;
177 {******************************************************************************
178 --- Info / Date / Time ---
179 ******************************************************************************}
181 Const
182 {Date Calculation}
183 C1970 = 2440588;
184 D0 = 1461;
185 D1 = 146097;
186 D2 = 1721119;
187 type
188 GTRec = packed Record
189 Year,
190 Month,
191 MDay,
192 WDay,
193 Hour,
194 Minute,
195 Second : Word;
196 End;
198 Function DosVersion:Word;
200 Buffer : Array[0..255] of Char;
201 Tmp2,
202 TmpStr : String[40];
203 TmpPos,
204 SubRel,
205 Rel : LongInt;
206 info : utsname;
207 Begin
209 UName(info);
210 Move(info.release,buffer[0],40);
211 TmpStr:=StrPas(Buffer);
212 {$ELSE}
213 TmpStr:='FreeBSD doesn''t support UName';
214 {$ENDIF}
215 SubRel:=0;
216 TmpPos:=Pos('.',TmpStr);
217 if TmpPos>0 then
218 begin
219 Tmp2:=Copy(TmpStr,TmpPos+1,40);
220 Delete(TmpStr,TmpPos,40);
221 end;
222 TmpPos:=Pos('.',Tmp2);
223 if TmpPos>0 then
224 Delete(Tmp2,TmpPos,40);
225 Val(TmpStr,Rel);
226 Val(Tmp2,SubRel);
227 DosVersion:=Rel+(SubRel shl 8);
228 End;
230 function WeekDay (y,m,d:longint):longint;
232 Calculates th day of the week. returns -1 on error
235 u,v : longint;
236 begin
237 if (m<1) or (m>12) or (y<1600) or (y>4000) or
238 (d<1) or (d>30+((m+ord(m>7)) and 1)-ord(m=2)) or
239 ((m*d=58) and (((y mod 4>0) or (y mod 100=0)) and (y mod 400>0))) then
240 WeekDay:=-1
241 else
242 begin
243 u:=m;
244 v:=y;
245 if m<3 then
246 begin
247 inc(u,12);
248 dec(v);
249 end;
250 WeekDay:=(d+2*u+((3*(u+1)) div 5)+v+(v div 4)-(v div 100)+(v div 400)+1) mod 7;
251 end;
252 end;
256 Procedure GetDate(Var Year, Month, MDay, WDay: Word);
257 Begin
258 Linux.GetDate(Year,Month,MDay);
259 Wday:=weekday(Year,Month,MDay);
260 end;
264 Procedure SetDate(Year, Month, Day: Word);
265 Begin
266 {!!}
267 End;
271 Procedure GetTime(Var Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100: Word);
272 Begin
273 Linux.GetTime(Hour,Minute,Second,Sec100);
274 end;
278 Procedure SetTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100: Word);
279 Begin
280 {!!}
281 End;
285 Procedure packtime(var t : datetime;var p : longint);
286 Begin
287 p:=(t.sec shr 1)+(t.min shl 5)+(t.hour shl 11)+( shl 16)+(t.month shl 21)+((t.year-1980) shl 25);
288 End;
292 Procedure unpacktime(p : longint;var t : datetime);
293 Begin
294 t.sec:=(p and 31) shl 1;
295 t.min:=(p shr 5) and 63;
296 t.hour:=(p shr 11) and 31;
297 shr 16) and 31;
298 t.month:=(p shr 21) and 15;
299 t.year:=(p shr 25)+1980;
300 End;
303 Procedure UnixDateToDt(SecsPast: LongInt; Var Dt: DateTime);
304 Begin
305 EpochToLocal(SecsPast,dt.Year,dt.Month,dt.Day,dt.Hour,dt.Min,dt.Sec);
306 End;
310 Function DTToUnixDate(DT: DateTime): LongInt;
311 Begin
312 DTToUnixDate:=LocalToEpoch(dt.Year,dt.Month,dt.Day,dt.Hour,dt.Min,dt.Sec);
313 End;
317 {******************************************************************************
318 --- Exec ---
319 ******************************************************************************}
322 LastDosExitCode: word;
324 Procedure Exec (Const Path: PathStr; Const ComLine: ComStr);
326 pid : longint;
327 status : longint;
328 Begin
329 LastDosExitCode:=0;
330 pid:=Fork;
331 if pid=0 then
332 begin
333 {The child does the actual exec, and then exits}
334 Execl (Path+' '+ComLine);
335 {If the execve fails, we return an exitvalue of 127, to let it be known}
336 halt (127)
338 else
339 if pid=-1 then {Fork failed}
340 begin
341 DosError:=8;
342 exit
343 end;
344 {We're in the parent, let's wait.}
345 Waitpid (pid,@status,0);
346 if status=127 then {The child couldn't execve !!}
347 DosError:=8 {We set this error, erroneously, since we cannot get to the real error}
348 else
349 begin
350 LastDosExitCode:=status shr 8;
351 DosError:=0
352 end;
353 End;
357 Function DosExitCode: Word;
358 Begin
359 DosExitCode:=LastDosExitCode;
360 End;
363 {******************************************************************************
364 --- Disk ---
365 ******************************************************************************}
368 The Diskfree and Disksize functions need a file on the specified drive, since this
369 is required for the statfs system call.
370 These filenames are set in drivestr[0..26], and have been preset to :
371 0 - '.' (default drive - hence current dir is ok.)
372 1 - '/fd0/.' (floppy drive 1 - should be adapted to local system )
373 2 - '/fd1/.' (floppy drive 2 - should be adapted to local system )
374 3 - '/' (C: equivalent of dos is the root partition)
375 4..26 (can be set by you're own applications)
376 ! Use AddDisk() to Add new drives !
377 They both return -1 when a failure occurs.
379 Const
380 FixDriveStr : array[0..3] of pchar=(
381 '.',
382 '/fd0/.',
383 '/fd1/.',
384 '/.'
387 Drives : byte;
388 DriveStr : array[4..26] of pchar;
390 Procedure AddDisk(const path:string);
391 begin
392 if not (DriveStr[Drives]=nil) then
393 FreeMem(DriveStr[Drives],StrLen(DriveStr[Drives])+1);
394 GetMem(DriveStr[Drives],length(Path)+1);
395 StrPCopy(DriveStr[Drives],path);
396 inc(Drives);
397 if Drives>26 then
398 Drives:=4;
399 end;
403 {$ifdef INT64}
405 Function DiskFree(Drive: Byte): int64;
407 fs : statfs;
408 Begin
409 if ((Drive<4) and (not (fixdrivestr[Drive]=nil)) and fsstat(StrPas(fixdrivestr[drive]),fs)) or
410 ((not (drivestr[Drive]=nil)) and fsstat(StrPas(drivestr[drive]),fs)) then
411 Diskfree:=int64(fs.bavail)*int64(fs.bsize)
412 else
413 Diskfree:=-1;
414 End;
418 Function DiskSize(Drive: Byte): int64;
420 fs : statfs;
421 Begin
422 if ((Drive<4) and (not (fixdrivestr[Drive]=nil)) and fsstat(StrPas(fixdrivestr[drive]),fs)) or
423 ((not (drivestr[Drive]=nil)) and fsstat(StrPas(drivestr[drive]),fs)) then
424 DiskSize:=int64(fs.blocks)*int64(fs.bsize)
425 else
426 DiskSize:=-1;
427 End;
429 {$else}
431 Function DiskFree(Drive: Byte): Longint;
433 fs : statfs;
434 Begin
435 if ((Drive<4) and (not (fixdrivestr[Drive]=nil)) and fsstat(StrPas(fixdrivestr[drive]),fs)) or
436 ((not (drivestr[Drive]=nil)) and fsstat(StrPas(drivestr[drive]),fs)) then
437 Diskfree:=fs.bavail*fs.bsize
438 else
439 Diskfree:=-1;
440 End;
444 Function DiskSize(Drive: Byte): Longint;
446 fs : statfs;
447 Begin
448 if ((Drive<4) and (not (fixdrivestr[Drive]=nil)) and fsstat(StrPas(fixdrivestr[drive]),fs)) or
449 ((not (drivestr[Drive]=nil)) and fsstat(StrPas(drivestr[drive]),fs)) then
450 DiskSize:=fs.blocks*fs.bsize
451 else
452 DiskSize:=-1;
453 End;
455 {$endif INT64}
458 {******************************************************************************
459 --- Findfirst FindNext ---
460 ******************************************************************************}
462 Const
463 RtlFindSize = 15;
464 Type
465 RtlFindRecType = Record
466 SearchNum,
467 DirPtr,
468 LastUsed : LongInt;
469 End;
471 RtlFindRecs : Array[1..RtlFindSize] of RtlFindRecType;
472 CurrSearchNum : LongInt;
475 Procedure FindClose(Var f: SearchRec);
477 Closes dirptr if it is open
480 i : longint;
481 Begin
482 if f.SearchType=0 then
483 begin
484 i:=1;
485 repeat
486 if (RtlFindRecs[i].SearchNum=f.SearchNum) then
487 break;
488 inc(i);
489 until (i>RtlFindSize);
490 If i<=RtlFindSize Then
491 Begin
492 RtlFindRecs[i].SearchNum:=0;
493 if f.dirptr>0 then
494 closedir(pdir(f.dirptr));
495 End;
496 end;
497 f.dirptr:=0;
498 End;
501 Function FindGetFileInfo(const s:string;var f:SearchRec):boolean;
503 DT : DateTime;
504 Info : RtlInfoType;
505 st : stat;
506 begin
507 FindGetFileInfo:=false;
508 if not Fstat(s,st) then
509 exit;
510 info.FSize:=st.Size;
511 info.FMTime:=st.mtime;
512 if (st.mode and STAT_IFMT)=STAT_IFDIR then
513 info.fmode:=$10
514 else
515 info.fmode:=$20;
516 if (st.mode and STAT_IWUSR)=0 then
517 info.fmode:=info.fmode or 1;
518 If ((Info.FMode and Not(f.searchattr))=0) Then
519 Begin
520 f.Name:=Copy(s,f.NamePos+1,255);
521 f.Attr:=Info.FMode;
522 f.Size:=Info.FSize;
523 UnixDateToDT(Info.FMTime, DT);
524 PackTime(DT,f.Time);
525 FindGetFileInfo:=true;
526 End;
527 end;
530 Function FindLastUsed: Longint;
532 Find unused or least recently used dirpointer slot in findrecs array
535 BestMatch,i : Longint;
536 Found : Boolean;
537 Begin
538 BestMatch:=1;
539 i:=1;
540 Found:=False;
541 While (i <= RtlFindSize) And (Not Found) Do
542 Begin
543 If (RtlFindRecs[i].SearchNum = 0) Then
544 Begin
545 BestMatch := i;
546 Found := True;
548 Else
549 Begin
550 If RtlFindRecs[i].LastUsed > RtlFindRecs[BestMatch].LastUsed Then
551 BestMatch := i;
552 End;
553 Inc(i);
554 End;
555 FindLastUsed := BestMatch;
556 End;
560 Procedure FindNext(Var f: SearchRec);
562 re-opens dir if not already in array and calls FindWorkProc
565 DirName : Array[0..256] of Char;
567 ArrayPos : Longint;
568 FName,
569 SName : string;
570 Found,
571 Finished : boolean;
572 p : PDirEnt;
573 Begin
574 If f.SearchType=0 Then
575 Begin
576 ArrayPos:=0;
577 For i:=1 to RtlFindSize Do
578 Begin
579 If RtlFindRecs[i].SearchNum = f.SearchNum Then
580 ArrayPos:=i;
581 Inc(RtlFindRecs[i].LastUsed);
582 End;
583 If ArrayPos=0 Then
584 Begin
585 If f.NamePos = 0 Then
586 Begin
587 DirName[0] := '.';
588 DirName[1] := '/';
589 DirName[2] := #0;
591 Else
592 Begin
593 Move(f.SearchSpec[1], DirName[0], f.NamePos);
594 DirName[f.NamePos] := #0;
595 End;
596 f.DirPtr := longint(opendir(@(DirName)));
597 If f.DirPtr > 0 Then
598 begin
599 ArrayPos:=FindLastUsed;
600 If RtlFindRecs[ArrayPos].SearchNum > 0 Then
601 CloseDir(pdir(rtlfindrecs[arraypos].dirptr));
602 RtlFindRecs[ArrayPos].SearchNum := f.SearchNum;
603 RtlFindRecs[ArrayPos].DirPtr := f.DirPtr;
604 if f.searchpos>0 then
605 seekdir(pdir(f.dirptr), f.searchpos);
606 end;
607 End;
608 if ArrayPos>0 then
609 RtlFindRecs[ArrayPos].LastUsed:=0;
610 end;
611 {Main loop}
612 SName:=Copy(f.SearchSpec,f.NamePos+1,255);
613 Found:=False;
614 Finished:=(f.dirptr=0);
615 While Not Finished Do
616 Begin
617 p:=readdir(pdir(f.dirptr));
618 if p=nil then
619 FName:=''
620 else
621 FName:=Strpas(@p^.name);
622 If FName='' Then
623 Finished:=True
624 Else
625 Begin
626 If FNMatch(SName,FName) Then
627 Begin
628 Found:=FindGetFileInfo(Copy(f.SearchSpec,1,f.NamePos)+FName,f);
629 if Found then
630 Finished:=true;
631 End;
632 End;
633 End;
634 {Shutdown}
635 If Found Then
636 Begin
637 f.searchpos:=telldir(pdir(f.dirptr));
638 DosError:=0;
640 Else
641 Begin
642 FindClose(f);
643 DosError:=18;
644 End;
645 End;
648 Procedure FindFirst(Const Path: PathStr; Attr: Word; Var f: SearchRec);
650 opens dir and calls FindWorkProc
652 Begin
653 if Path='' then
654 begin
655 DosError:=3;
656 exit;
657 end;
658 {Create Info}
659 f.SearchSpec := Path;
660 f.SearchAttr := Attr;
661 f.SearchPos:=0;
662 f.NamePos := Length(f.SearchSpec);
663 while (f.NamePos>0) and (f.SearchSpec[f.NamePos]<>'/') do
664 dec(f.NamePos);
665 {Wildcards?}
666 if (Pos('?',Path)=0) and (Pos('*',Path)=0) then
667 begin
668 if FindGetFileInfo(Path,f) then
669 DosError:=0
670 else
671 begin
672 if ErrNo=Sys_ENOENT then
673 DosError:=3
674 else
675 DosError:=18;
676 end;
677 f.DirPtr:=0;
678 f.SearchType:=1;
679 f.searchnum:=-1;
681 else
682 {Find Entry}
683 begin
684 Inc(CurrSearchNum);
685 f.SearchNum:=CurrSearchNum;
686 f.SearchType:=0;
687 FindNext(f);
688 end;
689 End;
692 {******************************************************************************
693 --- File ---
694 ******************************************************************************}
696 Procedure FSplit(Path: PathStr; Var Dir: DirStr; Var Name: NameStr;Var Ext: ExtStr);
697 Begin
698 Linux.FSplit(Path,Dir,Name,Ext);
699 End;
703 Function FExpand(Const Path: PathStr): PathStr;
704 Begin
705 FExpand:=Linux.FExpand(Path);
706 End;
710 Function FSearch(path : pathstr;dirlist : string) : pathstr;
712 info:stat;
713 Begin
714 if (length(Path)>0) and (path[1]='/') and FStat(path,info) then
715 FSearch:=path
716 else
717 FSearch:=Linux.FSearch(path,dirlist);
718 End;
722 Procedure GetFAttr(var f; var attr : word);
724 info : stat;
725 LinAttr : longint;
726 Begin
727 DosError:=0;
728 if not FStat(strpas(@textrec(f).name),info) then
729 begin
730 Attr:=0;
731 DosError:=3;
732 exit;
734 else
735 LinAttr:=Info.Mode;
736 if S_ISDIR(LinAttr) then
737 Attr:=$10
738 else
739 Attr:=$20;
740 if not Access(strpas(@textrec(f).name),W_OK) then
741 Attr:=Attr or $1;
742 if (not S_ISDIR(LinAttr)) and (filerec(f).name[0]='.') then
743 Attr:=Attr or $2;
744 end;
748 Procedure getftime (var f; var time : longint);
750 Info: stat;
751 DT: DateTime;
752 Begin
753 doserror:=0;
754 if not fstat(filerec(f).handle,info) then
755 begin
756 Time:=0;
757 doserror:=3;
758 exit
760 else
761 UnixDateToDT(Info.mTime,DT);
762 PackTime(DT,Time);
763 End;
767 {******************************************************************************
768 --- Environment ---
769 ******************************************************************************}
771 Function EnvCount: Longint;
773 envcnt : longint;
774 p : ppchar;
775 Begin
776 envcnt:=0;
777 p:=envp; {defined in syslinux}
778 while (p^<>nil) do
779 begin
780 inc(envcnt);
781 inc(p);
782 end;
783 EnvCount := envcnt
784 End;
788 Function EnvStr(Index: Integer): String;
790 i : longint;
791 p : ppchar;
792 Begin
793 p:=envp; {defined in syslinux}
794 i:=1;
795 while (i<Index) and (p^<>nil) do
796 begin
797 inc(i);
798 inc(p);
799 end;
800 if p=nil then
801 envstr:=''
802 else
803 envstr:=strpas(p^)
804 End;
808 Function GetEnv(EnvVar: String): String;
810 p : pchar;
811 Begin
812 p:=Linux.GetEnv(EnvVar);
813 if p=nil then
814 GetEnv:=''
815 else
816 GetEnv:=StrPas(p);
817 End;
820 {******************************************************************************
821 --- Do Nothing Procedures/Functions ---
822 ******************************************************************************}
824 Procedure Intr (intno: byte; var regs: registers);
825 Begin
826 {! No Linux equivalent !}
827 End;
831 Procedure msdos(var regs : registers);
832 Begin
833 {! No Linux equivalent !}
834 End;
838 Procedure getintvec(intno : byte;var vector : pointer);
839 Begin
840 {! No Linux equivalent !}
841 End;
845 Procedure setintvec(intno : byte;vector : pointer);
846 Begin
847 {! No Linux equivalent !}
848 End;
852 Procedure SwapVectors;
853 Begin
854 {! No Linux equivalent !}
855 End;
859 Procedure keep(exitcode : word);
860 Begin
861 {! No Linux equivalent !}
862 End;
866 Procedure setftime(var f; time : longint);
867 Begin
868 {! No Linux equivalent !}
869 End;
873 Procedure setfattr (var f;attr : word);
874 Begin
875 {! No Linux equivalent !}
876 End;
880 Procedure GetCBreak(Var BreakValue: Boolean);
881 Begin
882 {! No Linux equivalent !}
883 breakvalue:=true
884 End;
888 Procedure SetCBreak(BreakValue: Boolean);
889 Begin
890 {! No Linux equivalent !}
891 End;
895 Procedure GetVerify(Var Verify: Boolean);
896 Begin
897 {! No Linux equivalent !}
898 Verify:=true;
899 End;
903 Procedure SetVerify(Verify: Boolean);
904 Begin
905 {! No Linux equivalent !}
906 End;
909 {******************************************************************************
910 --- Initialization ---
911 ******************************************************************************}
913 End.
916 $Log$
917 Revision 1.1 2002/02/19 08:26:15 sasu
918 Initial revision
920 Revision 2000/09/14 13:38:25 marco
921 * Moved from Linux dir. now start of generic unix dir, from which the
922 really exotic features should be moved to the target specific dirs.
924 Revision 1.1 2000/07/13 06:30:53 michael
925 + Initial import
927 Revision 1.21 2000/04/18 08:03:40 michael
928 Corrected fix for bug 902
930 Revision 1.20 2000/04/17 20:43:27 pierre
931 fix bug 902 for win32 and linux
933 Revision 1.19 2000/03/19 18:48:19 peter
934 * dosexitcode finally works correct
936 Revision 1.18 2000/03/16 15:23:02 marco
937 * Added one BSD conditional (uname not supported)
939 Revision 1.17 2000/02/09 16:59:31 peter
940 * truncated log
942 Revision 1.16 2000/02/02 15:07:05 peter
943 * gettime supports now also sec100
944 * removed crtlib code as it was broken (still available in old releases)
945 * int64 disksize/diskfree
947 Revision 1.15 2000/01/07 16:41:40 daniel
948 * copyright 2000
950 Revision 1.14 2000/01/07 16:32:26 daniel
951 * copyright 2000 added
953 Revision 1.13 1999/09/08 16:14:41 peter
954 * pointer fixes
956 Revision 1.12 1999/07/28 23:18:35 peter
957 * closedir fixes, which now disposes the pdir itself
959 Revision 1.11 1999/07/24 11:18:11 peter
960 * fixed getfattr which didn't reset doserror