Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / rtl / os2 / moncalls.pas
1 {Set tabsize to 4.}
2 {****************************************************************************
4 $Id$
6 MONCALLS interface unit
7 Free Pascal Runtime Library for OS/2
8 Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Florian Kl„mpfl
9 Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Daniel Mantione
10 Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Tomas Hajny
12 The Free Pascal runtime library is distributed under the Library GNU Public
13 License v2. So is this unit. The Library GNU Public License requires you to
14 distribute the source code of this unit with any product that uses it.
15 Because the EMX library isn't under the LGPL, we grant you an exception to
16 this, and that is, when you compile a program with the Free Pascal Compiler,
17 you do not need to ship source code with that program, AS LONG AS YOU ARE
18 USING UNMODIFIED CODE! If you modify this code, you MUST change the next
19 line:
21 <This is an official, unmodified Free Pascal source code file.>
23 Send us your modified files, we can work together if you want!
25 Free Pascal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
26 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
28 Library GNU General Public License for more details.
30 You should have received a copy of the Library GNU General Public License
31 along with Free Pascal; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
32 the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
33 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
35 ****************************************************************************}
37 unit MonCalls;
39 { Interface library to MONCALLS.DLL (through EMXWRAP.DLL)
41 Please, note, that monitors are supported for OS/2 v2.1 and above only
42 (not for v2.0) and that they cannot be used in PM applications.
44 Changelog:
46 People:
48 TH - Tomas Hajny
50 Date: Description of change: Changed by:
52 - First released version 1.0 TH
54 Coding style:
56 I have tried to use the same coding style as Daniel Mantione in unit
57 DOSCALLS, although I can't say I would write it the same way otherwise
58 (I would write much more spaces myself, at least). Try to use it as well,
59 please. Original note by Daniel Mantione follows:
62 It may be well possible that coding style feels a bit strange to you.
63 Nevertheless I friendly ask you to try to make your changes not look all
64 to different. To make life easier, set your IDE to use tab characters,
65 turn optimal fill, autoindent and backspace unindents on and set a
66 tabsize of 4.}
68 {***************************************************************************}
69 interface
70 {***************************************************************************}
72 uses Strings;
78 const
79 {return codes / error constants (those marked with * shouldn't occur)}
80 No_Error = 0;
81 Error_Not_Enough_Memory = 8;
82 Error_Open_Failed = 110;
83 Error_Monitors_Not_Supported = 165;
84 Error_Mon_Invalid_Parms = 379;
85 Error_Mon_Invalid_DevName = 380;
86 Error_Mon_Invalid_Handle = 381;
87 Error_Mon_Buffer_Too_Small = 382;
88 Error_Mon_Buffer_Empty = 383;
89 Error_Mon_Data_Too_Large = 384;
90 Error_Mon_Bad_Buffer = 730; {*}
91 Error_Mon_Chain_Handle = 32784; {*}
92 Error_Mon_Not_Registered = 32785; {*}
94 {WaitFlag}
95 IO_Wait =0; {The monitor thread that issues DosMonRead wishes to block}
96 {until a data record is available in its input buffer.}
97 IO_NoWait =1; {The monitor thread that issues DosMonRead does not wish}
98 {to block when its input buffer is empty.}
101 {Terminate character device monitoring. All monitor buffers associated with
102 this process are flushed and closed.}
103 {MonHandle - device handle returned from a previous DosMonOpen call.}
104 {Possible return codes:
105 0 No_Error
106 381 Error_Mon_Invalid_Handle}
107 {Remarks:
108 * A single process may register one or more monitors with a character device
109 using the same device handle returned from a previous DosMonOpen call.
110 When DosMonClose is issued for a specific, opened device handle, all
111 monitors for the current process registered with this handle terminate.
112 * When DosMonClose is issued, the monitor loses access to the device data
113 stream. Before issuing DosMonClose, monitor threads calling DosMonRead and
114 DosMonWrite should be terminated. After DosMonClose has been called,
115 DosMonRead calls return an ERROR_MON_BUFFER_EMPTY return code and
116 DosMonWrite calls return an ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY return code.
117 * Data area containing monitor buffers should not be freed until after
118 DosMonClose is called. If data area containing monitor buffers is freed
119 before DosMonClose is called, a GP fault occurs when DosMonClose is called
120 and the process is terminated.
121 * For a detailed description of this call see the chapter "Character Device
122 Monitors" in the IBM Operating System/2 Version 1.2 I/O Subsystems And
123 Device Support Volume 1.}
124 function DosMonClose(MonHandle:word):word; cdecl;
126 {Gain access to a character device data stream.}
127 {DevName - device name, monitor handle returned in MonHandle.}
128 {Possible return codes:
129 0 No_Error
130 110 Error_Open_Failed
131 379 Error_Mon_Invalid_Parms
132 380 Error_Mon_Invalid_DevName}
133 {Remarks:
134 * Only one DosMonOpen call is necessary per device per process. That is,
135 several DosMonReg calls can be made using the same monitor handle to the
136 same device. This allows monitors to be registered using different values
137 for Index from the same process and going to the same device. When the
138 DosMonClose is issued, all of the monitors registered on the handle are
139 closed.
140 * For a detailed description of this call see the chapter "Character Device
141 Monitors" in the IBM Operating System/2 Version 1.2 I/O Subsystems And
142 Device Support Volume 1.}
143 function DosMonOpen(DevName:PChar;var MonHandle:word):word; cdecl;
144 function DosMonOpen(DevName:string;var MonHandle:word):word;
146 {Wait for a data record, move it from the input buffer of a registered
147 character device monitor and place it in a private data area where the monitor
148 can freely access it.}
149 {InBuf - monitor input buffer, WaitFlag - see IO_WAIT and IO_NOWAIT constants,
150 DataBuf - data area in the calling process address space that the data from the
151 monitor's input buffer is read into, ByteCount - on input size of the DataBuf,
152 on return number of bytes of data moved.}
153 {Possible return codes:
154 0 No_Error
155 379 Error_Mon_Invalid_Parms
156 382 Error_Mon_Buffer_Too_Small
157 383 Error_Mon_Buffer_Empty}
158 {Remarks:
159 * For a detailed description of this call see the chapter "Character Device
160 Monitors" in the IBM Operating System/2 Version 1.2 I/O Subsystems And
161 Device Support Volume 1.}
162 function DosMonRead(var InBuf;WaitFlag:word;var DataBuf;
163 var ByteCount:word):word; cdecl;
165 {Establish an input and output buffers to monitor an I/O stream for a character
166 device.}
167 {MonHandle - device handle returned from a previous DosMonOpen call, InBuf -
168 monitor input buffer, the monitor dispatcher moves data records into this
169 buffer from the device driver (if the monitor is the first one in the monitor
170 chain) or from the previous monitor in the chain, monitor then takes data from
171 this buffer for filtering by calling DosMonRead, OutBuf - monitor output
172 buffer, monitor places filtered data into this buffer by calling DosMonWrite,
173 the monitor dispatcher moves data records from this buffer to the device driver
174 (if the monitor is the last one in the monitor chain) or to the next monitor in
175 the chain, PosCode - used to specify placement of a monitor's buffers with the
176 monitor chain (FIRST, LAST or DEFAULT) and whether one or two threads are
177 created by the monitor dispatcher to handle data movement (see explanation
178 bellow), Index - device specific value, for the keyboard it pertains to the
179 session you wish to register a monitor on, for the printer it pertains to the
180 data or code page monitor chain.}
181 {Possible return codes:
182 0 No_Error
183 8 Error_Not_Enough_Memory
184 165 Error_Monitors_Not_Supported
185 379 Error_Mon_Invalid_Parms
186 381 Error_Mon_Invalid_Handle
187 382 Error_Mon_Buffer_Too_Small}
188 {Remarks:
189 * PosCode meaning:
190 0 DEFAULT (no position preference) and one thread for data movement
191 1 FIRST (monitor placed at beginning of monitor chain) and one thread for
192 data movement
193 2 LAST (monitor placed at the end of monitor chain) and one thread for
194 data movement
195 3 DEFAULT with two threads for data movement
196 4 FIRST with two threads for data movement
197 5 LAST with two threads for data movement
198 The first monitor in a monitor chain that registers as FIRST is placed at the
199 head of the monitor chain. The next monitor that registers as FIRST follows
200 the last monitor registered as FIRST, and so on. Similarly, the first monitor
201 that registers as LAST is placed at the end of the monitor chain. The next
202 monitor that registers as LAST is placed before the last monitor that
203 registered as LAST, and so on. The first monitor that registers as DEFAULT is
204 placed before the last monitor, if any, that registered as LAST. The next
205 monitor that registers as DEFAULT is placed before the last monitor that
206 registered as DEFAULT, and so on.
207 * For a detailed description of this call see the chapter "Character Device
208 Monitors" in the IBM Operating System/2 Version 1.2 I/O Subsystems And
209 Device Support Volume 1.}
210 function DosMonReg(MonHandle:word;var InBuf,OutBuf;PosCode,Index:word):word;
211 cdecl;
213 {Move a filtered data record from the monitor's private data area into the
214 monitor's output buffer.}
215 {OutBuf - monitor output buffer, DataBuf - monitor's private data area
216 containing a filtered data record of length ByteCount, this filtered data
217 record is moved into the monitor's output buffer by this call, ByteCount - size
218 of the data record.}
219 {Possible return codes:
220 0 No_Error
221 8 Error_Not_Enough_Memory
222 379 Error_Mon_Invalid_Parms
223 384 Error_Mon_Data_Too_Large}
224 {Remarks:
225 * For a detailed description of the use of this call see the chapter
226 "Character Device Monitors" in the IBM Operating System/2 Version 1.2 I/O
227 Subsystems And Device Support Volume 1.}
228 function DosMonWrite(var OutBuf,DataBuf;ByteCount:word):word; cdecl;
231 {***************************************************************************}
232 implementation
233 {***************************************************************************}
236 function DosMonClose(MonHandle:word):word; cdecl;
237 external 'EMXWRAP' index 403;
238 {external 'MONCALLS' index 3;}
240 function DosMonOpen(DevName:PChar;var MonHandle:word):word; cdecl;
241 external 'EMXWRAP' index 404;
242 {external 'MONCALLS' index 4;}
244 function DosMonOpen(DevName:string;var MonHandle:word):word;
246 i : byte;
247 begin
248 if DevName[0]=#255 then
249 begin
250 I:=byte(DevName[0]);
251 Move(DevName[1],DevName[0],255);
252 DevName[255]:=#0;
253 DosMonOpen:=DosMonOpen(@DevName,MonHandle);
254 end else
255 begin
256 DevName[Succ(byte(DevName[0]))]:=#0;
257 DosMonOpen:=DosMonOpen(@DevName[1],MonHandle);
258 end;
259 end;
261 function DosMonRead(var InBuf;WaitFlag:word;var DataBuf;
262 var ByteCount:word):word; cdecl;
263 external 'EMXWRAP' index 402;
264 {external 'MONCALLS' index 2;}
266 function DosMonReg(MonHandle:word;var InBuf,OutBuf;PosCode,Index:word):word;
267 cdecl;
268 external 'EMXWRAP' index 405;
269 {external 'MONCALLS' index 5;}
271 function DosMonWrite(var OutBuf,DataBuf;ByteCount:word):word; cdecl;
272 external 'EMXWRAP' index 401;
273 {external 'MONCALLS' index 1;}
276 end.
279 $Log$
280 Revision 1.1 2002/02/19 08:25:55 sasu
281 Initial revision
283 Revision 1.1 2000/07/13 06:31:06 michael
284 + Initial import
286 Revision 1.5 2000/01/09 21:01:59 hajny
287 * cdecl added