Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / rtl / inc / heaptrc.pp
2 $Id$
3 This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
4 Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the Free Pascal development team.
6 Heap tracer
8 See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
9 for details about the copyright.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 **********************************************************************}
16 unit heaptrc;
18 { 0.99.12 had a bug that initialization/finalization only worked for
19 objfpc,delphi mode }
20 {$ifdef VER0_99_12}
21 {$mode objfpc}
22 {$endif}
24 interface
26 Procedure DumpHeap;
27 Procedure MarkHeap;
29 { define EXTRA to add more
30 tests :
31 - keep all memory after release and
32 check by CRC value if not changed after release
33 WARNING this needs extremely much memory (PM) }
35 type
36 FillExtraInfoType = procedure(p : pointer);
38 { allows to add several longint value that can help
39 to debug :
40 see for instance ppheap.pas unit of the compiler source PM }
42 Procedure SetExtraInfo( size : longint;func : FillExtraInfoType);
43 Procedure SetHeapTraceOutput(const name : string);
45 const
46 { tracing level
47 splitted in two if memory is released !! }
48 {$ifdef EXTRA}
49 tracesize = 16;
50 {$else EXTRA}
51 tracesize = 8;
52 {$endif EXTRA}
53 quicktrace : boolean=true;
54 { calls halt() on error by default !! }
55 HaltOnError : boolean = true;
56 { set this to true if you suspect that memory
57 is freed several times }
58 {$ifdef EXTRA}
59 keepreleased : boolean=true;
60 add_tail : boolean = true;
61 {$else EXTRA}
62 keepreleased : boolean=false;
63 add_tail : boolean = false;
64 {$endif EXTRA}
65 { put crc in sig
66 this allows to test for writing into that part }
67 usecrc : boolean = true;
70 implementation
72 type
73 plongint = ^longint;
75 const
76 { allows to add custom info in heap_mem_info }
77 extra_info_size : longint = 0;
78 exact_info_size : longint = 0;
79 EntryMemUsed : longint = 0;
80 { function to fill this info up }
81 fill_extra_info : FillExtraInfoType = nil;
82 error_in_heap : boolean = false;
83 inside_trace_getmem : boolean = false;
85 type
86 pheap_mem_info = ^theap_mem_info;
87 { warning the size of theap_mem_info
88 must be a multiple of 8
89 because otherwise you will get
90 problems when releasing the usual memory part !!
91 sizeof(theap_mem_info = 16+tracesize*4 so
92 tracesize must be even !! PM }
93 theap_mem_info = record
94 previous,
95 next : pheap_mem_info;
96 size : longint;
97 sig : longint;
98 {$ifdef EXTRA}
99 release_sig : longint;
100 prev_valid : pheap_mem_info;
101 {$endif EXTRA}
102 calls : array [1..tracesize] of longint;
103 extra_info : record
104 end;
105 end;
108 ptext : ^text;
109 ownfile : text;
110 {$ifdef EXTRA}
111 error_file : text;
112 heap_valid_first,
113 heap_valid_last : pheap_mem_info;
114 {$endif EXTRA}
115 heap_mem_root : pheap_mem_info;
116 getmem_cnt,
117 freemem_cnt : longint;
118 getmem_size,
119 freemem_size : longint;
120 getmem8_size,
121 freemem8_size : longint;
124 {*****************************************************************************
125 Crc 32
126 *****************************************************************************}
129 {$ifdef Delphi}
130 Crc32Tbl : array[0..255] of longword;
131 {$else Delphi}
132 Crc32Tbl : array[0..255] of longint;
133 {$endif Delphi}
135 procedure MakeCRC32Tbl;
137 {$ifdef Delphi}
138 crc : longword;
139 {$else Delphi}
140 crc : longint;
141 {$endif Delphi}
142 i,n : byte;
143 begin
144 for i:=0 to 255 do
145 begin
146 crc:=i;
147 for n:=1 to 8 do
148 if odd(crc) then
149 crc:=(crc shr 1) xor $edb88320
150 else
151 crc:=crc shr 1;
152 Crc32Tbl[i]:=crc;
153 end;
154 end;
157 {$ifopt R+}
158 {$define Range_check_on}
159 {$endif opt R+}
161 {$R- needed here }
163 Function UpdateCrc32(InitCrc:longint;var InBuf;InLen:Longint):longint;
165 i : longint;
166 p : pchar;
167 begin
168 p:=@InBuf;
169 for i:=1 to InLen do
170 begin
171 InitCrc:=Crc32Tbl[byte(InitCrc) xor byte(p^)] xor (InitCrc shr 8);
172 inc(longint(p));
173 end;
174 UpdateCrc32:=InitCrc;
175 end;
177 Function calculate_sig(p : pheap_mem_info) : longint;
179 crc : longint;
180 pl : plongint;
181 begin
182 crc:=$ffffffff;
183 crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.size,sizeof(longint));
184 crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.calls,tracesize*sizeof(longint));
185 if extra_info_size>0 then
186 crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.extra_info,exact_info_size);
187 if add_tail then
188 begin
189 { Check also 4 bytes just after allocation !! }
190 pl:=pointer(p)+extra_info_size+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+p^.size;
191 crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,pl^,sizeof(longint));
192 end;
193 calculate_sig:=crc;
194 end;
196 {$ifdef EXTRA}
197 Function calculate_release_sig(p : pheap_mem_info) : longint;
199 crc : longint;
200 pl : plongint;
201 begin
202 crc:=$ffffffff;
203 crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.size,sizeof(longint));
204 crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.calls,tracesize*sizeof(longint));
205 if extra_info_size>0 then
206 crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.extra_info,exact_info_size);
207 { Check the whole of the whole allocation }
208 pl:=pointer(p)+extra_info_size+sizeof(theap_mem_info);
209 crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,pl^,p^.size);
210 { Check also 4 bytes just after allocation !! }
211 if add_tail then
212 begin
213 { Check also 4 bytes just after allocation !! }
214 pl:=pointer(p)+extra_info_size+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+p^.size;
215 crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,pl^,sizeof(longint));
216 end;
217 calculate_release_sig:=crc;
218 end;
219 {$endif EXTRA}
221 {$ifdef Range_check_on}
222 {$R+}
223 {$undef Range_check_on}
224 {$endif Range_check_on}
226 {*****************************************************************************
227 Helpers
228 *****************************************************************************}
230 procedure call_stack(pp : pheap_mem_info;var ptext : text);
232 i : longint;
233 begin
234 writeln(ptext,'Call trace for block 0x',hexstr(longint(pointer(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),8),' size ',pp^.size);
235 for i:=1 to tracesize do
236 if pp^.calls[i]<>0 then
237 writeln(ptext,BackTraceStrFunc(pp^.calls[i]));
238 for i:=0 to (exact_info_size div 4)-1 do
239 writeln(ptext,'info ',i,'=',plongint(pointer(@pp^.extra_info)+4*i)^);
240 end;
242 procedure call_free_stack(pp : pheap_mem_info;var ptext : text);
244 i : longint;
246 begin
247 writeln(ptext,'Call trace for block at 0x',hexstr(longint(pointer(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),8),' size ',pp^.size);
248 for i:=1 to tracesize div 2 do
249 if pp^.calls[i]<>0 then
250 writeln(ptext,BackTraceStrFunc(pp^.calls[i]));
251 writeln(ptext,' was released at ');
252 for i:=(tracesize div 2)+1 to tracesize do
253 if pp^.calls[i]<>0 then
254 writeln(ptext,BackTraceStrFunc(pp^.calls[i]));
255 for i:=0 to (exact_info_size div 4)-1 do
256 writeln(ptext,'info ',i,'=',plongint(pointer(@pp^.extra_info)+4*i)^);
257 end;
260 procedure dump_already_free(p : pheap_mem_info;var ptext : text);
261 begin
262 Writeln(ptext,'Marked memory at 0x',HexStr(longint(pointer(p)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),8),' released');
263 call_free_stack(p,ptext);
264 Writeln(ptext,'freed again at');
265 dump_stack(ptext,get_caller_frame(get_frame));
266 end;
268 procedure dump_error(p : pheap_mem_info;var ptext : text);
269 begin
270 Writeln(ptext,'Marked memory at 0x',HexStr(longint(pointer(p)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),8),' invalid');
271 Writeln(ptext,'Wrong signature $',hexstr(p^.sig,8)
272 ,' instead of ',hexstr(calculate_sig(p),8));
273 dump_stack(ptext,get_caller_frame(get_frame));
274 end;
276 {$ifdef EXTRA}
277 procedure dump_change_after(p : pheap_mem_info;var ptext : text);
278 var pp : pchar;
279 i : longint;
280 begin
281 Writeln(ptext,'Marked memory at 0x',HexStr(longint(pointer(p)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),8),' invalid');
282 Writeln(ptext,'Wrong release CRC $',hexstr(p^.release_sig,8)
283 ,' instead of ',hexstr(calculate_release_sig(p),8));
284 Writeln(ptext,'This memory was changed after call to freemem !');
285 call_free_stack(p,ptext);
286 pp:=pointer(p)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size;
287 for i:=0 to p^.size-1 do
288 if byte(pp[i])<>$F0 then
289 Writeln(ptext,'offset',i,':$',hexstr(i,8),'"',pp[i],'"');
290 end;
291 {$endif EXTRA}
293 procedure dump_wrong_size(p : pheap_mem_info;size : longint;var ptext : text);
295 i : longint;
296 begin
297 Writeln(ptext,'Marked memory at 0x',HexStr(longint(pointer(p)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),8),' invalid');
298 Writeln(ptext,'Wrong size : ',p^.size,' allocated ',size,' freed');
299 dump_stack(ptext,get_caller_frame(get_frame));
300 for i:=0 to (exact_info_size div 4)-1 do
301 writeln(ptext,'info ',i,'=',plongint(@p^.extra_info+4*i)^);
302 call_stack(p,ptext);
303 end;
306 function is_in_getmem_list (p : pheap_mem_info) : boolean;
308 i : longint;
309 pp : pheap_mem_info;
310 begin
311 is_in_getmem_list:=false;
312 pp:=heap_mem_root;
313 i:=0;
314 while pp<>nil do
315 begin
316 if ((pp^.sig<>$DEADBEEF) or usecrc) and
317 ((pp^.sig<>calculate_sig(pp)) or not usecrc) and
318 (pp^.sig <> $AAAAAAAA) then
319 begin
320 writeln(ptext^,'error in linked list of heap_mem_info');
321 RunError(204);
322 end;
323 if pp=p then
324 is_in_getmem_list:=true;
325 pp:=pp^.previous;
326 inc(i);
327 if i>getmem_cnt-freemem_cnt then
328 writeln(ptext^,'error in linked list of heap_mem_info');
329 end;
330 end;
333 {*****************************************************************************
334 TraceGetMem
335 *****************************************************************************}
337 Function TraceGetMem(size:longint):pointer;
339 i,bp : longint;
340 pl : plongint;
341 p : pointer;
342 begin
343 inc(getmem_size,size);
344 inc(getmem8_size,((size+7) div 8)*8);
345 { Do the real GetMem, but alloc also for the info block }
346 bp:=size+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size;
347 if add_tail then
348 inc(bp,sizeof(longint));
349 p:=SysGetMem(bp);
350 { Create the info block }
351 pheap_mem_info(p)^.sig:=$DEADBEEF;
352 pheap_mem_info(p)^.size:=size;
353 if add_tail then
354 begin
355 pl:=pointer(p)+bp-sizeof(longint);
356 pl^:=$DEADBEEF;
357 end;
358 bp:=get_caller_frame(get_frame);
359 for i:=1 to tracesize do
360 begin
361 pheap_mem_info(p)^.calls[i]:=get_caller_addr(bp);
362 bp:=get_caller_frame(bp);
363 end;
364 { insert in the linked list }
365 if heap_mem_root<>nil then
366 heap_mem_root^.next:=pheap_mem_info(p);
367 pheap_mem_info(p)^.previous:=heap_mem_root;
368 pheap_mem_info(p)^.next:=nil;
369 {$ifdef EXTRA}
370 pheap_mem_info(p)^.prev_valid:=heap_valid_last;
371 heap_valid_last:=pheap_mem_info(p);
372 if not assigned(heap_valid_first) then
373 heap_valid_first:=pheap_mem_info(p);
374 {$endif EXTRA}
375 heap_mem_root:=p;
376 { must be changed before fill_extra_info is called
377 because checkpointer can be called from within
378 fill_extra_info PM }
379 inc(getmem_cnt);
380 if assigned(fill_extra_info) then
381 begin
382 inside_trace_getmem:=true;
383 fill_extra_info(@pheap_mem_info(p)^.extra_info);
384 inside_trace_getmem:=false;
385 end;
386 { update the pointer }
387 if usecrc then
388 pheap_mem_info(p)^.sig:=calculate_sig(pheap_mem_info(p));
389 inc(p,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size);
390 TraceGetmem:=p;
391 end;
394 {*****************************************************************************
395 TraceFreeMem
396 *****************************************************************************}
398 function TraceFreeMemSize(var p:pointer;size:longint):longint;
400 i,bp, ppsize : longint;
401 pp : pheap_mem_info;
402 {$ifdef EXTRA}
403 pp2 : pheap_mem_info;
404 {$endif}
405 begin
406 inc(freemem_size,size);
407 inc(freemem8_size,((size+7) div 8)*8);
408 ppsize:= size + sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size;
409 if add_tail then
410 ppsize:=ppsize+sizeof(longint);
411 dec(p,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size);
412 pp:=pheap_mem_info(p);
413 if not quicktrace and not(is_in_getmem_list(pp)) then
414 RunError(204);
415 if (pp^.sig=$AAAAAAAA) and not usecrc then
416 begin
417 error_in_heap:=true;
418 dump_already_free(pp,ptext^);
419 if haltonerror then halt(1);
421 else if ((pp^.sig<>$DEADBEEF) or usecrc) and
422 ((pp^.sig<>calculate_sig(pp)) or not usecrc) then
423 begin
424 error_in_heap:=true;
425 dump_error(pp,ptext^);
426 {$ifdef EXTRA}
427 dump_error(pp,error_file);
428 {$endif EXTRA}
429 { don't release anything in this case !! }
430 if haltonerror then halt(1);
431 exit;
433 else if pp^.size<>size then
434 begin
435 error_in_heap:=true;
436 dump_wrong_size(pp,size,ptext^);
437 {$ifdef EXTRA}
438 dump_wrong_size(pp,size,error_file);
439 {$endif EXTRA}
440 if haltonerror then halt(1);
441 { don't release anything in this case !! }
442 exit;
443 end;
444 { now it is released !! }
445 pp^.sig:=$AAAAAAAA;
446 if not keepreleased then
447 begin
448 if pp^.next<>nil then
449 pp^.next^.previous:=pp^.previous;
450 if pp^.previous<>nil then
451 pp^.previous^.next:=pp^.next;
452 if pp=heap_mem_root then
453 heap_mem_root:=heap_mem_root^.previous;
455 else
456 begin
457 bp:=get_caller_frame(get_frame);
458 for i:=(tracesize div 2)+1 to tracesize do
459 begin
460 pp^.calls[i]:=get_caller_addr(bp);
461 bp:=get_caller_frame(bp);
462 end;
463 end;
464 inc(freemem_cnt);
465 { release the normal memory at least !! }
466 { this way we keep all info about all released memory !! }
467 if keepreleased then
468 begin
469 {$ifndef EXTRA}
470 dec(ppsize,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size);
471 inc(p,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size);
472 {$else EXTRA}
473 inc(p,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size);
474 fillchar(p^,size,#240); { $F0 will lead to GFP if used as pointer ! }
475 { We want to check if the memory was changed after release !! }
476 pp^.release_sig:=calculate_release_sig(pp);
477 if pp=heap_valid_last then
478 begin
479 heap_valid_last:=pp^.prev_valid;
480 if pp=heap_valid_first then
481 heap_valid_first:=nil;
482 exit;
483 end;
484 pp2:=heap_valid_last;
485 while assigned(pp2) do
486 begin
487 if pp2^.prev_valid=pp then
488 begin
489 pp2^.prev_valid:=pp^.prev_valid;
490 if pp=heap_valid_first then
491 heap_valid_first:=pp2;
492 exit;
494 else
495 pp2:=pp2^.prev_valid;
496 end;
497 exit;
498 {$endif EXTRA}
499 end;
500 i:=SysFreeMemSize(p,ppsize);
501 dec(i,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size);
502 if add_tail then
503 dec(i,sizeof(longint));
504 TraceFreeMemSize:=i;
505 end;
508 function TraceMemSize(p:pointer):Longint;
510 l : longint;
511 begin
512 l:=SysMemSize(p-(sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size));
513 dec(l,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size);
514 if add_tail then
515 dec(l,sizeof(longint));
516 TraceMemSize:=l;
517 end;
520 function TraceFreeMem(var p:pointer):longint;
522 size : longint;
523 pp : pheap_mem_info;
524 begin
525 pp:=pheap_mem_info(pointer(p)-(sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size));
526 size:=TraceMemSize(p);
527 { this can never happend normaly }
528 if pp^.size>size then
529 begin
530 dump_wrong_size(pp,size,ptext^);
531 {$ifdef EXTRA}
532 dump_wrong_size(pp,size,error_file);
533 {$endif EXTRA}
534 end;
535 TraceFreeMem:=TraceFreeMemSize(p,pp^.size);
536 end;
539 {*****************************************************************************
540 ReAllocMem
541 *****************************************************************************}
543 function TraceReAllocMem(var p:pointer;size:longint):Pointer;
545 newP: pointer;
546 oldsize,
547 i,bp : longint;
548 pl : plongint;
549 pp : pheap_mem_info;
550 begin
551 { Free block? }
552 if size=0 then
553 begin
554 if p<>nil then
555 TraceFreeMem(p);
556 TraceReallocMem:=P;
557 exit;
558 end;
559 { Allocate a new block? }
560 if p=nil then
561 begin
562 p:=TraceGetMem(size);
563 TraceReallocMem:=P;
564 exit;
565 end;
566 { Resize block }
567 dec(p,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size);
568 pp:=pheap_mem_info(p);
569 { test block }
570 if ((pp^.sig<>$DEADBEEF) or usecrc) and
571 ((pp^.sig<>calculate_sig(pp)) or not usecrc) then
572 begin
573 error_in_heap:=true;
574 dump_error(pp,ptext^);
575 {$ifdef EXTRA}
576 dump_error(pp,error_file);
577 {$endif EXTRA}
578 { don't release anything in this case !! }
579 if haltonerror then halt(1);
580 exit;
581 end;
582 { Do the real ReAllocMem, but alloc also for the info block }
583 bp:=size+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size;
584 if add_tail then
585 inc(bp,sizeof(longint));
586 { the internal ReAllocMem is not allowed to move any data }
587 if not SysTryResizeMem(p,bp) then
588 begin
589 { restore p }
590 inc(p,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size);
591 { get a new block }
592 oldsize:=TraceMemSize(p);
593 newP := TraceGetMem(size);
594 { move the data }
595 if newP <> nil then
596 move(p^,newP^,oldsize);
597 { release p }
598 traceFreeMem(p);
599 p := newP;
600 traceReAllocMem := p;
601 exit;
602 end;
603 pp:=pheap_mem_info(p);
604 { adjust like a freemem and then a getmem, so you get correct
605 results in the summary display }
606 inc(freemem_size,pp^.size);
607 inc(freemem8_size,((pp^.size+7) div 8)*8);
608 inc(getmem_size,size);
609 inc(getmem8_size,((size+7) div 8)*8);
610 { Create the info block }
611 pp^.sig:=$DEADBEEF;
612 pp^.size:=size;
613 if add_tail then
614 begin
615 pl:=pointer(p)+bp-sizeof(longint);
616 pl^:=$DEADBEEF;
617 end;
618 bp:=get_caller_frame(get_frame);
619 for i:=1 to tracesize do
620 begin
621 pp^.calls[i]:=get_caller_addr(bp);
622 bp:=get_caller_frame(bp);
623 end;
624 if assigned(fill_extra_info) then
625 fill_extra_info(@pp^.extra_info);
626 { update the pointer }
627 if usecrc then
628 pp^.sig:=calculate_sig(pp);
629 inc(p,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size);
630 TraceReAllocmem:=p;
631 end;
635 {*****************************************************************************
636 Check pointer
637 *****************************************************************************}
639 {$ifndef linux}
640 {$S-}
641 {$endif}
643 {$ifdef go32v2}
645 __stklen : cardinal;external name '__stklen';
646 __stkbottom : cardinal;external name '__stkbottom';
647 edata : cardinal; external name 'edata';
648 heap_at_init : pointer;
649 {$endif go32v2}
651 {$ifdef win32}
653 StartUpHeapEnd : pointer;
654 { I found no symbol for start of text section :(
655 so we usee the _mainCRTStartup which should be
656 in wprt0.ow or wdllprt0.ow PM }
657 text_begin : cardinal;external name '_mainCRTStartup';
658 data_end : cardinal;external name '__data_end__';
659 {$endif}
661 procedure CheckPointer(p : pointer);[public, alias : 'FPC_CHECKPOINTER'];
663 i : longint;
664 pp : pheap_mem_info;
665 get_ebp,stack_top : cardinal;
666 data_end : cardinal;
667 label
668 _exit;
669 begin
671 pushal
672 end;
673 if p=nil then
674 goto _exit;
676 i:=0;
678 {$ifdef go32v2}
679 if cardinal(p)<$1000 then
680 runerror(216);
682 movl %ebp,get_ebp
683 leal edata,%eax
684 movl %eax,data_end
685 end;
686 stack_top:=__stkbottom+__stklen;
687 { allow all between start of code and end of data }
688 if cardinal(p)<=data_end then
689 goto _exit;
690 { .bss section }
691 if cardinal(p)<=cardinal(heap_at_init) then
692 goto _exit;
693 { stack can be above heap !! }
695 if (cardinal(p)>=get_ebp) and (cardinal(p)<=stack_top) then
696 goto _exit;
697 {$endif go32v2}
699 { I don't know where the stack is in other OS !! }
700 {$ifdef win32}
701 if (cardinal(p)>=$40000) and (p<=HeapOrg) then
702 goto _exit;
703 { inside stack ? }
705 movl %ebp,get_ebp
706 end;
707 if (cardinal(p)>get_ebp) and
708 (cardinal(p)<Win32StackTop) then
709 goto _exit;
710 {$endif win32}
712 if p>=heapptr then
713 runerror(216);
714 { first try valid list faster }
716 {$ifdef EXTRA}
717 pp:=heap_valid_last;
718 while pp<>nil do
719 begin
720 { inside this valid block ! }
721 { we can be changing the extrainfo !! }
722 if (cardinal(p)>=cardinal(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info){+extra_info_size}) and
723 (cardinal(p)<=cardinal(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size+pp^.size) then
724 begin
725 { check allocated block }
726 if ((pp^.sig=$DEADBEEF) and not usecrc) or
727 ((pp^.sig=calculate_sig(pp)) and usecrc) or
728 { special case of the fill_extra_info call }
729 ((pp=heap_valid_last) and usecrc and (pp^.sig=$DEADBEEF)
730 and inside_trace_getmem) then
731 goto _exit
732 else
733 begin
734 writeln(ptext^,'corrupted heap_mem_info');
735 dump_error(pp,ptext^);
736 halt(1);
737 end;
739 else
740 pp:=pp^.prev_valid;
741 inc(i);
742 if i>getmem_cnt-freemem_cnt then
743 begin
744 writeln(ptext^,'error in linked list of heap_mem_info');
745 halt(1);
746 end;
747 end;
748 i:=0;
749 {$endif EXTRA}
750 pp:=heap_mem_root;
751 while pp<>nil do
752 begin
753 { inside this block ! }
754 if (cardinal(p)>=cardinal(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+cardinal(extra_info_size)) and
755 (cardinal(p)<=cardinal(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+cardinal(extra_info_size)+cardinal(pp^.size)) then
756 { allocated block }
757 if ((pp^.sig=$DEADBEEF) and not usecrc) or
758 ((pp^.sig=calculate_sig(pp)) and usecrc) then
759 goto _exit
760 else
761 begin
762 writeln(ptext^,'pointer $',hexstr(longint(p),8),' points into invalid memory block');
763 dump_error(pp,ptext^);
764 runerror(204);
765 end;
766 pp:=pp^.previous;
767 inc(i);
768 if i>getmem_cnt then
769 begin
770 writeln(ptext^,'error in linked list of heap_mem_info');
771 halt(1);
772 end;
773 end;
774 writeln(ptext^,'pointer $',hexstr(longint(p),8),' does not point to valid memory block');
775 runerror(204);
776 _exit:
778 popal
779 end;
780 end;
782 {*****************************************************************************
783 Dump Heap
784 *****************************************************************************}
786 procedure dumpheap;
788 pp : pheap_mem_info;
789 i : longint;
790 ExpectedMemAvail : longint;
791 begin
792 pp:=heap_mem_root;
793 Writeln(ptext^,'Heap dump by heaptrc unit');
794 Writeln(ptext^,getmem_cnt, ' memory blocks allocated : ',getmem_size,'/',getmem8_size);
795 Writeln(ptext^,freemem_cnt,' memory blocks freed : ',freemem_size,'/',freemem8_size);
796 Writeln(ptext^,getmem_cnt-freemem_cnt,' unfreed memory blocks : ',getmem_size-freemem_size);
797 Write(ptext^,'True heap size : ',system.HeapSize);
798 if EntryMemUsed > 0 then
799 Writeln(ptext^,' (',EntryMemUsed,' used in System startup)')
800 else
801 Writeln(ptext^);
802 Writeln(ptext^,'True free heap : ',MemAvail);
803 ExpectedMemAvail:=system.HeapSize-(getmem8_size-freemem8_size)-
804 (getmem_cnt-freemem_cnt)*(sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size)-EntryMemUsed;
805 If ExpectedMemAvail<>MemAvail then
806 Writeln(ptext^,'Should be : ',ExpectedMemAvail);
807 i:=getmem_cnt-freemem_cnt;
808 while pp<>nil do
809 begin
810 if i<0 then
811 begin
812 Writeln(ptext^,'Error in heap memory list');
813 Writeln(ptext^,'More memory blocks than expected');
814 exit;
815 end;
816 if ((pp^.sig=$DEADBEEF) and not usecrc) or
817 ((pp^.sig=calculate_sig(pp)) and usecrc) then
818 begin
819 { this one was not released !! }
820 if exitcode<>203 then
821 call_stack(pp,ptext^);
822 dec(i);
824 else if pp^.sig<>$AAAAAAAA then
825 begin
826 dump_error(pp,ptext^);
827 {$ifdef EXTRA}
828 dump_error(pp,error_file);
829 {$endif EXTRA}
830 error_in_heap:=true;
832 {$ifdef EXTRA}
833 else if pp^.release_sig<>calculate_release_sig(pp) then
834 begin
835 dump_change_after(pp,ptext^);
836 dump_change_after(pp,error_file);
837 error_in_heap:=true;
839 {$endif EXTRA}
841 pp:=pp^.previous;
842 end;
843 end;
846 procedure markheap;
848 pp : pheap_mem_info;
849 begin
850 pp:=heap_mem_root;
851 while pp<>nil do
852 begin
853 pp^.sig:=$AAAAAAAA;
854 pp:=pp^.previous;
855 end;
856 end;
859 {*****************************************************************************
860 AllocMem
861 *****************************************************************************}
863 function TraceAllocMem(size:longint):Pointer;
864 begin
865 TraceAllocMem:=SysAllocMem(size);
866 end;
869 {*****************************************************************************
870 No specific tracing calls
871 *****************************************************************************}
873 function TraceMemAvail:longint;
874 begin
875 TraceMemAvail:=SysMemAvail;
876 end;
878 function TraceMaxAvail:longint;
879 begin
880 TraceMaxAvail:=SysMaxAvail;
881 end;
883 function TraceHeapSize:longint;
884 begin
885 TraceHeapSize:=SysHeapSize;
886 end;
889 {*****************************************************************************
890 Install MemoryManager
891 *****************************************************************************}
893 const
894 TraceManager:TMemoryManager=(
895 Getmem : TraceGetMem;
896 Freemem : TraceFreeMem;
897 FreememSize : TraceFreeMemSize;
898 AllocMem : TraceAllocMem;
899 ReAllocMem : TraceReAllocMem;
900 MemSize : TraceMemSize;
901 MemAvail : TraceMemAvail;
902 MaxAvail : TraceMaxAvail;
903 HeapSize : TraceHeapsize;
906 procedure TraceExit;
907 begin
908 { no dump if error
909 because this gives long long listings }
910 { clear inoutres, in case the program that quit didn't }
911 ioresult;
912 if (exitcode<>0) and (erroraddr<>nil) then
913 begin
914 Writeln(ptext^,'No heap dump by heaptrc unit');
915 Writeln(ptext^,'Exitcode = ',exitcode);
916 if ptext<>@stderr then
917 begin
918 ptext:=@stderr;
919 close(ownfile);
920 end;
921 exit;
922 end;
923 if not error_in_heap then
924 Dumpheap;
925 if error_in_heap and (exitcode=0) then
926 exitcode:=203;
927 {$ifdef EXTRA}
928 Close(error_file);
929 {$endif EXTRA}
930 if ptext<>@stderr then
931 begin
932 ptext:=@stderr;
933 close(ownfile);
934 end;
935 end;
937 Procedure SetHeapTraceOutput(const name : string);
938 var i : longint;
939 begin
940 if ptext<>@stderr then
941 begin
942 ptext:=@stderr;
943 close(ownfile);
944 end;
945 assign(ownfile,name);
946 {$I-}
947 append(ownfile);
948 if IOResult<>0 then
949 Rewrite(ownfile);
950 {$I+}
951 ptext:=@ownfile;
952 for i:=0 to Paramcount do
953 write(ptext^,paramstr(i),' ');
954 writeln(ptext^);
955 end;
957 procedure SetExtraInfo( size : longint;func : fillextrainfotype);
959 begin
960 if getmem_cnt>0 then
961 begin
962 writeln(ptext^,'Setting extra info is only possible at start !! ');
963 dumpheap;
965 else
966 begin
967 { the total size must stay multiple of 8 !! }
968 exact_info_size:=size;
969 extra_info_size:=((size+7) div 8)*8;
970 fill_extra_info:=func;
971 end;
972 end;
974 Initialization
975 EntryMemUsed:=System.HeapSize-MemAvail;
976 MakeCRC32Tbl;
977 SetMemoryManager(TraceManager);
978 ptext:=@stderr;
979 {$ifdef EXTRA}
980 Assign(error_file,'heap.err');
981 Rewrite(error_file);
982 {$endif EXTRA}
983 { checkpointer init }
984 {$ifdef go32v2}
985 Heap_at_init:=HeapPtr;
986 {$endif}
987 {$ifdef win32}
988 StartupHeapEnd:=HeapEnd;
989 {$endif}
990 finalization
991 TraceExit;
992 end.
994 $Log$
995 Revision 1.1 2002/02/19 08:25:23 sasu
996 Initial revision
998 Revision 2000/12/15 13:02:30 jonas
999 * added some typecasts so some expressiosn aren't evaluated anymore in
1000 64bit when rangechecking is on
1002 Revision 2000/08/24 08:59:35 jonas
1003 * clear inoutres in traceexit before writing anything (to avoid an RTE
1004 when writing the heaptrc output when a program didn't handle ioresult)
1006 Revision 1.1 2000/07/13 06:30:47 michael
1007 + Initial import
1009 Revision 1.43 2000/05/18 17:03:27 peter
1010 * fixed reallocmem with double removing from heap_mem_root list
1011 * fixed reallocmem getmem/freemem count, now both are increased and
1012 the _size8 counts are also increased
1014 Revision 1.42 2000/04/27 15:35:50 pierre
1015 * fix for bug report 929
1017 Revision 1.41 2000/02/10 13:59:35 peter
1018 * fixed bug with reallocmem to use the wrong size when copying the
1019 data to the new allocated pointer
1021 Revision 1.40 2000/02/09 16:59:30 peter
1022 * truncated log
1024 Revision 1.39 2000/02/07 10:42:44 peter
1025 * use backtracestrfunc()
1027 Revision 1.38 2000/02/02 11:13:15 peter
1028 * fixed tracereallocmem which supplied the wrong size for tryresize
1030 Revision 1.37 2000/01/31 23:41:30 peter
1031 * reallocmem fixed for freemem() call when size=0
1033 Revision 1.36 2000/01/20 14:25:51 jonas
1034 * finally fixed tracereallocmem completely
1036 Revision 1.35 2000/01/20 13:17:11 jonas
1037 * another problme with realloc fixed (one left)
1039 Revision 1.34 2000/01/20 12:35:35 jonas
1040 * fixed problem with reallocmem and heaptrc
1042 Revision 1.33 2000/01/07 16:41:34 daniel
1043 * copyright 2000
1045 Revision 1.32 2000/01/07 16:32:24 daniel
1046 * copyright 2000 added
1048 Revision 1.31 2000/01/05 13:56:55 jonas
1049 * fixed traceReallocMem with nil pointer (simply calls traceGetMem now in
1050 such a case)
1052 Revision 1.30 2000/01/03 19:37:52 peter
1053 * fixed reallocmem with p=nil
1055 Revision 1.29 1999/11/14 21:35:04 peter
1056 * removed warnings
1058 Revision 1.28 1999/11/09 22:32:23 pierre
1059 * several extra_size_info fixes
1061 Revision 1.27 1999/11/06 14:35:38 peter
1062 * truncated log
1064 Revision 1.26 1999/11/01 13:56:50 peter
1065 * freemem,reallocmem now get var argument
1067 Revision 1.25 1999/10/30 17:39:05 peter
1068 * memorymanager expanded with allocmem/reallocmem
1070 Revision 1.24 1999/09/17 17:14:12 peter
1071 + new heap manager supporting delphi freemem(pointer)
1073 Revision 1.23 1999/09/10 17:13:41 peter
1074 * fixed missing var
1076 Revision 1.22 1999/09/08 16:14:41 peter
1077 * pointer fixes
1079 Revision 1.21 1999/08/18 12:03:16 peter
1080 * objfpc mode for 0.99.12
1082 Revision 1.20 1999/08/17 14:56:03 michael
1083 Removed the mode for objpas