Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / rtl / aros / rexx.pas
2 This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
4 A file in Amiga system run time library.
5 Copyright (c) 1998 by Nils Sjoholm
6 member of the Amiga RTL development team.
8 See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
9 for details about the copyright.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 **********************************************************************}
18 UNIT rexx;
21 USES exec;
24 { === rexx/storage.h ==================================================
26 * Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by William S. Hawes (All Rights Reserved)
28 * =====================================================================
29 * Header file to define ARexx data structures.
33 { The NexxStr structure is used to maintain the internal strings in REXX.
34 * It includes the buffer area for the string and associated attributes.
35 * This is actually a variable-length structure; it is allocated for a
36 * specific length string, and the length is never modified thereafter
37 * (since it's used for recycling).
40 Type
42 pNexxStr = ^tNexxStr;
43 tNexxStr = record
44 ns_Ivalue : Longint; { integer value }
45 ns_Length : Word; { length in bytes (excl null) }
46 ns_Flags : Byte; { attribute flags }
47 ns_Hash : Byte; { hash code }
48 ns_Buff : Array [0..7] of Byte;
49 { buffer area for strings }
50 end; { size: 16 bytes (minimum) }
52 Const
54 NXADDLEN = 9; { offset plus null byte }
56 { String attribute flag bit definitions }
58 NSB_KEEP = 0; { permanent string? }
59 NSB_STRING = 1; { string form valid? }
60 NSB_NOTNUM = 2; { non-numeric? }
61 NSB_NUMBER = 3; { a valid number? }
62 NSB_BINARY = 4; { integer value saved? }
63 NSB_FLOAT = 5; { floating point format? }
64 NSB_EXT = 6; { an external string? }
65 NSB_SOURCE = 7; { part of the program source? }
67 { The flag form of the string attributes }
69 NSF_KEEP = 1;
70 NSF_STRING = 2;
71 NSF_NOTNUM = 4;
72 NSF_NUMBER = 8;
73 NSF_BINARY = 16;
74 NSF_FLOAT = 32;
75 NSF_EXT = 64;
76 NSF_SOURCE = 128;
78 { Combinations of flags }
87 { The RexxArg structure is identical to the NexxStr structure, but
88 * is allocated from system memory rather than from internal storage.
89 * This structure is used for passing arguments to external programs.
90 * It is usually passed as an "argstring", a pointer to the string buffer.
93 Type
95 pRexxArg = ^tRexxArg;
96 tRexxArg = record
97 ra_Size : Longint; { total allocated length }
98 ra_Length : Word; { length of string }
99 ra_Flags : Byte; { attribute flags }
100 ra_Hash : Byte; { hash code }
101 ra_Buff : Array [0..7] of Byte;
102 { buffer area }
103 end; { size: 16 bytes (minimum) }
105 { The RexxMsg structure is used for all communications with REXX
106 * programs. It is an EXEC message with a parameter block appended.
109 pRexxMsg = ^tRexxMsg;
110 tRexxMsg = record
111 rm_Node : tMessage; { EXEC message structure }
112 rm_TaskBlock : Pointer; { global structure (private) }
113 rm_LibBase : Pointer; { library base (private) }
114 rm_Action : Longint; { command (action) code }
115 rm_Result1 : Longint; { primary result (return code) }
116 rm_Result2 : Longint; { secondary result }
117 rm_Args : Array [0..15] of STRPTR;
118 { argument block (ARG0-ARG15) }
120 rm_PassPort : pMsgPort; { forwarding port }
121 rm_CommAddr : STRPTR; { host address (port name) }
122 rm_FileExt : STRPTR; { file extension }
123 rm_Stdin : Longint; { input stream (filehandle) }
124 rm_Stdout : Longint; { output stream (filehandle) }
125 rm_avail : Longint; { future expansion }
126 end; { size: 128 bytes }
128 Const
130 MAXRMARG = 15; { maximum arguments }
132 { Command (action) codes for message packets }
134 RXCOMM = $01000000; { a command-level invocation }
135 RXFUNC = $02000000; { a function call }
136 RXCLOSE = $03000000; { close the REXX server }
137 RXQUERY = $04000000; { query for information }
138 RXADDFH = $07000000; { add a function host }
139 RXADDLIB = $08000000; { add a function library }
140 RXREMLIB = $09000000; { remove a function library }
141 RXADDCON = $0A000000; { add/update a ClipList string }
142 RXREMCON = $0B000000; { remove a ClipList string }
143 RXTCOPN = $0C000000; { open the trace console }
144 RXTCCLS = $0D000000; { close the trace console }
146 { Command modifier flag bits }
148 RXFB_NOIO = 16; { suppress I/O inheritance? }
149 RXFB_RESULT = 17; { result string expected? }
150 RXFB_STRING = 18; { program is a "string file"? }
151 RXFB_TOKEN = 19; { tokenize the command line? }
152 RXFB_NONRET = 20; { a "no-return" message? }
154 { The flag form of the command modifiers }
156 RXFF_NOIO = $00010000;
157 RXFF_RESULT = $00020000;
158 RXFF_STRING = $00040000;
159 RXFF_TOKEN = $00080000;
160 RXFF_NONRET = $00100000;
162 RXCODEMASK = $FF000000;
163 RXARGMASK = $0000000F;
165 { The RexxRsrc structure is used to manage global resources. Each node
166 * has a name string created as a RexxArg structure, and the total size
167 * of the node is saved in the "rr_Size" field. The REXX systems library
168 * provides functions to allocate and release resource nodes. If special
169 * deletion operations are required, an offset and base can be provided in
170 * "rr_Func" and "rr_Base", respectively. This "autodelete" function will
171 * be called with the base in register A6 and the node in A0.
174 Type
176 pRexxRsrc = ^tRexxRsrc;
177 tRexxRsrc = record
178 rr_Node : tNode;
179 rr_Func : Integer; { "auto-delete" offset }
180 rr_Base : Pointer; { "auto-delete" base }
181 rr_Size : Longint; { total size of node }
182 rr_Arg1 : Longint; { available ... }
183 rr_Arg2 : Longint; { available ... }
184 end; { size: 32 bytes }
186 Const
188 { Resource node types }
190 RRT_ANY = 0; { any node type ... }
191 RRT_LIB = 1; { a function library }
192 RRT_PORT = 2; { a public port }
193 RRT_FILE = 3; { a file IoBuff }
194 RRT_HOST = 4; { a function host }
195 RRT_CLIP = 5; { a Clip List node }
197 { The RexxTask structure holds the fields used by REXX to communicate with
198 * external processes, including the client task. It includes the global
199 * data structure (and the base environment). The structure is passed to
200 * the newly-created task in its "wake-up" message.
203 GLOBALSZ = 200; { total size of GlobalData }
205 Type
207 pRexxTask = ^tRexxTask;
208 tRexxTask = record
209 rt_Global : Array [0..GLOBALSZ-1] of Byte;
210 { global data structure }
211 rt_MsgPort : tMsgPort; { global message port }
212 rt_Flags : Byte; { task flag bits }
213 rt_SigBit : Shortint; { signal bit }
215 rt_ClientID : Pointer; { the client's task ID }
216 rt_MsgPkt : Pointer; { the packet being processed }
217 rt_TaskID : Pointer; { our task ID }
218 rt_RexxPort : Pointer; { the REXX public port }
220 rt_ErrTrap : Pointer; { Error trap address }
221 rt_StackPtr : Pointer; { stack pointer for traps }
223 rt_Header1 : tList; { Environment list }
224 rt_Header2 : tList; { Memory freelist }
225 rt_Header3 : tList; { Memory allocation list }
226 rt_Header4 : tList; { Files list }
227 rt_Header5 : tList; { Message Ports List }
228 end;
230 Const
232 { Definitions for RexxTask flag bits }
234 RTFB_TRACE = 0; { external trace flag }
235 RTFB_HALT = 1; { external halt flag }
236 RTFB_SUSP = 2; { suspend task? }
237 RTFB_TCUSE = 3; { trace console in use? }
238 RTFB_WAIT = 6; { waiting for reply? }
239 RTFB_CLOSE = 7; { task completed? }
241 { Definitions for memory allocation constants }
243 MEMQUANT = 16; { quantum of memory space }
244 MEMMASK = $FFFFFFF0; { mask for rounding the size }
246 MEMQUICK = 1; { EXEC flags: MEMF_PUBLIC }
247 MEMCLEAR = $00010000; { EXEC flags: MEMF_CLEAR }
249 { The SrcNode is a temporary structure used to hold values destined for
250 * a segment array. It is also used to maintain the memory freelist.
253 Type
255 pSrcNode = ^tSrcNode;
256 tSrcNode = record
257 sn_Succ : pSrcNode; { next node }
258 sn_Pred : pSrcNode; { previous node }
259 sn_Ptr : Pointer; { pointer value }
260 sn_Size : Longint; { size of object }
261 end; { size: 16 bytes }
263 { === rexx/rexxio.h ====================================================
265 * Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by William S. Hawes. All Rights Reserved.
267 * ======================================================================
268 * Header file for ARexx Input/Output related structures
271 Const
273 RXBUFFSZ = 204; { buffer length }
276 * The IoBuff is a resource node used to maintain the File List. Nodes
277 * are allocated and linked into the list whenever a file is opened.
280 Type
282 pIoBuff = ^tIoBuff;
283 tIoBuff = record
284 iobNode : tRexxRsrc; { structure for files/strings }
285 iobRpt : Pointer; { read/write pointer }
286 iobRct : Longint; { character count }
287 iobDFH : Longint; { DOS filehandle }
288 iobLock : Longint; { DOS lock }
289 iobBct : Longint; { buffer length }
290 iobArea : Array [0..RXBUFFSZ-1] of Byte;
291 { buffer area }
292 end; { size: 256 bytes }
294 Const
296 { Access mode definitions }
298 RXIO_EXIST = -1; { an external filehandle }
299 RXIO_STRF = 0; { a "string file" }
300 RXIO_READ = 1; { read-only access }
301 RXIO_WRITE = 2; { write mode }
302 RXIO_APPEND = 3; { append mode (existing file) }
305 * Offset anchors for SeekF()
308 RXIO_BEGIN = -1; { relative to start }
309 RXIO_CURR = 0; { relative to current position }
310 RXIO_END = 1; { relative to end }
313 * A message port structure, maintained as a resource node. The ReplyList
314 * holds packets that have been received but haven't been replied.
317 Type
319 pRexxMsgPort = ^tRexxMsgPort;
320 tRexxMsgPort = record
321 rmp_Node : tRexxRsrc; { linkage node }
322 rmp_Port : tMsgPort; { the message port }
323 rmp_ReplyList : tList; { messages awaiting reply }
324 end;
326 Const
329 * DOS Device types
332 DT_DEV = 0; { a device }
333 DT_DIR = 1; { an ASSIGNed directory }
334 DT_VOL = 2; { a volume }
337 * Private DOS packet types
340 ACTION_STACK = 2002; { stack a line }
341 ACTION_QUEUE = 2003; { queue a line }
343 { === rexx/rxslib.h ===================================================
345 * Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1989 by William S. Hawes (All Rights Reserved)
347 * =====================================================================
348 * The header file for the REXX Systems Library
351 { Some macro definitions }
353 Const
355 RXSNAME : PChar = 'rexxsyslib.library';
356 RXSID : PChar = 'rexxsyslib 1.06 (07 MAR 88)';
357 RXSDIR : PChar = 'REXX';
358 RXSTNAME : PChar = 'ARexx';
360 { The REXX systems library structure. This should be considered as }
361 { semi-private and read-only, except for documented exceptions. }
363 Type
365 pRxsLib = ^tRxsLib;
366 tRxsLib = record
367 rl_Node : tLibrary; { EXEC library node }
368 rl_Flags : Byte; { global flags }
369 rl_pad : Byte;
370 rl_SysBase : Pointer; { EXEC library base }
371 rl_DOSBase : Pointer; { DOS library base }
372 rl_IeeeDPBase : Pointer; { IEEE DP math library base }
373 rl_SegList : Longint; { library seglist }
374 rl_NIL : Longint; { global NIL: filehandle }
375 rl_Chunk : Longint; { allocation quantum }
376 rl_MaxNest : Longint; { maximum expression nesting }
377 rl_NULL : pNexxStr; { static string: NULL }
378 rl_FALSE : pNexxStr; { static string: FALSE }
379 rl_TRUE : pNexxStr; { static string: TRUE }
380 rl_REXX : pNexxStr; { static string: REXX }
381 rl_COMMAND : pNexxStr; { static string: COMMAND }
382 rl_STDIN : pNexxStr; { static string: STDIN }
383 rl_STDOUT : pNexxStr; { static string: STDOUT }
384 rl_STDERR : pNexxStr; { static string: STDERR }
385 rl_Version : STRPTR; { version/configuration string }
387 rl_TaskName : STRPTR; { name string for tasks }
388 rl_TaskPri : Longint; { starting priority }
389 rl_TaskSeg : Longint; { startup seglist }
390 rl_StackSize : Longint; { stack size }
391 rl_RexxDir : STRPTR; { REXX directory }
392 rl_CTABLE : STRPTR; { character attribute table }
393 rl_Notice : STRPTR; { copyright notice }
395 rl_RexxPort : tMsgPort; { REXX public port }
396 rl_ReadLock : Word; { lock count }
397 rl_TraceFH : Longint; { global trace console }
398 rl_TaskList : tList; { REXX task list }
399 rl_NumTask : Integer; { task count }
400 rl_LibList : tList; { Library List header }
401 rl_NumLib : Integer; { library count }
402 rl_ClipList : tList; { ClipList header }
403 rl_NumClip : Integer; { clip node count }
404 rl_MsgList : tList; { pending messages }
405 rl_NumMsg : Integer; { pending count }
406 rl_PgmList : tList; { cached programs }
407 rl_NumPgm : Integer; { program count }
409 rl_TraceCnt : Word; { usage count for trace console }
410 rl_avail : Integer;
411 end;
413 Const
415 { Global flag bit definitions for RexxMaster }
416 RLFB_TRACE = RTFB_TRACE; { interactive tracing? }
417 RLFB_HALT = RTFB_HALT; { halt execution? }
418 RLFB_SUSP = RTFB_SUSP; { suspend execution? }
419 RLFB_STOP = 6; { deny further invocations }
420 RLFB_CLOSE = 7; { close the master }
422 RLFMASK = 1 + 2 + 4;
424 { Initialization constants }
426 RXSVERS = 34; { main version }
427 RXSREV = 7; { revision }
428 RXSALLOC = $800000; { maximum allocation }
429 RXSCHUNK = 1024; { allocation quantum }
430 RXSNEST = 32; { expression nesting limit }
431 RXSTPRI = 0; { task priority }
432 RXSSTACK = 4096; { stack size }
433 RXSLISTH = 5; { number of list headers }
435 { Character attribute flag bits used in REXX. }
437 CTB_SPACE = 0; { white space characters }
438 CTB_DIGIT = 1; { decimal digits 0-9 }
439 CTB_ALPHA = 2; { alphabetic characters }
440 CTB_REXXSYM = 3; { REXX symbol characters }
441 CTB_REXXOPR = 4; { REXX operator characters }
442 CTB_REXXSPC = 5; { REXX special symbols }
443 CTB_UPPER = 6; { UPPERCASE alphabetic }
444 CTB_LOWER = 7; { lowercase alphabetic }
446 { Attribute flags }
448 CTF_SPACE = 1;
449 CTF_DIGIT = 2;
450 CTF_ALPHA = 4;
451 CTF_REXXSYM = 8;
452 CTF_REXXOPR = 16;
453 CTF_REXXSPC = 32;
454 CTF_UPPER = 64;
455 CTF_LOWER = 128;
458 VAR RexxSysBase : pLibrary;
460 PROCEDURE ClearRexxMsg(msgptr : pRexxMsg; count : ULONG);
461 FUNCTION CreateArgstring(argstring : pCHAR; length : ULONG) : pCHAR;
462 FUNCTION CreateRexxMsg(port : pMsgPort; extension : pCHAR; host : pCHAR) : pRexxMsg;
463 PROCEDURE DeleteArgstring(argstring : pCHAR);
464 PROCEDURE DeleteRexxMsg(packet : pRexxMsg);
465 FUNCTION FillRexxMsg(msgptr : pRexxMsg; count : ULONG; mask : ULONG) : BOOLEAN;
466 FUNCTION IsRexxMsg(msgptr : pRexxMsg) : BOOLEAN;
467 FUNCTION LengthArgstring(argstring : pCHAR) : ULONG;
468 PROCEDURE LockRexxBase(resource : ULONG);
469 PROCEDURE UnlockRexxBase(resource : ULONG);
473 PROCEDURE ClearRexxMsg(msgptr : pRexxMsg; count : ULONG);
476 MOVE.L A6,-(A7)
477 MOVEA.L msgptr,A0
478 MOVE.L count,D0
479 MOVEA.L RexxSysBase,A6
480 JSR -156(A6)
481 MOVEA.L (A7)+,A6
482 END;
483 END;
485 FUNCTION CreateArgstring(argstring : pCHAR; length : ULONG) : pCHAR;
488 MOVE.L A6,-(A7)
489 MOVEA.L argstring,A0
490 MOVE.L length,D0
491 MOVEA.L RexxSysBase,A6
492 JSR -126(A6)
493 MOVEA.L (A7)+,A6
495 END;
496 END;
498 FUNCTION CreateRexxMsg(port : pMsgPort; extension : pCHAR; host : pCHAR) : pRexxMsg;
501 MOVE.L A6,-(A7)
502 MOVEA.L port,A0
503 MOVEA.L extension,A1
504 MOVE.L host,D0
505 MOVEA.L RexxSysBase,A6
506 JSR -144(A6)
507 MOVEA.L (A7)+,A6
509 END;
510 END;
512 PROCEDURE DeleteArgstring(argstring : pCHAR);
515 MOVE.L A6,-(A7)
516 MOVEA.L argstring,A0
517 MOVEA.L RexxSysBase,A6
518 JSR -132(A6)
519 MOVEA.L (A7)+,A6
520 END;
521 END;
523 PROCEDURE DeleteRexxMsg(packet : pRexxMsg);
526 MOVE.L A6,-(A7)
527 MOVEA.L packet,A0
528 MOVEA.L RexxSysBase,A6
529 JSR -150(A6)
530 MOVEA.L (A7)+,A6
531 END;
532 END;
534 FUNCTION FillRexxMsg(msgptr : pRexxMsg; count : ULONG; mask : ULONG) : BOOLEAN;
537 MOVE.L A6,-(A7)
538 MOVEA.L msgptr,A0
539 MOVE.L count,D0
540 MOVE.L mask,D1
541 MOVEA.L RexxSysBase,A6
542 JSR -162(A6)
543 MOVEA.L (A7)+,A6
544 TST.W D0
545 BEQ.B @end
546 MOVEQ #1,D0
547 @end: MOVE.B D0,@RESULT
548 END;
549 END;
551 FUNCTION IsRexxMsg(msgptr : pRexxMsg) : BOOLEAN;
554 MOVE.L A6,-(A7)
555 MOVEA.L msgptr,A0
556 MOVEA.L RexxSysBase,A6
557 JSR -168(A6)
558 MOVEA.L (A7)+,A6
559 TST.W D0
560 BEQ.B @end
561 MOVEQ #1,D0
562 @end: MOVE.B D0,@RESULT
563 END;
564 END;
566 FUNCTION LengthArgstring(argstring : pCHAR) : ULONG;
569 MOVE.L A6,-(A7)
570 MOVEA.L argstring,A0
571 MOVEA.L RexxSysBase,A6
572 JSR -138(A6)
573 MOVEA.L (A7)+,A6
575 END;
576 END;
578 PROCEDURE LockRexxBase(resource : ULONG);
581 MOVE.L A6,-(A7)
582 MOVE.L resource,D0
583 MOVEA.L RexxSysBase,A6
584 JSR -450(A6)
585 MOVEA.L (A7)+,A6
586 END;
587 END;
589 PROCEDURE UnlockRexxBase(resource : ULONG);
592 MOVE.L A6,-(A7)
593 MOVE.L resource,D0
594 MOVEA.L RexxSysBase,A6
595 JSR -456(A6)
596 MOVEA.L (A7)+,A6
597 END;
598 END;