Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / rtl / aros / prtgfx.pas
2 This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
4 A file in Amiga system run time library.
5 Copyright (c) 1998 by Nils Sjoholm
6 member of the Amiga RTL development team.
8 See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
9 for details about the copyright.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 **********************************************************************}
17 unit prtgfx;
21 uses exec;
22 Const
24 PCMYELLOW = 0; { byte index for yellow }
25 PCMMAGENTA = 1; { byte index for magenta }
26 PCMCYAN = 2; { byte index for cyan }
27 PCMBLACK = 3; { byte index for black }
28 PCMBLUE = PCMYELLOW; { byte index for blue }
29 PCMGREEN = PCMMAGENTA; { byte index for green }
30 PCMRED = PCMCYAN; { byte index for red }
31 PCMWHITE = PCMBLACK; { byte index for white }
33 Type
35 pColorEntry = ^tColorEntry;
36 tcolorEntry = record
37 colorLong : ULONG; { quick access to all of YMCB }
38 colorByte : Array [0..3] of Byte; { 1 entry for each of YMCB }
39 colorSByte : Array [0..3] of Shortint; { ditto (except signed) }
40 end;
42 pPrtInfo = ^tPrtInfo;
43 tPrtInfo = record { printer info }
44 pi_render : Pointer; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
45 pi_rp : Pointer; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! (RastPortPtr)}
46 pi_temprp : Pointer; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! (RastPortPtr)}
47 pi_RowBuf : Pointer; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
48 pi_HamBuf : Pointer; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
49 pi_ColorMap : pcolorEntry; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
50 pi_ColorInt : pcolorEntry; { color intensities for entire row }
51 pi_HamInt : pcolorEntry; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
52 pi_Dest1Int : pcolorEntry; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
53 pi_Dest2Int : pcolorEntry; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
54 pi_ScaleX : Pointer; { array of scale values for X }
55 pi_ScaleXAlt : Pointer; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
56 pi_dmatrix : Pointer; { pointer to dither matrix }
57 pi_TopBuf : Pointer; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
58 pi_BotBuf : Pointer; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
60 pi_RowBufSize : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
61 pi_HamBufSize : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
62 pi_ColorMapSize : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
63 pi_ColorIntSize : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
64 pi_HamIntSize : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
65 pi_Dest1IntSize : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
66 pi_Dest2IntSize : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
67 pi_ScaleXSize : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
68 pi_ScaleXAltSize : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
70 pi_PrefsFlags : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
71 pi_special : ULONG; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
72 pi_xstart : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
73 pi_ystart : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
74 pi_width : Word; { source width (in pixels) }
75 pi_height : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
76 pi_pc : ULONG; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
77 pi_pr : ULONG; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
78 pi_ymult : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
79 pi_ymod : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
80 pi_ety : Shortint; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
81 pi_xpos : Word; { offset to start printing picture }
82 pi_threshold : Word; { threshold value (from prefs) }
83 pi_tempwidth : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
84 pi_flags : Word; { PRIVATE - DO NOT USE! }
85 end;
89 end.