Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / compiler / t_os2.pas
2 $Id$
3 Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Daniel Mantione
4 Portions Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Eberhard Mattes
6 Unit to write out import libraries and def files for OS/2
8 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 (at your option) any later version.
13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
22 ****************************************************************************
25 A lot of code in this unit has been ported from C to Pascal from the
26 emximp utility, part of the EMX development system. Emximp is copyrighted
27 by Eberhard Mattes. Note: Eberhard doesn't know much about the Pascal
28 port, please send questions to Daniel Mantione
29 <>.
31 unit t_os2;
33 interface
34 uses
35 import,link,comprsrc;
37 type
38 pimportlibos2=^timportlibos2;
39 timportlibos2=object(timportlib)
40 procedure preparelib(const s:string);virtual;
41 procedure importprocedure(const func,module:string;index:longint;const name:string);virtual;
42 procedure generatelib;virtual;
43 end;
45 plinkeros2=^tlinkeros2;
46 tlinkeros2=object(tlinker)
47 private
48 Function WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean;
49 public
50 constructor Init;
51 procedure SetDefaultInfo;virtual;
52 function MakeExecutable:boolean;virtual;
53 end;
56 {***************************************************************************}
58 {***************************************************************************}
60 implementation
62 uses
63 {$ifdef Delphi}
64 dmisc,
65 {$else Delphi}
66 dos,
67 {$endif Delphi}
68 globtype,strings,cobjects,comphook,systems,
69 globals,verbose,files,script;
71 const profile_flag:boolean=false;
73 const n_ext = 1;
74 n_abs = 2;
75 n_text = 4;
76 n_data = 6;
77 n_bss = 8;
78 n_imp1 = $68;
79 n_imp2 = $6a;
81 type reloc=packed record {This is the layout of a relocation table
82 entry.}
83 address:longint; {Fixup location}
84 remaining:longint;
85 {Meaning of bits for remaining:
86 0..23: Symbol number or segment
87 24: Self-relative fixup if non-zero
88 25..26: Fixup size (0: 1 byte, 1: 2, 2: 4 bytes)
89 27: Reference to symbol or segment
90 28..31 Not used}
91 end;
93 nlist=packed record {This is the layout of a symbol table entry.}
94 strofs:longint; {Offset in string table}
95 typ:byte; {Type of the symbol}
96 other:byte; {Other information}
97 desc:word; {More information}
98 value:longint; {Value (address)}
99 end;
101 a_out_header=packed record
102 magic:word; {Magic word, must be $0107}
103 machtype:byte; {Machine type}
104 flags:byte; {Flags}
105 text_size:longint; {Length of text, in bytes}
106 data_size:longint; {Length of initialized data, in bytes}
107 bss_size:longint; {Length of uninitialized data, in bytes}
108 sym_size:longint; {Length of symbol table, in bytes}
109 entry:longint; {Start address (entry point)}
110 trsize:longint; {Length of relocation info for text, bytes}
111 drsize:longint; {Length of relocation info for data, bytes}
112 end;
114 ar_hdr=packed record
115 ar_name:array[0..15] of char;
116 ar_date:array[0..11] of char;
117 ar_uid:array[0..5] of char;
118 ar_gid:array[0..5] of char;
119 ar_mode:array[0..7] of char;
120 ar_size:array[0..9] of char;
121 ar_fmag:array[0..1] of char;
122 end;
124 var aout_str_size:longint;
125 aout_str_tab:array[0..2047] of byte;
126 aout_sym_count:longint;
127 aout_sym_tab:array[0..5] of nlist;
129 aout_text:array[0..63] of byte;
130 aout_text_size:longint;
132 aout_treloc_tab:array[0..1] of reloc;
133 aout_treloc_count:longint;
135 aout_size:longint;
136 seq_no:longint;
138 ar_member_size:longint;
140 out_file:file;
142 procedure write_ar(const name:string;size:longint);
144 var ar:ar_hdr;
145 time:datetime;
146 dummy:word;
147 numtime:longint;
148 tmp:string[19];
151 begin
152 ar_member_size:=size;
153 fillchar(ar.ar_name,sizeof(ar.ar_name),' ');
154 move(name[1],ar.ar_name,length(name));
155 getdate(time.year,time.month,,dummy);
156 gettime(time.hour,time.min,time.sec,dummy);
157 packtime(time,numtime);
158 str(numtime,tmp);
159 fillchar(ar.ar_date,sizeof(ar.ar_date),' ');
160 move(tmp[1],ar.ar_date,length(tmp));
161 ar.ar_uid:='0 ';
162 ar.ar_gid:='0 ';
163 ar.ar_mode:='100666'#0#0;
164 str(size,tmp);
165 fillchar(ar.ar_size,sizeof(ar.ar_size),' ');
166 move(tmp[1],ar.ar_size,length(tmp));
167 ar.ar_fmag:='`'#10;
168 blockwrite(out_file,ar,sizeof(ar));
169 end;
171 procedure finish_ar;
173 var a:byte;
175 begin
176 a:=0;
177 if odd(ar_member_size) then
178 blockwrite(out_file,a,1);
179 end;
181 procedure aout_init;
183 begin
184 aout_str_size:=sizeof(longint);
185 aout_sym_count:=0;
186 aout_text_size:=0;
187 aout_treloc_count:=0;
188 end;
190 function aout_sym(const name:string;typ,other:byte;desc:word;
191 value:longint):longint;
193 begin
194 if aout_str_size+length(name)+1>sizeof(aout_str_tab) then
195 Do_halt($da);
196 if aout_sym_count>=sizeof(aout_sym_tab) div sizeof(aout_sym_tab[0]) then
197 Do_halt($da);
198 aout_sym_tab[aout_sym_count].strofs:=aout_str_size;
199 aout_sym_tab[aout_sym_count].typ:=typ;
200 aout_sym_tab[aout_sym_count].other:=other;
201 aout_sym_tab[aout_sym_count].desc:=desc;
202 aout_sym_tab[aout_sym_count].value:=value;
203 strPcopy(@aout_str_tab[aout_str_size],name);
204 aout_str_size:=aout_str_size+length(name)+1;
205 aout_sym:=aout_sym_count;
206 inc(aout_sym_count);
207 end;
209 procedure aout_text_byte(b:byte);
211 begin
212 if aout_text_size>=sizeof(aout_text) then
213 Do_halt($da);
214 aout_text[aout_text_size]:=b;
215 inc(aout_text_size);
216 end;
218 procedure aout_text_dword(d:longint);
220 type li_ar=array[0..3] of byte;
222 begin
223 aout_text_byte(li_ar(d)[0]);
224 aout_text_byte(li_ar(d)[1]);
225 aout_text_byte(li_ar(d)[2]);
226 aout_text_byte(li_ar(d)[3]);
227 end;
229 procedure aout_treloc(address,symbolnum,pcrel,len,ext:longint);
231 begin
232 if aout_treloc_count>=sizeof(aout_treloc_tab) div sizeof(reloc) then
233 Do_halt($da);
234 aout_treloc_tab[aout_treloc_count].address:=address;
235 aout_treloc_tab[aout_treloc_count].remaining:=symbolnum+pcrel shl 24+
236 len shl 25+ext shl 27;
237 inc(aout_treloc_count);
238 end;
240 procedure aout_finish;
242 begin
243 while (aout_text_size and 3)<>0 do
244 aout_text_byte ($90);
245 aout_size:=sizeof(a_out_header)+aout_text_size+aout_treloc_count*
246 sizeof(reloc)+aout_sym_count*sizeof(aout_sym_tab[0])+aout_str_size;
247 end;
249 procedure aout_write;
251 var ao:a_out_header;
253 begin
254 ao.magic:=$0107;
255 ao.machtype:=0;
256 ao.flags:=0;
257 ao.text_size:=aout_text_size;
258 ao.data_size:=0;
259 ao.bss_size:=0;
260 ao.sym_size:=aout_sym_count*sizeof(aout_sym_tab[0]);
261 ao.entry:=0;
262 ao.trsize:=aout_treloc_count*sizeof(reloc);
263 ao.drsize:=0;
264 blockwrite(out_file,ao,sizeof(ao));
265 blockwrite(out_file,aout_text,aout_text_size);
266 blockwrite(out_file,aout_treloc_tab,sizeof(reloc)*aout_treloc_count);
267 blockwrite(out_file,aout_sym_tab,sizeof(aout_sym_tab[0])*aout_sym_count);
268 longint((@aout_str_tab)^):=aout_str_size;
269 blockwrite(out_file,aout_str_tab,aout_str_size);
270 end;
272 procedure timportlibos2.preparelib(const s:string);
274 {This code triggers a lot of bugs in the compiler.
275 const armag='!<arch>'#10;
276 ar_magic:array[1..length(armag)] of char=armag;}
277 const ar_magic:array[1..8] of char='!<arch>'#10;
279 libname : string;
280 begin
281 libname:=FixFileName(s+'.ao2');
282 seq_no:=1;
283 current_module^.linkunitstaticlibs.insert(libname,link_allways);
284 assign(out_file,current_module^.outputpath^+libname);
285 rewrite(out_file,1);
286 blockwrite(out_file,ar_magic,sizeof(ar_magic));
287 end;
289 procedure timportlibos2.importprocedure(const func,module:string;index:longint;const name:string);
290 {func = Name of function to import.
291 module = Name of DLL to import from.
292 index = Index of function in DLL. Use 0 to import by name.
293 name = Name of function in DLL. Ignored when index=0;}
294 var tmp1,tmp2,tmp3:string;
295 sym_mcount,sym_import:longint;
296 fixup_mcount,fixup_import:longint;
297 begin
298 aout_init;
299 tmp2:=func;
300 if profile_flag and not (copy(func,1,4)='_16_') then
301 begin
302 {sym_entry:=aout_sym(func,n_text+n_ext,0,0,aout_text_size);}
303 sym_mcount:=aout_sym('__mcount',n_ext,0,0,0);
304 {Use, say, "_$U_DosRead" for "DosRead" to import the
305 non-profiled function.}
306 tmp2:='__$U_'+func;
307 sym_import:=aout_sym(tmp2,n_ext,0,0,0);
308 aout_text_byte($55); {push ebp}
309 aout_text_byte($89); {mov ebp, esp}
310 aout_text_byte($e5);
311 aout_text_byte($e8); {call _mcount}
312 fixup_mcount:=aout_text_size;
313 aout_text_dword(0-(aout_text_size+4));
314 aout_text_byte($5d); {pop ebp}
315 aout_text_byte($e9); {jmp _$U_DosRead}
316 fixup_import:=aout_text_size;
317 aout_text_dword(0-(aout_text_size+4));
319 aout_treloc(fixup_mcount,sym_mcount,1,2,1);
320 aout_treloc (fixup_import, sym_import,1,2,1);
321 end;
322 str(seq_no,tmp1);
323 tmp1:='IMPORT#'+tmp1;
324 if name='' then
325 begin
326 str(index,tmp3);
327 tmp3:=func+'='+module+'.'+tmp3;
329 else
330 tmp3:=func+'='+module+'.'+name;
331 aout_sym(tmp2,n_imp1+n_ext,0,0,0);
332 aout_sym(tmp3,n_imp2+n_ext,0,0,0);
333 aout_finish;
334 write_ar(tmp1,aout_size);
335 aout_write;
336 finish_ar;
337 inc(seq_no);
338 end;
340 procedure timportlibos2.generatelib;
342 begin
343 close(out_file);
344 end;
347 {****************************************************************************
348 TLinkeros2
349 ****************************************************************************}
351 Constructor TLinkeros2.Init;
352 begin
353 Inherited Init;
354 { allow duplicated libs (PM) }
355 SharedLibFiles.doubles:=true;
356 StaticLibFiles.doubles:=true;
357 end;
360 procedure TLinkeros2.SetDefaultInfo;
361 begin
362 with Info do
363 begin
364 ExeCmd[1]:='ld $OPT -o $EXE @$RES';
365 ExeCmd[2]:='emxbind -b $STRIP $PM $RSRC -k$STACKKB -h$HEAPMB -o $EXE.exe $EXE -aim -s$DOSHEAPKB';
366 end;
367 end;
370 Function TLinkeros2.WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean;
372 linkres : TLinkRes;
373 i : longint;
375 HPath : PStringItem;
376 {$ELSE}
377 HPath : PStringQueueItem;
379 s : string;
380 begin
381 WriteResponseFile:=False;
383 { Open link.res file }
384 LinkRes.Init(outputexedir+Info.ResName);
386 { Write path to search libraries }
387 HPath:=current_module^.locallibrarysearchpath.First;
388 while assigned(HPath) do
389 begin
390 LinkRes.Add('-L'+HPath^.Data^);
391 HPath:=HPath^.Next;
392 end;
393 HPath:=LibrarySearchPath.First;
394 while assigned(HPath) do
395 begin
396 LinkRes.Add('-L'+HPath^.Data^);
397 HPath:=HPath^.Next;
398 end;
400 { add objectfiles, start with prt0 always }
401 LinkRes.AddFileName(FindObjectFile('prt0',''));
402 while not ObjectFiles.Empty do
403 begin
404 s:=ObjectFiles.Get;
405 if s<>'' then
406 LinkRes.AddFileName(s);
407 end;
409 { Write staticlibraries }
410 { No group !! This will not work correctly PM }
411 While not StaticLibFiles.Empty do
412 begin
413 S:=StaticLibFiles.Get;
414 LinkRes.AddFileName(s)
415 end;
417 { Write sharedlibraries like -l<lib>, also add the needed dynamic linker
418 here to be sure that it gets linked this is needed for glibc2 systems (PFV) }
419 While not SharedLibFiles.Empty do
420 begin
421 S:=SharedLibFiles.Get;
422 i:=Pos(target_os.sharedlibext,S);
423 if i>0 then
424 Delete(S,i,255);
425 LinkRes.Add('-l'+s);
426 end;
428 { Write and Close response }
429 linkres.writetodisk;
430 linkres.done;
432 WriteResponseFile:=True;
433 end;
436 function TLinkeros2.MakeExecutable:boolean;
438 binstr,
439 cmdstr : string;
440 success : boolean;
441 i : longint;
442 PMStr,
443 StripStr: string[40];
444 RsrcStr : string;
445 begin
446 if not(cs_link_extern in aktglobalswitches) then
447 Message1(exec_i_linking,current_module^.exefilename^);
449 { Create some replacements }
450 if (cs_link_strip in aktglobalswitches) then
451 StripStr := '-s'
452 else
453 StripStr := '';
454 if usewindowapi then
455 PMStr := '-p'
456 else
457 PMStr := '';
458 if not (Current_Module^.ResourceFiles.Empty) then
459 RsrcStr := '-r ' + Current_Module^.ResourceFiles.Get
460 else
461 RsrcStr := '';
462 (* Only one resource file supported, discard everything else
463 (should be already empty anyway, however. *)
464 Current_Module^.ResourceFiles.Clear;
465 { Write used files and libraries }
466 WriteResponseFile(false);
468 { Call linker }
469 success:=false;
470 for i:=1 to 2 do
471 begin
472 SplitBinCmd(Info.ExeCmd[i],binstr,cmdstr);
473 if binstr<>'' then
474 begin
475 Replace(cmdstr,'$HEAPMB',tostr((maxheapsize+1048575) shr 20));
476 {Size of the stack when an EMX program runs in OS/2.}
477 Replace(cmdstr,'$STACKKB',tostr((stacksize+1023) shr 10));
478 {When an EMX program runs in DOS, the heap and stack share the
479 same memory pool. The heap grows upwards, the stack grows downwards.}
480 Replace(cmdstr,'$DOSHEAPKB',tostr((stacksize+maxheapsize+1023) shr 10));
481 Replace(cmdstr,'$STRIP',StripStr);
482 Replace(cmdstr,'$PM',PMStr);
483 Replace(cmdstr,'$RES',outputexedir+Info.ResName);
484 Replace(cmdstr,'$OPT',Info.ExtraOptions);
485 Replace(cmdstr,'$RSRC',RsrcStr);
486 Replace(cmdstr,'$EXE',current_module^.exefilename^);
487 success:=DoExec(FindUtil(binstr),cmdstr,(i=1),false);
488 (* We still want to have the PPAS script complete, right?
489 if not success then
490 break;
492 end;
493 end;
495 { Remove ReponseFile }
496 if (success) and not(cs_link_extern in aktglobalswitches) then
497 RemoveFile(outputexedir+Info.ResName);
499 MakeExecutable:=success; { otherwise a recursive call to link method }
500 end;
503 end.
505 $Log$
506 Revision 1.1 2002/02/19 08:24:12 sasu
507 Initial revision
509 Revision 2000/09/20 19:39:40 peter
510 * fixed staticlib filename and unitlink instead of otherlink
512 Revision 1.1 2000/07/13 06:29:57 michael
513 + Initial import
515 Revision 1.14 2000/07/08 20:43:38 peter
516 * findobjectfile gets extra arg with directory where the unit is found
517 and the .o should be looked first
519 Revision 1.13 2000/06/28 03:34:06 hajny
520 * little corrections for EMX resources
522 Revision 1.12 2000/06/25 19:08:28 hajny
523 + $R support for OS/2 (EMX) added
525 Revision 1.11 2000/04/01 10:45:14 hajny
526 * .ao2 bug fixed
528 Revision 1.10 2000/02/28 17:23:57 daniel
529 * Current work of symtable integration committed. The symtable can be
530 activated by defining 'newst', but doesn't compile yet. Changes in type
531 checking and oop are completed. What is left is to write a new
532 symtablestack and adapt the parser to use it.
534 Revision 1.9 2000/02/09 13:23:06 peter
535 * log truncated
537 Revision 1.8 2000/01/09 00:55:51 pierre
538 * GROUP of smartlink units put before the C libraries
539 to allow for smartlinking code that uses C code.
541 Revision 1.7 2000/01/07 01:14:43 peter
542 * updated copyright to 2000
544 Revision 1.6 1999/11/30 10:40:56 peter
545 + ttype, tsymlist
547 Revision 1.5 1999/11/29 20:15:29 hajny
548 * missing space in EMXBIND params
550 Revision 1.4 1999/11/16 23:39:04 peter
551 * use outputexedir for link.res location
553 Revision 1.3 1999/11/12 11:03:50 peter
554 * searchpaths changed to stringqueue object
556 Revision 1.2 1999/11/04 10:55:31 peter
557 * TSearchPathString for the string type of the searchpaths, which is
558 ansistring under FPC/Delphi
560 Revision 1.1 1999/10/21 14:29:38 peter
561 * redesigned linker object
562 + library support for linux (only procedures can be exported)