Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / compiler /
2     $Id$
3     Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Florian Klaempfl, Pierre Muller
5     Symbol table implementation for the definitions
7     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10     (at your option) any later version.
12     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15     GNU General Public License for more details.
17     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  ****************************************************************************
23 {****************************************************************************
24                      TDEF (base class for definitions)
25 ****************************************************************************}
27     const
28        { if you change one of the following contants, }
29        { you have also to change the typinfo unit     }
30        { and the rtl/i386,template/ files    }
31        tkUnknown       = 0;
32        tkInteger       = 1;
33        tkChar          = 2;
34        tkEnumeration   = 3;
35        tkFloat         = 4;
36        tkSet           = 5;
37        tkMethod        = 6;
38        tkSString       = 7;
39        tkString        = tkSString;
40        tkLString       = 8;
41        tkAString       = 9;
42        tkWString       = 10;
43        tkVariant       = 11;
44        tkArray         = 12;
45        tkRecord        = 13;
46        tkInterface     = 14;
47        tkClass         = 15;
48        tkObject        = 16;
49        tkWChar         = 17;
50        tkBool          = 18;
51        tkInt64         = 19;
52        tkQWord         = 20;
54        otSByte         = 0;
55        otUByte         = 1;
56        otSWord         = 2;
57        otUWord         = 3;
58        otSLong         = 4;
59        otULong         = 5;
61        ftSingle        = 0;
62        ftDouble        = 1;
63        ftExtended      = 2;
64        ftComp          = 3;
65        ftCurr          = 4;
66        ftFixed16       = 5;
67        ftFixed32       = 6;
69        mkProcedure     = 0;
70        mkFunction      = 1;
71        mkConstructor   = 2;
72        mkDestructor    = 3;
73        mkClassProcedure= 4;
74        mkClassFunction = 5;
76        pfvar           = 1;
77        pfConst         = 2;
78        pfArray         = 4;
79        pfAddress       = 8;
80        pfReference     = 16;
81        pfOut           = 32;
83 {$ifdef MEMDEBUG}
84    var
85        manglenamesize : longint;
86 {$endif}
88     constructor tdef.init;
89       begin
90          inherited init;
91          deftype:=abstractdef;
92          owner := nil;
93          typesym := nil;
94          savesize := 0;
95          if registerdef then
96            symtablestack^.registerdef(@self);
97          has_rtti:=false;
98          has_inittable:=false;
99 {$ifdef GDB}
100          is_def_stab_written := not_written;
101          globalnb := 0;
102 {$endif GDB}
103          if assigned(lastglobaldef) then
104            begin
105               lastglobaldef^.nextglobal := @self;
106               previousglobal:=lastglobaldef;
107            end
108          else
109            begin
110               firstglobaldef := @self;
111               previousglobal := nil;
112            end;
113          lastglobaldef := @self;
114          nextglobal := nil;
115       end;
118     constructor tdef.load;
119       begin
120          inherited init;
121          deftype:=abstractdef;
122          owner := nil;
123          has_rtti:=false;
124          has_inittable:=false;
125 {$ifdef GDB}
126          is_def_stab_written := not_written;
127          globalnb := 0;
128 {$endif GDB}
129          if assigned(lastglobaldef) then
130            begin
131               lastglobaldef^.nextglobal := @self;
132               previousglobal:=lastglobaldef;
133            end
134          else
135            begin
136               firstglobaldef := @self;
137               previousglobal:=nil;
138            end;
139          lastglobaldef := @self;
140          nextglobal := nil;
141       { load }
142          indexnr:=readword;
143          typesym:=ptypesym(readsymref);
144       end;
147     destructor tdef.done;
148       begin
149          { first element  ? }
150          if not(assigned(previousglobal)) then
151            begin
152               firstglobaldef := nextglobal;
153               if assigned(firstglobaldef) then
154                 firstglobaldef^.previousglobal:=nil;
155            end
156          else
157            begin
158               { remove reference in the element before }
159               previousglobal^.nextglobal:=nextglobal;
160            end;
161          { last element ? }
162          if not(assigned(nextglobal)) then
163            begin
164               lastglobaldef := previousglobal;
165               if assigned(lastglobaldef) then
166                 lastglobaldef^.nextglobal:=nil;
167            end
168          else
169            nextglobal^.previousglobal:=previousglobal;
170          previousglobal:=nil;
171          nextglobal:=nil;
172 {$ifdef SYNONYM}
173          while assigned(typesym) do
174            begin
175               typesym^.restype.setdef(nil);
176               typesym:=typesym^.synonym;
177            end;
178 {$endif}
179       end;
181     { used for enumdef because the symbols are
182       inserted in the owner symtable }
183     procedure tdef.correct_owner_symtable;
184       var
185          st : psymtable;
186       begin
187          if assigned(owner) and
188             (owner^.symtabletype in [recordsymtable,objectsymtable]) then
189            begin
190               owner^.defindex^.deleteindex(@self);
191               st:=owner;
192               while (st^.symtabletype in [recordsymtable,objectsymtable]) do
193                 st:=st^.next;
194               st^.registerdef(@self);
195            end;
196       end;
199     function tdef.typename:string;
200       begin
201         if assigned(typesym) and not(deftype=procvardef) then
202          typename:=Upper(typesym^.name)
203         else
204          typename:=gettypename;
205       end;
207     function tdef.gettypename : string;
209       begin
210          gettypename:='<unknown type>'
211       end;
213     function tdef.is_in_current : boolean;
214       var
215         p : psymtable;
216       begin
217          p:=owner;
218          is_in_current:=false;
219          while assigned(p) do
220            begin
221               if (p=current_module^.globalsymtable) or (p=current_module^.localsymtable)
222                  or (p^.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) then
223                 begin
224                    is_in_current:=true;
225                    exit;
226                 end
227               else if p^.symtabletype in [localsymtable,parasymtable,objectsymtable] then
228                 begin
229                   if assigned(p^.defowner) then
230                     p:=pobjectdef(p^.defowner)^.owner
231                   else
232                     exit;
233                 end
234               else
235                 exit;
236            end;
238       end;
240     procedure tdef.write;
241       begin
242         writeword(indexnr);
243         writesymref(typesym);
244 {$ifdef GDB}
245         if globalnb = 0 then
246           begin
247             if assigned(owner) then
248               globalnb := owner^.getnewtypecount
249             else
250               begin
251                 globalnb := PGlobalTypeCount^;
252                 Inc(PGlobalTypeCount^);
253               end;
254            end;
255 {$endif GDB}
256       end;
259     function tdef.size : longint;
260       begin
261          size:=savesize;
262       end;
265     function tdef.alignment : longint;
266       begin
267          { normal alignment by default }
268          alignment:=0;
269       end;
272 {$ifdef GDB}
273    procedure tdef.set_globalnb;
274      begin
275          globalnb :=PGlobalTypeCount^;
276          inc(PglobalTypeCount^);
277      end;
279     function tdef.stabstring : pchar;
280       begin
281       stabstring := strpnew('t'+numberstring+';');
282       end;
285     function tdef.numberstring : string;
286       var table : psymtable;
287       begin
288       {formal def have no type !}
289       if deftype = formaldef then
290         begin
291         numberstring := voiddef^.numberstring;
292         exit;
293         end;
294       if (not assigned(typesym)) or (not typesym^.isusedinstab) then
295         begin
296            {set even if debuglist is not defined}
297            if assigned(typesym) then
298              typesym^.isusedinstab := true;
299            if assigned(debuglist) and (is_def_stab_written = not_written) then
300              concatstabto(debuglist);
301         end;
302       if not (cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches) then
303         begin
304            if globalnb = 0 then
305              set_globalnb;
306            numberstring := tostr(globalnb);
307         end
308       else
309         begin
310            if globalnb = 0 then
311              begin
312                 if assigned(owner) then
313                   globalnb := owner^.getnewtypecount
314                 else
315                   begin
316                      globalnb := PGlobalTypeCount^;
317                      Inc(PGlobalTypeCount^);
318                   end;
319              end;
320            if assigned(typesym) then
321              begin
322                 table := typesym^.owner;
323                 if table^.unitid > 0 then
324                   numberstring := '('+tostr(table^.unitid)+','+tostr(typesym^.restype.def^.globalnb)+')'
325                 else
326                   numberstring := tostr(globalnb);
327                 exit;
328              end;
329            numberstring := tostr(globalnb);
330         end;
331       end;
334     function tdef.allstabstring : pchar;
335     var stabchar : string[2];
336         ss,st : pchar;
337         sname : string;
338         sym_line_no : longint;
339       begin
340       ss := stabstring;
341       getmem(st,strlen(ss)+512);
342       stabchar := 't';
343       if deftype in tagtypes then
344         stabchar := 'Tt';
345       if assigned(typesym) then
346         begin
347            sname := typesym^.name;
348            sym_line_no:=typesym^.fileinfo.line;
349         end
350       else
351         begin
352            sname := ' ';
353            sym_line_no:=0;
354         end;
355       strpcopy(st,'"'+sname+':'+stabchar+numberstring+'=');
356       strpcopy(strecopy(strend(st),ss),'",'+tostr(N_LSYM)+',0,'+tostr(sym_line_no)+',0');
357       allstabstring := strnew(st);
358       freemem(st,strlen(ss)+512);
359       strdispose(ss);
360       end;
363     procedure tdef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
364      var stab_str : pchar;
365     begin
366     if ((typesym = nil) or typesym^.isusedinstab or (cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches))
367       and (is_def_stab_written = not_written) then
368       begin
369       If cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches then
370         begin
371            { otherwise you get two of each def }
372            If assigned(typesym) then
373              begin
374                 if typesym^.typ=symconst.typesym then
375                   typesym^.isusedinstab:=true;
376                 if (typesym^.owner = nil) or
377                   ((typesym^.owner^.symtabletype = unitsymtable) and
378                  punitsymtable(typesym^.owner)^.dbx_count_ok)  then
379                 begin
380                    {with DBX we get the definition from the other objects }
381                    is_def_stab_written := written;
382                    exit;
383                 end;
384              end;
385         end;
386       { to avoid infinite loops }
387       is_def_stab_written := being_written;
388       stab_str := allstabstring;
389       asmlist^.concat(new(pai_stabs,init(stab_str)));
390       is_def_stab_written := written;
391       end;
392     end;
393 {$endif GDB}
396     procedure tdef.deref;
397       begin
398         resolvesym(psym(typesym));
399       end;
402     { rtti generation }
403     procedure tdef.generate_rtti;
404       begin
405          if not has_rtti then
406           begin
407             has_rtti:=true;
408             getdatalabel(rtti_label);
409             write_child_rtti_data;
410             rttilist^.concat(new(pai_symbol,init(rtti_label,0)));
411             write_rtti_data;
412             rttilist^.concat(new(pai_symbol_end,init(rtti_label)));
413           end;
414       end;
417     function tdef.get_rtti_label : string;
418       begin
419          generate_rtti;
420          get_rtti_label:=rtti_label^.name;
421       end;
424     { init table handling }
425     function tdef.needs_inittable : boolean;
426       begin
427          needs_inittable:=false;
428       end;
431     procedure tdef.generate_inittable;
432       begin
433          has_inittable:=true;
434          getdatalabel(inittable_label);
435          write_child_init_data;
436          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_label,init(inittable_label)));
437          write_init_data;
438       end;
441     procedure tdef.write_init_data;
442       begin
443          write_rtti_data;
444       end;
447     procedure tdef.write_child_init_data;
448       begin
449          write_child_rtti_data;
450       end;
453     function tdef.get_inittable_label : pasmlabel;
454       begin
455          if not(has_inittable) then
456            generate_inittable;
457          get_inittable_label:=inittable_label;
458       end;
461     procedure tdef.write_rtti_name;
462       var
463          str : string;
464       begin
465          { name }
466          if assigned(typesym) then
467            begin
468               str:=typesym^.name;
469               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_string,init(chr(length(str))+str)));
470            end
471          else
472            rttilist^.concat(new(pai_string,init(#0)))
473       end;
476     { returns true, if the definition can be published }
477     function tdef.is_publishable : boolean;
478       begin
479          is_publishable:=false;
480       end;
483     procedure tdef.write_rtti_data;
484       begin
485       end;
488     procedure tdef.write_child_rtti_data;
489       begin
490       end;
493    function tdef.is_intregable : boolean;
495      begin
496         is_intregable:=false;
497         case deftype of
498           pointerdef,
499           enumdef,
500           procvardef :
501             is_intregable:=true;
502           orddef :
503             case porddef(@self)^.typ of
504               bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit,
505               u8bit,u16bit,u32bit,
506               s8bit,s16bit,s32bit:
507                 is_intregable:=true;
508             end;
509           setdef:
510             is_intregable:=is_smallset(@self);
511         end;
512      end;
514    function tdef.is_fpuregable : boolean;
516      begin
517         is_fpuregable:=(deftype=floatdef) and not(pfloatdef(@self)^.typ in [f32bit,f16bit]);
518      end;
520 {****************************************************************************
521                                TSTRINGDEF
522 ****************************************************************************}
524     constructor tstringdef.shortinit(l : byte);
525       begin
526          tdef.init;
527          string_typ:=st_shortstring;
528          deftype:=stringdef;
529          len:=l;
530          savesize:=len+1;
531       end;
534     constructor tstringdef.shortload;
535       begin
536          tdef.load;
537          string_typ:=st_shortstring;
538          deftype:=stringdef;
539          len:=readbyte;
540          savesize:=len+1;
541       end;
544     constructor tstringdef.longinit(l : longint);
545       begin
546          tdef.init;
547          string_typ:=st_longstring;
548          deftype:=stringdef;
549          len:=l;
550          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
551       end;
554     constructor tstringdef.longload;
555       begin
556          tdef.load;
557          deftype:=stringdef;
558          string_typ:=st_longstring;
559          len:=readlong;
560          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
561       end;
564     constructor tstringdef.ansiinit(l : longint);
565       begin
566          tdef.init;
567          string_typ:=st_ansistring;
568          deftype:=stringdef;
569          len:=l;
570          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
571       end;
574     constructor tstringdef.ansiload;
575       begin
576          tdef.load;
577          deftype:=stringdef;
578          string_typ:=st_ansistring;
579          len:=readlong;
580          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
581       end;
584     constructor tstringdef.wideinit(l : longint);
585       begin
586          tdef.init;
587          string_typ:=st_widestring;
588          deftype:=stringdef;
589          len:=l;
590          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
591       end;
594     constructor tstringdef.wideload;
595       begin
596          tdef.load;
597          deftype:=stringdef;
598          string_typ:=st_widestring;
599          len:=readlong;
600          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
601       end;
604     function tstringdef.stringtypname:string;
605       const
606         typname:array[tstringtype] of string[8]=('',
608         );
609       begin
610         stringtypname:=typname[string_typ];
611       end;
614     function tstringdef.size : longint;
615       begin
616         size:=savesize;
617       end;
620     procedure tstringdef.write;
621       begin
622          tdef.write;
623          if string_typ=st_shortstring then
624            writebyte(len)
625          else
626            writelong(len);
627          case string_typ of
628            st_shortstring : current_ppu^.writeentry(ibshortstringdef);
629             st_longstring : current_ppu^.writeentry(iblongstringdef);
630             st_ansistring : current_ppu^.writeentry(ibansistringdef);
631             st_widestring : current_ppu^.writeentry(ibwidestringdef);
632          end;
633       end;
636 {$ifdef GDB}
637     function tstringdef.stabstring : pchar;
638       var
639         bytest,charst,longst : string;
640       begin
641         case string_typ of
642            st_shortstring:
643              begin
644                charst := typeglobalnumber('char');
645                { this is what I found in stabs.texinfo but
646                  gdb 4.12 for go32 doesn't understand that !! }
647              {$IfDef GDBknowsstrings}
648                stabstring := strpnew('n'+charst+';'+tostr(len));
649              {$else}
650                bytest := typeglobalnumber('byte');
651                stabstring := strpnew('s'+tostr(len+1)+'length:'+bytest
652                   +',0,8;st:ar'+bytest
653                   +';1;'+tostr(len)+';'+charst+',8,'+tostr(len*8)+';;');
654              {$EndIf}
655              end;
656            st_longstring:
657              begin
658                charst := typeglobalnumber('char');
659                { this is what I found in stabs.texinfo but
660                  gdb 4.12 for go32 doesn't understand that !! }
661              {$IfDef GDBknowsstrings}
662                stabstring := strpnew('n'+charst+';'+tostr(len));
663              {$else}
664                bytest := typeglobalnumber('byte');
665                longst := typeglobalnumber('longint');
666                stabstring := strpnew('s'+tostr(len+5)+'length:'+longst
667                   +',0,32;dummy:'+bytest+',32,8;st:ar'+bytest
668                   +';1;'+tostr(len)+';'+charst+',40,'+tostr(len*8)+';;');
669              {$EndIf}
670              end;
671            st_ansistring:
672              begin
673                { an ansi string looks like a pchar easy !! }
674                stabstring:=strpnew('*'+typeglobalnumber('char'));
675              end;
676            st_widestring:
677              begin
678                { an ansi string looks like a pchar easy !! }
679                stabstring:=strpnew('*'+typeglobalnumber('char'));
680              end;
681       end;
682     end;
685     procedure tstringdef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
686       begin
687         inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
688       end;
689 {$endif GDB}
692     function tstringdef.needs_inittable : boolean;
693       begin
694          needs_inittable:=string_typ in [st_ansistring,st_widestring];
695       end;
697     function tstringdef.gettypename : string;
699       const
700          names : array[tstringtype] of string[20] = ('',
701            'ShortString','LongString','AnsiString','WideString');
703       begin
704          gettypename:=names[string_typ];
705       end;
707     procedure tstringdef.write_rtti_data;
708       begin
709          case string_typ of
710             st_ansistring:
711               begin
712                  rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkAString)));
713                  write_rtti_name;
714               end;
715             st_widestring:
716               begin
717                  rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkWString)));
718                  write_rtti_name;
719               end;
720             st_longstring:
721               begin
722                  rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkLString)));
723                  write_rtti_name;
724               end;
725             st_shortstring:
726               begin
727                  rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkSString)));
728                  write_rtti_name;
729                  rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(len)));
730               end;
731          end;
732       end;
735     function tstringdef.is_publishable : boolean;
736       begin
737          is_publishable:=true;
738       end;
741 {****************************************************************************
742                                  TENUMDEF
743 ****************************************************************************}
745     constructor tenumdef.init;
746       begin
747          tdef.init;
748          deftype:=enumdef;
749          minval:=0;
750          maxval:=0;
751          calcsavesize;
752          has_jumps:=false;
753          basedef:=nil;
754          rangenr:=0;
755          firstenum:=nil;
756          correct_owner_symtable;
757       end;
759     constructor tenumdef.init_subrange(_basedef:penumdef;_min,_max:longint);
760       begin
761          tdef.init;
762          deftype:=enumdef;
763          minval:=_min;
764          maxval:=_max;
765          basedef:=_basedef;
766          calcsavesize;
767          has_jumps:=false;
768          rangenr:=0;
769          firstenum:=basedef^.firstenum;
770          while assigned(firstenum) and (penumsym(firstenum)^.value<>minval) do
771           firstenum:=firstenum^.nextenum;
772          correct_owner_symtable;
773       end;
776     constructor tenumdef.load;
777       begin
778          tdef.load;
779          deftype:=enumdef;
780          basedef:=penumdef(readdefref);
781          minval:=readlong;
782          maxval:=readlong;
783          savesize:=readlong;
784          has_jumps:=false;
785          firstenum:=Nil;
786       end;
789     procedure tenumdef.calcsavesize;
790       begin
791         if (aktpackenum=4) or (min<0) or (max>65535) then
792          savesize:=4
793         else
794          if (aktpackenum=2) or (min<0) or (max>255) then
795           savesize:=2
796         else
797          savesize:=1;
798       end;
801     procedure tenumdef.setmax(_max:longint);
802       begin
803         maxval:=_max;
804         calcsavesize;
805       end;
808     procedure tenumdef.setmin(_min:longint);
809       begin
810         minval:=_min;
811         calcsavesize;
812       end;
815     function tenumdef.min:longint;
816       begin
817         min:=minval;
818       end;
821     function tenumdef.max:longint;
822       begin
823         max:=maxval;
824       end;
827     procedure tenumdef.deref;
828       begin
829         inherited deref;
830         resolvedef(pdef(basedef));
831       end;
834     destructor tenumdef.done;
835       begin
836         inherited done;
837       end;
840     procedure tenumdef.write;
841       begin
842          tdef.write;
843          writedefref(basedef);
844          writelong(min);
845          writelong(max);
846          writelong(savesize);
847          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibenumdef);
848       end;
851     function tenumdef.getrangecheckstring : string;
852       begin
853          if (cs_create_smart in aktmoduleswitches) then
854            getrangecheckstring:='R_'+current_module^.modulename^+tostr(rangenr)
855          else
856            getrangecheckstring:='R_'+tostr(rangenr);
857       end;
860     procedure tenumdef.genrangecheck;
861       begin
862          if rangenr=0 then
863            begin
864               { generate two constant for bounds }
865               getlabelnr(rangenr);
866               if (cs_create_smart in aktmoduleswitches) then
867                 datasegment^.concat(new(pai_symbol,initname_global(getrangecheckstring,8)))
868               else
869                 datasegment^.concat(new(pai_symbol,initname(getrangecheckstring,8)));
870               datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(min)));
871               datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(max)));
872            end;
873       end;
876 {$ifdef GDB}
877     function tenumdef.stabstring : pchar;
878       var st,st2 : pchar;
879           p : penumsym;
880           s : string;
881           memsize : word;
882       begin
883         memsize := memsizeinc;
884         getmem(st,memsize);
885         { we can specify the size with @s<size>; prefix PM }
886         if savesize <> target_os.size_of_longint then
887           strpcopy(st,'@s'+tostr(savesize)+';e')
888         else
889           strpcopy(st,'e');
890         p := firstenum;
891         while assigned(p) do
892           begin
893             s :=p^.name+':'+tostr(p^.value)+',';
894             { place for the ending ';' also }
895             if (strlen(st)+length(s)+1<memsize) then
896               strpcopy(strend(st),s)
897             else
898               begin
899                 getmem(st2,memsize+memsizeinc);
900                 strcopy(st2,st);
901                 freemem(st,memsize);
902                 st := st2;
903                 memsize := memsize+memsizeinc;
904                 strpcopy(strend(st),s);
905               end;
906             p := p^.nextenum;
907           end;
908         strpcopy(strend(st),';');
909         stabstring := strnew(st);
910         freemem(st,memsize);
911       end;
912 {$endif GDB}
915     procedure tenumdef.write_child_rtti_data;
916       begin
917          if assigned(basedef) then
918            basedef^.get_rtti_label;
919       end;
922     procedure tenumdef.write_rtti_data;
924       var
925          hp : penumsym;
927       begin
928          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkEnumeration)));
929          write_rtti_name;
930          case savesize of
931             1:
932               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(otUByte)));
933             2:
934               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(otUWord)));
935             4:
936               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(otULong)));
937          end;
938          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(min)));
939          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(max)));
940          if assigned(basedef) then
941            rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname(basedef^.get_rtti_label)))
942          else
943            rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(0)));
944          hp:=firstenum;
945          while assigned(hp) do
946            begin
947               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(length(hp^.name))));
948               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_string,init(globals.lower(hp^.name))));
949               hp:=hp^.nextenum;
950            end;
951          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(0)));
952       end;
955     function tenumdef.is_publishable : boolean;
956       begin
957          is_publishable:=true;
958       end;
960     function tenumdef.gettypename : string;
962       begin
963          gettypename:='<enumeration type>';
964       end;
966 {****************************************************************************
967                                  TORDDEF
968 ****************************************************************************}
970     constructor torddef.init(t : tbasetype;v,b : longint);
971       begin
972          inherited init;
973          deftype:=orddef;
974          low:=v;
975          high:=b;
976          typ:=t;
977          rangenr:=0;
978          setsize;
979       end;
982     constructor torddef.load;
983       begin
984          inherited load;
985          deftype:=orddef;
986          typ:=tbasetype(readbyte);
987          low:=readlong;
988          high:=readlong;
989          rangenr:=0;
990          setsize;
991       end;
994     procedure torddef.setsize;
995       begin
996          if typ=uauto then
997            begin
998               { generate a unsigned range if high<0 and low>=0 }
999               if (low>=0) and (high<0) then
1000                 begin
1001                    savesize:=4;
1002                    typ:=u32bit;
1003                 end
1004               else if (low>=0) and (high<=255) then
1005                 begin
1006                    savesize:=1;
1007                    typ:=u8bit;
1008                 end
1009               else if (low>=-128) and (high<=127) then
1010                 begin
1011                    savesize:=1;
1012                    typ:=s8bit;
1013                 end
1014               else if (low>=0) and (high<=65536) then
1015                 begin
1016                    savesize:=2;
1017                    typ:=u16bit;
1018                 end
1019               else if (low>=-32768) and (high<=32767) then
1020                 begin
1021                    savesize:=2;
1022                    typ:=s16bit;
1023                 end
1024               else
1025                 begin
1026                    savesize:=4;
1027                    typ:=s32bit;
1028                 end;
1029            end
1030          else
1031            begin
1032              case typ of
1033                 u8bit,s8bit,
1034                 uchar,bool8bit:
1035                   savesize:=1;
1037                 u16bit,s16bit,
1038                 bool16bit,uwidechar:
1039                   savesize:=2;
1041                 s32bit,u32bit,
1042                 bool32bit:
1043                   savesize:=4;
1045                 u64bit,s64bit:
1046                   savesize:=8;
1047              else
1048                savesize:=0;
1049              end;
1050            end;
1051        { there are no entrys for range checking }
1052          rangenr:=0;
1053       end;
1055     function torddef.getrangecheckstring : string;
1057       begin
1058          if (cs_create_smart in aktmoduleswitches) then
1059            getrangecheckstring:='R_'+current_module^.modulename^+tostr(rangenr)
1060          else
1061            getrangecheckstring:='R_'+tostr(rangenr);
1062       end;
1064     procedure torddef.genrangecheck;
1065       var
1066         rangechecksize : longint;
1067       begin
1068          if rangenr=0 then
1069            begin
1070               if low<=high then
1071                rangechecksize:=8
1072               else
1073                rangechecksize:=16;
1074               { generate two constant for bounds }
1075               getlabelnr(rangenr);
1076               if (cs_create_smart in aktmoduleswitches) then
1077                 datasegment^.concat(new(pai_symbol,initname_global(getrangecheckstring,rangechecksize)))
1078               else
1079                 datasegment^.concat(new(pai_symbol,initname(getrangecheckstring,rangechecksize)));
1080               if low<=high then
1081                 begin
1082                    datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(low)));
1083                    datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(high)));
1084                 end
1085               { for u32bit we need two bounds }
1086               else
1087                 begin
1088                    datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(low)));
1089                    datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($7fffffff)));
1090                    datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($80000000)));
1091                    datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(high)));
1092                 end;
1093            end;
1094       end;
1097     procedure torddef.write;
1098       begin
1099          tdef.write;
1100          writebyte(byte(typ));
1101          writelong(low);
1102          writelong(high);
1103          current_ppu^.writeentry(iborddef);
1104       end;
1107 {$ifdef GDB}
1108     function torddef.stabstring : pchar;
1109       begin
1110         case typ of
1111             uvoid : stabstring := strpnew(numberstring+';');
1112          {GDB 4.12 for go32 doesn't like boolean as range for 0 to 1 !!!}
1113 {$ifdef Use_integer_types_for_boolean}
1114          bool8bit,
1115         bool16bit,
1116         bool32bit : stabstring := strpnew('r'+numberstring+';0;255;');
1117 {$else : not Use_integer_types_for_boolean}
1118          bool8bit : stabstring := strpnew('-21;');
1119         bool16bit : stabstring := strpnew('-22;');
1120         bool32bit : stabstring := strpnew('-23;');
1121         u64bit    : stabstring := strpnew('-32;');
1122         s64bit    : stabstring := strpnew('-31;');
1123 {$endif not Use_integer_types_for_boolean}
1124          { u32bit : stabstring := strpnew('r'+
1125               s32bitdef^.numberstring+';0;-1;'); }
1126         else
1127           stabstring := strpnew('r'+s32bitdef^.numberstring+';'+tostr(low)+';'+tostr(high)+';');
1128         end;
1129       end;
1130 {$endif GDB}
1133     procedure torddef.write_rtti_data;
1135         procedure dointeger;
1136         const
1137           trans : array[uchar..bool8bit] of byte =
1138             (otUByte,otUByte,otUWord,otULong,otSByte,otSWord,otSLong,otUByte);
1139         begin
1140           write_rtti_name;
1141           rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(byte(trans[typ]))));
1142           rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(low)));
1143           rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(high)));
1144         end;
1146       begin
1147         case typ of
1148           s64bit :
1149             begin
1150               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkInt64)));
1151               write_rtti_name;
1152               { low }
1153               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($0)));
1154               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($8000)));
1155               { high }
1156               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($ffff)));
1157               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($7fff)));
1158             end;
1159           u64bit :
1160             begin
1161               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkQWord)));
1162               write_rtti_name;
1163               { low }
1164               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($0)));
1165               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($0)));
1166               { high }
1167               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($0)));
1168               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($8000)));
1169             end;
1170           bool8bit:
1171             begin
1172               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkBool)));
1173               dointeger;
1174             end;
1175           uchar:
1176             begin
1177               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkChar)));
1178               dointeger;
1179             end;
1180           uwidechar:
1181             begin
1182               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkWChar)));
1183               dointeger;
1184             end;
1185           else
1186             begin
1187               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkInteger)));
1188               dointeger;
1189             end;
1190         end;
1191       end;
1194     function torddef.is_publishable : boolean;
1195       begin
1196          is_publishable:=typ in [uchar..bool8bit];
1197       end;
1199     function torddef.gettypename : string;
1201       const
1202         names : array[tbasetype] of string[20] = ('<unknown type>',
1203           'untyped','Char','Byte','Word','DWord','ShortInt',
1204           'SmallInt','LongInt','Boolean','WordBool',
1205           'LongBool','QWord','Int64','WideChar');
1207       begin
1208          gettypename:=names[typ];
1209       end;
1211 {****************************************************************************
1212                                 TFLOATDEF
1213 ****************************************************************************}
1215     constructor tfloatdef.init(t : tfloattype);
1216       begin
1217          inherited init;
1218          deftype:=floatdef;
1219          typ:=t;
1220          setsize;
1221       end;
1224     constructor tfloatdef.load;
1225       begin
1226          inherited load;
1227          deftype:=floatdef;
1228          typ:=tfloattype(readbyte);
1229          setsize;
1230       end;
1233     procedure tfloatdef.setsize;
1234       begin
1235          case typ of
1236             f16bit : savesize:=2;
1237             f32bit,
1238            s32real : savesize:=4;
1239            s64real : savesize:=8;
1240            s80real : savesize:=extended_size;
1241            s64comp : savesize:=8;
1242          else
1243            savesize:=0;
1244          end;
1245       end;
1248     procedure tfloatdef.write;
1249       begin
1250          inherited write;
1251          writebyte(byte(typ));
1252          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibfloatdef);
1253       end;
1256 {$ifdef GDB}
1257     function tfloatdef.stabstring : pchar;
1258       begin
1259          case typ of
1260             s32real,
1261             s64real : stabstring := strpnew('r'+
1262                s32bitdef^.numberstring+';'+tostr(savesize)+';0;');
1263             { for fixed real use longint instead to be able to }
1264             { debug something at least                         }
1265             f32bit:
1266               stabstring := s32bitdef^.stabstring;
1267             f16bit:
1268               stabstring := strpnew('r'+s32bitdef^.numberstring+';0;'+
1269                 tostr($ffff)+';');
1270             { found this solution in stabsread.c from GDB v4.16 }
1271             s64comp : stabstring := strpnew('r'+
1272                s32bitdef^.numberstring+';-'+tostr(savesize)+';0;');
1273 {$ifdef i386}
1274             { under dos at least you must give a size of twelve instead of 10 !! }
1275             { this is probably do to the fact that in gcc all is pushed in 4 bytes size }
1276             s80real : stabstring := strpnew('r'+s32bitdef^.numberstring+';12;0;');
1277 {$endif i386}
1278             else
1279               internalerror(10005);
1280          end;
1281       end;
1282 {$endif GDB}
1285     procedure tfloatdef.write_rtti_data;
1286       const
1287          {tfloattype = (s32real,s64real,s80real,s64bit,f16bit,f32bit);}
1288          translate : array[tfloattype] of byte =
1289            (ftSingle,ftDouble,ftExtended,ftComp,ftFixed16,ftFixed32);
1290       begin
1291          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkFloat)));
1292          write_rtti_name;
1293          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(translate[typ])));
1294       end;
1297     function tfloatdef.is_publishable : boolean;
1298       begin
1299          is_publishable:=true;
1300       end;
1302     function tfloatdef.gettypename : string;
1304       const
1305         names : array[tfloattype] of string[20] = (
1306           'Single','Double','Extended','Comp','Fixed','Fixed16');
1308       begin
1309          gettypename:=names[typ];
1310       end;
1312 {****************************************************************************
1313                                 TFILEDEF
1314 ****************************************************************************}
1316     constructor tfiledef.inittext;
1317       begin
1318          inherited init;
1319          deftype:=filedef;
1320          filetyp:=ft_text;
1321          typedfiletype.reset;
1322          setsize;
1323       end;
1326     constructor tfiledef.inituntyped;
1327       begin
1328          inherited init;
1329          deftype:=filedef;
1330          filetyp:=ft_untyped;
1331          typedfiletype.reset;
1332          setsize;
1333       end;
1336     constructor tfiledef.inittyped(const tt : ttype);
1337       begin
1338          inherited init;
1339          deftype:=filedef;
1340          filetyp:=ft_typed;
1341          typedfiletype:=tt;
1342          setsize;
1343       end;
1346     constructor tfiledef.inittypeddef(p : pdef);
1347       begin
1348          inherited init;
1349          deftype:=filedef;
1350          filetyp:=ft_typed;
1351          typedfiletype.setdef(p);
1352          setsize;
1353       end;
1356     constructor tfiledef.load;
1357       begin
1358          inherited load;
1359          deftype:=filedef;
1360          filetyp:=tfiletyp(readbyte);
1361          if filetyp=ft_typed then
1362            typedfiletype.load
1363          else
1364            typedfiletype.reset;
1365          setsize;
1366       end;
1369     procedure tfiledef.deref;
1370       begin
1371         inherited deref;
1372         if filetyp=ft_typed then
1373           typedfiletype.resolve;
1374       end;
1377     procedure tfiledef.setsize;
1378       begin
1379         case filetyp of
1380           ft_text :
1381             savesize:=572;
1382           ft_typed,
1383           ft_untyped :
1384             savesize:=316;
1385         end;
1386       end;
1389     procedure tfiledef.write;
1390       begin
1391          inherited write;
1392          writebyte(byte(filetyp));
1393          if filetyp=ft_typed then
1394            typedfiletype.write;
1395          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibfiledef);
1396       end;
1399 {$ifdef GDB}
1400     function tfiledef.stabstring : pchar;
1401       begin
1402    {$IfDef GDBknowsfiles}
1403       case filetyp of
1404         ft_typed :
1405           stabstring := strpnew('d'+typedfiletype.def^.numberstring{+';'});
1406         ft_untyped :
1407           stabstring := strpnew('d'+voiddef^.numberstring{+';'});
1408         ft_text :
1409           stabstring := strpnew('d'+cchardef^.numberstring{+';'});
1410       end;
1411    {$Else}
1412       {based on
1413         FileRec = Packed Record
1414           Handle,
1415           Mode,
1416           RecSize   : longint;
1417           _private  : array[1..32] of byte;
1418           UserData  : array[1..16] of byte;
1419           name      : array[0..255] of char;
1420         End; }
1421       { the buffer part is still missing !! (PM) }
1422       { but the string could become too long !! }
1423       stabstring := strpnew('s'+tostr(savesize)+
1424                      'HANDLE:'+typeglobalnumber('longint')+',0,32;'+
1425                      'MODE:'+typeglobalnumber('longint')+',32,32;'+
1426                      'RECSIZE:'+typeglobalnumber('longint')+',64,32;'+
1427                      '_PRIVATE:ar'+typeglobalnumber('word')+';1;32;'+typeglobalnumber('byte')
1428                         +',96,256;'+
1429                      'USERDATA:ar'+typeglobalnumber('word')+';1;16;'+typeglobalnumber('byte')
1430                         +',352,128;'+
1431                      'NAME:ar'+typeglobalnumber('word')+';0;255;'+typeglobalnumber('char')
1432                         +',480,2048;;');
1433    {$EndIf}
1434       end;
1437     procedure tfiledef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
1438       begin
1439       { most file defs are unnamed !!! }
1440       if ((typesym = nil) or typesym^.isusedinstab or (cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches)) and
1441          (is_def_stab_written  = not_written) then
1442         begin
1443         if assigned(typedfiletype.def) then forcestabto(asmlist,typedfiletype.def);
1444         inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
1445         end;
1446       end;
1447 {$endif GDB}
1449     function tfiledef.gettypename : string;
1451       begin
1452          case filetyp of
1453            ft_untyped:
1454              gettypename:='File';
1455            ft_typed:
1456              gettypename:='File Of '+typedfiletype.def^.typename;
1457            ft_text:
1458              gettypename:='Text'
1459          end;
1460       end;
1464 {****************************************************************************
1465                                TPOINTERDEF
1466 ****************************************************************************}
1468     constructor tpointerdef.init(const tt : ttype);
1469       begin
1470         tdef.init;
1471         deftype:=pointerdef;
1472         pointertype:=tt;
1473         is_far:=false;
1474         savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
1475       end;
1478     constructor tpointerdef.initfar(const tt : ttype);
1479       begin
1480         tdef.init;
1481         deftype:=pointerdef;
1482         pointertype:=tt;
1483         is_far:=true;
1484         savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
1485       end;
1488     constructor tpointerdef.initdef(p : pdef);
1489       var
1490         t : ttype;
1491       begin
1492         t.setdef(p);
1493         tpointerdef.init(t);
1494       end;
1497     constructor tpointerdef.initfardef(p : pdef);
1498       var
1499         t : ttype;
1500       begin
1501         t.setdef(p);
1502         tpointerdef.initfar(t);
1503       end;
1507     constructor tpointerdef.load;
1508       begin
1509          tdef.load;
1510          deftype:=pointerdef;
1511          pointertype.load;
1512          is_far:=(readbyte<>0);
1513          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
1514       end;
1517     destructor tpointerdef.done;
1518       begin
1519         if assigned(pointertype.def) and
1520            (pointertype.def^.deftype=forwarddef) then
1521          begin
1522            dispose(pointertype.def,done);
1523            pointertype.reset;
1524          end;
1525         inherited done;
1526       end;
1529     procedure tpointerdef.deref;
1530       begin
1531         inherited deref;
1532         pointertype.resolve;
1533       end;
1536     procedure tpointerdef.write;
1537       begin
1538          inherited write;
1539          pointertype.write;
1540          writebyte(byte(is_far));
1541          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibpointerdef);
1542       end;
1545 {$ifdef GDB}
1546     function tpointerdef.stabstring : pchar;
1547       begin
1548         stabstring := strpnew('*'+pointertype.def^.numberstring);
1549       end;
1552     procedure tpointerdef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
1553       var st,nb : string;
1554           sym_line_no : longint;
1555       begin
1556       if assigned(pointertype.def) and
1557          (pointertype.def^.deftype=forwarddef) then
1558         exit;
1560       if ( (typesym=nil) or typesym^.isusedinstab or (cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches)) and
1561          (is_def_stab_written = not_written) then
1562         begin
1563           is_def_stab_written := being_written;
1564         if assigned(pointertype.def) and
1565            (pointertype.def^.deftype in [recorddef,objectdef]) then
1566           begin
1567             nb:=pointertype.def^.numberstring;
1568             {to avoid infinite recursion in record with next-like fields }
1569             if pointertype.def^.is_def_stab_written = being_written then
1570               begin
1571                 if assigned(pointertype.def^.typesym) then
1572                   begin
1573                     if assigned(typesym) then
1574                       begin
1575                          st := typesym^.name;
1576                          sym_line_no:=typesym^.fileinfo.line;
1577                       end
1578                     else
1579                       begin
1580                          st := ' ';
1581                          sym_line_no:=0;
1582                       end;
1583                     st := '"'+st+':t'+numberstring+'=*'+nb
1584                           +'=xs'+pointertype.def^.typesym^.name+':",'+tostr(N_LSYM)+',0,'+tostr(sym_line_no)+',0';
1585                     asmlist^.concat(new(pai_stabs,init(strpnew(st))));
1586                     end;
1587               end
1588             else
1589               begin
1590                 is_def_stab_written := not_written;
1591                 inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
1592               end;
1593             is_def_stab_written := written;
1594           end
1595         else
1596           begin
1597             if assigned(pointertype.def) then
1598               forcestabto(asmlist,pointertype.def);
1599             is_def_stab_written := not_written;
1600             inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
1601           end;
1602         end;
1603       end;
1604 {$endif GDB}
1606     function tpointerdef.gettypename : string;
1608       begin
1609          gettypename:='^'+pointertype.def^.typename;
1610       end;
1612 {****************************************************************************
1613                               TCLASSREFDEF
1614 ****************************************************************************}
1616     constructor tclassrefdef.init(def : pdef);
1617       begin
1618          inherited initdef(def);
1619          deftype:=classrefdef;
1620       end;
1623     constructor tclassrefdef.load;
1624       begin
1625          { be careful, tclassdefref inherits from tpointerdef }
1626          tdef.load;
1627          deftype:=classrefdef;
1628          pointertype.load;
1629          is_far:=false;
1630          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
1631       end;
1634     procedure tclassrefdef.write;
1635       begin
1636          { be careful, tclassdefref inherits from tpointerdef }
1637          tdef.write;
1638          pointertype.write;
1639          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibclassrefdef);
1640       end;
1643 {$ifdef GDB}
1644     function tclassrefdef.stabstring : pchar;
1645       begin
1646          stabstring:=strpnew(pvmtdef^.numberstring+';');
1647       end;
1650     procedure tclassrefdef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
1651       begin
1652         inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
1653       end;
1654 {$endif GDB}
1656     function tclassrefdef.gettypename : string;
1658       begin
1659          gettypename:='Class Of '+pointertype.def^.typename;
1660       end;
1663 {***************************************************************************
1664                                    TSETDEF
1665 ***************************************************************************}
1667 { For i386 smallsets work,
1668   for m68k there are problems
1669   can be test by compiling with -dusesmallset PM }
1670 {$ifdef i386}
1671 {$define usesmallset}
1672 {$endif i386}
1674     constructor tsetdef.init(s : pdef;high : longint);
1675       begin
1676          inherited init;
1677          deftype:=setdef;
1678          elementtype.setdef(s);
1679 {$ifdef usesmallset}
1680          { small sets only working for i386 PM }
1681          if high<32 then
1682            begin
1683             settype:=smallset;
1684            {$ifdef testvarsets}
1685             if aktsetalloc=0 THEN      { $PACKSET Fixed?}
1686            {$endif}
1687             savesize:=Sizeof(longint)
1688            {$ifdef testvarsets}
1689            else                       {No, use $PACKSET VALUE for rounding}
1690             savesize:=aktsetalloc*((high+aktsetalloc*8-1) DIV (aktsetalloc*8))
1691            {$endif}
1692               ;
1693           end
1694          else
1695 {$endif usesmallset}
1696          if high<256 then
1697            begin
1698               settype:=normset;
1699               savesize:=32;
1700            end
1701          else
1702 {$ifdef testvarsets}
1703          if high<$10000 then
1704            begin
1705               settype:=varset;
1706               savesize:=4*((high+31) div 32);
1707            end
1708          else
1709 {$endif testvarsets}
1710           Message(sym_e_ill_type_decl_set);
1711       end;
1714     constructor tsetdef.load;
1715       begin
1716          inherited load;
1717          deftype:=setdef;
1718          elementtype.load;
1719          settype:=tsettype(readbyte);
1720          case settype of
1721             normset : savesize:=32;
1722             varset : savesize:=readlong;
1723             smallset : savesize:=Sizeof(longint);
1724          end;
1725       end;
1728     destructor tsetdef.done;
1729       begin
1730         inherited done;
1731       end;
1734     procedure tsetdef.write;
1735       begin
1736          inherited write;
1737          elementtype.write;
1738          writebyte(byte(settype));
1739          if settype=varset then
1740            writelong(savesize);
1741          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibsetdef);
1742       end;
1745 {$ifdef GDB}
1746     function tsetdef.stabstring : pchar;
1747       begin
1748          { For small sets write a longint, which can at least be seen
1749            in the current GDB's (PFV)
1750            this is obsolete with GDBPAS !!
1751            and anyhow creates problems with version 4.18!! PM
1752          if settype=smallset then
1753            stabstring := strpnew('r'+s32bitdef^.numberstring+';0;0xffffffff;')
1754          else }
1755            stabstring := strpnew('@s'+tostr(savesize)+';S'+elementtype.def^.numberstring);
1756       end;
1759     procedure tsetdef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
1760       begin
1761       if ( not assigned(typesym) or typesym^.isusedinstab or (cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches)) and
1762           (is_def_stab_written = not_written) then
1763         begin
1764           if assigned(elementtype.def) then
1765             forcestabto(asmlist,elementtype.def);
1766           inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
1767         end;
1768       end;
1769 {$endif GDB}
1772     procedure tsetdef.deref;
1773       begin
1774         inherited deref;
1775         elementtype.resolve;
1776       end;
1779     procedure tsetdef.write_rtti_data;
1780       begin
1781          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkSet)));
1782          write_rtti_name;
1783          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(otULong)));
1784          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname(elementtype.def^.get_rtti_label)));
1785       end;
1788     procedure tsetdef.write_child_rtti_data;
1789       begin
1790          elementtype.def^.get_rtti_label;
1791       end;
1794     function tsetdef.is_publishable : boolean;
1795       begin
1796          is_publishable:=settype=smallset;
1797       end;
1799     function tsetdef.gettypename : string;
1801       begin
1802          if assigned(elementtype.def) then
1803           gettypename:='Set Of '+elementtype.def^.typename
1804          else
1805           gettypename:='Empty Set';
1806       end;
1809 {***************************************************************************
1810                                  TFORMALDEF
1811 ***************************************************************************}
1813     constructor tformaldef.init;
1814       var
1815          stregdef : boolean;
1816       begin
1817          stregdef:=registerdef;
1818          registerdef:=false;
1819          inherited init;
1820          deftype:=formaldef;
1821          registerdef:=stregdef;
1822          { formaldef must be registered at unit level !! }
1823          if registerdef and assigned(current_module) then
1824             if assigned(current_module^.localsymtable) then
1825               psymtable(current_module^.localsymtable)^.registerdef(@self)
1826             else if assigned(current_module^.globalsymtable) then
1827               psymtable(current_module^.globalsymtable)^.registerdef(@self);
1828          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
1829       end;
1832     constructor tformaldef.load;
1833       begin
1834          inherited load;
1835          deftype:=formaldef;
1836          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
1837       end;
1840     procedure tformaldef.write;
1841       begin
1842          inherited write;
1843          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibformaldef);
1844       end;
1847 {$ifdef GDB}
1848     function tformaldef.stabstring : pchar;
1849       begin
1850       stabstring := strpnew('formal'+numberstring+';');
1851       end;
1854     procedure tformaldef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
1855       begin
1856       { formaldef can't be stab'ed !}
1857       end;
1858 {$endif GDB}
1860     function tformaldef.gettypename : string;
1862       begin
1863          gettypename:='Var';
1864       end;
1866 {***************************************************************************
1867                            TARRAYDEF
1868 ***************************************************************************}
1870     constructor tarraydef.init(l,h : longint;rd : pdef);
1871       begin
1872          inherited init;
1873          deftype:=arraydef;
1874          lowrange:=l;
1875          highrange:=h;
1876          rangetype.setdef(rd);
1877          elementtype.reset;
1878          IsVariant:=false;
1879          IsConstructor:=false;
1880          IsArrayOfConst:=false;
1881          rangenr:=0;
1882       end;
1885     constructor tarraydef.load;
1886       begin
1887          inherited load;
1888          deftype:=arraydef;
1889          { the addresses are calculated later }
1890          elementtype.load;
1891          rangetype.load;
1892          lowrange:=readlong;
1893          highrange:=readlong;
1894          IsArrayOfConst:=boolean(readbyte);
1895          IsVariant:=false;
1896          IsConstructor:=false;
1897          rangenr:=0;
1898       end;
1901     function tarraydef.getrangecheckstring : string;
1902       begin
1903          if (cs_create_smart in aktmoduleswitches) then
1904            getrangecheckstring:='R_'+current_module^.modulename^+tostr(rangenr)
1905          else
1906            getrangecheckstring:='R_'+tostr(rangenr);
1907       end;
1910     procedure tarraydef.genrangecheck;
1911       begin
1912          if rangenr=0 then
1913            begin
1914               { generates the data for range checking }
1915               getlabelnr(rangenr);
1916               if (cs_create_smart in aktmoduleswitches) then
1917                 datasegment^.concat(new(pai_symbol,initname_global(getrangecheckstring,8)))
1918               else
1919                 datasegment^.concat(new(pai_symbol,initname(getrangecheckstring,8)));
1920               if lowrange<=highrange then
1921                 begin
1922                   datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(lowrange)));
1923                   datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(highrange)));
1924                 end
1925               { for big arrays we need two bounds }
1926               else
1927                 begin
1928                   datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(lowrange)));
1929                   datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($7fffffff)));
1930                   datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit($80000000)));
1931                   datasegment^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(highrange)));
1932                 end;
1933            end;
1934       end;
1937     procedure tarraydef.deref;
1938       begin
1939         inherited deref;
1940         elementtype.resolve;
1941         rangetype.resolve;
1942       end;
1945     procedure tarraydef.write;
1946       begin
1947          inherited write;
1948          elementtype.write;
1949          rangetype.write;
1950          writelong(lowrange);
1951          writelong(highrange);
1952          writebyte(byte(IsArrayOfConst));
1953          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibarraydef);
1954       end;
1957 {$ifdef GDB}
1958     function tarraydef.stabstring : pchar;
1959       begin
1960       stabstring := strpnew('ar'+rangetype.def^.numberstring+';'
1961                     +tostr(lowrange)+';'+tostr(highrange)+';'+elementtype.def^.numberstring);
1962       end;
1965     procedure tarraydef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
1966       begin
1967       if (not assigned(typesym) or typesym^.isusedinstab or (cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches))
1968         and (is_def_stab_written = not_written) then
1969         begin
1970         {when array are inserted they have no definition yet !!}
1971         if assigned(elementtype.def) then
1972           inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
1973         end;
1974       end;
1975 {$endif GDB}
1978     function tarraydef.elesize : longint;
1979       begin
1980         if isconstructor or is_open_array(@self) then
1981          begin
1982            { strings are stored by address only }
1983            case elementtype.def^.deftype of
1984              stringdef :
1985                elesize:=4;
1986              else
1987                elesize:=elementtype.def^.size;
1988            end;
1989          end
1990         else
1991          elesize:=elementtype.def^.size;
1992       end;
1995     function tarraydef.size : longint;
1996       begin
1997         {Tarraydef.size may never be called for an open array!}
1998         if highrange<lowrange then
1999             internalerror(99080501);
2000         If (elesize>0) and
2001            (
2002             (highrange-lowrange = $7fffffff) or
2003             { () are needed around elesize-1 to avoid a possible
2004               integer overflow for elesize=1 !! PM }
2005             (($7fffffff div elesize + (elesize -1)) < (highrange - lowrange))
2006            ) Then
2007           Begin
2008             Message(sym_e_segment_too_large);
2009             size := 4
2010           End
2011         Else size:=(highrange-lowrange+1)*elesize;
2012       end;
2015     function tarraydef.alignment : longint;
2016       begin
2017          { alignment is the size of the elements }
2018          if elementtype.def^.deftype=recorddef then
2019           alignment:=elementtype.def^.alignment
2020          else
2021           alignment:=elesize;
2022       end;
2025     function tarraydef.needs_inittable : boolean;
2026       begin
2027          needs_inittable:=elementtype.def^.needs_inittable;
2028       end;
2031     procedure tarraydef.write_child_rtti_data;
2032       begin
2033          elementtype.def^.get_rtti_label;
2034       end;
2037     procedure tarraydef.write_rtti_data;
2038       begin
2039          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkarray)));
2040          write_rtti_name;
2041          { size of elements }
2042          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(elesize)));
2043          { count of elements }
2044          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(highrange-lowrange+1)));
2045          { element type }
2046          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname(elementtype.def^.get_rtti_label)));
2047       end;
2049     function tarraydef.gettypename : string;
2051       begin
2052          if isarrayofconst or isConstructor then
2053            begin
2054              if isvariant or ((highrange=-1) and (lowrange=0)) then
2055                gettypename:='Array Of Const'
2056              else
2057                gettypename:='Array Of '+elementtype.def^.typename;
2058            end
2059          else if is_open_array(@self) then
2060            gettypename:='Array Of '+elementtype.def^.typename
2061          else
2062            begin
2063               if rangetype.def^.deftype=enumdef then
2064                 gettypename:='Array['+rangetype.def^.typename+'] Of '+elementtype.def^.typename
2065               else
2066                 gettypename:='Array['+tostr(lowrange)+'..'+
2067                   tostr(highrange)+'] Of '+elementtype.def^.typename
2068            end;
2069       end;
2071 {***************************************************************************
2072                                   trecorddef
2073 ***************************************************************************}
2075     constructor trecorddef.init(p : psymtable);
2076       begin
2077          inherited init;
2078          deftype:=recorddef;
2079          symtable:=p;
2080          symtable^.defowner := @self;
2081          symtable^.dataalignment:=packrecordalignment[aktpackrecords];
2082       end;
2085     constructor trecorddef.load;
2086       var
2087          oldread_member : boolean;
2088       begin
2089          inherited load;
2090          deftype:=recorddef;
2091          savesize:=readlong;
2092          oldread_member:=read_member;
2093          read_member:=true;
2094          symtable:=new(psymtable,loadas(recordsymtable));
2095          read_member:=oldread_member;
2096          symtable^.defowner := @self;
2097       end;
2100     destructor trecorddef.done;
2101       begin
2102          if assigned(symtable) then
2103            dispose(symtable,done);
2104          inherited done;
2105       end;
2108     var
2109        binittable : boolean;
2111     procedure check_rec_inittable(s : pnamedindexobject);
2113       begin
2114          if (not binittable) and
2115             (psym(s)^.typ=varsym) and
2116             assigned(pvarsym(s)^.vartype.def) then
2117           begin
2118             if ((pvarsym(s)^.vartype.def^.deftype<>objectdef) or
2119                not(pobjectdef(pvarsym(s)^.vartype.def)^.is_class)) then
2120              binittable:=pvarsym(s)^.vartype.def^.needs_inittable;
2121           end;
2122       end;
2125     function trecorddef.needs_inittable : boolean;
2126       var
2127          oldb : boolean;
2128       begin
2129          { there are recursive calls to needs_rtti possible, }
2130          { so we have to change to old value how else should }
2131          { we do that ? check_rec_rtti can't be a nested     }
2132          { procedure of needs_rtti !                         }
2133          oldb:=binittable;
2134          binittable:=false;
2135          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}check_rec_inittable);
2136          needs_inittable:=binittable;
2137          binittable:=oldb;
2138       end;
2141     procedure trecorddef.deref;
2142       var
2143          oldrecsyms : psymtable;
2144       begin
2145          inherited deref;
2146          oldrecsyms:=aktrecordsymtable;
2147          aktrecordsymtable:=symtable;
2148          { now dereference the definitions }
2149          symtable^.deref;
2150          aktrecordsymtable:=oldrecsyms;
2151       end;
2154     procedure trecorddef.write;
2155       var
2156          oldread_member : boolean;
2157       begin
2158          oldread_member:=read_member;
2159          read_member:=true;
2160          inherited write;
2161          writelong(savesize);
2162          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibrecorddef);
2163          self.symtable^.writeas;
2164          read_member:=oldread_member;
2165       end;
2167     function trecorddef.size:longint;
2168       begin
2169         size:=symtable^.datasize;
2170       end;
2173     function trecorddef.alignment:longint;
2174       var
2175         l  : longint;
2176         hp : pvarsym;
2177       begin
2178         { also check the first symbol for it's size, because a
2179           packed record has dataalignment of 1, but the first
2180           sym could be a longint which should be aligned on 4 bytes,
2181           this is compatible with C record packing (PFV) }
2182         hp:=pvarsym(symtable^.symindex^.first);
2183         if assigned(hp) then
2184          begin
2185            l:=hp^.vartype.def^.size;
2186            if l>symtable^.dataalignment then
2187             begin
2188               if l>=4 then
2189                alignment:=4
2190               else
2191                if l>=2 then
2192                 alignment:=2
2193               else
2194                alignment:=1;
2195             end
2196            else
2197             alignment:=symtable^.dataalignment;
2198          end
2199         else
2200          alignment:=symtable^.dataalignment;
2201       end;
2203 {$ifdef GDB}
2204     Const StabRecString : pchar = Nil;
2205           StabRecSize : longint = 0;
2206           RecOffset : Longint = 0;
2208     procedure addname(p : pnamedindexobject);
2209     var
2210       news, newrec : pchar;
2211       spec : string[3];
2212       size : longint;
2213     begin
2214     { static variables from objects are like global objects }
2215     if (sp_static in psym(p)^.symoptions) then
2216       exit;
2217     If psym(p)^.typ = varsym then
2218        begin
2219          if (sp_protected in psym(p)^.symoptions) then
2220            spec:='/1'
2221          else if (sp_private in psym(p)^.symoptions) then
2222            spec:='/0'
2223          else
2224            spec:='';
2225          if not assigned(pvarsym(p)^.vartype.def) then
2226           writeln(pvarsym(p)^.name);
2227          { class fields are pointers PM, obsolete now PM }
2228          {if (pvarsym(p)^.vartype.def^.deftype=objectdef) and
2229             pobjectdef(pvarsym(p)^.vartype.def)^.is_class then
2230             spec:=spec+'*'; }
2231          size:=pvarsym(p)^.vartype.def^.size;
2232          { open arrays made overflows !! }
2233          if size>$fffffff then
2234            size:=$fffffff;
2235          newrec := strpnew(p^.name+':'+spec+pvarsym(p)^.vartype.def^.numberstring
2236                        +','+tostr(pvarsym(p)^.address*8)+','
2237                        +tostr(size*8)+';');
2238          if strlen(StabRecString) + strlen(newrec) >= StabRecSize-256 then
2239            begin
2240               getmem(news,stabrecsize+memsizeinc);
2241               strcopy(news,stabrecstring);
2242               freemem(stabrecstring,stabrecsize);
2243               stabrecsize:=stabrecsize+memsizeinc;
2244               stabrecstring:=news;
2245            end;
2246          strcat(StabRecstring,newrec);
2247          strdispose(newrec);
2248          {This should be used for case !!}
2249          RecOffset := RecOffset + pvarsym(p)^.vartype.def^.size;
2250        end;
2251     end;
2254     function trecorddef.stabstring : pchar;
2255       Var oldrec : pchar;
2256           oldsize,oldrecoffset : longint;
2257       begin
2258         oldrec := stabrecstring;
2259         oldsize:=stabrecsize;
2260         GetMem(stabrecstring,memsizeinc);
2261         stabrecsize:=memsizeinc;
2262         strpcopy(stabRecString,'s'+tostr(size));
2263         OldRecOffset:=RecOffset;
2264         RecOffset := 0;
2265         symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}addname);
2266         { FPC doesn't want to convert a char to a pchar}
2267         { is this a bug ? }
2268         strpcopy(strend(StabRecString),';');
2269         stabstring := strnew(StabRecString);
2270         Freemem(stabrecstring,stabrecsize);
2271         stabrecstring := oldrec;
2272         stabrecsize:=oldsize;
2273         RecOffset:=OldRecOffset;
2274       end;
2277     procedure trecorddef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
2278       begin
2279         if (not assigned(typesym) or typesym^.isusedinstab or (cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches)) and
2280            (is_def_stab_written = not_written)  then
2281           inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
2282       end;
2284 {$endif GDB}
2286     var
2287        count : longint;
2289     procedure count_inittable_fields(sym : pnamedindexobject);{$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
2290       begin
2291          if ((psym(sym)^.typ=varsym) and
2292             pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.needs_inittable)
2293             and ((pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.deftype<>objectdef) or
2294                   (not pobjectdef(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def)^.is_class)) then
2295            inc(count);
2296       end;
2299     procedure count_fields(sym : pnamedindexobject);{$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
2300       begin
2301             inc(count);
2302       end;
2305     procedure write_field_inittable(sym : pnamedindexobject);{$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
2306       begin
2307          if ((psym(sym)^.typ=varsym) and
2308             pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.needs_inittable) and
2309             ((pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.deftype<>objectdef) or
2310              (not pobjectdef(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def)^.is_class)) then
2311            begin
2312               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,init(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.get_inittable_label)));
2313               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(pvarsym(sym)^.address)));
2314            end;
2315       end;
2318     procedure write_field_rtti(sym : pnamedindexobject);{$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
2319       begin
2320          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.get_rtti_label)));
2321          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(pvarsym(sym)^.address)));
2322       end;
2325     procedure generate_child_inittable(sym:pnamedindexobject);{$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
2326       begin
2327          if (psym(sym)^.typ=varsym) and
2328             pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.needs_inittable then
2329          { force inittable generation }
2330            pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.get_inittable_label;
2331       end;
2334     procedure generate_child_rtti(sym : pnamedindexobject);{$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
2335       begin
2336          pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.get_rtti_label;
2337       end;
2340     procedure trecorddef.write_child_rtti_data;
2341       begin
2342          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}generate_child_rtti);
2343       end;
2346     procedure trecorddef.write_child_init_data;
2347       begin
2348          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}generate_child_inittable);
2349       end;
2352     procedure trecorddef.write_rtti_data;
2353       begin
2354          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkrecord)));
2355          write_rtti_name;
2356          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(size)));
2357          count:=0;
2358          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}count_fields);
2359          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(count)));
2360          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}write_field_rtti);
2361       end;
2364     procedure trecorddef.write_init_data;
2365       begin
2366          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkrecord)));
2367          write_rtti_name;
2368          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(size)));
2369          count:=0;
2370          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}count_inittable_fields);
2371          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(count)));
2372          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}write_field_inittable);
2373       end;
2375     function trecorddef.gettypename : string;
2377       begin
2378          gettypename:='<record type>'
2379       end;
2382 {***************************************************************************
2383                        TABSTRACTPROCDEF
2384 ***************************************************************************}
2386     constructor tabstractprocdef.init;
2387       begin
2388          inherited init;
2389          new(para,init);
2390          fpu_used:=0;
2391          proctypeoption:=potype_none;
2392          proccalloptions:=[];
2393          procoptions:=[];
2394          rettype.setdef(voiddef);
2395          symtablelevel:=0;
2396          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
2397       end;
2400     destructor tabstractprocdef.done;
2401       begin
2402          dispose(para,done);
2403          inherited done;
2404       end;
2407     procedure tabstractprocdef.concatpara(tt:ttype;vsp : tvarspez);
2408       var
2409         hp : pparaitem;
2410       begin
2411         new(hp,init);
2412         hp^.paratyp:=vsp;
2413         hp^.paratype:=tt;
2414         hp^.register:=R_NO;
2415         para^.insert(hp);
2416       end;
2419     { all functions returning in FPU are
2420       assume to use 2 FPU registers
2421       until the function implementation
2422       is processed   PM }
2423     procedure tabstractprocdef.test_if_fpu_result;
2424       begin
2425          if assigned(rettype.def) and is_fpu(rettype.def) then
2426            fpu_used:=2;
2427       end;
2430     procedure tabstractprocdef.deref;
2431       var
2432          hp : pparaitem;
2433       begin
2434          inherited deref;
2435          rettype.resolve;
2436          hp:=pparaitem(para^.first);
2437          while assigned(hp) do
2438           begin
2439             hp^.paratype.resolve;
2440             hp:=pparaitem(hp^.next);
2441           end;
2442       end;
2445     constructor tabstractprocdef.load;
2446       var
2447          hp : pparaitem;
2448          count,i : word;
2449       begin
2450          inherited load;
2451          new(para,init);
2452          rettype.load;
2453          fpu_used:=readbyte;
2454          proctypeoption:=tproctypeoption(readlong);
2455          readsmallset(proccalloptions);
2456          readsmallset(procoptions);
2457          count:=readword;
2458          savesize:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
2459          for i:=1 to count do
2460           begin
2461             new(hp,init);
2462             hp^.paratyp:=tvarspez(readbyte);
2463             { hp^.register:=tregister(readbyte); }
2464             hp^.register:=R_NO;
2465             hp^.paratype.load;
2466             para^.concat(hp);
2467           end;
2468       end;
2471     procedure tabstractprocdef.write;
2472       var
2473         hp : pparaitem;
2474       begin
2475          inherited write;
2476          rettype.write;
2477          current_ppu^.do_interface_crc:=false;
2478          writebyte(fpu_used);
2479          writelong(ord(proctypeoption));
2480          writesmallset(proccalloptions);
2481          writesmallset(procoptions);
2482          writeword(para^.count);
2483          hp:=pparaitem(para^.first);
2484          while assigned(hp) do
2485           begin
2486             writebyte(byte(hp^.paratyp));
2487             { writebyte(byte(hp^.register)); }
2488             hp^.paratype.write;
2489             hp:=pparaitem(hp^.next);
2490           end;
2491       end;
2494     function tabstractprocdef.para_size(alignsize:longint) : longint;
2495       var
2496          pdc : pparaitem;
2497          l : longint;
2498       begin
2499          l:=0;
2500          pdc:=pparaitem(para^.first);
2501          while assigned(pdc) do
2502           begin
2503             case pdc^.paratyp of
2504               vs_var   : inc(l,target_os.size_of_pointer);
2505               vs_value,
2506               vs_const : if push_addr_param(pdc^.paratype.def) then
2507                           inc(l,target_os.size_of_pointer)
2508                          else
2509                           inc(l,pdc^.paratype.def^.size);
2510             end;
2511             l:=align(l,alignsize);
2512             pdc:=pparaitem(pdc^.next);
2513           end;
2514          para_size:=l;
2515       end;
2518     function tabstractprocdef.demangled_paras : string;
2519       var
2520         s : string;
2521         hp : pparaitem;
2522       begin
2523         s:='(';
2524         hp:=pparaitem(para^.last);
2525         while assigned(hp) do
2526          begin
2527            if assigned(hp^.paratype.def^.typesym) then
2528              s:=s+hp^.paratype.def^.typesym^.name
2529            else if hp^.paratyp=vs_var then
2530              s:=s+'var'
2531            else if hp^.paratyp=vs_const then
2532              s:=s+'const';
2533            hp:=pparaitem(hp^.previous);
2534            if assigned(hp) then
2535             s:=s+',';
2536          end;
2537         s:=s+')';
2538         demangled_paras:=s;
2539       end;
2542     function tabstractprocdef.proccalloption2str : string;
2543       type
2544         tproccallopt=record
2545           mask : tproccalloption;
2546           str  : string[30];
2547         end;
2548       const
2549         proccallopts=12;
2550         proccallopt : array[1..proccallopts] of tproccallopt=(
2551            (mask:pocall_none;         str:''),
2552            (mask:pocall_clearstack;   str:'ClearStack'),
2553            (mask:pocall_leftright;    str:'LeftRight'),
2554            (mask:pocall_cdecl;        str:'Cdecl'),
2555            (mask:pocall_register;     str:'Register'),
2556            (mask:pocall_stdcall;      str:'StdCall'),
2557            (mask:pocall_safecall;     str:'SafeCall'),
2558            (mask:pocall_palmossyscall;str:'PalmOSSysCall'),
2559            (mask:pocall_system;       str:'System'),
2560            (mask:pocall_inline;       str:'Inline'),
2561            (mask:pocall_internproc;   str:'InternProc'),
2562            (mask:pocall_internconst;  str:'InternConst')
2563         );
2564       var
2565         s : string;
2566         i : longint;
2567         first : boolean;
2568       begin
2569         s:='';
2570         first:=true;
2571         for i:=1to proccallopts do
2572          if (proccallopt[i].mask in proccalloptions) then
2573           begin
2574             if first then
2575               first:=false
2576             else
2577               s:=s+';';
2578             s:=s+proccallopt[i].str;
2579           end;
2580         proccalloption2str:=s;
2581       end;
2584 {$ifdef GDB}
2585     function tabstractprocdef.stabstring : pchar;
2586       begin
2587         stabstring := strpnew('abstractproc'+numberstring+';');
2588       end;
2591     procedure tabstractprocdef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
2592       begin
2593          if (not assigned(typesym) or typesym^.isusedinstab or (cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches))
2594             and (is_def_stab_written = not_written)  then
2595            begin
2596               if assigned(rettype.def) then forcestabto(asmlist,rettype.def);
2597               inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
2598            end;
2599       end;
2600 {$endif GDB}
2603 {***************************************************************************
2604                                   TPROCDEF
2605 ***************************************************************************}
2607     constructor tprocdef.init;
2608       begin
2609          inherited init;
2610          deftype:=procdef;
2611          _mangledname:=nil;
2612          nextoverloaded:=nil;
2613          fileinfo:=aktfilepos;
2614          extnumber:=-1;
2615          localst:=new(psymtable,init(localsymtable));
2616          parast:=new(psymtable,init(parasymtable));
2617          localst^.defowner:=@self;
2618          parast^.defowner:=@self;
2619          { this is used by insert
2620           to check same names in parast and localst }
2621          localst^.next:=parast;
2622          defref:=nil;
2623          crossref:=nil;
2624          lastwritten:=nil;
2625          refcount:=0;
2626          if (cs_browser in aktmoduleswitches) and make_ref then
2627           begin
2628             defref:=new(pref,init(defref,@tokenpos));
2629             inc(refcount);
2630           end;
2631          lastref:=defref;
2632        { first, we assume that all registers are used }
2633 {$ifdef newcg}
2634          usedregisters:=[firstreg..lastreg];
2635 {$else newcg}
2636 {$ifdef i386}
2637          usedregisters:=$ff;
2638 {$endif i386}
2639 {$ifdef m68k}
2640          usedregisters:=$FFFF;
2641 {$endif}
2642 {$endif newcg}
2643          forwarddef:=true;
2644          interfacedef:=false;
2645          hasforward:=false;
2646          _class := nil;
2647          code:=nil;
2648          count:=false;
2649          is_used:=false;
2650       end;
2653     constructor tprocdef.load;
2654       var
2655          s : string;
2656       begin
2657          inherited load;
2658          deftype:=procdef;
2660 {$ifdef newcg}
2661          readnormalset(usedregisters);
2662 {$else newcg}
2663 {$ifdef i386}
2664          usedregisters:=readbyte;
2665 {$endif i386}
2666 {$ifdef m68k}
2667          usedregisters:=readword;
2668 {$endif}
2669 {$endif newcg}
2670          s:=readstring;
2671          setstring(_mangledname,s);
2673          extnumber:=readlong;
2674          nextoverloaded:=pprocdef(readdefref);
2675          _class := pobjectdef(readdefref);
2676          readposinfo(fileinfo);
2678          if (cs_link_deffile in aktglobalswitches) and
2679             (tf_need_export in target_info.flags) and
2680             (po_exports in procoptions) then
2681            deffile.AddExport(mangledname);
2683          parast:=nil;
2684          localst:=nil;
2685          forwarddef:=false;
2686          interfacedef:=false;
2687          hasforward:=false;
2688          lastref:=nil;
2689          lastwritten:=nil;
2690          defref:=nil;
2691          refcount:=0;
2692          count:=true;
2693          is_used:=false;
2694       end;
2697 Const local_symtable_index : longint = $8001;
2699     procedure tprocdef.load_references;
2700       var
2701         pos : tfileposinfo;
2702 {$ifndef NOLOCALBROWSER}
2703         oldsymtablestack,
2704         st : psymtable;
2705 {$endif ndef NOLOCALBROWSER}
2706         move_last : boolean;
2707       begin
2708         move_last:=lastwritten=lastref;
2709         while (not current_ppu^.endofentry) do
2710          begin
2711            readposinfo(pos);
2712            inc(refcount);
2713            lastref:=new(pref,init(lastref,@pos));
2714            lastref^.is_written:=true;
2715            if refcount=1 then
2716             defref:=lastref;
2717          end;
2718         if move_last then
2719           lastwritten:=lastref;
2720         if ((current_module^.flags and uf_local_browser)<>0)
2721            and is_in_current then
2722           begin
2723 {$ifndef NOLOCALBROWSER}
2724              oldsymtablestack:=symtablestack;
2725              st:=aktlocalsymtable;
2726              new(parast,loadas(parasymtable));
2727              parast^.defowner:=@self;
2728              aktlocalsymtable:=parast;
2729              parast^.deref;
2730              parast^.next:=owner;
2731              parast^.load_browser;
2732              aktlocalsymtable:=st;
2733              new(localst,loadas(localsymtable));
2734              localst^.defowner:=@self;
2735              aktlocalsymtable:=localst;
2736              symtablestack:=parast;
2737              localst^.deref;
2738              localst^.next:=parast;
2739              localst^.load_browser;
2740              aktlocalsymtable:=st;
2741              symtablestack:=oldsymtablestack;
2742 {$endif ndef NOLOCALBROWSER}
2743           end;
2744       end;
2747     function tprocdef.write_references : boolean;
2748       var
2749         ref : pref;
2750 {$ifndef NOLOCALBROWSER}
2751         st : psymtable;
2752         pdo : pobjectdef;
2753 {$endif ndef NOLOCALBROWSER}
2754         move_last : boolean;
2755       begin
2756         move_last:=lastwritten=lastref;
2757         if move_last and (((current_module^.flags and uf_local_browser)=0)
2758            or not is_in_current) then
2759           exit;
2760       { write address of this symbol }
2761         writedefref(@self);
2762       { write refs }
2763         if assigned(lastwritten) then
2764           ref:=lastwritten
2765         else
2766           ref:=defref;
2767         while assigned(ref) do
2768          begin
2769            if ref^.moduleindex=current_module^.unit_index then
2770              begin
2771                 writeposinfo(ref^.posinfo);
2772                 ref^.is_written:=true;
2773                 if move_last then
2774                   lastwritten:=ref;
2775              end
2776            else if not ref^.is_written then
2777              move_last:=false
2778            else if move_last then
2779              lastwritten:=ref;
2780            ref:=ref^.nextref;
2781          end;
2782         current_ppu^.writeentry(ibdefref);
2783         write_references:=true;
2784         if ((current_module^.flags and uf_local_browser)<>0)
2785            and is_in_current then
2786           begin
2787 {$ifndef NOLOCALBROWSER}
2788              pdo:=_class;
2789              if (owner^.symtabletype<>localsymtable) then
2790                while assigned(pdo) do
2791                  begin
2792                     if pdo^.symtable<>aktrecordsymtable then
2793                       begin
2794                          pdo^.symtable^.unitid:=local_symtable_index;
2795                          inc(local_symtable_index);
2796                       end;
2797                     pdo:=pdo^.childof;
2798                  end;
2800              { we need TESTLOCALBROWSER para and local symtables
2801                PPU files are then easier to read PM }
2802              if not assigned(parast) then
2803                parast:=new(psymtable,init(parasymtable));
2804              parast^.defowner:=@self;
2805              st:=aktlocalsymtable;
2806              aktlocalsymtable:=parast;
2807              parast^.writeas;
2808              parast^.unitid:=local_symtable_index;
2809              inc(local_symtable_index);
2810              parast^.write_browser;
2811              if not assigned(localst) then
2812                localst:=new(psymtable,init(localsymtable));
2813              localst^.defowner:=@self;
2814              aktlocalsymtable:=localst;
2815              localst^.writeas;
2816              localst^.unitid:=local_symtable_index;
2817              inc(local_symtable_index);
2818              localst^.write_browser;
2819              aktlocalsymtable:=st;
2820              { decrement for }
2821              local_symtable_index:=local_symtable_index-2;
2822              pdo:=_class;
2823              if (owner^.symtabletype<>localsymtable) then
2824                while assigned(pdo) do
2825                  begin
2826                     if pdo^.symtable<>aktrecordsymtable then
2827                       dec(local_symtable_index);
2828                     pdo:=pdo^.childof;
2829                  end;
2830 {$endif ndef NOLOCALBROWSER}
2831           end;
2832       end;
2835 {$ifdef BrowserLog}
2836     procedure tprocdef.add_to_browserlog;
2837       begin
2838          if assigned(defref) then
2839           begin
2840             browserlog.AddLog('***'+mangledname);
2841             browserlog.AddLogRefs(defref);
2842             if (current_module^.flags and uf_local_browser)<>0 then
2843               begin
2844                  if assigned(parast) then
2845                    parast^.writebrowserlog;
2846                  if assigned(localst) then
2847                    localst^.writebrowserlog;
2848               end;
2849           end;
2850       end;
2851 {$endif BrowserLog}
2854     destructor tprocdef.done;
2855       begin
2856          if assigned(defref) then
2857            begin
2858              defref^.freechain;
2859              dispose(defref,done);
2860            end;
2861          if assigned(parast) then
2862            dispose(parast,done);
2863          if assigned(localst) and (localst^.symtabletype<>staticsymtable) then
2864            dispose(localst,done);
2865          if (pocall_inline in proccalloptions) and assigned(code) then
2866            disposetree(ptree(code));
2867          if (po_msgstr in procoptions) then
2868            strdispose(messageinf.str);
2869          if
2870 {$ifdef tp}
2871          not(use_big) and
2872 {$endif}
2873            assigned(_mangledname) then
2874            strdispose(_mangledname);
2875          inherited done;
2876       end;
2879     procedure tprocdef.write;
2880       begin
2881          inherited write;
2882          current_ppu^.do_interface_crc:=false;
2883    { set all registers to used for simplified compilation PM }
2884          if simplify_ppu then
2885            begin
2886 {$ifdef newcg}
2887              usedregisters:=[firstreg..lastreg];
2888 {$else newcg}
2889 {$ifdef i386}
2890              usedregisters:=$ff;
2891 {$endif i386}
2892 {$ifdef m68k}
2893              usedregisters:=$ffff;
2894 {$endif}
2895 {$endif newcg}
2896            end;
2898 {$ifdef newcg}
2899          writenormalset(usedregisters);
2900 {$else newcg}
2901 {$ifdef i386}
2902          writebyte(usedregisters);
2903 {$endif i386}
2904 {$ifdef m68k}
2905          writeword(usedregisters);
2906 {$endif}
2907 {$endif newcg}
2908          current_ppu^.do_interface_crc:=true;
2909          writestring(mangledname);
2910          writelong(extnumber);
2911          if (proctypeoption<>potype_operator) then
2912            writedefref(nextoverloaded)
2913          else
2914            begin
2915               { only write the overloads from the same unit }
2916               if assigned(nextoverloaded) and
2917                  (nextoverloaded^.owner=owner) then
2918                 writedefref(nextoverloaded)
2919               else
2920                 writedefref(nil);
2921            end;
2922          writedefref(_class);
2923          writeposinfo(fileinfo);
2924          if (pocall_inline in proccalloptions) then
2925            begin
2926               { we need to save
2927                 - the para and the local symtable
2928                 - the code ptree !! PM
2929                writesymtable(parast);
2930                writesymtable(localst);
2931                writeptree(ptree(code));
2932                }
2933            end;
2934          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibprocdef);
2935       end;
2938     function tprocdef.haspara:boolean;
2939       begin
2940         haspara:=assigned(aktprocsym^.definition^.parast^.symindex^.first);
2941       end;
2944 {$ifdef GDB}
2945     procedure addparaname(p : psym);
2946       var vs : char;
2947       begin
2948       if pvarsym(p)^.varspez = vs_value then vs := '1'
2949         else vs := '0';
2950       strpcopy(strend(StabRecString),p^.name+':'+pvarsym(p)^.vartype.def^.numberstring+','+vs+';');
2951       end;
2954     function tprocdef.stabstring : pchar;
2955       var
2956           i : longint;
2957           oldrec : pchar;
2958       begin
2959       oldrec := stabrecstring;
2960       getmem(StabRecString,1024);
2961       strpcopy(StabRecString,'f'+rettype.def^.numberstring);
2962       i:=para^.count;
2963       if i>0 then
2964         begin
2965         strpcopy(strend(StabRecString),','+tostr(i)+';');
2966         (* confuse gdb !! PM
2967         if assigned(parast) then
2968           parast^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}addparaname)
2969           else
2970           begin
2971           param := para1;
2972           i := 0;
2973           while assigned(param) do
2974             begin
2975             inc(i);
2976             if param^.paratyp = vs_value then vartyp := '1' else vartyp := '0';
2977             {Here we have lost the parameter names !!}
2978             {using lower case parameters }
2979             strpcopy(strend(stabrecstring),'p'+tostr(i)
2980                +':'+param^.paratype.def^.numberstring+','+vartyp+';');
2981             param := param^.next;
2982             end;
2983           end;   *)
2984         {strpcopy(strend(StabRecString),';');}
2985         end;
2986       stabstring := strnew(stabrecstring);
2987       freemem(stabrecstring,1024);
2988       stabrecstring := oldrec;
2989       end;
2992     procedure tprocdef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
2993       begin
2994       end;
2995 {$endif GDB}
2998     procedure tprocdef.deref;
2999       begin
3000          inherited deref;
3001          resolvedef(pdef(nextoverloaded));
3002          resolvedef(pdef(_class));
3003       end;
3006     function tprocdef.mangledname : string;
3007 {$ifdef tp}
3008       var
3009          oldpos : longint;
3010          s : string;
3011          b : byte;
3012 {$endif tp}
3013       begin
3014 {$ifndef Delphi}
3015 {$ifdef tp}
3016          if use_big then
3017            begin
3018     ;
3019     ,1);
3020     [1],b);
3021               s[0]:=chr(b);
3022               mangledname:=s;
3023            end
3024          else
3025 {$endif}
3026 {$endif Delphi}
3027           mangledname:=strpas(_mangledname);
3028          if count then
3029            is_used:=true;
3030       end;
3033     function tprocdef.procname: string;
3034       var
3035         s : string;
3036         l : longint;
3037       begin
3038          s:=mangledname;
3039          { delete leading $$'s }
3040          l:=pos('$$',s);
3041          while l<>0 do
3042            begin
3043               delete(s,1,l+1);
3044               l:=pos('$$',s);
3045            end;
3046          { delete leading _$'s }
3047          l:=pos('_$',s);
3048          while l<>0 do
3049            begin
3050               delete(s,1,l+1);
3051               l:=pos('_$',s);
3052            end;
3053          l:=pos('$',s);
3054          if l=0 then
3055           procname:=s
3056          else
3057           procname:=Copy(s,1,l-1);
3058       end;
3060 {$IfDef GDB}
3061     function tprocdef.cplusplusmangledname : string;
3062       var
3063          s,s2 : string;
3064          param : pparaitem;
3065       begin
3066       s := typesym^.name;
3067       if _class <> nil then
3068         begin
3069         s2 := _class^.objname^;
3070         s := s+'__'+tostr(length(s2))+s2;
3071         end else s := s + '_';
3072       param := pparaitem(para^.first);
3073       while assigned(param) do
3074         begin
3075         s2 := param^.paratype.def^.typesym^.name;
3076         s := s+tostr(length(s2))+s2;
3077         param := pparaitem(param^.next);
3078         end;
3079       cplusplusmangledname:=s;
3080       end;
3081 {$EndIf GDB}
3084     procedure tprocdef.setmangledname(const s : string);
3085       begin
3086          if {$ifdef tp}not(use_big) and{$endif} (assigned(_mangledname)) then
3087            begin
3088 {$ifdef MEMDEBUG}
3089               dec(manglenamesize,length(_mangledname^));
3090 {$endif}
3091               strdispose(_mangledname);
3092            end;
3093          setstring(_mangledname,s);
3094 {$ifdef MEMDEBUG}
3095          inc(manglenamesize,length(s));
3096 {$endif}
3097 {$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
3098          if assigned(parast) then
3099            begin
3100               stringdispose(parast^.name);
3101               parast^.name:=stringdup('args of '+s);
3102            end;
3103          if assigned(localst) then
3104            begin
3105               stringdispose(localst^.name);
3106               localst^.name:=stringdup('locals of '+s);
3107            end;
3108 {$endif}
3109       end;
3112 {***************************************************************************
3113                                  TPROCVARDEF
3114 ***************************************************************************}
3116     constructor tprocvardef.init;
3117       begin
3118          inherited init;
3119          deftype:=procvardef;
3120       end;
3123     constructor tprocvardef.load;
3124       begin
3125          inherited load;
3126          deftype:=procvardef;
3127       end;
3130     procedure tprocvardef.write;
3131       begin
3132          { here we cannot get a real good value so just give something }
3133          { plausible (PM) }
3134          { a more secure way would be
3135            to allways store in a temp }
3136          if is_fpu(rettype.def) then
3137            fpu_used:=2
3138          else
3139            fpu_used:=0;
3140          inherited write;
3141          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibprocvardef);
3142       end;
3145     function tprocvardef.size : longint;
3146       begin
3147          if (po_methodpointer in procoptions) then
3148            size:=2*target_os.size_of_pointer
3149          else
3150            size:=target_os.size_of_pointer;
3151       end;
3154 {$ifdef GDB}
3155     function tprocvardef.stabstring : pchar;
3156       var
3157          nss : pchar;
3158         { i   : longint; }
3159       begin
3160         { i := para^.count; }
3161         getmem(nss,1024);
3162         { it is not a function but a function pointer !! (PM) }
3164         strpcopy(nss,'*f'+rettype.def^.numberstring{+','+tostr(i)}+';');
3165         { this confuses gdb !!
3166           we should use 'F' instead of 'f' but
3167           as we use c++ language mode
3168           it does not like that either
3169           Please do not remove this part
3170           might be used once
3171           gdb for pascal is ready PM }
3172         (*
3173         param := para1;
3174         i := 0;
3175         while assigned(param) do
3176           begin
3177           inc(i);
3178           if param^.paratyp = vs_value then vartyp := '1' else vartyp := '0';
3179           {Here we have lost the parameter names !!}
3180           pst := strpnew('p'+tostr(i)+':'+param^.paratype.def^.numberstring+','+vartyp+';');
3181           strcat(nss,pst);
3182           strdispose(pst);
3183           param := param^.next;
3184           end; *)
3185         {strpcopy(strend(nss),';');}
3186         stabstring := strnew(nss);
3187         freemem(nss,1024);
3188       end;
3191     procedure tprocvardef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
3192       begin
3193          if ( not assigned(typesym) or typesym^.isusedinstab or (cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches))
3194            and (is_def_stab_written = not_written)  then
3195            inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
3196          is_def_stab_written:=written;
3197       end;
3198 {$endif GDB}
3201     procedure tprocvardef.write_rtti_data;
3202       var
3203          pdc : pparaitem;
3204          methodkind, paraspec : byte;
3205       begin
3206         if po_methodpointer in procoptions then
3207           begin
3208              { write method id and name }
3209              rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkmethod)));
3210              write_rtti_name;
3212              { write kind of method (can only be function or procedure)}
3213              if rettype.def = pdef(voiddef) then    { ### typecast shoudln't be necessary! (sg) }
3214                methodkind := mkProcedure
3215              else
3216                methodkind := mkFunction;
3217              rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(methodkind)));
3219              { get # of parameters }
3220              rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(para^.count)));
3222              { write parameter info. The parameters must be written in reverse order
3223                if this method uses right to left parameter pushing! }
3224              if (pocall_leftright in proccalloptions) then
3225               pdc:=pparaitem(para^.last)
3226              else
3227               pdc:=pparaitem(para^.first);
3228              while assigned(pdc) do
3229                begin
3230                  case pdc^.paratyp of
3231                    vs_value: paraspec := 0;
3232                    vs_const: paraspec := pfConst;
3233                    vs_var  : paraspec := pfVar;
3234                  end;
3235                  { write flags for current parameter }
3236                  rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(paraspec)));
3237                  { write name of current parameter ### how can I get this??? (sg)}
3238                  rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(0)));
3240                  { write name of type of current parameter }
3241                  pdc^.paratype.def^.write_rtti_name;
3243                  if (pocall_leftright in proccalloptions) then
3244                   pdc:=pparaitem(pdc^.previous)
3245                  else
3246                   pdc:=pparaitem(pdc^.next);
3247                end;
3249              { write name of result type }
3250              rettype.def^.write_rtti_name;
3251           end;
3252       end;
3255     procedure tprocvardef.write_child_rtti_data;
3256       begin
3257          {!!!!!!!!}
3258       end;
3261     function tprocvardef.is_publishable : boolean;
3262       begin
3263          is_publishable:=(po_methodpointer in procoptions);
3264       end;
3267     function tprocvardef.gettypename : string;
3268       begin
3269          if assigned(rettype.def) and
3270             (rettype.def<>pdef(voiddef)) then
3271            gettypename:='<procedure variable type of function'+demangled_paras+
3272              ':'+rettype.def^.gettypename+';'+proccalloption2str+'>'
3273          else
3274            gettypename:='<procedure variable type of procedure'+demangled_paras+
3275              ';'+proccalloption2str+'>';
3276       end;
3279 {***************************************************************************
3280                               TOBJECTDEF
3281 ***************************************************************************}
3283 {$ifdef GDB}
3284     const
3285        vtabletype : word = 0;
3286        vtableassigned : boolean = false;
3287 {$endif GDB}
3289    constructor tobjectdef.init(const n : string;c : pobjectdef);
3290      begin
3291         tdef.init;
3292         deftype:=objectdef;
3293         objectoptions:=[];
3294         childof:=nil;
3295         symtable:=new(psymtable,init(objectsymtable));
3296         symtable^.name := stringdup(n);
3297         { create space for vmt !! }
3298         vmt_offset:=0;
3299         symtable^.datasize:=0;
3300         symtable^.defowner:=@self;
3301         symtable^.dataalignment:=packrecordalignment[aktpackrecords];
3302         set_parent(c);
3303         objname:=stringdup(n);
3304 {$ifdef GDB}
3305         writing_class_record_stab:=false;
3306 {$endif GDB}
3307      end;
3310     constructor tobjectdef.load;
3311       var
3312          oldread_member : boolean;
3313       begin
3314          tdef.load;
3315          deftype:=objectdef;
3316          savesize:=readlong;
3317          vmt_offset:=readlong;
3318          objname:=stringdup(readstring);
3319          childof:=pobjectdef(readdefref);
3320          readsmallset(objectoptions);
3321          has_rtti:=boolean(readbyte);
3323          oldread_member:=read_member;
3324          read_member:=true;
3325          symtable:=new(psymtable,loadas(objectsymtable));
3326          read_member:=oldread_member;
3328          symtable^.defowner:=@self;
3329          symtable^.name := stringdup(objname^);
3331          { handles the predefined class tobject  }
3332          { the last TOBJECT which is loaded gets }
3333          { it !                                  }
3334          if (childof=nil) and
3335             is_class and
3336             (objname^='TOBJECT') then
3337            class_tobject:=@self;
3338 {$ifdef GDB}
3339          writing_class_record_stab:=false;
3340 {$endif GDB}
3341        end;
3344    destructor tobjectdef.done;
3345      begin
3346         if assigned(symtable) then
3347           dispose(symtable,done);
3348         if (oo_is_forward in objectoptions) then
3349           Message1(sym_e_class_forward_not_resolved,objname^);
3350         stringdispose(objname);
3351         tdef.done;
3352      end;
3355     procedure tobjectdef.write;
3356       var
3357          oldread_member : boolean;
3358       begin
3359          tdef.write;
3360          writelong(size);
3361          writelong(vmt_offset);
3362          writestring(objname^);
3363          writedefref(childof);
3364          writesmallset(objectoptions);
3365          writebyte(byte(has_rtti));
3366          current_ppu^.writeentry(ibobjectdef);
3368          oldread_member:=read_member;
3369          read_member:=true;
3370          symtable^.writeas;
3371          read_member:=oldread_member;
3372       end;
3375     procedure tobjectdef.deref;
3376       var
3377          oldrecsyms : psymtable;
3378       begin
3379          inherited deref;
3380          resolvedef(pdef(childof));
3381          oldrecsyms:=aktrecordsymtable;
3382          aktrecordsymtable:=symtable;
3383          symtable^.deref;
3384          aktrecordsymtable:=oldrecsyms;
3385       end;
3388     procedure tobjectdef.set_parent( c : pobjectdef);
3389       begin
3390         { nothing to do if the parent was not forward !}
3391         if assigned(childof) then
3392           exit;
3393         childof:=c;
3394         { some options are inherited !! }
3395         if assigned(c) then
3396           begin
3397              objectoptions:=objectoptions+(c^.objectoptions*
3398                [oo_has_virtual,oo_has_private,oo_has_protected,oo_has_constructor,oo_has_destructor]);
3399              { add the data of the anchestor class }
3400              inc(symtable^.datasize,c^.symtable^.datasize);
3401              if (oo_has_vmt in objectoptions) and
3402                 (oo_has_vmt in c^.objectoptions) then
3403                dec(symtable^.datasize,target_os.size_of_pointer);
3404              { if parent has a vmt field then
3405                the offset is the same for the child PM }
3406              if (oo_has_vmt in c^.objectoptions) or is_class then
3407                begin
3408                   vmt_offset:=c^.vmt_offset;
3409 {$ifdef INCLUDEOK}
3410                   include(objectoptions,oo_has_vmt);
3411 {$else}
3412                   objectoptions:=objectoptions+[oo_has_vmt];
3413 {$endif}
3414                end;
3415           end;
3416         savesize := symtable^.datasize;
3417       end;
3420    procedure tobjectdef.insertvmt;
3421      begin
3422         if (oo_has_vmt in objectoptions) then
3423           internalerror(12345)
3424         else
3425           begin
3426              { first round up to multiple of 4 }
3427              if (symtable^.dataalignment=2) then
3428                begin
3429                  if (symtable^.datasize and 1)<>0 then
3430                    inc(symtable^.datasize);
3431                end
3432              else
3433               if (symtable^.dataalignment>=4) then
3434                begin
3435                  if (symtable^.datasize mod 4) <> 0 then
3436                    inc(symtable^.datasize,4-(symtable^.datasize mod 4));
3437                end;
3438              vmt_offset:=symtable^.datasize;
3439              inc(symtable^.datasize,target_os.size_of_pointer);
3440              include(objectoptions,oo_has_vmt);
3441           end;
3442      end;
3445    procedure tobjectdef.check_forwards;
3446      begin
3447         symtable^.check_forwards;
3448         if (oo_is_forward in objectoptions) then
3449           begin
3450              { ok, in future, the forward can be resolved }
3451              Message1(sym_e_class_forward_not_resolved,objname^);
3452 {$ifdef INCLUDEOK}
3453              exclude(objectoptions,oo_is_forward);
3454 {$else}
3455              objectoptions:=objectoptions-[oo_is_forward];
3456 {$endif}
3457           end;
3458      end;
3461    { true, if self inherits from d (or if they are equal) }
3462    function tobjectdef.is_related(d : pobjectdef) : boolean;
3463      var
3464         hp : pobjectdef;
3465      begin
3466         hp:=@self;
3467         while assigned(hp) do
3468           begin
3469              if hp=d then
3470                begin
3471                   is_related:=true;
3472                   exit;
3473                end;
3474              hp:=hp^.childof;
3475           end;
3476         is_related:=false;
3477      end;
3479    var
3480       sd : pprocdef;
3482    procedure _searchdestructor(sym : pnamedindexobject);{$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
3484      var
3485         p : pprocdef;
3487      begin
3488         { if we found already a destructor, then we exit }
3489         if assigned(sd) then
3490           exit;
3491         if psym(sym)^.typ=procsym then
3492           begin
3493              p:=pprocsym(sym)^.definition;
3494              while assigned(p) do
3495                begin
3496                   if p^.proctypeoption=potype_destructor then
3497                     begin
3498                        sd:=p;
3499                        exit;
3500                     end;
3501                   p:=p^.nextoverloaded;
3502                end;
3503           end;
3504      end;
3506    function tobjectdef.searchdestructor : pprocdef;
3508      var
3509         o : pobjectdef;
3511      begin
3512         searchdestructor:=nil;
3513         o:=@self;
3514         sd:=nil;
3515         while assigned(o) do
3516           begin
3517              symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}_searchdestructor);
3518              if assigned(sd) then
3519                begin
3520                   searchdestructor:=sd;
3521                   exit;
3522                end;
3523              o:=o^.childof;
3524           end;
3525      end;
3527     function tobjectdef.size : longint;
3528       begin
3529         if (oo_is_class in objectoptions) then
3530           size:=target_os.size_of_pointer
3531         else
3532           size:=symtable^.datasize;
3533       end;
3536     function tobjectdef.alignment:longint;
3537       begin
3538         alignment:=symtable^.dataalignment;
3539       end;
3542     function tobjectdef.vmtmethodoffset(index:longint):longint;
3543       begin
3544         { for offset of methods for classes, see rtl/inc/ }
3545         if is_class then
3546          vmtmethodoffset:=(index+12)*target_os.size_of_pointer
3547         else
3548 {$ifdef WITHDMT}
3549          vmtmethodoffset:=(index+4)*target_os.size_of_pointer;
3550 {$else WITHDMT}
3551          vmtmethodoffset:=(index+3)*target_os.size_of_pointer;
3552 {$endif WITHDMT}
3553       end;
3556     function tobjectdef.vmt_mangledname : string;
3557     {DM: I get a nil pointer on the owner name. I don't know if this
3558      mayhappen, and I have therefore fixed the problem by doing nil pointer
3559      checks.}
3560     var
3561       s1,s2:string;
3562     begin
3563         if not(oo_has_vmt in objectoptions) then
3564           Message1(parser_object_has_no_vmt,objname^);
3565         if owner^.name=nil then
3566           s1:=''
3567         else
3568           s1:=owner^.name^;
3569         if objname=nil then
3570           s2:=''
3571         else
3572           s2:=objname^;
3573         vmt_mangledname:='VMT_'+s1+'$_'+s2;
3574     end;
3577     function tobjectdef.rtti_name : string;
3578     var
3579       s1,s2:string;
3580     begin
3581        if owner^.name=nil then
3582          s1:=''
3583        else
3584          s1:=owner^.name^;
3585        if objname=nil then
3586          s2:=''
3587        else
3588          s2:=objname^;
3589        rtti_name:='RTTI_'+s1+'$_'+s2;
3590     end;
3593     function tobjectdef.is_class : boolean;
3594       begin
3595          is_class:=(oo_is_class in objectoptions);
3596       end;
3599 {$ifdef GDB}
3600     procedure addprocname(p :pnamedindexobject);
3601     var virtualind,argnames : string;
3602         news, newrec : pchar;
3603         pd,ipd : pprocdef;
3604         lindex : longint;
3605         para : pparaitem;
3606         arglength : byte;
3607         sp : char;
3609     begin
3610       If psym(p)^.typ = procsym then
3611        begin
3612                 pd := pprocsym(p)^.definition;
3613                 { this will be used for full implementation of object stabs
3614                 not yet done }
3615                 ipd := pd;
3616                 while assigned(ipd^.nextoverloaded) do ipd := ipd^.nextoverloaded;
3617                 if (po_virtualmethod in pd^.procoptions) then
3618                    begin
3619                    lindex := pd^.extnumber;
3620                    {doesnt seem to be necessary
3621                    lindex := lindex or $80000000;}
3622                    virtualind := '*'+tostr(lindex)+';'+ipd^._class^.classnumberstring+';'
3623                    end
3624                 else
3625                   virtualind := '.';
3627                  { used by gdbpas to recognize constructor and destructors }
3628                  if (pd^.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) then
3629                    argnames:='__ct__'
3630                  else if (pd^.proctypeoption=potype_destructor) then
3631                    argnames:='__dt__'
3632                  else
3633                    argnames := '';
3635                 { arguments are not listed here }
3636                 {we don't need another definition}
3637                  para := pparaitem(pd^.para^.first);
3638                  while assigned(para) do
3639                    begin
3640                    if para^.paratype.def^.deftype = formaldef then
3641                      begin
3642                         if para^.paratyp=vs_var then
3643                           argnames := argnames+'3var'
3644                         else if para^.paratyp=vs_const then
3645                           argnames:=argnames+'5const';
3646                      end
3647                    else
3648                      begin
3649                      { if the arg definition is like (v: ^byte;..
3650                      there is no sym attached to data !!! }
3651                      if assigned(para^.paratype.def^.typesym) then
3652                        begin
3653                           arglength := length(para^.paratype.def^.typesym^.name);
3654                           argnames := argnames + tostr(arglength)+para^.paratype.def^.typesym^.name;
3655                        end
3656                      else
3657                        begin
3658                           argnames:=argnames+'11unnamedtype';
3659                        end;
3660                      end;
3661                    para := pparaitem(para^.next);
3662                    end;
3663                 ipd^.is_def_stab_written := written;
3664                 { here 2A must be changed for private and protected }
3665                 { 0 is private 1 protected and 2 public }
3666                 if (sp_private in psym(p)^.symoptions) then sp:='0'
3667                 else if (sp_protected in psym(p)^.symoptions) then sp:='1'
3668                 else sp:='2';
3669                 newrec := strpnew(p^.name+'::'+ipd^.numberstring
3670                      +'=##'+pd^.rettype.def^.numberstring+';:'+argnames+';'+sp+'A'
3671                      +virtualind+';');
3672                { get spare place for a string at the end }
3673                if strlen(StabRecString) + strlen(newrec) >= StabRecSize-256 then
3674                  begin
3675                     getmem(news,stabrecsize+memsizeinc);
3676                     strcopy(news,stabrecstring);
3677                     freemem(stabrecstring,stabrecsize);
3678                     stabrecsize:=stabrecsize+memsizeinc;
3679                     stabrecstring:=news;
3680                  end;
3681                strcat(StabRecstring,newrec);
3682                {freemem(newrec,memsizeinc);    }
3683                strdispose(newrec);
3684        end;
3685     end;
3688     function tobjectdef.stabstring : pchar;
3689       var anc : pobjectdef;
3690           oldrec : pchar;
3691           oldrecsize,oldrecoffset : longint;
3692           str_end : string;
3693       begin
3694         if not (is_class) or writing_class_record_stab then
3695           begin
3696             oldrec := stabrecstring;
3697             oldrecsize:=stabrecsize;
3698             stabrecsize:=memsizeinc;
3699             GetMem(stabrecstring,stabrecsize);
3700             strpcopy(stabRecString,'s'+tostr(symtable^.datasize));
3701             if assigned(childof) then
3702               begin
3703                 {only one ancestor not virtual, public, at base offset 0 }
3704                 {       !1           ,    0       2         0    ,       }
3705                 strpcopy(strend(stabrecstring),'!1,020,'+childof^.classnumberstring+';');
3706               end;
3707             OldRecOffset:=RecOffset;
3708             RecOffset := 0;
3709             symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}addname);
3710             RecOffset:=OldRecOffset;
3711             if (oo_has_vmt in objectoptions) then
3712               if not assigned(childof) or not(oo_has_vmt in childof^.objectoptions) then
3713                  begin
3714                     strpcopy(strend(stabrecstring),'$vf'+classnumberstring+':'+typeglobalnumber('vtblarray')
3715                       +','+tostr(vmt_offset*8)+';');
3716                  end;
3717             symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}addprocname);
3718             if (oo_has_vmt in objectoptions) then
3719               begin
3720                  anc := @self;
3721                  while assigned(anc^.childof) and (oo_has_vmt in anc^.childof^.objectoptions) do
3722                    anc := anc^.childof;
3723                  { just in case anc = self }
3724                  str_end:=';~%'+anc^.classnumberstring+';';
3725               end
3726             else
3727               str_end:=';';
3728             strpcopy(strend(stabrecstring),str_end);
3729             stabstring := strnew(StabRecString);
3730             freemem(stabrecstring,stabrecsize);
3731             stabrecstring := oldrec;
3732             stabrecsize:=oldrecsize;
3733           end
3734         else
3735           begin
3736             stabstring:=strpnew('*'+classnumberstring);
3737           end;
3738       end;
3740    procedure tobjectdef.set_globalnb;
3741      begin
3742          globalnb:=PglobalTypeCount^;
3743          inc(PglobalTypeCount^);
3744          { classes need two type numbers, the globalnb is set to the ptr }
3745          if is_class then
3746            begin
3747              globalnb:=PGlobalTypeCount^;
3748              inc(PglobalTypeCount^);
3749            end;
3750      end;
3752    function tobjectdef.classnumberstring : string;
3753      begin
3754        { write stabs again if needed }
3755        numberstring;
3756        if is_class then
3757          begin
3758            dec(globalnb);
3759            classnumberstring:=numberstring;
3760            inc(globalnb);
3761          end
3762        else
3763          classnumberstring:=numberstring;
3764      end;
3766     function tobjectdef.allstabstring : pchar;
3767     var stabchar : string[2];
3768         ss,st : pchar;
3769         sname : string;
3770         sym_line_no : longint;
3771       begin
3772       ss := stabstring;
3773       getmem(st,strlen(ss)+512);
3774       stabchar := 't';
3775       if deftype in tagtypes then
3776         stabchar := 'Tt';
3777       if assigned(typesym) then
3778         begin
3779            sname := typesym^.name;
3780            sym_line_no:=typesym^.fileinfo.line;
3781         end
3782       else
3783         begin
3784            sname := ' ';
3785            sym_line_no:=0;
3786         end;
3787       if writing_class_record_stab then
3788         strpcopy(st,'"'+sname+':'+stabchar+classnumberstring+'=')
3789       else
3790         strpcopy(st,'"'+sname+':'+stabchar+numberstring+'=');
3791       strpcopy(strecopy(strend(st),ss),'",'+tostr(N_LSYM)+',0,'+tostr(sym_line_no)+',0');
3792       allstabstring := strnew(st);
3793       freemem(st,strlen(ss)+512);
3794       strdispose(ss);
3795       end;
3797     procedure tobjectdef.concatstabto(asmlist : paasmoutput);
3798       var st : pstring;
3799       begin
3800         if not(is_class) then
3801           begin
3802             inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
3803             exit;
3804           end;
3806       if ((typesym=nil) or typesym^.isusedinstab or (cs_gdb_dbx in aktglobalswitches)) and
3807          (is_def_stab_written = not_written) then
3808         begin
3809           if globalnb=0 then
3810             set_globalnb;
3811           { Write the record class itself }
3812           writing_class_record_stab:=true;
3813           inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
3814           writing_class_record_stab:=false;
3815           { Write the invisible pointer class }
3816           is_def_stab_written:=not_written;
3817           if assigned(typesym) then
3818             begin
3819               st:=typesym^._name;
3820               typesym^._name:=stringdup(' ');
3821             end;
3822           inherited concatstabto(asmlist);
3823           if assigned(typesym) then
3824             begin
3825               stringdispose(typesym^._name);
3826               typesym^._name:=st;
3827             end;
3828         end;
3829       end;
3830 {$endif GDB}
3833     procedure tobjectdef.write_child_init_data;
3834       begin
3835          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}generate_child_inittable);
3836       end;
3839     procedure tobjectdef.write_init_data;
3840       begin
3841          if is_class then
3842            rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkclass)))
3843          else
3844            rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkobject)));
3846          { generate the name }
3847          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(length(objname^))));
3848          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_string,init(objname^)));
3850          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(size)));
3851          count:=0;
3852          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}count_inittable_fields);
3853          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(count)));
3854          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}write_field_inittable);
3855       end;
3858     function tobjectdef.needs_inittable : boolean;
3859       var
3860          oldb : boolean;
3861       begin
3862          if is_class then
3863            needs_inittable:=false
3864          else
3865            begin
3866               { there are recursive calls to needs_inittable possible, }
3867               { so we have to change to old value how else should      }
3868               { we do that ? check_rec_rtti can't be a nested          }
3869               { procedure of needs_rtti !                              }
3870               oldb:=binittable;
3871               binittable:=false;
3872               symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}check_rec_inittable);
3873               needs_inittable:=binittable;
3874               binittable:=oldb;
3875            end;
3876       end;
3879     procedure count_published_properties(sym:pnamedindexobject);
3880       {$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
3881       begin
3882          if needs_prop_entry(psym(sym)) and
3883           (psym(sym)^.typ<>varsym) then
3884            inc(count);
3885       end;
3888     procedure write_property_info(sym : pnamedindexobject);{$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
3889       var
3890          proctypesinfo : byte;
3892       procedure writeproc(proc : psymlist; shiftvalue : byte);
3894         var
3895            typvalue : byte;
3896            hp : psymlistitem;
3897            address : longint;
3899         begin
3900            if not(assigned(proc) and assigned(proc^.firstsym))  then
3901              begin
3902                 rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(1)));
3903                 typvalue:=3;
3904              end
3905            else if proc^.firstsym^.sym^.typ=varsym then
3906              begin
3907                 address:=0;
3908                 hp:=proc^.firstsym;
3909                 while assigned(hp) do
3910                   begin
3911                      inc(address,pvarsym(hp^.sym)^.address);
3912                      hp:=hp^.next;
3913                   end;
3914                 rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(address)));
3915                 typvalue:=0;
3916              end
3917            else
3918              begin
3919                 if not(po_virtualmethod in pprocdef(proc^.def)^.procoptions) then
3920                   begin
3921                      rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname(pprocdef(proc^.def)^.mangledname)));
3922                      typvalue:=1;
3923                   end
3924                 else
3925                   begin
3926                      { virtual method, write vmt offset }
3927                      rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(
3928                        pprocdef(proc^.def)^._class^.vmtmethodoffset(pprocdef(proc^.def)^.extnumber))));
3929                      typvalue:=2;
3930                   end;
3931              end;
3932            proctypesinfo:=proctypesinfo or (typvalue shl shiftvalue);
3933         end;
3935       begin
3936          if needs_prop_entry(psym(sym)) then
3937            case psym(sym)^.typ of
3938               varsym:
3939                 begin
3940 {$ifdef dummy}
3941                    if not(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.deftype=objectdef) or
3942                      not(pobjectdef(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def)^.is_class) then
3943                      internalerror(1509992);
3944                    { access to implicit class property as field }
3945                    proctypesinfo:=(0 shl 0) or (0 shl 2) or (0 shl 4);
3946                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.get_rtti_label)));
3947                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(pvarsym(sym)^.address)));
3948                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(pvarsym(sym)^.address)));
3949                    { per default stored }
3950                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(1)));
3951                    { index as well as ... }
3952                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(0)));
3953                    { default value are zero }
3954                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(0)));
3955                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_16bit(count)));
3956                    inc(count);
3957                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(proctypesinfo)));
3958                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(length(pvarsym(sym)^.name))));
3959                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_string,init(pvarsym(sym)^.name)));
3960 {$endif dummy}
3961                 end;
3962               propertysym:
3963                 begin
3964                    if ppo_indexed in ppropertysym(sym)^.propoptions then
3965                      proctypesinfo:=$40
3966                    else
3967                      proctypesinfo:=0;
3968                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname(ppropertysym(sym)^.proptype.def^.get_rtti_label)));
3969                    writeproc(ppropertysym(sym)^.readaccess,0);
3970                    writeproc(ppropertysym(sym)^.writeaccess,2);
3971                    { isn't it stored ? }
3972                    if not(ppo_stored in ppropertysym(sym)^.propoptions) then
3973                      begin
3974                         rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(0)));
3975                         proctypesinfo:=proctypesinfo or (3 shl 4);
3976                      end
3977                    else
3978                      writeproc(ppropertysym(sym)^.storedaccess,4);
3979                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(ppropertysym(sym)^.index)));
3980                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(ppropertysym(sym)^.default)));
3981                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_16bit(count)));
3982                    inc(count);
3983                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(proctypesinfo)));
3984                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(length(ppropertysym(sym)^.name))));
3985                    rttilist^.concat(new(pai_string,init(ppropertysym(sym)^.name)));
3986                 end;
3987               else internalerror(1509992);
3988            end;
3989       end;
3992     procedure generate_published_child_rtti(sym : pnamedindexobject);{$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
3993       begin
3994          if needs_prop_entry(psym(sym)) then
3995            case psym(sym)^.typ of
3996               varsym:
3997                 ;
3998                 { now ignored:
3999                 pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.get_rtti_label;
4000                 }
4001               propertysym:
4002                 ppropertysym(sym)^.proptype.def^.get_rtti_label;
4003               else
4004                 internalerror(1509991);
4005            end;
4006       end;
4009     procedure tobjectdef.write_child_rtti_data;
4010       begin
4011          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}generate_published_child_rtti);
4012       end;
4015     procedure tobjectdef.generate_rtti;
4016       begin
4017          if not has_rtti then
4018           begin
4019             has_rtti:=true;
4020             getdatalabel(rtti_label);
4021             write_child_rtti_data;
4022             rttilist^.concat(new(pai_symbol,initname_global(rtti_name,0)));
4023             rttilist^.concat(new(pai_label,init(rtti_label)));
4024             write_rtti_data;
4025             rttilist^.concat(new(pai_symbol_end,initname(rtti_name)));
4026           end;
4027       end;
4029     type
4030        tclasslistitem = object(tlinkedlist_item)
4031           index : longint;
4032           p : pobjectdef;
4033        end;
4034        pclasslistitem = ^tclasslistitem;
4036     var
4037        classtablelist : tlinkedlist;
4038        tablecount : longint;
4040     function searchclasstablelist(p : pobjectdef) : pclasslistitem;
4042       var
4043          hp : pclasslistitem;
4045       begin
4046          hp:=pclasslistitem(classtablelist.first);
4047          while assigned(hp) do
4048            if hp^.p=p then
4049              begin
4050                 searchclasstablelist:=hp;
4051                 exit;
4052              end
4053            else
4054              hp:=pclasslistitem(hp^.next);
4055          searchclasstablelist:=nil;
4056       end;
4058     procedure count_published_fields(sym:pnamedindexobject);
4059       {$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
4061       var
4062          hp : pclasslistitem;
4064       begin
4065          if needs_prop_entry(psym(sym)) and
4066           (psym(sym)^.typ=varsym) then
4067           begin
4068              if pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.deftype<>objectdef then
4069                internalerror(0206001);
4070              hp:=searchclasstablelist(pobjectdef(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def));
4071              if not(assigned(hp)) then
4072                begin
4073                   hp:=new(pclasslistitem,init);
4074                   hp^.p:=pobjectdef(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def);
4075                   hp^.index:=tablecount;
4076                   classtablelist.concat(hp);
4077                   inc(tablecount);
4078                end;
4079              inc(count);
4080           end;
4081       end;
4083     procedure writefields(sym:pnamedindexobject);
4084       {$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
4086       var
4087          hp : pclasslistitem;
4089       begin
4090          if needs_prop_entry(psym(sym)) and
4091           (psym(sym)^.typ=varsym) then
4092           begin
4093              rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(pvarsym(sym)^.address)));
4094              hp:=searchclasstablelist(pobjectdef(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def));
4095              if not(assigned(hp)) then
4096                internalerror(0206002);
4097              rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_16bit(hp^.index)));
4098              rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(length(pvarsym(sym)^.name))));
4099              rttilist^.concat(new(pai_string,init(pvarsym(sym)^.name)));
4100           end;
4101       end;
4103     function tobjectdef.generate_field_table : pasmlabel;
4105       var
4106          fieldtable,
4107          classtable : pasmlabel;
4108          hp : pclasslistitem;
4110       begin
4111          classtablelist.init;
4112          getdatalabel(fieldtable);
4113          getdatalabel(classtable);
4114          count:=0;
4115          tablecount:=0;
4116          symtable^.foreach({$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}count_published_fields);
4117          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_label,init(fieldtable)));
4118          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_16bit(count)));
4119          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,init(classtable)));
4120          symtable^.foreach({$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}writefields);
4122          { generate the class table }
4123          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_label,init(classtable)));
4124          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_16bit(tablecount)));
4125          hp:=pclasslistitem(classtablelist.first);
4126          while assigned(hp) do
4127            begin
4128               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname(pobjectdef(hp^.p)^.vmt_mangledname)));
4129               hp:=pclasslistitem(hp^.next);
4130            end;
4132          generate_field_table:=fieldtable;
4133          classtablelist.done;
4134       end;
4136     function tobjectdef.next_free_name_index : longint;
4137       var
4138          i : longint;
4139       begin
4140          if assigned(childof) and (oo_can_have_published in childof^.objectoptions) then
4141            i:=childof^.next_free_name_index
4142          else
4143            i:=0;
4144          count:=0;
4145          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}count_published_properties);
4146          next_free_name_index:=i+count;
4147       end;
4150     procedure tobjectdef.write_rtti_data;
4151       begin
4152          if is_class then
4153            rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkclass)))
4154          else
4155            rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(tkobject)));
4157          { generate the name }
4158          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(length(objname^))));
4159          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_string,init(objname^)));
4161          { write class type }
4162          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname(vmt_mangledname)));
4164          { write owner typeinfo }
4165          if assigned(childof) and (oo_can_have_published in childof^.objectoptions) then
4166            rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname(childof^.get_rtti_label)))
4167          else
4168            rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(0)));
4170          { count total number of properties }
4171          if assigned(childof) and (oo_can_have_published in childof^.objectoptions) then
4172            count:=childof^.next_free_name_index
4173          else
4174            count:=0;
4176          { write it }
4177          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}count_published_properties);
4178          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_16bit(count)));
4180          { write unit name }
4181          if assigned(owner^.name) then
4182            begin
4183               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(length(owner^.name^))));
4184               rttilist^.concat(new(pai_string,init(owner^.name^)));
4185            end
4186          else
4187            rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(0)));
4189          { write published properties count }
4190          count:=0;
4191          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}count_published_properties);
4192          rttilist^.concat(new(pai_const,init_16bit(count)));
4194          { count is used to write nameindex   }
4195          { but we need an offset of the owner }
4196          { to give each property an own slot  }
4197          if assigned(childof) and (oo_can_have_published in childof^.objectoptions) then
4198            count:=childof^.next_free_name_index
4199          else
4200            count:=0;
4202          symtable^.foreach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}write_property_info);
4203       end;
4206     function tobjectdef.is_publishable : boolean;
4207       begin
4208          is_publishable:=is_class;
4209       end;
4211     function  tobjectdef.get_rtti_label : string;
4213       begin
4214          generate_rtti;
4215          get_rtti_label:=rtti_name;
4216       end;
4218 {****************************************************************************
4219                                 TFORWARDDEF
4220 ****************************************************************************}
4222    constructor tforwarddef.init(const s:string;const pos : tfileposinfo);
4223      var
4224        oldregisterdef : boolean;
4225      begin
4226         { never register the forwarddefs, they are disposed at the
4227           end of the type declaration block }
4228         oldregisterdef:=registerdef;
4229         registerdef:=false;
4230         inherited init;
4231         registerdef:=oldregisterdef;
4232         deftype:=forwarddef;
4233         tosymname:=s;
4234         forwardpos:=pos;
4235      end;
4238     function tforwarddef.gettypename:string;
4239       begin
4240         gettypename:='unresolved forward to '+tosymname;
4241       end;
4244 {****************************************************************************
4245                                   TERRORDEF
4246 ****************************************************************************}
4248    constructor terrordef.init;
4249      begin
4250         inherited init;
4251         deftype:=errordef;
4252      end;
4255 {$ifdef GDB}
4256     function terrordef.stabstring : pchar;
4257       begin
4258          stabstring:=strpnew('error'+numberstring);
4259       end;
4260 {$endif GDB}
4262     function terrordef.gettypename:string;
4264       begin
4265          gettypename:='<erroneous type>';
4266       end;
4269   $Log$
4270   Revision 1.1  2002/02/19 08:23:51  sasu
4271   Initial revision
4273   Revision  2000/12/18 17:59:54  peter
4274     * removed unused var
4276   Revision  2000/11/26 18:13:47  florian
4277     * rtti for chars fixed
4279   Revision  2000/11/20 16:20:48  pierre
4280    + add size specifer for stabs of enums and sets
4282   Revision  2000/11/17 23:14:44  pierre
4283    * class stabs fix try
4285   Revision  2000/10/16 19:43:03  pierre
4286    * trying to correct class stabss once more
4288   Revision  2000/10/14 00:40:46  pierre
4289    * fixes for class debugging
4291   Revision  2000/10/13 12:08:42  peter
4292     * class stabsnumbering fixed partly
4294   Revision  2000/10/12 23:06:21  florian
4295     * type mismatch with procedure variables gives a more descriptive message now
4297   Revision  2000/10/04 22:55:42  pierre
4298    * fix object stabs
4300   Revision  2000/09/19 22:26:27  pierre
4301    * fix for the local class debugging problem
4303   Revision  2000/09/10 20:12:26  peter
4304     * fixed array of const writing instead of array of tvarrec
4306   Revision  2000/09/09 18:39:46  peter
4307     * fixed C alignment of array of record
4309   Revision  2000/08/21 08:09:47  pierre
4310    * fix stabs problems
4312   Revision  2000/08/18 12:56:31  pierre
4313    * avoid infinite recursion in stabs generation
4315   Revision  2000/08/16 18:26:01  peter
4316     * splitted into indexnext and listnext so it
4317       can be used in both lists
4318     * don't allow "word = word" type definitions
4320   Revision  2000/08/08 19:20:06  peter
4321     * setmangledname doesn't set parast,localst anymore (only in extdebug)
4323   Revision  2000/08/06 14:14:09  peter
4324     * hasforward added to check if a proc had a forward decl
4326   Revision 1.1  2000/07/13 06:29:56  michael
4327   + Initial import
4329   Revision 1.205  2000/06/30 22:11:29  peter
4330     * fixed some getlabel to getdatalabel
4332   Revision 1.204  2000/06/29 08:42:47  sg
4333   * Fix for class field table writing
4335   Revision 1.203  2000/06/25 09:25:29  peter
4336     * setdef.typename, show Empty Set if elementtype is not set
4338   Revision 1.202  2000/06/22 20:01:57  peter
4339     * int64,qword rtti support
4341   Revision 1.201  2000/06/18 18:11:32  peter
4342     * C record packing fixed to also check first entry of the record
4343       if bigger than the recordalignment itself
4344     * variant record alignment uses alignment per variant and saves the
4345       highest alignment value
4347   Revision 1.200  2000/06/02 18:48:47  florian
4348     + fieldtable support for classes
4350   Revision 1.199  2000/04/01 14:17:08  peter
4351     * arraydef.elesize returns 4 when strings are found in an openarray,
4352       arrayconstructor. Since only the pointers to the strings are stored
4354   Revision 1.198  2000/04/01 11:44:56  peter
4355     * fixed rtti info for record
4357   Revision 1.197  2000/03/01 12:35:45  pierre
4358    * fix for bug 855
4360   Revision 1.196  2000/02/14 20:58:43  marco
4361    * Basic structures for new sethandling implemented.
4363   Revision 1.195  2000/02/11 13:53:49  pierre
4364    * avoid stack overflow in tref.done (bug 846)
4366   Revision 1.194  2000/02/09 13:23:04  peter
4367     * log truncated
4369   Revision 1.193  2000/02/05 14:33:32  florian
4370     * fixed init table generation for classes and arrays
4372   Revision 1.192  2000/02/04 20:00:22  florian
4373     * an exception in a construcor calls now the destructor (this applies only
4374       to classes)
4376   Revision 1.191  2000/01/30 23:29:06  peter
4377     * fixed dup rtti writing for classes
4379   Revision 1.190  2000/01/28 23:17:53  florian
4380     * virtual XXXX; support for objects, only if -dWITHDMT is defined
4382   Revision 1.189  2000/01/26 12:02:29  peter
4383     * abstractprocdef.para_size needs alignment parameter
4384     * secondcallparan gets para_alignment size instead of dword_align
4386   Revision 1.188  2000/01/23 16:35:31  peter
4387     * localbrowser loading of absolute fixed. It needed a symtablestack
4388       which was not setup correctly
4390   Revision 1.187  2000/01/09 23:16:06  peter
4391     * added st_default stringtype
4392     * genstringconstnode extended with stringtype parameter using st_default
4393       will do the old behaviour
4395   Revision 1.186  2000/01/07 01:14:39  peter
4396     * updated copyright to 2000
4398   Revision 1.185  2000/01/03 19:26:03  peter
4399     * fixed resolving of ttypesym which are reference from object/record
4400       fields.
4402   Revision 1.184  1999/12/31 14:24:34  peter
4403     * fixed rtti generation for classes with no published section
4405   Revision 1.183  1999/12/23 12:19:42  peter
4406     * check_rec_inittable fix from sg
4408   Revision 1.182  1999/12/19 17:00:27  peter
4409     * has_rtti should be saved in the ppu for objects
4411   Revision 1.181  1999/12/18 14:55:21  florian
4412     * very basic widestring support
4414   Revision 1.180  1999/12/06 18:21:03  peter
4415     * support !ENVVAR for long commandlines
4416     * win32/go32v2 write short pathnames to link.res so c:\Program Files\ is
4417       finally supported as installdir.
4419   Revision 1.179  1999/12/01 12:42:33  peter
4420     * fixed bug 698
4421     * removed some notes about unused vars
4423   Revision 1.178  1999/12/01 10:26:38  pierre
4424    * restore the correct way for stabs of forward defs
4426   Revision 1.177  1999/11/30 10:40:54  peter
4427     + ttype, tsymlist
4429   Revision 1.176  1999/11/09 23:35:49  pierre
4430    + better reference pos for forward defs
4432   Revision 1.175  1999/11/07 23:57:36  pierre
4433    + higher level browser
4435   Revision 1.174  1999/11/06 14:34:26  peter
4436     * truncated log to 20 revs