Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / compiler / rautils.pas
2 $Id$
3 Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Carl Eric Codere and Peter Vreman
5 This unit implements some support routines for assembler parsing
6 independent of the processor
8 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 (at your option) any later version.
13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
22 **********************************************************************}
23 Unit RAUtils;
24 Interface
26 Uses
27 strings,
28 cobjects,
29 globtype,types,systems,verbose,globals,files,
30 symconst,symtable,aasm,cpubase,cpuasm
31 {$ifdef NEWCG}
32 ,cgbase
33 {$else}
34 ,hcodegen
35 {$endif}
38 Const
39 RPNMax = 10; { I think you only need 4, but just to be safe }
40 OpMax = 25;
42 maxoperands = 3; { Maximum operands for assembler instructions }
45 {---------------------------------------------------------------------
46 Local Label Management
47 ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
49 Type
50 { Each local label has this structure associated with it }
51 PLocalLabel = ^TLocalLabel;
52 TLocalLabel = object(TNamedIndexObject)
53 Emitted : boolean;
54 constructor Init(const n:string);
55 function Getpasmlabel:pasmlabel;
56 private
57 lab : pasmlabel;
58 end;
60 PLocalLabelList = ^TLocalLabelList;
61 TLocalLabelList = Object(TDictionary)
62 procedure CheckEmitted;
63 end;
65 var
66 LocalLabelList : PLocalLabelList;
68 function CreateLocalLabel(const s: string; var hl: pasmlabel; emit:boolean):boolean;
69 Function SearchLabel(const s: string; var hl: pasmlabel;emit:boolean): boolean;
72 {---------------------------------------------------------------------
73 Instruction management
74 ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
76 type
79 TOprRec = record
80 case typ:TOprType of
81 OPR_NONE : ();
82 OPR_CONSTANT : (val:longint);
83 OPR_SYMBOL : (symbol:PAsmSymbol;symofs:longint);
84 OPR_REFERENCE : (ref:treference);
85 OPR_REGISTER : (reg:tregister);
86 end;
88 POperand = ^TOperand;
89 TOperand = object
90 size : topsize;
91 hastype, { if the operand has typecasted variable }
92 hasvar : boolean; { if the operand is loaded with a variable }
93 opr : TOprRec;
94 constructor init;
95 destructor done;virtual;
96 Procedure BuildOperand;virtual;
97 Procedure SetSize(_size:longint;force:boolean);
98 Procedure SetCorrectSize(opcode:tasmop);virtual;
99 Function SetupResult:boolean;virtual;
100 Function SetupSelf:boolean;
101 Function SetupOldEBP:boolean;
102 Function SetupVar(const hs:string;GetOffset : boolean): Boolean;
103 Function SetupDirectVar(const hs:string): Boolean;
104 Procedure InitRef;
105 end;
107 PInstruction = ^TInstruction;
108 TInstruction = object
109 opcode : tasmop;
110 opsize : topsize;
111 condition : tasmcond;
112 ops : byte;
113 operands : array[1..maxoperands] of POperand;
114 constructor init;
115 destructor done;virtual;
116 Procedure InitOperands;virtual;
117 Procedure BuildOpcode;virtual;
118 procedure ConcatInstruction(p:PAasmoutput);virtual;
119 Procedure SwapOperands;
120 end;
123 {---------------------------------------------------------------------}
124 { Expression parser types }
125 {---------------------------------------------------------------------}
127 TExprOperator = record
128 ch: char; { operator }
129 is_prefix: boolean; { was it a prefix, possible prefixes are +,- and not }
130 end;
132 String15 = String[15];
133 {**********************************************************************}
134 { The following operators are supported: }
135 { '+' : addition }
136 { '-' : subtraction }
137 { '*' : multiplication }
138 { '/' : modulo division }
139 { '^' : exclusive or }
140 { '<' : shift left }
141 { '>' : shift right }
142 { '&' : bitwise and }
143 { '|' : bitwise or }
144 { '~' : bitwise complement }
145 { '%' : modulo division }
146 { nnn: longint numbers }
147 { ( and ) parenthesis }
148 {**********************************************************************}
150 TExprParse = Object
151 public
152 Constructor Init;
153 Destructor Done;
154 Function Evaluate(Expr: String): longint;
155 Function Priority(_Operator: Char): Integer; virtual;
156 private
157 RPNStack : Array[1..RPNMax] of longint; { Stack For RPN calculator }
158 RPNTop : Integer;
159 OpStack : Array[1..OpMax] of TExprOperator; { Operator stack For conversion }
160 OpTop : Integer;
161 Procedure RPNPush(Num: Longint);
162 Function RPNPop: Longint;
163 Procedure RPNCalc(token: String15; prefix: boolean);
164 Procedure OpPush(_Operator: char; prefix: boolean);
165 { In reality returns TExprOperaotr }
166 Procedure OpPop(var _Operator:TExprOperator);
167 end;
169 { Evaluate an expression string to a longint }
170 Function CalculateExpression(const expression: string): longint;
172 {---------------------------------------------------------------------}
173 { String routines }
174 {---------------------------------------------------------------------}
176 Function ValDecimal(const S:String):longint;
177 Function ValOctal(const S:String):longint;
178 Function ValBinary(const S:String):longint;
179 Function ValHexaDecimal(const S:String):longint;
180 Function PadZero(Var s: String; n: byte): Boolean;
181 Function EscapeToPascal(const s:string): string;
183 {---------------------------------------------------------------------
184 Symbol helper routines
185 ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
187 Function GetRecordOffsetSize(s:string;Var Offset: longint;var Size:longint):boolean;
188 Function SearchType(const hs:string): Boolean;
189 Function SearchRecordType(const s:string): boolean;
190 Function SearchIConstant(const s:string; var l:longint): boolean;
193 {---------------------------------------------------------------------
194 Instruction generation routines
195 ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
197 Procedure ConcatPasString(p : paasmoutput;s:string);
198 Procedure ConcatDirect(p : paasmoutput;s:string);
199 Procedure ConcatLabel(p: paasmoutput;var l : pasmlabel);
200 Procedure ConcatConstant(p : paasmoutput;value: longint; maxvalue: longint);
201 Procedure ConcatConstSymbol(p : paasmoutput;const sym:string;l:longint);
202 Procedure ConcatRealConstant(p : paasmoutput;value: bestreal; real_typ : tfloattype);
203 Procedure ConcatString(p : paasmoutput;s:string);
204 procedure ConcatAlign(p:paasmoutput;l:longint);
205 Procedure ConcatPublic(p:paasmoutput;const s : string);
206 Procedure ConcatLocal(p:paasmoutput;const s : string);
207 Procedure ConcatGlobalBss(const s : string;size : longint);
208 Procedure ConcatLocalBss(const s : string;size : longint);
211 Implementation
214 {*************************************************************************
215 TExprParse
216 *************************************************************************}
218 Constructor TExprParse.Init;
219 Begin
220 end;
223 Procedure TExprParse.RPNPush(Num : longint);
224 { Add an operand to the top of the RPN stack }
225 begin
226 if RPNTop < RPNMax then
227 begin
228 Inc(RPNTop);
229 RPNStack[RPNTop]:=Num;
231 else
232 Message(asmr_e_expr_illegal);
233 end;
236 Function TExprParse.RPNPop : longint;
237 { Get the operand at the top of the RPN stack }
238 begin
239 if RPNTop > 0 then
240 begin
241 RPNPop:=RPNStack[RPNTop];
242 Dec(RPNTop);
244 else
245 Message(asmr_e_expr_illegal);
246 end;
249 Procedure TExprParse.RPNCalc(Token : String15; prefix:boolean); { RPN Calculator }
251 Temp : longint;
252 n1,n2 : longint;
253 LocalError : Integer;
254 begin
255 { Handle operators }
256 if (Length(Token) = 1) and (Token[1] in ['+', '-', '*', '/','&','|','%','^','~','<','>']) then
257 Case Token[1] of
258 '+' :
259 Begin
260 if not prefix then
261 RPNPush(RPNPop + RPNPop);
262 end;
263 '-' :
264 Begin
265 if prefix then
266 RPNPush(-(RPNPop))
267 else
268 begin
269 n1:=RPNPop;
270 n2:=RPNPop;
271 RPNPush(n2 - n1);
272 end;
273 end;
274 '*' : RPNPush(RPNPop * RPNPop);
275 '&' :
276 begin
277 n1:=RPNPop;
278 n2:=RPNPop;
279 RPNPush(n2 and n1);
280 end;
281 '|' :
282 begin
283 n1:=RPNPop;
284 n2:=RPNPop;
285 RPNPush(n2 or n1);
286 end;
287 '~' : RPNPush(NOT RPNPop);
288 '<' :
289 begin
290 n1:=RPNPop;
291 n2:=RPNPop;
292 RPNPush(n2 SHL n1);
293 end;
294 '>' :
295 begin
296 n1:=RPNPop;
297 n2:=RPNPop;
298 RPNPush(n2 SHR n1);
299 end;
300 '%' :
301 begin
302 Temp:=RPNPop;
303 if Temp <> 0 then
304 RPNPush(RPNPop mod Temp)
305 else
306 begin
307 Message(asmr_e_expr_zero_divide);
308 { push 1 for error recovery }
309 RPNPush(1);
310 end;
311 end;
312 '^' : RPNPush(RPNPop XOR RPNPop);
313 '/' :
314 begin
315 Temp:=RPNPop;
316 if Temp <> 0 then
317 RPNPush(RPNPop div Temp)
318 else
319 begin
320 Message(asmr_e_expr_zero_divide);
321 { push 1 for error recovery }
322 RPNPush(1);
323 end;
324 end;
326 else
327 begin
328 { Convert String to number and add to stack }
329 if token='-2147483648' then
330 begin
331 temp:=$80000000;
332 localerror:=0;
334 else
335 Val(Token, Temp, LocalError);
336 if LocalError = 0 then
337 RPNPush(Temp)
338 else
339 begin
340 Message(asmr_e_expr_illegal);
341 { push 1 for error recovery }
342 RPNPush(1);
343 end;
344 end;
345 end;
348 Procedure TExprParse.OpPush(_Operator : char;prefix: boolean);
349 { Add an operator onto top of the stack }
350 begin
351 if OpTop < OpMax then
352 begin
353 Inc(OpTop);
354 OpStack[OpTop].ch:=_Operator;
355 OpStack[OpTop].is_prefix:=prefix;
357 else
358 Message(asmr_e_expr_illegal);
359 end;
362 Procedure TExprParse.OpPop(var _Operator:TExprOperator);
363 { Get operator at the top of the stack }
364 begin
365 if OpTop > 0 then
366 begin
367 _Operator:=OpStack[OpTop];
368 Dec(OpTop);
370 else
371 Message(asmr_e_expr_illegal);
372 end;
375 Function TExprParse.Priority(_Operator : Char) : Integer;
376 { Return priority of operator }
377 { The greater the priority, the higher the precedence }
378 begin
379 Case _Operator OF
380 '(' :
381 Priority:=0;
382 '+', '-' :
383 Priority:=1;
384 '*', '/','%','<','>' :
385 Priority:=2;
386 '|','&','^','~' :
387 Priority:=0;
388 else
389 Message(asmr_e_expr_illegal);
390 end;
391 end;
394 Function TExprParse.Evaluate(Expr : String):longint;
396 I : Integer;
397 Token : String15;
398 opr : TExprOperator;
399 begin
400 Evaluate:=0;
401 { Reset stacks }
402 OpTop :=0;
403 RPNTop:=0;
404 Token :='';
405 { nothing to do ? }
406 if Expr='' then
407 exit;
408 For I:=1 to Length(Expr) DO
409 begin
410 if Expr[I] in ['0'..'9'] then
411 begin { Build multi-digit numbers }
412 Token:=Token + Expr[I];
413 if I = Length(Expr) then { Send last one to calculator }
414 RPNCalc(Token,false);
416 else
417 if Expr[I] in ['+', '-', '*', '/', '(', ')','^','&','|','%','~','<','>'] then
418 begin
419 if Token <> '' then
420 begin { Send last built number to calc. }
421 RPNCalc(Token,false);
422 Token:='';
423 end;
425 Case Expr[I] OF
426 '(' : OpPush('(',false);
427 ')' : begin
428 While OpStack[OpTop].ch <> '(' DO
429 Begin
430 OpPop(opr);
431 RPNCalc(,opr.is_prefix);
432 end;
433 OpPop(opr); { Pop off and ignore the '(' }
434 end;
435 '+','-','~' : Begin
436 { workaround for -2147483648 }
437 if (expr[I]='-') and (expr[i+1] in ['0'..'9']) then
438 begin
439 token:='-';
440 expr[i]:='+';
441 end;
442 { if start of expression then surely a prefix }
443 { or if previous char was also an operator }
444 if (I = 1) or (not (Expr[I-1] in ['0'..'9','(',')'])) then
445 OpPush(Expr[I],true)
446 else
447 Begin
448 { Evaluate all higher priority operators }
449 While (OpTop > 0) AND (Priority(Expr[I]) <= Priority(OpStack[OpTop].ch)) DO
450 Begin
451 OpPop(opr);
452 RPNCalc(,opr.is_prefix);
453 end;
454 OpPush(Expr[I],false);
455 End;
456 end;
457 '*', '/',
458 '^','|','&',
459 '%','<','>' : begin
460 While (OpTop > 0) and (Priority(Expr[I]) <= Priority(OpStack[OpTop].ch)) DO
461 Begin
462 OpPop(opr);
463 RPNCalc(,opr.is_prefix);
464 end;
465 OpPush(Expr[I],false);
466 end;
467 end; { Case }
469 else
470 Message(asmr_e_expr_illegal); { Handle bad input error }
471 end;
473 { Pop off the remaining operators }
474 While OpTop > 0 do
475 Begin
476 OpPop(opr);
477 RPNCalc(,opr.is_prefix);
478 end;
480 { The result is stored on the top of the stack }
481 Evaluate:=RPNPop;
482 end;
485 Destructor TExprParse.Done;
486 Begin
487 end;
490 Function CalculateExpression(const expression: string): longint;
492 expr: TExprParse;
493 Begin
494 expr.Init;
495 CalculateExpression:=expr.Evaluate(expression);
496 expr.Done;
497 end;
500 {*************************************************************************}
501 { String conversions/utils }
502 {*************************************************************************}
504 Function EscapeToPascal(const s:string): string;
505 { converts a C styled string - which contains escape }
506 { characters to a pascal style string. }
508 i,len : longint;
509 hs : string;
510 temp : string;
511 c : char;
512 Begin
513 hs:='';
514 len:=0;
515 i:=0;
516 while (i<length(s)) and (len<255) do
517 begin
518 Inc(i);
519 if (s[i]='\') and (i<length(s)) then
520 Begin
521 inc(i);
522 case s[i] of
523 '\' :
524 c:='\';
525 'b':
526 c:=#8;
527 'f':
528 c:=#12;
529 'n':
530 c:=#10;
531 'r':
532 c:=#13;
533 't':
534 c:=#9;
535 '"':
536 c:='"';
537 '0'..'7':
538 Begin
539 temp:=s[i];
540 temp:=temp+s[i+1];
541 temp:=temp+s[i+2];
542 inc(i,2);
543 c:=chr(ValOctal(temp));
544 end;
545 'x':
546 Begin
547 temp:=s[i+1];
548 temp:=temp+s[i+2];
549 inc(i,2);
550 c:=chr(ValHexaDecimal(temp));
551 end;
552 else
553 Begin
554 Message1(asmr_e_escape_seq_ignored,s[i]);
555 c:=s[i];
556 end;
557 end;
559 else
560 c:=s[i];
561 inc(len);
562 hs[len]:=c;
563 end;
564 hs[0]:=chr(len);
565 EscapeToPascal:=hs;
566 end;
569 Function ValDecimal(const S:String):longint;
570 { Converts a decimal string to longint }
572 vs,c : longint;
573 Begin
574 vs:=0;
575 for c:=1 to length(s) do
576 begin
577 vs:=vs*10;
578 if s[c] in ['0'..'9'] then
579 inc(vs,ord(s[c])-ord('0'))
580 else
581 begin
582 Message1(asmr_e_error_converting_decimal,s);
583 ValDecimal:=0;
584 exit;
585 end;
586 end;
587 ValDecimal:=vs;
588 end;
591 Function ValOctal(const S:String):longint;
592 { Converts an octal string to longint }
594 vs,c : longint;
595 Begin
596 vs:=0;
597 for c:=1 to length(s) do
598 begin
599 vs:=vs shl 3;
600 if s[c] in ['0'..'7'] then
601 inc(vs,ord(s[c])-ord('0'))
602 else
603 begin
604 Message1(asmr_e_error_converting_octal,s);
605 ValOctal:=0;
606 exit;
607 end;
608 end;
609 ValOctal:=vs;
610 end;
613 Function ValBinary(const S:String):longint;
614 { Converts a binary string to longint }
616 vs,c : longint;
617 Begin
618 vs:=0;
619 for c:=1 to length(s) do
620 begin
621 vs:=vs shl 1;
622 if s[c] in ['0'..'1'] then
623 inc(vs,ord(s[c])-ord('0'))
624 else
625 begin
626 Message1(asmr_e_error_converting_binary,s);
627 ValBinary:=0;
628 exit;
629 end;
630 end;
631 ValBinary:=vs;
632 end;
635 Function ValHexadecimal(const S:String):longint;
636 { Converts a binary string to longint }
638 vs,c : longint;
639 Begin
640 vs:=0;
641 for c:=1 to length(s) do
642 begin
643 vs:=vs shl 4;
644 case s[c] of
645 '0'..'9' :
646 inc(vs,ord(s[c])-ord('0'));
647 'A'..'F' :
648 inc(vs,ord(s[c])-ord('A')+10);
649 'a'..'f' :
650 inc(vs,ord(s[c])-ord('a')+10);
651 else
652 begin
653 Message1(asmr_e_error_converting_hexadecimal,s);
654 ValHexadecimal:=0;
655 exit;
656 end;
657 end;
658 end;
659 ValHexadecimal:=vs;
660 end;
663 Function PadZero(Var s: String; n: byte): Boolean;
664 Begin
665 PadZero:=TRUE;
666 { Do some error checking first }
667 if Length(s) = n then
668 exit
669 else
670 if Length(s) > n then
671 Begin
672 PadZero:=FALSE;
673 delete(s,n+1,length(s));
674 exit;
676 else
677 PadZero:=TRUE;
678 { Fill it up with the specified character }
679 fillchar(s[length(s)+1],n-1,#0);
680 s[0]:=chr(n);
681 end;
684 {****************************************************************************
685 TOperand
686 ****************************************************************************}
688 constructor TOperand.init;
689 begin
690 size:=S_NO;
691 hastype:=false;
692 hasvar:=false;
693 FillChar(Opr,sizeof(Opr),0);
694 end;
697 destructor TOperand.done;
698 begin
699 end;
702 Procedure TOperand.SetCorrectSize(opcode:tasmop);
703 begin
704 end;
706 Procedure TOperand.SetSize(_size:longint;force:boolean);
707 begin
708 if force or
709 ((size = S_NO) and (_size<=extended_size)) then
710 Begin
711 case _size of
712 1 : size:=S_B;
713 2 : size:=S_W{ could be S_IS};
714 4 : size:=S_L{ could be S_IL or S_FS};
715 8 : size:=S_IQ{ could be S_D or S_FL};
716 extended_size : size:=S_FX;
717 end;
718 end;
719 end;
722 Function TOperand.SetupResult:boolean;
723 Begin
724 SetupResult:=false;
725 { replace by correct offset. }
726 if assigned(procinfo^.returntype.def) and
727 (procinfo^.returntype.def<>pdef(voiddef)) then
728 begin
729 if (procinfo^.return_offset=0) and ((m_tp in aktmodeswitches) or
730 (m_delphi in aktmodeswitches)) then
731 begin
732 Message(asmr_e_cannot_use_RESULT_here);
733 exit;
734 end;
735 opr.ref.offset:=procinfo^.return_offset;
736 opr.ref.base:= procinfo^.framepointer;
737 { always assume that the result is valid. }
738 procinfo^.funcret_state:=vs_assigned;
739 if (opr.ref.offset=0) and
740 ((m_tp in aktmodeswitches) or (m_delphi in aktmodeswitches)) then
741 Message(asmr_e_cannot_use_RESULT_here)
742 else
743 SetupResult:=true;
745 else
746 Message(asmr_e_void_function);
747 end;
750 Function TOperand.SetupSelf:boolean;
751 Begin
752 SetupSelf:=false;
753 if assigned(procinfo^._class) then
754 Begin
755 opr.typ:=OPR_REFERENCE;
756 opr.ref.offset:=procinfo^.selfpointer_offset;
757 opr.ref.base:=procinfo^.framepointer;
758 opr.ref.options:=ref_selffixup;
759 SetupSelf:=true;
761 else
762 Message(asmr_e_cannot_use_SELF_outside_a_method);
763 end;
766 Function TOperand.SetupOldEBP:boolean;
767 Begin
768 SetupOldEBP:=false;
769 if lexlevel>normal_function_level then
770 Begin
771 opr.typ:=OPR_REFERENCE;
772 opr.ref.offset:=procinfo^.framepointer_offset;
773 opr.ref.base:=procinfo^.framepointer;
774 SetupOldEBP:=true;
776 else
777 Message(asmr_e_cannot_use_OLDEBP_outside_nested_procedure);
778 end;
781 Function TOperand.SetupVar(const hs:string;GetOffset : boolean): Boolean;
782 { search and sets up the correct fields in the Instr record }
783 { for the NON-constant identifier passed to the routine. }
784 { if not found returns FALSE. }
786 sym : psym;
787 harrdef : parraydef;
788 Begin
789 SetupVar:=false;
790 { are we in a routine ? }
791 getsym(hs,false);
792 sym:=srsym;
793 if sym=nil then
794 exit;
795 case sym^.typ of
796 varsym :
797 begin
798 { we always assume in asm statements that }
799 { that the variable is valid. }
800 pvarsym(sym)^.varstate:=vs_used;
801 inc(pvarsym(sym)^.refs);
802 case pvarsym(sym)^.owner^.symtabletype of
803 objectsymtable :
804 begin
805 { this is not allowed, because we don't know if the self
806 register is still free, and loading it first is also
807 not possible, because this could break code }
808 { Be TP/Delphi compatible in Delphi or TP modes }
809 if (m_tp in aktmodeswitches) then
810 begin
811 opr.typ:=OPR_CONSTANT;
812 opr.val:=pvarsym(sym)^.address;
814 { I do not agree here people using method vars should ensure
815 that %esi is valid there }
816 else
817 begin
818 opr.ref.base:=self_pointer;
819 opr.ref.offset:=pvarsym(sym)^.address;
820 end;
821 hasvar:=true;
822 SetupVar:=true;
823 Exit;
824 end;
825 unitsymtable,
826 globalsymtable,
827 staticsymtable :
828 opr.ref.symbol:=newasmsymbol(pvarsym(sym)^.mangledname);
829 parasymtable :
830 begin
831 { if we only want the offset we don't have to care
832 the base will be zeroed after ! }
833 if (lexlevel=pvarsym(sym)^.owner^.symtablelevel) or
834 { this below is wrong because there are two parast
835 for global functions one of interface the second of
836 implementation
837 if (pvarsym(sym)^.owner=procinfo^.def^.parast) or }
838 GetOffset then
839 begin
840 opr.ref.base:=procinfo^.framepointer;
842 else
843 begin
844 if (procinfo^.framepointer=R_ESP) and
845 assigned(procinfo^.parent) and
846 (lexlevel=pvarsym(sym)^.owner^.symtablelevel+1) and
847 { same problem as above !!
848 (procinfo^.parent^.sym^.definition^.parast=pvarsym(sym)^.owner) and }
849 (lexlevel>normal_function_level) then
850 opr.ref.base:=procinfo^.parent^.framepointer
851 else
852 message1(asmr_e_local_para_unreachable,hs);
853 end;
854 opr.ref.offset:=pvarsym(sym)^.address;
855 if (lexlevel=pvarsym(sym)^.owner^.symtablelevel) then
856 begin
857 opr.ref.offsetfixup:=aktprocsym^.definition^.parast^.address_fixup;
858 opr.ref.options:=ref_parafixup;
860 else
861 begin
862 opr.ref.offsetfixup:=0;
863 opr.ref.options:=ref_none;
864 end;
865 if (pvarsym(sym)^.varspez=vs_var) or
866 ((pvarsym(sym)^.varspez=vs_const) and
867 push_addr_param(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def)) then
868 SetSize(target_os.size_of_pointer,false);
869 end;
870 localsymtable :
871 begin
872 if (vo_is_external in pvarsym(sym)^.varoptions) then
873 opr.ref.symbol:=newasmsymbol(pvarsym(sym)^.mangledname)
874 else
875 begin
876 { if we only want the offset we don't have to care
877 the base will be zeroed after ! }
878 if (lexlevel=pvarsym(sym)^.owner^.symtablelevel) or
879 {if (pvarsym(sym)^.owner=procinfo^.def^.localst) or}
880 GetOffset then
881 opr.ref.base:=procinfo^.framepointer
882 else
883 begin
884 if (procinfo^.framepointer=R_ESP) and
885 assigned(procinfo^.parent) and
886 (lexlevel=pvarsym(sym)^.owner^.symtablelevel+1) and
887 {(procinfo^.parent^.sym^.definition^.localst=pvarsym(sym)^.owner) and}
888 (lexlevel>normal_function_level) then
889 opr.ref.base:=procinfo^.parent^.framepointer
890 else
891 message1(asmr_e_local_para_unreachable,hs);
892 end;
893 opr.ref.offset:=-(pvarsym(sym)^.address);
894 if (lexlevel=pvarsym(sym)^.owner^.symtablelevel) then
895 begin
896 opr.ref.offsetfixup:=aktprocsym^.definition^.localst^.address_fixup;
897 opr.ref.options:=ref_localfixup;
899 else
900 begin
901 opr.ref.offsetfixup:=0;
902 opr.ref.options:=ref_none;
903 end;
904 end;
905 end;
906 end;
907 case pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.deftype of
908 orddef,
909 enumdef,
910 pointerdef,
911 floatdef :
912 SetSize(pvarsym(sym)^.getsize,false);
913 arraydef :
914 begin
915 { for arrays try to get the element size, take care of
916 multiple indexes }
917 harrdef:=Parraydef(PVarsym(sym)^.vartype.def);
918 while assigned(harrdef^.elementtype.def) and
919 (harrdef^.elementtype.def^.deftype=arraydef) do
920 harrdef:=parraydef(harrdef^.elementtype.def);
921 SetSize(harrdef^.elesize,false);
922 end;
923 end;
924 hasvar:=true;
925 SetupVar:=true;
926 Exit;
927 end;
928 typedconstsym :
929 begin
930 opr.ref.symbol:=newasmsymbol(ptypedconstsym(sym)^.mangledname);
931 case ptypedconstsym(sym)^.typedconsttype.def^.deftype of
932 orddef,
933 enumdef,
934 pointerdef,
935 floatdef :
936 SetSize(ptypedconstsym(sym)^.getsize,false);
937 arraydef :
938 begin
939 { for arrays try to get the element size, take care of
940 multiple indexes }
941 harrdef:=Parraydef(PTypedConstSym(sym)^.typedconsttype.def);
942 while assigned(harrdef^.elementtype.def) and
943 (harrdef^.elementtype.def^.deftype=arraydef) do
944 harrdef:=parraydef(harrdef^.elementtype.def);
945 SetSize(harrdef^.elesize,false);
946 end;
947 end;
948 hasvar:=true;
949 SetupVar:=true;
950 Exit;
951 end;
952 constsym :
953 begin
954 if pconstsym(sym)^.consttyp in [constint,constchar,constbool] then
955 begin
956 opr.typ:=OPR_CONSTANT;
957 opr.val:=pconstsym(sym)^.value;
958 SetupVar:=true;
959 Exit;
960 end;
961 end;
962 typesym :
963 begin
964 if ptypesym(sym)^.restype.def^.deftype in [recorddef,objectdef] then
965 begin
966 opr.typ:=OPR_CONSTANT;
967 opr.val:=0;
968 SetupVar:=TRUE;
969 Exit;
970 end;
971 end;
972 procsym :
973 begin
974 if assigned(pprocsym(sym)^.definition^.nextoverloaded) then
975 Message(asmr_w_calling_overload_func);
976 opr.typ:=OPR_SYMBOL;
977 opr.symbol:=newasmsymbol(pprocsym(sym)^.definition^.mangledname);
978 hasvar:=true;
979 SetupVar:=TRUE;
980 Exit;
981 end;
982 else
983 begin
984 Message(asmr_e_unsupported_symbol_type);
985 exit;
986 end;
987 end;
988 end;
991 { looks for internal names of variables and routines }
992 Function TOperand.SetupDirectVar(const hs:string): Boolean;
993 {$ifndef OLDDIRECTVAR}
995 p : pasmsymbol;
996 begin
997 SetupDirectVar:=false;
998 p:=getasmsymbol(hs);
999 if assigned(p) then
1000 begin
1001 opr.ref.symbol:=p;
1002 hasvar:=true;
1003 SetupDirectVar:=true;
1004 end;
1005 end;
1006 {$else}
1008 p : pai_external;
1009 Begin
1010 SearchDirectVar:=false;
1011 { search in the list of internals }
1012 p:=search_assembler_symbol(internals,hs,EXT_ANY);
1013 if p=nil then
1014 p:=search_assembler_symbol(externals,hs,EXT_ANY);
1015 if p<>nil then
1016 begin
1017 instr.operands[operandnum].opr.ref.symbol:=p^.sym;
1018 case p^.exttyp of
1019 EXT_BYTE : instr.operands[operandnum].size:=S_B;
1020 EXT_WORD : instr.operands[operandnum].size:=S_W;
1022 instr.operands[operandnum].size:=S_L;
1023 EXT_QWORD : instr.operands[operandnum].size:=S_FL;
1024 EXT_TBYTE : instr.operands[operandnum].size:=S_FX;
1025 else
1026 { this is in the case where the instruction is LEA }
1027 { or something like that, in that case size is not }
1028 { important. }
1029 instr.operands[operandnum].size:=S_NO;
1030 end;
1031 instr.operands[operandnum].hasvar:=true;
1032 SearchDirectVar:=TRUE;
1033 Exit;
1034 end;
1035 end;
1036 {$endif}
1038 procedure TOperand.InitRef;
1039 {*********************************************************************}
1040 { Description: This routine first check if the opcode is of }
1041 { type OPR_NONE, or OPR_REFERENCE , if not it gives out an error. }
1042 { If the operandtype = OPR_NONE or <> OPR_REFERENCE then it sets up }
1043 { the operand type to OPR_REFERENCE, as well as setting up the ref }
1044 { to point to the default segment. }
1045 {*********************************************************************}
1046 Begin
1047 case opr.typ of
1049 exit;
1050 OPR_NONE: ;
1051 else
1052 Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type);
1053 end;
1054 opr.typ := OPR_REFERENCE;
1055 reset_reference(opr.ref);
1056 end;
1059 procedure TOperand.BuildOperand;
1060 begin
1061 abstract;
1062 end;
1065 {****************************************************************************
1066 TInstruction
1067 ****************************************************************************}
1069 constructor TInstruction.init;
1070 Begin
1071 Opcode:=A_NONE;
1072 Opsize:=S_NO;
1073 Condition:=C_NONE;
1074 Ops:=0;
1075 InitOperands;
1076 end;
1079 destructor TInstruction.done;
1081 i : longint;
1082 Begin
1083 for i:=1 to 3 do
1084 Dispose(Operands[i],Done);
1085 end;
1088 procedure TInstruction.InitOperands;
1090 i : longint;
1091 begin
1092 for i:=1 to 3 do
1093 New(Operands[i],init);
1094 end;
1097 Procedure TInstruction.SwapOperands;
1099 p : POperand;
1100 Begin
1101 case Ops of
1103 begin
1104 p:=Operands[1];
1105 Operands[1]:=Operands[2];
1106 Operands[2]:=p;
1107 end;
1109 begin
1110 p:=Operands[1];
1111 Operands[1]:=Operands[3];
1112 Operands[3]:=p;
1113 end;
1114 end;
1115 end;
1118 procedure TInstruction.ConcatInstruction(p:PAasmOutput);
1119 begin
1120 abstract;
1121 end;
1124 procedure TInstruction.BuildOpcode;
1125 begin
1126 abstract;
1127 end;
1130 {***************************************************************************
1131 TLocalLabel
1132 ***************************************************************************}
1134 constructor TLocalLabel.Init(const n:string);
1135 begin
1136 inherited InitName(n);
1137 lab:=nil;
1138 emitted:=false;
1139 end;
1142 function TLocalLabel.Getpasmlabel:pasmlabel;
1143 begin
1144 if not assigned(lab) then
1145 begin
1146 getlabel(lab);
1147 { this label is forced to be used so it's always written }
1148 inc(lab^.refs);
1149 end;
1150 Getpasmlabel:=lab;
1151 end;
1154 {***************************************************************************
1155 TLocalLabelList
1156 ***************************************************************************}
1158 procedure LocalLabelEmitted(p:PNamedIndexObject);{$ifndef FPC}far;{$endif}
1159 begin
1160 if not PLocalLabel(p)^.emitted then
1161 Message1(asmr_e_unknown_label_identifier,p^.name);
1162 end;
1164 procedure TLocalLabelList.CheckEmitted;
1165 begin
1166 ForEach({$ifndef TP}@{$endif}LocalLabelEmitted)
1167 end;
1170 function CreateLocalLabel(const s: string; var hl: pasmlabel; emit:boolean):boolean;
1172 lab : PLocalLabel;
1173 Begin
1174 CreateLocalLabel:=true;
1175 { Check if it already is defined }
1176 lab:=PLocalLabel(LocalLabelList^.Search(s));
1177 if not assigned(lab) then
1178 begin
1179 new(lab,init(s));
1180 LocalLabelList^.Insert(lab);
1181 end;
1182 { set emitted flag and check for dup syms }
1183 if emit then
1184 begin
1185 if lab^.Emitted then
1186 begin
1187 Message1(asmr_e_dup_local_sym,lab^.Name);
1188 CreateLocalLabel:=false;
1189 end;
1190 lab^.Emitted:=true;
1191 end;
1192 hl:=lab^.Getpasmlabel;
1193 end;
1196 {****************************************************************************
1197 Symbol table helper routines
1198 ****************************************************************************}
1200 Function SearchType(const hs:string): Boolean;
1201 begin
1202 getsym(hs,false);
1203 SearchType:=assigned(srsym) and
1204 (srsym^.typ=typesym);
1205 end;
1209 Function SearchRecordType(const s:string): boolean;
1210 Begin
1211 SearchRecordType:=false;
1212 { Check the constants in symtable }
1213 getsym(s,false);
1214 if srsym <> nil then
1215 Begin
1216 case srsym^.typ of
1217 typesym :
1218 begin
1219 if ptypesym(srsym)^.restype.def^.deftype in [recorddef,objectdef] then
1220 begin
1221 SearchRecordType:=true;
1222 exit;
1223 end;
1224 end;
1225 end;
1226 end;
1227 end;
1230 Function SearchIConstant(const s:string; var l:longint): boolean;
1231 {**********************************************************************}
1232 { Description: Searches for a CONSTANT of name s in either the local }
1233 { symbol list, then in the global symbol list, and returns the value }
1234 { of that constant in l. Returns TRUE if successfull, if not found, }
1235 { or if the constant is not of correct type, then returns FALSE }
1236 { Remarks: Also handle TRUE and FALSE returning in those cases 1 and 0 }
1237 { respectively. }
1238 {**********************************************************************}
1239 Begin
1240 SearchIConstant:=false;
1241 { check for TRUE or FALSE reserved words first }
1242 if s = 'TRUE' then
1243 Begin
1244 SearchIConstant:=TRUE;
1245 l:=1;
1246 exit;
1247 end;
1248 if s = 'FALSE' then
1249 Begin
1250 SearchIConstant:=TRUE;
1251 l:=0;
1252 exit;
1253 end;
1254 { Check the constants in symtable }
1255 getsym(s,false);
1256 if srsym <> nil then
1257 Begin
1258 case srsym^.typ of
1259 constsym :
1260 begin
1261 if (pconstsym(srsym)^.consttyp in [constord,constint,constchar,constbool]) then
1262 Begin
1263 l:=pconstsym(srsym)^.value;
1264 SearchIConstant:=TRUE;
1265 exit;
1266 end;
1267 end;
1268 enumsym:
1269 Begin
1270 l:=penumsym(srsym)^.value;
1271 SearchIConstant:=TRUE;
1272 exit;
1273 end;
1274 end;
1275 end;
1276 end;
1279 Function GetRecordOffsetSize(s:string;Var Offset: longint;var Size:longint):boolean;
1280 { search and returns the offset and size of records/objects of the base }
1281 { with field name setup in field. }
1282 { returns FALSE if not found. }
1283 { used when base is a variable or a typed constant name. }
1285 st : psymtable;
1286 harrdef : parraydef;
1287 sym : psym;
1288 i : longint;
1289 base : string;
1290 Begin
1291 GetRecordOffsetSize:=FALSE;
1292 Offset:=0;
1293 Size:=0;
1294 i:=pos('.',s);
1295 if i=0 then
1296 i:=255;
1297 base:=Copy(s,1,i-1);
1298 delete(s,1,i);
1299 if base='SELF' then
1300 st:=procinfo^._class^.symtable
1301 else
1302 begin
1303 getsym(base,false);
1304 sym:=srsym;
1305 st:=nil;
1306 { we can start with a var,type,typedconst }
1307 case sym^.typ of
1308 varsym :
1309 begin
1310 case pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.deftype of
1311 recorddef :
1312 st:=precorddef(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def)^.symtable;
1313 objectdef :
1314 st:=pobjectdef(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def)^.symtable;
1315 end;
1316 end;
1317 typesym :
1318 begin
1319 case ptypesym(sym)^.restype.def^.deftype of
1320 recorddef :
1321 st:=precorddef(ptypesym(sym)^.restype.def)^.symtable;
1322 objectdef :
1323 st:=pobjectdef(ptypesym(sym)^.restype.def)^.symtable;
1324 end;
1325 end;
1326 typedconstsym :
1327 begin
1328 case ptypedconstsym(sym)^.typedconsttype.def^.deftype of
1329 recorddef :
1330 st:=precorddef(ptypedconstsym(sym)^.typedconsttype.def)^.symtable;
1331 objectdef :
1332 st:=pobjectdef(ptypedconstsym(sym)^.typedconsttype.def)^.symtable;
1333 end;
1334 end;
1335 end;
1336 end;
1337 { now walk all recordsymtables }
1338 while assigned(st) and (s<>'') do
1339 begin
1340 { load next field in base }
1341 i:=pos('.',s);
1342 if i=0 then
1343 i:=255;
1344 base:=Copy(s,1,i-1);
1345 delete(s,1,i);
1346 if st^.symtabletype=objectsymtable then
1347 sym:=search_class_member(pobjectdef(st^.defowner),base)
1348 else
1349 sym:=st^.search(base);
1350 if not assigned(sym) then
1351 begin
1352 GetRecordOffsetSize:=false;
1353 exit;
1354 end;
1355 st:=nil;
1356 case sym^.typ of
1357 varsym :
1358 begin
1359 inc(Offset,pvarsym(sym)^.address);
1360 Size:=PVarsym(sym)^.getsize;
1361 case pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def^.deftype of
1362 arraydef :
1363 begin
1364 { for arrays try to get the element size, take care of
1365 multiple indexes }
1366 harrdef:=Parraydef(PVarsym(sym)^.vartype.def);
1367 while assigned(harrdef^.elementtype.def) and
1368 (harrdef^.elementtype.def^.deftype=arraydef) do
1369 harrdef:=parraydef(harrdef^.elementtype.def);
1370 size:=harrdef^.elesize;
1371 end;
1372 recorddef :
1373 st:=precorddef(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def)^.symtable;
1374 objectdef :
1375 st:=pobjectdef(pvarsym(sym)^.vartype.def)^.symtable;
1376 end;
1377 end;
1378 end;
1379 end;
1380 GetRecordOffsetSize:=(s='');
1381 end;
1384 Function SearchLabel(const s: string; var hl: pasmlabel;emit:boolean): boolean;
1386 sym : psym;
1387 hs : string;
1388 Begin
1389 hl:=nil;
1390 SearchLabel:=false;
1391 { Check for pascal labels, which are case insensetive }
1392 hs:=upper(s);
1393 getsym(hs,false);
1394 sym:=srsym;
1395 if sym=nil then
1396 exit;
1397 case sym^.typ of
1398 labelsym :
1399 begin
1400 hl:=plabelsym(sym)^.lab;
1401 if emit then
1402 plabelsym(sym)^.defined:=true
1403 else
1404 plabelsym(sym)^.used:=true;
1405 SearchLabel:=true;
1406 exit;
1407 end;
1408 end;
1409 end;
1412 {*************************************************************************}
1413 { Instruction Generation Utilities }
1414 {*************************************************************************}
1417 Procedure ConcatString(p : paasmoutput;s:string);
1418 {*********************************************************************}
1419 { PROCEDURE ConcatString(s:string); }
1420 { Description: This routine adds the character chain pointed to in }
1421 { s to the instruction linked list. }
1422 {*********************************************************************}
1424 pc: PChar;
1425 Begin
1426 getmem(pc,length(s)+1);
1427 p^.concat(new(pai_string,init_length_pchar(strpcopy(pc,s),length(s))));
1428 end;
1430 Procedure ConcatPasString(p : paasmoutput;s:string);
1431 {*********************************************************************}
1432 { PROCEDURE ConcatPasString(s:string); }
1433 { Description: This routine adds the character chain pointed to in }
1434 { s to the instruction linked list, contrary to ConcatString it }
1435 { uses a pascal style string, so it conserves null characters. }
1436 {*********************************************************************}
1437 Begin
1438 p^.concat(new(pai_string,init(s)));
1439 end;
1441 Procedure ConcatDirect(p : paasmoutput;s:string);
1442 {*********************************************************************}
1443 { PROCEDURE ConcatDirect(s:string) }
1444 { Description: This routine output the string directly to the asm }
1445 { output, it is only sed when writing special labels in AT&T mode, }
1446 { and should not be used without due consideration, since it may }
1447 { cause problems. }
1448 {*********************************************************************}
1450 pc: PChar;
1451 Begin
1452 getmem(pc,length(s)+1);
1453 p^.concat(new(pai_direct,init(strpcopy(pc,s))));
1454 end;
1459 Procedure ConcatConstant(p: paasmoutput; value: longint; maxvalue: longint);
1460 {*********************************************************************}
1461 { PROCEDURE ConcatConstant(value: longint; maxvalue: longint); }
1462 { Description: This routine adds the value constant to the current }
1463 { instruction linked list. }
1464 { maxvalue -> indicates the size of the data to initialize: }
1465 { $ff -> create a byte node. }
1466 { $ffff -> create a word node. }
1467 { $ffffffff -> create a dword node. }
1468 {*********************************************************************}
1469 Begin
1470 if (maxvalue <> longint($ffffffff)) and (value > maxvalue) then
1471 Begin
1472 Message(asmr_e_constant_out_of_bounds);
1473 { assuming a value of maxvalue }
1474 value:=maxvalue;
1475 end;
1476 if maxvalue = $ff then
1477 p^.concat(new(pai_const,init_8bit(byte(value))))
1478 else
1479 if maxvalue = $ffff then
1480 p^.concat(new(pai_const,init_16bit(word(value))))
1481 else
1482 if maxvalue = longint($ffffffff) then
1483 p^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(longint(value))));
1484 end;
1487 Procedure ConcatConstSymbol(p : paasmoutput;const sym:string;l:longint);
1488 begin
1489 p^.concat(new(pai_const_symbol,initname_offset(sym,l)));
1490 end;
1493 Procedure ConcatRealConstant(p : paasmoutput;value: bestreal; real_typ : tfloattype);
1494 {***********************************************************************}
1495 { PROCEDURE ConcatRealConstant(value: bestreal; real_typ : tfloattype); }
1496 { Description: This routine adds the value constant to the current }
1497 { instruction linked list. }
1498 { real_typ -> indicates the type of the real data to initialize: }
1499 { s32real -> create a single node. }
1500 { s64real -> create a double node. }
1501 { s80real -> create an extended node. }
1502 { s64bit -> create a comp node. }
1503 { f32bit -> create a fixed node. (not used normally) }
1504 {***********************************************************************}
1505 Begin
1506 case real_typ of
1507 s32real : p^.concat(new(pai_real_32bit,init(value)));
1508 s64real : p^.concat(new(pai_real_64bit,init(value)));
1509 s80real : p^.concat(new(pai_real_80bit,init(value)));
1510 s64comp : p^.concat(new(pai_comp_64bit,init(value)));
1511 f32bit : p^.concat(new(pai_const,init_32bit(trunc(value*$10000))));
1512 end;
1513 end;
1515 Procedure ConcatLabel(p: paasmoutput;var l : pasmlabel);
1516 {*********************************************************************}
1517 { PROCEDURE ConcatLabel }
1518 { Description: This routine either emits a label or a labeled }
1519 { instruction to the linked list of instructions. }
1520 {*********************************************************************}
1521 begin
1522 p^.concat(new(pai_label,init(l)));
1523 end;
1525 procedure ConcatAlign(p:paasmoutput;l:longint);
1526 {*********************************************************************}
1527 { PROCEDURE ConcatPublic }
1528 { Description: This routine emits an global definition to the }
1529 { linked list of instructions.(used by AT&T styled asm) }
1530 {*********************************************************************}
1531 begin
1532 p^.concat(new(pai_align,init(l)));
1533 end;
1535 procedure ConcatPublic(p:paasmoutput;const s : string);
1536 {*********************************************************************}
1537 { PROCEDURE ConcatPublic }
1538 { Description: This routine emits an global definition to the }
1539 { linked list of instructions.(used by AT&T styled asm) }
1540 {*********************************************************************}
1541 begin
1542 p^.concat(new(pai_symbol,initname_global(s,0)));
1543 end;
1545 procedure ConcatLocal(p:paasmoutput;const s : string);
1546 {*********************************************************************}
1547 { PROCEDURE ConcatLocal }
1548 { Description: This routine emits an local definition to the }
1549 { linked list of instructions. }
1550 {*********************************************************************}
1551 begin
1552 p^.concat(new(pai_symbol,initname(s,0)));
1553 end;
1555 Procedure ConcatGlobalBss(const s : string;size : longint);
1556 {*********************************************************************}
1557 { PROCEDURE ConcatGlobalBss }
1558 { Description: This routine emits an global datablock to the }
1559 { linked list of instructions. }
1560 {*********************************************************************}
1561 begin
1562 bsssegment^.concat(new(pai_datablock,init_global(s,size)));
1563 end;
1565 Procedure ConcatLocalBss(const s : string;size : longint);
1566 {*********************************************************************}
1567 { PROCEDURE ConcatLocalBss }
1568 { Description: This routine emits a local datablcok to the }
1569 { linked list of instructions. }
1570 {*********************************************************************}
1571 begin
1572 bsssegment^.concat(new(pai_datablock,init(s,size)));
1573 end;
1575 end.
1577 $Log$
1578 Revision 1.1 2002/02/19 08:23:45 sasu
1579 Initial revision
1581 Revision 2000/11/06 16:57:38 pierre
1582 * issue error in TP and Delphi modes if result is a register
1584 Revision 2000/10/31 07:30:12 pierre
1585 * fix for bug 1157 second part
1587 Revision 2000/10/07 23:41:06 pierre
1588 * fix for bug 1157
1590 Revision 2000/08/06 10:29:03 peter
1591 * fixed expression evaluator (bug 1090)
1593 Revision 1.1 2000/07/13 06:29:56 michael
1594 + Initial import
1596 Revision 1.46 2000/05/26 18:23:11 peter
1597 * fixed % parsing and added modulo support
1598 * changed some evaulator errors to more generic illegal expresion
1600 Revision 1.45 2000/05/23 20:36:28 peter
1601 + typecasting support for variables, but be carefull as word,byte can't
1602 be used because they are reserved assembler keywords
1604 Revision 1.44 2000/05/22 12:47:52 pierre
1605 fix wrong handling of var para for size bug 961
1607 Revision 1.43 2000/05/18 17:05:16 peter
1608 * fixed size of const parameters in asm readers
1610 Revision 1.42 2000/05/11 09:56:22 pierre
1611 * fixed several compare problems between longints and
1612 const > $80000000 that are treated as int64 constanst
1613 by Delphi reported by Kovacs Attila Zoltan
1615 Revision 1.41 2000/05/08 13:23:05 peter
1616 * fixed reference parsing
1618 Revision 1.40 2000/04/06 07:56:04 pierre
1619 * bug in TOperand.SetSize corrected
1621 Revision 1.39 2000/04/04 13:48:45 pierre
1622 + TOperand.SetCorrectSize virtual method added
1623 to be able to change the suffix according to the instruction
1624 (FIADD word ptr w need a s as ATT suffix
1625 wheras FILD word ptr w need a w suffix :( )
1627 Revision 1.38 2000/03/28 22:10:12 pierre
1628 * Object fields are simple offsets in TP/Delphi mode
1630 Revision 1.37 2000/03/16 15:10:25 pierre
1631 * correct the fixups for inlined assembler code
1633 Revision 1.36 2000/03/15 23:10:01 pierre
1634 * fix for bug 848 (that still genrated wrong code)
1635 + better testing for variables used in assembler
1636 (gives an error if variable is not directly reachable !)
1638 Revision 1.35 2000/02/09 13:23:03 peter
1639 * log truncated
1641 Revision 1.34 2000/01/07 01:14:37 peter
1642 * updated copyright to 2000
1644 Revision 1.33 1999/12/22 00:57:30 peter
1645 * label are set to used so an error is given if used but not defined
1647 Revision 1.32 1999/12/17 10:43:34 florian
1648 * 761 fixed
1650 Revision 1.31 1999/11/30 10:40:54 peter
1651 + ttype, tsymlist
1653 Revision 1.30 1999/11/17 17:05:04 pierre
1654 * Notes/hints changes
1656 Revision 1.29 1999/11/09 23:06:46 peter
1657 * esi_offset -> selfpointer_offset to be newcg compatible
1658 * hcogegen -> cgbase fixes for newcg
1660 Revision 1.28 1999/11/06 14:34:26 peter
1661 * truncated log to 20 revs
1663 Revision 1.27 1999/09/27 23:44:58 peter
1664 * procinfo is now a pointer
1665 * support for result setting in sub procedure
1667 Revision 1.26 1999/09/08 16:04:04 peter
1668 * better support for object fields and more error checks for
1669 field accesses which create buggy code
1671 Revision 1.25 1999/09/04 20:29:11 florian
1672 * bug 577 fixed
1674 Revision 1.24 1999/08/27 14:37:50 peter
1675 * fixed crash with typedconst array
1677 Revision 1.23 1999/08/13 21:28:38 peter
1678 * more reference types support
1679 * arraydef size returns elementsize, also for multiple indexing array
1681 Revision 1.22 1999/08/04 00:23:28 florian
1682 * renamed i386asm and i386base to cpuasm and cpubase
1684 Revision 1.21 1999/08/03 22:03:12 peter
1685 * moved bitmask constants to sets
1686 * some other type/const renamings
1688 Revision 1.20 1999/07/29 20:54:06 peter
1689 * write .size also