Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / compiler / pstatmnt.pas
2 $Id$
3 Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Florian Klaempfl
5 Does the parsing of the statements
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
21 ****************************************************************************
23 {$ifdef FPC}
24 {$goto on}
25 {$endif FPC}
27 unit pstatmnt;
29 interface
31 uses tree;
33 { reads a block }
34 function block(islibrary : boolean) : ptree;
36 { reads an assembler block }
37 function assembler_block : ptree;
39 implementation
41 uses
42 globtype,systems,tokens,
43 strings,cobjects,globals,files,verbose,
44 symconst,symtable,aasm,pass_1,types,scanner,
45 {$ifdef newcg}
46 cgbase,
47 {$else}
48 hcodegen,
49 {$endif}
50 ppu
51 ,pbase,pexpr,pdecl,cpubase,cpuasm
52 {$ifdef i386}
53 ,tgeni386
54 {$ifndef NoRa386Int}
55 ,ra386int
56 {$endif NoRa386Int}
57 {$ifndef NoRa386Att}
58 ,ra386att
59 {$endif NoRa386Att}
60 {$ifndef NoRa386Dir}
61 ,ra386dir
62 {$endif NoRa386Dir}
63 {$endif i386}
64 {$ifdef m68k}
65 ,tgen68k
66 {$ifndef NoRa68kMot}
67 ,ra68kmot
68 {$endif NoRa68kMot}
69 {$endif m68k}
70 {$ifdef alpha}
71 ,tgeni386 { this is a dummy!! }
72 {$endif alpha}
73 {$ifdef powerpc}
74 ,tgeni386 { this is a dummy!! }
75 {$endif powerpc}
79 const
80 statement_level : longint = 0;
82 function statement : ptree;forward;
85 function if_statement : ptree;
86 var
87 ex,if_a,else_a : ptree;
88 begin
89 consume(_IF);
90 ex:=comp_expr(true);
91 consume(_THEN);
92 if token<>_ELSE then
93 if_a:=statement
94 else
95 if_a:=nil;
97 if try_to_consume(_ELSE) then
98 else_a:=statement
99 else
100 else_a:=nil;
101 if_statement:=genloopnode(ifn,ex,if_a,else_a,false);
102 end;
104 { creates a block (list) of statements, til the next END token }
105 function statements_til_end : ptree;
108 first,last : ptree;
110 begin
111 first:=nil;
112 while token<>_END do
113 begin
114 if first=nil then
115 begin
116 last:=gennode(statementn,nil,statement);
117 first:=last;
119 else
120 begin
121 last^.left:=gennode(statementn,nil,statement);
122 last:=last^.left;
123 end;
124 if not try_to_consume(_SEMICOLON) then
125 break;
126 emptystats;
127 end;
128 consume(_END);
129 statements_til_end:=gensinglenode(blockn,first);
130 end;
132 function case_statement : ptree;
135 { contains the label number of currently parsed case block }
136 aktcaselabel : pasmlabel;
137 firstlabel : boolean;
138 root : pcaserecord;
140 { the typ of the case expression }
141 casedef : pdef;
143 procedure newcaselabel(l,h : longint;first:boolean);
146 hcaselabel : pcaserecord;
148 procedure insertlabel(var p : pcaserecord);
150 begin
151 if p=nil then p:=hcaselabel
152 else
153 if (p^._low>hcaselabel^._low) and
154 (p^._low>hcaselabel^._high) then
155 if (hcaselabel^.statement = p^.statement) and
156 (p^._low = hcaselabel^._high + 1) then
157 begin
158 p^._low := hcaselabel^._low;
159 dispose(hcaselabel);
161 else
162 insertlabel(p^.less)
163 else
164 if (p^._high<hcaselabel^._low) and
165 (p^._high<hcaselabel^._high) then
166 if (hcaselabel^.statement = p^.statement) and
167 (p^._high+1 = hcaselabel^._low) then
168 begin
169 p^._high := hcaselabel^._high;
170 dispose(hcaselabel);
172 else
173 insertlabel(p^.greater)
174 else Message(parser_e_double_caselabel);
175 end;
177 begin
178 new(hcaselabel);
179 hcaselabel^.less:=nil;
180 hcaselabel^.greater:=nil;
181 hcaselabel^.statement:=aktcaselabel;
182 hcaselabel^.firstlabel:=first;
183 getlabel(hcaselabel^._at);
184 hcaselabel^._low:=l;
185 hcaselabel^._high:=h;
186 insertlabel(root);
187 end;
190 code,caseexpr,p,instruc,elseblock : ptree;
191 hl1,hl2 : longint;
192 casedeferror : boolean;
193 begin
194 consume(_CASE);
195 caseexpr:=comp_expr(true);
196 { determines result type }
197 cleartempgen;
198 do_firstpass(caseexpr);
199 casedeferror:=false;
200 casedef:=caseexpr^.resulttype;
201 if (not assigned(casedef)) or
202 not(is_ordinal(casedef) or is_64bitint(casedef)) then
203 begin
204 CGMessage(type_e_ordinal_expr_expected);
205 { create a correct tree }
206 disposetree(caseexpr);
207 caseexpr:=genordinalconstnode(0,u32bitdef);
208 { set error flag so no rangechecks are done }
209 casedeferror:=true;
210 end;
212 consume(_OF);
213 inc(statement_level);
214 root:=nil;
215 instruc:=nil;
216 repeat
217 getlabel(aktcaselabel);
218 firstlabel:=true;
220 { may be an instruction has more case labels }
221 repeat
222 p:=expr;
223 cleartempgen;
224 do_firstpass(p);
225 hl1:=0;
226 hl2:=0;
227 if (p^.treetype=rangen) then
228 begin
229 { type checking for case statements }
230 if is_subequal(casedef, p^.left^.resulttype) and
231 is_subequal(casedef, p^.right^.resulttype) then
232 begin
233 hl1:=get_ordinal_value(p^.left);
234 hl2:=get_ordinal_value(p^.right);
235 if hl1>hl2 then
236 CGMessage(parser_e_case_lower_less_than_upper_bound);
237 if not casedeferror then
238 begin
239 testrange(casedef,hl1);
240 testrange(casedef,hl2);
241 end;
243 else
244 CGMessage(parser_e_case_mismatch);
245 newcaselabel(hl1,hl2,firstlabel);
247 else
248 begin
249 { type checking for case statements }
250 if not is_subequal(casedef, p^.resulttype) then
251 CGMessage(parser_e_case_mismatch);
252 hl1:=get_ordinal_value(p);
253 if not casedeferror then
254 testrange(casedef,hl1);
255 newcaselabel(hl1,hl1,firstlabel);
256 end;
257 disposetree(p);
258 if token=_COMMA then
259 consume(_COMMA)
260 else
261 break;
262 firstlabel:=false;
263 until false;
264 consume(_COLON);
266 { handles instruction block }
267 p:=gensinglenode(labeln,statement);
268 p^.labelnr:=aktcaselabel;
270 { concats instruction }
271 instruc:=gennode(statementn,instruc,p);
273 if not((token=_ELSE) or (token=_OTHERWISE) or (token=_END)) then
274 consume(_SEMICOLON);
275 until (token=_ELSE) or (token=_OTHERWISE) or (token=_END);
277 if (token=_ELSE) or (token=_OTHERWISE) then
278 begin
279 if not try_to_consume(_ELSE) then
280 consume(_OTHERWISE);
281 elseblock:=statements_til_end;
283 else
284 begin
285 elseblock:=nil;
286 consume(_END);
287 end;
288 dec(statement_level);
290 code:=gencasenode(caseexpr,instruc,root);
292 code^.elseblock:=elseblock;
294 case_statement:=code;
295 end;
298 function repeat_statement : ptree;
301 first,last,p_e : ptree;
303 begin
304 consume(_REPEAT);
305 first:=nil;
306 inc(statement_level);
308 while token<>_UNTIL do
309 begin
310 if first=nil then
311 begin
312 last:=gennode(statementn,nil,statement);
313 first:=last;
315 else
316 begin
317 last^.left:=gennode(statementn,nil,statement);
318 last:=last^.left;
319 end;
320 if not try_to_consume(_SEMICOLON) then
321 break;
322 emptystats;
323 end;
324 consume(_UNTIL);
325 dec(statement_level);
327 first:=gensinglenode(blockn,first);
328 p_e:=comp_expr(true);
329 repeat_statement:=genloopnode(repeatn,p_e,first,nil,false);
330 end;
333 function while_statement : ptree;
336 p_e,p_a : ptree;
338 begin
339 consume(_WHILE);
340 p_e:=comp_expr(true);
341 consume(_DO);
342 p_a:=statement;
343 while_statement:=genloopnode(whilen,p_e,p_a,nil,false);
344 end;
347 function for_statement : ptree;
350 p_e,tovalue,p_a : ptree;
351 backward : boolean;
353 begin
354 { parse loop header }
355 consume(_FOR);
356 p_e:=expr;
357 if token=_DOWNTO then
358 begin
359 consume(_DOWNTO);
360 backward:=true;
362 else
363 begin
364 consume(_TO);
365 backward:=false;
366 end;
367 tovalue:=comp_expr(true);
368 consume(_DO);
370 { ... now the instruction }
371 p_a:=statement;
372 for_statement:=genloopnode(forn,p_e,tovalue,p_a,backward);
373 end;
376 function _with_statement : ptree;
379 right,p : ptree;
380 i,levelcount : longint;
381 withsymtable,symtab : psymtable;
382 obj : pobjectdef;
383 {$ifdef tp}
384 hp : ptree;
385 {$endif}
386 begin
387 p:=comp_expr(true);
388 do_firstpass(p);
389 set_varstate(p,false);
390 right:=nil;
391 if (not codegenerror) and
392 (p^.resulttype^.deftype in [objectdef,recorddef]) then
393 begin
394 case p^.resulttype^.deftype of
395 objectdef : begin
396 obj:=pobjectdef(p^.resulttype);
397 withsymtable:=new(pwithsymtable,init);
398 withsymtable^.symsearch:=obj^.symtable^.symsearch;
399 withsymtable^.defowner:=obj;
400 symtab:=withsymtable;
401 if (p^.treetype=loadn) and
402 (p^.symtable=aktprocsym^.definition^.localst) then
403 pwithsymtable(symtab)^.direct_with:=true;
404 {symtab^.withnode:=p; not yet allocated !! }
405 pwithsymtable(symtab)^.withrefnode:=p;
406 levelcount:=1;
407 obj:=obj^.childof;
408 while assigned(obj) do
409 begin
410 symtab^.next:=new(pwithsymtable,init);
411 symtab:=symtab^.next;
412 symtab^.symsearch:=obj^.symtable^.symsearch;
413 if (p^.treetype=loadn) and
414 (p^.symtable=aktprocsym^.definition^.localst) then
415 pwithsymtable(symtab)^.direct_with:=true;
416 {symtab^.withnode:=p; not yet allocated !! }
417 pwithsymtable(symtab)^.withrefnode:=p;
418 symtab^.defowner:=obj;
419 obj:=obj^.childof;
420 inc(levelcount);
421 end;
422 symtab^.next:=symtablestack;
423 symtablestack:=withsymtable;
424 end;
425 recorddef : begin
426 symtab:=precorddef(p^.resulttype)^.symtable;
427 levelcount:=1;
428 withsymtable:=new(pwithsymtable,init);
429 withsymtable^.symsearch:=symtab^.symsearch;
430 withsymtable^.next:=symtablestack;
431 if (p^.treetype=loadn) and
432 (p^.symtable=aktprocsym^.definition^.localst) then
433 pwithsymtable(withsymtable)^.direct_with:=true;
434 {symtab^.withnode:=p; not yet allocated !! }
435 pwithsymtable(withsymtable)^.withrefnode:=p;
436 withsymtable^.defowner:=precorddef(p^.resulttype);
437 symtablestack:=withsymtable;
438 end;
439 end;
440 if token=_COMMA then
441 begin
442 consume(_COMMA);
443 right:=_with_statement{$ifndef tp}(){$endif};
445 else
446 begin
447 consume(_DO);
448 if token<>_SEMICOLON then
449 right:=statement
450 else
451 right:=nil;
452 end;
453 for i:=1 to levelcount do
454 symtablestack:=symtablestack^.next;
455 _with_statement:=genwithnode(pwithsymtable(withsymtable),p,right,levelcount);
457 else
458 begin
459 Message(parser_e_false_with_expr);
460 { try to recover from error }
461 if token=_COMMA then
462 begin
463 consume(_COMMA);
464 {$ifdef tp}
465 hp:=_with_statement;
466 {$else}
467 _with_statement();
468 {$endif}
470 else
471 begin
472 consume(_DO);
473 { ignore all }
474 if token<>_SEMICOLON then
475 statement;
476 end;
477 _with_statement:=nil;
478 end;
479 end;
482 function with_statement : ptree;
483 begin
484 consume(_WITH);
485 with_statement:=_with_statement;
486 end;
489 function raise_statement : ptree;
492 p,pobj,paddr,pframe : ptree;
494 begin
495 pobj:=nil;
496 paddr:=nil;
497 pframe:=nil;
498 consume(_RAISE);
499 if not(token in [_SEMICOLON,_END]) then
500 begin
501 { object }
502 pobj:=comp_expr(true);
503 if try_to_consume(_AT) then
504 begin
505 paddr:=comp_expr(true);
506 if try_to_consume(_COMMA) then
507 pframe:=comp_expr(true);
508 end;
510 else
511 begin
512 if (block_type<>bt_except) then
513 Message(parser_e_no_reraise_possible);
514 end;
515 p:=genraisenode(pobj,paddr,pframe);
516 raise_statement:=p;
517 end;
520 function try_statement : ptree;
523 p_try_block,p_finally_block,first,last,
524 p_default,p_specific,hp : ptree;
525 ot : pobjectdef;
526 sym : pvarsym;
527 old_block_type : tblock_type;
528 exceptsymtable : psymtable;
529 objname : stringid;
531 begin
532 procinfo^.flags:=procinfo^.flags or
533 pi_uses_exceptions;
535 p_default:=nil;
536 p_specific:=nil;
538 { read statements to try }
539 consume(_TRY);
540 first:=nil;
541 inc(statement_level);
543 while (token<>_FINALLY) and (token<>_EXCEPT) do
544 begin
545 if first=nil then
546 begin
547 last:=gennode(statementn,nil,statement);
548 first:=last;
550 else
551 begin
552 last^.left:=gennode(statementn,nil,statement);
553 last:=last^.left;
554 end;
555 if not try_to_consume(_SEMICOLON) then
556 break;
557 emptystats;
558 end;
559 p_try_block:=gensinglenode(blockn,first);
561 if try_to_consume(_FINALLY) then
562 begin
563 p_finally_block:=statements_til_end;
564 try_statement:=gennode(tryfinallyn,p_try_block,p_finally_block);
565 dec(statement_level);
568 else
569 begin
570 consume(_EXCEPT);
571 old_block_type:=block_type;
572 block_type:=bt_except;
573 ot:=pobjectdef(generrordef);
574 p_specific:=nil;
575 if token=_ON then
576 { catch specific exceptions }
577 begin
578 repeat
579 consume(_ON);
580 if token=_ID then
581 begin
582 objname:=pattern;
583 getsym(objname,false);
584 consume(_ID);
585 { is a explicit name for the exception given ? }
586 if try_to_consume(_COLON) then
587 begin
588 getsym(pattern,true);
589 consume(_ID);
590 if srsym^.typ=unitsym then
591 begin
592 consume(_POINT);
593 getsymonlyin(punitsym(srsym)^.unitsymtable,pattern);
594 consume(_ID);
595 end;
596 if (srsym^.typ=typesym) and
597 (ptypesym(srsym)^.restype.def^.deftype=objectdef) and
598 pobjectdef(ptypesym(srsym)^.restype.def)^.is_class then
599 begin
600 ot:=pobjectdef(ptypesym(srsym)^.restype.def);
601 sym:=new(pvarsym,initdef(objname,ot));
603 else
604 begin
605 sym:=new(pvarsym,initdef(objname,new(perrordef,init)));
606 if (srsym^.typ=typesym) then
607 Message1(type_e_class_type_expected,ptypesym(srsym)^.restype.def^.typename)
608 else
609 Message1(type_e_class_type_expected,ot^.typename);
610 end;
611 exceptsymtable:=new(psymtable,init(stt_exceptsymtable));
612 exceptsymtable^.insert(sym);
613 { insert the exception symtable stack }
614 exceptsymtable^.next:=symtablestack;
615 symtablestack:=exceptsymtable;
617 else
618 begin
619 { check if type is valid, must be done here because
620 with "e: Exception" the e is not necessary }
621 if srsym=nil then
622 begin
623 Message1(sym_e_id_not_found,objname);
624 srsym:=generrorsym;
625 end;
626 { only exception type }
627 if srsym^.typ=unitsym then
628 begin
629 consume(_POINT);
630 getsymonlyin(punitsym(srsym)^.unitsymtable,pattern);
631 consume(_ID);
632 end;
633 if (srsym^.typ=typesym) and
634 (ptypesym(srsym)^.restype.def^.deftype=objectdef) and
635 pobjectdef(ptypesym(srsym)^.restype.def)^.is_class then
636 ot:=pobjectdef(ptypesym(srsym)^.restype.def)
637 else
638 begin
639 ot:=pobjectdef(generrordef);
640 if (srsym^.typ=typesym) then
641 Message1(type_e_class_type_expected,ptypesym(srsym)^.restype.def^.typename)
642 else
643 Message1(type_e_class_type_expected,ot^.typename);
644 end;
645 exceptsymtable:=nil;
646 end;
648 else
649 consume(_ID);
650 consume(_DO);
651 hp:=gennode(onn,nil,statement);
652 if ot^.deftype=errordef then
653 begin
654 disposetree(hp);
655 hp:=genzeronode(errorn);
656 end;
657 if p_specific=nil then
658 begin
659 last:=hp;
660 p_specific:=last;
662 else
663 begin
664 last^.left:=hp;
665 last:=last^.left;
666 end;
667 { set the informations }
668 if last^.treetype = onn then
669 begin
670 last^.excepttype:=ot;
671 last^.exceptsymtable:=exceptsymtable;
672 last^.disposetyp:=dt_onn;
673 end;
674 { remove exception symtable }
675 if assigned(exceptsymtable) then
676 begin
677 dellexlevel;
678 if last^.treetype <> onn then
679 dispose(exceptsymtable,done);
680 end;
681 if not try_to_consume(_SEMICOLON) then
682 break;
683 emptystats;
684 until (token=_END) or(token=_ELSE);
685 if token=_ELSE then
686 { catch the other exceptions }
687 begin
688 consume(_ELSE);
689 p_default:=statements_til_end;
691 else
692 consume(_END);
694 else
695 { catch all exceptions }
696 begin
697 p_default:=statements_til_end;
698 end;
699 dec(statement_level);
701 block_type:=old_block_type;
702 try_statement:=genloopnode(tryexceptn,p_try_block,p_specific,p_default,false);
703 end;
704 end;
707 function exit_statement : ptree;
710 p : ptree;
712 begin
713 consume(_EXIT);
714 if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then
715 begin
716 p:=comp_expr(true);
717 consume(_RKLAMMER);
718 if (block_type=bt_except) then
719 Message(parser_e_exit_with_argument_not__possible);
720 if procinfo^.returntype.def=pdef(voiddef) then
721 Message(parser_e_void_function);
723 else
724 p:=nil;
725 p:=gensinglenode(exitn,p);
726 // p^.resulttype:=procinfo^.returntype.def;
727 p^.resulttype:=voiddef;
728 exit_statement:=p;
729 end;
732 function _asm_statement : ptree;
734 asmstat : ptree;
735 Marker : Pai;
736 begin
737 Inside_asm_statement:=true;
738 case aktasmmode of
739 asmmode_none : ; { just be there to allow to a compile without
740 any assembler readers }
741 {$ifdef i386}
742 {$ifndef NoRA386Att}
743 asmmode_i386_att:
744 asmstat:=ra386att.assemble;
745 {$endif NoRA386Att}
746 {$ifndef NoRA386Int}
747 asmmode_i386_intel:
748 asmstat:=ra386int.assemble;
749 {$endif NoRA386Int}
750 {$ifndef NoRA386Dir}
751 asmmode_i386_direct:
752 begin
753 if not target_asm.allowdirect then
754 Message(parser_f_direct_assembler_not_allowed);
755 if (pocall_inline in aktprocsym^.definition^.proccalloptions) then
756 Begin
757 Message1(parser_w_not_supported_for_inline,'direct asm');
758 Message(parser_w_inlining_disabled);
759 {$ifdef INCLUDEOK}
760 exclude(aktprocsym^.definition^.proccalloptions,pocall_inline);
761 {$else}
762 aktprocsym^.definition^.proccalloptions:=aktprocsym^.definition^.proccalloptions-[pocall_inline];
763 {$endif}
764 End;
765 asmstat:=ra386dir.assemble;
766 end;
767 {$endif NoRA386Dir}
768 {$endif}
769 {$ifdef m68k}
770 {$ifndef NoRA68kMot}
771 asmmode_m68k_mot:
772 asmstat:=ra68kmot.assemble;
773 {$endif NoRA68kMot}
774 {$endif}
775 else
776 Message(parser_f_assembler_reader_not_supported);
777 end;
779 { Read first the _ASM statement }
780 consume(_ASM);
782 {$ifndef newcg}
783 { END is read }
784 if try_to_consume(_LECKKLAMMER) then
785 begin
786 { it's possible to specify the modified registers }
787 asmstat^.object_preserved:=true;
788 if token<>_RECKKLAMMER then
789 repeat
790 { uppercase, because it's a CSTRING }
791 uppervar(pattern);
792 {$ifdef i386}
793 if pattern='EAX' then
794 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($80 shr byte(R_EAX))
795 else if pattern='EBX' then
796 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($80 shr byte(R_EBX))
797 else if pattern='ECX' then
798 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($80 shr byte(R_ECX))
799 else if pattern='EDX' then
800 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($80 shr byte(R_EDX))
801 else if pattern='ESI' then
802 begin
803 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($80 shr byte(R_ESI));
804 asmstat^.object_preserved:=false;
806 else if pattern='EDI' then
807 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($80 shr byte(R_EDI))
808 {$endif i386}
809 {$ifdef m68k}
810 if pattern='D0' then
811 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($800 shr word(R_D0))
812 else if pattern='D1' then
813 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($800 shr word(R_D1))
814 else if pattern='D6' then
815 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($800 shr word(R_D6))
816 else if pattern='A0' then
817 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($800 shr word(R_A0))
818 else if pattern='A1' then
819 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($800 shr word(R_A1))
820 {$endif m68k}
821 else consume(_RECKKLAMMER);
822 consume(_CSTRING);
823 if not try_to_consume(_COMMA) then
824 break;
825 until false;
826 consume(_RECKKLAMMER);
828 else usedinproc:=$ff;
829 {$endif newcg}
831 { mark the start and the end of the assembler block for the optimizer }
833 If Assigned(AsmStat^.p_asm) Then
834 Begin
835 Marker := New(Pai_Marker, Init(AsmBlockStart));
836 AsmStat^.p_asm^.Insert(Marker);
837 Marker := New(Pai_Marker, Init(AsmBlockEnd));
838 AsmStat^.p_asm^.Concat(Marker);
839 End;
840 Inside_asm_statement:=false;
842 _asm_statement:=asmstat;
843 end;
846 function new_dispose_statement : ptree;
848 p,p2 : ptree;
849 ht : ttoken;
850 again : boolean; { dummy for do_proc_call }
851 destructorname : stringid;
852 sym : psym;
853 classh : pobjectdef;
854 pd,pd2 : pdef;
855 destructorpos,storepos : tfileposinfo;
856 tt : ttreetyp;
857 begin
858 ht:=token;
859 if try_to_consume(_NEW) then
860 tt:=hnewn
861 else
862 begin
863 consume(_DISPOSE);
864 tt:=hdisposen;
865 end;
866 consume(_LKLAMMER);
869 p:=comp_expr(true);
871 { calc return type }
872 cleartempgen;
873 do_firstpass(p);
874 set_varstate(p,tt=hdisposen);
876 {var o:Pobject;
877 begin
878 new(o,init); (*Also a valid new statement*)
879 end;}
881 if try_to_consume(_COMMA) then
882 begin
883 { extended syntax of new and dispose }
884 { function styled new is handled in factor }
885 { destructors have no parameters }
886 destructorname:=pattern;
887 destructorpos:=tokenpos;
888 consume(_ID);
890 pd:=p^.resulttype;
891 if pd=nil then
892 pd:=generrordef;
893 pd2:=pd;
894 if (pd^.deftype<>pointerdef) then
895 begin
896 Message1(type_e_pointer_type_expected,pd^.typename);
897 p:=factor(false);
898 consume(_RKLAMMER);
899 new_dispose_statement:=genzeronode(errorn);
900 exit;
901 end;
902 { first parameter must be an object or class }
903 if ppointerdef(pd)^.pointertype.def^.deftype<>objectdef then
904 begin
905 Message(parser_e_pointer_to_class_expected);
906 new_dispose_statement:=factor(false);
907 consume_all_until(_RKLAMMER);
908 consume(_RKLAMMER);
909 exit;
910 end;
911 { check, if the first parameter is a pointer to a _class_ }
912 classh:=pobjectdef(ppointerdef(pd)^.pointertype.def);
913 if classh^.is_class then
914 begin
915 Message(parser_e_no_new_or_dispose_for_classes);
916 new_dispose_statement:=factor(false);
917 consume_all_until(_RKLAMMER);
918 consume(_RKLAMMER);
919 exit;
920 end;
921 { search cons-/destructor, also in parent classes }
922 storepos:=tokenpos;
923 tokenpos:=destructorpos;
924 sym:=search_class_member(classh,destructorname);
925 tokenpos:=storepos;
927 { the second parameter of new/dispose must be a call }
928 { to a cons-/destructor }
929 if (not assigned(sym)) or (sym^.typ<>procsym) then
930 begin
931 if tt=hnewn then
932 Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_constructor_call)
933 else
934 Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_destructor_call);
935 new_dispose_statement:=genzeronode(errorn);
937 else
938 begin
939 p2:=gensinglenode(tt,p);
940 if ht=_NEW then
941 begin
942 { Constructors can take parameters.}
943 p2^.resulttype:=ppointerdef(pd)^.pointertype.def;
944 do_member_read(false,sym,p2,pd,again);
946 else
947 begin
948 if (m_tp in aktmodeswitches) then
949 begin
950 { Constructors can take parameters.}
951 p2^.resulttype:=ppointerdef(pd)^.pointertype.def;
952 do_member_read(false,sym,p2,pd,again);
954 else
955 begin
956 p2:=genmethodcallnode(pprocsym(sym),srsymtable,p2);
957 { support dispose(p,done()); }
958 if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then
959 begin
960 if not try_to_consume(_RKLAMMER) then
961 begin
962 Message(parser_e_no_paras_for_destructor);
963 consume_all_until(_RKLAMMER);
964 consume(_RKLAMMER);
965 end;
966 end;
967 end;
968 end;
970 { we need the real called method }
971 cleartempgen;
972 do_firstpass(p2);
974 if not codegenerror then
975 begin
976 if (ht=_NEW) and (p2^.procdefinition^.proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) then
977 Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_constructor_call);
978 if (ht=_DISPOSE) and (p2^.procdefinition^.proctypeoption<>potype_destructor) then
979 Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_destructor_call);
981 if ht=_NEW then
982 begin
983 p2:=gennode(assignn,getcopy(p),gensinglenode(newn,p2));
984 p2^.right^.resulttype:=pd2;
985 end;
986 end;
987 new_dispose_statement:=p2;
988 end;
990 else
991 begin
992 if p^.resulttype=nil then
993 p^.resulttype:=generrordef;
994 if (p^.resulttype^.deftype<>pointerdef) then
995 Begin
996 Message1(type_e_pointer_type_expected,p^.resulttype^.typename);
997 new_dispose_statement:=genzeronode(errorn);
999 else
1000 begin
1001 if (ppointerdef(p^.resulttype)^.pointertype.def^.deftype=objectdef) and
1002 (oo_has_vmt in pobjectdef(ppointerdef(p^.resulttype)^.pointertype.def)^.objectoptions) then
1003 Message(parser_w_use_extended_syntax_for_objects);
1004 if (ppointerdef(p^.resulttype)^.pointertype.def^.deftype=orddef) and
1005 (porddef(ppointerdef(p^.resulttype)^.pointertype.def)^.typ=uvoid) then
1006 if (m_tp in aktmodeswitches) or
1007 (m_delphi in aktmodeswitches) then
1008 Message(parser_w_no_new_dispose_on_void_pointers)
1009 else
1010 Message(parser_e_no_new_dispose_on_void_pointers);
1012 case ht of
1013 _NEW : new_dispose_statement:=gensinglenode(simplenewn,p);
1014 _DISPOSE : new_dispose_statement:=gensinglenode(simpledisposen,p);
1015 end;
1016 end;
1017 end;
1018 consume(_RKLAMMER);
1019 end;
1022 function statement_block(starttoken : ttoken) : ptree;
1025 first,last : ptree;
1026 filepos : tfileposinfo;
1028 begin
1029 first:=nil;
1030 filepos:=tokenpos;
1031 consume(starttoken);
1032 inc(statement_level);
1034 while not(token in [_END,_FINALIZATION]) do
1035 begin
1036 if first=nil then
1037 begin
1038 last:=gennode(statementn,nil,statement);
1039 first:=last;
1041 else
1042 begin
1043 last^.left:=gennode(statementn,nil,statement);
1044 last:=last^.left;
1045 end;
1046 if (token in [_END,_FINALIZATION]) then
1047 break
1048 else
1049 begin
1050 { if no semicolon, then error and go on }
1051 if token<>_SEMICOLON then
1052 begin
1053 consume(_SEMICOLON);
1054 consume_all_until(_SEMICOLON);
1055 end;
1056 consume(_SEMICOLON);
1057 end;
1058 emptystats;
1059 end;
1061 { don't consume the finalization token, it is consumed when
1062 reading the finalization block, but allow it only after
1063 an initalization ! }
1064 if (starttoken<>_INITIALIZATION) or (token<>_FINALIZATION) then
1065 consume(_END);
1067 dec(statement_level);
1069 last:=gensinglenode(blockn,first);
1070 set_tree_filepos(last,filepos);
1071 statement_block:=last;
1072 end;
1075 function statement : ptree;
1078 p : ptree;
1079 code : ptree;
1080 labelnr : pasmlabel;
1081 filepos : tfileposinfo;
1082 sr : plabelsym;
1084 label
1085 ready;
1087 begin
1088 filepos:=tokenpos;
1089 case token of
1090 _GOTO : begin
1091 if not(cs_support_goto in aktmoduleswitches)then
1092 Message(sym_e_goto_and_label_not_supported);
1093 consume(_GOTO);
1094 if (token<>_INTCONST) and (token<>_ID) then
1095 begin
1096 Message(sym_e_label_not_found);
1097 code:=genzeronode(errorn);
1099 else
1100 begin
1101 getsym(pattern,true);
1102 consume(token);
1103 if srsym^.typ<>labelsym then
1104 begin
1105 Message(sym_e_id_is_no_label_id);
1106 code:=genzeronode(errorn);
1108 else
1109 begin
1110 code:=genlabelnode(goton,plabelsym(srsym)^.lab);
1111 code^.labsym:=plabelsym(srsym);
1112 { set flag that this label is used }
1113 plabelsym(srsym)^.used:=true;
1114 end;
1115 end;
1116 end;
1117 _BEGIN : code:=statement_block(_BEGIN);
1118 _IF : code:=if_statement;
1119 _CASE : code:=case_statement;
1120 _REPEAT : code:=repeat_statement;
1121 _WHILE : code:=while_statement;
1122 _FOR : code:=for_statement;
1123 _NEW,_DISPOSE : code:=new_dispose_statement;
1125 _WITH : code:=with_statement;
1126 _TRY : code:=try_statement;
1127 _RAISE : code:=raise_statement;
1128 { semicolons,else until and end are ignored }
1130 _ELSE,
1131 _UNTIL,
1132 _END:
1133 code:=genzeronode(niln);
1134 _FAIL : begin
1135 { internalerror(100); }
1136 if (aktprocsym^.definition^.proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) then
1137 Message(parser_e_fail_only_in_constructor);
1138 consume(_FAIL);
1139 code:=genzeronode(failn);
1140 end;
1141 _EXIT : code:=exit_statement;
1142 _ASM : begin
1143 code:=_asm_statement;
1144 end;
1145 _EOF : begin
1146 Message(scan_f_end_of_file);
1147 end;
1148 else
1149 begin
1150 if (token in [_INTCONST,_ID]) then
1151 begin
1152 getsym(pattern,true);
1153 lastsymknown:=true;
1154 lastsrsym:=srsym;
1155 { it is NOT necessarily the owner
1156 it can be a withsymtable !!! }
1157 lastsrsymtable:=srsymtable;
1158 if assigned(srsym) and (srsym^.typ=labelsym) then
1159 begin
1160 consume(token);
1161 consume(_COLON);
1162 { we must preserve srsym to set code later }
1163 sr:=plabelsym(srsym);
1164 if sr^.defined then
1165 Message(sym_e_label_already_defined);
1166 sr^.defined:=true;
1168 { statement modifies srsym }
1169 labelnr:=sr^.lab;
1170 lastsymknown:=false;
1171 { the pointer to the following instruction }
1172 { isn't a very clean way }
1173 code:=gensinglenode(labeln,statement{$ifndef tp}(){$endif});
1174 code^.labelnr:=labelnr;
1175 sr^.code:=code;
1176 { sorry, but there is a jump the easiest way }
1177 goto ready;
1178 end;
1179 end;
1180 p:=expr;
1181 if not(p^.treetype in [calln,assignn,breakn,inlinen,
1182 continuen]) then
1183 Message(cg_e_illegal_expression);
1184 { specify that we don't use the value returned by the call }
1185 { Question : can this be also improtant
1186 for inlinen ??
1187 it is used for :
1188 - dispose of temp stack space
1189 - dispose on FPU stack }
1190 if p^.treetype=calln then
1191 p^.return_value_used:=false;
1192 code:=p;
1193 end;
1194 end;
1195 ready:
1196 if assigned(code) then
1197 set_tree_filepos(code,filepos);
1198 statement:=code;
1199 end;
1201 function block(islibrary : boolean) : ptree;
1204 funcretsym : pfuncretsym;
1205 storepos : tfileposinfo;
1207 begin
1208 { do we have an assembler block without the po_assembler?
1209 we should allow this for Delphi compatibility (PFV) }
1210 if (token=_ASM) and (m_delphi in aktmodeswitches) then
1211 begin
1212 include(aktprocsym^.definition^.procoptions,po_assembler);
1213 block:=assembler_block;
1214 exit;
1215 end;
1216 if procinfo^.returntype.def<>pdef(voiddef) then
1217 begin
1218 { if the current is a function aktprocsym is non nil }
1219 { and there is a local symtable set }
1220 storepos:=tokenpos;
1221 tokenpos:=aktprocsym^.fileinfo;
1222 funcretsym:=new(pfuncretsym,init(aktprocsym^.name,procinfo));
1223 { insert in local symtable }
1224 symtablestack^.insert(funcretsym);
1225 tokenpos:=storepos;
1226 if ret_in_acc(procinfo^.returntype.def) or (procinfo^.returntype.def^.deftype=floatdef) then
1227 procinfo^.return_offset:=-funcretsym^.address;
1228 procinfo^.funcretsym:=funcretsym;
1229 { insert result also if support is on }
1230 if (m_result in aktmodeswitches) then
1231 begin
1232 procinfo^.resultfuncretsym:=new(pfuncretsym,init('RESULT',procinfo));
1233 symtablestack^.insert(procinfo^.resultfuncretsym);
1234 end;
1235 end;
1236 read_declarations(islibrary);
1238 { temporary space is set, while the BEGIN of the procedure }
1239 if (symtablestack^.symtabletype=localsymtable) then
1240 procinfo^.firsttemp_offset := -symtablestack^.datasize
1241 else
1242 procinfo^.firsttemp_offset := 0;
1244 { space for the return value }
1245 { !!!!! this means that we can not set the return value
1246 in a subfunction !!!!! }
1247 { because we don't know yet where the address is }
1248 if procinfo^.returntype.def<>pdef(voiddef) then
1249 begin
1250 if ret_in_acc(procinfo^.returntype.def) or (procinfo^.returntype.def^.deftype=floatdef) then
1251 { if (procinfo^.retdef^.deftype=orddef) or
1252 (procinfo^.retdef^.deftype=pointerdef) or
1253 (procinfo^.retdef^.deftype=enumdef) or
1254 (procinfo^.retdef^.deftype=procvardef) or
1255 (procinfo^.retdef^.deftype=floatdef) or
1257 (procinfo^.retdef^.deftype=setdef) and
1258 (psetdef(procinfo^.retdef)^.settype=smallset)
1259 ) then }
1260 begin
1261 { the space has been set in the local symtable }
1262 procinfo^.return_offset:=-funcretsym^.address;
1263 if ((procinfo^.flags and pi_operator)<>0) and
1264 assigned(opsym) then
1265 {opsym^.address:=procinfo^.para_offset; is wrong PM }
1266 opsym^.address:=-procinfo^.return_offset;
1267 { eax is modified by a function }
1268 {$ifndef newcg}
1269 {$ifdef i386}
1270 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($80 shr byte(R_EAX));
1272 if is_64bitint(procinfo^.returntype.def) then
1273 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($80 shr byte(R_EDX))
1274 {$endif}
1275 {$ifdef m68k}
1276 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($800 shr word(R_D0));
1278 if is_64bitint(procinfo^.retdef) then
1279 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($800 shr byte(R_D1))
1280 {$endif}
1281 {$endif newcg}
1282 end;
1283 end;
1285 {Unit initialization?.}
1286 if (lexlevel=unit_init_level) and (current_module^.is_unit)
1287 or islibrary then
1288 begin
1289 if (token=_END) then
1290 begin
1291 consume(_END);
1292 { We need at least a node, else the entry/exit code is not
1293 generated and thus no PASCALMAIN symbol which we need (PFV) }
1294 if islibrary then
1295 block:=genzeronode(nothingn)
1296 else
1297 block:=nil;
1299 else
1300 begin
1301 if token=_INITIALIZATION then
1302 begin
1303 current_module^.flags:=current_module^.flags or uf_init;
1304 block:=statement_block(_INITIALIZATION);
1306 else if (token=_FINALIZATION) then
1307 begin
1308 if (current_module^.flags and uf_finalize)<>0 then
1309 block:=statement_block(_FINALIZATION)
1310 else
1311 begin
1312 { can we allow no INITIALIZATION for DLL ??
1313 I think it should work PM }
1314 block:=nil;
1315 exit;
1316 end;
1318 else
1319 begin
1320 current_module^.flags:=current_module^.flags or uf_init;
1321 block:=statement_block(_BEGIN);
1322 end;
1323 end;
1325 else
1326 block:=statement_block(_BEGIN);
1327 end;
1329 function assembler_block : ptree;
1331 begin
1332 read_declarations(false);
1333 { temporary space is set, while the BEGIN of the procedure }
1334 if symtablestack^.symtabletype=localsymtable then
1335 procinfo^.firsttemp_offset := -symtablestack^.datasize
1336 else
1337 procinfo^.firsttemp_offset := 0;
1339 { assembler code does not allocate }
1340 { space for the return value }
1341 if procinfo^.returntype.def<>pdef(voiddef) then
1342 begin
1343 if ret_in_acc(procinfo^.returntype.def) then
1344 begin
1345 { in assembler code the result should be directly in %eax
1346 procinfo^.retoffset:=procinfo^.firsttemp-procinfo^.retdef^.size;
1347 procinfo^.firsttemp:=procinfo^.retoffset; }
1349 {$ifndef newcg}
1350 {$ifdef i386}
1351 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($80 shr byte(R_EAX))
1352 {$endif}
1353 {$ifdef m68k}
1354 usedinproc:=usedinproc or ($800 shr word(R_D0))
1355 {$endif}
1356 {$endif newcg}
1359 else if not is_fpu(procinfo^.retdef) then
1360 should we allow assembler functions of big elements ?
1361 YES (FK)!!
1362 Message(parser_e_asm_incomp_with_function_return);
1364 end;
1365 { set the framepointer to esp for assembler functions }
1366 { but only if the are no local variables }
1367 { added no parameter also (PM) }
1368 { disable for methods, because self pointer is expected }
1369 { at -8(%ebp) (JM) }
1370 { why if se use %esp then self is still at the correct address PM }
1371 if {not(assigned(procinfo^._class)) and}
1372 (po_assembler in aktprocsym^.definition^.procoptions) and
1373 (aktprocsym^.definition^.localst^.datasize=0) and
1374 (aktprocsym^.definition^.parast^.datasize=0) and
1375 not(ret_in_param(aktprocsym^.definition^.rettype.def)) then
1376 begin
1377 procinfo^.framepointer:=stack_pointer;
1378 { set the right value for parameters }
1379 dec(aktprocsym^.definition^.parast^.address_fixup,target_os.size_of_pointer);
1380 dec(procinfo^.para_offset,target_os.size_of_pointer);
1381 end;
1382 { force the asm statement }
1383 if token<>_ASM then
1384 consume(_ASM);
1385 procinfo^.Flags := procinfo^.Flags Or pi_is_assembler;
1386 assembler_block:=_asm_statement;
1387 { becuase the END is already read we need to get the
1388 last_endtoken_filepos here (PFV) }
1389 last_endtoken_filepos:=tokenpos;
1390 end;
1392 end.
1394 $Log$
1395 Revision 1.1 2002/02/19 08:23:34 sasu
1396 Initial revision
1398 Revision 2000/11/27 16:05:06 jonas
1399 * fix for web bug 1251 (example 1)
1401 Revision 2000/11/22 22:42:42 peter
1402 * fixed crash with exception without sysutils
1404 Revision 2000/09/26 08:49:03 pierre
1405 * avoid memory leak with raisen
1407 Revision 2000/08/11 15:15:43 florian
1408 * fixed bug 1096 (problem with exit in $X- mode)
1410 Revision 1.1 2000/07/13 06:29:54 michael
1411 + Initial import
1413 Revision 1.131 2000/06/30 22:15:39 peter
1414 * fixed internalerror 2002 when case expr is not correct, by creating
1415 a temp correct case expression
1417 Revision 1.130 2000/05/04 12:59:10 pierre
1418 * bug found by Kovacs Attila Zoltan corrected
1420 Revision 1.129 2000/04/29 12:50:14 peter
1421 * support asm block without assembler directive for -Sd
1423 Revision 1.128 2000/04/24 11:11:50 peter
1424 * backtraces for exceptions are now only generated from the place of the
1425 exception
1426 * frame is also pushed for exceptions
1427 * raise statement enhanced with [,<frame>]
1429 Revision 1.127 2000/03/19 14:17:05 florian
1430 * crash when using exception classes without sysutils unit fixed
1432 Revision 1.126 2000/03/19 11:16:44 peter
1433 * check for unknown id in on exception
1435 Revision 1.125 2000/03/16 15:12:06 pierre
1436 assembler method code does not need ebp framepointer
1438 Revision 1.124 2000/03/14 16:37:25 pierre
1439 * destructor can have args in TP mode only (bug825 and 839)
1441 Revision 1.123 2000/02/29 23:59:47 pierre
1442 Use $GOTO ON
1444 Revision 1.122 2000/02/09 13:22:59 peter
1445 * log truncated
1447 Revision 1.121 2000/01/23 16:33:49 peter
1448 * fixed destructor parsing with preprocessor things
1449 * support dipsoe(p,done())
1450 * fixed constructor message with dispose(p,<nonexist>)
1452 Revision 1.120 2000/01/16 22:17:12 peter
1453 * renamed call_offset to para_offset
1455 Revision 1.119 2000/01/12 10:30:50 peter
1456 * fixed library with only end.
1458 Revision 1.118 2000/01/07 01:14:31 peter
1459 * updated copyright to 2000
1461 Revision 1.117 1999/12/22 01:01:52 peter
1462 - removed freelabel()
1463 * added undefined label detection in internal assembler, this prevents
1464 a lot of ld crashes and wrong .o files
1465 * .o files aren't written anymore if errors have occured
1466 * inlining of assembler labels is now correct
1468 Revision 1.116 1999/12/14 09:58:42 florian
1469 + compiler checks now if a goto leaves an exception block
1471 Revision 1.115 1999/12/01 22:43:17 peter
1472 * fixed sigsegv with casedef=nil
1474 Revision 1.114 1999/12/01 12:42:32 peter
1475 * fixed bug 698
1476 * removed some notes about unused vars
1478 Revision 1.113 1999/11/30 10:40:45 peter
1479 + ttype, tsymlist
1481 Revision 1.112 1999/11/20 01:19:10 pierre
1482 * DLL index used for win32 target with DEF file
1483 + DLL initialization/finalization support
1485 Revision 1.111 1999/11/18 15:34:48 pierre
1486 * Notes/Hints for local syms changed to
1487 Set_varstate function
1489 Revision 1.110 1999/11/17 17:05:02 pierre
1490 * Notes/hints changes
1492 Revision 1.109 1999/11/15 22:00:48 peter
1493 * labels used but not defined give error instead of warning, the warning
1494 is now only with declared but not defined and not used.
1496 Revision 1.108 1999/11/10 00:24:02 pierre
1497 * more browser details
1499 Revision 1.107 1999/11/09 13:02:46 peter
1500 * fixed 'raise end;'
1502 Revision 1.106 1999/11/06 14:34:23 peter
1503 * truncated log to 20 revs
1505 Revision 1.105 1999/10/22 10:39:35 peter
1506 * split type reading from pdecl to ptype unit
1507 * parameter_dec routine is now used for procedure and procvars
1509 Revision 1.104 1999/10/14 14:57:54 florian
1510 - removed the hcodegen use in the new cg, use cgbase instead
1512 Revision 1.103 1999/09/27 23:44:56 peter
1513 * procinfo is now a pointer
1514 * support for result setting in sub procedure
1516 Revision 1.102 1999/09/16 23:05:54 florian
1517 * m68k compiler is again compilable (only gas writer, no assembler reader)